com.tencent.wework.Finance Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.tencent.wework;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import java.util.List;
* 企业微信会话内容存档Finance类
* 注意:
* 此类必须配置在com.tencent.wework路径底下,否则会报错:java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.xxx.Finance.NewSdk()
* Q:JAVA版本的sdk报错UnsatisfiedLinkError?
* A:请检查是否修改了sdk的包名。
* 官方文档
* @author Wang_Wong created on 2022-01-17
public class Finance {
private static volatile long sdk = -1L;
private static Finance finance = null;
private static final String SO_FILE = "so";
private static final String DLL_FILE = "dll";
* New sdk long.
* @return the long
public static native long NewSdk();
* 初始化函数
* Return值=0表示该API调用成功
* @param sdk the sdk
* @param corpid the corpid
* @param secret the secret
* @return 返回是否初始化成功 0 - 成功 !=0 - 失败
public static native int Init(long sdk, String corpid, String secret);
* 拉取聊天记录函数
* Return值=0表示该API调用成功
* @param sdk the sdk
* @param seq the seq
* @param limit the limit
* @param proxy the proxy
* @param passwd the passwd
* @param timeout the timeout
* @param chatData the chat data
* @return 返回是否调用成功 0 - 成功 !=0 - 失败
public static native int GetChatData(long sdk, long seq, long limit, String proxy, String passwd, long timeout, long chatData);
* 拉取媒体消息函数
* Return值=0表示该API调用成功
* @param sdk the sdk
* @param indexbuf the indexbuf
* @param sdkField the sdk field
* @param proxy the proxy
* @param passwd the passwd
* @param timeout the timeout
* @param mediaData the media data
* @return 返回是否调用成功 0 - 成功 !=0 - 失败
public static native int GetMediaData(long sdk, String indexbuf, String sdkField, String proxy, String passwd, long timeout, long mediaData);
* 解析密文
* @param sdk the sdk
* @param encrypt_key the encrypt key
* @param encrypt_msg the encrypt msg
* @param msg the msg
* @return 返回是否调用成功 0 - 成功 !=0 - 失败
public static native int DecryptData(long sdk, String encrypt_key, String encrypt_msg, long msg);
* Destroy sdk.
* @param sdk the sdk
public static native void DestroySdk(long sdk);
* New slice long.
* @return the long
public static native long NewSlice();
* 释放slice ,和NewSlice成对使用
* @param slice the slice
public static native void FreeSlice(long slice);
* 获取slice内容
* @param slice the slice
* @return 内容 string
public static native String GetContentFromSlice(long slice);
* 获取slice内容长度
* @param slice the slice
* @return 内容 int
public static native int GetSliceLen(long slice);
* New media data long.
* @return the long
public static native long NewMediaData();
* Free media data.
* @param mediaData the media data
public static native void FreeMediaData(long mediaData);
* 获取 mediadata outindex
* @param mediaData the media data
* @return outindex string
public static native String GetOutIndexBuf(long mediaData);
* 获取 mediadata data数据
* @param mediaData the media data
* @return data byte [ ]
public static native byte[] GetData(long mediaData);
* Get index len int.
* @param mediaData the media data
* @return the int
public static native int GetIndexLen(long mediaData);
* Get data len int.
* @param mediaData the media data
* @return the int
public static native int GetDataLen(long mediaData);
* Is media data finish int.
* @param mediaData the media data
* @return 1完成 、0未完成
* 判断mediadata是否结束
public static native int IsMediaDataFinish(long mediaData);
* 判断Windows环境
* @return boolean boolean
public static boolean isWindows() {
String osName = System.getProperties().getProperty("os.name");
log.info("Loading System Libraries, Current OS Version Is: {}", osName);
return osName.toUpperCase().contains("WINDOWS");
* 加载系统类库
* @param libFiles 类库配置文件
* @param prefixPath 类库文件的前缀路径
public Finance(List libFiles, String prefixPath) {
boolean isWindows = Finance.isWindows();
for (String file : libFiles) {
String suffix = file.substring(file.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
if (isWindows) {
// 加载dll文件
if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(DLL_FILE)) {
System.load(prefixPath + file);
} else {
// 加载so文件
if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(SO_FILE)) {
System.load(prefixPath + file);
* 初始化类库文件
* @param libFiles the lib files
* @param prefixPath the prefix path
* @return finance finance
public static synchronized Finance loadingLibraries(List libFiles, String prefixPath) {
if (finance != null) {
return finance;
finance = new Finance(libFiles, prefixPath);
return finance;
* 单例sdk
* @return long
public static synchronized long SingletonSDK() {
if (sdk > 0) {
return sdk;
sdk = Finance.NewSdk();
return sdk;
* 销毁sdk,保证线程可见性
* @param destroySDK the destroy sdk
public static synchronized void DestroySingletonSDK(long destroySDK) {
sdk = 0L;