scalacache.redis.RedisCache.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalacache.redis
import scalacache.{ LoggingSupport, Cache }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import redis.clients.jedis.{ JedisPool, Jedis }
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, ExecutionContext, blocking }
* Thin wrapper around Jedis
* @param customClassloader a classloader to use when deserializing objects from the cache.
* If you are using Play, you should pass in `app.classloader`.
class RedisCache(jedisPool: JedisPool, override val customClassloader: Option[ClassLoader] = None)(implicit execContext: ExecutionContext =
extends Cache
with RedisSerialization
with LoggingSupport
with StrictLogging {
import RedisCache.StringWithUtf8Bytes
* Get the value corresponding to the given key from the cache
* @param key cache key
* @tparam V the type of the corresponding value
* @return the value, if there is one
override def get[V](key: String) = Future {
blocking {
withJedisClient { client =>
val resultBytes = Option(client.get(key.utf8bytes))
val result =[V])
logCacheHitOrMiss(key, result)
* Insert the given key-value pair into the cache, with an optional Time To Live.
* @param key cache key
* @param value corresponding value
* @param ttl Time To Live
* @tparam V the type of the corresponding value
override def put[V](key: String, value: V, ttl: Option[Duration]) = Future {
blocking {
withJedisClient { client =>
val keyBytes = key.utf8bytes
val valueBytes = serialize(value)
ttl match {
case None => client.set(keyBytes, valueBytes)
case Some(Duration.Zero) => client.set(keyBytes, valueBytes)
case Some(d) if d < 1.second => {
logger.warn("Because Redis (pre 2.6.12) does not support sub-second expiry, TTL of $d will be rounded up to 1 second")
client.setex(keyBytes, 1, valueBytes)
case Some(d) => client.setex(keyBytes, d.toSeconds.toInt, valueBytes)
* Remove the given key and its associated value from the cache, if it exists.
* If the key is not in the cache, do nothing.
* @param key cache key
override def remove(key: String) = Future {
blocking {
withJedisClient { client =>
private def withJedisClient[T](f: Jedis => T): T = {
val jedis = jedisPool.getResource()
try {
} finally {
object RedisCache {
* Create a Redis client connecting to the given host and use it for caching
def apply(host: String, port: Int): RedisCache = apply(new JedisPool(host, port))
* Create a cache that uses the given Jedis client pool
* @param jedisPool a Jedis pool
* @param customClassloader a classloader to use when deserializing objects from the cache.
* If you are using Play, you should pass in `app.classloader`.
def apply(jedisPool: JedisPool, customClassloader: Option[ClassLoader] = None): RedisCache =
new RedisCache(jedisPool, customClassloader)
private val utf8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8")
* Enrichment class to convert String to UTF-8 byte array
private implicit class StringWithUtf8Bytes(val string: String) extends AnyVal {
def utf8bytes = string.getBytes(utf8)