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me.chanjar.weixin.cp.bean.messagebuilder.TemplateCardBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package me.chanjar.weixin.cp.bean.messagebuilder;

import me.chanjar.weixin.common.api.WxConsts;
import me.chanjar.weixin.cp.bean.message.WxCpMessage;
import me.chanjar.weixin.cp.bean.templatecard.*;

import java.util.List;

 * 模板卡片消息Builder
 * 用法: WxCustomMessage m = WxCustomMessage.TEMPLATECARD().title(...)....toUser(...).build();
* * @author yzts created on 2019-05-16 */ public class TemplateCardBuilder extends BaseBuilder { /** * 模板卡片类型,文本通知型卡片填写 “text_notice”, * 图文展示型卡片此处填写 “news_notice”, * 按钮交互型卡片填写”button_interaction”, * 投票选择型卡片填写”vote_interaction”, * 多项选择型卡片填写 “multiple_interaction” */ private String cardType; /** * 卡片来源样式信息,不需要来源样式可不填写 * 来源图片的url */ private String sourceIconUrl; /** * 卡片来源样式信息,不需要来源样式可不填写 * 来源图片的描述,建议不超过20个字 */ private String sourceDesc; /** * 来源文字的颜色,目前支持:0(默认) 灰色,1 黑色,2 红色,3 绿色 */ private Integer sourceDescColor; /** * 更多操作界面的描述 */ private String actionMenuDesc; /** * 操作列表,列表长度取值范围为 [1, 3] */ private List actionMenuActionList; /** * 一级标题,建议不超过36个字 */ private String mainTitleTitle; /** * 标题辅助信息,建议不超过44个字 */ private String mainTitleDesc; /** * 图文展示型的卡片必须有图片字段。 * 图片的url. */ private String cardImageUrl; /** * 图片的宽高比,宽高比要小于2.25,大于1.3,不填该参数默认1.3 */ private Float cardImageAspectRatio; /** * 关键数据样式 * 关键数据样式的数据内容,建议不超过14个字 */ private String emphasisContentTitle; /** * 关键数据样式的数据描述内容,建议不超过22个字 */ private String emphasisContentDesc; /** * 二级普通文本,建议不超过160个字 */ private String subTitleText; /** * 卡片二级垂直内容,该字段可为空数组,但有数据的话需确认对应字段是否必填,列表长度不超过4 */ private List verticalContents; /** * 二级标题+文本列表,该字段可为空数组,但有数据的话需确认对应字段是否必填,列表长度不超过6 */ private List horizontalContents; /** * 跳转指引样式的列表,该字段可为空数组,但有数据的话需确认对应字段是否必填,列表长度不超过3 */ private List jumps; /** * 左图右文样式,news_notice类型的卡片,card_image 和 image_text_area 两者必填一个字段,不可都不填 */ private TemplateCardImageTextArea imageTextArea; /** * 整体卡片的点击跳转事件,text_notice必填本字段 * 跳转事件类型,1 代表跳转url,2 代表打开小程序。text_notice卡片模版中该字段取值范围为[1,2] */ private Integer cardActionType; /** * 跳转事件的url,card_action.type是1时必填 */ private String cardActionUrl; /** * 跳转事件的小程序的appid,必须是与当前应用关联的小程序,card_action.type是2时必填 */ private String cardActionAppid; /** * 跳转事件的小程序的pagepath,card_action.type是2时选填 */ private String cardActionPagepath; /** * 任务id,同一个应用任务id不能重复,只能由数字、字母和“_-@”组成,最长128字节 */ private String taskId; /** * 按钮交互型卡片需指定。 * button_selection */ private TemplateCardButtonSelection buttonSelection; /** * 按钮交互型卡片需指定。 * 按钮列表,该字段可为空数组,但有数据的话需确认对应字段是否必填,列表长度不超过6 */ private List buttons; /** * 投票选择型卡片需要指定 * 选择题key值,用户提交选项后,会产生回调事件,回调事件会带上该key值表示该题,最长支持1024字节 */ private String checkboxQuestionKey; /** * 选择题模式,单选:0,多选:1,不填默认0 */ private Integer checkboxMode; /** * 选项list,选项个数不超过 20 个,最少1个 */ private List options; /** * 提交按钮样式 * 按钮文案,建议不超过10个字,不填默认为提交 */ private String submitButtonText; /** * 提交按钮的key,会产生回调事件将本参数作为EventKey返回,最长支持1024字节 */ private String submitButtonKey; /** * 下拉式的选择器列表,multiple_interaction类型的卡片该字段不可为空,一个消息最多支持 3 个选择器 */ private List selects; /** * 引用文献样式 */ private QuoteArea quoteArea; /** * Instantiates a new Template card builder. */ public TemplateCardBuilder() { this.msgType = WxConsts.KefuMsgType.TEMPLATE_CARD; } /** * Card type template card builder. * * @param cardType the card type * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder cardType(String cardType) { this.cardType = cardType; return this; } /** * Card image url template card builder. * * @param cardImageUrl the card image url * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder cardImageUrl(String cardImageUrl) { this.cardImageUrl = cardImageUrl; return this; } /** * Card image aspect ratio template card builder. * * @param cardImageAspectRatio the card image aspect ratio * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder cardImageAspectRatio(Float cardImageAspectRatio) { this.cardImageAspectRatio = cardImageAspectRatio; return this; } /** * Action menu desc template card builder. * * @param actionMenuDesc the action menu desc * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder actionMenuDesc(String actionMenuDesc) { this.actionMenuDesc = actionMenuDesc; return this; } /** * Action menu action list template card builder. * * @param actionMenuItemList the action menu item list * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder actionMenuActionList(List actionMenuItemList) { this.actionMenuActionList = actionMenuItemList; return this; } /** * Source icon url template card builder. * * @param sourceIconUrl the source icon url * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder sourceIconUrl(String sourceIconUrl) { this.sourceIconUrl = sourceIconUrl; return this; } /** * Source desc template card builder. * * @param sourceDesc the source desc * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder sourceDesc(String sourceDesc) { this.sourceDesc = sourceDesc; return this; } /** * Source desc color template card builder. * * @param sourceDescColor the source desc color * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder sourceDescColor(Integer sourceDescColor) { this.sourceDescColor = sourceDescColor; return this; } /** * Main title title template card builder. * * @param mainTitleTitle the main title title * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder mainTitleTitle(String mainTitleTitle) { this.mainTitleTitle = mainTitleTitle; return this; } /** * Main title desc template card builder. * * @param mainTitleDesc the main title desc * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder mainTitleDesc(String mainTitleDesc) { this.mainTitleDesc = mainTitleDesc; return this; } /** * Emphasis content title template card builder. * * @param emphasisContentTitle the emphasis content title * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder emphasisContentTitle(String emphasisContentTitle) { this.emphasisContentTitle = emphasisContentTitle; return this; } /** * Emphasis content desc template card builder. * * @param emphasisContentDesc the emphasis content desc * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder emphasisContentDesc(String emphasisContentDesc) { this.emphasisContentDesc = emphasisContentDesc; return this; } /** * Sub title text template card builder. * * @param subTitleText the sub title text * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder subTitleText(String subTitleText) { this.subTitleText = subTitleText; return this; } /** * Vertical contents template card builder. * * @param verticalContents the vertical contents * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder verticalContents(List verticalContents) { this.verticalContents = verticalContents; return this; } /** * Horizontal contents template card builder. * * @param horizontalContents the horizontal contents * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder horizontalContents(List horizontalContents) { this.horizontalContents = horizontalContents; return this; } /** * Jumps template card builder. * * @param jumps the jumps * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder jumps(List jumps) { this.jumps = jumps; return this; } /** * image_text_area template card builder. * * @param imageTextArea the card image_text_area * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder imageTextArea(TemplateCardImageTextArea imageTextArea) { this.imageTextArea = imageTextArea; return this; } /** * Card action type template card builder. * * @param cardActionType the card action type * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder cardActionType(Integer cardActionType) { this.cardActionType = cardActionType; return this; } /** * Card action url template card builder. * * @param cardActionUrl the card action url * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder cardActionUrl(String cardActionUrl) { this.cardActionUrl = cardActionUrl; return this; } /** * Card action appid template card builder. * * @param cardActionAppid the card action appid * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder cardActionAppid(String cardActionAppid) { this.cardActionAppid = cardActionAppid; return this; } /** * Card action pagepath template card builder. * * @param cardActionPagepath the card action pagepath * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder cardActionPagepath(String cardActionPagepath) { this.cardActionPagepath = cardActionPagepath; return this; } /** * Task id template card builder. * * @param taskId the task id * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder taskId(String taskId) { this.taskId = taskId; return this; } /** * Button selection template card builder. * * @param buttonSelection the button selection * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder buttonSelection(TemplateCardButtonSelection buttonSelection) { this.buttonSelection = buttonSelection; return this; } /** * Buttons template card builder. * * @param buttons the buttons * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder buttons(List buttons) { this.buttons = buttons; return this; } /** * Checkbox question key template card builder. * * @param checkboxQuestionKey the checkbox question key * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder checkboxQuestionKey(String checkboxQuestionKey) { this.checkboxQuestionKey = checkboxQuestionKey; return this; } /** * Checkbox mode template card builder. * * @param checkboxMode the checkbox mode * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder checkboxMode(Integer checkboxMode) { this.checkboxMode = checkboxMode; return this; } /** * Options template card builder. * * @param options the options * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder options(List options) { this.options = options; return this; } /** * Submit button text template card builder. * * @param submitButtonText the submit button text * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder submitButtonText(String submitButtonText) { this.submitButtonText = submitButtonText; return this; } /** * Submit button key template card builder. * * @param submitButtonKey the submit button key * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder submitButtonKey(String submitButtonKey) { this.submitButtonKey = submitButtonKey; return this; } /** * Selects template card builder. * * @param selects the selects * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder selects(List selects) { this.selects = selects; return this; } /** * Quote area template card builder. * * @param quoteArea the quote area * @return the template card builder */ public TemplateCardBuilder quoteArea(QuoteArea quoteArea) { this.quoteArea = quoteArea; return this; } @Override public WxCpMessage build() { WxCpMessage m =; m.setSafe(null); m.setCardType(this.cardType); m.setSourceIconUrl(this.sourceIconUrl); m.setSourceDesc(this.sourceDesc); m.setSourceDescColor(this.sourceDescColor); m.setActionMenuDesc(this.actionMenuDesc); m.setActionMenuActionList(this.actionMenuActionList); m.setMainTitleTitle(this.mainTitleTitle); m.setMainTitleDesc(this.mainTitleDesc); m.setImageTextArea(this.imageTextArea); m.setCardImageUrl(this.cardImageUrl); m.setCardImageAspectRatio(this.cardImageAspectRatio); m.setEmphasisContentTitle(this.emphasisContentTitle); m.setEmphasisContentDesc(this.emphasisContentDesc); m.setSubTitleText(this.subTitleText); m.setVerticalContents(this.verticalContents); m.setHorizontalContents(this.horizontalContents); m.setJumps(this.jumps); m.setCardActionType(this.cardActionType); m.setCardActionAppid(this.cardActionAppid); m.setCardActionPagepath(this.cardActionPagepath); m.setCardActionUrl(this.cardActionUrl); m.setTaskId(this.taskId); m.setButtonSelection(this.buttonSelection); m.setButtons(this.buttons); m.setCheckboxMode(this.checkboxMode); m.setCheckboxQuestionKey(this.checkboxQuestionKey); m.setOptions(this.options); m.setSubmitButtonText(this.submitButtonText); m.setSubmitButtonKey(this.submitButtonKey); m.setSelects(this.selects); m.setQuoteArea(this.quoteArea); return m; } }

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