org.cfeclipse.cfml.dictionary.html.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- This file is no longer generated - please report bugs to http://cfeclipse.tigris.org/ you can make changes to this file if you like, but it will be overwritten on the next version if you do not report the bug; since this file is not longer XSLT generated you can, if you wish, edit this file and submit it as a patch changing the creator will change the color coding in the editor possible values for creator are: 4 = w3c "normal" element 16 = form element 32 = table element --> <!DOCTYPE dictionary [ <!ENTITY value_boolean SYSTEM "inc/value_boolean.ixml"> <!-- class, id, style, title --> <!ENTITY core SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_core.ixml"> <!-- dir, lang --> <!ENTITY lang SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_language.ixml"> <!-- accesskey, tabindex --> <!ENTITY keyboard SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_keyboard.ixml"> <!-- onload, onunload --> <!ENTITY event_window SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_event_window.ixml"> <!-- onchange, onsubmit, onreset, onselect --> <!ENTITY event_form SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_event_form.ixml"> <!-- onfocus, onblur --> <!ENTITY event_focus SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_event_focus.ixml"> <!-- onkeydown, onkeyup, onkeypress --> <!ENTITY event_keyboard SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_event_keyboard.ixml"> <!-- onclick, onmousedown, etc --> <!ENTITY event_mouse SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_event_mouse.ixml"> <!-- align --> <!ENTITY align SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_align.ixml"> <!-- valign --> <!ENTITY valign SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_valign.ixml"> <!-- height, width --> <!ENTITY size SYSTEM "inc/parameter_html_size.ixml"> <!-- you can use these to mark colors if you wish --> <!ENTITY color_w3c '4' > <!ENTITY color_form '16'> <!ENTITY color_table '32'> ]> <dictionary xmlns="http://www.cfeclipse.org/version1/dictionary" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.cfeclipse.org/version1/dictionary http://www.cfeclipse.org/version1/dictionary/dictionary.xsd" > <tags> <tag name="abbr" creator="&color_w3c;" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates an abbreviated form, like "Inc.", "etc." ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="acronym" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines an acronym ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="address" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the start of an address. You should use it to define addresses, signatures, or authorships of documents. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="applet" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines an embedded applet. The applet element was deprecated in HTML 4.01; use object ]]></help> <parameter name="alt" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ An alternate text to be displayed if the browser support applets but cannot run this applet ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="archive" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A URL to the applet when it is stored in a Java Archive or ZIP file ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="code" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A URL that points to the class of the applet ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="codebase" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates the base URL of the applet if the code attribute is relative ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a unique name for the applet (to use in scripts) ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="object" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the name of the resource that contains a serialized representation of the applet ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="title" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Additional information to be displayed in tool tip ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="hspace" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the horizontal spacing around the applet ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="vspace" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the vertical spacing around the applet ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &size; &align; &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_focus; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; &event_form; &event_window; </tag> <tag name="area" creator="4" single="true" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a region in an image map. ]]></help> <parameter name="alt" type="String" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies an alternate text for the area ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="coords" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the coordinates for the clickable area ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="href" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the target URL of the area ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="nohref" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Excludes an area from the image map ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="shape" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the shape of the area ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="target" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Where to open the target URL. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="base" creator="4" single="true" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies a base URL for all the links in a page. * In HTML the tag has no end tag. * In XHTML the tag must be properly closed. ]]></help> <parameter name="href" type="URL" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the URL to use as the base URL for links in the page ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="target" type="String" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Where to open all the links on the page. This attribute can be overridden by using the target attribute in each link. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> </tag> <tag name="basefont" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a base font. Deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> <parameter name="color" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the text color. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="face" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the font to use. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="size" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Font size for font elements. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ </tag> <tag name="bdo" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Overrides the default text direction. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ </tag> <tag name="blockquote" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the start of a long quotation. ]]></help> <parameter name="cite" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ URL of the quote, if it is taken from the web ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="body" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The body element defines the documents' body. All "presentation attributes" of the body element were deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> <parameter name="alink" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the color of the active links in the document. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="background" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ An image to use as the background. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="bgcolor" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The background color of the document. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="link" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the color of all the links in the document. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="text" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the color of the text in the document. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="vlink" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the color of the visited links in the document. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; &event_window; </tag> <tag name="br" creator="4" single="true" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Inserts a single line break. * In HTML the tag has no end tag. * In XHTML the tag must be properly closed ]]></help> &core; </tag> <tag name="button" creator="16" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a push button form element. ]]></help> <parameter name="disabled" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Disables the button ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies a unique name for the button ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the type of button ]]></help> <values> <value option="button"/> <value option="reset"/> <value option="submit"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="value" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies an initial value for the button. The value can be changed by a script ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_focus; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="fieldset" creator="16" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The fieldset element draws a box around its containing elements. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ </tag> <tag name="font" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the font face, font size, and font color of text. The font element was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> <parameter name="color" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the color of the text in the font element. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="face" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the font of the text in the font element. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="size" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the size of the text in the font element. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ </tag> <tag name="form" creator="16" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Creates a form for client input ]]></help> <parameter name="action" type="URL" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ A URL that defines where to send the data when the submit button is pushed ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="accept" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A comma separated list of content types that the server that process this form will handle correctly ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="accept-charset" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A comma separated list of possible character sets for the form data. The default value is "unknown" ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="enctype" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The mime type used to encode the content of the form ]]></help> <values> <value option="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"/> <value option="multipart/form-data"/> <value option="text/plain"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="method" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The HTTP method for sending data to the action URL. Default is get. ]]></help> <values> <value option="get"/> <value option="post"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a unique name for the form ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="target" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Where to open the target URL. ]]></help> <values> <value option="_blank"/> <value option="_self"/> <value option="_top"/> <value option="_parent"/> </values> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; &event_form; </tag> <tag name="frame" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a sub window (a frame). * In HTML the tag has no end tag. * In XHTML the tag must be properly closed. ]]></help> <parameter name="frameborder" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies whether or not to display a frame border ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="longdesc" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A URL to a long description of the frame contents ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="marginheight" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the top and bottom margins of the frame ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="marginwidth" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the left and right margins of the iframe ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies a unique name of the iframe (to use in scripts) ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="noresize" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ When set to noresize the user cannot resize the frame ]]></help> <values> <value option="true"/> <value option="false"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="scrolling" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Define scroll bars ]]></help> <values> <value option="true"/> <value option="no"/> <value option="false"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="src" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The URL of the document to show in the frame ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; </tag> <tag name="frameset" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The frameset element defines a frameset. It is used to organize multiple windows (frames) ]]></help> <parameter name="cols" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the number and size of columns in a frameset ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="rows" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the number and size of rows in a frameset ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; </tag> <tag name="h1" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Heading 1 The "align" attribute was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="h2" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Heading 2 The "align" attribute was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="h3" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Heading 3 The "align" attribute was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="h4" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Heading 4 The "align" attribute was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="h5" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Heading 5 The "align" attribute was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="h6" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Heading 6 The "align" attribute was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="head" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The head element can contain information about the document. ]]></help> <parameter name="profile" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A space separated list of URL's that contains meta data information about the page ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> ⟨ </tag> <tag name="hr" creator="4" single="true" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Inserts a horizontal rule. * In HTML the tag has no end tag. * In XHTML the tag must be properly closed. All "presentation attributes" were deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> <parameter name="noshade" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ When set to true the rule should render in a solid color, when set to false the rule should render in a two-color "groove". Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="size" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the thickness (height) of the horizontal rule. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="width" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the width of the horizontal rule Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="html" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ This element tells a browser that this is an HTML document. The xmlns attribute is required in XHTML but not in HTML. (http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml) ]]></help> <parameter name="xmlns" type="String" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the XML namespace attribute ]]></help> <values> <value option="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"/> </values> </parameter> ⟨ </tag> <tag name="iframe" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Creates an inline frame that contains another document. ]]></help> <parameter name="frameborder" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies whether or not to display a frame border ]]></help> <values> <value option="true"/> <value option="false"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="longdesc" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A URL to a long description of the frame contents ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="marginheight" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the top and bottom margins of the iframe ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="marginwidth" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the left and right margins of the iframe ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies a unique name of the iframe (to use in scripts) ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="scrolling" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Define scroll bars ]]></help> <values> <value option="true"/> <value option="false"/> <value option="auto"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="src" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The URL of the document to show in the iframe ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &size; &core; ⟨ </tag> <tag name="img" creator="4" single="true" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The img element defines an image. * In HTML the tag has no end tag. * In XHTML the tag must be properly closed. ]]></help> <parameter name="alt" type="String" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a short description of the image ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="src" type="URL" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ The URL of the image to display ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="border" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a border around an image. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="ismap" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the image as a server-side image map ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="longdesc" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A URL to a document that contains a long description of the image ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="usemap" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the image as a client-side image map. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="hspace" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines white space on the left and right side of the image. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="vspace" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines white space on the top and bottom of the image. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &size; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="input" creator="16" single="true" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the start of an input field where the client can enter data. * In HTML the input tag has no end tag. * In XHTML the input tag must be properly closed. ]]></help> <parameter name="accept" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A comma-separated list of MIME types that indicates the MIME type of the file transfer. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="alt" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines an alternate text for the image. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a unique name for the input element. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="checked" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates that the input element should be checked when it first loads. ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="disabled" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Disables the input element when it first loads so that the user can not write text in it, or select it. ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="readonly" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates that the value of this field cannot be modified. ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="maxlength" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the maximum number of characters allowed in a text field. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="size" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the size of the input element. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="src" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the URL of the image to display. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The class of the element ]]></help> <values> <value option="button"/> <value option="checkbox"/> <value option="file"/> <value option="hidden"/> <value option="image"/> <value option="password"/> <value option="radio"/> <value option="reset"/> <value option="submit"/> <value option="text"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="value" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The default value of the element. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_focus; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="ins" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines inserted text. ]]></help> <parameter name="cite" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a URL to another document which explains why the text was deleted or inserted ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="datetime" type="ISODateTime" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the date and time the text was deleted ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="label" creator="16" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a label to a control ]]></help> <parameter name="for" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines which form element the label is for. Set to an ID of a form element. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="caption" creator="32" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a table caption ]]></help> <parameter name="class" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The class of the element ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &align; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="center" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Centers its enclosed text horizontally. The center element was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="col" creator="32" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the attribute values for one or more columns in a table. ]]></help> <parameter name="char" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies which character to align text on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="charoff" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the alignment offset to the first character to align on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="span" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the number of columns the col should span ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="width" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the width of the column ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &valign; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="colgroup" creator="32" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines groups of table columns. With this element, you can group columns for formatting. This element is only valid inside the table tag. ]]></help> <parameter name="char" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies which character to align text on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="charoff" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the alignment offset to the first character to align on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="span" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the number of columns the colgroup should span ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="width" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the width of the column group. Note: The width attribute can be overridden by settings in col ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &valign; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="dd" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the description of a term in a definition list. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="del" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines text that has been deleted in a document. ]]></help> <parameter name="cite" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a URL to another document which explains why the text was deleted or inserted ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="datetime" type="ISODateTime" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the date and time the text was deleted ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="dir" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ defines a directory list. The dir element was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> <parameter name="compact" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="div" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a division/section in a document. The "align" attribute of the div element was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="dl" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a definition list. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="dt" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the start of a term in a definition list. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="legend" creator="16" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a caption for a fieldset. ]]></help> &align; &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="li" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The tag defines the start of a list item. It is used in both ordered and unordered lists. The "type" and "value" attributes of the li element were deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the type of the list. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="value" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="link" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ This element defines the relationship between two linked documents. * In HTML tag has no end tag. * In XHTML tag must be properly closed. ]]></help> <parameter name="charset" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the character encoding of the target URL. Default value is "ISO-8859-1" ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="href" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The target URL of the resource ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="hreflang" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the base language of the target URL ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="media" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies on what device the document will be displayed ]]></help> <values> <value option="all"/> <value option="braille"/> <value option="print"/> <value option="projection"/> <value option="screen"/> <value option="speech"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="rel" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the relationship between the current document and the targeted document ]]></help> <values> <value option="alternate"/> <value option="appendix"/> <value option="bookmark"/> <value option="chapter"/> <value option="contents"/> <value option="copyright"/> <value option="glossary"/> <value option="help"/> <value option="home"/> <value option="index"/> <value option="next"/> <value option="prev"/> <value option="section"/> <value option="start"/> <value option="stylesheet"/> <value option="subsection"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="rev" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the relationship between the targeted document and the current document ]]></help> <values> <value option="alternate"/> <value option="appendix"/> <value option="bookmark"/> <value option="chapter"/> <value option="contents"/> <value option="copyright"/> <value option="glossary"/> <value option="help"/> <value option="home"/> <value option="index"/> <value option="next"/> <value option="prev"/> <value option="section"/> <value option="start"/> <value option="stylesheet"/> <value option="subsection"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="target" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Where to open the target URL. ]]></help> <values> <value option="_blank"/> <value option="_self"/> <value option="_top"/> <value option="_parent"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the MIME type of the target URL ]]></help> <values> <value option="text/css"/> <value option="text/javascript"/> <value option="image/gif"/> </values> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="map" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a client-side image-map. An image-map is an image with clickable regions. ]]></help> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a unique name for the map tag (for backwards compability). ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="id" type="String" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a unique name for the map tag ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_focus; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="menu" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a menu list. The menu element was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> <parameter name="compact" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="meta" creator="4" single="true" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The element provides meta-information about your page, such as descriptions and keywords for search engines and refresh rates. ]]></help> <parameter name="content" type="String" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines meta information to be associated with http-equiv or name ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="http-equiv" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Connects the content attribute to an HTTP header ]]></help> <values> <value option="content-type"/> <value option="expires"/> <value option="refresh"/> <value option="set-cookie"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Connects the content attribute to a name ]]></help> <values> <value option="author"/> <value option="description"/> <value option="keywords"/> <value option="generator"/> <value option="revised"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="scheme" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a format to be used to interpret the value of the content attribute ]]></help> <values> <value option="author"/> <value option="description"/> <value option="keywords"/> <value option="generator"/> <value option="revised"/> </values> </parameter> ⟨ </tag> <tag name="noframes" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Displays text for browsers that do not handle frames. The noframes element goes inside the frameset element. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ </tag> <tag name="noscript" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Used to define an alternate content (text) if a script is NOT executed. ]]></help> <parameter name="class" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The class of the element ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ </tag> <tag name="object" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines an embedded object. Use this element to add multimedia to your XHTML page. ]]></help> <parameter name="archive" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A space separated list of URL's to archives. The archives contains resources relevant to the object ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="border" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a border around the object ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="classid" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a class ID value as set in the Windows Registry or a URL ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="codebase" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines where to find the code for the object ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="codetype" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The internet media type of the code referred to by the classid attribute ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="data" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a URL that refers to the object's data ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="declare" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines that the object should only be declared, not created or instantiated until needed ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="hspace" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the horizontal spacing around the object ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="vspace" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the vertical spacing around the object ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a unique name for the object (to use in scripts) ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="standby" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a text to display while the object is loading ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the MIME type of data specified in the data attribute ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="usemap" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies a URL of a client-side image map to be used with the object ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &size; &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="ol" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the start of an ordered list. The "compact", "start" and "type" attributes of the ol element were deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> <parameter name="compact" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="start" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the number to start on. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the type of the list. Deprecated. Use styles instead ]]></help> <values> <value option="A"/> <value option="a"/> <value option="I"/> <value option="i"/> <value option="1"/> </values> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="optgroup" creator="16" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines an option group. This element allows you to group choices. When you have a long list of options, groups of related choices are easier to handle. ]]></help> <parameter name="label" type="String" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the label for the option group ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="disabled" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Disables the option-group when it first loads ]]></help> <values> <value option="true"/> <value option="false"/> </values> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="option" creator="16" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines an option in the drop-down list. * In HTML the tag has no end tag. * In XHTML the tag must be properly closed. ]]></help> <parameter name="disabled" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies that the option should be disabled when it first loads ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="label" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a label to use when using [optgroup] ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="selected" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies that the option should appear selected (will be displayed first in the list) ]]></help> <values> <value option="true"/> <value option="false"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="value" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the the value of the option to be sent to the server ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="p" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a paragraph. All "presentation attributes" of the p element were deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="param" creator="4" single="true" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The param element allows you to specify the run-time settings for an object inserted into XHTML documents. ]]></help> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a unique name for the parameter ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="id" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The id for this element ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the internet media type for the parameter ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="value" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the value of the parameter ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="valuetype" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the MIME type of the value ]]></help> <values> <value option="data"/> <value option="ref"/> <value option="object"/> </values> </parameter> </tag> <tag name="pre" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The pre element defines preformatted text. The "width" attribute of the pre element was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> <parameter name="width" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the maximum number of characters per line (usually 40, 80, or 132) ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="q" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the start of a short quotation. ]]></help> <parameter name="cite" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a citation for the quotation ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="script" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a script, such as a JavaScript. The "language" attribute of the script element was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ]]></help> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates the MIME type of the script ]]></help> <values> <value option="text/ecmascript"/> <value option="text/javascript"/> <value option="text/jscript"/> <value option="text/vbscript"/> <value option="text/vbs"/> <value option="text/xml"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="charset" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the character encoding used in script ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="defer" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates that the script is not going to generate any document content. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="language" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the scripting language. Deprecated. Use the type attribute instead. ]]></help> <values> <value option="javascript"/> <value option="livescript"/> <value option="vbscript"/> <value option="other"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="src" type="URL" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a URL to a file that contains the script ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> </tag> <tag name="select" creator="16" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The select element creates a drop-down list. ]]></help> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a unique name for the drop-down list ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="size" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Definer the number of visible items in the drop-down list ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="disabled" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ When set, it disables the drop-down list ]]></help> <values> <value option="true"/> <value option="false"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="multiple" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ When set, it specifies that multiple items can be selected at a time ]]></help> <values> <value option="true"/> <value option="false"/> </values> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_focus; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="span" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Used to group inline-elements in a document. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="strike" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ ** Deprecated in HTML 4.01. ** Defines strikethrough text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <!-- <tag name="s" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ ** Deprecated in HTML 4.01. ** Defines strikethrough text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> --> <tag name="cite" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a citation ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="var" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a variable ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="kbd" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines keyboard text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="samp" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines sample computer code ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="code" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines computer code text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="dfn" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a definition term ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="strong" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Renders as strong emphasized text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="em" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Renders as emphasized text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="style" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a style in a document. ]]></help> <parameter name="title" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A text to display in a tool tip ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the content-type ]]></help> <values> <value option="text/css"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="media" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The destination medium for the style information ]]></help> <values> <value option="screen"/> <value option="tty"/> <value option="tv"/> <value option="projection"/> <value option="handheld"/> <value option="print"/> <value option="braille"/> <value option="aural"/> <value option="all"/> </values> </parameter> ⟨ </tag> <tag name="sub" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines subscript text. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="sup" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines superscript text. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="table" creator="32" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a table. Inside a table tag you can put table headers, table rows, table cells, and other tables. ]]></help> <parameter name="border" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the border width. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="cellpadding" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the space between the cell walls and contents ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="cellspacing" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the space between cells ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="summary" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies a summary of the table for speech-synthesizing/ non-visual browsers ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="frame" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies how the outer borders should be displayed. Note: Must be used in conjunction with the "border" attribute ]]></help> <values> <value option="void"/> <value option="above"/> <value option="below"/> <value option="hsides"/> <value option="lhs"/> <value option="rhs"/> <value option="vsides"/> <value option="box"/> <value option="border"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="rules" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the horizontal/vertical divider lines. Note: Must be used in conjunction with the "border" attribute ]]></help> <values> <value option="none"/> <value option="groups"/> <value option="rows"/> <value option="cols"/> <value option="all"/> </values> </parameter> &size; <parameter name="bgcolor" type="String" required="false"> <help>** Deprecated. Use styles instead. ** Specifies the elements background color.</help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="tbody" creator="32" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a table body. ]]></help> <parameter name="char" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies which character to align text on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="charoff" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the alignment offset to the first character to align on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &valign; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="td" creator="32" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a cell in a table. ]]></help> <parameter name="scope" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies if this cell provides header information for the rest of the row that contains it ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="rowspan" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates the number of rows this cell should span ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="nowrap" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Whether to disable or enable automatic text wrapping in this cell. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="headers" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A space-separated list of cell IDs that supply header information for the cell. This attribute allows text-only browsers to render the header information for a given cell ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="colspan" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates the number of columns this cell should span ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="abbr" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies an abbreviated version of the content in a cell ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="axis" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a name for a cell ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="char" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies which character to align text on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="charoff" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the alignment offset to the first character to align on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &valign; &size; <parameter name="bgcolor" type="String" required="false"> <help>** Deprecated. Use styles instead. ** Specifies the elements background color.</help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="textarea" creator="16" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a text-area (a multi-line text input control). ]]></help> <parameter name="rows" type="Numeric" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the number of columns visible in the text-area ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="cols" type="Numeric" required="true"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the number of rows visible in the text-area ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="disabled" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Disables the text-area when it is first displayed ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies a name for the text-area ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="readonly" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates that the user cannot modify the content in the text-area ]]></help> <values> <value option="true"/> <value option="false"/> </values> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_focus; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="tfoot" creator="&color_table;" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a table footer. ]]></help> <parameter name="char" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies which character to align text on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="charoff" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the alignment offset to the first character to align on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &valign; &align; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="th" creator="&color_table;" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a table header cell in a table. The text within the th element usually renders in bold. ]]></help> <parameter name="scope" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies if this cell provides header information for the rest of the row that contains it ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="rowspan" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates the number of rows this cell should span ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="nowrap" type="boolean" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Whether to disable or enable automatic text wrapping in this cell. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values> &value_boolean; </values> </parameter> <parameter name="headers" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A space-separated list of cell IDs that supply header information for the cell. This attribute allows text-only browsers to render the header information for a given cell ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="colspan" type="Numeric" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Indicates the number of columns this cell should span ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="abbr" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies an abbreviated version of the content in a cell ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="axis" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a name for a cell ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="bgcolor" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the background color of the table cell. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="char" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies which character to align text on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="charoff" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the alignment offset to the first character to align on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &valign; &size; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="thead" creator="&color_table;" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a table header. ]]></help> <parameter name="char" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies which character to align text on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="charoff" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the alignment offset to the first character to align on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &valign; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="title" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ This element defines the title of the document. ]]></help> <parameter name="class" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The class of the element ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="id" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ A unique id for the element ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="style" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ An inline style definition ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &core; ⟨ </tag> <tag name="tr" creator="&color_table;" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines a row in a table. ]]></help> <parameter name="bgcolor" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the background color of the table cell. Deprecated. Use styles instead. ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="char" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies which character to align text on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="charoff" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the alignment offset to the first character to align on. Note: Only used if align="char"! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> &align; &valign; &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="small" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Renders as smaller text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="big" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Renders as bigger text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="b" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Renders as bold text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="i" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Renders as italic text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="tt" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Renders as teletype or mono spaced text ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="u" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ ** The u element was deprecated in HTML 4.01. ** This tag defines underlined text. ]]></help> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="ul" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The <ul> tag defines an unordered list. ]]></help> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the character encoding of the target URL ]]></help> <values> <value option="disc"/> <value option="square"/> <value option="circle"/> </values> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> <tag name="a" creator="4" single="false" xmlstyle="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The a tag defines an anchor element. An anchor can be used in two ways: To create a link to another document by using the href attribute To create a bookmark inside a document, by using the name or id attribute ]]></help> <parameter name="charset" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the character encoding of the target URL ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="coords" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the coordinates appropriate to the shape attribute to define a region of an image for image maps ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="href" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The target URL of the link ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="hreflang" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ The target URL of the link ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="name" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Names an anchor. Use this attribute to create a bookmark in a document. In future versions of XHTML the name attribute will be replaced by the id attribute!! ]]></help> <values/> </parameter> <parameter name="rel" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the relationship between the current document and the target URL ]]></help> <values> <value option="alternate"/> <value option="designates"/> <value option="stylesheet"/> <value option="start"/> <value option="next"/> <value option="prev"/> <value option="contents"/> <value option="index"/> <value option="glossary"/> <value option="copyright"/> <value option="chapter"/> <value option="section"/> <value option="subsection"/> <value option="appendix"/> <value option="help"/> <value option="bookmark"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="rev" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the relationship between the target URL and the current document ]]></help> <values> <value option="alternate"/> <value option="designates"/> <value option="stylesheet"/> <value option="start"/> <value option="next"/> <value option="prev"/> <value option="contents"/> <value option="index"/> <value option="glossary"/> <value option="copyright"/> <value option="chapter"/> <value option="section"/> <value option="subsection"/> <value option="appendix"/> <value option="help"/> <value option="bookmark"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="shape" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the type of region to be defined for mapping in the current area tag. Used with the coords attribute. ]]></help> <values> <value option="rect"/> <value option="rectangle"/> <value option="circ"/> <value option="circle"/> <value option="poly"/> <value option="polygon"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="target" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Defines the type of region to be defined for mapping in the current area tag. Used with the coords attribute. ]]></help> <values> <value option="_blank"/> <value option="_parent"/> <value option="_self"/> <value option="_top"/> </values> </parameter> <parameter name="type" type="String" required="false"> <help><![CDATA[ Specifies the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type of the target URL ]]></help> <values> <value option="text/plain"/> <value option="text/html"/> </values> </parameter> &core; ⟨ &keyboard; &event_focus; &event_mouse; &event_keyboard; </tag> </tags> <functions/> </dictionary>
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