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picard.util.AlleleSubsettingUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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A set of command line tools (in Java) for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats such as SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF.

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package picard.util;

import htsjdk.samtools.util.StringUtil;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.*;
import picard.fingerprint.Snp;

import java.util.*;

 * Utilities class containing methods for restricting {@link VariantContext} and {@link GenotypesContext} objects to a
 * reduced set of alleles, as well as for choosing the best set of alleles to keep and for cleaning up annotations and
 * genotypes after subsetting.
 * @author David Benjamin [email protected];
 * @author Yossi Farjoun [email protected];

public final class AlleleSubsettingUtils {

    static final Allele NON_REF_ALLELE = Allele.create("");
    static List DIPLOID_NO_CALL = Arrays.asList(Allele.NO_CALL, Allele.NO_CALL);

     * Method to subset the alleles in the VariantContext to those in the input snp.
     * Will also subset appropriately the AD and PL fields in all the genotypes, and in
     * the case of a monomorphic variant with a NON_REF allele, will replace the NON_REF
     * allele with the non-reference allele from snp.

* returns null if it is not possible to subset ctx to the alleles in snp. * * @param ctx The VariantContext to subset. * @param snp Snp whose alleles are used for subsetting ctx. * @return a VariantContext subsetted to the alleles in snp, or null if unable. */ public static VariantContext subsetVCToMatchSnp(final VariantContext ctx, final Snp snp) { if (ctx.isFiltered()) return null; // we can use this VC if it contains both alleles in snp as alleles, one of which is the reference, // or if it contains the NON_REF_ALLELE and one of the snp's alleles, and its reference allele is length 1. //TODO: figure out a way to identify the allele corresponding to the snp in the presence of a deletion if (ctx.getReference().length() != 1) return null; // one of the alleles in snp must match the reference allele final Optional referenceAlleleMaybe = Stream.of(snp.getAllele1(), snp.getAllele2()) .filter(b -> StringUtil.toUpperCase(b) == StringUtil.toUpperCase(ctx.getReference().getBases()[0])) .findAny(); if (!referenceAlleleMaybe.isPresent()) return null; final byte refAllele = referenceAlleleMaybe.get(); final byte otherAllele = snp.getAllele1() == refAllele ? snp.getAllele2() : snp.getAllele1(); // do we have otherAllele in ctx? final Optional altAlleleMaybe = ctx.getAlternateAlleles() .stream() .filter(a -> a.length() == 1 && StringUtil.toUpperCase(a.getBases()[0]) == StringUtil.toUpperCase(otherAllele)) .findAny(); if (altAlleleMaybe.isPresent()) { if (ctx.isBiallelic()) return ctx; return AlleleSubsettingUtils.subsetAlleles(ctx, Arrays.asList(ctx.getReference(), altAlleleMaybe.get())); } // if not, perhaps we have NON_REF_ALLELE final Optional nonRefAlleleMaybe = ctx.getAlternateAlleles().stream().filter(a -> a.equals(NON_REF_ALLELE)).findAny(); if (nonRefAlleleMaybe.isPresent()) { final VariantContext vcSubsetted = ctx.isBiallelic() ? ctx : AlleleSubsettingUtils.subsetAlleles(ctx, Arrays.asList(ctx.getReference(), nonRefAlleleMaybe.get())); return AlleleSubsettingUtils.swapAlleles(vcSubsetted, NON_REF_ALLELE, Allele.create(otherAllele)); } return null; } public static VariantContext subsetAlleles(final VariantContext originalVc, final List allelesToKeep) { VariantContextBuilder vcBuilder = new VariantContextBuilder(originalVc).alleles(allelesToKeep); GenotypesContext newGenotypes = subsetAlleles(originalVc.getGenotypes(), originalVc.getAlleles(), allelesToKeep); vcBuilder.genotypes(newGenotypes); return vcBuilder.make(); } /** * Swaps one of the alleles in a VC (and its genotypes) with another. * * @param originalVc The {@link VariantContext} whose oldAllele will be swapped for newAllele. * @param oldAllele The {@link Allele} in originalVc that needs to be replaced. * @param newAllele The new {@link Allele} to use instead of oldAllele. * * @return A new {@link VariantContext} with newAllele swapped in for oldAllele. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if originalVc doesn't contain oldAllele. */ public static VariantContext swapAlleles(final VariantContext originalVc, final Allele oldAllele, final Allele newAllele) throws IllegalArgumentException{ if (!originalVc.getAlleles().contains(oldAllele)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find allele " + oldAllele + " in VariantContext " + originalVc); final List alleles = new ArrayList<>(originalVc.getAlleles()); alleles.set(alleles.indexOf(oldAllele), newAllele); VariantContextBuilder vcBuilder = new VariantContextBuilder(originalVc).alleles(alleles); GenotypesContext newGTs = GenotypesContext.create(originalVc.getGenotypes().size()); for (final Genotype g : originalVc.getGenotypes()) { if (!g.getAlleles().contains(oldAllele)) { newGTs.add(g); } else { final GenotypeBuilder gb = new GenotypeBuilder(g); gb.alleles(g.getAlleles().stream().map(a -> a.equals(oldAllele) ? newAllele : a).collect(Collectors.toList())); newGTs.add(gb.make()); } } vcBuilder.genotypes(newGTs); return vcBuilder.make(); } /** * Create the new GenotypesContext with the subsetted PLs and ADs * Expects allelesToKeep to be in the same order * in which they are in originalAlleles. *

* * @param originalGs the original GenotypesContext * @param originalAlleles the original alleles * @param allelesToKeep the subset of alleles to use with the new Genotypes * @return a new non-null GenotypesContext */ public static GenotypesContext subsetAlleles(final GenotypesContext originalGs, final List originalAlleles, final List allelesToKeep) { nonNull(originalGs, "original GenotypesContext must not be null."); nonNull(allelesToKeep, "allelesToKeep is null."); nonEmpty(allelesToKeep, "must keep at least one allele."); validateTrue(allelesToKeep.get(0).isReference(), "First allele must be the reference allele."); validateTrue(, "OriginalAlleles must contain allelesToKeep."); int indexOfLast = -1; for (Allele a : allelesToKeep) { validateTrue(indexOfLast < originalAlleles.indexOf(a), "alleles to keep must maintain the order of the original alleles."); indexOfLast = originalAlleles.indexOf(a); } final int[] allelesIndex =; final GenotypesContext newGTs = GenotypesContext.create(originalGs.size()); int[] subsettedLikelihoodIndices = subsettedPLIndices(originalAlleles, allelesToKeep); for (final Genotype g : originalGs) { validateTrue(g.getPloidy() == 2, "only implemented for ploidy 2 for now."); final int expectedNumLikelihoods = GenotypeLikelihoods.numLikelihoods(allelesToKeep.size(), 2); // create the new likelihoods array from the alleles we are to use int[] newPLs = null; double newLog10GQ = -1; if (g.hasLikelihoods()) { int[] originalPLs = g.getPL(); if (originalPLs.length != expectedNumLikelihoods) { newPLs = .map(idx -> originalPLs[idx]).toArray(); final int minLikelihood = MathUtil.min(newPLs); for (int i = 0; i < expectedNumLikelihoods; i++) { newPLs[i] = newPLs[i] - minLikelihood; } final int indexOfMostLikely = MathUtil.indexOfMin(newPLs); newLog10GQ = GenotypeLikelihoods.getGQLog10FromLikelihoods(indexOfMostLikely, GenotypeLikelihoods.fromPLs(newPLs).getAsVector()); } else { newPLs = null; } } final GenotypeBuilder gb; if (newPLs == null) { gb = new GenotypeBuilder(g).noPL().noGQ().alleles(DIPLOID_NO_CALL); } else { gb = new GenotypeBuilder(g).PL(newPLs).log10PError(newLog10GQ); final List originalDiploidAlleles = GenotypeLikelihoods.getAlleles(MathUtil.indexOfMin(newPLs), 2); gb.alleles(; } // restrict AD to the new allele subset if (g.hasAD()) { final int[] oldAD = g.getAD(); final int[] newAD = IntStream.range(0, allelesToKeep.size()).map(n -> oldAD[allelesIndex[n]]).toArray(); gb.AD(newAD); } newGTs.add(gb.make()); } return newGTs; } /** * Given a list of original alleles and a subset of new alleles to retain, find the array of old PL indices that correspond * to new PL indices i.e. result[7] = old PL index of genotype containing same alleles as the new genotype with PL index 7. *

* This method is written in terms f indices rather than subsetting PLs directly in order to produce output that can be * recycled from sample to sample, provided that the ploidy is the same. * * @param originalAlleles List of original alleles * @param newAlleles New alleles -- must be a subset of {@code originalAlleles} * @return old PL indices of new genotypes */ public static int[] subsettedPLIndices(final List originalAlleles, final List newAlleles) { final int[] result = new int[GenotypeLikelihoods.numLikelihoods(newAlleles.size(), 2)]; for (int oldPLIndex = 0; oldPLIndex < GenotypeLikelihoods.numLikelihoods(originalAlleles.size(), 2); oldPLIndex++) { final GenotypeLikelihoods.GenotypeLikelihoodsAllelePair allelePairFromPLIndex = GenotypeLikelihoods.getAllelePair(oldPLIndex); final Allele allele1 = originalAlleles.get(allelePairFromPLIndex.alleleIndex1); final Allele allele2 = originalAlleles.get(allelePairFromPLIndex.alleleIndex2); final boolean containsOnlyNewAlleles = newAlleles.contains(allele1) && newAlleles.contains(allele2); if (containsOnlyNewAlleles) { // thus we want this PL...but we need to figure out where its new index is.... final int newPLIndex = GenotypeLikelihoods.calculatePLindex(newAlleles.indexOf(allele1), newAlleles.indexOf(allele2)); result[newPLIndex] = oldPLIndex; } } return result; } /** * Checks that a boolean is true and returns the same object or throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException} * * @param condition any Object * @param msg the text message that would be passed to the exception thrown when {@code !condition}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a {@code !condition} */ private static void validateTrue(final boolean condition, final String msg) { if (!condition) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } /** * Checks that an {@link Object} is not {@code null} and returns the same object or throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException} * * @param object any Object * @param message the text message that would be passed to the exception thrown when {@code o == null}. * @return the same object * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a {@code o == null} */ private static T nonNull(final T object, String message) { if (object == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } return object; } /** * Checks that a {@link Collection} is not {@code null} and that it is not empty. * If it's non-null and non-empty it returns the input, otherwise it throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException} * * @param collection any Collection * @param message a message to include in the output * @return the original collection * @throws IllegalArgumentException if collection is null or empty */ private static > T nonEmpty(T collection, String message) { nonNull(collection, "The collection is null: " + message); if (collection.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The collection is empty: " + message); } else { return collection; } } }

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