tensor.Tensor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package galileo.tensor
import galileo.environment.Environment
import galileo.expr._
import galileo.linalg.{DenseMatrix,Matrix}
import galileo.selectable.Selectable
object TensorIndexKind extends Enumeration {
type TensorIndexKind = Value
val Upper, Lower = Value
import TensorIndexKind._
case class TensorIndex( kind:TensorIndexKind, dimension:Int) {
def inverse = kind match {
case Upper => TensorIndex( Lower, dimension )
case Lower => TensorIndex( Upper, dimension )
//def variables =
// to be renamed Tensor after Tensor is renamed DenseTensor
trait TensorTrait {
def variables:List[Variable] = {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "variables should not be called on a Tensor" )
object Tensor {
// All indices are assumed to be of the same dimension
def apply(kinds:List[TensorIndexKind],dimension:Int,components:List[Expr]):Tensor = Tensor(
kinds.map( kind => TensorIndex( kind, dimension ) ),
def metricInverse(metric:Tensor):Tensor = {
val indices = metric.indices.map( index => index.inverse )
val m = metric.toMatrix.inverse.toDenseMatrix.rows.flatten
Tensor( indices, m )
def transformationMatrix( unprimed:List[Expr], primed:List[Expr]):Tensor = {
require( primed.size == unprimed.size )
//var jacobian:List[Expr] = List()
var jacobian = primed.map( primedE => unprimed.map( unprimedE => Derivative( unprimedE, primedE ).visit() ) ).flatten
List( Upper, Lower ),
case class TensorRank(upper:Int,lower:Int){
def toInt:Int = upper + lower
def +(that:TensorRank) = TensorRank( this.upper + that.upper, this.lower + that.lower )
// Should really extend TensorTrait .. this should be called DenseTensor
case class Tensor( indices:List[TensorIndex], components:List[Expr]) extends Expr with Selectable {
def rank:TensorRank = TensorRank( indices.filter( x => x.kind == Upper ).size, indices.filter( x => x.kind == Lower ).size )
lazy val rankInt = rank.toInt
def info(env:Option[Environment]=None) = "Tensor(" + indices + "," + components + ")"
def toMatrix:Matrix = {
require( indices.size == 2 )
DenseMatrix( components.grouped(indices(1).dimension ).toList )
def valueAt( location:Int* ):Expr = this.valueAt( location.to[List] )
private def valueAt( location:List[Int]):Expr = {
require( location.size == rankInt )
for( i <- 0 until rankInt ) {
if( location( i ) < 0 || location( i ) >= indices(i).dimension )
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "location(" + i + ") out of bounds [0," + indices(i).dimension + "]" )
components( address(location ) )
def swapIndices( left:Int,right:Int) = {
require( 0 <= left )
require( left < this.rankInt )
require( 0 <= right )
require( right < this.rankInt )
val swappedIndices = this.indices.updated(left,this.indices(right)).updated(right,this.indices(left))
//val allAddresses = ( 0 until this.totalSize )
var swappedComponents:List[Expr] = List()
for( i <- 0 until this.totalSize ) {
var loc = this.location( i )
loc = loc.updated( left, loc( right ) ).updated( right, loc( left ) )
val comp = this.components( this.address( loc ) )
swappedComponents = swappedComponents :+ comp
Tensor( swappedIndices, swappedComponents )
// Reduced rank tensor, extract with a specific value of index
def valuesAtIndex(index:Int,value:Int):Tensor = {
require( index < this.rankInt )
require( value >= 0 )
require( value < indices(index).dimension )
Tensor( indices.patch( index, Nil, 1 ), locations( index, value ).map( location => this.valueAt( location ) ).to[List] )
// all locations for all indices associated with index set to value
// e.g. index = 1, value = 2: Find all locations (:,2,:,:....)
private def locations( index:Int,value:Int) = {
val allAddresses = ( 0 until this.totalSize )
allAddresses.map( address => this.location( address ) ).filter( location => location( index ) == value )
def location( address:Int ):List[Int] = {
val offsets = indices.map( index => index.dimension ).scanRight( 1 )(_*_).slice( 1, rankInt+1 /* any big number would do */)
var rem = address
offsets.foldLeft(List[Int]()){ case ( l,e ) => { val q = rem / e; rem -= q * e; l :+ q } }
def totalSize = indices.map( index => index.dimension ).foldLeft(1)(_*_)
// Let's say we have the following dimensions:
// 4, 3, 5
// location address
// 0,0,0 -> 0
// 0,0,1 -> 1
// 0,0,4 -> 4
// 0,1,0, -> 5
// 0,1,4 -> 9
// 0,2,0 -> 10
// 0,2,4 -> 14
// 1,0,0 -> 15
// 2,0,0 -> 30
// 3,0,0 -> 45
// 3,2,4 -> 59 (last address)
// offsets, in this case would be 15,5,1
private def address( location:List[Int] ):Int = {
val offsets = indices.map( index => index.dimension ).scanRight( 1 )(_*_).slice( 1, rankInt+1 /* any big number would do */)
require( offsets.size == location.size )
location.zip( offsets ).map( { case (l,o) => l * o } ).sum
//def *(that:Expr) = Tensor( this.indices, this.components.map( component => Product( component, that ).visit() ) )
// element wise division
def /(that:Expr) = Tensor( this.indices, this.components.map( component => Fraction( component, that ).visit() ) )
// Use this to reduce rank,
// E.g Aj_l <- contract Ajk_kl on k, upperIndex=1, lowerIndex=2 (indices go like upper j=0, upper k=1, lower k=2, lower l=3)
// Mechanically this means
// Aj_l = Aj0_0l+Aj1_1l+Aj2_2l...
def contract( upperIndex:Int, lowerIndex:Int ):Tensor = {
require( this.rank.upper > 0 )
require( this.rank.lower > 0 )
require( upperIndex < this.rankInt )
require( lowerIndex < this.rankInt )
require( this.indices( upperIndex ).kind == Upper )
require( this.indices( lowerIndex ).kind == Lower )
require( this.indices( upperIndex ).dimension == this.indices( lowerIndex ).dimension )
// remove the lower and upper indices
val before = this.indices.size
val productIndices = this.indices.zipWithIndex.filter( { case (_,_2) => _2 != upperIndex && _2 != lowerIndex } ).map( _._1 )
val after = productIndices.size
require( before == after + 2 )
val productSize = productIndices.map( index => index.dimension ).foldLeft(1)(_*_)
var rv:Tensor = Tensor( productIndices, List.fill( productSize )( Number( 0 ) ) )
val n = this.indices( upperIndex ).dimension
for( i <- 0 until n ) { // do we need to change order if upperIndex > lowerIndex?
if( upperIndex < lowerIndex )
rv = rv + ( this.valuesAtIndex( upperIndex, i ).valuesAtIndex( lowerIndex - 1, i ) ) //.visit()
rv = rv + ( this.valuesAtIndex( lowerIndex, i ).valuesAtIndex( upperIndex - 1, i ) ) //.visit()
// Tensor + Expr
override def +(that:Expr) = that match {
case t:Tensor => this tensorPlus t
case e:Expr => Tensor( this.indices, this.components.map( component => Sum( component, that ).visit() ) )
def +(that:Tensor):Tensor = this tensorPlus that
// Tensor + Tensor
private def tensorPlus(that:Tensor):Tensor = that.indices match {
case Nil => {
require( that.components.size == 1 )
Tensor( this.indices, components.map( component => Sum( component, that.components( 0 ) ).visit() ) )
case l:List[TensorIndex] => {
require( this.indices == l, "l:\n" + l + "\nthis.indices\n" + this.indices )
Tensor( this.indices, this.components.zip( that.components ).map( { case ( _1:Expr,_2:Expr) => Sum(_1,_2).visit() } ) )
// Tensor - Tensor
def -(that:Tensor) = that.indices match {
case Nil => {
require( that.components.size == 1 )
Tensor( this.indices, components.map( component => Sum( component, Product( Number( -1 ), that.components( 0 ) ) ).visit() ) )
case l:List[TensorIndex] => {
require( this.indices == l, "l:\n" + l + "\nthis.indices\n" + this.indices )
Tensor( this.indices, this.components.zip( that.components ).map( { case ( _1:Expr,_2:Expr) => Sum(_1,Product(Number(-1),_2)).visit() } ) )
// Tensor * Expr
def *(that:Expr):Tensor = that match {
case t:Tensor => this tensorTimes t
case e:Expr => Tensor( this.indices, this.components.map( component => Product( component, that ).visit() ) )
// Tensor * Tensor
def tensorTimes(that:Tensor) = Tensor(
this.indices ++ that.indices,
this.components.map( thiscomponent => that.components.map( thatcomponent => Product( thiscomponent, thatcomponent ).visit() ) ).flatten
override def visit(env:Option[Environment]=None) = Tensor( indices, components.map( component => component.visit( env ) ) )
override def expand = Tensor( indices, components.map( component => component.expand ) )
override def simplify = Tensor( indices, components.map( component => component.simplify ) )
override def factor = Tensor( indices, components.map( component => component.factor ) )
// todo - clearly :)
def select(indices:List[Expr]):Expr = {
Number( 3 )
def variables:List[Variable] = components.flatMap( component => component.variables )
trait TensorU extends Expr with Statement {
def info(env:Option[Environment]=None) = this.getClass.getSimpleName + "(" + expr + ")"
val expr:Expr
val generator:Metric=>Tensor
override def visit(env:Option[Environment]=None) = expr.visit( env ) match {
case metric:Metric => generator( metric )
case a => this //.apply(a)
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