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kuyfi.TZDBParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package kuyfi
import java.time.{DayOfWeek, LocalTime, Month}
import java.time.format.TextStyle
import java.util.Locale
import atto.ParseResult.{Done, Fail}
import better.files.File
import shapeless.{Coproduct, _}
import shapeless.ops.coproduct.Inject
import scalaz.effect.IO
* Model of the TimeZone Database
object TZDB {
* Definition of timestamps
sealed trait At extends Product with Serializable {
def time: LocalTime
case class AtWallTime(time: LocalTime) extends At
case class AtStandardTime(time: LocalTime) extends At
case class AtUniversalTime(time: LocalTime) extends At
* Model for Zone entries on TZDB
case class GmtOffset(h: Int, m: Int, s: Int)
case class Until(y: Int, m: Option[Month], d: Option[DayOfTheMonth], at: Option[At])
case class ZoneTransition(at: GmtOffset, rules: String, format: String, until: Option[Until])
case class Zone(name: String, transitions: List[ZoneTransition]) extends Product with Serializable
* Model for Rule Entries
case class Letter(letter: String)
case class Save(time: LocalTime)
sealed trait On extends Product with Serializable
case class DayOfTheMonth(i: Int) extends On
case class LastWeekday(d: DayOfWeek) extends On
case class AfterWeekday(d: DayOfWeek, day: Int) extends On
case class BeforeWeekday(d: DayOfWeek, day: Int) extends On
sealed trait Year extends Product with Serializable
case class GivenYear(year: Int) extends Year
case object Minimum extends Year
case object Maximum extends Year
case object Only extends Year
case class Rule(name: String, from: Year, to: Year, month: Month, on: On, at: At, save: Save, letter: Letter) extends Product with Serializable
* Model for Link entries
case class Link(from: String, to: String) extends Product with Serializable
* Comments and blank lines
case class Comment(comment: String) extends Product with Serializable
case class BlankLine(line: String) extends Product with Serializable
* Coproduct for the content of lines on the parsed files
type Row = Comment :+: BlankLine :+: Link :+: Rule :+: Zone :+: CNil
implicit class ToCoproduct[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {
def liftC[C <: Coproduct](implicit inj: Inject[C, A]): C = Coproduct[C](a)
* Defines atto parsers to read tzdb files
object TZDBParser {
import TZDB._
import scalaz._
import scalaz.effect._
import Scalaz._
import atto._, Atto.{char => chr, _}, compat.scalaz._
import better.files._
// Useful Monoid
implicit def parserListMonoid[A]: Monoid[ParseResult[List[A]]] =
Monoid.instance[ParseResult[List[A]]]((a, b) => (a, b) match {
case (Done(u, x), Done(v, y)) => Done(u + v, x ::: y)
case _ => Fail("", Nil, "Can only handle full response ")
}, Done("", List.empty[A]))
implicit class Parser2Coproduct[A](val a: Parser[A]) extends AnyVal {
def liftC[C <: shapeless.Coproduct](implicit inj: shapeless.ops.coproduct.Inject[C, A]): Parser[C] = a.map(_.liftC[C])
private val space = chr(' ')
private val semicolon = chr(':')
private val tab = chr('\t')
private val nl = chr('\n')
private val identifier = stringOf1(noneOf(" \t\n"))
private val whitespace: Parser[Char] = tab | space
private val linkSeparator: Parser[List[Char]] = many(whitespace)
private val months: List[(String, Month)] = Month.values().map(m => (m.getDisplayName(TextStyle.SHORT, Locale.ENGLISH), m)).toList
private val days: List[(String, DayOfWeek)] = DayOfWeek.values().map(m => (m.getDisplayName(TextStyle.SHORT, Locale.ENGLISH), m)).toList
val from: Parser[String] =
stringOf1(digit) |
string("minimum") |
val fromParser: Parser[Year] = {
stringOf1(digit).map(y => GivenYear(y.toInt)) |
string("minimum").map(_ => Minimum: Year) |
string("maximum").map(_ => Maximum: Year) |
string("max").map(_ => Maximum: Year) |
string("min").map(_ => Minimum: Year)
val toParser: Parser[Year] = {
stringOf1(digit).map(y => GivenYear(y.toInt)) |
string("minimum").map(_ => Minimum: Year) |
string("maximum").map(_ => Maximum: Year) |
string("max").map(_ => Maximum: Year) |
string("min").map(_ => Minimum: Year) |
string("only").map(_ => Only: Year)
def parseOneOf[A](items: List[(String, A)], msg: String): Parser[A] = {
val p = items.map {
case (i, v) => string(i).map(_ => v)
p.foldRight(err[A](msg))(_ | _)
val monthParser: Parser[Month] = parseOneOf(months, "unknown month")
val dayParser: Parser[DayOfWeek] = parseOneOf(days, "unknown day")
val afterWeekdayParser: Parser[On] =
for {
d <- opt(space) ~> dayParser <~ string(">=")
a <- int
} yield AfterWeekday(d, a)
val beforeWeekdayParser: Parser[On] =
for {
d <- opt(space) ~> dayParser <~ string("<=")
a <- int
} yield BeforeWeekday(d, a)
val lastWeekdayParser: Parser[On] =
for {
_ <- string("last")
d <- dayParser
} yield LastWeekday(d)
val onParser: Parser[On] =
(opt(space) ~> int.map(DayOfTheMonth.apply)) |
afterWeekdayParser |
beforeWeekdayParser |
val timePartParser: Parser[Char] =
digit | semicolon
val hourMinParser: Parser[(Int, Int)] =
for {
_ <- opt(space)
h <- int <~ semicolon
m <- int
} yield (h, m)
val hourMinParserLT: Parser[LocalTime] = hourMinParser.map {
case (h, m) => LocalTime.of(fixHourRange(h), m)
val hourMinParserOf: Parser[GmtOffset] = hourMinParser.map {
case (h, m) => GmtOffset(h, m, 0)
val hourMinSecParser: Parser[(Boolean, Int, Int, Int)] =
for {
n <- opt(chr('-'))
_ <- opt(space)
h <- int <~ semicolon
m <- int <~ semicolon
s <- int
} yield (n.isDefined, h, m, s)
val hourMinSecParserLT: Parser[LocalTime] = hourMinSecParser.map {
case (_, h, m, s) => LocalTime.of(fixHourRange(h), m, s)
val hourMinSecParserOf: Parser[GmtOffset] = hourMinSecParser.map {
case (n, h, m, s) => GmtOffset(n ? -h | h, (n && h === 0) ? -m | m, s)
val timeParser: Parser[LocalTime] =
opt(many(whitespace)) ~>
hourMinSecParserLT |
hourMinParserLT |
int.map(h => LocalTime.of(fixHourRange(h), 0))
private def fixHourRange(h: Int) = (h === 24) ? 0 | h
val gmtOffsetParser: Parser[GmtOffset] =
hourMinSecParserOf |
hourMinParserOf |
int.map(h => GmtOffset(h, 0, 0))
val atParser: Parser[At] =
(timeParser ~ chr('w')).map(x => AtWallTime(x._1): At) |
(timeParser ~ chr('s')).map(x => AtStandardTime(x._1): At) |
(timeParser ~ chr('u')).map(x => AtUniversalTime(x._1): At) |
timeParser.map(x => AtWallTime(x): At)
val saveParser: Parser[Save] =
timeParser.map(x => Save(x))
val toEndLine: Parser[String] = takeWhile(_ =/= '\n') <~ opt(nl)
val letterParser: Parser[Letter] =
for {
l <- takeWhile(c => c.isUpper || c === '-')
_ <- toEndLine
} yield Letter(l)
val ruleParser: Parser[Rule] =
for {
_ <- string("Rule") <~ whitespace
name <- identifier <~ whitespace
from <- fromParser <~ whitespace
to <- toParser <~ whitespace
_ <- chr('-') <~ whitespace
month <- monthParser <~ whitespace
on <- onParser <~ whitespace
at <- atParser <~ whitespace
save <- saveParser <~ whitespace
letter <- letterParser
} yield Rule(name, from, to, month, on, at, save, letter)
val linkParser: Parser[Link] =
for {
_ <- string("Link") <~ linkSeparator
from <- identifier <~ linkSeparator
to <- identifier
_ <- toEndLine
} yield Link(from, to)
val untilParser: Parser[Until] =
for {
year <- int <~ opt(whitespace)
month <- opt(monthParser) <~ many(whitespace)
day <- opt(int.map(DayOfTheMonth.apply)) <~ many(whitespace)
at <- opt(atParser)
_ <- toEndLine
} yield Until(year, month, day, at)
val commentParser: Parser[Comment] =
chr('#') ~> toEndLine.map(Comment.apply)
val zoneTransitionParser: Parser[ZoneTransition] =
for {
gmtOff <- many(whitespace) ~> gmtOffsetParser <~ whitespace
rules <- identifier <~ many(whitespace)
format <- identifier <~ many(whitespace)
until <- opt(untilParser)
_ <- opt(many(commentParser))
} yield ZoneTransition(gmtOff, rules, format, until)
val continuationZoneTransitionParser: Parser[ZoneTransition] =
for {
_ <- manyN(3, whitespace)
gmtOff <- gmtOffsetParser <~ whitespace
rules <- opt(whitespace) ~> identifier <~ many(whitespace)
format <- identifier <~ many(whitespace)
until <- opt(untilParser)
_ <- opt(many(many(whitespace) ~> commentParser))
} yield ZoneTransition(gmtOff, rules, format, until)
val zoneTransitionListParser: Parser[List[ZoneTransition]] =
(zoneTransitionParser ~ many(continuationZoneTransitionParser)).map { case (a, b) => a :: b }
val zoneParser: Parser[Zone] =
for {
_ <- string("Zone") <~ whitespace
name <- identifier <~ whitespace
trans <- zoneTransitionListParser
} yield Zone(name, trans)
val blankLine: Parser[BlankLine] =
nl.map(_ => BlankLine(""))
//many(whitespace <~ nl).map(c => BlankLine(c.mkString))
val fileParser: Parser[List[Row]] =
for {
c <- many(commentParser.liftC[Row] | ruleParser.liftC[Row] | zoneParser.liftC[Row] | linkParser.liftC[Row] | blankLine.liftC[Row])
} yield c
def parseFile(text: String): ParseResult[List[Row]] = {
fileParser parseOnly text
val tzdbFiles: List[String] = List(
* Entry point. Takes a dir with the TZDB files and parses them into Rows
def parseAll(dir: File): IO[List[Row]] = IO {
dir match {
case File.Type.SymbolicLink(_) => Nil
case File.Type.Directory(files) =>
val parsed = files.filter(f => tzdbFiles.contains(f.name)).map(f => parseFile(f.contentAsString))
parsed.toList.suml match {
case Done(_, v) => v
case _ => Nil
case File.Type.RegularFile(_) => Nil
case _ => Nil
object TZDBCodeGenerator {
import TZDB._
import treehugger.forest._, definitions._, treehuggerDSL._
private val autoGeneratedCommend = "Auto-generated code from TZDB definitions, don't edit"
// Typeclass of code generator
trait TreeGenerator[A] {
def generateTree(a: A): Tree
implicit class TreeGeneratorOps[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {
def toTree(implicit t: TreeGenerator[A]): Tree = t.generateTree(a)
object TreeGenerator {
// "Summoner" method
def apply[A](implicit enc: TreeGenerator[A]): TreeGenerator[A] = enc
// "Constructor" method
def instance[A](func: A => Tree): TreeGenerator[A] =
new TreeGenerator[A] {
def generateTree(value: A): Tree =
// Globally visible type class instances
implicit def intInstance: TreeGenerator[Int] = instance(LIT.apply)
implicit def stringInstance: TreeGenerator[String] = instance(LIT.apply)
// Encoders for products
implicit def cnilInstance: TreeGenerator[CNil] = instance(_ => throw new Exception("Cannot happen"))
implicit def coproductInstance[H, T <: Coproduct](
hInstance: Lazy[TreeGenerator[H]], // wrap in Lazy
tInstance: TreeGenerator[T]
): TreeGenerator[H :+: T] = instance {
case Inl(h) => hInstance.value.generateTree(h)
case Inr(t) => tInstance.generateTree(t)
implicit val zoneInstance: TreeGenerator[Zone] =
instance(z => LIT(z.name))
implicit val linkInstance: TreeGenerator[Link] =
instance(l => TUPLE(l.to.toTree, l.from.toTree))
implicit val zoneListInstance: TreeGenerator[List[Zone]] =
instance( z =>
LAZYVAL("allZones", "List[String]") := LIST(z.map(_.toTree))
implicit val linkInstances: TreeGenerator[List[Link]] =
instance( l =>
LAZYVAL("zoneLinks", "Map[String, String]") := MAKE_MAP(l.map(_.toTree): _*)
// Go over the links and remove links whose source is unknown
def cleanLinks(rows: List[Row]): List[Row] ={
val zoneNames = rows.flatMap(_.select[Zone]).map(_.name)
rows.filter {
case r if r.select[Link].isDefined => r.select[Link].exists(l => zoneNames.contains(l.from))
case _ => true
def exportAll(dir: java.io.File, to: java.io.File): IO[Unit] = {
import better.files._
for {
rows <- TZDBParser.parseAll(File(dir.toURI))
cleanrows <- IO(cleanLinks(rows))
tree <- IO(exportAll(cleanrows))
_ <- IO(File(to.toURI).write(treeToString(tree)))
} yield ()
def exportAll(rows: List[Row]): Tree = {
OBJECTDEF("tzdb") := BLOCK(rows.flatMap(_.select[Zone]).toTree, rows.flatMap(_.select[Link]).toTree)
) inPackage "tzdb" withComment autoGeneratedCommend
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