picard.illumina.parser.readers.BclQualityEvaluationStrategy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package picard.illumina.parser.readers;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.CollectionUtil;
import picard.PicardException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* Describes a mechanism for revising and evaluating qualities read from a BCL file. This class accumulates observations about low quality
* scores that it evaluates, so distinct instances should be used for unrelated sets of BCL readers.
* The mechanism for revising qualities is not configurable. The qualities that are less than 1 are revised to 1, and other qualities are
* not affected.
* This class is thread-safe and a single instance can and should be passed to {@link BclReader}s running in separate threads.
* To replicate the functionality of {@link BclReader}s prior to the introduction of this class, create a single instance passing
* {@link #ILLUMINA_ALLEGED_MINIMUM_QUALITY} to the constructor, and then call {@link #assertMinimumQualities()} once the readers finish
* their work.
* @author mccowan
public class BclQualityEvaluationStrategy {
public static final int ILLUMINA_ALLEGED_MINIMUM_QUALITY = 2;
private final int minimumRevisedQuality;
/** A thread-safe defaulting map that injects an AtomicInteger starting at 0 when a uninitialized key is get-ted. */
private final Map qualityCountMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new CollectionUtil.DefaultingMap(
new CollectionUtil.DefaultingMap.Factory() {
public AtomicInteger make(final Byte key) {
return new AtomicInteger(0);
}, true));
* @param minimumRevisedQuality The minimum quality that should be seen from revised qualities; controls whether or not an exception
* is thrown when calling {@link #assertMinimumQualities()}
public BclQualityEvaluationStrategy(final int minimumRevisedQuality) {
this.minimumRevisedQuality = minimumRevisedQuality;
/** The rule used to revise quality scores, which is: if it's less than 1, make it 1. */
private static byte generateRevisedQuality(final byte quality) { return (byte) Math.max(quality, 1); }
* Accepts a quality read from a BCL file and (1) returns a 1 if the value was 0 and (2) makes a note of the provided quality if it is
* low. Because of (2) each record's quality should be passed only once to this method, otherwise it will be observed multiple times.
* @param quality The quality score read from the BCL
* @return The revised new quality score
public byte reviseAndConditionallyLogQuality(final byte quality) {
final byte revisedQuality = generateRevisedQuality(quality);
return revisedQuality;
* Reviews the qualities observed thus far and throws an exception if any are below the minimum quality threshold.
public void assertMinimumQualities() {
final Collection errorTokens = new LinkedList();
for (final Map.Entry entry : this.qualityCountMap.entrySet()) {
* We're comparing revised qualities here, not observed, but the qualities that are logged in qualityCountMap are observed
* qualities. So as we iterate through it, convert observed qualities into their revised value.
if (generateRevisedQuality(entry.getKey()) < minimumRevisedQuality) {
errorTokens.add(String.format("quality %s observed %s times", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
if (!errorTokens.isEmpty()) {
throw new PicardException(String.format(
"Found BCL qualities that fell beneath minimum threshold of %s: %s.",
CollectionUtil.join(errorTokens, "; ")
* Returns a view of number of qualities that failed, where the key is the quality score and the value is the number of observations.
public Map getPoorQualityFrequencies() {
final Map qualityCountMapCopy = new HashMap();
for (final Map.Entry entry : qualityCountMap.entrySet()) {
qualityCountMapCopy.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().intValue());
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(qualityCountMapCopy);