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 * @author Francesco Baldi
 * @mail [email protected]
 * @class

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
import javax.persistence.OneToOne;
import javax.persistence.Transient;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;

import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.text.StringSubstitutor;

import com.bld.processor.exception.ProcessorJpaServiceException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;

import bld.commons.classes.attributes.ClassType;
import bld.commons.classes.attributes.LevelType;
import bld.commons.classes.attributes.PrimitiveType;
import bld.commons.classes.model.ModelAnnotation;
import bld.commons.classes.model.ModelClass;
import bld.commons.classes.model.ModelClasses;
import bld.commons.classes.model.ModelField;
import bld.commons.classes.model.ModelGenericType;
import bld.commons.classes.model.ModelMethod;
import bld.commons.classes.model.ModelSuperClass;
import bld.commons.processor.ConditionType;
import bld.commons.processor.annotations.ConditionBuilder;
import bld.commons.processor.annotations.CustomConditionBuilder;
import bld.commons.processor.annotations.JpqlOrderBuilder;
import bld.commons.processor.annotations.NativeOrderBuilder;
import bld.commons.processor.annotations.OrderAlias;
import bld.commons.processor.annotations.QueryBuilder;
import bld.commons.reflection.utils.ReflectionCommons;
import bld.commons.service.BaseJpaService;

 * The Class ClassBuilding.
public class ClassBuilding {

	private static final String ID = "";

	private static final String ORD = "ord_";

	/** The Constant JOINS. */
	private static final String JOINS = "joins";

	/** The Constant CONDITIONS. */
	private static final String CONDITIONS = "conditions";

	/** The Constant SPACE. */
	private static final String SPACE = "        ";

	/** The Constant OVERRIDE. */
	private static final String OVERRIDE = "Override";

	/** The Constant FROM_BY_FILTER. */
	private static final String FROM_BY_FILTER = "FROM_BY_FILTER";

	/** The Constant COUNT_BY_FILTER. */
	private static final String COUNT_BY_FILTER = "COUNT_BY_FILTER";

	/** The Constant SELECT_BY_FILTER. */
	private static final String SELECT_BY_FILTER = "SELECT_BY_FILTER";

	private static final String SELECT_ID_BY_FILTER = "SELECT_ID_BY_FILTER";

	/** The Constant DELETE_BY_FILTER. */
	private static final String DELETE_BY_FILTER = "DELETE_BY_FILTER";

	/** The Constant STRING. */
	private static final String STRING = "String";

	/** The Constant COMPONENT. */
	private static final String COMPONENT = "Component";

	/** The Constant QUERY_JPQL. */
	private static final String QUERY_JPQL = "QueryJpql";

	/** The Constant QUERY_JPQL_IMPL. */
	private static final String QUERY_JPQL_IMPL = QUERY_JPQL + "Impl";

	/** The Constant ANNOTATION_COMPONENT. */
	private static final ModelAnnotation ANNOTATION_COMPONENT = getModelAnnotation(COMPONENT);

	/** The Constant ANNOTATION_OVERRIDE. */
	private static final ModelAnnotation ANNOTATION_OVERRIDE = new ModelAnnotation(OVERRIDE);

	/** The Constant SELECT_BY_FILTER_METHOD. */
	private static final ModelMethod SELECT_BY_FILTER_METHOD = returnMethodService("selectByFilter", STRING, SPACE + "return " + SELECT_BY_FILTER + ";", LevelType.PUBLIC);

	private static final ModelMethod SELECT_ID_BY_FILTER_METHOD = returnMethodService("selectIdByFilter", STRING, SPACE + "return " + SELECT_ID_BY_FILTER + ";", LevelType.PUBLIC);

	/** The Constant COUNT_BY_FILTER_METHOD. */
	private static final ModelMethod COUNT_BY_FILTER_METHOD = returnMethodService("countByFilter", STRING, SPACE + "return " + COUNT_BY_FILTER + ";", LevelType.PUBLIC);

	/** The Constant DELETE_BY_FILTER_METHOD. */
	private static final ModelMethod DELETE_BY_FILTER_METHOD = returnMethodService("deleteByFilter", STRING, SPACE + "return " + DELETE_BY_FILTER + ";", LevelType.PUBLIC);

	/** The Constant MAP_CONDITIONS_FIELD. */
	private static final ModelField MAP_CONDITIONS_FIELD = getFieldMapConditions("MAP_CONDITIONS", "getMapConditions()");

	private static final ModelField MAP_NATIVE_CONDITIONS_FIELD = getFieldMapNativeConditions("MAP_NATIVE_CONDITIONS", "getMapNativeConditions()");
	private static final ModelField MAP_NATIVE_ORDERS_FIELD = getFieldMapConditions("MAP_NATIVE_ORDERS", "getMapNativeOrders()");
	private static final ModelField MAP_JPA_ORDERS_FIELD = getFieldMapConditions("MAP_JPA_ORDERS", "getMapJpaOrders()");

	/** The Constant MAP_CONDITIONS_METHOD. */
	private static final ModelMethod MAP_CONDITIONS_METHOD = getConditions("mapConditions", "return MAP_CONDITIONS;");

	private static final ModelMethod MAP_DELETE_CONDITIONS_METHOD = getConditions("mapDeleteConditions", "return MAP_DELETE_CONDITIONS;");

	private static final ModelMethod MAP_NATIVE_CONDITIONS_METHOD = getNativeConditions("mapNativeConditions", "return MAP_NATIVE_CONDITIONS;");
	private static final ModelMethod MAP_NATIVE_ORDERS_METHOD = getConditions("mapNativeOrders", "return MAP_NATIVE_ORDERS;");
	private static final ModelMethod MAP_JPA_ORDERS_METHOD = getConditions("mapJpaOrders", "return MAP_JPA_ORDERS;");

	private static final ModelField MAP_DELETE_CONDITIONS_FIELD = getFieldMapConditions("MAP_DELETE_CONDITIONS", "getMapDeleteConditions()");

	/** The map class field. */
	private static Map mapClassField = new HashMap<>();

	private static Map> mapListConditions = new HashMap<>();

	 * Generate query class.
	 * @param modelClasses     the model classes
	 * @param type             the type
	 * @param servicePackage   the service package
	 * @param processingEnv    the processing env
	 * @param queryBuilder     the query builder
	 * @param annotationMirror the annotation mirror
	 * @param typeService      the type service
	 * @throws Exception the exception
	public static void generateQueryClass(ModelClasses modelClasses, TypeElement type, String servicePackage, ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, QueryBuilder queryBuilder, AnnotationMirror annotationMirror, TypeElement typeService)
			throws Exception {
		mapListConditions = new HashMap<>();
		ModelClass classQueryJpql = new ModelClass();
		ModelClass interfaceQueryJpql = new ModelClass();
		String classEntity = type.getQualifiedName().toString().substring(type.getQualifiedName().toString().lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
		String fieldEntity = Character.toLowerCase(classEntity.charAt(0)) + classEntity.substring(1);
		classQueryJpql.setName(classEntity + QUERY_JPQL_IMPL);
		interfaceQueryJpql.setName(classEntity + QUERY_JPQL);
		TypeElement typeElement = type;

		List mapBaseConditions = new ArrayList<>();
		List mapNativeConditions = new ArrayList<>();
		List mapConditions = new ArrayList<>();
		List mapDeleteConditions = new ArrayList<>();
		Set mapJpaOrders = new LinkedHashSet<>();
		List mapNativeOrders = new ArrayList<>();
		LinkedHashSet mapOneToMany = new LinkedHashSet<>();
		// classQueryJpql.getImports().add("bld.commons.service.BaseJpaService");
		mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "Map map=new HashMap<>();");
		mapDeleteConditions.add(SPACE + "Map map=getMapBaseConditions();");
		mapConditions.add(SPACE + "Map map=getMapBaseConditions();");
		mapNativeConditions.add(SPACE + "Map> map=new HashMap<>();");
		mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "Map map=new HashMap<>();");
		mapNativeOrders.add(SPACE + "Map map=new HashMap<>();");
		Map mapOrder = new HashMap<>();
		Map mapAlias = new HashMap<>();
		mapAlias.put(fieldEntity, new QueryDetail(fieldEntity, fieldEntity, mapClassField.get(type.asType().toString())));
		Set aliases = new HashSet<>();
		String distinct = " distinct";
		if (!queryBuilder.distinct())
			distinct = "";
		String selectByFilter = "\"select" + distinct + " " + fieldEntity + "\"";

		String selectIdByFilter = "\"select" + distinct + " " + ID + " \"";

		String deleteByFilter = "\"delete from " + classEntity + " " + fieldEntity + " \"";
		// + " where 1=1 \"";

		String countByFilter = "\"select" + distinct + " count(" + fieldEntity + ")\"";
		String fromByFilter = " From " + classEntity + " " + fieldEntity + " \"";
		Set elements = mapClassField.get(type.getQualifiedName().toString()).getElements();
		Set manyProps = new HashSet<>();
		Set keyConditions = new TreeSet<>();
		for (Element element : elements) {
			String elementToString = element.asType().toString().trim();
			if (elementToString.contains(" "))
				elementToString = elementToString.substring(elementToString.lastIndexOf(" ")).trim();
			ClassField classField = mapClassField.get(elementToString);

			String fieldName = element.getSimpleName().toString();
			if (element.getAnnotation(EmbeddedId.class) != null || element.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null) {

				if (element.getAnnotation(EmbeddedId.class) != null) {
					TypeElement typeElementId = (TypeElement) processingEnv.getTypeUtils().asElement(element.asType());
					Set fieldElementsId = new HashSet<>();
					do {
						for (Element elementId : typeElementId.getEnclosedElements()) {
							if (ElementKind.FIELD.equals(elementId.getKind()) && !fieldElementsId.contains(elementId) && elementId.getAnnotation(Column.class) != null) {
								mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + elementId.getSimpleName().toString() + ", \" and " + fieldEntity + ".id." + elementId.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:" + elementId.getSimpleName().toString() + ") \");");
										SPACE + "map.put(" + elementId.getSimpleName().toString() + "Not, \" and " + fieldEntity + ".id." + elementId.getSimpleName().toString() + " not in (:" + elementId.getSimpleName().toString() + "Not) \");");
								mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "map.put(\"" + fieldEntity + ".id." + elementId.getSimpleName().toString() + "\",\"" + fieldEntity + ".id." + elementId.getSimpleName().toString() + "\");");
								keyConditions.add(elementId.getSimpleName().toString() + "Not");
						TypeMirror superClassIdTypeMirror = typeElementId.getSuperclass();
						typeElementId = (TypeElement) processingEnv.getTypeUtils().asElement(superClassIdTypeMirror);
					} while (!Object.class.getName().equals(typeElementId.getQualifiedName().toString()));

				} else {
					mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + element.getSimpleName().toString() + ", \" and " + fieldEntity + "." + element.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:" + element.getSimpleName().toString() + ") \");");
					mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "map.put(\"" + fieldEntity + "." + element.getSimpleName().toString() + "\",\"" + fieldEntity + "." + element.getSimpleName().toString() + "\");");
				mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(id, \" and " + fieldEntity + "." + element.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:id) \");");
				selectIdByFilter = selectIdByFilter.replace(ID, fieldEntity + "." + element.getSimpleName().toString());

			} else if (element.getAnnotation(Column.class) != null) {

				Class classFieldElement = PrimitiveType.getClass(element.asType().toString());
				if (classFieldElement == null)
					classFieldElement = Class.forName(element.asType().toString());
				if (Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(classFieldElement) || Date.class.isAssignableFrom(classFieldElement) || Timestamp.class.isAssignableFrom(classFieldElement)) {
					mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + fieldName + "From, \" and :" + fieldName + "From<=" + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + " \");");
					mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + fieldName + "To, \" and " + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + "<=:" + fieldName + "To \");");
					mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + fieldName + ", \" and " + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + "=:" + fieldName + " \");");
					keyConditions.add(fieldName + "From");
					keyConditions.add(fieldName + "To");
				} else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(classFieldElement)) {
					mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + fieldName + ", \" and upper(" + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + ") like :" + fieldName + " \");");
				} else if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(classFieldElement)) {
					mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + fieldName + ", \" and " + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + "= :" + fieldName + " \");");
				} else {
					mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + fieldName + ", \" and " + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + " in (:" + fieldName + ") \");");
				mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "map.put(\"" + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + "\",\"" + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + "\");");

			} else if (element.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class) != null) {
				JoinColumn joinColumn = element.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
				boolean nullable = element.getAnnotation(NotNull.class) != null || !joinColumn.nullable() ? false : true;
				fromByFilter = fromManyAndOneToOne(fieldEntity, mapAlias, aliases, fromByFilter, classField, fieldName, nullable);
				Set listFieldReference = classField.getElements();
				for (Element fieldReference : listFieldReference) {
					if (fieldReference.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null || fieldReference.getAnnotation(EmbeddedId.class) != null) {
						mapConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + ", \" and " + fieldName + "." + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:" + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + ") \");");
						mapDeleteConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + ", \" and " + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + "." + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:"
								+ fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + ") \");");
						mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "map.put(\"" + fieldName + "." + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + "\",\"" + fieldName + "." + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + "\");");
			} else if (element.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class) != null) {
				fromByFilter = fromManyAndOneToOne(fieldEntity, mapAlias, aliases, fromByFilter, classField, fieldName, nullableOneToOne(element));
			} else if (element.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class) != null || element.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class) != null) {
				DeclaredType dclt = (DeclaredType) element.asType();
				ClassField classFieldRefernce = mapClassField.get(dclt.getTypeArguments().get(0).toString());
				Map mapField = classFieldRefernce.getMapElement();
				Element fieldReference = null;
				Set listReferenceField = classFieldRefernce.getElements();
				if (element.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class) != null) {
					OneToMany oneToMany = element.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
					fieldReference = mapField.get(oneToMany.mappedBy());
					for (Element fieldOneToMany : listReferenceField) {
						if (fieldOneToMany.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null && fieldReference.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class) != null) {
							JoinColumn joinColumn = fieldReference.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
							String keyProps = fieldOneToMany.getSimpleName().toString();
							if (manyProps.contains(keyProps))
								keyProps = fieldName + Character.toUpperCase(fieldOneToMany.getSimpleName().toString().charAt(0)) + fieldOneToMany.getSimpleName().toString().substring(1);
							mapOneToMany.add(SPACE + "addJoinOneToMany(" + keyProps + ", \" left join fetch " + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + " " + fieldName + " \");");
							mapConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + keyProps + ", \" and " + fieldName + "." + fieldOneToMany.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:" + keyProps + ") \");");
							mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "map.put(\"" + fieldName + "." + fieldOneToMany.getSimpleName().toString() + "\",\"" + fieldName + "." + fieldOneToMany.getSimpleName().toString() + "\");");
							QueryDetail queryDetail = new QueryDetail(fieldName, fieldName, joinColumn.nullable(), true, classFieldRefernce);
							mapAlias.put(fieldEntity + "." + fieldName, queryDetail);

				} else {
					for (Element fieldManyToMany : listReferenceField) {
						if (fieldManyToMany.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null) {
							String keyProps = fieldManyToMany.getSimpleName().toString();
							if (manyProps.contains(keyProps))
								keyProps = fieldName + Character.toUpperCase(fieldManyToMany.getSimpleName().toString().charAt(0)) + fieldManyToMany.getSimpleName().toString().substring(1);
							mapOneToMany.add(SPACE + "addJoinOneToMany(" + keyProps + ", \" left join fetch " + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + " " + fieldName + " \");");
							mapConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + keyProps + ", \" and " + fieldName + "." + fieldManyToMany.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:" + keyProps + ") \");");
							mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "map.put(\"" + fieldName + "." + fieldManyToMany.getSimpleName().toString() + "\",\"" + fieldName + "." + fieldManyToMany.getSimpleName().toString() + "\");");
							QueryDetail queryDetail = new QueryDetail(fieldName, fieldName, false, true, classFieldRefernce);
							mapAlias.put(fieldEntity + "." + fieldName, queryDetail);



		for (String joinPath : queryBuilder.joins()) {
			LinkedHashSet manies = new LinkedHashSet<>();
			fromByFilter = buildJoin(type, processingEnv, mapConditions, mapOneToMany, mapAlias, aliases, fromByFilter, manyProps, joinPath, null, typeService, annotationMirror, JOINS, manies, keyConditions);

		for (ConditionBuilder condition : queryBuilder.conditions()) {
			String joinPath = condition.field().substring(0, condition.field().lastIndexOf("."));
			String field = condition.field().substring(condition.field().lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
			LinkedHashSet manies = new LinkedHashSet<>();
			fromByFilter = buildJoin(type, processingEnv, mapConditions, mapOneToMany, mapAlias, aliases, fromByFilter, manyProps, joinPath, condition.parameter(), typeService, annotationMirror, CONDITIONS, manies, keyConditions);
			QueryDetail queryDetail = mapAlias.get(joinPath);
			if (queryDetail == null) {
				String errorMessage = "The field path \"" + condition.field() + "\" is not valid";
				AnnotationValue annotationValue = getAnnotationValue(annotationMirror, CONDITIONS);
				processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.ERROR, errorMessage, typeService, annotationMirror, annotationValue);
				throw new ProcessorJpaServiceException(errorMessage);

			ClassField classField = queryDetail.getClassField();

			Element fieldElement = classField.getMapElement().get(field);
			if (fieldElement == null) {
				AnnotationValue annotationValue = getAnnotationValue(annotationMirror, CONDITIONS);
				String errorMessage = "The \"" + field + "\" field does not exist";
				processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.ERROR, errorMessage, typeService, annotationMirror, annotationValue);
				throw new ProcessorJpaServiceException(errorMessage);

			Class classFieldElement = PrimitiveType.getClass(fieldElement.asType().toString());
			if (classFieldElement == null)
				classFieldElement = Class.forName(fieldElement.asType().toString());

			if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(classFieldElement)) {
				mapConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + condition.parameter() + ", \" and (" + condition.upperLower().getFunction() + "(" + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + field + ") "
						+ condition.operation().getValue().replace(BaseJpaService.KEY_PROPERTY, ":" + condition.parameter()) + (condition.nullable() ? " or " + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + field + " is null " : "") + ")\");");
				mapDeleteConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + condition.parameter() + ", \" and (" + condition.upperLower().getFunction() + "(" + condition.field() + ") "
						+ condition.operation().getValue().replace(BaseJpaService.KEY_PROPERTY, ":" + condition.parameter()) + (condition.nullable() ? " or " + condition.field() + " is null " : "") + ") \");");
			} else {
				mapConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + condition.parameter() + ", \" and (" + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + field + " " + condition.operation().getValue().replace(BaseJpaService.KEY_PROPERTY, ":" + condition.parameter())
						+ (condition.nullable() ? " or " + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + field + " is null " : "") + ")\");");
				mapDeleteConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + condition.parameter() + ", \" and (" + condition.field() + " " + condition.operation().getValue().replace(BaseJpaService.KEY_PROPERTY, ":" + condition.parameter())
						+ (condition.nullable() ? " or " + condition.field() + " is null " : "") + ")\");");
			mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "map.put(\"" + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + field + "\",\"" + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + field + "\");");
			if (queryDetail.isMany()) {
				// manies.add("\"" + (queryDetail.isNullable() ? " left" : "") + " join fetch "
				// + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + field + " " + getAlias(aliases, field) + "
				// \"");
				mapOneToMany.add(SPACE + "addJoinOneToMany(" + condition.parameter() + ", " + printManies(manies) + " );");


		for (CustomConditionBuilder customCondition : queryBuilder.customConditions())
			writeCustomCondition(mapConditions, mapDeleteConditions, customCondition, keyConditions);
		for (CustomConditionBuilder customCondition : queryBuilder.customNativeConditions()) {
			nativeCondition(customCondition, classQueryJpql);
			//mapNativeConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + customCondition.parameter() + ", \" " + customCondition.condition().trim() + " \");");

		for (Entry> conditions : mapListConditions.entrySet()) {
			String method="get" + Character.toUpperCase(conditions.getKey().charAt(0)) + conditions.getKey().substring(1);
			ModelMethod methodConditions = getMapConditions(method, conditions.getValue());
			mapNativeConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(\"" + conditions.getKey() + "\"," + method + "());");

		for (JpqlOrderBuilder orderBuilder : queryBuilder.jpaOrder()) {
			if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(orderBuilder.alias())) {
				Map mapping = new HashMap<>();
				for (OrderAlias alias : orderBuilder.alias()) {
					String joinPath = alias.field().substring(0, alias.field().lastIndexOf("."));
					String field = alias.field().substring(alias.field().lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
					LinkedHashSet manies = new LinkedHashSet<>();
					fromByFilter = buildJoin(type, processingEnv, mapConditions, mapOneToMany, mapAlias, aliases, fromByFilter, manyProps, joinPath, orderBuilder.key(), typeService, annotationMirror, CONDITIONS, manies, keyConditions);
					QueryDetail queryDetail = mapAlias.get(joinPath);
					if (queryDetail == null) {
						String errorMessage = "The field path \"" + orderBuilder.order() + "\" is not valid";
						AnnotationValue annotationValue = getAnnotationValue(annotationMirror, CONDITIONS);
						processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.ERROR, errorMessage, typeService, annotationMirror, annotationValue);
						throw new ProcessorJpaServiceException(errorMessage);
					mapping.put(alias.alias(), queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + field);

				StringSubstitutor stringSubstitutor = new StringSubstitutor(mapping);
				String order = stringSubstitutor.replace(orderBuilder.order()).trim();
				mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + ORD + orderBuilder.key().replace(".", "_") + ", \" " + order + " \");");

			} else {
				String joinPath = orderBuilder.order().substring(0, orderBuilder.order().lastIndexOf("."));
				String field = orderBuilder.order().substring(orderBuilder.order().lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
				LinkedHashSet manies = new LinkedHashSet<>();
				fromByFilter = buildJoin(type, processingEnv, mapConditions, mapOneToMany, mapAlias, aliases, fromByFilter, manyProps, joinPath, orderBuilder.key(), typeService, annotationMirror, CONDITIONS, manies, keyConditions);
				QueryDetail queryDetail = mapAlias.get(joinPath);
				if (queryDetail == null) {
					String errorMessage = "The field path \"" + orderBuilder.order() + "\" is not valid";
					AnnotationValue annotationValue = getAnnotationValue(annotationMirror, CONDITIONS);
					processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.ERROR, errorMessage, typeService, annotationMirror, annotationValue);
					throw new ProcessorJpaServiceException(errorMessage);
				mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + ORD + orderBuilder.key().replace(".", "_") + ", \" " + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + field + " \");");
			keyConditions.add(ORD + orderBuilder.key().replace(".", "_"));
			mapOrder.put(ORD + orderBuilder.key().replace(".", "_"), orderBuilder.key());

		for (NativeOrderBuilder orderBuilder : queryBuilder.nativeOrder()) {
			mapNativeOrders.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + ORD + orderBuilder.key().replace(".", "_") + ", \" " + orderBuilder.order().trim() + " \");");
			keyConditions.add(ORD + orderBuilder.key().replace(".", "_"));
			mapOrder.put(ORD + orderBuilder.key().replace(".", "_"), orderBuilder.key());

		TypeMirror superClassTypeMirror = typeElement.getSuperclass();
		typeElement = (TypeElement) processingEnv.getTypeUtils().asElement(superClassTypeMirror);

		// fromByFilter += "\n" + SPACE + "+\" \"+BaseJpaService.ONE_TO_MANY+\" where
		// 1=1 ";
		fromByFilter = fromByFilter.substring(0, fromByFilter.length() - 1);
		ModelField fromByFilterField = finalStaticField(FROM_BY_FILTER, STRING, fromByFilter, true);
		ModelField countByFilterField = finalStaticField(COUNT_BY_FILTER, STRING, countByFilter + "+" + FROM_BY_FILTER, false);
		ModelField selectByFilterField = finalStaticField(SELECT_BY_FILTER, STRING, selectByFilter + "+" + FROM_BY_FILTER, false);
		ModelField selectIdByFilterField = finalStaticField(SELECT_ID_BY_FILTER, STRING, selectIdByFilter + "+" + FROM_BY_FILTER, false);
		ModelField deletetByFilterField = finalStaticField(DELETE_BY_FILTER, STRING, deleteByFilter, false);

		for (String keyCondition : keyConditions)
			interfaceQueryJpql.addFields(finalStaticField(keyCondition, STRING, mapOrder.containsKey(keyCondition) ? mapOrder.get(keyCondition) : keyCondition, true, LevelType.PUBLIC));




		mapConditions.add(SPACE + "return map;");
		mapBaseConditions.add(SPACE + "return map;");
		mapDeleteConditions.add(SPACE + "return map;");
		mapNativeConditions.add(SPACE + "return map;");
		mapJpaOrders.add(SPACE + "return map;");
		mapNativeOrders.add(SPACE + "return map;");
		ModelMethod staticMapConditions = getMapConditions("getMapConditions", mapConditions);
		ModelMethod staticMapBaseConditions = getMapConditions("getMapBaseConditions", mapBaseConditions);
		ModelMethod staticMapDeleteConditions = getMapConditions("getMapDeleteConditions", mapDeleteConditions);
		ModelMethod staticMapNativeConditions = getMapNativeConditions("getMapNativeConditions", mapNativeConditions);
		ModelMethod staticMapNativeOrders = getMapConditions("getMapNativeOrders", mapNativeOrders);
		ModelMethod staticMapJpaOrders = getMapConditions("getMapJpaOrders", mapJpaOrders);


		ModelMethod mapConditionsMethod = MAP_CONDITIONS_METHOD;
		ModelMethod mapDeleteConditionsMethod = MAP_DELETE_CONDITIONS_METHOD;
		ModelMethod mapNativeConditionsMethod = MAP_NATIVE_CONDITIONS_METHOD;
		ModelMethod mapNativeOrdersMethod = MAP_NATIVE_ORDERS_METHOD;
		ModelMethod mapJpaOrdersMethod = MAP_JPA_ORDERS_METHOD;

		ModelMethod mapOneToManyMethod = new ModelMethod("mapOneToMany", "void");



	private static void nativeCondition(CustomConditionBuilder customCondition, ModelClass classQueryJpql) throws JsonProcessingException {
		for(String key:customCondition.keys()) {
			List mapNativeConditions = null;
			if (!mapListConditions.containsKey(key)) {
				mapNativeConditions = new ArrayList<>();
				mapNativeConditions.add(SPACE + "Map map=new HashMap<>();");
				mapNativeConditions.add(SPACE + "return map;");
				mapListConditions.put(key, mapNativeConditions);
			mapNativeConditions = mapListConditions.get(key);
			mapNativeConditions.add(1, SPACE + "map.put(" + customCondition.parameter() + ", \" " + customCondition.condition().trim() + " \");");

	 * From many and one to one.
	 * @param fieldEntity  the field entity
	 * @param mapAlias     the map alias
	 * @param aliases      the aliases
	 * @param fromByFilter the from by filter
	 * @param classField   the class field
	 * @param fieldName    the field name
	 * @param nullable     the nullable
	 * @return the string
	private static String fromManyAndOneToOne(String fieldEntity, Map mapAlias, Set aliases, String fromByFilter, ClassField classField, String fieldName, boolean nullable) {
		String alias = getAlias(aliases, fieldName);
		fromByFilter += "\n" + SPACE + "+\"" + (nullable ? " left" : "") + " join fetch " + fieldEntity + "." + fieldName + " " + alias + " \"";
		QueryDetail queryDetail = new QueryDetail(alias, fieldName, nullable, classField);
		mapAlias.put(fieldEntity + "." + fieldName, queryDetail);
		return fromByFilter;

	 * Gets the annotation value.
	 * @param annotationMirror the annotation mirror
	 * @param element          the element
	 * @return the annotation value
	private static AnnotationValue getAnnotationValue(AnnotationMirror annotationMirror, String element) {
		for (Entry entryAnnotation : annotationMirror.getElementValues().entrySet()) {
			if (entryAnnotation.getKey().getSimpleName().toString().equals(element))
				return entryAnnotation.getValue();
		return null;

	 * Write custom condition.
	 * @param conditions       the conditions
	 * @param deleteConditions the delete conditions
	 * @param customCondition  the custom condition
	 * @param keyConditions    the key conditions
	private static void writeCustomCondition(List conditions, List deleteConditions, CustomConditionBuilder customCondition, Set keyConditions) {
		String condition = SPACE + "map.put(" + customCondition.parameter() + ", \" " + customCondition.condition().trim() + " \");";
		if (ConditionType.SELECT.equals(customCondition.type()))

	 * Builds the join.
	 * @param type              the type
	 * @param processingEnv     the processing env
	 * @param mapConditions     the map conditions
	 * @param mapOneToMany      the map one to many
	 * @param mapAlias          the map alias
	 * @param aliases           the aliases
	 * @param fromByFilter      the from by filter
	 * @param manyProps         the many props
	 * @param joinPath          the join path
	 * @param parameter         the parameter
	 * @param typeService       the type service
	 * @param annotationMirror  the annotation mirror
	 * @param elementAnnotation the element annotation
	 * @param manies            the manies
	 * @param keyConditions     the key conditions
	 * @return the string
	private static String buildJoin(TypeElement type, ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, List mapConditions, LinkedHashSet mapOneToMany, Map mapAlias, Set aliases, String fromByFilter,
			Set manyProps, String joinPath, String parameter, TypeElement typeService, AnnotationMirror annotationMirror, String elementAnnotation, LinkedHashSet manies, Set keyConditions) {
		List joins = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(joinPath.split("\\.")));
		QueryDetail queryDetail = null;
		String alias = null;
		String key = joins.get(0);
		String classJoin = null;

		if (type.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class) != null || type.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class) != null) {
			DeclaredType dclt = (DeclaredType) type.asType();
			classJoin = dclt.getTypeArguments().get(0).toString();
		} else
			classJoin = type.getQualifiedName().toString();

		if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(joins))
		for (String join : joins) {
			ClassField classFieldJoin = mapClassField.get(classJoin);
			Element elementJoin = classFieldJoin.getMapElement().get(join);
			if (elementJoin == null) {
				String errorMessage = "Not exist element with name \"" + key + "." + join + "\"";
				AnnotationValue annotationValue = getAnnotationValue(annotationMirror, elementAnnotation);
				processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.ERROR, errorMessage, typeService, annotationMirror, annotationValue);
				throw new ProcessorJpaServiceException(errorMessage);
			classJoin = elementJoin.asType().toString();
			boolean nullable = queryDetail != null ? queryDetail.isNullable() : false;
			boolean many = queryDetail != null ? queryDetail.isMany() : false;
			key += "." + join;
			if (mapAlias.containsKey(key)) {
				QueryDetail appQueryDetail = mapAlias.get(key);
				if (appQueryDetail != null && appQueryDetail.isMany()) {
					String className = queryDetail != null ? queryDetail.getAlias() : key;
					manies.add("\" left join fetch " + className + " " + appQueryDetail.getAlias() + " \"");
				queryDetail = appQueryDetail;
			} else {
				alias = getAlias(aliases, join);
				if (elementJoin.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class) != null) {
					DeclaredType dclt = (DeclaredType) elementJoin.asType();
					classJoin = dclt.getTypeArguments().get(0).toString();
					ClassField classFieldRefernce = mapClassField.get(classJoin);
					Map mapField = classFieldRefernce.getMapElement();
					Element fieldReference = null;
					Set listReferenceField = classFieldRefernce.getElements();
					OneToMany oneToMany = elementJoin.getAnnotation(OneToMany.class);
					fieldReference = mapField.get(oneToMany.mappedBy());
					for (Element fieldOneToMany : listReferenceField) {
						if (fieldOneToMany.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null && fieldReference.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class) != null) {
							JoinColumn joinColumn = fieldReference.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
							String keyProps = fieldOneToMany.getSimpleName().toString();
							if (manyProps.contains(keyProps))
								keyProps = alias + Character.toUpperCase(fieldOneToMany.getSimpleName().toString().charAt(0)) + fieldOneToMany.getSimpleName().toString().substring(1);
							manies.add(" left join fetch " + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + join + " " + alias + " \"");
							mapOneToMany.add(SPACE + "addJoinOneToMany(" + keyProps + ", " + printManies(manies) + " );");
							mapConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + keyProps + ", \" and " + alias + "." + fieldOneToMany.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:" + keyProps + ") \");");
							queryDetail = new QueryDetail(alias, key, joinColumn.nullable() || nullable, true, classFieldRefernce);
							mapAlias.put(key, queryDetail);

				} else if (elementJoin.getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class) != null) {
					DeclaredType dclt = (DeclaredType) elementJoin.asType();
					classJoin = dclt.getTypeArguments().get(0).toString();
					ClassField classFieldRefernce = mapClassField.get(classJoin);
					Set listReferenceField = classFieldRefernce.getElements();
					for (Element fieldManyToMany : listReferenceField) {
						if (fieldManyToMany.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null) {
							String keyProps = fieldManyToMany.getSimpleName().toString();
							if (manyProps.contains(keyProps))
								keyProps = alias + Character.toUpperCase(fieldManyToMany.getSimpleName().toString().charAt(0)) + fieldManyToMany.getSimpleName().toString().substring(1);
							manies.add(" left join fetch " + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + join + " " + alias + " \"");
							mapOneToMany.add(SPACE + "addJoinOneToMany(" + keyProps + ", " + printManies(manies) + " );");
							mapConditions.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + keyProps + ", \" and " + alias + "." + fieldManyToMany.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:" + keyProps + ") \");");
							queryDetail = new QueryDetail(alias, key, nullable, true, classFieldRefernce);
							mapAlias.put(key, queryDetail);
				} else if (elementJoin.getAnnotation(ManyToOne.class) != null) {
					nullable = nullable || elementJoin.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class).nullable();
					if (!many)
						fromByFilter += "\n" + SPACE + "+\"" + (nullable ? " left" : "") + " join fetch " + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + join + " " + alias + " \"";
					else {
						ClassField classField = mapClassField.get(elementJoin.asType().toString());
						Set listFieldReference = classField.getElements();
						for (Element fieldReference : listFieldReference) {
							if (fieldReference.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null || fieldReference.getAnnotation(EmbeddedId.class) != null) {
										.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + ", \" and " + alias + "." + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:" + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + ") \");");
								manies.add("\" left join fetch " + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + join + " " + alias + " \"");
								mapOneToMany.add(SPACE + "addJoinOneToMany(" + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + ", " + printManies(manies) + " );");

					queryDetail = new QueryDetail(alias, key, nullable, many, mapClassField.get(elementJoin.asType().toString()));
					mapAlias.put(key, queryDetail);
				} else if (elementJoin.getAnnotation(OneToOne.class) != null) {
					nullable = nullable || nullableOneToOne(elementJoin);
					if (!many)
						fromByFilter += "\n" + SPACE + "+\"" + (nullable ? " left" : "") + " join fetch " + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + join + " " + alias + " \"";
					else {
						ClassField classField = mapClassField.get(elementJoin.asType().toString());
						Set listFieldReference = classField.getElements();
						for (Element fieldReference : listFieldReference) {
							if (fieldReference.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null || fieldReference.getAnnotation(EmbeddedId.class) != null) {
										.add(SPACE + "map.put(" + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + ", \" and " + alias + "." + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + " in (:" + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + ") \");");
								manies.add("\"" + (nullable ? " left" : "") + " join fetch " + queryDetail.getAlias() + "." + join + " " + alias + " \"");
								mapOneToMany.add(SPACE + "addJoinOneToMany(" + fieldReference.getSimpleName().toString() + ", " + printManies(manies) + " );");

					queryDetail = new QueryDetail(alias, key, nullable, many, mapClassField.get(elementJoin.asType().toString()));
					mapAlias.put(key, queryDetail);


		if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(manies) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(parameter)) {
			mapOneToMany.add(SPACE + "addJoinOneToMany(" + parameter + ", " + printManies(manies) + " );");

		return fromByFilter;

	 * Gets the alias.
	 * @param aliases the aliases
	 * @param join    the join
	 * @return the alias
	private static String getAlias(Set aliases, String join) {
		String alias;
		alias = join;
		int i = 0;
		do {
			if (aliases.contains(alias))
				alias = join + "_" + (++i);
		} while (aliases.contains(alias));
		return alias;

	 * Nullable one to one.
	 * @param element the element
	 * @return true, if successful
	private static boolean nullableOneToOne(Element element) {
		boolean nullable = true;
		if (element.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class) != null) {
			JoinColumn joinColumn = element.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class);
			nullable = joinColumn.nullable();
		} else {
			if (element.getAnnotation(NotNull.class) != null)
				nullable = false;
		return nullable;

	 * Prints the manies.
	 * @param manies the manies
	 * @return the string
	private static String printManies(LinkedHashSet manies) {
		String joinMany = "";
		for (String many : manies)
			joinMany += "," + many;
		return joinMany.substring(1);

	 * Gets the interface query jpql.
	 * @param classEntity the class entity
	 * @return the interface query jpql
	private static ModelSuperClass getInterfaceQueryJpql(String classEntity) {
		ModelSuperClass superClassQueryJpql = new ModelSuperClass();
		superClassQueryJpql.setName(classEntity + QUERY_JPQL);
		return superClassQueryJpql;

	 * Gets the super class query jpql.
	 * @param classEntity the class entity
	 * @return the super class query jpql
	private static ModelSuperClass getSuperClassQueryJpql(String classEntity) {
		ModelGenericType genericTypeEntityClass = new ModelGenericType();
		ModelSuperClass superClassQueryJpql = new ModelSuperClass();
		return superClassQueryJpql;

	 * Generate jpa class.
	 * @param modelClasses the model classes
	 * @param type         the type
	 * @throws Exception the exception
	public static void generateJpaClass(ModelClasses modelClasses, TypeElement type) throws Exception {
		TypeElement typeElement = type;
		ClassField classField = new ClassField(type.getQualifiedName().toString());
		mapClassField.put(classField.getClassName(), classField);
		do {
			for (Element element : typeElement.getEnclosedElements()) {
				if (ElementKind.FIELD.equals(element.getKind()) && !classField.getElements().contains(element) && element.getAnnotation(Transient.class) == null) {
					classField.getMapElement().put(element.getSimpleName().toString(), element);
					if (element.getAnnotation(EmbeddedId.class) != null || element.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null) {
						Class classTypeField = null;
						if (element.getAnnotation(EmbeddedId.class) == null) {
							classTypeField = Class.forName(element.asType().toString());
							if (ReflectionCommons.mapPrimitiveToObject.containsKey(classTypeField))
								classTypeField = ReflectionCommons.mapPrimitiveToObject.get(classTypeField);

			TypeMirror superClassTypeMirror = typeElement.getSuperclass();
			typeElement = (TypeElement) ((DeclaredType) superClassTypeMirror).asElement();
		} while (!Object.class.getName().equals(typeElement.getQualifiedName().toString()));


	 * Gets the conditions.
	 * @param name    the name
	 * @param command the command
	 * @return the conditions
	private static ModelMethod getConditions(String name, String command) {
		ModelMethod mapConditionsMethod = new ModelMethod();
		mapConditionsMethod.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("String"));
		mapConditionsMethod.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("String"));

		mapConditionsMethod.getCommands().add(SPACE + command);
		return mapConditionsMethod;
	private static ModelMethod getNativeConditions(String name, String command) {
		ModelMethod mapConditionsMethod = new ModelMethod();
		mapConditionsMethod.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("String"));
		mapConditionsMethod.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("Map"));

		mapConditionsMethod.getCommands().add(SPACE + command);
		return mapConditionsMethod;

	 * Gets the model annotation.
	 * @param annotationName the annotation name
	 * @return the model annotation
	private static ModelAnnotation getModelAnnotation(String annotationName) {
		ModelAnnotation modelAnnotation = new ModelAnnotation();
		return modelAnnotation;

	 * Return method service.
	 * @param name      the name
	 * @param type      the type
	 * @param command   the command
	 * @param levelType the level type
	 * @return the model method
	private static ModelMethod returnMethodService(String name, String type, String command, LevelType levelType) {
		ModelMethod modelMethod = new ModelMethod(name, type);
		return modelMethod;

	 * Final static field.
	 * @param name       the name
	 * @param type       the type
	 * @param value      the value
	 * @param showQuotes the show quotes
	 * @return the model field
	private static ModelField finalStaticField(String name, String type, Object value, boolean showQuotes) {
		ModelField modelField = new ModelField();
		return modelField;

	 * Final static field.
	 * @param name       the name
	 * @param type       the type
	 * @param value      the value
	 * @param showQuotes the show quotes
	 * @param levelType  the level type
	 * @return the model field
	private static ModelField finalStaticField(String name, String type, Object value, boolean showQuotes, LevelType levelType) {
		ModelField modelField = finalStaticField(name, type, value, showQuotes);
		return modelField;

	 * Gets the field map conditions.
	 * @param name  the name
	 * @param value the value
	 * @return the field map conditions
	private static ModelField getFieldMapConditions(String name, String value) {
		ModelField mapConditions = finalStaticField(name, "Map", value, false);
		mapConditions.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("String"));
		mapConditions.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("String"));
		return mapConditions;
	private static ModelField getFieldMapNativeConditions(String name, String value) {
		ModelField mapConditions = finalStaticField(name, "Map", value, false);
		mapConditions.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("String"));
		mapConditions.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("Map"));
		return mapConditions;

	 * Gets the map conditions.
	 * @param name     the name
	 * @param commands the commands
	 * @return the map conditions
	private static ModelMethod getMapConditions(String name, Collection commands) {
		ModelMethod mapConditions = new ModelMethod(name, "Map");
		mapConditions.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("String"));
		mapConditions.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("String"));
		return mapConditions;

	private static ModelMethod getMapNativeConditions(String name, Collection commands) {
		ModelMethod mapConditions = new ModelMethod(name, "Map");
		mapConditions.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("String"));
		mapConditions.getGenericTypes().add(new ModelGenericType("Map"));
		return mapConditions;

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