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picard.arrays.CollectArraysVariantCallingMetrics Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package picard.arrays;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import picard.analysis.MergeableMetricBase;
import picard.arrays.illumina.ArraysControlInfo;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceDictionary;
import htsjdk.samtools.metrics.MetricBase;
import htsjdk.samtools.metrics.MetricsFile;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloserUtil;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.IOUtil;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.Iso8601Date;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.Log;
import htsjdk.variant.utils.SAMSequenceDictionaryExtractor;
import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFFileReader;
import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeader;
import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeaderLine;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.Argument;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.CommandLineProgramProperties;
import picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgram;
import picard.cmdline.StandardOptionDefinitions;
import picard.cmdline.programgroups.DiagnosticsAndQCProgramGroup;
import picard.pedigree.Sex;
import picard.util.DbSnpBitSetUtil;
import picard.vcf.processor.VariantProcessor;

import java.util.*;

 * Collects summary and per-sample metrics about variant calls in a VCF file.
        summary = CollectArraysVariantCallingMetrics.USAGE_DETAILS,
        oneLineSummary = "Collects summary and per-sample from the provided arrays VCF file",
        programGroup = DiagnosticsAndQCProgramGroup.class
public class CollectArraysVariantCallingMetrics extends CommandLineProgram {
    static final String USAGE_DETAILS =
            "CollectArraysVariantCallingMetrics takes a Genotyping Arrays VCF file (as generated by GtcToVcf) and calculates " +
                    "summary and per-sample metrics. " +

Usage example:

" + "
" +
                    "java -jar picard.jar CollectArraysVariantCallingMetrics \\
" + " INPUT=genotyping_arrays.vcf \\
" + " OUTPUT=outputBaseName" + "
"; @Argument(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.INPUT_SHORT_NAME, doc = "Input vcf file for analysis") public File INPUT; @Argument(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.OUTPUT_SHORT_NAME, doc = "Path (except for the file extension) of output metrics files " + "to write.") public File OUTPUT; @Argument(doc = "The Call Rate Threshold for an autocall pass (if the observed call rate is > this value, the sample is considered to be passing)", optional = true) public static Double CALL_RATE_PF_THRESHOLD = 0.98; @Argument(doc = "Reference dbSNP file in dbSNP or VCF format.") public File DBSNP; @Argument(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY_SHORT_NAME, optional = true, doc = "If present, speeds loading of dbSNP file, will look for dictionary in vcf if not present here.") public File SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY = null; @Argument(doc = "Split this task over multiple threads. If NUM_PROCESSORS = 0, number of cores is automatically set to " + "the number of cores available on the machine. If NUM_PROCESSORS < 0 then the number of cores used will be " + "the number available on the machine less NUM_PROCESSORS.") public int NUM_PROCESSORS = 0; private final Log log = Log.getInstance(CollectArraysVariantCallingMetrics.class); @Override protected int doWork() { IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(INPUT); IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(DBSNP); if (SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY != null) IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY); final VCFFileReader variantReader = new VCFFileReader(INPUT, true); final VCFHeader vcfHeader = variantReader.getFileHeader(); CloserUtil.close(variantReader); final SAMSequenceDictionary sequenceDictionary = SAMSequenceDictionaryExtractor.extractDictionary(SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY == null ? INPUT.toPath() : SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY.toPath());"Loading dbSNP file."); final DbSnpBitSetUtil.DbSnpBitSets dbsnp = DbSnpBitSetUtil.createSnpAndIndelBitSets(DBSNP, sequenceDictionary);"Starting iteration of variants."); ArraysControlInfo[] controlInfos = new ArraysControlInfo[ArraysControlInfo.CONTROL_INFO.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ArraysControlInfo.CONTROL_INFO.length; i++) { controlInfos[i] = parseControlHeaderString(getValueFromVcfOtherHeaderLine(vcfHeader, ArraysControlInfo.CONTROL_INFO[i].getControl())); } final MetricsFile controlSummary = getMetricsFile(); for (ArraysControlInfo info : controlInfos) { controlSummary.addMetric(new ArraysControlCodesSummaryMetrics(info.getControl(), info.getCategory(), info.getRed(), info.getGreen())); } final VariantProcessor.Builder builder = VariantProcessor.Builder .generatingAccumulatorsBy(() -> { ArraysCallingMetricAccumulator accumulator = new ArraysCallingMetricAccumulator(dbsnp); accumulator.setup(vcfHeader); return accumulator; }) .combiningResultsBy(ArraysCallingMetricAccumulator.Result::merge) .withInput(INPUT) .multithreadingBy(NUM_PROCESSORS); final ArraysCallingMetricAccumulator.Result result =; // Fetch and write the metrics. final MetricsFile detail = getMetricsFile(); final MetricsFile summary = getMetricsFile(); summary.addMetric(result.summary); result.details.forEach(detail::addMetric); final String outputPrefix = OUTPUT.getAbsolutePath() + "."; detail.write(new File(outputPrefix + CollectArraysVariantCallingMetrics.ArraysVariantCallingDetailMetrics.getFileExtension())); summary.write(new File(outputPrefix + ArraysVariantCallingSummaryMetrics.getFileExtension())); controlSummary.write(new File(outputPrefix + CollectArraysVariantCallingMetrics.ArraysControlCodesSummaryMetrics.getFileExtension())); return 0; } private ArraysControlInfo parseControlHeaderString(String controlString) { String[] tokens = controlString.split("\\|"); return new ArraysControlInfo(tokens[0], tokens[1], Integer.valueOf(tokens[2]), Integer.valueOf(tokens[3])); } private String getValueFromVcfOtherHeaderLine(final VCFHeader vcfHeader, final String keyName) { VCFHeaderLine otherHeaderLine = vcfHeader.getOtherHeaderLine(keyName); if (otherHeaderLine != null) { return otherHeaderLine.getValue(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input VCF file is missing header line of type '" + keyName + "'"); } } @Override protected String[] customCommandLineValidation() { //If num processors is 0 set it to max. If it is negative subtract it from the max. if (NUM_PROCESSORS == 0) { NUM_PROCESSORS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } else if (NUM_PROCESSORS < 0) { NUM_PROCESSORS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + NUM_PROCESSORS; } //sanity check if num processors is negative set it to 1 if (NUM_PROCESSORS <= 0) { NUM_PROCESSORS = 1; } if (CALL_RATE_PF_THRESHOLD <= 0 || CALL_RATE_PF_THRESHOLD > 1.0) { return new String[]{"The parameter CALL_RATE_PF_THRESHOLD must be > 0 and <= 1.0"}; } return super.customCommandLineValidation(); } public static class ArraysVariantCallingSummaryMetrics extends MergeableMetricBase { /** * The total number of assays (SNP and indels) in the VCF */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_ASSAYS; /** * The total number of NON-filtered assays in the VCF */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_NON_FILTERED_ASSAYS; /** * The total number of filtered assays in the VCF */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_FILTERED_ASSAYS; /** * The total number of zeroed-out (filtered out by Illumina in chip design) assays in the VCF */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_ZEROED_OUT_ASSAYS; /** * The number of bi-allelic SNP calls */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_SNPS; /** * The number of indel calls */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_INDELS; /** * The number of passing calls */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_CALLS; /** * The number of passing autocall calls */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_AUTOCALL_CALLS; /** * The number of no-calls */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_NO_CALLS; /** * The number of high confidence SNPs found in dbSNP */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_IN_DB_SNP; /** * The number of high confidence SNPS called that were not found in dbSNP */ @MergeByAdding public long NOVEL_SNPS; /** * The fraction of high confidence SNPs in dbSNP */ @NoMergingIsDerived public float PCT_DBSNP; /** * The overall call rate */ @NoMergingIsDerived public float CALL_RATE; /** * The overall autocall call rate */ @NoMergingIsDerived public float AUTOCALL_CALL_RATE; /** * For summary metrics, the number of variants that appear in only one sample. * For detail metrics, the number of variants that appear only in the current sample. */ @MergeByAdding public long NUM_SINGLETONS; public static String getFileExtension() { return("arrays_variant_calling_summary_metrics"); } public void calculateDerivedFields() { this.PCT_DBSNP = this.NUM_IN_DB_SNP / (float) this.NUM_SNPS; this.NOVEL_SNPS = this.NUM_SNPS - this.NUM_IN_DB_SNP; this.CALL_RATE = this.NUM_CALLS / (float) this.NUM_NON_FILTERED_ASSAYS; this.AUTOCALL_CALL_RATE = this.NUM_AUTOCALL_CALLS / (float) this.NUM_NON_FILTERED_ASSAYS; } public static void foldInto(final ArraysVariantCallingSummaryMetrics target, final Collection metrics) { metrics.forEach(target::merge); } } public static class ArraysControlCodesSummaryMetrics extends MetricBase { /** * Various control intensities that are present on the infinium chips. * * @see picard.arrays.illumina.ArraysControlInfo#CONTROL_INFO */ public String CONTROL; /** * Grouping categories for controls. */ public String CATEGORY; /** * The red intensity value for the control. */ public int RED; /** * The green intensity value for the control. */ public int GREEN; //metrics uploader needs empty constructor public ArraysControlCodesSummaryMetrics() { } ArraysControlCodesSummaryMetrics(String control, String category, int red, int green) { CONTROL = control; CATEGORY = category; RED = red; GREEN = green; } public static String getFileExtension() { return("arrays_control_code_summary_metrics"); } } public static class ArraysVariantCallingDetailMetrics extends CollectArraysVariantCallingMetrics.ArraysVariantCallingSummaryMetrics { /** * The chip well barcode of the Illumina array being assayed */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String CHIP_WELL_BARCODE; /** * The name of the sample */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String SAMPLE_ALIAS; /** * The version number of the analysis run */ @MergeByAssertEquals public Integer ANALYSIS_VERSION; /** * The chip type name */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String CHIP_TYPE; /** * Whether the sample passes QC based on call rate threshold */ @NoMergingIsDerived public Boolean AUTOCALL_PF; /** * The date this sample was autocalled */ @MergeByAssertEquals public Iso8601Date AUTOCALL_DATE; /** * The date that this sample was imaged */ @MergeByAssertEquals public Iso8601Date IMAGING_DATE; /** * Whether the sample was zcalled */ @NoMergingIsDerived public Boolean IS_ZCALLED; /** * The sex, as determined by Autocall */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String AUTOCALL_GENDER; /** * The sex, as reported for the fingerprinted sample */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String FP_GENDER; /** * The sex, as reported by the collaborator */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String REPORTED_GENDER; /** * Whether or not the three sexs agree */ @MergeByAssertEquals public Boolean GENDER_CONCORDANCE_PF; /** * 100 * (count of hets) / (total calls) for this sample */ @NoMergingIsDerived public double HET_PCT; /** * The name of the cluster file used */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String CLUSTER_FILE_NAME; /** * The 95th Intensity Percentile for the green color channel for this sample */ @MergeByAssertEquals public Integer P95_GREEN; /** * The 95th Intensity Percentile for the red color channel for this sample */ @MergeByAssertEquals public Integer P95_RED; /** * The version of autocall used for calling this sample */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String AUTOCALL_VERSION; /** * The version of ZCall used for calling this sample */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String ZCALL_VERSION; /** * The version of the Extended Illumina Manifest used for calling this sample */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String EXTENDED_MANIFEST_VERSION; /** * (count of hets)/(count of homozygous non-ref) for this sample */ @NoMergingIsDerived public double HET_HOMVAR_RATIO; /** * The name of the scanner used for this sample */ @MergeByAssertEquals public String SCANNER_NAME; /** * Hidden fields not propagated to the metrics file. */ @MergeByAdding long numHets, numHomVar; @MergeByAssertEquals String zcallThresholdsFile; @Override public void calculateDerivedFields() { super.calculateDerivedFields(); HET_HOMVAR_RATIO = numHets / (double) numHomVar; HET_PCT = numHets / (double) NUM_CALLS; GENDER_CONCORDANCE_PF = getSexConcordance(REPORTED_GENDER, FP_GENDER, AUTOCALL_GENDER); IS_ZCALLED = !StringUtils.isEmpty(zcallThresholdsFile); AUTOCALL_PF = AUTOCALL_CALL_RATE > CALL_RATE_PF_THRESHOLD; } public static String getFileExtension() { return("arrays_variant_calling_detail_metrics"); } } public static boolean getSexConcordance(String reportedSexString, String fingerprintSexString, String autocallSexString) { Sex reportedSex = Sex.fromString(reportedSexString); Sex fingerprintSex = Sex.fromString(fingerprintSexString); Sex autocallSex = Sex.fromString(autocallSexString); Map sexMatchCount = new EnumMap<>(Sex.class); for (Sex sex : Sex.values()) { sexMatchCount.put(sex, 0); } sexMatchCount.put(reportedSex, sexMatchCount.get(reportedSex) + 1); sexMatchCount.put(fingerprintSex, sexMatchCount.get(fingerprintSex) + 1); sexMatchCount.put(autocallSex, sexMatchCount.get(autocallSex) + 1); if (sexMatchCount.get(Sex.Unknown) + sexMatchCount.get(Sex.NotReported) == 3) { return false; // All three sexs were unknown or not reported. That's a fail } else return ((sexMatchCount.get(Sex.Female) > 1) && (sexMatchCount.get(Sex.Male) == 0)) || ((sexMatchCount.get(Sex.Male) > 1) && (sexMatchCount.get(Sex.Female) == 0)); } }

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