Download squiggly-filter-jackson JAR file with all dependencies
squiggly-filter-jackson from group com.github.bohnman (version 1.3.12)
The Squiggly Filter is a Jackson JSON PropertyFilter, which selects properties of an object/list/map using a subset of the Facebook Graph API filtering syntax.
Artifact squiggly-filter-jackson
Group com.github.bohnman
Version 1.3.12
Last update 20. September 2018
Tags: using filtering selects list properties object squiggly propertyfilter subset syntax graph which json jackson facebook filter
Organization not specified
License BSD License
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies antlr4-runtime, commons-lang3, guava, jackson-databind, commons-beanutils, jcip-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.bohnman
Version 1.3.12
Last update 20. September 2018
Tags: using filtering selects list properties object squiggly propertyfilter subset syntax graph which json jackson facebook filter
Organization not specified
License BSD License
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies antlr4-runtime, commons-lang3, guava, jackson-databind, commons-beanutils, jcip-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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