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com.github.chen0040.plsa.pLSA Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Java implementation of probabilistic latent semantic analysis (pLSA)
package com.github.chen0040.plsa;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
* Created by xschen on 9/16/15.
* probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
public class pLSA {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(pLSA.class);
private SparseMatrix probability_topic_given_doc_and_word = null;
private SparseMatrix probability_topic = null;
private SparseMatrix probability_doc_given_topic = null;
private SparseMatrix probability_word_given_topic = null;
private int topicCount = 20;
private int docCount = -1;
private int wordCount = -1;
private int maxIters = 10;
private double loglikelihood = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
private int maxVocabularySize = 100;
private Random random = new Random();
private Vocabulary vocabulary;
private boolean removeNumbers = true;
private boolean removeIpAddress = true;
private boolean stemmerEnabled = false;
private List documents;
public pLSA(){
public String wordAtIndex(int word){
return vocabulary.get(word);
public pLSA makeCopy() {
pLSA clone = new pLSA();
return clone;
public void copy(pLSA that){
this.probability_topic_given_doc_and_word = that.probability_topic_given_doc_and_word.makeCopy();
this.probability_topic = that.probability_topic.makeCopy();
this.probability_doc_given_topic = probability_doc_given_topic.makeCopy();
this.probability_word_given_topic = that.probability_word_given_topic.makeCopy();
this.topicCount = that.topicCount;
this.docCount = that.docCount;
this.wordCount = that.wordCount;
this.vocabulary = that.vocabulary.makeCopy();
this.maxIters = that.maxIters;
this.loglikelihood = that.loglikelihood;
this.stemmerEnabled = that.stemmerEnabled;
this.removeIpAddress = that.removeIpAddress;
this.removeNumbers = that.removeNumbers;
private List buildDocuments(List docs){
final StopWordRemoval stopWordRemoval = new StopWordRemoval();
final LowerCase lowerCase = new LowerCase();
final PorterStemmer stemmer = new PorterStemmer();
List> wordCountMap = docs.parallelStream().map(text -> {
List words = BasicTokenizer.doTokenize(text);
words = lowerCase.filter(words);
words = stopWordRemoval.filter(words);
if(stemmerEnabled) {
words = stemmer.filter(words);
Map wordCounts = new HashMap<>();
for(String word : words){
wordCounts.put(word, wordCounts.getOrDefault(word, 0) + 1);
return wordCounts;
vocabulary = new BasicVocabulary();
int m = wordCountMap.size();
Map uniqueWords = new HashMap<>();
for(int i=0; i < m; ++i){
Map doc = wordCountMap.get(i);
for(Map.Entry entry : doc.entrySet()){
uniqueWords.put(entry.getKey(), uniqueWords.getOrDefault(entry.getKey(), 0) + entry.getValue());
List> words = uniqueWords.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> new TupleTwo<>(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())).collect(Collectors.toList());
words.sort((a, b) ->, b._2()));
List candidates = new ArrayList<>();
Map positions = new HashMap<>();
for(int i=0; candidates.size() < maxVocabularySize && i < words.size(); ++i){
String word = words.get(i)._1();
positions.put(word, candidates.size()-1);
List result = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0; i < m; ++i){
Map doc = wordCountMap.get(i);
Map wordCount = new HashMap<>();
for(Map.Entry entry : doc.entrySet()){
String word = entry.getKey();
wordCount.put(positions.get(word), entry.getValue());
result.add(new BasicDocument(wordCount, docs.get(i), i));
return result;
public List> getTopRankingTopics4Doc(int doc, int limits){
final double[] probs = new double[topicCount];
List topic_orders = new ArrayList();
for(int topic = 0; topic < topicCount; ++topic){
probs[topic] = probability_topic.get(topic) * probability_doc_given_topic.get(topic, doc);
topic_orders.sort((t1, t2) ->[t2], probs[t1]));
List> topRankedTopics = new ArrayList<>();
limits = Math.min(limits, topicCount);
for(int i = 0; i < limits; ++i){
int topic = topic_orders.get(i);
topRankedTopics.add(new TupleTwo<>(topic, probs[topic]));
return topRankedTopics;
public List> getTopRankingDocs4Topic(int topic, int limits){
final double[] probs = new double[docCount];
List doc_orders = new ArrayList<>();
for(int docIndex = 0; docIndex < docCount; ++docIndex){
probs[docIndex] = probability_doc_given_topic.get(topic, docIndex);
doc_orders.sort((a, b) ->[a.docIndex()], probs[b.docIndex()]));
List> topRankedDocs = new ArrayList<>();
limits = Math.min(limits, docCount);
for(int i = 0; i < limits; ++i){
Document doc = doc_orders.get(i);
topRankedDocs.add(new TupleTwo<>(doc, probs[doc.docIndex()]));
return topRankedDocs;
public List> getTopRankingWords4Topic(int topic, int limits){
final double[] probs = new double[wordCount];
List word_orders = new ArrayList<>();
for(int wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < wordCount; ++wordIndex){
probs[wordIndex] = probability_word_given_topic.get(topic, wordIndex);
word_orders.sort((t1, t2) ->[vocabulary.indexOf(t2)], probs[vocabulary.indexOf(t1)]));
List> topRankedWords = new ArrayList<>();
limits = Math.min(limits, wordCount);
for(int i = 0; i < limits; ++i){
String word = word_orders.get(i);
topRankedWords.add(new TupleTwo<>(word, probs[vocabulary.indexOf(word)]));
return topRankedWords;
public void fit(List docs){
documents = buildDocuments(docs);
docCount = documents.size();
wordCount = vocabulary.getLength();
probability_topic = new SparseMatrix(topicCount);
probability_doc_given_topic = new SparseMatrix(topicCount, docCount);
probability_word_given_topic = new SparseMatrix(topicCount, wordCount);
probability_topic_given_doc_and_word = new SparseMatrix(docCount, wordCount, topicCount);
for(int topic = 0; topic < topicCount; ++topic) {
probability_topic.set(topic, 1.0 / topicCount);
for(int doc = 0; doc < docCount; ++doc){
probability_doc_given_topic.set(topic, doc, random.nextDouble());
for(int word = 0; word < wordCount; ++word){
probability_word_given_topic.set(topic, word, random.nextDouble());
for(int iter = 0; iter < maxIters; ++iter){
// E-step
for(int doc = 0; doc < docCount; ++doc){
List words = documents.get(doc).wordIndices();
for(Integer word : words) {
for(int topic = 0; topic < topicCount; ++topic) {
double probability_of_topic_and_doc_and_word = probability_topic.get(topic)
* probability_doc_given_topic.get(topic,doc)
* probability_word_given_topic.get(topic, word);
probability_topic_given_doc_and_word.set(doc, word, topic, probability_of_topic_and_doc_and_word);
probability_topic_given_doc_and_word.normalize(doc, word);
// M-step
for(int topic = 0; topic < topicCount; ++topic){
for(int word = 0; word < wordCount; ++word) {
// update P (word | topic) /prop sum_{doc} (P(topic | word, doc) * count(word in doc))
double sum = 0;
for (int doc = 0; doc < docCount; ++doc) {
Document basicDocument = documents.get(doc);
Map wordCounts = basicDocument.indexedWordCount();
sum += probability_topic_given_doc_and_word.get(doc, word, topic) * wordCounts.getOrDefault(word, 0);
probability_word_given_topic.set(topic, word, sum);
for(int doc = 0; doc < docCount; ++doc){
// update P (doc | topic) /prop sum_{word} (P(topic | word, doc) * count(word in doc))
double sum = 0;
for(Map.Entry entry : documents.get(doc).indexedWordCount().entrySet()){
int word = entry.getKey();
sum += probability_topic_given_doc_and_word.get(doc, word, topic) * entry.getValue();
probability_doc_given_topic.set(topic, doc, sum);
double sum = 0;
for(int doc = 0; doc < docCount; ++doc){
Document basicDocument = documents.get(doc);
Map wordCounts = basicDocument.indexedWordCount();
for(Map.Entry entry : wordCounts.entrySet()){
int word = entry.getKey();
sum += probability_topic_given_doc_and_word.get(doc, word, topic) * entry.getValue();
probability_topic.set(topic, sum);
// Normalize
loglikelihood = calcLogLikelihood(documents);"#: {} log-likelihood: {}", iter, loglikelihood);
private double calcLogLikelihood(List batch){
int m = batch.size();
double L = 0.0;
for(int doc = 0; doc < m; ++doc){
Document basicDocument = batch.get(doc);
Map wordCounts = basicDocument.indexedWordCount();
for(Map.Entry entry : wordCounts.entrySet()) {
int word = entry.getKey();
double sum = 0;
for(int topic = 0; topic < topicCount; ++topic) {
double value = probability_topic.get(topic)
* probability_doc_given_topic.get(topic,doc)
* probability_word_given_topic.get(topic, word);
sum += value;
double logSum = Math.log(sum);
if(Double.isNaN(logSum)) continue;
L += entry.getValue() * logSum;
return L;