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me.chanjar.weixin.cp.constant.WxCpApiPathConsts Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package me.chanjar.weixin.cp.constant;

 *  企业微信api地址常量类
 *  Created by BinaryWang on 2019-06-02.
* * @author Binary Wang */ public interface WxCpApiPathConsts { /** * The constant DEFAULT_CP_BASE_URL. */ String DEFAULT_CP_BASE_URL = ""; /** * The constant GET_JSAPI_TICKET. */ String GET_JSAPI_TICKET = "/cgi-bin/get_jsapi_ticket"; /** * The constant GET_AGENT_CONFIG_TICKET. */ String GET_AGENT_CONFIG_TICKET = "/cgi-bin/ticket/get?&type=agent_config"; /** * The constant GET_CALLBACK_IP. */ String GET_CALLBACK_IP = "/cgi-bin/getcallbackip"; /** * The constant GET_API_DOMAIN_IP. */ String GET_API_DOMAIN_IP = "/cgi-bin/get_api_domain_ip"; /** * The constant BATCH_REPLACE_PARTY. */ String BATCH_REPLACE_PARTY = "/cgi-bin/batch/replaceparty"; /** * The constant BATCH_SYNC_USER. */ String BATCH_SYNC_USER = "/cgi-bin/batch/syncuser"; /** * The constant BATCH_REPLACE_USER. */ String BATCH_REPLACE_USER = "/cgi-bin/batch/replaceuser"; /** * The constant BATCH_GET_RESULT. */ String BATCH_GET_RESULT = "/cgi-bin/batch/getresult?jobid="; /** * The constant JSCODE_TO_SESSION. */ String JSCODE_TO_SESSION = "/cgi-bin/miniprogram/jscode2session"; /** * The constant GET_TOKEN. */ String GET_TOKEN = "/cgi-bin/gettoken?corpid=%s&corpsecret=%s"; /** * The constant WEBHOOK_SEND. */ String WEBHOOK_SEND = "/cgi-bin/webhook/send?key="; /** * 消息推送相关接口 * */ interface Message { /** * 发送应用消息 */ String MESSAGE_SEND = "/cgi-bin/message/send"; /** * 查询应用消息发送统计 */ String GET_STATISTICS = "/cgi-bin/message/get_statistics"; /** * 发送「学校通知」 * */ String EXTERNAL_CONTACT_MESSAGE_SEND = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/message/send"; /** * 撤回应用消息 * */ String MESSAGE_RECALL = "/cgi-bin/message/recall"; /** * 互联企业发送应用消息 * */ String LINKEDCORP_MESSAGE_SEND = "/cgi-bin/linkedcorp/message/send"; } /** * The interface Agent. */ interface Agent { /** * The constant AGENT_GET. */ String AGENT_GET = "/cgi-bin/agent/get?agentid=%d"; /** * The constant AGENT_SET. */ String AGENT_SET = "/cgi-bin/agent/set"; /** * The constant AGENT_LIST. */ String AGENT_LIST = "/cgi-bin/agent/list"; } /** * The interface Work bench. */ interface WorkBench { /** * The constant WORKBENCH_TEMPLATE_SET. */ String WORKBENCH_TEMPLATE_SET = "/cgi-bin/agent/set_workbench_template"; /** * The constant WORKBENCH_TEMPLATE_GET. */ String WORKBENCH_TEMPLATE_GET = "/cgi-bin/agent/get_workbench_template"; /** * The constant WORKBENCH_DATA_SET. */ String WORKBENCH_DATA_SET = "/cgi-bin/agent/set_workbench_data"; } /** * The interface O auth 2. */ interface OAuth2 { /** * The constant GET_USER_INFO. */ String GET_USER_INFO = "/cgi-bin/user/getuserinfo?code=%s&agentid=%d"; /** * The constant GET_SCHOOL_USER_INFO. */ String GET_SCHOOL_USER_INFO = "/cgi-bin/school/getuserinfo?code=%s"; /** * The constant GET_USER_DETAIL. */ String GET_USER_DETAIL = "/cgi-bin/auth/getuserdetail"; /** * The constant URL_OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE. */ String URL_OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE = ""; /** * The constant GET_USER_INFO without agentId. */ String GET_USER_AUTH_INFO = "/cgi-bin/auth/getuserinfo?code=%s"; /** * The constant GET_TFA_INFO. */ String GET_TFA_INFO = "/cgi-bin/auth/get_tfa_info"; } /** * The interface Chat. */ interface Chat { /** * The constant APPCHAT_CREATE. */ String APPCHAT_CREATE = "/cgi-bin/appchat/create"; /** * The constant APPCHAT_UPDATE. */ String APPCHAT_UPDATE = "/cgi-bin/appchat/update"; /** * The constant APPCHAT_GET_CHATID. */ String APPCHAT_GET_CHATID = "/cgi-bin/appchat/get?chatid="; /** * The constant APPCHAT_SEND. */ String APPCHAT_SEND = "/cgi-bin/appchat/send"; } /** * The interface Department. */ interface Department { /** * The constant DEPARTMENT_CREATE. */ String DEPARTMENT_CREATE = "/cgi-bin/department/create"; /** * The constant DEPARTMENT_UPDATE. */ String DEPARTMENT_UPDATE = "/cgi-bin/department/update"; /** * The constant DEPARTMENT_GET. */ String DEPARTMENT_GET = "/cgi-bin/department/get?id=%d"; /** * The constant DEPARTMENT_DELETE. */ String DEPARTMENT_DELETE = "/cgi-bin/department/delete?id=%d"; /** * The constant DEPARTMENT_LIST. */ String DEPARTMENT_LIST = "/cgi-bin/department/list"; /** * The constant DEPARTMENT_SIMPLE_LIST. */ String DEPARTMENT_SIMPLE_LIST = "/cgi-bin/department/simplelist"; } /** * The interface Media. */ interface Media { /** * The constant MEDIA_GET. */ String MEDIA_GET = "/cgi-bin/media/get"; /** * The constant MEDIA_UPLOAD. */ String MEDIA_UPLOAD = "/cgi-bin/media/upload?type="; /** * The constant IMG_UPLOAD. */ String IMG_UPLOAD = "/cgi-bin/media/uploadimg"; /** * The constant JSSDK_MEDIA_GET. */ String JSSDK_MEDIA_GET = "/cgi-bin/media/get/jssdk"; } /** * The interface Menu. */ interface Menu { /** * The constant MENU_CREATE. */ String MENU_CREATE = "/cgi-bin/menu/create?agentid=%d"; /** * The constant MENU_DELETE. */ String MENU_DELETE = "/cgi-bin/menu/delete?agentid=%d"; /** * The constant MENU_GET. */ String MENU_GET = "/cgi-bin/menu/get?agentid=%d"; } /** * The interface Oa. */ interface Oa { /** * 打卡 * */ String GET_CORP_CHECKIN_OPTION = "/cgi-bin/checkin/getcorpcheckinoption"; /** * The constant GET_CHECKIN_DATA. */ String GET_CHECKIN_DATA = "/cgi-bin/checkin/getcheckindata"; /** * The constant GET_CHECKIN_OPTION. */ String GET_CHECKIN_OPTION = "/cgi-bin/checkin/getcheckinoption"; /** * The constant GET_CHECKIN_DAY_DATA. */ String GET_CHECKIN_DAY_DATA = "/cgi-bin/checkin/getcheckin_daydata"; /** * The constant GET_CHECKIN_MONTH_DATA. */ String GET_CHECKIN_MONTH_DATA = "/cgi-bin/checkin/getcheckin_monthdata"; /** * The constant GET_CHECKIN_SCHEDULE_DATA. */ String GET_CHECKIN_SCHEDULE_DATA = "/cgi-bin/checkin/getcheckinschedulist"; /** * The constant SET_CHECKIN_SCHEDULE_DATA. */ String SET_CHECKIN_SCHEDULE_DATA = "/cgi-bin/checkin/setcheckinschedulist"; /** * The constant ADD_CHECK_IN_USER_FACE. */ String ADD_CHECK_IN_USER_FACE = "/cgi-bin/checkin/addcheckinuserface"; /** * 审批 * */ String COPY_TEMPLATE = "/cgi-bin/oa/approval/copytemplate"; /** * The constant GET_TEMPLATE_DETAIL. */ String GET_TEMPLATE_DETAIL = "/cgi-bin/oa/gettemplatedetail"; /** * The constant CREATE_TEMPLATE. */ String CREATE_TEMPLATE = "/cgi-bin/oa/approval/create_template"; /** * The constant CREATE_TEMPLATE. */ String UPDATE_TEMPLATE = "/cgi-bin/oa/approval/update_template"; /** * The constant APPLY_EVENT. */ String APPLY_EVENT = "/cgi-bin/oa/applyevent"; /** * The constant GET_APPROVAL_INFO. */ String GET_APPROVAL_INFO = "/cgi-bin/oa/getapprovalinfo"; /** * The constant GET_APPROVAL_DETAIL. */ String GET_APPROVAL_DETAIL = "/cgi-bin/oa/getapprovaldetail"; /** * The constant GET_APPROVAL_DATA. */ String GET_APPROVAL_DATA = "/cgi-bin/corp/getapprovaldata"; /** * The constant GET_CORP_CONF. */ String GET_CORP_CONF = "/cgi-bin/oa/vacation/getcorpconf"; /** * The constant GET_USER_VACATION_QUOTA. */ String GET_USER_VACATION_QUOTA = "/cgi-bin/oa/vacation/getuservacationquota"; /** * The constant SET_ONE_USER_QUOTA. */ String SET_ONE_USER_QUOTA = "/cgi-bin/oa/vacation/setoneuserquota"; /** * 公费电话 * */ String GET_DIAL_RECORD = "/cgi-bin/dial/get_dial_record"; /** * 日程 * */ String CALENDAR_ADD = "/cgi-bin/oa/calendar/add"; /** * The constant CALENDAR_UPDATE. */ String CALENDAR_UPDATE = "/cgi-bin/oa/calendar/update"; /** * The constant CALENDAR_GET. */ String CALENDAR_GET = "/cgi-bin/oa/calendar/get"; /** * The constant CALENDAR_DEL. */ String CALENDAR_DEL = "/cgi-bin/oa/calendar/del"; /** * The constant SCHEDULE_ADD. */ String SCHEDULE_ADD = "/cgi-bin/oa/schedule/add"; /** * The constant SCHEDULE_UPDATE. */ String SCHEDULE_UPDATE = "/cgi-bin/oa/schedule/update"; /** * The constant SCHEDULE_GET. */ String SCHEDULE_GET = "/cgi-bin/oa/schedule/get"; /** * The constant SCHEDULE_DEL. */ String SCHEDULE_DEL = "/cgi-bin/oa/schedule/del"; /** * The constant SCHEDULE_LIST. */ String SCHEDULE_LIST = "/cgi-bin/oa/schedule/get_by_calendar"; /** * 会议 * */ String MEETING_ADD = "/cgi-bin/meeting/create"; /** * The constant MEETING_UPDATE. */ String MEETING_UPDATE = "/cgi-bin/meeting/update"; /** * The constant MEETING_CANCEL. */ String MEETING_CANCEL = "/cgi-bin/meeting/cancel"; /** * The constant MEETING_DETAIL. */ String MEETING_DETAIL = "/cgi-bin/meeting/get_info"; /** * The constant GET_USER_MEETING_ID. */ String GET_USER_MEETING_ID = "/cgi-bin/meeting/get_user_meetingid"; /** * 会议室 * */ String MEETINGROOM_ADD = "/cgi-bin/oa/meetingroom/add"; /** * The constant MEETINGROOM_LIST. */ String MEETINGROOM_LIST = "/cgi-bin/oa/meetingroom/list"; /** * The constant MEETINGROOM_EDIT. */ String MEETINGROOM_EDIT = "/cgi-bin/oa/meetingroom/edit"; /** * The constant MEETINGROOM_DEL. */ String MEETINGROOM_DEL = "/cgi-bin/oa/meetingroom/del"; /** * The constant MEETINGROOM_GET_BOOKING_INFO. */ String MEETINGROOM_GET_BOOKING_INFO = "/cgi-bin/oa/meetingroom/get_booking_info"; /** * The constant MEETINGROOM_BOOK. */ String MEETINGROOM_BOOK = "/cgi-bin/oa/meetingroom/book"; /** * The constant MEETINGROOM_BOOK_BY_SCHEDULE. */ String MEETINGROOM_BOOK_BY_SCHEDULE = "/cgi-bin/oa/meetingroom/book_by_schedule"; /** * The constant MEETINGROOM_BOOK_BY_MEETING. */ String MEETINGROOM_BOOK_BY_MEETING = "/cgi-bin/oa/meetingroom//book_by_meeting"; /** * The constant MEETINGROOM_CANCEL_BOOK. */ String MEETINGROOM_CANCEL_BOOK = "/cgi-bin/oa/meetingroom/cancel_book"; /** * The constant MEETINGROOM_BOOKINFO_GET. */ String MEETINGROOM_BOOKINFO_GET = "/cgi-bin/oa/meetingroom/bookinfo/get"; /** * 微盘 * */ String SPACE_CREATE = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/space_create"; /** * The constant SPACE_RENAME. */ String SPACE_RENAME = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/space_rename"; /** * The constant SPACE_DISMISS. */ String SPACE_DISMISS = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/space_dismiss"; /** * The constant SPACE_INFO. */ String SPACE_INFO = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/space_info"; /** * The constant SPACE_ACL_ADD. */ String SPACE_ACL_ADD = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/space_acl_add"; /** * The constant SPACE_ACL_DEL. */ String SPACE_ACL_DEL = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/space_acl_del"; /** * The constant SPACE_SETTING. */ String SPACE_SETTING = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/space_setting"; /** * The constant SPACE_SHARE. */ String SPACE_SHARE = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/space_share"; /** * The constant FILE_LIST. */ String FILE_LIST = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_list"; /** * The constant FILE_UPLOAD. */ String FILE_UPLOAD = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_upload"; /** * The constant FILE_DOWNLOAD. */ String FILE_DOWNLOAD = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_download"; /** * The constant FILE_RENAME. */ String FILE_RENAME = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_rename"; /** * The constant FILE_CREATE. */ String FILE_CREATE = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_create"; /** * The constant FILE_MOVE. */ String FILE_MOVE = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_move"; /** * The constant FILE_DELETE. */ String FILE_DELETE = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_delete"; /** * The constant FILE_INFO. */ String FILE_INFO = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_info"; /** * The constant FILE_ACL_ADD. */ String FILE_ACL_ADD = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_acl_add"; /** * The constant FILE_ACL_DEL. */ String FILE_ACL_DEL = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_acl_del"; /** * The constant FILE_SETTING. */ String FILE_SETTING = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_setting"; /** * The constant FILE_SHARE. */ String FILE_SHARE = "/cgi-bin/wedrive/file_share"; /** * 审批流程引擎 * */ String GET_OPEN_APPROVAL_DATA = "/cgi-bin/corp/getopenapprovaldata"; /** * 文档 * */ /** * The constant WEDOC_CREATE_DOC. */ String WEDOC_CREATE_DOC = "/cgi-bin/wedoc/create_doc"; /** * The constant WEDOC_RENAME_DOC. */ String WEDOC_RENAME_DOC = "/cgi-bin/wedoc/rename_doc"; /** * The constant WEDOC_DEL_DOC. */ String WEDOC_DEL_DOC = "/cgi-bin/wedoc/del_doc"; /** * The constant WEDOC_GET_DOC_BASE_INFO. */ String WEDOC_GET_DOC_BASE_INFO = "/cgi-bin/wedoc/get_doc_base_info"; /** * The constant WEDOC_DOC_SHARE. */ String WEDOC_DOC_SHARE = "/cgi-bin/wedoc/doc_share"; /** * 邮件 * */ /** * The constant EXMAIL_APP_COMPOSE_SEND. */ String EXMAIL_APP_COMPOSE_SEND = "/cgi-bin/exmail/app/compose_send"; } /** * The interface School. */ interface School { /** * The constant GET_HEALTH_REPORT_STAT. */ String GET_HEALTH_REPORT_STAT = "/cgi-bin/health/get_health_report_stat"; /** * The constant GET_REPORT_JOBIDS. */ String GET_REPORT_JOBIDS = "/cgi-bin/health/get_report_jobids"; /** * The constant GET_REPORT_JOB_INFO. */ String GET_REPORT_JOB_INFO = "/cgi-bin/health/get_report_job_info"; /** * The constant GET_REPORT_ANSWER. */ String GET_REPORT_ANSWER = "/cgi-bin/health/get_report_answer"; /** * The constant GET_TEACHER_CUSTOMIZE_HEALTH_INFO. */ String GET_TEACHER_CUSTOMIZE_HEALTH_INFO = "/cgi-bin/school/user/get_teacher_customize_health_info"; /** * The constant GET_STUDENT_CUSTOMIZE_HEALTH_INFO. */ String GET_STUDENT_CUSTOMIZE_HEALTH_INFO = "/cgi-bin/school/user/get_student_customize_health_info"; /** * The constant GET_HEALTH_QRCODE. */ String GET_HEALTH_QRCODE = "/cgi-bin/school/user/get_health_qrcode"; /** * The constant BATCH_CREATE_STUDENT. */ String BATCH_CREATE_STUDENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/batch_create_student"; /** * The constant BATCH_DELETE_STUDENT. */ String BATCH_DELETE_STUDENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/batch_delete_student"; /** * The constant BATCH_UPDATE_STUDENT. */ String BATCH_UPDATE_STUDENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/batch_update_student"; /** * The constant BATCH_CREATE_PARENT. */ String BATCH_CREATE_PARENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/batch_create_parent"; /** * The constant BATCH_DELETE_PARENT. */ String BATCH_DELETE_PARENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/batch_delete_parent"; /** * The constant BATCH_UPDATE_PARENT. */ String BATCH_UPDATE_PARENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/batch_update_parent"; /** * The constant CREATE_STUDENT. */ String CREATE_STUDENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/create_student"; /** * The constant DELETE_STUDENT. */ String DELETE_STUDENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/delete_student?userid="; /** * The constant UPDATE_STUDENT. */ String UPDATE_STUDENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/update_student"; /** * The constant CREATE_PARENT. */ String CREATE_PARENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/create_parent"; /** * The constant UPDATE_PARENT. */ String UPDATE_PARENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/update_parent"; /** * The constant DELETE_PARENT. */ String DELETE_PARENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/delete_parent?userid="; /** * The constant GET_USER. */ String GET_USER = "/cgi-bin/school/user/get?userid="; /** * The constant GET_USER_LIST. */ String GET_USER_LIST = "/cgi-bin/school/user/list?department_id=%s&fetch_child=%d"; /** * The constant GET_USER_LIST_PARENT. */ String GET_USER_LIST_PARENT = "/cgi-bin/school/user/list_parent?department_id="; /** * The constant SET_ARCH_SYNC_MODE. */ String SET_ARCH_SYNC_MODE = "/cgi-bin/school/set_arch_sync_mode"; /** * The constant SET_UPGRADE_INFO. */ String SET_UPGRADE_INFO = "/cgi-bin/school/set_upgrade_info"; /** * The constant DEPARTMENT_CREATE. */ String DEPARTMENT_CREATE = "/cgi-bin/school/department/create"; /** * The constant DEPARTMENT_UPDATE. */ String DEPARTMENT_UPDATE = "/cgi-bin/school/department/update"; /** * The constant DEPARTMENT_DELETE. */ String DEPARTMENT_DELETE = "/cgi-bin/school/department/delete?id="; /** * The constant DEPARTMENT_LIST. */ String DEPARTMENT_LIST = "/cgi-bin/school/department/list?id="; /** * The constant GET_PAYMENT_RESULT. */ String GET_PAYMENT_RESULT = "/cgi-bin/school/get_payment_result"; /** * The constant GET_TRADE. */ String GET_TRADE = "/cgi-bin/school/get_trade"; /** * The constant GET_ALLOW_SCOPE. */ String GET_ALLOW_SCOPE = "/cgi-bin/school/agent/get_allow_scope?agentid="; /** * 上课直播 */ String GET_LIVING_INFO = "/cgi-bin/school/living/get_living_info?livingid="; /** * The constant GET_WATCH_STAT. */ String GET_WATCH_STAT = "/cgi-bin/school/living/get_watch_stat"; /** * The constant GET_UNWATCH_STAT. */ String GET_UNWATCH_STAT = "/cgi-bin/school/living/get_unwatch_stat"; } /** * The interface Living. */ interface Living { /** * The constant GET_LIVING_CODE. */ String GET_LIVING_CODE = "/cgi-bin/living/get_living_code"; /** * The constant GET_LIVING_INFO. */ String GET_LIVING_INFO = "/cgi-bin/living/get_living_info?livingid="; /** * The constant GET_WATCH_STAT. */ String GET_WATCH_STAT = "/cgi-bin/living/get_watch_stat"; /** * The constant GET_LIVING_SHARE_INFO. */ String GET_LIVING_SHARE_INFO = "/cgi-bin/living/get_living_share_info"; /** * The constant GET_USER_ALL_LIVINGID. */ String GET_USER_ALL_LIVINGID = "/cgi-bin/living/get_user_all_livingid"; /** * The constant CREATE. */ String CREATE = "/cgi-bin/living/create"; /** * The constant MODIFY. */ String MODIFY = "/cgi-bin/living/modify"; /** * The constant CANCEL. */ String CANCEL = "/cgi-bin/living/cancel"; /** * The constant DELETE_REPLAY_DATA. */ String DELETE_REPLAY_DATA = "/cgi-bin/living/delete_replay_data"; } /** * The interface Msg audit. */ interface MsgAudit { /** * The constant GET_PERMIT_USER_LIST. */ String GET_PERMIT_USER_LIST = "/cgi-bin/msgaudit/get_permit_user_list"; /** * The constant GET_GROUP_CHAT. */ String GET_GROUP_CHAT = "/cgi-bin/msgaudit/groupchat/get"; /** * The constant CHECK_SINGLE_AGREE. */ String CHECK_SINGLE_AGREE = "/cgi-bin/msgaudit/check_single_agree"; } /** * The interface Tag. */ interface Tag { /** * The constant TAG_CREATE. */ String TAG_CREATE = "/cgi-bin/tag/create"; /** * The constant TAG_UPDATE. */ String TAG_UPDATE = "/cgi-bin/tag/update"; /** * The constant TAG_DELETE. */ String TAG_DELETE = "/cgi-bin/tag/delete?tagid=%s"; /** * The constant TAG_LIST. */ String TAG_LIST = "/cgi-bin/tag/list"; /** * The constant TAG_GET. */ String TAG_GET = "/cgi-bin/tag/get?tagid=%s"; /** * The constant TAG_ADD_TAG_USERS. */ String TAG_ADD_TAG_USERS = "/cgi-bin/tag/addtagusers"; /** * The constant TAG_DEL_TAG_USERS. */ String TAG_DEL_TAG_USERS = "/cgi-bin/tag/deltagusers"; } /** * The interface Task card. */ interface TaskCard { /** * The constant UPDATE_TASK_CARD. */ String UPDATE_TASK_CARD = "/cgi-bin/message/update_taskcard"; /** * The constant UPDATE_TEMPLATE_CARD. */ String UPDATE_TEMPLATE_CARD = "/cgi-bin/message/update_template_card"; } /** * The interface Tp. */ interface Tp { /** * The constant JSCODE_TO_SESSION. */ String JSCODE_TO_SESSION = "/cgi-bin/service/miniprogram/jscode2session"; /** * The constant GET_CORP_TOKEN. */ String GET_CORP_TOKEN = "/cgi-bin/service/get_corp_token"; /** * The constant GET_PERMANENT_CODE. */ String GET_PERMANENT_CODE = "/cgi-bin/service/get_permanent_code"; /** * The constant GET_SUITE_TOKEN. */ String GET_SUITE_TOKEN = "/cgi-bin/service/get_suite_token"; /** * The constant GET_PROVIDER_TOKEN. */ String GET_PROVIDER_TOKEN = "/cgi-bin/service/get_provider_token"; /** * The constant GET_PREAUTH_CODE. */ String GET_PREAUTH_CODE = "/cgi-bin/service/get_pre_auth_code"; /** * The constant GET_AUTH_INFO. */ String GET_AUTH_INFO = "/cgi-bin/service/get_auth_info"; /** * The constant GET_AUTH_CORP_JSAPI_TICKET. */ String GET_AUTH_CORP_JSAPI_TICKET = "/cgi-bin/get_jsapi_ticket"; /** * The constant GET_SUITE_JSAPI_TICKET. */ String GET_SUITE_JSAPI_TICKET = "/cgi-bin/ticket/get"; /** * The constant GET_USERINFO3RD. */ String GET_USERINFO3RD = "/cgi-bin/service/auth/getuserinfo3rd"; /** * The constant GET_USERDETAIL3RD. */ String GET_USERDETAIL3RD = "/cgi-bin/service/auth/getuserdetail3rd"; /** * The constant GET_LOGIN_INFO. */ String GET_LOGIN_INFO = "/cgi-bin/service/get_login_info"; /** * The constant GET_CUSTOMIZED_AUTH_URL. */ String GET_CUSTOMIZED_AUTH_URL = "/cgi-bin/service/get_customized_auth_url"; /** * The constant CONTACT_SEARCH. */ String CONTACT_SEARCH = "/cgi-bin/service/contact/search"; /** * The constant GET_ADMIN_LIST. */ String GET_ADMIN_LIST = "/cgi-bin/service/get_admin_list"; /** * The constant GET_APP_QRCODE. */ String GET_APP_QRCODE = "/cgi-bin/service/get_app_qrcode"; /** * The constant CORPID_TO_OPENCORPID. */ String CORPID_TO_OPENCORPID = "/cgi-bin/service/corpid_to_opencorpid"; /** * The constant GET_ORDER. */ // 获取订单详情 String GET_ORDER = "/cgi-bin/service/get_order"; /** * The constant GET_ORDER_LIST. */ // 获取订单列表 String GET_ORDER_LIST = "/cgi-bin/service/get_order_list"; /** * The constant PROLONG_TRY. */ // 延长试用期 String PROLONG_TRY = "/cgi-bin/service/prolong_try"; } /** * The interface License. */ interface License { /** * The constant CREATE_NEW_ORDER. */ String CREATE_NEW_ORDER = "/cgi-bin/license/create_new_order"; /** * The constant CREATE_RENEW_ORDER_JOB. */ String CREATE_RENEW_ORDER_JOB = "/cgi-bin/license/create_renew_order_job"; /** * The constant SUBMIT_ORDER_JOB. */ String SUBMIT_ORDER_JOB = "/cgi-bin/license/submit_order_job"; /** * The constant LIST_ORDER. */ String LIST_ORDER = "/cgi-bin/license/list_order"; /** * The constant GET_ORDER. */ String GET_ORDER = "/cgi-bin/license/get_order"; /** * The constant LIST_ORDER_ACCOUNT. */ String LIST_ORDER_ACCOUNT = "/cgi-bin/license/list_order_account"; /** * The constant ACTIVE_ACCOUNT. */ String ACTIVE_ACCOUNT = "/cgi-bin/license/active_account"; /** * The constant BATCH_ACTIVE_ACCOUNT. */ String BATCH_ACTIVE_ACCOUNT = "/cgi-bin/license/batch_active_account"; /** * The constant GET_ACTIVE_INFO_BY_CODE. */ String GET_ACTIVE_INFO_BY_CODE = "/cgi-bin/license/get_active_info_by_code"; /** * The constant BATCH_GET_ACTIVE_INFO_BY_CODE. */ String BATCH_GET_ACTIVE_INFO_BY_CODE = "/cgi-bin/license/batch_get_active_info_by_code"; /** * The constant LIST_ACTIVED_ACCOUNT. */ String LIST_ACTIVED_ACCOUNT = "/cgi-bin/license/list_actived_account"; /** * The constant GET_ACTIVE_INFO_BY_USER. */ String GET_ACTIVE_INFO_BY_USER = "/cgi-bin/license/get_active_info_by_user"; /** * The constant BATCH_TRANSFER_LICENSE. */ String BATCH_TRANSFER_LICENSE = "/cgi-bin/license/batch_transfer_license"; } /** * The interface User. */ interface User { /** * The constant USER_AUTHENTICATE. */ String USER_AUTHENTICATE = "/cgi-bin/user/authsucc?userid="; /** * The constant USER_CREATE. */ String USER_CREATE = "/cgi-bin/user/create"; /** * The constant USER_UPDATE. */ String USER_UPDATE = "/cgi-bin/user/update"; /** * The constant USER_DELETE. */ String USER_DELETE = "/cgi-bin/user/delete?userid="; /** * The constant USER_BATCH_DELETE. */ String USER_BATCH_DELETE = "/cgi-bin/user/batchdelete"; /** * The constant USER_GET. */ String USER_GET = "/cgi-bin/user/get?userid="; /** * The constant USER_LIST. */ String USER_LIST = "/cgi-bin/user/list?department_id="; /** * The constant USER_SIMPLE_LIST. */ String USER_SIMPLE_LIST = "/cgi-bin/user/simplelist?department_id="; /** * The constant BATCH_INVITE. */ String BATCH_INVITE = "/cgi-bin/batch/invite"; /** * The constant USER_CONVERT_TO_OPENID. */ String USER_CONVERT_TO_OPENID = "/cgi-bin/user/convert_to_openid"; /** * The constant USER_CONVERT_TO_USERID. */ String USER_CONVERT_TO_USERID = "/cgi-bin/user/convert_to_userid"; /** * The constant GET_USER_ID. */ String GET_USER_ID = "/cgi-bin/user/getuserid"; /** * The constant GET_USER_ID_BY_EMAIL. */ String GET_USER_ID_BY_EMAIL = "/cgi-bin/user/get_userid_by_email"; /** * The constant GET_EXTERNAL_CONTACT. */ String GET_EXTERNAL_CONTACT = "/cgi-bin/crm/get_external_contact?external_userid="; /** * The constant GET_JOIN_QR_CODE. */ String GET_JOIN_QR_CODE = "/cgi-bin/corp/get_join_qrcode?size_type="; /** * The constant GET_ACTIVE_STAT. */ String GET_ACTIVE_STAT = "/cgi-bin/user/get_active_stat"; /** * The constant USERID_TO_OPEN_USERID. */ String USERID_TO_OPEN_USERID = "/cgi-bin/batch/userid_to_openuserid"; /** * The constant OPEN_USERID_TO_USERID. */ String OPEN_USERID_TO_USERID = "/cgi-bin/batch/openuserid_to_userid"; /** * The constant USER_LIST_ID. */ String USER_LIST_ID = "/cgi-bin/user/list_id"; } /** * The interface External contact. */ interface ExternalContact { /** * The constant GET_EXTERNAL_CONTACT. */ @Deprecated String GET_EXTERNAL_CONTACT = "/cgi-bin/crm/get_external_contact?external_userid="; /** * The constant ADD_CONTACT_WAY. */ String ADD_CONTACT_WAY = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/add_contact_way"; /** * The constant GET_CONTACT_WAY. */ String GET_CONTACT_WAY = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_contact_way"; /** * The constant UPDATE_CONTACT_WAY. */ String UPDATE_CONTACT_WAY = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/update_contact_way"; /** * The constant DEL_CONTACT_WAY. */ String DEL_CONTACT_WAY = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/del_contact_way"; /** * The constant CLOSE_TEMP_CHAT. */ String CLOSE_TEMP_CHAT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/close_temp_chat"; /** * The constant GET_FOLLOW_USER_LIST. */ String GET_FOLLOW_USER_LIST = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_follow_user_list"; /** * The constant GET_CONTACT_DETAIL. */ String GET_CONTACT_DETAIL = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get?external_userid="; /** * The constant CONVERT_TO_OPENID. */ String CONVERT_TO_OPENID = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/convert_to_openid"; /** * The constant UNIONID_TO_EXTERNAL_USERID. */ String UNIONID_TO_EXTERNAL_USERID = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/unionid_to_external_userid"; /** * The constant UNIONID_TO_EXTERNAL_USERID_3RD. */ String UNIONID_TO_EXTERNAL_USERID_3RD = "/cgi-bin/service/externalcontact/unionid_to_external_userid_3rd"; /** * The constant GET_NEW_EXTERNAL_USERID. */ String GET_NEW_EXTERNAL_USERID = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_new_external_userid"; /** * The constant TO_SERVICE_EXTERNAL_USERID. */ String TO_SERVICE_EXTERNAL_USERID = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/to_service_external_userid"; /** * The constant FROM_SERVICE_EXTERNAL_USERID. */ String FROM_SERVICE_EXTERNAL_USERID = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/from_service_external_userid"; /** * The constant FINISH_EXTERNAL_USERID_MIGRATION. */ String FINISH_EXTERNAL_USERID_MIGRATION = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/finish_external_userid_migration"; /** * The constant GET_CONTACT_DETAIL_BATCH. */ String GET_CONTACT_DETAIL_BATCH = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/batch/get_by_user?"; String GET_CONTACT_LIST = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/contact_list?"; /** * The constant UPDATE_REMARK. */ String UPDATE_REMARK = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/remark"; /** * The constant LIST_EXTERNAL_CONTACT. */ String LIST_EXTERNAL_CONTACT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/list?userid="; /** * The constant LIST_UNASSIGNED_CONTACT. */ String LIST_UNASSIGNED_CONTACT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_unassigned_list"; /** * The constant TRANSFER_UNASSIGNED_CONTACT. */ @Deprecated String TRANSFER_UNASSIGNED_CONTACT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/transfer"; /** * The constant TRANSFER_CUSTOMER. */ String TRANSFER_CUSTOMER = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/transfer_customer"; /** * The constant TRANSFER_RESULT. */ String TRANSFER_RESULT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/transfer_result"; /** * The constant RESIGNED_TRANSFER_CUSTOMER. */ String RESIGNED_TRANSFER_CUSTOMER = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/resigned/transfer_customer"; /** * The constant RESIGNED_TRANSFER_RESULT. */ String RESIGNED_TRANSFER_RESULT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/resigned/transfer_result"; /** * The constant GROUP_CHAT_LIST. */ String GROUP_CHAT_LIST = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/groupchat/list"; /** * The constant GROUP_CHAT_INFO. */ String GROUP_CHAT_INFO = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/groupchat/get"; /** * The constant OPENID_TO_CHATID. */ String OPENID_TO_CHATID = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/opengid_to_chatid"; /** * The constant GROUP_CHAT_TRANSFER. */ String GROUP_CHAT_TRANSFER = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/groupchat/transfer"; /** * The constant GROUP_CHAT_ONJOB_TRANSFER. */ String GROUP_CHAT_ONJOB_TRANSFER = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/groupchat/onjob_transfer"; /** * The constant LIST_USER_BEHAVIOR_DATA. */ String LIST_USER_BEHAVIOR_DATA = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_user_behavior_data"; /** * The constant LIST_GROUP_CHAT_DATA. */ String LIST_GROUP_CHAT_DATA = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/groupchat/statistic"; /** * The constant ADD_JOIN_WAY. */ String ADD_JOIN_WAY = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/groupchat/add_join_way"; /** * The constant GET_JOIN_WAY. */ String GET_JOIN_WAY = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/groupchat/get_join_way"; /** * The constant UPDATE_JOIN_WAY. */ String UPDATE_JOIN_WAY = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/groupchat/update_join_way"; /** * The constant DEL_JOIN_WAY. */ String DEL_JOIN_WAY = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/groupchat/del_join_way"; /** * The constant ADD_MSG_TEMPLATE. */ String ADD_MSG_TEMPLATE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/add_msg_template"; /** * 提醒成员群发 */ String REMIND_GROUP_MSG_SEND = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/remind_groupmsg_send"; /** * 停止企业群发 */ String CANCEL_GROUP_MSG_SEND = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/cancel_groupmsg_send"; /** * The constant SEND_WELCOME_MSG. */ String SEND_WELCOME_MSG = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/send_welcome_msg"; /** * The constant GET_CORP_TAG_LIST. */ String GET_CORP_TAG_LIST = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_corp_tag_list"; /** * The constant ADD_CORP_TAG. */ String ADD_CORP_TAG = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/add_corp_tag"; /** * The constant EDIT_CORP_TAG. */ String EDIT_CORP_TAG = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/edit_corp_tag"; /** * The constant DEL_CORP_TAG. */ String DEL_CORP_TAG = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/del_corp_tag"; /** * The constant MARK_TAG. */ String MARK_TAG = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/mark_tag"; /** * The constant ADD_MOMENT_TASK. */ String ADD_MOMENT_TASK = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/add_moment_task"; /** * The constant GET_MOMENT_TASK_RESULT. */ String GET_MOMENT_TASK_RESULT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_moment_task_result"; /** * 停止发表企业朋友圈 */ String CANCEL_MOMENT_TASK = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/cancel_moment_task"; /** * The constant GET_MOMENT_LIST. */ String GET_MOMENT_LIST = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_moment_list"; /** * The constant GET_MOMENT_TASK. */ String GET_MOMENT_TASK = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_moment_task"; /** * The constant GET_MOMENT_CUSTOMER_LIST. */ String GET_MOMENT_CUSTOMER_LIST = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_moment_customer_list"; /** * The constant GET_MOMENT_SEND_RESULT. */ String GET_MOMENT_SEND_RESULT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_moment_send_result"; /** * The constant GET_MOMENT_COMMENTS. */ String GET_MOMENT_COMMENTS = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_moment_comments"; /** * The constant GET_GROUP_MSG_SEND_RESULT. */ String GET_GROUP_MSG_SEND_RESULT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_groupmsg_send_result"; /** * The constant GET_GROUP_MSG_TASK. */ String GET_GROUP_MSG_TASK = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_groupmsg_task"; /** * The constant GET_GROUP_MSG_LIST_V2. */ String GET_GROUP_MSG_LIST_V2 = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_groupmsg_list_v2"; /** * The constant GET_GROUP_MSG_RESULT. */ String GET_GROUP_MSG_RESULT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_group_msg_result"; /** * The constant GET_PRODUCT_ALBUM. */ String GET_PRODUCT_ALBUM = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_product_album"; /** * The constant GET_PRODUCT_ALBUM_LIST. */ String GET_PRODUCT_ALBUM_LIST = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_product_album_list"; /** * The constant ADD_PRODUCT_ALBUM. */ String ADD_PRODUCT_ALBUM = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/add_product_album"; /** * The constant UPDATE_PRODUCT_ALBUM. */ String UPDATE_PRODUCT_ALBUM = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/update_product_album"; /** * The constant DELETE_PRODUCT_ALBUM. */ String DELETE_PRODUCT_ALBUM = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/delete_product_album"; /** * The constant GROUP_WELCOME_TEMPLATE_ADD. */ String GROUP_WELCOME_TEMPLATE_ADD = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/group_welcome_template/add"; /** * The constant GROUP_WELCOME_TEMPLATE_EDIT. */ String GROUP_WELCOME_TEMPLATE_EDIT = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/group_welcome_template/edit"; /** * The constant GROUP_WELCOME_TEMPLATE_GET. */ String GROUP_WELCOME_TEMPLATE_GET = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/group_welcome_template/get"; /** * The constant GROUP_WELCOME_TEMPLATE_DEL. */ String GROUP_WELCOME_TEMPLATE_DEL = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/group_welcome_template/del"; /** * The constant UPLOAD_ATTACHMENT. */ String UPLOAD_ATTACHMENT = "/cgi-bin/media/upload_attachment"; /** * The constant GET_SUBSCRIBE_QR_CODE. */ String GET_SUBSCRIBE_QR_CODE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_subscribe_qr_code"; /** * The constant SET_SUBSCRIBE_MODE. */ String SET_SUBSCRIBE_MODE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/set_subscribe_mode"; /** * The constant GET_SUBSCRIBE_MODE. */ String GET_SUBSCRIBE_MODE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_subscribe_mode"; /** * The constant EXTERNAL_CONTACT_GET. */ String EXTERNAL_CONTACT_GET = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get?external_userid="; /** * The constant ADD_INTERCEPT_RULE. */ String ADD_INTERCEPT_RULE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/add_intercept_rule"; /** * The constant UPDATE_INTERCEPT_RULE. */ String UPDATE_INTERCEPT_RULE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/update_intercept_rule"; /** * The constant DEL_INTERCEPT_RULE. */ String DEL_INTERCEPT_RULE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/del_intercept_rule"; /** * 获取敏感词规则列表 */ String GET_INTERCEPT_RULE_LIST = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_intercept_rule_list"; /** * 获取敏感词规则详情 */ String GET_INTERCEPT_RULE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/get_intercept_rule"; /** * 获取当前仍然有效的获客链接 */ String CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION_LINK_LIST = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/customer_acquisition/list_link"; /** * 获取获客链接详情 */ String CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION_LINK_GET = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/customer_acquisition/get"; /** * 创建获客链接 */ String CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION_LINK_CREATE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/customer_acquisition/create_link"; /** * 编辑获客链接 */ String CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION_LINK_UPDATE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/customer_acquisition/update_link"; /** * 删除获客链接 */ String CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION_LINK_DELETE = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/customer_acquisition/delete_link"; /** * 获取获客客户列表 */ String CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION_CUSTOMER = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/customer_acquisition/customer"; /** * 查询剩余使用量 */ String CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION_QUOTA = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/customer_acquisition_quota"; /** * 查询链接使用详情 */ String CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION_STATISTIC = "/cgi-bin/externalcontact/customer_acquisition/statistic"; } /** * The interface Kf. */ interface Kf { /** * The constant ACCOUNT_ADD. */ String ACCOUNT_ADD = "/cgi-bin/kf/account/add"; /** * The constant ACCOUNT_UPD. */ String ACCOUNT_UPD = "/cgi-bin/kf/account/update"; /** * The constant ACCOUNT_DEL. */ String ACCOUNT_DEL = "/cgi-bin/kf/account/del"; /** * The constant ACCOUNT_LIST. */ String ACCOUNT_LIST = "/cgi-bin/kf/account/list"; /** * The constant ADD_CONTACT_WAY. */ String ADD_CONTACT_WAY = "/cgi-bin/kf/add_contact_way"; /** * The constant SERVICER_ADD. */ String SERVICER_ADD = "/cgi-bin/kf/servicer/add"; /** * The constant SERVICER_DEL. */ String SERVICER_DEL = "/cgi-bin/kf/servicer/del"; /** * The constant SERVICER_LIST. */ String SERVICER_LIST = "/cgi-bin/kf/servicer/list?open_kfid="; /** * The constant SERVICE_STATE_GET. */ String SERVICE_STATE_GET = "/cgi-bin/kf/service_state/get"; /** * The constant SERVICE_STATE_TRANS. */ String SERVICE_STATE_TRANS = "/cgi-bin/kf/service_state/trans"; /** * The constant SYNC_MSG. */ String SYNC_MSG = "/cgi-bin/kf/sync_msg"; /** * The constant SEND_MSG. */ String SEND_MSG = "/cgi-bin/kf/send_msg"; /** * The constant SEND_MSG_ON_EVENT. */ String SEND_MSG_ON_EVENT = "/cgi-bin/kf/send_msg_on_event"; /** * The constant CUSTOMER_BATCH_GET. */ String CUSTOMER_BATCH_GET = "/cgi-bin/kf/customer/batchget"; /** * The constant GET_CORP_STATISTIC. */ String GET_CORP_STATISTIC = "/cgi-bin/kf/get_corp_statistic"; /** * The constant GET_SERVICER_STATISTIC. */ String GET_SERVICER_STATISTIC = "/cgi-bin/kf/get_servicer_statistic"; /** * The constant CUSTOMER_GET_UPGRADE_SERVICE_CONFIG. */ String CUSTOMER_GET_UPGRADE_SERVICE_CONFIG = "/cgi-bin/kf/customer/get_upgrade_service_config"; /** * The constant CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_SERVICE. */ String CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_SERVICE = "/cgi-bin/kf/customer/upgrade_service"; /** * The constant CUSTOMER_CANCEL_UPGRADE_SERVICE. */ String CUSTOMER_CANCEL_UPGRADE_SERVICE = "/cgi-bin/kf/customer/cancel_upgrade_service"; } /** * The interface Export. */ interface Export { /** * The constant SIMPLE_USER. */ String SIMPLE_USER = "/cgi-bin/export/simple_user"; /** * The constant USER. */ String USER = "/cgi-bin/export/user"; /** * The constant DEPARTMENT. */ String DEPARTMENT = "/cgi-bin/export/department"; /** * The constant TAG_USER. */ String TAG_USER = "/cgi-bin/export/taguser"; /** * The constant GET_RESULT. */ String GET_RESULT = "/cgi-bin/export/get_result?jobid=%s"; } interface CorpGroup { /** * 获取应用共享信息 * */ String LIST_SHARE_APP_INFO = "/cgi-bin/corpgroup/corp/list_app_share_info"; /** * 获取下级/下游企业的access_token * */ String CORP_GET_TOKEN = "/cgi-bin/corpgroup/corp/gettoken"; /** * 获取下级/下游企业小程序session * */ String MA_TRANSFER_SESSION = "/cgi-bin/miniprogram/transfer_session"; } interface LinkedCorp { /** * 获取应用的可见范围 * */ String GET_PERM_LIST = "/cgi-bin/linkedcorp/agent/get_perm_list"; /** * 获取互联企业成员详细信息 * */ String GET_USER = "/cgi-bin/linkedcorp/user/get"; /** * 获取互联企业部门成员 * */ String GET_USER_SIMPLELIST = "/cgi-bin/linkedcorp/user/simplelist"; /** * 获取互联企业部门成员详情 * */ String GET_USER_LIST = "/cgi-bin/linkedcorp/user/list"; /** * 获取互联企业部门列表 * */ String GET_DEPARTMENT_LIST = "/cgi-bin/linkedcorp/department/list"; /** * 发送应用消息 * */ String SENG_MESSAGE = "/cgi-bin/linkedcorp/message/send"; } interface IdConvert { /** * 将企业主体下的客户标签ID转换成服务商主体下的客户标签ID。 */ String EXTERNAL_TAG_ID = "/cgi-bin/idconvert/external_tagid"; /** * 将微信客户的unionid转为第三方主体的external_userid * 该接口有调用频率限制,当subject_type为0时,按企业作如下的限制:10万次/小时、48万次/天、750万次/月 */ String UNION_ID_TO_EXTERNAL_USER_ID = "/cgi-bin/idconvert/unionid_to_external_userid"; /** * 将企业主体下的微信客服ID转换成服务商主体下的微信客服ID */ String OPEN_KF_ID = "/cgi-bin/idconvert/open_kfid"; /** * 将应用获取的外部用户临时idtmp_external_userid,转换为external_userid。 */ String CONVERT_TMP_EXTERNAL_USER_ID = "/cgi-bin/idconvert/convert_tmp_external_userid"; } }

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