Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldml.dtd"> <!-- Copyright © 1991-2016 Unicode, Inc. For terms of use, see Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification ( DO NOT CHANGE MANUALLY! Generated by: GenerateOtherAnnotations --> <ldml> <identity> <version number="$Revision: 12945 $"/> <language type="ca"/> </identity> <annotations> <annotation cp="♀">femení | dona | femella</annotation> <annotation cp="♀" type="tts">símbol femení</annotation> <annotation cp="♂">masculí | home | mascle</annotation> <annotation cp="♂" type="tts">símbol masculí</annotation> <annotation cp="⚕">Esculapi | medicina | personal</annotation> <annotation cp="⚕" type="tts">símbol mèdic</annotation> <annotation cp="🕺">home | ballant | ball | disco | música</annotation> <annotation cp="🕺" type="tts">home ballant</annotation> <annotation cp="🖤">cor | negre</annotation> <annotation cp="🖤" type="tts">cor negre</annotation> <annotation cp="🤙">trucada | mà | Shaka | surf | beure</annotation> <annotation cp="🤙" type="tts">senyal de trucada</annotation> <annotation cp="🤚">mà | alçada | estop | stop | aturar-se</annotation> <annotation cp="🤚" type="tts">mà alçada</annotation> <annotation cp="🤛">puny | dret | salutació</annotation> <annotation cp="🤛" type="tts">puny dret</annotation> <annotation cp="🤜">puny | esquerre | salutació</annotation> <annotation cp="🤜" type="tts">puny esquerre</annotation> <annotation cp="🤝">encaixada | mans | acord | salutació</annotation> <annotation cp="🤝" type="tts">encaixada de mans</annotation> <annotation cp="🤞">dits | creuats | sort</annotation> <annotation cp="🤞" type="tts">dits creuats</annotation> <annotation cp="🤠">cara | vaquer | vaquera | barret | cowboy</annotation> <annotation cp="🤠" type="tts">cara de vaquer</annotation> <annotation cp="🤡">cara | pallasso | pallassa</annotation> <annotation cp="🤡" type="tts">cara de pallasso</annotation> <annotation cp="🤢">cara | marejada | mareig | marejat | nàusea | vomitar</annotation> <annotation cp="🤢" type="tts">cara marejada</annotation> <annotation cp="🤣">partir-se | riure | cara | pixar-se | rialler | riallera</annotation> <annotation cp="🤣" type="tts">cara riallera</annotation> <annotation cp="🤤">cara | bavejant | bava</annotation> <annotation cp="🤤" type="tts">cara bavejant</annotation> <annotation cp="🤥">cara | mentider | nas | Pinotxo</annotation> <annotation cp="🤥" type="tts">cara de mentider</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦">frustració | palmell | cara | exasperació | incredulitat | vergonya | indignació | mà</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦" type="tts">frustració</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♀">incredulitat | exasperació | mà | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♀" type="tts">dona amb la mà al front</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♂">incredulitat | exasperació | mà | home</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♂" type="tts">home amb la mà al front</annotation> <annotation cp="🤧">cara | esternudant | constipat | salut | mocs | esternut</annotation> <annotation cp="🤧" type="tts">cara esternudant</annotation> <annotation cp="🤰">embarassada | dona | prenyada | embaràs</annotation> <annotation cp="🤰" type="tts">embarassada</annotation> <annotation cp="🤳">autofoto | foto | selfie</annotation> <annotation cp="🤳" type="tts">autofoto</annotation> <annotation cp="🤴">príncep | corona | reialesa</annotation> <annotation cp="🤴" type="tts">príncep</annotation> <annotation cp="🤵">home | elegant | esmòquing</annotation> <annotation cp="🤵" type="tts">home elegant</annotation> <annotation cp="🤶">mare | Noel | Nadal | àvia | còfia</annotation> <annotation cp="🤶" type="tts">mare Noel</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷">arronsar | espatlles | ni idea</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷" type="tts">arronsar les espatlles</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♀">dubte | ignorància | indiferència | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♀" type="tts">dona amb les espatlles arronsades</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♂">dubte | ignorància | indiferència | home</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♂" type="tts">home amb les espatlles arronsades</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸">roda | gimnàstica | esport</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸" type="tts">roda</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♀">tombarella | femení | gimnàstica | persona | esport | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♀" type="tts">dona fent la roda</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♂">tombarella | gimnàstica | masculí | home | persona | esport</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♂" type="tts">home fent la roda</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹">malabarista | circ | joc malabar | malabarisme</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹" type="tts">malabarista</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♀">femení | malabars | multitasca | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♀" type="tts">malabarista dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♂">malabars | masculí | home | multitasca</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♂" type="tts">malabarista home</annotation> <annotation cp="🤺">esgrmimidor | esgrimidora | tirador | tiradora | esgrima | esport | floret</annotation> <annotation cp="🤺" type="tts">esgrimidor</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼">lluitadors | lluitadores | esport</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼" type="tts">lluitadors</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♀">femení | persona | esport | dona | lluita</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♀" type="tts">jugadores de lluita</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♂">masculí | lluita | esport | lluitar</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♂" type="tts">jugadors de lluita</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽">waterpolo | aigua | esport</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽" type="tts">waterpolo</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♀">femení | esport | waterpolo | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♀" type="tts">jugadora de waterpolo</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♂">masculí | home | esport | waterpolo</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♂" type="tts">jugador de waterpolo</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾">handbol | esport | pilota</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾" type="tts">handbol</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♀">femení | handbol | esport | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♀" type="tts">jugadora d’handbol</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♂">handbol | masculí | home | esport</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♂" type="tts">jugador d’handbol</annotation> <annotation cp="🥀">flor | pansida | rosa | mústia | marcida</annotation> <annotation cp="🥀" type="tts">rosa pansida</annotation> <annotation cp="🥁">tambor | música | timbal | baquetes</annotation> <annotation cp="🥁" type="tts">tambor</annotation> <annotation cp="🥂">cava | brindis | copes | xin-xin | xampany</annotation> <annotation cp="🥂" type="tts">brindis</annotation> <annotation cp="🥃">got | licor | whisky | licor | copeta | beguda</annotation> <annotation cp="🥃" type="tts">got de licor</annotation> <annotation cp="🥄">cullera | cobert</annotation> <annotation cp="🥄" type="tts">cullera</annotation> <annotation cp="🥅">porteria | gol | xarxa | esport</annotation> <annotation cp="🥅" type="tts">porteria</annotation> <annotation cp="🥇">medalla | or | primer | primera | posició</annotation> <annotation cp="🥇" type="tts">medalla d’or</annotation> <annotation cp="🥈">medalla | plata | argent | segon | segona | posició</annotation> <annotation cp="🥈" type="tts">medalla de plata</annotation> <annotation cp="🥉">medalla | bronze | tercer | tercera | posició</annotation> <annotation cp="🥉" type="tts">medalla de bronze</annotation> <annotation cp="🥊">guant | boxa | esport</annotation> <annotation cp="🥊" type="tts">guant de boxa</annotation> <annotation cp="🥋">quimono | arts marcials | judo | karate | taekwondo | uniforme | esport</annotation> <annotation cp="🥋" type="tts">quimono d’arts marcials</annotation> <annotation cp="🥐">croissant | menjar | brioxeria</annotation> <annotation cp="🥐" type="tts">croissant</annotation> <annotation cp="🥑">alvocat | fruita | menjar</annotation> <annotation cp="🥑" type="tts">alvocat</annotation> <annotation cp="🥒">cogombre | cogombret | hortalissa | menjar</annotation> <annotation cp="🥒" type="tts">cogombre</annotation> <annotation cp="🥓">bacó | porc | menjar | cansalada | carn | viada</annotation> <annotation cp="🥓" type="tts">bacó</annotation> <annotation cp="🥔">patata | menjar | tubercle | hortalissa</annotation> <annotation cp="🥔" type="tts">patata</annotation> <annotation cp="🥕">pastanaga | menjar | verdura | hortalissa</annotation> <annotation cp="🥕" type="tts">pastanaga</annotation> <annotation cp="🥖">baguet | baguets | menjar | pa | barra | barres</annotation> <annotation cp="🥖" type="tts">baguets</annotation> <annotation cp="🥗">amanida | menjar | enciam | verda | bol</annotation> <annotation cp="🥗" type="tts">amanida</annotation> <annotation cp="🥘">paella | menjar | arròs | valenciana</annotation> <annotation cp="🥘" type="tts">paella</annotation> <annotation cp="🥙">kebab | falafel | turc | menjar | farcit | pa | pita | kebab</annotation> <annotation cp="🥙" type="tts">durum</annotation> <annotation cp="🥚">ou | menjar</annotation> <annotation cp="🥚" type="tts">ou</annotation> <annotation cp="🥛">got | llet | beguda</annotation> <annotation cp="🥛" type="tts">got de llet</annotation> <annotation cp="🥜">cacauet | llegum | fruit | sec | menjar</annotation> <annotation cp="🥜" type="tts">cacauet</annotation> <annotation cp="🥝">kiwi | menjar | fruita</annotation> <annotation cp="🥝" type="tts">kiwi</annotation> <annotation cp="🥞">creps | crep | americanes | pancake | menjar</annotation> <annotation cp="🥞" type="tts">creps americanes</annotation> <annotation cp="🦅">àliga | animal | au | ocell | àguila</annotation> <annotation cp="🦅" type="tts">àliga</annotation> <annotation cp="🦆">ànec | animal | au | ocell</annotation> <annotation cp="🦆" type="tts">ànec</annotation> <annotation cp="🦇">ratpenat | animal | ratapinyada | vampir | rata penada</annotation> <annotation cp="🦇" type="tts">ratpenat</annotation> <annotation cp="🦈">tauró | peix | animal</annotation> <annotation cp="🦈" type="tts">tauró</annotation> <annotation cp="🦉">mussol | animal | au | ocell</annotation> <annotation cp="🦉" type="tts">mussol</annotation> <annotation cp="🦊">guineu | animal</annotation> <annotation cp="🦊" type="tts">guineu</annotation> <annotation cp="🦋">papallona | insecte | animal</annotation> <annotation cp="🦋" type="tts">papallona</annotation> <annotation cp="🦌">cérvol | animal</annotation> <annotation cp="🦌" type="tts">cérvol</annotation> <annotation cp="🦍">goril la | animal | simi</annotation> <annotation cp="🦍" type="tts">goril la</annotation> <annotation cp="🦎">llangardaix | rèptil | animal</annotation> <annotation cp="🦎" type="tts">llangardaix</annotation> <annotation cp="🦏">rinoceront | animal</annotation> <annotation cp="🦏" type="tts">rinoceront</annotation> <annotation cp="🦐">gamba | marisc | menjar | animal | llagostí | crustaci</annotation> <annotation cp="🦐" type="tts">gamba</annotation> <annotation cp="🦑">calamar | animal | molusc | menjar</annotation> <annotation cp="🦑" type="tts">calamar</annotation> <!-- 1F600 grinning face; face; grin --> <annotation cp="😀">cara | ulls | somriure</annotation> <annotation cp="😀" type="tts">cara molt somrient</annotation> <!-- 1F601 grinning face with smiling eyes; eye; face; grin; smile --> <annotation cp="😁">cara | ulls | gran somriure</annotation> <annotation cp="😁" type="tts">cara molt somrient amb els ulls alegres</annotation> <!-- 1F602 face with tears of joy; face; joy; laugh; tear --> <annotation cp="😂">cara | llàgrimes | alegria</annotation> <annotation cp="😂" type="tts">cara amb llàgrimes d’alegria</annotation> <!-- 1F603 smiling face with open mouth; face; mouth; open; smile --> <annotation cp="😃">cara | boca oberta</annotation> <annotation cp="😃" type="tts">cara somrient amb la boca oberta</annotation> <!-- 1F604 smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes; eye; face; mouth; open; smile --> <annotation cp="😄">cara | boca oberta | somriure</annotation> <annotation cp="😄" type="tts">cara somrient amb la boca oberta i els ulls alegres</annotation> <!-- 1F605 smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat; cold; face; open; smile; sweat --> <annotation cp="😅">cara | suor freda | somriure</annotation> <annotation cp="😅" type="tts">cara somrient amb la boca oberta i suor freda</annotation> <!-- 1F606 smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes; face; laugh; mouth; open; satisfied; smile --> <annotation cp="😆">cara | somriure | boca oberta | ulls tancats</annotation> <annotation cp="😆" type="tts">cara somrient amb la boca oberta i els ulls tancats fortament</annotation> <!-- 1F609 winking face; face; wink --> <annotation cp="😉">cara | ullet</annotation> <annotation cp="😉" type="tts">cara picant l’ullet</annotation> <!-- 1F60A smiling face with smiling eyes; blush; eye; face; smile --> <annotation cp="😊">cara | somriure | galtes vermelles</annotation> <annotation cp="😊" type="tts">cara somrient amb els ulls alegres</annotation> <!-- 1F60B face savouring delicious food; delicious; face; savouring; smile; um; yum --> <annotation cp="😋">cara | deliciós | somriure | nyam</annotation> <annotation cp="😋" type="tts">cara d’assaborir un menjar deliciós</annotation> <!-- 1F60E smiling face with sunglasses; bright; cool; eye; eyewear; face; glasses; smile; sun; sunglasses; weather --> <annotation cp="😎">cara | ulleres | sol</annotation> <annotation cp="😎" type="tts">cara somrient amb ulleres de sol</annotation> <!-- 1F60D smiling face with heart-shaped eyes; eye; face; heart; love; smile --> <annotation cp="😍">cara | ulls | cor | amor</annotation> <annotation cp="😍" type="tts">cara somrient amb ulls en forma de cor</annotation> <!-- 1F618 face throwing a kiss; face; heart; kiss --> <annotation cp="😘">cara | petó | cor | amor</annotation> <annotation cp="😘" type="tts">cara llançant un petó</annotation> <!-- 1F617 kissing face; face; kiss --> <annotation cp="😗">cara | petó</annotation> <annotation cp="😗" type="tts">cara que fa un petó</annotation> <!-- 1F619 kissing face with smiling eyes; eye; face; kiss; smile --> <annotation cp="😙">cara | petó | ulls alegres</annotation> <annotation cp="😙" type="tts">cara que fa un petó amb els ulls alegres</annotation> <!-- 1F61A kissing face with closed eyes; closed; eye; face; kiss --> <annotation cp="😚">cara | petó | ulls tancats</annotation> <annotation cp="😚" type="tts">cara que fa un petó amb els ulls tancats</annotation> <!-- 263A smiling face; face; outlined; relaxed; smile --> <annotation cp="☺">cara | somriure</annotation> <annotation cp="☺" type="tts">cara somrient</annotation> <!-- 1F642 slightly smiling face; face; smile --> <annotation cp="🙂">cara | somriure tímid</annotation> <annotation cp="🙂" type="tts">cara que somriu una mica</annotation> <!-- 1F917 hugging face; face; hug; hugging --> <annotation cp="🤗">cara | abraçada</annotation> <annotation cp="🤗" type="tts">cara amb abraçada</annotation> <!-- 1F607 smiling face with halo; angel; face; fairy tale; fantasy; halo; innocent; smile --> <annotation cp="😇">cara | aurèola | halo | sant | santa</annotation> <annotation cp="😇" type="tts">cara somrient amb aurèola</annotation> <!-- 1F914 thinking face; face; thinking --> <annotation cp="🤔">cara | pensant | pensatiu | pensativa</annotation> <annotation cp="🤔" type="tts">cara pensant</annotation> <!-- 1F610 neutral face; deadpan; face; neutral --> <annotation cp="😐">cara | neutral</annotation> <annotation cp="😐" type="tts">cara neutral</annotation> <!-- 1F611 expressionless face; expressionless; face; inexpressive; unexpressive --> <annotation cp="😑">cara | inexpressió | inexpressiu | inexpressiva</annotation> <annotation cp="😑" type="tts">cara inexpressiva</annotation> <!-- 1F636 face without mouth; face; mouth; quiet; silent --> <annotation cp="😶">cara | sense boca | callat | callada | silenci</annotation> <annotation cp="😶" type="tts">cara sense boca</annotation> <!-- 1F644 face with rolling eyes; eyes; face; rolling --> <annotation cp="🙄">cara | ulls en blanc</annotation> <annotation cp="🙄" type="tts">cara amb ulls en blanc</annotation> <!-- 1F60F smirking face; face; smirk --> <annotation cp="😏">cara | superioritat</annotation> <annotation cp="😏" type="tts">cara somrient amb superioritat</annotation> <!-- 1F623 persevering face; face; persevere --> <annotation cp="😣">cara | perseverança</annotation> <annotation cp="😣" type="tts">cara de perseverança</annotation> <!-- 1F625 disappointed but relieved face; disappointed; face; relieved; whew --> <annotation cp="😥">cara | decepció | alleujament | uf</annotation> <annotation cp="😥" type="tts">cara de decepció, però alleujada</annotation> <!-- 1F62E face with open mouth; face; mouth; open; sympathy --> <annotation cp="😮">cara | boca oberta</annotation> <annotation cp="😮" type="tts">cara amb la boca oberta</annotation> <!-- 1F910 zipper-mouth face; face; mouth; zipper --> <annotation cp="🤐">cara | boca | cremallera</annotation> <annotation cp="🤐" type="tts">cara amb la boca tancada amb cremallera</annotation> <!-- 1F62F hushed face; face; hushed; stunned; surprised --> <annotation cp="😯">cara | sorpresa</annotation> <annotation cp="😯" type="tts">cara de sorpresa</annotation> <!-- 1F62A sleepy face; face; sleep --> <annotation cp="😪">cara | son</annotation> <annotation cp="😪" type="tts">cara de son</annotation> <!-- 1F62B tired face; face; tired --> <annotation cp="😫">cara | cansament</annotation> <annotation cp="😫" type="tts">cara de cansament</annotation> <!-- 1F634 sleeping face; face; sleep; zzz --> <annotation cp="😴">cara | zzz | dormint | son</annotation> <annotation cp="😴" type="tts">cara dormint</annotation> <!-- 1F60C relieved face; face; relieved --> <annotation cp="😌">cara | alleujament</annotation> <annotation cp="😌" type="tts">cara d’alleujament</annotation> <!-- 1F913 nerd face; face; geek; nerd --> <annotation cp="🤓">cara | expert | aplicat | estudiós | estudiar</annotation> <annotation cp="🤓" type="tts">cara d’estudiós</annotation> <!-- 1F61B face with stuck-out tongue; face; tongue --> <annotation cp="😛">cara | llengua | llengota</annotation> <annotation cp="😛" type="tts">cara que fa llengotes</annotation> <!-- 1F61C face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye; eye; face; joke; tongue; wink --> <annotation cp="😜">cara | llengua | llengota | ullet</annotation> <annotation cp="😜" type="tts">cara que fa llengotes i pica l’ullet</annotation> <!-- 1F61D face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eyes; eye; face; horrible; taste; tongue --> <annotation cp="😝">cara | llengua | llengota | ulls tancats | ecs</annotation> <annotation cp="😝" type="tts">cara que fa llengotes i amb els ulls tancats</annotation> <!-- 2639 frowning face; face; frown --> <annotation cp="☹">cara | empipat | emmurriat | enfadat</annotation> <annotation cp="☹" type="tts">cara empipada</annotation> <!-- 1F641 slightly frowning face; face; frown --> <annotation cp="🙁">cara | empipat | emmurriat | enfadat</annotation> <annotation cp="🙁" type="tts">cara una mica empipada</annotation> <!-- 1F612 unamused face; face; unamused; unhappy --> <annotation cp="😒">cara | desaprovació</annotation> <annotation cp="😒" type="tts">cara de desaprovació</annotation> <!-- 1F613 face with cold sweat; cold; face; sweat --> <annotation cp="😓">cara | suor freda</annotation> <annotation cp="😓" type="tts">cara amb suor freda</annotation> <!-- 1F614 pensive face; dejected; face; pensive --> <annotation cp="😔">cara | pensativa</annotation> <annotation cp="😔" type="tts">cara entristida</annotation> <!-- 1F615 confused face; confused; face --> <annotation cp="😕">cara | confusió</annotation> <annotation cp="😕" type="tts">cara de confusió</annotation> <!-- 1F616 confounded face; confounded; face --> <annotation cp="😖">cara | frustració</annotation> <annotation cp="😖" type="tts">cara de frustració</annotation> <!-- 1F643 upside-down face; face; upside-down --> <annotation cp="🙃">cara | revés</annotation> <annotation cp="🙃" type="tts">cara al revés</annotation> <!-- 1F637 face with medical mask; cold; doctor; face; mask; medicine; sick --> <annotation cp="😷">cara | màscara | malaltia</annotation> <annotation cp="😷" type="tts">cara amb màscara</annotation> <!-- 1F912 face with thermometer; face; ill; sick; thermometer --> <annotation cp="🤒">cara | termòmetre | malaltia</annotation> <annotation cp="🤒" type="tts">cara amb termòmetre</annotation> <!-- 1F915 face with head-bandage; bandage; face; hurt; injury --> <annotation cp="🤕">cara | cap embenat</annotation> <annotation cp="🤕" type="tts">cara amb el cap embenat</annotation> <!-- 1F911 money-mouth face; face; money; mouth --> <annotation cp="🤑">cara | diners | llengua</annotation> <annotation cp="🤑" type="tts">cara amb diners a la llengua</annotation> <!-- 1F632 astonished face; astonished; face; shocked; totally --> <annotation cp="😲">cara | estupefacta</annotation> <annotation cp="😲" type="tts">cara estupefacta</annotation> <!-- 1F61E disappointed face; disappointed; face --> <annotation cp="😞">cara | decepció</annotation> <annotation cp="😞" type="tts">cara de decepció</annotation> <!-- 1F61F worried face; face; worried --> <annotation cp="😟">cara | preocupació</annotation> <annotation cp="😟" type="tts">cara de preocupació</annotation> <!-- 1F624 face with steam from nose; face; triumph; won --> <annotation cp="😤">cara | fum | nas</annotation> <annotation cp="😤" type="tts">cara que treu fum del nas</annotation> <!-- 1F622 crying face; cry; face; sad; tear --> <annotation cp="😢">cara | llàgrimes</annotation> <annotation cp="😢" type="tts">cara que plora</annotation> <!-- 1F62D loudly crying face; cry; face; sad; sob; tear --> <annotation cp="😭">cara | llàgrimes de desconsol</annotation> <annotation cp="😭" type="tts">cara que plora desconsoladament</annotation> <!-- 1F626 frowning face with open mouth; face; frown; mouth; open --> <annotation cp="😦">cara | emmurriada | boca oberta</annotation> <annotation cp="😦" type="tts">cara emmurriada amb la boca oberta</annotation> <!-- 1F627 anguished face; anguished; face --> <annotation cp="😧">cara | angoixa</annotation> <annotation cp="😧" type="tts">cara d’angoixa</annotation> <!-- 1F628 fearful face; face; fear; fearful; scared --> <annotation cp="😨">cara | por</annotation> <annotation cp="😨" type="tts">cara de por</annotation> <!-- 1F629 weary face; face; tired; weary --> <annotation cp="😩">cara | esgotament</annotation> <annotation cp="😩" type="tts">cara d’esgotament</annotation> <!-- 1F62C grimacing face; face; grimace --> <annotation cp="😬">cara | ganyota | dents</annotation> <annotation cp="😬" type="tts">cara que fa una ganyota amb les dents</annotation> <!-- 1F630 face with open mouth and cold sweat; blue; cold; face; mouth; open; rushed; sweat --> <annotation cp="😰">cara | boca oberta | suor freda</annotation> <annotation cp="😰" type="tts">cara amb la boca oberta i suor freda</annotation> <!-- 1F631 face screaming in fear; face; fear; fearful; munch; scared; scream --> <annotation cp="😱">cara | crit de por | por</annotation> <annotation cp="😱" type="tts">cara que crida de por</annotation> <!-- 1F633 flushed face; dazed; face; flushed --> <annotation cp="😳">cara | enrogida | vergonya</annotation> <annotation cp="😳" type="tts">cara enrogida</annotation> <!-- 1F635 dizzy face; dizzy; face --> <annotation cp="😵">cara | marejada</annotation> <annotation cp="😵" type="tts">cara marejada</annotation> <!-- 1F621 pouting face; angry; face; mad; pouting; rage; red --> <annotation cp="😡">cara | enutjada</annotation> <annotation cp="😡" type="tts">cara enutjada</annotation> <!-- 1F620 angry face; angry; face; mad --> <annotation cp="😠">cara | enfadada</annotation> <annotation cp="😠" type="tts">cara enfadada</annotation> <!-- 1F608 smiling face with horns; face; fairy tale; fantasy; horns; smile --> <annotation cp="😈">cara | somriure | banyes | dimoni</annotation> <annotation cp="😈" type="tts">cara somrient amb banyes</annotation> <!-- 1F47F imp; demon; devil; face; fairy tale; fantasy --> <annotation cp="👿">dimoni</annotation> <annotation cp="👿" type="tts">dimoniet</annotation> <annotation cp="👹">criatura | cara | conte | fantasia</annotation> <annotation cp="👹" type="tts">ogre</annotation> <annotation cp="👺">criatura | cara | conte | fantasia</annotation> <annotation cp="👺" type="tts">follet</annotation> <!-- 1F480 skull; body; death; face; fairy tale; monster --> <annotation cp="💀">calavera</annotation> <annotation cp="💀" type="tts">crani</annotation> <!-- 2620 skull and crossbones; body; crossbones; death; face; monster; skull --> <annotation cp="☠">crani | ossos | calavera</annotation> <annotation cp="☠" type="tts">crani amb ossos</annotation> <annotation cp="👻">criatura | cara | conte | fantasia</annotation> <annotation cp="👻" type="tts">fantasma</annotation> <annotation cp="👽">criatura | cara | extraterrestre | espai</annotation> <annotation cp="👽" type="tts">alienígena</annotation> <!-- 1F47E alien monster; alien; creature; extraterrestrial; face; fairy tale; fantasy; monster; space; ufo --> <annotation cp="👾">monstre | alienígena</annotation> <annotation cp="👾" type="tts">monstre alienígena</annotation> <!-- 1F916 robot face; face; monster; robot --> <annotation cp="🤖">cara | robot</annotation> <annotation cp="🤖" type="tts">cara de robot</annotation> <!-- 1F4A9 pile of poo; comic; dung; face; monster; poo; poop --> <annotation cp="💩">merda</annotation> <annotation cp="💩" type="tts">caca</annotation> <!-- 1F63A smiling cat face with open mouth; cat; face; mouth; open; smile --> <annotation cp="😺">cara | gat | somrient | boca oberta</annotation> <annotation cp="😺" type="tts">cara de gat somrient amb la boca oberta</annotation> <!-- 1F638 grinning cat face with smiling eyes; cat; eye; face; grin; smile --> <annotation cp="😸">cara | gat | somrient | ulls alegres</annotation> <annotation cp="😸" type="tts">cara de gat somrient amb els ulls alegres</annotation> <!-- 1F639 cat face with tears of joy; cat; face; joy; tear --> <annotation cp="😹">cara | gat | llàgrimes | alegria</annotation> <annotation cp="😹" type="tts">cara de gat amb llàgrimes d’alegria</annotation> <!-- 1F63B smiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes; cat; eye; face; heart; love; smile --> <annotation cp="😻">cara | gat | somriure | ulls | cor</annotation> <annotation cp="😻" type="tts">cara de gat somrient amb ulls en forma de cor</annotation> <!-- 1F63C cat face with wry smile; cat; face; ironic; smile; wry --> <annotation cp="😼">cara | gat | somriure | ironia</annotation> <annotation cp="😼" type="tts">cara de gat amb somriure irònic</annotation> <!-- 1F63D kissing cat face with closed eyes; cat; eye; face; kiss --> <annotation cp="😽">cara | gat | petó | ulls tancats</annotation> <annotation cp="😽" type="tts">cara de gat que fa un petó amb els ulls tancats</annotation> <!-- 1F640 weary cat face; cat; face; oh; surprised; weary --> <annotation cp="🙀">cara | gat | esgotament</annotation> <annotation cp="🙀" type="tts">cara de gat esgotada</annotation> <!-- 1F63F crying cat face; cat; cry; face; sad; tear --> <annotation cp="😿">cara | gat | llàgrimes</annotation> <annotation cp="😿" type="tts">cara de gat que plora</annotation> <!-- 1F63E pouting cat face; cat; face; pouting --> <annotation cp="😾">cara | gat | enuig</annotation> <annotation cp="😾" type="tts">cara de gat enutjada</annotation> <!-- 1F648 see-no-evil; evil; face; forbidden; gesture; monkey; no; not; prohibited; see --> <annotation cp="🙈">mona | ulls tapats</annotation> <annotation cp="🙈" type="tts">mona que no mira</annotation> <!-- 1F649 hear-no-evil; evil; face; forbidden; gesture; hear; monkey; no; not; prohibited --> <annotation cp="🙉">mona | orelles tapades</annotation> <annotation cp="🙉" type="tts">mona que no escolta</annotation> <!-- 1F64A speak-no-evil; evil; face; forbidden; gesture; monkey; no; not; prohibited; speak --> <annotation cp="🙊">mona | boca tapada</annotation> <annotation cp="🙊" type="tts">mona que no parla</annotation> <annotation cp="👦">nen | home | masculí</annotation> <annotation cp="👦" type="tts">noi</annotation> <annotation cp="👧">dona | nena | femení</annotation> <annotation cp="👧" type="tts">noia</annotation> <annotation cp="👨">home | masculí</annotation> <annotation cp="👨" type="tts">home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚕">metge | salut | masculí | infermer</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚕" type="tts">doctor</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👦">nen | pare | home | mare</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👦" type="tts">família, home, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👦👦">nen | pare | home | mare</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👦👦" type="tts">família, home, nen, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧">nen | pare | home | mare | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧" type="tts">família, home, nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧👦">nen | pare | home | mare | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧👦" type="tts">família, home, nena, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧👧">nen | pare | home | mare | criatura | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧👧" type="tts">família, home, nena, nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎓">graduat | masculí | home | graduació</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎓" type="tts">noi estudiant</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🌾">agricultor | granger | masculí | home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🌾" type="tts">pagès</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🍳">xef | cuiner | masculí | home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🍳" type="tts">cuiner</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏫">instructor | masculí | home | mestre</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏫" type="tts">professor</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏭">fàbrica | industrial | masculí | treballador</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏭" type="tts">operari</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎨">artista | masculí | home | paleta</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎨" type="tts">artista masculí</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚒">bomber | camió de bombers | masculí | home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚒" type="tts">bomber</annotation> <annotation cp="👨✈">masculí | home | pilot | avió</annotation> <annotation cp="👨✈" type="tts">pilot home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚀">astronauta | home | coet | espai</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚀" type="tts">astronauta home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎤">actor | presentador | cantant | estrella</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎤" type="tts">cantant masculí</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💻">desenvolupador | inventor | programador | home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💻" type="tts">tecnòleg</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔬">biòleg | químic | enginyer | matemàtic</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔬" type="tts">científic</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💼">arquitecte | negoci | home | oficina</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💼" type="tts">treballador d’oficina</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔧">electricista | masculí | home | lampista</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔧" type="tts">mecànic</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚖">justícia | masculí | home | balança</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚖" type="tts">jutge</annotation> <annotation cp="👩">dona | femení</annotation> <annotation cp="👩" type="tts">dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚕">metge | salut | femení | infermera</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚕" type="tts">doctora</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👦">nen | pare | mare | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👦" type="tts">família, dona, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👦👦">nen | pare | mare | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👦👦" type="tts">família, dona, nen, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧">nen | pare | mare | dona | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧" type="tts">família, dona, nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧👦">nen | pare | mare | dona | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧👦" type="tts">família, dona, nena, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧👧">criatura | pare | mare | dona | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧👧" type="tts">família, dona, nena, nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎓">femení | graduada | graduació | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎓" type="tts">noia estudiant</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🌾">agricultora | femení | grangera | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🌾" type="tts">pagesa</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🍳">xef | cuinera | femení | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🍳" type="tts">cuinera</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏫">femení | instructor | mestra | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏫" type="tts">professora</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏭">fàbrica | femení | industrial | treballadora</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏭" type="tts">operària</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎨">artista | femení | paleta | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎨" type="tts">artista femenina</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚒">femení | bombera | camió de bombers | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚒" type="tts">bombera</annotation> <annotation cp="👩✈">femení | pilot | avió | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩✈" type="tts">pilot dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚀">astronauta | coet | espai | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚀" type="tts">astronauta dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎤">actriu | presentadora | cantant | estrella</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎤" type="tts">cantant femenina</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💻">desenvolupadora | inventora | programadora | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💻" type="tts">tecnòloga</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔬">biòloga | química | enginyera | matemàtica</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔬" type="tts">científica</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💼">arquitecta | negoci | oficina | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💼" type="tts">treballadora d’oficina</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔧">electricista | femení | dona | lampista</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔧" type="tts">mecànica</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚖">femení | justícia | balança | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚖" type="tts">jutgessa</annotation> <!-- 1F474 old man; man; old --> <annotation cp="👴">home | gran</annotation> <annotation cp="👴" type="tts">home gran</annotation> <!-- 1F475 old woman; old; woman --> <annotation cp="👵">dona | gran</annotation> <annotation cp="👵" type="tts">dona gran</annotation> <annotation cp="👶">bebè | nounat | recent nascut</annotation> <annotation cp="👶" type="tts">nadó</annotation> <!-- 1F471 person with blond hair; blond --> <annotation cp="👱">persona | cabells rossos</annotation> <annotation cp="👱" type="tts">persona amb els cabells rossos</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♀">rossa | femení | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♀" type="tts">dona rossa</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♂">ros | masculí | home</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♂" type="tts">home ros</annotation> <annotation cp="👮">policia | seguretat | agent</annotation> <annotation cp="👮" type="tts">oficial de policia</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♀">femení | agent | policia | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♀" type="tts">agent de policia dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♂">masculí | home | agent | policia</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♂" type="tts">agent de policia home</annotation> <!-- 1F472 man with chinese cap; gua pi mao; hat; man --> <annotation cp="👲">home | gorra | xinès</annotation> <annotation cp="👲" type="tts">home amb gorra de xinès</annotation> <!-- 1F473 man with turban; man; turban --> <annotation cp="👳">home | turbant</annotation> <annotation cp="👳" type="tts">persona amb turbant</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♀">femení | turbant | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♀" type="tts">dona amb turbant</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♂">masculí | home | turbant</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♂" type="tts">home amb turbant</annotation> <!-- 1F477 construction worker; construction; hat; worker --> <annotation cp="👷">treballador | construcció</annotation> <annotation cp="👷" type="tts">treballador de la construcció</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♀">construcció | femení | dona | treballadora</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♀" type="tts">paleta dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♂">construcció | masculí | home | treballador</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♂" type="tts">paleta home</annotation> <!-- 26D1 helmet with white cross; aid; cross; face; hat; helmet --> <annotation cp="⛑">casc | creu blanca</annotation> <annotation cp="⛑" type="tts">casc amb creu blanca</annotation> <annotation cp="👸">conte | fades | fantasia</annotation> <annotation cp="👸" type="tts">princesa</annotation> <annotation cp="💂">guarda</annotation> <annotation cp="💂" type="tts">guarda</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♀">femení | guarda | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♀" type="tts">guarda dona</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♂">guarda | home | masculí</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♂" type="tts">guarda home</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵">investigador | detectiu | espia</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵" type="tts">investigador</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♀">investigadora | detectiu | espia | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♀" type="tts">investigadora</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♂">investigador | detectiu | espia | home</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♂" type="tts">investigador home</annotation> <!-- 1F385 santa claus; celebration; christmas; fairy tale; fantasy; father; santa --> <annotation cp="🎅">pare | Noel | Nadal</annotation> <annotation cp="🎅" type="tts">pare Noel</annotation> <annotation cp="👼">àngel | bebè | fantasia | ales</annotation> <annotation cp="👼" type="tts">angelet</annotation> <!-- 1F46F women partying; bunny; dancer; ear; girl; woman --> <annotation cp="👯">balladores</annotation> <annotation cp="👯" type="tts">dones que ballen</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♀">conilleta | ballarina | dona | festa</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♀" type="tts">dones que ballen disfressades</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♂">conillet | ballarí | home | festa</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♂" type="tts">homes que ballen disfressats</annotation> <annotation cp="💆">cara | massatge | saló</annotation> <annotation cp="💆" type="tts">massatge facial a una persona</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♀">cara | femení | massatge | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♀" type="tts">massatge facial a una dona</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♂">cara | massatge | masculí | home</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♂" type="tts">massatge facial a un home</annotation> <!-- 1F487 haircut; barber; beauty; parlor --> <annotation cp="💇">tallat | cabells</annotation> <annotation cp="💇" type="tts">tallat de cabells</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♀">femení | tallat | cabells | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♀" type="tts">tallat de cabell femení</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♂">tallat | cabells | masculí | home</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♂" type="tts">tallat de cabell masculí</annotation> <!-- 1F470 bride with veil; bride; veil; wedding --> <annotation cp="👰">núvia | vel</annotation> <annotation cp="👰" type="tts">núvia amb vel</annotation> <!-- 1F64D person frowning; frown; gesture --> <annotation cp="🙍">persona | emmurriament</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍" type="tts">persona emmurriada</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♀">celles | gest | femení | arrufar</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♀" type="tts">dona emmurriada</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♂">celles | gest | masculí | arrufar</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♂" type="tts">home emmurriat</annotation> <!-- 1F64E person pouting; gesture; pouting --> <annotation cp="🙎">persona | enuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎" type="tts">persona enutjada</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♀">femení | gest | enuig | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♀" type="tts">dona enutjada</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♂">gest | masculí | home | enuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♂" type="tts">home enutjat</annotation> <!-- 1F645 gesturing no; forbidden; gesture; hand; no; not; prohibited --> <annotation cp="🙅">gest | negació</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅" type="tts">gest de negació</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♀">prohibit | gest | mà | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♀" type="tts">dona amb gest de negació</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♂">prohibit | gest | mà | home</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♂" type="tts">home amb gest de negació</annotation> <!-- 1F646 gesturing ok; gesture; hand; ok --> <annotation cp="🙆">gest | aprovació</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆" type="tts">gest d’aprovació</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♀">gest | mà | femení | acord</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♀" type="tts">dona amb gest d’acceptació</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♂">gest | mà | masculí | acord</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♂" type="tts">home amb gest d’acceptació</annotation> <annotation cp="💁">mà | ajuda | informació | flexió</annotation> <annotation cp="💁" type="tts">persona amb mà inclinada cap amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♀">mà | ajuda | informació | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♀" type="tts">dona amb mà inclinada cap amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♂">mà | ajuda | informació | home</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♂" type="tts">home amb mà inclinada cap amunt</annotation> <!-- 1F64B happy person raising hand; gesture; hand; happy; raised --> <annotation cp="🙋">persona | somriure | mà aixecada</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋" type="tts">persona contenta que aixeca la mà</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♀">gest | femení | dona | mà</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♀" type="tts">dona amb mà aixecada</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♂">gest | masculí | home | mà</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♂" type="tts">home amb mà aixecada</annotation> <!-- 1F647 person bowing; apology; bow; gesture; sorry --> <annotation cp="🙇">persona | agraïment</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇" type="tts">persona que mostra agraïment</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♀">disculpa | reverència | gest | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♀" type="tts">dona capcota</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♂">disculpa | reverència | gest | home</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♂" type="tts">home capcot</annotation> <!-- 1F64C person raising hands; body; celebration; gesture; hand; hooray; raised --> <annotation cp="🙌">mans aixecades</annotation> <annotation cp="🙌" type="tts">persona que aixeca les mans</annotation> <!-- 1F64F folded hands; ask; body; bow; folded; gesture; hand; please; pray; thanks --> <annotation cp="🙏">mans | oració</annotation> <annotation cp="🙏" type="tts">mans en oració</annotation> <!-- 1F5E3 speaking head; face; head; silhouette; speak; speaking --> <annotation cp="🗣">persona | parlar</annotation> <annotation cp="🗣" type="tts">persona que parla</annotation> <!-- 1F464 bust in silhouette; bust; silhouette --> <annotation cp="👤">bust | silueta</annotation> <annotation cp="👤" type="tts">silueta d’un bust</annotation> <!-- 1F465 busts in silhouette; bust; silhouette --> <annotation cp="👥">bustos | siluetes</annotation> <annotation cp="👥" type="tts">silueta de bustos</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶">caminada | passejada</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶" type="tts">persona caminant</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♀">caminada | passejada | femení | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♀" type="tts">dona caminant</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♂">caminada | passejada | home | masculí</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♂" type="tts">home caminant</annotation> <!-- 1F3C3 runner; marathon; running --> <annotation cp="🏃">corredor</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃" type="tts">persona que corre</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♀">dona | marató | cursa | córrer</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♀" type="tts">dona que corre</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♂">home | marató | cursa | córrer</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♂" type="tts">home que corre</annotation> <!-- 1F483 dancer --> <annotation cp="💃">flamenca</annotation> <annotation cp="💃" type="tts">dansaire</annotation> <!-- 1F574 man in business suit levitating; business; man; suit --> <annotation cp="🕴">negocis | home | levitar</annotation> <annotation cp="🕴" type="tts">home de negocis que levita</annotation> <annotation cp="💏">parella</annotation> <annotation cp="💏" type="tts">petó</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤💋👨">parella | home | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤💋👨" type="tts">petó, dona, home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨❤💋👨">parella | home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨❤💋👨" type="tts">petó, home, home</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤💋👩">parella | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤💋👩" type="tts">petó, dona, dona</annotation> <!-- 1F491 couple with heart; couple; heart; love; romance --> <annotation cp="💑">parella | cor</annotation> <annotation cp="💑" type="tts">parella amb un cor</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤👨">parella | cor | amor | home | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤👨" type="tts">parella amb un cor, dona, home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨❤👨">parella | cor | amor | home</annotation> <annotation cp="👨❤👨" type="tts">parella amb un cor, home, home</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤👩">parella | cor | amor | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤👩" type="tts">parella amb un cor, dona, dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👪">criatura | pare | mare</annotation> <annotation cp="👪" type="tts">família</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👦">nen | pare | home | mare | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👦" type="tts">família, home, dona, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧">criatura | pare | home | mare | dona | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧" type="tts">família, home, dona, nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👦👦">nen | pare | home | mare | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👦👦" type="tts">família, home, dona, nen, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧👦">nen | pare | home | mare | dona | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧👦" type="tts">família, home, dona, nena, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧👧">criatura | pare | home | mare | dona | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧👧" type="tts">família, home, dona, nena, nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👦">nen | pare | home | mare</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👦" type="tts">família, home, home, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧">criatura | pare | home | mare | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧" type="tts">família, home, home, nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👦👦">nen | pare | home | mare</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👦👦" type="tts">família, home, home, nen, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧👦">nen | pare | home | mare | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧👦" type="tts">família, home, home, nena, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧👧">criatura | pare | home | mare | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧👧" type="tts">família, home, home, nena, nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👦">nen | pare | mare | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👦" type="tts">família, dona, dona, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧">criatura | pare | mare | dona | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧" type="tts">família, dona, dona, nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👦👦">nen | pare | mare | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👦👦" type="tts">família, dona, dona, nen, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧👦">nen | pare | mare | dona | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧👦" type="tts">família, dona, dona, nena, nen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧👧">nen | pare | mare | dona | nena</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧👧" type="tts">família, dona, dona, nena, nena</annotation> <!-- 1F46B man and woman holding hands; couple; hand; hold; man; woman --> <annotation cp="👫">home | dona | mans agafades</annotation> <annotation cp="👫" type="tts">home i dona que s’agafen de la mà</annotation> <!-- 1F46C two men holding hands; couple; gemini; hand; hold; man; twins; zodiac --> <annotation cp="👬">homes | mans agafades</annotation> <annotation cp="👬" type="tts">homes que s’agafen de la mà</annotation> <!-- 1F46D two women holding hands; couple; hand; hold; woman --> <annotation cp="👭">dones | mans agafades</annotation> <annotation cp="👭" type="tts">dones que s’agafen de la mà</annotation> <!-- 1F3FB skin type-1-2; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏻">pell | 1–2</annotation> <annotation cp="🏻" type="tts">tipus de pell 1–2</annotation> <!-- 1F3FC skin type-3; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏼">pell | 3</annotation> <annotation cp="🏼" type="tts">tipus de pell 3</annotation> <!-- 1F3FD skin type-4; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏽">pell | 4</annotation> <annotation cp="🏽" type="tts">tipus de pell 4</annotation> <!-- 1F3FE skin type-5; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏾">pell | 5</annotation> <annotation cp="🏾" type="tts">tipus de pell 5</annotation> <!-- 1F3FF skin type-6; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏿">pell | 6</annotation> <annotation cp="🏿" type="tts">tipus de pell 6</annotation> <!-- 1F4AA flexed biceps; biceps; body; comic; flex; muscle --> <annotation cp="💪">bíceps | flexió</annotation> <annotation cp="💪" type="tts">bíceps flexionat</annotation> <!-- 1F448 backhand index pointing left; backhand; body; finger; hand; index; point --> <annotation cp="👈">índex | esquerra</annotation> <annotation cp="👈" type="tts">dit índex que apunta cap a l’esquerra</annotation> <!-- 1F449 backhand index pointing right; backhand; body; finger; hand; index; point --> <annotation cp="👉">índex | dreta</annotation> <annotation cp="👉" type="tts">dit índex que apunta cap a la dreta</annotation> <!-- 261D index pointing up; body; finger; hand; index; point; up --> <annotation cp="☝">índex | amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="☝" type="tts">índex que apunta cap amunt</annotation> <!-- 1F446 backhand index pointing up; backhand; body; finger; hand; index; point; up --> <annotation cp="👆">dit índex | amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="👆" type="tts">dit índex que apunta cap amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="🖕">cos | dit | mà</annotation> <annotation cp="🖕" type="tts">dit del mig</annotation> <!-- 1F447 backhand index pointing down; backhand; body; down; finger; hand; index; point --> <annotation cp="👇">índex | avall</annotation> <annotation cp="👇" type="tts">dit índex que apunta cap avall</annotation> <!-- 270C victory hand; body; hand; v; victory --> <annotation cp="✌">senyal | victòria</annotation> <annotation cp="✌" type="tts">senyal de la victòria</annotation> <!-- 1F596 vulcan salute; body; finger; hand; spock; vulcan --> <annotation cp="🖖">spock</annotation> <annotation cp="🖖" type="tts">salutació vulcaniana</annotation> <!-- 1F918 sign of the horns; body; finger; hand; horns; rock-on --> <annotation cp="🤘">dits | banyes | rock</annotation> <annotation cp="🤘" type="tts">dits en forma de banyes</annotation> <!-- 1F590 raised hand with fingers splayed; body; finger; hand; splayed --> <annotation cp="🖐">mà alçada | dits</annotation> <annotation cp="🖐" type="tts">mà alçada que ensenya els dits</annotation> <!-- 270A raised fist; body; clenched; fist; hand; punch --> <annotation cp="✊">puny</annotation> <annotation cp="✊" type="tts">puny alçat</annotation> <annotation cp="✋">cos | mà</annotation> <annotation cp="✋" type="tts">mà aixecada</annotation> <!-- 1F44A oncoming fist; body; clenched; fist; hand; punch --> <annotation cp="👊">a prop</annotation> <annotation cp="👊" type="tts">puny</annotation> <!-- 1F44C ok hand; body; hand; ok --> <annotation cp="👌">mà | acceptació | ok</annotation> <annotation cp="👌" type="tts">mà d’acceptació</annotation> <!-- 1F44D thumbs up; +1; body; hand; thumb; up --> <annotation cp="👍">polze | amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="👍" type="tts">polze cap amunt</annotation> <!-- 1F44E thumbs down; -1; body; down; hand; thumb --> <annotation cp="👎">polze | avall</annotation> <annotation cp="👎" type="tts">polze cap avall</annotation> <!-- 1F44B waving hand; body; hand; wave; waving --> <annotation cp="👋">mà | salutació</annotation> <annotation cp="👋" type="tts">mà que saluda</annotation> <!-- 1F44F clapping hands; body; clap; hand --> <annotation cp="👏">mans | aplaudiment</annotation> <annotation cp="👏" type="tts">mans que aplaudeixen</annotation> <annotation cp="👐">cos | mà | oberta</annotation> <annotation cp="👐" type="tts">mans obertes</annotation> <!-- 270D writing hand; body; hand; write --> <annotation cp="✍">mà | escriure</annotation> <annotation cp="✍" type="tts">mà que escriu</annotation> <!-- 1F485 nail polish; body; care; cosmetics; manicure; nail; polish --> <annotation cp="💅">mà | esmalt</annotation> <annotation cp="💅" type="tts">esmalt d’ungles</annotation> <annotation cp="👂">cos</annotation> <annotation cp="👂" type="tts">orella</annotation> <annotation cp="👃">cos</annotation> <annotation cp="👃" type="tts">nas</annotation> <annotation cp="👣">cos | vestit | empremta | petja</annotation> <annotation cp="👣" type="tts">petjades</annotation> <annotation cp="👀">cos | ull | cara</annotation> <annotation cp="👀" type="tts">ulls</annotation> <annotation cp="👁">cos</annotation> <annotation cp="👁" type="tts">ull</annotation> <annotation cp="👁🗨">ull | bafarada | testimoni | vist</annotation> <annotation cp="👁🗨" type="tts">ull dins d’una bafarada</annotation> <annotation cp="👅">cos</annotation> <annotation cp="👅" type="tts">llengua</annotation> <annotation cp="👄">cos | llavis</annotation> <annotation cp="👄" type="tts">boca</annotation> <!-- 1F48B kiss mark; heart; kiss; lips; mark; romance --> <annotation cp="💋">marca | petó</annotation> <annotation cp="💋" type="tts">marca de petó</annotation> <!-- 1F498 heart with arrow; arrow; cupid; heart; romance --> <annotation cp="💘">cor | fletxa</annotation> <annotation cp="💘" type="tts">cor amb fletxa</annotation> <!-- 2764 red heart; heart --> <annotation cp="❤">cor</annotation> <annotation cp="❤" type="tts">cor vermell</annotation> <!-- 1F493 beating heart; beating; heart; heartbeat; pulsating --> <annotation cp="💓">cor | batec</annotation> <annotation cp="💓" type="tts">cor que batega</annotation> <annotation cp="💔">trencar | trencat | cor</annotation> <annotation cp="💔" type="tts">cor trencat</annotation> <annotation cp="💕">cor | amor</annotation> <annotation cp="💕" type="tts">dos cors</annotation> <!-- 1F496 sparkling heart; excited; heart; sparkle --> <annotation cp="💖">cor | espurneig</annotation> <annotation cp="💖" type="tts">cor espurnejant</annotation> <annotation cp="💗">excitat | creixent | cor | batec</annotation> <annotation cp="💗" type="tts">cor que creix</annotation> <!-- 1F499 blue heart; blue; heart --> <annotation cp="💙">cor | blau</annotation> <annotation cp="💙" type="tts">cor blau</annotation> <!-- 1F49A green heart; green; heart --> <annotation cp="💚">cor | verd</annotation> <annotation cp="💚" type="tts">cor verd</annotation> <!-- 1F49B yellow heart; heart; yellow --> <annotation cp="💛">cor | groc</annotation> <annotation cp="💛" type="tts">cor groc</annotation> <!-- 1F49C purple heart; heart; purple --> <annotation cp="💜">cor | lila</annotation> <annotation cp="💜" type="tts">cor lila</annotation> <!-- 1F49D heart with ribbon; heart; ribbon; valentine --> <annotation cp="💝">cor | llaç</annotation> <annotation cp="💝" type="tts">cor amb un llaç</annotation> <!-- 1F49E revolving hearts; heart; revolving --> <annotation cp="💞">cors | gir</annotation> <annotation cp="💞" type="tts">cors que giren</annotation> <!-- 1F49F heart decoration; heart --> <annotation cp="💟">cor | decoratiu</annotation> <annotation cp="💟" type="tts">cor decoratiu</annotation> <!-- 2763 heavy heart exclamation mark ornament; exclamation; heart; mark; punctuation --> <annotation cp="❣">exclamació | cor | decoratiu</annotation> <annotation cp="❣" type="tts">exclamació en forma de cor</annotation> <!-- 1F48C love letter; heart; letter; love; mail; romance --> <annotation cp="💌">carta | amor</annotation> <annotation cp="💌" type="tts">carta d’amor</annotation> <annotation cp="💤">còmic | son</annotation> <annotation cp="💤" type="tts">zzz</annotation> <annotation cp="💢">enuig | còmic | enfadat | malhumorat</annotation> <annotation cp="💢" type="tts">símbol d’enuig</annotation> <annotation cp="💣">còmic</annotation> <annotation cp="💣" type="tts">bomba</annotation> <annotation cp="💥">esclat | còmic</annotation> <annotation cp="💥" type="tts">col lisió</annotation> <!-- 1F4A6 sweat droplets; comic; splashing; sweat --> <annotation cp="💦">gotes | suor</annotation> <annotation cp="💦" type="tts">gotes de suor</annotation> <annotation cp="💨">còmic | córrer | pressa</annotation> <annotation cp="💨" type="tts">sortir corrent</annotation> <annotation cp="💫">còmic | estrella</annotation> <annotation cp="💫" type="tts">mareig</annotation> <!-- 1F4AC speech balloon; balloon; bubble; comic; dialog; speech --> <annotation cp="💬">bafarada | parlar</annotation> <annotation cp="💬" type="tts">bafarada de parlar</annotation> <!-- 1F5E8 left speech bubble; dialog; speech --> <annotation cp="🗨">bafarada | parlar | esquerra</annotation> <annotation cp="🗨" type="tts">bafarada de parlar cap a l’esquerra</annotation> <!-- 1F5EF right anger bubble; angry; balloon; bubble; mad --> <annotation cp="🗯">bafarada | parlar | dreta</annotation> <annotation cp="🗯" type="tts">bafarada de parlar cap a la dreta</annotation> <!-- 1F4AD thought balloon; balloon; bubble; comic; thought --> <annotation cp="💭">bafarada | pensar</annotation> <annotation cp="💭" type="tts">bafarada de pensar</annotation> <annotation cp="🕳">forat</annotation> <annotation cp="🕳" type="tts">forat</annotation> <annotation cp="👓">complements | ull | ulleres | vestuari</annotation> <annotation cp="👓" type="tts">ulleres</annotation> <annotation cp="🕶">fosques | ull | ulleres | sol</annotation> <annotation cp="🕶" type="tts">ulleres de sol</annotation> <annotation cp="👔">roba</annotation> <annotation cp="👔" type="tts">corbata</annotation> <annotation cp="👕">roba | camiseta | samarreta</annotation> <annotation cp="👕" type="tts">samarreta</annotation> <annotation cp="👖">roba | pantaló | pantalons</annotation> <annotation cp="👖" type="tts">texans</annotation> <annotation cp="👗">roba</annotation> <annotation cp="👗" type="tts">vestit</annotation> <annotation cp="👘">roba | vestit | japonès</annotation> <annotation cp="👘" type="tts">quimono</annotation> <annotation cp="👙">roba | nedar</annotation> <annotation cp="👙" type="tts">biquini</annotation> <!-- 1F45A woman’s clothes; clothing; woman --> <annotation cp="👚">roba | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👚" type="tts">roba de dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👛">roba | moneda</annotation> <annotation cp="👛" type="tts">moneder</annotation> <annotation cp="👜">bossa | roba</annotation> <annotation cp="👜" type="tts">bossa de mà</annotation> <annotation cp="👝">bossa | roba</annotation> <annotation cp="👝" type="tts">bossa</annotation> <!-- 1F6CD shopping bags; bag; hotel; shopping --> <annotation cp="🛍">bosses | compra</annotation> <annotation cp="🛍" type="tts">bosses de la compra</annotation> <!-- 1F392 school backpack; bag; satchel; school --> <annotation cp="🎒">motxilla | escola</annotation> <annotation cp="🎒" type="tts">motxilla d’escola</annotation> <!-- 1F45E man’s shoe; clothing; man; shoe --> <annotation cp="👞">sabata | home</annotation> <annotation cp="👞" type="tts">sabata d’home</annotation> <!-- 1F45F running shoe; athletic; clothing; shoe; sneaker --> <annotation cp="👟">sabatilla | córrer</annotation> <annotation cp="👟" type="tts">sabatilla de córrer</annotation> <!-- 1F460 high-heeled shoe; clothing; heel; shoe; woman --> <annotation cp="👠">sabata | taló</annotation> <annotation cp="👠" type="tts">sabata de taló</annotation> <!-- 1F461 woman’s sandal; clothing; sandal; shoe; woman --> <annotation cp="👡">sandàlia | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👡" type="tts">sandàlia de dona</annotation> <!-- 1F462 woman’s boot; boot; clothing; shoe; woman --> <annotation cp="👢">bota | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👢" type="tts">bota de dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👑">cap | rei | reina | complement</annotation> <annotation cp="👑" type="tts">corona</annotation> <!-- 1F452 woman’s hat; clothing; hat; woman --> <annotation cp="👒">barret | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="👒" type="tts">barret de dona</annotation> <!-- 1F3A9 top hat; clothing; hat; top; tophat --> <annotation cp="🎩">barret | copa</annotation> <annotation cp="🎩" type="tts">barret de copa</annotation> <!-- 1F393 graduation cap; cap; celebration; clothing; graduation; hat --> <annotation cp="🎓">barret | graduació</annotation> <annotation cp="🎓" type="tts">barret de graduació</annotation> <annotation cp="📿">perla | collaret | oració | religió</annotation> <annotation cp="📿" type="tts">rosari</annotation> <annotation cp="💄">cosmètics | maquillatge</annotation> <annotation cp="💄" type="tts">pintallavis</annotation> <annotation cp="💍">diamant</annotation> <annotation cp="💍" type="tts">anell</annotation> <!-- 1F48E gem stone; diamond; gem; jewel; romance --> <annotation cp="💎">diamant</annotation> <annotation cp="💎" type="tts">gemma</annotation> <!-- 1F435 monkey face; face; monkey --> <annotation cp="🐵">cara | mona</annotation> <annotation cp="🐵" type="tts">cara de mona</annotation> <annotation cp="🐒">mico</annotation> <annotation cp="🐒" type="tts">mico</annotation> <!-- 1F436 dog face; dog; face; pet --> <annotation cp="🐶">cara | gos</annotation> <annotation cp="🐶" type="tts">cara de gos</annotation> <annotation cp="🐕">mascota</annotation> <annotation cp="🐕" type="tts">gos</annotation> <annotation cp="🐩">gos</annotation> <annotation cp="🐩" type="tts">caniche</annotation> <!-- 1F43A wolf face; face; wolf --> <annotation cp="🐺">cara | llop</annotation> <annotation cp="🐺" type="tts">cara de llop</annotation> <!-- 1F431 cat face; cat; face; pet --> <annotation cp="🐱">cara | gat</annotation> <annotation cp="🐱" type="tts">cara de gat</annotation> <annotation cp="🐈">mascota</annotation> <annotation cp="🐈" type="tts">gat</annotation> <!-- 1F981 lion face; face; leo; lion; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🦁">cara | lleó</annotation> <annotation cp="🦁" type="tts">cara de lleó</annotation> <!-- 1F42F tiger face; face; tiger --> <annotation cp="🐯">cara | tigre</annotation> <annotation cp="🐯" type="tts">cara de tigre</annotation> <annotation cp="🐅">tigre</annotation> <annotation cp="🐅" type="tts">tigre</annotation> <annotation cp="🐆">lleopard</annotation> <annotation cp="🐆" type="tts">lleopard</annotation> <!-- 1F434 horse face; face; horse --> <annotation cp="🐴">cara | cavall</annotation> <annotation cp="🐴" type="tts">cara de cavall</annotation> <annotation cp="🐎">cavall | curses</annotation> <annotation cp="🐎" type="tts">cavall</annotation> <!-- 1F984 unicorn face; face; unicorn --> <annotation cp="🦄">cara | unicorn</annotation> <annotation cp="🦄" type="tts">cara d’unicorn</annotation> <!-- 1F42E cow face; cow; face --> <annotation cp="🐮">cara | vaca</annotation> <annotation cp="🐮" type="tts">cara de vaca</annotation> <annotation cp="🐂">bou | brau | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="🐂" type="tts">bou</annotation> <!-- 1F403 water buffalo; buffalo; water --> <annotation cp="🐃">búfal</annotation> <annotation cp="🐃" type="tts">búfal aquàtic</annotation> <annotation cp="🐄">vaca</annotation> <annotation cp="🐄" type="tts">vaca</annotation> <!-- 1F437 pig face; face; pig --> <annotation cp="🐷">cara | porc</annotation> <annotation cp="🐷" type="tts">cara de porc</annotation> <annotation cp="🐖">truja</annotation> <annotation cp="🐖" type="tts">porc</annotation> <annotation cp="🐗">porc</annotation> <annotation cp="🐗" type="tts">senglar</annotation> <!-- 1F43D pig nose; face; nose; pig --> <annotation cp="🐽">nas | porc</annotation> <annotation cp="🐽" type="tts">nas de porc</annotation> <annotation cp="🐏">àries | ovella | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="🐏" type="tts">marrà</annotation> <annotation cp="🐑">ovella</annotation> <annotation cp="🐑" type="tts">ovella</annotation> <annotation cp="🐐">capricorn | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="🐐" type="tts">cabra</annotation> <annotation cp="🐪">dromedari | gepa | camell</annotation> <annotation cp="🐪" type="tts">dromedari</annotation> <!-- 1F42B two-hump camel; bactrian; camel; hump --> <annotation cp="🐫">gepes</annotation> <annotation cp="🐫" type="tts">camell</annotation> <annotation cp="🐘">elefant</annotation> <annotation cp="🐘" type="tts">elefant</annotation> <!-- 1F42D mouse face; face; mouse --> <annotation cp="🐭">cara | ratolí</annotation> <annotation cp="🐭" type="tts">cara de ratolí</annotation> <!-- 1F401 mouse --> <annotation cp="🐁">animal</annotation> <annotation cp="🐁" type="tts">ratolí</annotation> <annotation cp="🐀">rata | ratolí</annotation> <annotation cp="🐀" type="tts">rata</annotation> <!-- 1F439 hamster face; face; hamster; pet --> <annotation cp="🐹">cara | hàmster</annotation> <annotation cp="🐹" type="tts">cara d’hàmster</annotation> <!-- 1F430 rabbit face; bunny; face; pet; rabbit --> <annotation cp="🐰">cara | conill</annotation> <annotation cp="🐰" type="tts">cara de conill</annotation> <annotation cp="🐇">conill | mascota</annotation> <annotation cp="🐇" type="tts">conill</annotation> <annotation cp="🐿">esquirol</annotation> <annotation cp="🐿" type="tts">esquirol</annotation> <!-- 1F43B bear face; bear; face --> <annotation cp="🐻">cara | ós</annotation> <annotation cp="🐻" type="tts">cara d’ós</annotation> <annotation cp="🐨">ós</annotation> <annotation cp="🐨" type="tts">coala</annotation> <!-- 1F43C panda face; face; panda --> <annotation cp="🐼">cara | panda</annotation> <annotation cp="🐼" type="tts">cara de panda</annotation> <!-- 1F43E paw prints; feet; paw; print --> <annotation cp="🐾">petjades | animal</annotation> <annotation cp="🐾" type="tts">petjades d’animal</annotation> <annotation cp="🦃">gall dindi</annotation> <annotation cp="🦃" type="tts">paó</annotation> <annotation cp="🐔">pollastre</annotation> <annotation cp="🐔" type="tts">gallina</annotation> <annotation cp="🐓">gall</annotation> <annotation cp="🐓" type="tts">gall</annotation> <!-- 1F423 hatching chick; baby; chick; hatching --> <annotation cp="🐣">pollet | ou</annotation> <annotation cp="🐣" type="tts">pollet sortint de l’ou</annotation> <!-- 1F424 baby chick; baby; chick --> <annotation cp="🐤">pollet | cara</annotation> <annotation cp="🐤" type="tts">cara de pollet</annotation> <annotation cp="🐥">bebè | pollet | petit</annotation> <annotation cp="🐥" type="tts">pollet</annotation> <annotation cp="🐦">ocell</annotation> <annotation cp="🐦" type="tts">ocell</annotation> <annotation cp="🐧">pingüí</annotation> <annotation cp="🐧" type="tts">pingüí</annotation> <annotation cp="🕊">au | volar | pau</annotation> <annotation cp="🕊" type="tts">colom</annotation> <!-- 1F438 frog face; face; frog --> <annotation cp="🐸">cara | granota</annotation> <annotation cp="🐸" type="tts">cara de granota</annotation> <annotation cp="🐊">cocodril</annotation> <annotation cp="🐊" type="tts">cocodril</annotation> <annotation cp="🐢">tortuga</annotation> <annotation cp="🐢" type="tts">tortuga</annotation> <annotation cp="🐍">rèptil | serpentari | serp | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="🐍" type="tts">serp</annotation> <!-- 1F432 dragon face; dragon; face; fairy tale --> <annotation cp="🐲">cara | drac</annotation> <annotation cp="🐲" type="tts">cara de drac</annotation> <annotation cp="🐉">conte | fades | fantasia</annotation> <annotation cp="🐉" type="tts">drac</annotation> <!-- 1F433 spouting whale; face; spouting; whale --> <annotation cp="🐳">balena | aigua</annotation> <annotation cp="🐳" type="tts">balena que treu aigua</annotation> <annotation cp="🐋">balena</annotation> <annotation cp="🐋" type="tts">balena</annotation> <annotation cp="🐬">aleta</annotation> <annotation cp="🐬" type="tts">dofí</annotation> <annotation cp="🐟">peix | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="🐟" type="tts">peix</annotation> <!-- 1F420 tropical fish; fish; tropical --> <annotation cp="🐠">peix | tropical</annotation> <annotation cp="🐠" type="tts">peix tropical</annotation> <!-- 1F421 blowfish; fish --> <annotation cp="🐡">peix | globus</annotation> <annotation cp="🐡" type="tts">peix globus</annotation> <annotation cp="🐙">pop</annotation> <annotation cp="🐙" type="tts">pop</annotation> <!-- 1F41A spiral shell; shell; spiral --> <annotation cp="🐚">cargol | mar</annotation> <annotation cp="🐚" type="tts">cargol de mar</annotation> <annotation cp="🦀">cranc | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="🦀" type="tts">cranc</annotation> <annotation cp="🐌">cargol</annotation> <annotation cp="🐌" type="tts">cargol</annotation> <annotation cp="🐛">insecte</annotation> <annotation cp="🐛" type="tts">eruga</annotation> <annotation cp="🐜">insecte</annotation> <annotation cp="🐜" type="tts">formiga</annotation> <annotation cp="🐝">abella | insecte</annotation> <annotation cp="🐝" type="tts">abella</annotation> <annotation cp="🐞">escarabat | insecte | marieta</annotation> <annotation cp="🐞" type="tts">marieta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕷">insecte</annotation> <annotation cp="🕷" type="tts">aranya</annotation> <annotation cp="🕸">aranya | teranyina</annotation> <annotation cp="🕸" type="tts">teranyina</annotation> <!-- 1F982 scorpion; scorpio; scorpius; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🦂">escorpí | animal</annotation> <annotation cp="🦂" type="tts">escorpí (animal)</annotation> <annotation cp="💐">flor | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="💐" type="tts">ram de flors</annotation> <!-- 1F338 cherry blossom; blossom; cherry; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌸">flor | cirerer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌸" type="tts">flor de cirerer</annotation> <!-- 1F4AE white flower; flower --> <annotation cp="💮">flor | blanca</annotation> <annotation cp="💮" type="tts">flor blanca</annotation> <annotation cp="🏵">planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🏵" type="tts">roseta</annotation> <annotation cp="🌹">flor | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🌹" type="tts">rosa</annotation> <annotation cp="🌺">flor | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🌺" type="tts">hibisc</annotation> <annotation cp="🌻">flor | planta | sol</annotation> <annotation cp="🌻" type="tts">gira-sol</annotation> <annotation cp="🌼">flor | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🌼" type="tts">flor</annotation> <annotation cp="🌷">flor | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🌷" type="tts">tulipa</annotation> <annotation cp="☘">planta</annotation> <annotation cp="☘" type="tts">trèvol</annotation> <annotation cp="🌱">planta | nou</annotation> <annotation cp="🌱" type="tts">brot</annotation> <!-- 1F332 evergreen; plant; tree --> <annotation cp="🌲">arbre | perenne</annotation> <annotation cp="🌲" type="tts">arbre de fulla perenne</annotation> <!-- 1F333 deciduous tree; deciduous; plant; shedding; tree --> <annotation cp="🌳">arbre | caduc</annotation> <annotation cp="🌳" type="tts">arbre de fulla caduca</annotation> <annotation cp="🌴">palma | planta | arbre</annotation> <annotation cp="🌴" type="tts">palmera</annotation> <annotation cp="🌵">planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🌵" type="tts">cactus</annotation> <!-- 1F33E sheaf of rice; ear; plant; rice --> <annotation cp="🌾">manat | arròs</annotation> <annotation cp="🌾" type="tts">manat d’arròs</annotation> <annotation cp="🌿">fulla | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🌿" type="tts">herba</annotation> <!-- 1F340 four leaf clover; 4; clover; four; leaf; plant --> <annotation cp="🍀">trèvol | quatre | fulles</annotation> <annotation cp="🍀" type="tts">trèvol de quatre fulles</annotation> <!-- 1F341 maple leaf; falling; leaf; maple; plant --> <annotation cp="🍁">fulla | auró</annotation> <annotation cp="🍁" type="tts">fulla d’auró</annotation> <!-- 1F342 fallen leaf; falling; leaf; plant --> <annotation cp="🍂">fulla | seca</annotation> <annotation cp="🍂" type="tts">fulla seca</annotation> <!-- 1F343 leaf fluttering in wind; blow; flutter; leaf; plant; wind --> <annotation cp="🍃">fulla | vent</annotation> <annotation cp="🍃" type="tts">fulla que vola amb el vent</annotation> <annotation cp="🍇">fruita | raïm | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍇" type="tts">raïm</annotation> <annotation cp="🍈">fruita | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍈" type="tts">meló</annotation> <annotation cp="🍉">fruita | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍉" type="tts">síndria</annotation> <annotation cp="🍊">fruita | taronja | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍊" type="tts">mandarina</annotation> <annotation cp="🍋">cítric | fruita | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍋" type="tts">llimona</annotation> <annotation cp="🍌">fruita | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍌" type="tts">plàtan</annotation> <annotation cp="🍍">fruita | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍍" type="tts">pinya</annotation> <!-- 1F34E red apple; apple; fruit; plant; red --> <annotation cp="🍎">poma | vermella</annotation> <annotation cp="🍎" type="tts">poma vermella</annotation> <!-- 1F34F green apple; apple; fruit; green; plant --> <annotation cp="🍏">poma | verda</annotation> <annotation cp="🍏" type="tts">poma verda</annotation> <annotation cp="🍐">fruita | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍐" type="tts">pera</annotation> <annotation cp="🍑">fruita | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍑" type="tts">préssec</annotation> <annotation cp="🍒">cirera | fruita | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍒" type="tts">cireres</annotation> <annotation cp="🍓">baia | fruita | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍓" type="tts">maduixa</annotation> <annotation cp="🍅">planta | hortalissa | verdura</annotation> <annotation cp="🍅" type="tts">tomàquet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍆">albergínia | planta | verdura | hortalissa</annotation> <annotation cp="🍆" type="tts">albergínia</annotation> <annotation cp="🌽">blat de moro | panís | dacsa</annotation> <annotation cp="🌽" type="tts">panotxa</annotation> <annotation cp="🌶">picant | pebrot | planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🌶" type="tts">bitxo</annotation> <annotation cp="🍄">planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍄" type="tts">bolet</annotation> <annotation cp="🌰">planta</annotation> <annotation cp="🌰" type="tts">castanya</annotation> <annotation cp="🍞">llesca</annotation> <annotation cp="🍞" type="tts">pa</annotation> <!-- 1F9C0 cheese wedge; cheese --> <annotation cp="🧀">tall | formatge</annotation> <annotation cp="🧀" type="tts">tall de formatge</annotation> <!-- 1F356 meat on bone; bone; meat --> <annotation cp="🍖">carn | os</annotation> <annotation cp="🍖" type="tts">carn amb os</annotation> <!-- 1F357 poultry leg; bone; chicken; leg; poultry --> <annotation cp="🍗">cuixa | pollastre</annotation> <annotation cp="🍗" type="tts">cuixa de pollastre</annotation> <annotation cp="🍔">hamburguesa</annotation> <annotation cp="🍔" type="tts">hamburguesa</annotation> <!-- 1F35F french fries; french; fries --> <annotation cp="🍟">patates | fregides</annotation> <annotation cp="🍟" type="tts">patates fregides</annotation> <annotation cp="🍕">formatge | llesca</annotation> <annotation cp="🍕" type="tts">pizza</annotation> <!-- 1F32D hot dog; frankfurter; hotdog; sausage --> <annotation cp="🌭">hot dog</annotation> <annotation cp="🌭" type="tts">frankfurt</annotation> <annotation cp="🌮">mexicà</annotation> <annotation cp="🌮" type="tts">taco</annotation> <annotation cp="🌯">mexicà</annotation> <annotation cp="🌯" type="tts">burrito</annotation> <annotation cp="🍿">crispetes | blat de moro</annotation> <annotation cp="🍿" type="tts">crispetes</annotation> <!-- 1F372 pot of food; pot; stew --> <annotation cp="🍲">bol | menjar</annotation> <annotation cp="🍲" type="tts">bol de menjar</annotation> <!-- 1F371 bento box; bento; box --> <annotation cp="🍱">caixa | bento</annotation> <annotation cp="🍱" type="tts">caixa de bento</annotation> <!-- 1F358 rice cracker; cracker; rice --> <annotation cp="🍘">galeta | arròs</annotation> <annotation cp="🍘" type="tts">galeta d’arròs</annotation> <!-- 1F359 rice ball; ball; japanese; rice --> <annotation cp="🍙">bola | arròs</annotation> <annotation cp="🍙" type="tts">bola d’arròs</annotation> <!-- 1F35A cooked rice; cooked; rice --> <annotation cp="🍚">arròs | bullit</annotation> <annotation cp="🍚" type="tts">arròs bullit</annotation> <!-- 1F35B curry rice; curry; rice --> <annotation cp="🍛">arròs | curri</annotation> <annotation cp="🍛" type="tts">arròs al curri</annotation> <!-- 1F35C steaming bowl; bowl; noodle; ramen; steaming --> <annotation cp="🍜">plat | fum</annotation> <annotation cp="🍜" type="tts">plat fumejant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍝">pasta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍝" type="tts">espaguetis</annotation> <!-- 1F360 roasted sweet potato; potato; roasted; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍠">moniato | rostit</annotation> <annotation cp="🍠" type="tts">moniato rostit</annotation> <annotation cp="🍢">kebab | marisc | broqueta | pal</annotation> <annotation cp="🍢" type="tts">broqueta de marisc</annotation> <annotation cp="🍣">sushi | peix | cru</annotation> <annotation cp="🍣" type="tts">sushi</annotation> <!-- 1F364 fried shrimp; fried; prawn; shrimp; tempura --> <annotation cp="🍤">gamba | fregida</annotation> <annotation cp="🍤" type="tts">gamba fregida</annotation> <!-- 1F365 fish cake with swirl; cake; fish; pastry; swirl --> <annotation cp="🍥">pastís | peix | remolí</annotation> <annotation cp="🍥" type="tts">pastís de peix amb remolí</annotation> <annotation cp="🍡">postres | japonès | broqueta | dolç</annotation> <annotation cp="🍡" type="tts">broqueta dolça japonesa</annotation> <!-- 1F366 soft ice cream; cream; dessert; ice; icecream; soft; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍦">gelat | màquina</annotation> <annotation cp="🍦" type="tts">gelat de màquina</annotation> <annotation cp="🍧">postres | gel | picat | dolç</annotation> <annotation cp="🍧" type="tts">granissat</annotation> <annotation cp="🍨">crema | postres | gel | dolç</annotation> <annotation cp="🍨" type="tts">gelat</annotation> <annotation cp="🍩">postres | rosquilla | dolç</annotation> <annotation cp="🍩" type="tts">rosquilla</annotation> <annotation cp="🍪">postres | dolç</annotation> <annotation cp="🍪" type="tts">galeta</annotation> <!-- 1F382 birthday cake; birthday; cake; celebration; dessert; pastry; sweet --> <annotation cp="🎂">pastís | aniversari</annotation> <annotation cp="🎂" type="tts">pastís d’aniversari</annotation> <!-- 1F370 shortcake; cake; dessert; pastry; slice; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍰">pastís | porció</annotation> <annotation cp="🍰" type="tts">porció de pastís</annotation> <!-- 1F36B chocolate bar; bar; chocolate; dessert; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍫">rajola | xocolata</annotation> <annotation cp="🍫" type="tts">rajola de xocolata</annotation> <annotation cp="🍬">postres | dolç</annotation> <annotation cp="🍬" type="tts">caramel</annotation> <annotation cp="🍭">caramel | pal | postres | dolç</annotation> <annotation cp="🍭" type="tts">piruleta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍮">postres | púding | dolç | natilles</annotation> <annotation cp="🍮" type="tts">flam</annotation> <!-- 1F36F honey pot; honey; honeypot; pot; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍯">pot | mel</annotation> <annotation cp="🍯" type="tts">pot de mel</annotation> <annotation cp="🍼">nadó | ampolla | beguda | llet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍼" type="tts">biberó</annotation> <!-- 2615 hot beverage; beverage; coffee; drink; hot; steaming; tea --> <annotation cp="☕">beguda | calenta</annotation> <annotation cp="☕" type="tts">beguda calenta</annotation> <!-- 1F375 teacup without handle; beverage; cup; drink; tea; teacup --> <annotation cp="🍵">tassa | te</annotation> <annotation cp="🍵" type="tts">tassa de te</annotation> <annotation cp="🍶">bar | beguda | ampolla | tassa</annotation> <annotation cp="🍶" type="tts">sake</annotation> <!-- 1F37E bottle with popping cork; bar; bottle; cork; drink; popping --> <annotation cp="🍾">ampolla | tap | cava</annotation> <annotation cp="🍾" type="tts">ampolla de cava</annotation> <!-- 1F377 wine glass; bar; beverage; drink; glass; wine --> <annotation cp="🍷">copa | vi</annotation> <annotation cp="🍷" type="tts">copa de vi</annotation> <!-- 1F378 cocktail glass; bar; cocktail; drink; glass --> <annotation cp="🍸">copa | còctel</annotation> <annotation cp="🍸" type="tts">copa de còctel</annotation> <!-- 1F379 tropical drink; bar; drink; tropical --> <annotation cp="🍹">beguda | tropical</annotation> <annotation cp="🍹" type="tts">beguda tropical</annotation> <!-- 1F37A beer mug; bar; beer; drink; mug --> <annotation cp="🍺">gerra | cervesa</annotation> <annotation cp="🍺" type="tts">gerra de cervesa</annotation> <!-- 1F37B clinking beer mugs; bar; beer; clink; drink; mug --> <annotation cp="🍻">brindis | gerra | cervesa</annotation> <annotation cp="🍻" type="tts">brindis amb gerra de cervesa</annotation> <!-- 1F37D fork and knife with plate; cooking; fork; knife; plate --> <annotation cp="🍽">forquilla | ganivet | plat</annotation> <annotation cp="🍽" type="tts">forquilla, ganivet i plat</annotation> <!-- 1F374 fork and knife; cooking; fork; knife --> <annotation cp="🍴">forquilla | ganivet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍴" type="tts">forquilla i ganivet</annotation> <!-- 1F373 cooking; egg; frying; pan --> <annotation cp="🍳">cuina | ou</annotation> <annotation cp="🍳" type="tts">ou ferrat</annotation> <annotation cp="🏺">aquari | cuina | beguda | gerra | eina | arma | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="🏺" type="tts">àmfora</annotation> <!-- 1F30D globe showing europe-africa; africa; earth; europe; globe; world --> <annotation cp="🌍">món | Europa | Àfrica</annotation> <annotation cp="🌍" type="tts">globus terraqüi amb Europa i Àfrica</annotation> <!-- 1F30E globe showing americas; americas; earth; globe; world --> <annotation cp="🌎">món | Amèrica</annotation> <annotation cp="🌎" type="tts">globus terraqüi amb Amèrica</annotation> <!-- 1F30F globe showing asia-australia; asia; australia; earth; globe; world --> <annotation cp="🌏">món | Àsia | Austràlia</annotation> <annotation cp="🌏" type="tts">globus terraqüi amb Àsia i Austràlia</annotation> <!-- 1F310 globe with meridians; earth; globe; meridians; world --> <annotation cp="🌐">món | meridians</annotation> <annotation cp="🌐" type="tts">globus terraqüi amb meridians</annotation> <!-- 1F5FA world map; map; world --> <annotation cp="🗺">mapa | món</annotation> <annotation cp="🗺" type="tts">mapa del món</annotation> <!-- 1F3D4 snow-capped mountain; cold; mountain; snow --> <annotation cp="🏔">muntanya | neu</annotation> <annotation cp="🏔" type="tts">muntanya amb neu al cim</annotation> <annotation cp="⛰">muntanya</annotation> <annotation cp="⛰" type="tts">muntanya</annotation> <annotation cp="🌋">erupció | muntanya | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌋" type="tts">volcà</annotation> <!-- 1F5FB mount fuji; fuji; mountain --> <annotation cp="🗻">mont | Fuji</annotation> <annotation cp="🗻" type="tts">mont Fuji</annotation> <annotation cp="🏕">campament | càmping</annotation> <annotation cp="🏕" type="tts">acampada</annotation> <!-- 1F3D6 beach with umbrella; beach; umbrella --> <annotation cp="🏖">platja | para-sol</annotation> <annotation cp="🏖" type="tts">platja amb para-sol</annotation> <annotation cp="🏜">desert</annotation> <annotation cp="🏜" type="tts">desert</annotation> <!-- 1F3DD desert island; desert; island --> <annotation cp="🏝">illa | deserta</annotation> <annotation cp="🏝" type="tts">illa deserta</annotation> <!-- 1F3DE national park; park --> <annotation cp="🏞">parc | nacional</annotation> <annotation cp="🏞" type="tts">parc nacional</annotation> <annotation cp="🏟">estadi</annotation> <annotation cp="🏟" type="tts">estadi</annotation> <!-- 1F3DB classical building; building; classical --> <annotation cp="🏛">edifici | clàssic</annotation> <annotation cp="🏛" type="tts">edifici clàssic</annotation> <!-- 1F3D7 building construction; building; construction --> <annotation cp="🏗">construcció | edificis</annotation> <annotation cp="🏗" type="tts">construcció d’edificis</annotation> <annotation cp="🏘">edifici | casa</annotation> <annotation cp="🏘" type="tts">cases</annotation> <!-- 1F3D9 cityscape; building; city --> <annotation cp="🏙">paisatge | urbà</annotation> <annotation cp="🏙" type="tts">paisatge urbà</annotation> <!-- 1F3DA derelict house building; building; derelict; house --> <annotation cp="🏚">casa | abandonada</annotation> <annotation cp="🏚" type="tts">casa abandonada</annotation> <annotation cp="🏠">edifici | llar | casa</annotation> <annotation cp="🏠" type="tts">casa</annotation> <!-- 1F3E1 house with garden; building; garden; home; house --> <annotation cp="🏡">casa | jardí</annotation> <annotation cp="🏡" type="tts">casa amb jardí</annotation> <annotation cp="⛪">edifici | cristià | creu | religió</annotation> <annotation cp="⛪" type="tts">església</annotation> <annotation cp="🕋">islam | musulmà | religió</annotation> <annotation cp="🕋" type="tts">kaaba</annotation> <annotation cp="🕌">islam | musulmà | religió</annotation> <annotation cp="🕌" type="tts">mesquita</annotation> <annotation cp="🕍">jueu | religió | temple</annotation> <annotation cp="🕍" type="tts">sinagoga</annotation> <!-- 26E9 shinto shrine; religion; shinto; shrine --> <annotation cp="⛩">santuari | xintoista</annotation> <annotation cp="⛩" type="tts">santuari xintoista</annotation> <annotation cp="🏢">edifici</annotation> <annotation cp="🏢" type="tts">edifici d’oficines</annotation> <!-- 1F3E3 japanese post office; building; japanese; post --> <annotation cp="🏣">oficina | correus | japonesa</annotation> <annotation cp="🏣" type="tts">oficina de correus japonesa</annotation> <!-- 1F3E4 post office; building; european; post --> <annotation cp="🏤">oficina | correus</annotation> <annotation cp="🏤" type="tts">oficina de correus</annotation> <annotation cp="🏥">edifici | metge | medicina | salut</annotation> <annotation cp="🏥" type="tts">hospital</annotation> <annotation cp="🏦">edifici</annotation> <annotation cp="🏦" type="tts">banc</annotation> <annotation cp="🏨">edifici</annotation> <annotation cp="🏨" type="tts">hotel</annotation> <!-- 1F3E9 love hotel; building; hotel; love --> <annotation cp="🏩">hotel | cites</annotation> <annotation cp="🏩" type="tts">hotel de cites</annotation> <!-- 1F3EA convenience store; building; convenience; store --> <annotation cp="🏪">botiga</annotation> <annotation cp="🏪" type="tts">botiga local</annotation> <annotation cp="🏫">edifici</annotation> <annotation cp="🏫" type="tts">escola</annotation> <annotation cp="🏬">edifici | magatzem | botiga</annotation> <annotation cp="🏬" type="tts">centre comercial</annotation> <annotation cp="🏭">edifici</annotation> <annotation cp="🏭" type="tts">fàbrica</annotation> <!-- 1F3EF japanese castle; building; castle; japanese --> <annotation cp="🏯">castell | japonès</annotation> <annotation cp="🏯" type="tts">castell japonès</annotation> <annotation cp="🏰">construcció | europeu</annotation> <annotation cp="🏰" type="tts">castell</annotation> <annotation cp="💒">capella | amor</annotation> <annotation cp="💒" type="tts">casament</annotation> <!-- 1F5FC tokyo tower; tokyo; tower --> <annotation cp="🗼">torre | Tòquio</annotation> <annotation cp="🗼" type="tts">torre de Tòquio</annotation> <!-- 1F5FD statue of liberty; liberty; statue --> <annotation cp="🗽">estàtua | Llibertat</annotation> <annotation cp="🗽" type="tts">estàtua de la Llibertat</annotation> <!-- 1F5FE map of japan; japan; map --> <annotation cp="🗾">mapa | Japó</annotation> <annotation cp="🗾" type="tts">mapa del Japó</annotation> <annotation cp="⛲">font</annotation> <annotation cp="⛲" type="tts">font</annotation> <annotation cp="⛺">campament | acampada | càmping</annotation> <annotation cp="⛺" type="tts">tenda</annotation> <!-- 1F301 foggy; fog; weather --> <annotation cp="🌁">paisatge | boira</annotation> <annotation cp="🌁" type="tts">paisatge emboirat</annotation> <!-- 1F303 night with stars; night; star; weather --> <annotation cp="🌃">nit | estrelles</annotation> <annotation cp="🌃" type="tts">nit estrellada</annotation> <!-- 1F304 sunrise over mountains; morning; mountain; sun; sunrise; weather --> <annotation cp="🌄">posta de sol | muntanyes</annotation> <annotation cp="🌄" type="tts">posta de sol sobre les muntanyes</annotation> <annotation cp="🌅">matí | sol | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌅" type="tts">alba</annotation> <!-- 1F306 cityscape at dusk; building; city; dusk; evening; landscape; sun; sunset; weather --> <annotation cp="🌆">paisatge urbà | vespre</annotation> <annotation cp="🌆" type="tts">paisatge urbà al vespre</annotation> <!-- 1F307 sunset; building; dusk; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌇">ciutat</annotation> <annotation cp="🌇" type="tts">posta de sol</annotation> <!-- 1F309 bridge at night; bridge; night; weather --> <annotation cp="🌉">pont | nit</annotation> <annotation cp="🌉" type="tts">pont de nit</annotation> <annotation cp="♨">calor | aigües termals | ressort | vapor</annotation> <annotation cp="♨" type="tts">fonts termals</annotation> <annotation cp="🌌">espai | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌌" type="tts">via làctia</annotation> <!-- 1F3A0 carousel horse; carousel; horse --> <annotation cp="🎠">atraccions</annotation> <annotation cp="🎠" type="tts">cavallets</annotation> <!-- 1F3A1 ferris wheel; amusement park; ferris; wheel --> <annotation cp="🎡">roda | fira</annotation> <annotation cp="🎡" type="tts">roda de fira</annotation> <annotation cp="🎢">parc d’atraccions | muntanya | muntanya russa</annotation> <annotation cp="🎢" type="tts">muntanya russa</annotation> <annotation cp="💈">barber | tallat | pal</annotation> <annotation cp="💈" type="tts">barberia</annotation> <!-- 1F3AA circus tent; circus; tent --> <annotation cp="🎪">vela | circ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎪" type="tts">vela de circ</annotation> <!-- 1F3AD performing arts; art; mask; performing; theater; theatre --> <annotation cp="🎭">arts | interpretació</annotation> <annotation cp="🎭" type="tts">arts interpretatives</annotation> <annotation cp="🖼">art | marc | museu | pintura | quadre</annotation> <annotation cp="🖼" type="tts">marc amb quadre</annotation> <!-- 1F3A8 artist palette; art; museum; painting; palette --> <annotation cp="🎨">paleta | artista</annotation> <annotation cp="🎨" type="tts">paleta d’artista</annotation> <annotation cp="🎰">joc | atzar | escurabutxaques</annotation> <annotation cp="🎰" type="tts">màquina escurabutxaques</annotation> <annotation cp="🚂">motor | tren | vapor | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚂" type="tts">locomotora</annotation> <!-- 1F683 railway car; car; electric; railway; train; tram; trolleybus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚃">vagó | tren elèctric</annotation> <annotation cp="🚃" type="tts">vagó de tren elèctric</annotation> <!-- 1F684 high-speed train; railway; shinkansen; speed; train; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚄">tren | alta velocitat</annotation> <annotation cp="🚄" type="tts">tren d’alta velocitat</annotation> <!-- 1F685 high-speed train with bullet nose; bullet; railway; shinkansen; speed; train; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚅">tren | alta velocitat | bala</annotation> <annotation cp="🚅" type="tts">tren bala</annotation> <annotation cp="🚆">tren | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚆" type="tts">tren</annotation> <annotation cp="🚇">metro | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚇" type="tts">metro</annotation> <annotation cp="🚈">tren | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚈" type="tts">tren lleuger</annotation> <annotation cp="🚉">tren | vehicle | vies</annotation> <annotation cp="🚉" type="tts">estació</annotation> <annotation cp="🚊">troleibús | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚊" type="tts">tramvia</annotation> <annotation cp="🚝">vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚝" type="tts">monorail</annotation> <!-- 1F69E mountain railway; car; mountain; railway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚞">ferrocarril | muntanya</annotation> <annotation cp="🚞" type="tts">ferrocarril de muntanya</annotation> <!-- 1F68B tram car; car; tram; trolleybus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚋">vagó | tramvia</annotation> <annotation cp="🚋" type="tts">vagó de tramvia</annotation> <annotation cp="🚌">vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚌" type="tts">autobús</annotation> <!-- 1F68D oncoming bus; bus; oncoming; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚍">autobús | proper</annotation> <annotation cp="🚍" type="tts">autobús que arriba</annotation> <annotation cp="🚎">autobús | tramvia | vagó | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚎" type="tts">troleibús</annotation> <!-- 1F68F bus stop; bus; busstop; stop --> <annotation cp="🚏">parada | autobús</annotation> <annotation cp="🚏" type="tts">parada d’autobús</annotation> <annotation cp="🚐">autobús | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚐" type="tts">minibús</annotation> <annotation cp="🚑">vehicle | emergència | urgència</annotation> <annotation cp="🚑" type="tts">ambulància</annotation> <!-- 1F692 fire engine; engine; fire; truck; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚒">cotxe | bombers</annotation> <annotation cp="🚒" type="tts">cotxe de bombers</annotation> <!-- 1F693 police car; car; patrol; police; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚓">cotxe | policia</annotation> <annotation cp="🚓" type="tts">cotxe de policia</annotation> <!-- 1F694 oncoming police car; car; oncoming; police; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚔">cotxe | policia | proper</annotation> <annotation cp="🚔" type="tts">cotxe de policia que arriba</annotation> <annotation cp="🚕">vehicle | transport</annotation> <annotation cp="🚕" type="tts">taxi</annotation> <!-- 1F696 oncoming taxi; oncoming; taxi; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚖">taxi | proper</annotation> <annotation cp="🚖" type="tts">taxi que arriba</annotation> <annotation cp="🚗">cotxe | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚗" type="tts">automòbil</annotation> <!-- 1F698 oncoming automobile; automobile; car; oncoming; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚘">automòbil | proper</annotation> <annotation cp="🚘" type="tts">automòbil que arriba</annotation> <!-- 1F699 recreational vehicle; recreational; rv; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚙">vehicle | recreatiu</annotation> <annotation cp="🚙" type="tts">vehicle recreatiu</annotation> <!-- 1F69A delivery truck; delivery; truck; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚚">camió | repartiment</annotation> <annotation cp="🚚" type="tts">camió de repartiment</annotation> <!-- 1F69B articulated lorry; lorry; semi; truck; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚛">camió | articulat</annotation> <annotation cp="🚛" type="tts">camió articulat</annotation> <annotation cp="🚜">vehicle | agricultura</annotation> <annotation cp="🚜" type="tts">tractor</annotation> <annotation cp="🚲">bici | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚲" type="tts">bicicleta</annotation> <!-- 26FD fuel pump; fuel; fuelpump; gas; pump; station --> <annotation cp="⛽">assortidor | gasolina</annotation> <annotation cp="⛽" type="tts">assortidor de gasolina</annotation> <annotation cp="🛣">carretera | autovia</annotation> <annotation cp="🛣" type="tts">autopista</annotation> <!-- 1F6E4 railway track; railway; train --> <annotation cp="🛤">via | tren</annotation> <annotation cp="🛤" type="tts">via de tren</annotation> <!-- 1F6A8 police car’s light; beacon; car; light; police; revolving; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚨">llum | cotxe | policia</annotation> <annotation cp="🚨" type="tts">llum de cotxe de policia</annotation> <!-- 1F6A5 horizontal traffic light; light; signal; traffic --> <annotation cp="🚥">semàfor | horitzontal</annotation> <annotation cp="🚥" type="tts">semàfor horitzontal</annotation> <!-- 1F6A6 vertical traffic light; light; signal; traffic --> <annotation cp="🚦">semàfor | vertical</annotation> <annotation cp="🚦" type="tts">semàfor vertical</annotation> <annotation cp="🚧">barrera | tanca</annotation> <annotation cp="🚧" type="tts">obres</annotation> <annotation cp="⚓">vaixell | eina</annotation> <annotation cp="⚓" type="tts">àncora</annotation> <annotation cp="⛵">vaixell | mar | vehicle | iot</annotation> <annotation cp="⛵" type="tts">veler</annotation> <!-- 1F6A3 rowboat; boat; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚣">bot | rems</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣" type="tts">bot de rems</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♀">vaixell | femení | rem | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♀" type="tts">dona remant</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♂">vaixell | masculí | home | rem</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♂" type="tts">home remant</annotation> <!-- 1F6A4 speedboat; boat; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚤">llanxa | ràpida</annotation> <annotation cp="🚤" type="tts">llanxa ràpida</annotation> <!-- 1F6F3 passenger ship; passenger; ship; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛳">vaixell | passatgers</annotation> <annotation cp="🛳" type="tts">vaixell de passatgers</annotation> <!-- 26F4 ferry; boat --> <annotation cp="⛴">vaixell</annotation> <annotation cp="⛴" type="tts">ferri</annotation> <!-- 1F6E5 motor boat; boat; motorboat; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛥">llanxa | motor | vaixell</annotation> <annotation cp="🛥" type="tts">llanxa de motor</annotation> <!-- 1F6A2 ship; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚢">vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚢" type="tts">vaixell</annotation> <!-- 2708 airplane; vehicle --> <annotation cp="✈">vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="✈" type="tts">avió</annotation> <!-- 1F6E9 small airplane; airplane; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛩">vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🛩" type="tts">avioneta</annotation> <!-- 1F6EB airplane departure; airplane; check-in; departure; departures; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛫">avió | enlairament | vehicle | sortida</annotation> <annotation cp="🛫" type="tts">enlairament d’avió</annotation> <!-- 1F6EC airplane arrival; airplane; arrivals; arriving; landing; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛬">avió | aterratge | arribada | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🛬" type="tts">aterratge d’avió</annotation> <!-- 1F4BA seat; chair --> <annotation cp="💺">cadira</annotation> <annotation cp="💺" type="tts">seient</annotation> <!-- 1F681 helicopter; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚁">vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚁" type="tts">helicòpter</annotation> <!-- 1F69F suspension railway; railway; suspension; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚟">ferrocarril | suspensió | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚟" type="tts">ferrocarril de suspensió</annotation> <!-- 1F6A0 mountain cableway; cable; gondola; mountain; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚠">telefèric | muntanya | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚠" type="tts">telefèric de muntanya</annotation> <!-- 1F6A1 aerial tramway; aerial; cable; car; gondola; ropeway; tramway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚡">tramvia | aeri | vehicle</annotation> <annotation cp="🚡" type="tts">tramvia aeri</annotation> <!-- 1F680 rocket; space; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚀">espai | vehicle | espacial</annotation> <annotation cp="🚀" type="tts">coet</annotation> <!-- 1F6F0 satellite; space; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛰">espai | vehicle | espacial</annotation> <annotation cp="🛰" type="tts">satèl·lit</annotation> <!-- 1F6CE bellhop bell; bell; bellhop; hotel --> <annotation cp="🛎">timbre | grum | hotel | recepció</annotation> <annotation cp="🛎" type="tts">timbre del grum</annotation> <annotation cp="🚪">porta</annotation> <annotation cp="🚪" type="tts">porta</annotation> <!-- 1F6CC person in bed; hotel; sleep --> <annotation cp="🛌">persona | llit | hotel | dormir</annotation> <annotation cp="🛌" type="tts">persona al llit</annotation> <!-- 1F6CF bed; hotel; sleep --> <annotation cp="🛏">hotel | dormir</annotation> <annotation cp="🛏" type="tts">llit</annotation> <!-- 1F6CB couch and lamp; couch; hotel; lamp --> <annotation cp="🛋">sofà | làmpada</annotation> <annotation cp="🛋" type="tts">sofà i làmpada</annotation> <annotation cp="🚽">inodor | tassa</annotation> <annotation cp="🚽" type="tts">lavabo</annotation> <annotation cp="🚿">aigua</annotation> <annotation cp="🚿" type="tts">dutxa</annotation> <!-- 1F6C0 person taking bath; bathtub; bath --> <annotation cp="🛀">persona | banyera | bany</annotation> <annotation cp="🛀" type="tts">persona a la banyera</annotation> <!-- 1F6C1 bathtub; bath --> <annotation cp="🛁">bany</annotation> <annotation cp="🛁" type="tts">banyera</annotation> <!-- 231B hourglass; sand; timer --> <annotation cp="⌛">rellotge | sorra</annotation> <annotation cp="⌛" type="tts">rellotge de sorra</annotation> <!-- 23F3 hourglass with flowing sand; hourglass; sand; timer --> <annotation cp="⏳">rellotge | sorra</annotation> <annotation cp="⏳" type="tts">rellotge amb sorra que cau</annotation> <!-- 231A watch; clock --> <annotation cp="⌚">hora</annotation> <annotation cp="⌚" type="tts">rellotge</annotation> <!-- 23F0 alarm clock; alarm; clock --> <annotation cp="⏰">rellotge</annotation> <annotation cp="⏰" type="tts">alarma</annotation> <!-- 23F1 stopwatch; clock --> <annotation cp="⏱">rellotge</annotation> <annotation cp="⏱" type="tts">cronòmetre</annotation> <!-- 23F2 timer clock; clock; timer --> <annotation cp="⏲">rellotge</annotation> <annotation cp="⏲" type="tts">temporitzador</annotation> <!-- 1F570 mantelpiece clock; clock --> <annotation cp="🕰">rellotge | taula</annotation> <annotation cp="🕰" type="tts">rellotge de taula</annotation> <!-- 1F55B twelve o’clock; 00; 12; 12:00; clock; o’clock; twelve --> <annotation cp="🕛">00 | 12 | 12:00 | 00:00 | rellotge | dotze | en punt | migdia | mitjanit</annotation> <annotation cp="🕛" type="tts">les dotze en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F567 twelve-thirty; 12; 12:30; 30; clock; thirty; twelve --> <annotation cp="🕧">12 | 00 | 12:30 | 00:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | una | dotze | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕧" type="tts">dos quarts d’una</annotation> <!-- 1F550 one o’clock; 00; 1; 1:00; clock; o’clock; one --> <annotation cp="🕐">13 | 1 | 1:00 | 13:00 | rellotge | una | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕐" type="tts">la una en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F55C one-thirty; 1; 1:30; 30; clock; one; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕜">13 | 1 | 13:30 | 1:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | dues | una | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕜" type="tts">dos quarts de dues</annotation> <!-- 1F551 two o’clock; 00; 2; 2:00; clock; o’clock; two --> <annotation cp="🕑">14 | 2 | 2:00 | 14:00 | rellotge | dues | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕑" type="tts">les dues en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F55D two-thirty; 2; 2:30; 30; clock; thirty; two --> <annotation cp="🕝">14 | 2 | 14:30 | 2:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | tres | dues | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕝" type="tts">dos quarts de tres</annotation> <!-- 1F552 three o’clock; 00; 3; 3:00; clock; o’clock; three --> <annotation cp="🕒">15 | 3 | 3:00 | 15:00 | rellotge | tres | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕒" type="tts">les tres en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F55E three-thirty; 3; 3:30; 30; clock; thirty; three --> <annotation cp="🕞">15 | 3 | 15:30 | 3:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | quatre | tres | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕞" type="tts">dos quarts de quatre</annotation> <!-- 1F553 four o’clock; 00; 4; 4:00; clock; four; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕓">16 | 4 | 4:00 | 16:00 | rellotge | quatre | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕓" type="tts">les quatre en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F55F four-thirty; 30; 4; 4:30; clock; four; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕟">16 | 4 | 16:30 | 4:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | cinc | quatre | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕟" type="tts">dos quarts de cinc</annotation> <!-- 1F554 five o’clock; 00; 5; 5:00; clock; five; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕔">17 | 5 | 5:00 | 17:00 | rellotge | cinc | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕔" type="tts">les cinc en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F560 five-thirty; 30; 5; 5:30; clock; five; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕠">17 | 5 | 17:30 | 5:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | sis | cinc | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕠" type="tts">dos quarts de sis</annotation> <!-- 1F555 six o’clock; 00; 6; 6:00; clock; o’clock; six --> <annotation cp="🕕">18 | 6 | 6:00 | 18:00 | rellotge | sis | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕕" type="tts">les sis en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F561 six-thirty; 30; 6; 6:30; clock; six; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕡">18 | 6 | 18:30 | 6:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | set | sis | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕡" type="tts">dos quarts de set</annotation> <!-- 1F556 seven o’clock; 00; 7; 7:00; clock; o’clock; seven --> <annotation cp="🕖">19 | 7 | 7:00 | 19:00 | rellotge | set | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕖" type="tts">les set en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F562 seven-thirty; 30; 7; 7:30; clock; seven; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕢">19 | 7 | 19:30 | 7:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | vuit | set | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕢" type="tts">dos quarts de vuit</annotation> <!-- 1F557 eight o’clock; 00; 8; 8:00; clock; eight; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕗">20 | 8 | 8:00 | 20:00 | rellotge | vuit | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕗" type="tts">les vuit en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F563 eight-thirty; 30; 8; 8:30; clock; eight; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕣">20 | 8 | 20:30 | 8:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | nou | vuit | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕣" type="tts">dos quarts de nou</annotation> <!-- 1F558 nine o’clock; 00; 9; 9:00; clock; nine; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕘">21 | 9 | 9:00 | 21:00 | rellotge | nou | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕘" type="tts">les nou en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F564 nine-thirty; 30; 9; 9:30; clock; nine; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕤">21 | 9 | 21:30 | 9:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | deu | nou | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕤" type="tts">dos quarts de deu</annotation> <!-- 1F559 ten o’clock; 00; 10; 10:00; clock; o’clock; ten --> <annotation cp="🕙">22 | 10 | 10:00 | 22:00 | rellotge | deu | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕙" type="tts">les deu en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F565 ten-thirty; 10; 10:30; 30; clock; ten; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕥">22 | 10 | 22:30 | 10:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | onze | deu | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕥" type="tts">dos quarts d’onze</annotation> <!-- 1F55A eleven o’clock; 00; 11; 11:00; clock; eleven; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕚">23 | 11 | 11:00 | 23:00 | rellotge | onze | en punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🕚" type="tts">les onze en punt</annotation> <!-- 1F566 eleven-thirty; 11; 11:30; 30; clock; eleven; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕦">23 | 11 | 23:30 | 11:30 | 30 | rellotge | dos quarts | dotze | onze | trenta</annotation> <annotation cp="🕦" type="tts">dos quarts de dotze</annotation> <!-- 1F311 new moon; dark; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌑">lluna | nova</annotation> <annotation cp="🌑" type="tts">lluna nova</annotation> <!-- 1F312 waxing crescent moon; crescent; moon; space; waxing; weather --> <annotation cp="🌒">lluna | quart | creixent</annotation> <annotation cp="🌒" type="tts">lluna en quart creixent</annotation> <!-- 1F313 first quarter moon; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌓">lluna | quart | creixent</annotation> <annotation cp="🌓" type="tts">lluna en el primer quart creixent</annotation> <!-- 1F314 waxing gibbous moon; gibbous; moon; space; waxing; weather --> <annotation cp="🌔">lluna | gibosa | creixent</annotation> <annotation cp="🌔" type="tts">lluna gibosa creixent</annotation> <!-- 1F315 full moon; full; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌕">lluna | plena</annotation> <annotation cp="🌕" type="tts">lluna plena</annotation> <!-- 1F316 waning gibbous moon; gibbous; moon; space; waning; weather --> <annotation cp="🌖">lluna | gibosa | minvant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌖" type="tts">lluna gibosa minvant</annotation> <!-- 1F317 last quarter moon; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌗">lluna | quart | minvant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌗" type="tts">lluna en l’últim quart minvant</annotation> <!-- 1F318 waning crescent moon; crescent; moon; space; waning; weather --> <annotation cp="🌘">lluna | minvant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌘" type="tts">lluna minvant</annotation> <!-- 1F319 crescent moon; crescent; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌙">lluna | creixent</annotation> <annotation cp="🌙" type="tts">lluna creixent</annotation> <!-- 1F31A new moon face; face; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌚">cara | lluna nova</annotation> <annotation cp="🌚" type="tts">cara de lluna nova</annotation> <!-- 1F31B first quarter moon with face; face; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌛">lluna | quart | creixent | cara</annotation> <annotation cp="🌛" type="tts">lluna en el primer quart amb cara</annotation> <!-- 1F31C last quarter moon with face; face; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌜">lluna | quart | minvant | cara</annotation> <annotation cp="🌜" type="tts">lluna en l’últim quart amb cara</annotation> <!-- 1F321 thermometer; weather --> <annotation cp="🌡">temperatura</annotation> <annotation cp="🌡" type="tts">termòmetre</annotation> <!-- 2600 sun; bright; rays; space; sunny; weather --> <annotation cp="☀">solejat | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="☀" type="tts">sol</annotation> <!-- 1F31D full moon with face; bright; face; full; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌝">lluna | plena | cara</annotation> <annotation cp="🌝" type="tts">lluna plena amb cara</annotation> <!-- 1F31E sun with face; bright; face; space; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌞">sol | cara</annotation> <annotation cp="🌞" type="tts">sol amb cara</annotation> <!-- 2B50 white medium star; star --> <annotation cp="⭐">estrella</annotation> <annotation cp="⭐" type="tts">estrella blanca mitjana</annotation> <!-- 1F31F glowing star; glittery; glow; shining; sparkle; star --> <annotation cp="🌟">estrella | brillant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌟" type="tts">estrella brillant</annotation> <!-- 1F320 shooting star; falling; shooting; space; star --> <annotation cp="🌠">estrella | fugaç | cel | espai</annotation> <annotation cp="🌠" type="tts">estrella fugaç</annotation> <!-- 2601 cloud; weather --> <annotation cp="☁">temps</annotation> <annotation cp="☁" type="tts">núvol</annotation> <!-- 26C5 sun behind cloud; cloud; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="⛅">sol | núvol | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="⛅" type="tts">sol darrere un núvol</annotation> <!-- 26C8 cloud with lightning and rain; cloud; rain; thunder; weather --> <annotation cp="⛈">núvol | llamp | pluja | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="⛈" type="tts">núvol amb llamp i pluja</annotation> <!-- 1F324 sun behind small cloud; cloud; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌤">sol | núvol petit | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌤" type="tts">sol darrere d’un núvol petit</annotation> <!-- 1F325 sun behind large cloud; cloud; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌥">sol | núvol gran | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌥" type="tts">sol darrere d’un núvol gran</annotation> <!-- 1F326 sun behind cloud with rain; cloud; rain; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌦">sol | núvol | pluja | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌦" type="tts">sol darrere un núvol amb pluja</annotation> <!-- 1F327 cloud with rain; cloud; rain; weather --> <annotation cp="🌧">núvol | pluja | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌧" type="tts">núvol amb pluja</annotation> <!-- 1F328 cloud with snow; cloud; cold; snow; weather --> <annotation cp="🌨">núvol | neu | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌨" type="tts">núvol amb neu</annotation> <!-- 1F329 cloud with lightning; cloud; lightning; weather --> <annotation cp="🌩">núvol | llamp | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌩" type="tts">núvol amb llamp</annotation> <!-- 1F32A tornado; cloud; weather; whirlwind --> <annotation cp="🌪">temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌪" type="tts">tornado</annotation> <!-- 1F32B fog; cloud; weather --> <annotation cp="🌫">temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌫" type="tts">boira</annotation> <!-- 1F32C wind face; blow; cloud; face; weather; wind --> <annotation cp="🌬">temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌬" type="tts">vent</annotation> <!-- 1F300 cyclone; dizzy; twister; typhoon; weather --> <annotation cp="🌀">temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌀" type="tts">cicló</annotation> <!-- 1F308 rainbow; rain; weather --> <annotation cp="🌈">arc | Sant Martí | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="🌈" type="tts">arc de Sant Martí</annotation> <!-- 1F302 closed umbrella; clothing; rain; umbrella; weather --> <annotation cp="🌂">paraigua | tancat | pluja</annotation> <annotation cp="🌂" type="tts">paraigua tancat</annotation> <!-- 2602 umbrella; clothing; rain; weather --> <annotation cp="☂">pluja</annotation> <annotation cp="☂" type="tts">paraigua</annotation> <!-- 2614 umbrella with rain drops; clothing; drop; rain; umbrella; weather --> <annotation cp="☔">paraigua | pluja | gotes</annotation> <annotation cp="☔" type="tts">paraigua amb gotes de pluja</annotation> <!-- 26F1 umbrella on ground; rain; sun; umbrella; weather --> <annotation cp="⛱">para-sol | sorra | sol</annotation> <annotation cp="⛱" type="tts">para-sol a la sorra</annotation> <!-- 26A1 high voltage; danger; electric; electricity; lightning; voltage; zap --> <annotation cp="⚡">voltatge | perill | elèctric | electricitat | temps | llampec | llamp</annotation> <annotation cp="⚡" type="tts">alt voltatge</annotation> <!-- 2744 snowflake; cold; snow; weather --> <annotation cp="❄">neu | volva | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="❄" type="tts">volva de neu</annotation> <!-- 2603 snowman; cold; snow; weather --> <annotation cp="☃">neu | ninot | nevada | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="☃" type="tts">ninot de neu</annotation> <!-- 26C4 snowman without snow; cold; snow; snowman; weather --> <annotation cp="⛄">neu | ninot | temps</annotation> <annotation cp="⛄" type="tts">ninot de neu sense neu</annotation> <annotation cp="☄">espai</annotation> <annotation cp="☄" type="tts">cometa</annotation> <annotation cp="🔥">flama | eina</annotation> <annotation cp="🔥" type="tts">foc</annotation> <!-- 1F4A7 droplet; cold; comic; drop; sweat; weather --> <annotation cp="💧">suor | fred</annotation> <annotation cp="💧" type="tts">gota</annotation> <!-- 1F30A water wave; ocean; water; wave; weather --> <annotation cp="🌊">mar | aigua</annotation> <annotation cp="🌊" type="tts">onada</annotation> <!-- 1F383 jack-o-lantern; celebration; halloween; jack; lantern --> <annotation cp="🎃">carabassa | Halloween</annotation> <annotation cp="🎃" type="tts">carabassa de Halloween</annotation> <!-- 1F384 christmas tree; celebration; christmas; tree --> <annotation cp="🎄">arbre | Nadal</annotation> <annotation cp="🎄" type="tts">arbre de Nadal</annotation> <annotation cp="🎆">celebració</annotation> <annotation cp="🎆" type="tts">focs d’artifici</annotation> <annotation cp="🎇">celebració | pirotècnia | espurna | foc</annotation> <annotation cp="🎇" type="tts">bengala</annotation> <annotation cp="✨">espurna | estrella | foc</annotation> <annotation cp="✨" type="tts">espurnes</annotation> <annotation cp="🎈">celebració</annotation> <annotation cp="🎈" type="tts">globus</annotation> <!-- 1F389 party popper; celebration; party; popper; tada --> <annotation cp="🎉">tub | confeti</annotation> <annotation cp="🎉" type="tts">tub de confeti</annotation> <!-- 1F38A confetti ball; ball; celebration; confetti --> <annotation cp="🎊">bola | confeti</annotation> <annotation cp="🎊" type="tts">bola de confeti</annotation> <!-- 1F38B tanabata tree; banner; celebration; japanese; tree --> <annotation cp="🎋">arbre | desitjos | Tanabata</annotation> <annotation cp="🎋" type="tts">arbre dels desitjos de Tanabata</annotation> <!-- 1F38C crossed flags; celebration; cross; crossed; japanese --> <annotation cp="🎌">banderes | creuades</annotation> <annotation cp="🎌" type="tts">banderes creuades</annotation> <!-- 1F38D pine decoration; bamboo; celebration; japanese; pine; plant --> <annotation cp="🎍">decoració | bambú</annotation> <annotation cp="🎍" type="tts">decoració de bambú</annotation> <!-- 1F38E japanese dolls; celebration; doll; festival; japanese --> <annotation cp="🎎">nines | japoneses</annotation> <annotation cp="🎎" type="tts">nines japoneses</annotation> <!-- 1F38F carp streamer; carp; celebration; streamer --> <annotation cp="🎏">banderins | carpes</annotation> <annotation cp="🎏" type="tts">banderins de carpes</annotation> <!-- 1F390 wind chime; bell; celebration; chime; wind --> <annotation cp="🎐">mòbil | sonor</annotation> <annotation cp="🎐" type="tts">mòbil sonor</annotation> <!-- 1F391 moon ceremony; celebration; ceremony; moon --> <annotation cp="🎑">cerimònia | lluna</annotation> <annotation cp="🎑" type="tts">cerimònia de la lluna</annotation> <annotation cp="🎀">celebració | cinta</annotation> <annotation cp="🎀" type="tts">llaç</annotation> <!-- 1F381 wrapped present; box; celebration; gift; present; wrapped --> <annotation cp="🎁">regal | embolicat</annotation> <annotation cp="🎁" type="tts">regal embolicat</annotation> <!-- 1F396 military medal; celebration; medal; military --> <annotation cp="🎖">medalla | militar</annotation> <annotation cp="🎖" type="tts">medalla militar</annotation> <annotation cp="🎗">celebració | recordatori | cinta</annotation> <annotation cp="🎗" type="tts">llaç de recordatori</annotation> <annotation cp="🎞">cinema | pel lícula | fotograma</annotation> <annotation cp="🎞" type="tts">fotograma de pel lícula</annotation> <!-- 1F39F admission tickets; admission; ticket --> <annotation cp="🎟">bitllet | entrada</annotation> <annotation cp="🎟" type="tts">bitllet d’entrada</annotation> <annotation cp="🎫">admissió | entrada</annotation> <annotation cp="🎫" type="tts">tiquet</annotation> <annotation cp="🏷">etiqueta</annotation> <annotation cp="🏷" type="tts">etiqueta</annotation> <!-- 26BD soccer ball; ball; soccer --> <annotation cp="⚽">pilota | futbol</annotation> <annotation cp="⚽" type="tts">pilota de futbol</annotation> <!-- 26BE baseball; ball --> <annotation cp="⚾">pilota | beisbol</annotation> <annotation cp="⚾" type="tts">pilota de beisbol</annotation> <!-- 1F3C0 basketball; ball; hoop --> <annotation cp="🏀">pilota | bàsquet</annotation> <annotation cp="🏀" type="tts">pilota de bàsquet</annotation> <!-- 1F3C8 american football; american; ball; football --> <annotation cp="🏈">pilota | futbol americà</annotation> <annotation cp="🏈" type="tts">pilota de futbol americà</annotation> <!-- 1F3C9 rugby football; ball; football; rugby --> <annotation cp="🏉">pilota | rugbi</annotation> <annotation cp="🏉" type="tts">pilota de rugbi</annotation> <!-- 1F3BE tennis; ball; racquet --> <annotation cp="🎾">pilota | tennis</annotation> <annotation cp="🎾" type="tts">pilota de tennis</annotation> <!-- 1F3B1 billiards; 8; 8 ball; ball; billiard; eight; game --> <annotation cp="🎱">bola | billar</annotation> <annotation cp="🎱" type="tts">bola de billar</annotation> <annotation cp="🎳">bola | joc</annotation> <annotation cp="🎳" type="tts">bitlles</annotation> <!-- 26F3 flag in hole; golf; hole --> <annotation cp="⛳">banderí | forat</annotation> <annotation cp="⛳" type="tts">banderí al forat</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌">bola | golf | pilota | pal</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌" type="tts">golfista</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♀">femení | golf | dona | golfista</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♀" type="tts">dona jugant a golf</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♂">golf | masculí | home | golfista</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♂" type="tts">home jugant a golf</annotation> <!-- 26F8 ice skate; ice; skate --> <annotation cp="⛸">patinatge | gel</annotation> <annotation cp="⛸" type="tts">patinatge sobre gel</annotation> <!-- 1F3A3 fishing pole; fish; pole --> <annotation cp="🎣">canya | pescar</annotation> <annotation cp="🎣" type="tts">canya de pescar</annotation> <!-- 1F3BD running shirt; running; sash; shirt --> <annotation cp="🎽">samarreta | córrer</annotation> <annotation cp="🎽" type="tts">samarreta per córrer</annotation> <annotation cp="🎿">esquiar | neu</annotation> <annotation cp="🎿" type="tts">esquís</annotation> <annotation cp="⛷">esquiar | neu</annotation> <annotation cp="⛷" type="tts">esquiador</annotation> <!-- 1F3C2 snowboarder; ski; snow; snowboard --> <annotation cp="🏂">surfista | neu</annotation> <annotation cp="🏂" type="tts">surfista de neu</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄">surf | taula | onada</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄" type="tts">persona fent surf</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♀">femení | surf | dona | taula</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♀" type="tts">dona fent surf</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♂">masculí | home | surf | taula</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♂" type="tts">home fent surf</annotation> <!-- 1F3C7 horse racing; horse; jockey; racehorse; racing --> <annotation cp="🏇">curses | cavalls</annotation> <annotation cp="🏇" type="tts">curses de cavalls</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊">nedar | natació</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊" type="tts">persona que neda</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♀">femení | nedar | dona | nedadora</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♀" type="tts">nedadora</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♂">masculí | home | nedar | nedador</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♂" type="tts">nedador</annotation> <!-- 26F9 person with ball; ball --> <annotation cp="⛹">persona | pilota</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹" type="tts">persona amb una pilota</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♀">pilota | femení | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♀" type="tts">dona amb una pilota</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♂">pilota | masculí | home</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♂" type="tts">home amb una pilota</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋">aixecador | pes | pesa | halterofília</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋" type="tts">persona que aixeca peses</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♀">femení | aixecadora | peses | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♀" type="tts">dona que aixeca peses</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♂">masculí | home | aixecador | peses</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♂" type="tts">home que aixeca peses</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴">bicicleta | ciclisme | ciclista</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴" type="tts">ciclista</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♀">bicicleta | ciclisme | ciclista | femení | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♀" type="tts">ciclista dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♂">bicicleta | ciclisme | ciclista | masculí | home</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♂" type="tts">ciclista home</annotation> <!-- 1F6B5 mountain biker; bicycle; bicyclist; bike; cyclist; mountain --> <annotation cp="🚵">ciclista | muntanya</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵" type="tts">ciclista de muntanya</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♀">bicicleta | ciclista | femení | muntanya | dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♀" type="tts">ciclista de muntanya dona</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♂">bicicleta | ciclista | masculí | home | muntanya</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♂" type="tts">ciclista de muntanya home</annotation> <!-- 1F3CE racing car; car; racing --> <annotation cp="🏎">cotxe | carreres | formula 1</annotation> <annotation cp="🏎" type="tts">cotxe de carreres</annotation> <annotation cp="🏍">curses | moto</annotation> <annotation cp="🏍" type="tts">motocicleta</annotation> <!-- 1F3C5 sports medal; medal --> <annotation cp="🏅">medalla | esportiva</annotation> <annotation cp="🏅" type="tts">medalla esportiva</annotation> <annotation cp="🏆">premi</annotation> <annotation cp="🏆" type="tts">trofeu</annotation> <annotation cp="🏏">bola | bat | joc | partit</annotation> <annotation cp="🏏" type="tts">criquet</annotation> <annotation cp="🏐">bola | joc | pilota | partit</annotation> <annotation cp="🏐" type="tts">voleibol</annotation> <!-- 1F3D1 field hockey; ball; field; game; hockey; stick --> <annotation cp="🏑">hoquei | herba</annotation> <annotation cp="🏑" type="tts">hoquei sobre herba</annotation> <!-- 1F3D2 ice hockey stick and puck; game; hockey; ice; puck; stick --> <annotation cp="🏒">estic | disc | hoquei | gel</annotation> <annotation cp="🏒" type="tts">estic i disc d’hoquei sobre gel</annotation> <!-- 1F3D3 ping pong; ball; bat; game; paddle; table tennis --> <annotation cp="🏓">ping pong</annotation> <annotation cp="🏓" type="tts">tennis de taula</annotation> <annotation cp="🏸">joc | raqueta | volant | partit</annotation> <annotation cp="🏸" type="tts">bàdminton</annotation> <annotation cp="🎯">diana | dard | punteria | joc</annotation> <annotation cp="🎯" type="tts">dards</annotation> <annotation cp="🎮">controlador | joc</annotation> <annotation cp="🎮" type="tts">videojoc</annotation> <!-- 1F579 joystick; game; video game --> <annotation cp="🕹">palanca | control | joystick</annotation> <annotation cp="🕹" type="tts">palanca de control</annotation> <annotation cp="🎲">dau | daus | joc</annotation> <annotation cp="🎲" type="tts">daus</annotation> <!-- 2660 spade suit; card; game; spade; suit --> <annotation cp="♠">pal | piques</annotation> <annotation cp="♠" type="tts">pal de piques</annotation> <!-- 2665 heart suit; card; game; heart; hearts; suit --> <annotation cp="♥">pal | cors</annotation> <annotation cp="♥" type="tts">pal de cors</annotation> <!-- 2666 diamond suit; card; diamond; diamonds; game; suit --> <annotation cp="♦">pal | diamants</annotation> <annotation cp="♦" type="tts">pal de diamants</annotation> <!-- 2663 club suit; card; club; clubs; game; suit --> <annotation cp="♣">pal | trèvols</annotation> <annotation cp="♣" type="tts">pal de trèvols</annotation> <!-- 1F0CF joker; card; game; playing --> <annotation cp="🃏">carta</annotation> <annotation cp="🃏" type="tts">comodí</annotation> <!-- 1F004 mahjong red dragon; game; mahjong; red --> <annotation cp="🀄">mahjong | drac vermell</annotation> <annotation cp="🀄" type="tts">mahjong del drac vermell</annotation> <!-- 1F3B4 flower playing cards; card; flower; game; japanese; playing --> <annotation cp="🎴">joc | cartes | flors</annotation> <annotation cp="🎴" type="tts">cartes de les flors</annotation> <!-- 1F507 speaker off; mute; quiet; silent; speaker; volume --> <annotation cp="🔇">altaveu | desactivat</annotation> <annotation cp="🔇" type="tts">altaveu desactivat</annotation> <annotation cp="🔈">volum</annotation> <annotation cp="🔈" type="tts">altaveu</annotation> <!-- 1F509 speaker on; low; speaker; volume; wave --> <annotation cp="🔉">altaveu | activat</annotation> <annotation cp="🔉" type="tts">altaveu activat</annotation> <!-- 1F50A speaker loud; 3; high; loud; speaker; three; volume --> <annotation cp="🔊">altaveu | alt</annotation> <annotation cp="🔊" type="tts">altaveu alt</annotation> <!-- 1F4E2 loudspeaker; loud; public address --> <annotation cp="📢">altaveu | megafonia</annotation> <annotation cp="📢" type="tts">altaveu de megafonia</annotation> <annotation cp="📣">aplaudiments | animar</annotation> <annotation cp="📣" type="tts">megàfon</annotation> <!-- 1F4EF postal horn; horn; post; postal --> <annotation cp="📯">símbol | correus</annotation> <annotation cp="📯" type="tts">símbol de correus</annotation> <annotation cp="🔔">timbre</annotation> <annotation cp="🔔" type="tts">campana</annotation> <!-- 1F515 bell with slash; bell; forbidden; mute; no; not; prohibited; quiet; silent --> <annotation cp="🔕">campana | tatxada | silenci</annotation> <annotation cp="🔕" type="tts">campana tatxada</annotation> <!-- 1F3BC musical score; music; score --> <annotation cp="🎼">música</annotation> <annotation cp="🎼" type="tts">pentagrama</annotation> <!-- 1F3B5 musical note; music; note --> <annotation cp="🎵">nota | música</annotation> <annotation cp="🎵" type="tts">nota musical</annotation> <!-- 1F3B6 musical notes; music; note; notes --> <annotation cp="🎶">notes | música</annotation> <annotation cp="🎶" type="tts">notes musicals</annotation> <!-- 1F399 studio microphone; mic; microphone; music; studio --> <annotation cp="🎙">micròfon | estudi</annotation> <annotation cp="🎙" type="tts">micròfon d’estudi</annotation> <!-- 1F39A level slider; level; music; slider --> <annotation cp="🎚">control lliscant | nivell</annotation> <annotation cp="🎚" type="tts">control lliscant de nivell</annotation> <!-- 1F39B control knobs; control; knobs; music --> <annotation cp="🎛">botons | control | música</annotation> <annotation cp="🎛" type="tts">botons de control</annotation> <annotation cp="🎤">karaoke | micròfon</annotation> <annotation cp="🎤" type="tts">micròfon</annotation> <annotation cp="🎧">auricular</annotation> <annotation cp="🎧" type="tts">auricular</annotation> <annotation cp="🎷">instrument | música | saxòfon | saxo</annotation> <annotation cp="🎷" type="tts">saxofon</annotation> <annotation cp="🎸">instrument | música | corda | rock</annotation> <annotation cp="🎸" type="tts">guitarra</annotation> <!-- 1F3B9 musical keyboard; instrument; keyboard; music; piano --> <annotation cp="🎹">teclat | música</annotation> <annotation cp="🎹" type="tts">teclat musical</annotation> <annotation cp="🎺">instrument | música | vent</annotation> <annotation cp="🎺" type="tts">trompeta</annotation> <annotation cp="🎻">instrument | música | corda</annotation> <annotation cp="🎻" type="tts">violí</annotation> <annotation cp="📻">vídeo</annotation> <annotation cp="📻" type="tts">ràdio</annotation> <annotation cp="📱">mòbil | telèfon</annotation> <annotation cp="📱" type="tts">telèfon mòbil</annotation> <!-- 1F4F2 mobile phone with arrow; arrow; call; cell; mobile; phone; receive; telephone --> <annotation cp="📲">telèfon mòbil | fletxa</annotation> <annotation cp="📲" type="tts">telèfon mòbil amb fletxa</annotation> <annotation cp="☎">telèfon</annotation> <annotation cp="☎" type="tts">telèfon</annotation> <!-- 1F4DE telephone receiver; phone; receiver; telephone --> <annotation cp="📞">auricular | telèfon</annotation> <annotation cp="📞" type="tts">auricular de telèfon</annotation> <annotation cp="📟">busca</annotation> <annotation cp="📟" type="tts">buscapersones</annotation> <annotation cp="📠">fax</annotation> <annotation cp="📠" type="tts">fax</annotation> <!-- 1F50B battery --> <annotation cp="🔋">càrrega</annotation> <annotation cp="🔋" type="tts">bateria</annotation> <annotation cp="🔌">electricitat | connexió | endoll</annotation> <annotation cp="🔌" type="tts">endoll</annotation> <annotation cp="💻">equip | PC | personal | portàtil</annotation> <annotation cp="💻" type="tts">ordinador portàtil</annotation> <annotation cp="🖥">equip | escriptori | sobretaula</annotation> <annotation cp="🖥" type="tts">ordinador d’escriptori</annotation> <annotation cp="🖨">ordinador</annotation> <annotation cp="🖨" type="tts">impressora</annotation> <annotation cp="⌨">ordinador</annotation> <annotation cp="⌨" type="tts">teclat</annotation> <!-- 1F5B1 computer mouse; 3; button; computer; mouse; three --> <annotation cp="🖱">ratolí | ordinador</annotation> <annotation cp="🖱" type="tts">ratolí d’ordinador</annotation> <!-- 1F5B2 trackball; computer --> <annotation cp="🖲">ordinador</annotation> <annotation cp="🖲" type="tts">ratolí de bola</annotation> <annotation cp="💽">equip | disc | minidisc | òptic</annotation> <annotation cp="💽" type="tts">minidisc</annotation> <annotation cp="💾">equip | disc | disquet</annotation> <annotation cp="💾" type="tts">disquet</annotation> <annotation cp="💿">Blu-ray | cd | equip | disc | dvd | òptic</annotation> <annotation cp="💿" type="tts">disc òptic</annotation> <annotation cp="📀">Blu-ray | cd | equip | disc | òptic</annotation> <annotation cp="📀" type="tts">DVD</annotation> <!-- 1F3A5 movie camera; camera; cinema; movie --> <annotation cp="🎥">càmera | cinema</annotation> <annotation cp="🎥" type="tts">càmera cinematogràfica</annotation> <!-- 1F3AC clapper board; clapper; movie --> <annotation cp="🎬">cinema</annotation> <annotation cp="🎬" type="tts">claqueta</annotation> <!-- 1F4FD film projector; cinema; film; movie; projector; video --> <annotation cp="📽">projector | cinema</annotation> <annotation cp="📽" type="tts">projector cinematogràfic</annotation> <annotation cp="📺">tv | vídeo</annotation> <annotation cp="📺" type="tts">televisió</annotation> <annotation cp="📷">vídeo</annotation> <annotation cp="📷" type="tts">càmera</annotation> <!-- 1F4F8 camera with flash; camera; flash; video --> <annotation cp="📸">càmera | flaix</annotation> <annotation cp="📸" type="tts">càmera amb flaix</annotation> <!-- 1F4F9 video camera; camera; video --> <annotation cp="📹">càmera | vídeo</annotation> <annotation cp="📹" type="tts">càmera de vídeo</annotation> <annotation cp="📼">cinta | vhs | vídeo</annotation> <annotation cp="📼" type="tts">videocasset</annotation> <!-- 1F50D left-pointing magnifying glass; glass; magnifying; search; tool --> <annotation cp="🔍">lupa | esquerra</annotation> <annotation cp="🔍" type="tts">lupa cap a l’esquerra</annotation> <!-- 1F50E right-pointing magnifying glass; glass; magnifying; search; tool --> <annotation cp="🔎">lupa | dreta</annotation> <annotation cp="🔎" type="tts">lupa cap a la dreta</annotation> <annotation cp="🔬">eina | augment</annotation> <annotation cp="🔬" type="tts">microscopi</annotation> <annotation cp="🔭">eina | augment</annotation> <annotation cp="🔭" type="tts">telescopi</annotation> <!-- 1F4E1 satellite antenna; antenna; dish; satellite --> <annotation cp="📡">antena | satèl·lit</annotation> <annotation cp="📡" type="tts">antena de satèl·lit</annotation> <annotation cp="🕯">llum | flama | cera</annotation> <annotation cp="🕯" type="tts">espelma</annotation> <annotation cp="💡">bombeta | còmic | electricitat | idea | llum</annotation> <annotation cp="💡" type="tts">bombeta</annotation> <annotation cp="🔦">electricitat | llum | eina | llanterna</annotation> <annotation cp="🔦" type="tts">llanterna</annotation> <!-- 1F3EE red paper lantern; bar; japanese; lantern; light; red --> <annotation cp="🏮">fanal | paper | vermell</annotation> <annotation cp="🏮" type="tts">fanal de paper vermell</annotation> <!-- 1F4D4 notebook with decorative cover; book; cover; decorated; notebook --> <annotation cp="📔">quadern | coberta decorativa</annotation> <annotation cp="📔" type="tts">quadern amb coberta decorativa</annotation> <!-- 1F4D5 closed book; book; closed --> <annotation cp="📕">llibre | tancat</annotation> <annotation cp="📕" type="tts">llibre tancat</annotation> <!-- 1F4D6 open book; book; open --> <annotation cp="📖">llibre | obert</annotation> <annotation cp="📖" type="tts">llibre obert</annotation> <!-- 1F4D7 green book; book; green --> <annotation cp="📗">llibre | verd</annotation> <annotation cp="📗" type="tts">llibre verd</annotation> <!-- 1F4D8 blue book; blue; book --> <annotation cp="📘">llibre | blau</annotation> <annotation cp="📘" type="tts">llibre blau</annotation> <!-- 1F4D9 orange book; book; orange --> <annotation cp="📙">llibre | taronja</annotation> <annotation cp="📙" type="tts">llibre taronja</annotation> <annotation cp="📚">llibre</annotation> <annotation cp="📚" type="tts">llibres</annotation> <!-- 1F4D3 notebook --> <annotation cp="📓">bloc | notes</annotation> <annotation cp="📓" type="tts">bloc de notes</annotation> <!-- 1F4D2 ledger; notebook --> <annotation cp="📒">llibre | major | comptabilitat</annotation> <annotation cp="📒" type="tts">llibre de comptabilitat</annotation> <!-- 1F4C3 page with curl; curl; document; page --> <annotation cp="📃">pàgina | cargolada</annotation> <annotation cp="📃" type="tts">pàgina que es cargola</annotation> <annotation cp="📜">pergamí | paper | pell | escriptura</annotation> <annotation cp="📜" type="tts">pergamí</annotation> <!-- 1F4C4 page facing up; document; page --> <annotation cp="📄">amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="📄" type="tts">pàgina</annotation> <annotation cp="📰">notícies | paper</annotation> <annotation cp="📰" type="tts">diari</annotation> <!-- 1F5DE rolled-up newspaper; news; newspaper; paper; rolled --> <annotation cp="🗞">diari | cargolat</annotation> <annotation cp="🗞" type="tts">diari cargolat</annotation> <annotation cp="📑">marcador | marca | punt | fitxa</annotation> <annotation cp="📑" type="tts">marcadors</annotation> <!-- 1F516 bookmark; mark --> <annotation cp="🔖">marcador | punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🔖" type="tts">punt de llibre</annotation> <!-- 1F4B0 money bag; bag; dollar; money; moneybag --> <annotation cp="💰">bossa | diners</annotation> <annotation cp="💰" type="tts">bossa dels diners</annotation> <!-- 1F4B4 yen banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; money; note; yen --> <annotation cp="💴">bitllets | signe | ien</annotation> <annotation cp="💴" type="tts">bitllets de ien</annotation> <!-- 1F4B5 dollar banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; dollar; money; note --> <annotation cp="💵">bitllets | signe | dòlar</annotation> <annotation cp="💵" type="tts">bitllets de dòlar</annotation> <!-- 1F4B6 euro banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; euro; money; note --> <annotation cp="💶">bitllets | signe | euro</annotation> <annotation cp="💶" type="tts">bitllets d’euro</annotation> <!-- 1F4B7 pound banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; money; note; pound --> <annotation cp="💷">bitllets | signe | lliura</annotation> <annotation cp="💷" type="tts">bitllets de lliura</annotation> <!-- 1F4B8 money with wings; bank; banknote; bill; dollar; fly; money; note; wings --> <annotation cp="💸">diners | ales</annotation> <annotation cp="💸" type="tts">diners amb ales</annotation> <!-- 1F4B3 credit card; bank; card; credit; money --> <annotation cp="💳">targeta | crèdit</annotation> <annotation cp="💳" type="tts">targeta de crèdit</annotation> <!-- 1F4B9 chart increasing with yen; bank; chart; currency; graph; growth; market; money; rise; trend; upward; yen --> <annotation cp="💹">gràfic | augment | signe | ien</annotation> <annotation cp="💹" type="tts">gràfic d’augment amb el signe del ien</annotation> <annotation cp="✉">correu electrònic | correu | mail</annotation> <annotation cp="✉" type="tts">sobre</annotation> <!-- 1F4E7 e-mail; email; letter; mail --> <annotation cp="📧">correu | electrònic</annotation> <annotation cp="📧" type="tts">correu electrònic</annotation> <!-- 1F4E8 incoming envelope; e-mail; email; envelope; incoming; letter; mail; receive --> <annotation cp="📨">sobre | recepció</annotation> <annotation cp="📨" type="tts">sobre que arriba</annotation> <!-- 1F4E9 envelope with arrow; arrow; down; e-mail; email; envelope; letter; mail; outgoing; sent --> <annotation cp="📩">sobre | fletxa</annotation> <annotation cp="📩" type="tts">sobre amb fletxa</annotation> <!-- 1F4E4 outbox tray; box; letter; mail; outbox; sent; tray --> <annotation cp="📤">safata | sortida</annotation> <annotation cp="📤" type="tts">safata de sortida</annotation> <!-- 1F4E5 inbox tray; box; inbox; letter; mail; receive; tray --> <annotation cp="📥">safata | entrada</annotation> <annotation cp="📥" type="tts">safata d’entrada</annotation> <!-- 1F4E6 package; box; parcel --> <annotation cp="📦">caixa</annotation> <annotation cp="📦" type="tts">paquet</annotation> <!-- 1F4EB closed mailbox with raised flag; closed; mail; mailbox; postbox --> <annotation cp="📫">bústia | tancada | bandera aixecada</annotation> <annotation cp="📫" type="tts">bústia tancada amb la bandera aixecada</annotation> <!-- 1F4EA closed mailbox with lowered flag; closed; lowered; mail; mailbox; postbox --> <annotation cp="📪">bústia | tancada | bandera abaixada</annotation> <annotation cp="📪" type="tts">bústia tancada amb la bandera abaixada</annotation> <!-- 1F4EC open mailbox with raised flag; mail; mailbox; open; postbox --> <annotation cp="📬">bústia | oberta | bandera aixecada</annotation> <annotation cp="📬" type="tts">bústia oberta amb la bandera aixecada</annotation> <!-- 1F4ED open mailbox with lowered flag; lowered; mail; mailbox; open; postbox --> <annotation cp="📭">bústia | oberta | bandera abaixada</annotation> <annotation cp="📭" type="tts">bústia oberta amb la bandera abaixada</annotation> <annotation cp="📮">correu | bústia | carta</annotation> <annotation cp="📮" type="tts">bústia</annotation> <!-- 1F5F3 ballot box with ballot; ballot; box --> <annotation cp="🗳">urna | vot | votació</annotation> <annotation cp="🗳" type="tts">urna amb vot</annotation> <annotation cp="✏">llapis</annotation> <annotation cp="✏" type="tts">llapis</annotation> <!-- 2712 black nib; nib; pen --> <annotation cp="✒">ploma | negra</annotation> <annotation cp="✒" type="tts">ploma negra</annotation> <!-- 1F58B fountain pen; fountain; pen --> <annotation cp="🖋">ploma | estilogràfica</annotation> <annotation cp="🖋" type="tts">ploma estilogràfica</annotation> <annotation cp="🖊">bolígraf</annotation> <annotation cp="🖊" type="tts">bolígraf</annotation> <annotation cp="🖌">pintura | pintar</annotation> <annotation cp="🖌" type="tts">pinzell</annotation> <!-- 1F58D crayon --> <annotation cp="🖍">llapis | color</annotation> <annotation cp="🖍" type="tts">llapis de color</annotation> <annotation cp="📝">llapis</annotation> <annotation cp="📝" type="tts">nota</annotation> <annotation cp="💼">maletí</annotation> <annotation cp="💼" type="tts">maletí</annotation> <!-- 1F4C1 file folder; file; folder --> <annotation cp="📁">carpeta | fitxers</annotation> <annotation cp="📁" type="tts">carpeta de fitxers</annotation> <!-- 1F4C2 open file folder; file; folder; open --> <annotation cp="📂">carpeta | fitxers | oberta</annotation> <annotation cp="📂" type="tts">carpeta de fitxers oberta</annotation> <!-- 1F5C2 card index dividers; card; dividers; index --> <annotation cp="🗂">separadors | organitzador | targetes</annotation> <annotation cp="🗂" type="tts">separadors per a organitzador de targetes</annotation> <annotation cp="📅">data</annotation> <annotation cp="📅" type="tts">calendari</annotation> <!-- 1F4C6 tear-off calendar; calendar --> <annotation cp="📆">calendari | tall</annotation> <annotation cp="📆" type="tts">calendari de tall</annotation> <!-- 1F5D2 spiral notepad; note; pad; spiral --> <annotation cp="🗒">bloc | notes | espirals</annotation> <annotation cp="🗒" type="tts">bloc de notes d’espirals</annotation> <!-- 1F5D3 spiral calendar; calendar; pad; spiral --> <annotation cp="🗓">calendari | espirals</annotation> <annotation cp="🗓" type="tts">calendari d’espirals</annotation> <!-- 1F4C7 card index; card; index; rolodex --> <annotation cp="📇">organitzador | targetes</annotation> <annotation cp="📇" type="tts">organitzador de targetes</annotation> <!-- 1F4C8 chart increasing; chart; graph; growth; trend; upward --> <annotation cp="📈">gràfic | augment</annotation> <annotation cp="📈" type="tts">gràfic d’augment</annotation> <!-- 1F4C9 chart decreasing; chart; down; graph; trend --> <annotation cp="📉">gràfic | disminució</annotation> <annotation cp="📉" type="tts">gràfic de disminució</annotation> <!-- 1F4CA bar chart; bar; chart; graph --> <annotation cp="📊">gràfic | barres</annotation> <annotation cp="📊" type="tts">gràfic de barres</annotation> <annotation cp="📋">porta-retalls</annotation> <annotation cp="📋" type="tts">porta-retalls</annotation> <annotation cp="📌">agulla</annotation> <annotation cp="📌" type="tts">xinxeta</annotation> <!-- 1F4CD round pushpin; pin; pushpin --> <annotation cp="📍">xinxeta | rodona</annotation> <annotation cp="📍" type="tts">xinxeta rodona</annotation> <annotation cp="📎">clip</annotation> <annotation cp="📎" type="tts">clip</annotation> <!-- 1F587 linked paperclips; link; paperclip --> <annotation cp="🖇">clips | enganxats</annotation> <annotation cp="🖇" type="tts">clips enganxats</annotation> <annotation cp="📏">regle | recte</annotation> <annotation cp="📏" type="tts">regle</annotation> <annotation cp="📐">regle | angle | triangle</annotation> <annotation cp="📐" type="tts">esquadra</annotation> <annotation cp="✂">eina | tall</annotation> <annotation cp="✂" type="tts">tisores</annotation> <annotation cp="🗃">caixa | carta | dossier</annotation> <annotation cp="🗃" type="tts">arxiu</annotation> <annotation cp="🗄">moble | dossier</annotation> <annotation cp="🗄" type="tts">arxivador</annotation> <annotation cp="🗑">cubell | escombraries</annotation> <annotation cp="🗑" type="tts">paperera</annotation> <annotation cp="🔒">tancat</annotation> <annotation cp="🔒" type="tts">cadenat</annotation> <!-- 1F513 open lock; lock; open; unlock --> <annotation cp="🔓">cadenat | obert</annotation> <annotation cp="🔓" type="tts">cadenat obert</annotation> <!-- 1F50F lock with pen; ink; lock; nib; pen; privacy --> <annotation cp="🔏">cadenat | ploma</annotation> <annotation cp="🔏" type="tts">cadenat amb ploma</annotation> <annotation cp="🔐">tancat | clau | bloqueig | segur</annotation> <annotation cp="🔐" type="tts">cadenat tancat amb clau</annotation> <annotation cp="🔑">bloqueig | contrasenya</annotation> <annotation cp="🔑" type="tts">clau</annotation> <!-- 1F5DD old key; clue; key; lock; old --> <annotation cp="🗝">clau | antiga</annotation> <annotation cp="🗝" type="tts">clau antiga</annotation> <annotation cp="🔨">eina</annotation> <annotation cp="🔨" type="tts">martell</annotation> <annotation cp="⛏">mineria | eina</annotation> <annotation cp="⛏" type="tts">pic</annotation> <!-- 2692 hammer and pick; hammer; pick; tool --> <annotation cp="⚒">martell | pic</annotation> <annotation cp="⚒" type="tts">martell i pic</annotation> <!-- 1F6E0 hammer and wrench; hammer; tool; wrench --> <annotation cp="🛠">martell | clau | anglesa</annotation> <annotation cp="🛠" type="tts">martell i clau anglesa</annotation> <!-- 1F527 wrench; tool --> <annotation cp="🔧">clau | anglesa</annotation> <annotation cp="🔧" type="tts">clau anglesa</annotation> <!-- 1F529 nut and bolt; bolt; nut; tool --> <annotation cp="🔩">cargol | femella</annotation> <annotation cp="🔩" type="tts">cargol i femella</annotation> <annotation cp="⚙">eina</annotation> <annotation cp="⚙" type="tts">engranatge</annotation> <annotation cp="🗜">eina | pressió</annotation> <annotation cp="🗜" type="tts">compressió</annotation> <annotation cp="⚗">química | eina</annotation> <annotation cp="⚗" type="tts">alambí</annotation> <!-- 2696 balance scale; balance; justice; libra; scales; tool; weight; zodiac --> <annotation cp="⚖">balança | aparell</annotation> <annotation cp="⚖" type="tts">balança (aparell)</annotation> <annotation cp="🔗">enllaç</annotation> <annotation cp="🔗" type="tts">enllaç</annotation> <annotation cp="⛓">cadena</annotation> <annotation cp="⛓" type="tts">cadenes</annotation> <annotation cp="💉">metge | medicina | agulla | malalt | eina</annotation> <annotation cp="💉" type="tts">xeringa</annotation> <annotation cp="💊">metge | medicina | malalt | pastilla</annotation> <annotation cp="💊" type="tts">píndola</annotation> <annotation cp="🗡">ganivet | arma</annotation> <annotation cp="🗡" type="tts">daga</annotation> <!-- 1F52A kitchen knife; cooking; hocho; knife; tool; weapon --> <annotation cp="🔪">ganivet | cuina</annotation> <annotation cp="🔪" type="tts">ganivet de cuina</annotation> <!-- 2694 crossed swords; crossed; swords; weapon --> <annotation cp="⚔">espases | creuades</annotation> <annotation cp="⚔" type="tts">espases creuades</annotation> <annotation cp="🔫">pistola | arma de foc | revòlver | eina | arma</annotation> <annotation cp="🔫" type="tts">pistola</annotation> <annotation cp="🛡">arma</annotation> <annotation cp="🛡" type="tts">escut</annotation> <!-- 1F3F9 bow and arrow; archer; arrow; bow; sagittarius; tool; weapon; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🏹">arc | fletxa</annotation> <annotation cp="🏹" type="tts">arc i fletxa</annotation> <!-- 1F3C1 chequered flag; checkered; chequered; racing --> <annotation cp="🏁">bandera | quadres</annotation> <annotation cp="🏁" type="tts">bandera de quadres</annotation> <!-- 1F3F3 waving white flag; waving --> <annotation cp="🏳">bandera | blanca | oneig</annotation> <annotation cp="🏳" type="tts">bandera blanca que oneja</annotation> <annotation cp="🏳🌈">bandera | arc de Sant Martí</annotation> <annotation cp="🏳🌈" type="tts">bandera de l’arc de Sant Martí</annotation> <!-- 1F3F4 waving black flag; waving --> <annotation cp="🏴">bandera | negra | oneig</annotation> <annotation cp="🏴" type="tts">bandera negra que oneja</annotation> <!-- 1F6A9 triangular flag; post --> <annotation cp="🚩">bandera | triangular</annotation> <annotation cp="🚩" type="tts">bandera triangular</annotation> <annotation cp="🚬">fumar</annotation> <annotation cp="🚬" type="tts">fumar</annotation> <annotation cp="⚰">mort</annotation> <annotation cp="⚰" type="tts">taüt</annotation> <annotation cp="⚱">mort | funeral | urna</annotation> <annotation cp="⚱" type="tts">urna funerària</annotation> <annotation cp="🗿">cara | moai | estàtua</annotation> <annotation cp="🗿" type="tts">moai</annotation> <!-- 1F6E2 oil drum; drum; oil --> <annotation cp="🛢">bidó | petroli</annotation> <annotation cp="🛢" type="tts">bidó de petroli</annotation> <!-- 1F52E crystal ball; ball; crystal; fairy tale; fantasy; fortune; tool --> <annotation cp="🔮">bola | vidre</annotation> <annotation cp="🔮" type="tts">bola de vidre</annotation> <!-- 1F3E7 ATM sign; atm; automated; bank; teller --> <annotation cp="🏧">signe | caixer automàtic</annotation> <annotation cp="🏧" type="tts">signe de caixer automàtic</annotation> <!-- 1F6AE litter in bin sign; litter; litterbox --> <annotation cp="🚮">signe | brossa | paperera</annotation> <annotation cp="🚮" type="tts">signe de paperera</annotation> <!-- 1F6B0 potable water; drink; potable; water --> <annotation cp="🚰">aigua | potable</annotation> <annotation cp="🚰" type="tts">aigua potable</annotation> <!-- 267F wheelchair; access --> <annotation cp="♿">cadira | rodes</annotation> <annotation cp="♿" type="tts">cadira de rodes</annotation> <!-- 1F6B9 men’s room; lavatory; man; restroom; wc --> <annotation cp="🚹">homes | lavabo</annotation> <annotation cp="🚹" type="tts">lavabo d’homes</annotation> <!-- 1F6BA women’s room; lavatory; restroom; wc; woman --> <annotation cp="🚺">dones | lavabo</annotation> <annotation cp="🚺" type="tts">lavabo de dones</annotation> <annotation cp="🚻">tocador | wc</annotation> <annotation cp="🚻" type="tts">lavabos</annotation> <!-- 1F6BC baby symbol; baby; changing --> <annotation cp="🚼">símbol | nadó</annotation> <annotation cp="🚼" type="tts">símbol de nadó</annotation> <annotation cp="🚾">tocador | bany | aigua | wc</annotation> <annotation cp="🚾" type="tts">vàter</annotation> <!-- 1F6C2 passport control; control; passport --> <annotation cp="🛂">control | passaport</annotation> <annotation cp="🛂" type="tts">control de passaport</annotation> <annotation cp="🛃">duanes</annotation> <annotation cp="🛃" type="tts">duanes</annotation> <!-- 1F6C4 baggage claim; baggage; claim --> <annotation cp="🛄">recollida | equipatges</annotation> <annotation cp="🛄" type="tts">recollida d’equipatges</annotation> <annotation cp="🛅">equipatge | armari | maletes</annotation> <annotation cp="🛅" type="tts">consigna</annotation> <annotation cp="⚠">avís | advertència</annotation> <annotation cp="⚠" type="tts">advertència</annotation> <!-- 1F6B8 children crossing; child; crossing; pedestrian; traffic --> <annotation cp="🚸">nens | caminant</annotation> <annotation cp="🚸" type="tts">nens que creuen</annotation> <!-- 26D4 no entry; entry; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; traffic --> <annotation cp="⛔">prohibició | entrada</annotation> <annotation cp="⛔" type="tts">prohibit entrar</annotation> <!-- 1F6AB prohibited; entry; forbidden; no; not --> <annotation cp="🚫">prohibició | accés</annotation> <annotation cp="🚫" type="tts">prohibit</annotation> <!-- 1F6B3 no bicycles; bicycle; bike; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚳">prohibició | bicicletes</annotation> <annotation cp="🚳" type="tts">bicicletes prohibides</annotation> <!-- 1F6AD no smoking; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; smoking --> <annotation cp="🚭">prohibició | fumar</annotation> <annotation cp="🚭" type="tts">prohibit fumar</annotation> <!-- 1F6AF no littering; forbidden; litter; no; not; prohibited --> <annotation cp="🚯">prohibició | llençar | brossa</annotation> <annotation cp="🚯" type="tts">prohibit llençar brossa</annotation> <!-- 1F6B1 non-potable water; drink; forbidden; no; not; potable; prohibited; water --> <annotation cp="🚱">aigua | no potable</annotation> <annotation cp="🚱" type="tts">aigua no potable</annotation> <!-- 1F6B7 no pedestrians; forbidden; no; not; pedestrian; prohibited --> <annotation cp="🚷">prohibició | vianants</annotation> <annotation cp="🚷" type="tts">prohibits els vianants</annotation> <annotation cp="☢">radioactiu | senyal</annotation> <annotation cp="☢" type="tts">radioactiu</annotation> <!-- 2623 biohazard --> <annotation cp="☣">risc | biològic</annotation> <annotation cp="☣" type="tts">risc biològic</annotation> <!-- 2B06 up arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; north --> <annotation cp="⬆">fletxa | amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="⬆" type="tts">fletxa cap amunt</annotation> <!-- 2197 up-right arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; northeast --> <annotation cp="↗">fletxa | amunt | dreta</annotation> <annotation cp="↗" type="tts">fletxa cap amunt a la dreta</annotation> <!-- 27A1 right arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; east --> <annotation cp="➡">fletxa | dreta</annotation> <annotation cp="➡" type="tts">fletxa cap a la dreta</annotation> <!-- 2198 down-right arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; southeast --> <annotation cp="↘">fletxa | avall | dreta</annotation> <annotation cp="↘" type="tts">fletxa cap avall a la dreta</annotation> <!-- 2B07 down arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; down; south --> <annotation cp="⬇">fletxa | avall</annotation> <annotation cp="⬇" type="tts">fletxa cap avall</annotation> <!-- 2199 down-left arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; southwest --> <annotation cp="↙">fletxa | avall | esquerra</annotation> <annotation cp="↙" type="tts">fletxa cap avall a l’esquerra</annotation> <!-- 2B05 left arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; west --> <annotation cp="⬅">fletxa | esquerra</annotation> <annotation cp="⬅" type="tts">fletxa cap a l’esquerra</annotation> <!-- 2196 up-left arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; northwest --> <annotation cp="↖">fletxa | amunt | esquerra</annotation> <annotation cp="↖" type="tts">fletxa cap amunt a l’esquerra</annotation> <!-- 2195 up-down arrow; arrow --> <annotation cp="↕">fletxa | amunt | avall</annotation> <annotation cp="↕" type="tts">fletxa cap amunt i cap avall</annotation> <!-- 2194 left-right arrow; arrow --> <annotation cp="↔">fletxa | esquerra | dreta</annotation> <annotation cp="↔" type="tts">fletxa cap a l’esquerra i cap a la dreta</annotation> <!-- 21A9 right arrow curving left; arrow --> <annotation cp="↩">fletxa | dreta | gir | esquerre</annotation> <annotation cp="↩" type="tts">fletxa dreta que gira cap a l’esquerra</annotation> <!-- 21AA left arrow curving right; arrow --> <annotation cp="↪">fletxa | esquerra | gir | dreta</annotation> <annotation cp="↪" type="tts">fletxa esquerra que gira cap a la dreta</annotation> <!-- 2934 right arrow curving up; arrow --> <annotation cp="⤴">fletxa | dreta | gir | amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="⤴" type="tts">fletxa dreta que gira cap amunt</annotation> <!-- 2935 right arrow curving down; arrow; down --> <annotation cp="⤵">fletxa | dreta | gir | avall</annotation> <annotation cp="⤵" type="tts">fletxa dreta que gira cap avall</annotation> <!-- 1F503 clockwise vertical arrows; arrow; clockwise; reload --> <annotation cp="🔃">fletxes | gir | dreta</annotation> <annotation cp="🔃" type="tts">fletxes que giren cap a la dreta</annotation> <!-- 1F504 anticlockwise arrows button; anticlockwise; arrow; counterclockwise; withershins --> <annotation cp="🔄">botó | fletxes | gir | esquerre</annotation> <annotation cp="🔄" type="tts">botó de fletxes que giren cap a l’esquerra</annotation> <!-- 1F519 back arrow; arrow; back --> <annotation cp="🔙">fletxa | paraula | Back</annotation> <annotation cp="🔙" type="tts">fletxa amb la paraula Back</annotation> <!-- 1F51A end arrow; arrow; end --> <annotation cp="🔚">fletxa | paraula | End</annotation> <annotation cp="🔚" type="tts">fletxa amb la paraula End</annotation> <!-- 1F51B on! arrow; arrow; mark; on --> <annotation cp="🔛">fletxa | paraula | On</annotation> <annotation cp="🔛" type="tts">fletxa amb la paraula On</annotation> <!-- 1F51C soon arrow; arrow; soon --> <annotation cp="🔜">fletxa | paraula | Soon</annotation> <annotation cp="🔜" type="tts">fletxa amb la paraula Soon</annotation> <!-- 1F51D top arrow; arrow; top; up --> <annotation cp="🔝">fletxa | paraula | Top</annotation> <annotation cp="🔝" type="tts">fletxa amb la paraula Top</annotation> <!-- 1F6D0 place of worship; religion; worship --> <annotation cp="🛐">lloc | culte | religió</annotation> <annotation cp="🛐" type="tts">lloc de culte</annotation> <!-- 269B atom symbol; atheist; atom --> <annotation cp="⚛">símbol | àtom</annotation> <annotation cp="⚛" type="tts">símbol d’àtom</annotation> <!-- 1F549 om; hindu; religion --> <annotation cp="🕉">símbol | om</annotation> <annotation cp="🕉" type="tts">símbol d’om</annotation> <!-- 2721 star of david; david; jew; jewish; religion; star --> <annotation cp="✡">estrella | David | religió</annotation> <annotation cp="✡" type="tts">estrella de David</annotation> <!-- 2638 wheel of dharma; buddhist; dharma; religion; wheel --> <annotation cp="☸">roda | dharma | religió</annotation> <annotation cp="☸" type="tts">roda del dharma</annotation> <!-- 262F yin yang; religion; tao; taoist; yang; yin --> <annotation cp="☯">religió</annotation> <annotation cp="☯" type="tts">yin-yang</annotation> <!-- 271D latin cross; christian; cross; religion --> <annotation cp="✝">creu | llatina | religió</annotation> <annotation cp="✝" type="tts">creu llatina</annotation> <!-- 2626 orthodox cross; christian; cross; religion --> <annotation cp="☦">creu | ortodoxa | religió</annotation> <annotation cp="☦" type="tts">creu ortodoxa</annotation> <!-- 262A star and crescent; islam; muslim; religion --> <annotation cp="☪">creixent | lunar | estel | religió</annotation> <annotation cp="☪" type="tts">creixent lunar i estel</annotation> <!-- 262E peace symbol; peace --> <annotation cp="☮">símbol | pau</annotation> <annotation cp="☮" type="tts">símbol de la pau</annotation> <!-- 1F54E menorah; candelabrum; candlestick; religion --> <annotation cp="🕎">canelobre | set braços</annotation> <annotation cp="🕎" type="tts">canelobre de set braços</annotation> <!-- 1F52F dotted six-pointed star; fortune; star --> <annotation cp="🔯">estrella | sis puntes | punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🔯" type="tts">estrella de sis puntes amb punt</annotation> <!-- 267B recycling symbol; recycle --> <annotation cp="♻">símbol | reciclatge</annotation> <annotation cp="♻" type="tts">símbol de reciclatge</annotation> <!-- 1F4DB name badge; badge; name --> <annotation cp="📛">etiqueta | identificació</annotation> <annotation cp="📛" type="tts">etiqueta identificadora</annotation> <!-- 269C fleur-de-lis --> <annotation cp="⚜">flor | lis</annotation> <annotation cp="⚜" type="tts">flor de lis</annotation> <!-- 1F530 japanese symbol for beginner; beginner; chevron; green; japanese; leaf; tool; yellow --> <annotation cp="🔰">símbol | japonès | principiant</annotation> <annotation cp="🔰" type="tts">símbol japonès de principiant</annotation> <!-- 1F531 trident emblem; anchor; emblem; ship; tool; trident --> <annotation cp="🔱">marca | trident</annotation> <annotation cp="🔱" type="tts">marca de trident</annotation> <!-- 2B55 heavy large circle; circle; o --> <annotation cp="⭕">cercle | gran</annotation> <annotation cp="⭕" type="tts">cercle gran</annotation> <!-- 2705 white heavy check mark; check; mark --> <annotation cp="✅">marca | verificació | verda | gran</annotation> <annotation cp="✅" type="tts">marca de verificació verda gran</annotation> <!-- 2611 ballot box with check; ballot; box; check --> <annotation cp="☑">casella | marca | verificació</annotation> <annotation cp="☑" type="tts">casella amb marca de verificació</annotation> <!-- 2714 heavy check mark; check; mark --> <annotation cp="✔">marca | verificació | gran</annotation> <annotation cp="✔" type="tts">marca de verificació gran</annotation> <!-- 2716 heavy multiplication x; cancel; multiplication; multiply; x --> <annotation cp="✖">signe | multiplicar | gran</annotation> <annotation cp="✖" type="tts">signe de multiplicar gran</annotation> <annotation cp="❌">cancel lar | marca | multiplicació | multiplicar | x</annotation> <annotation cp="❌" type="tts">marca de creu</annotation> <!-- 274E cross mark button; mark; square --> <annotation cp="❎">botó | creu</annotation> <annotation cp="❎" type="tts">botó de creu</annotation> <!-- 2795 heavy plus sign; math; plus --> <annotation cp="➕">signe | suma | gran</annotation> <annotation cp="➕" type="tts">signe de sumar gran</annotation> <!-- 2796 heavy minus sign; math; minus --> <annotation cp="➖">signe | resta | gran</annotation> <annotation cp="➖" type="tts">signe de restar gran</annotation> <!-- 2797 heavy division sign; division; math --> <annotation cp="➗">signe | divisió | gran</annotation> <annotation cp="➗" type="tts">signe de dividir gran</annotation> <annotation cp="➰">llaç | bucle</annotation> <annotation cp="➰" type="tts">llaç arrissat</annotation> <!-- 27BF double curly loop; curl; double; loop --> <annotation cp="➿">bucle | doble</annotation> <annotation cp="➿" type="tts">bucle doble</annotation> <!-- 303D part alternation mark; mark; part --> <annotation cp="〽">signe | alternança</annotation> <annotation cp="〽" type="tts">signe d’alternança</annotation> <!-- 2733 eight-spoked asterisk; asterisk --> <annotation cp="✳">asterisc | vuit radis</annotation> <annotation cp="✳" type="tts">asterisc de vuit radis</annotation> <!-- 2734 eight-pointed star; star --> <annotation cp="✴">estrella | vuit puntes</annotation> <annotation cp="✴" type="tts">estrella de vuit puntes</annotation> <annotation cp="❇">espurna</annotation> <annotation cp="❇" type="tts">espurna</annotation> <!-- 1F4B1 currency exchange; bank; currency; exchange; money --> <annotation cp="💱">canvi | divisa</annotation> <annotation cp="💱" type="tts">canvi de divisa</annotation> <!-- 1F4B2 heavy dollar sign; currency; dollar; money --> <annotation cp="💲">signe | dòlar | gran</annotation> <annotation cp="💲" type="tts">signe de dòlar gran</annotation> <!-- 203C double exclamation mark; bangbang; exclamation; mark; punctuation --> <annotation cp="‼">signe | exclamació | doble</annotation> <annotation cp="‼" type="tts">signe d’exclamació doble</annotation> <!-- 2049 exclamation question mark; exclamation; interrobang; mark; punctuation; question --> <annotation cp="⁉">signe | exclamació | interrogació</annotation> <annotation cp="⁉" type="tts">signe d’exclamació i d’interrogació</annotation> <!-- 2753 question mark; mark; punctuation; question --> <annotation cp="❓">signe | interrogació</annotation> <annotation cp="❓" type="tts">signe d’interrogació</annotation> <!-- 2754 white question mark; mark; outlined; punctuation; question --> <annotation cp="❔">signe | interrogació | blanc</annotation> <annotation cp="❔" type="tts">signe d’interrogació blanc</annotation> <!-- 2755 white exclamation mark; exclamation; mark; outlined; punctuation --> <annotation cp="❕">signe | exclamació | blanc</annotation> <annotation cp="❕" type="tts">signe d’exclamació blanc</annotation> <!-- 2757 exclamation mark; exclamation; mark; punctuation --> <annotation cp="❗">signe | exclamació</annotation> <annotation cp="❗" type="tts">signe d’exclamació</annotation> <!-- 3030 wavy dash; dash; punctuation; wavy --> <annotation cp="〰">guió | ondulat</annotation> <annotation cp="〰" type="tts">guió ondulat</annotation> <annotation cp="©">drets d’autor | copyright</annotation> <annotation cp="©" type="tts">drets d’autor</annotation> <!-- 00AE registered --> <annotation cp="®">marca | registrada</annotation> <annotation cp="®" type="tts">marca registrada</annotation> <!-- 2122 trade mark; mark; tm; trademark --> <annotation cp="™">marca | comercial</annotation> <annotation cp="™" type="tts">marca comercial</annotation> <annotation cp="♈">marrà | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♈" type="tts">àries</annotation> <annotation cp="♉">bou | brau | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♉" type="tts">taure</annotation> <annotation cp="♊">bessons | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♊" type="tts">bessons</annotation> <annotation cp="♋">cranc | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♋" type="tts">càncer</annotation> <annotation cp="♌">lleó | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♌" type="tts">lleó</annotation> <annotation cp="♍">verge | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♍" type="tts">verge</annotation> <annotation cp="♎">balança | justícia | bàscula | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♎" type="tts">balança</annotation> <annotation cp="♏">escorpí | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♏" type="tts">escorpí</annotation> <annotation cp="♐">arquer | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♐" type="tts">sagitari</annotation> <annotation cp="♑">cabra | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♑" type="tts">capricorn</annotation> <annotation cp="♒">portador | aigua | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♒" type="tts">aquari</annotation> <annotation cp="♓">peix | zodíac</annotation> <annotation cp="♓" type="tts">peixos</annotation> <annotation cp="⛎">portador | serp | zodíac | serpentari</annotation> <annotation cp="⛎" type="tts">ofiuc</annotation> <!-- 1F500 shuffle tracks button; arrow; crossed --> <annotation cp="🔀">botó | reproducció | aleatòria</annotation> <annotation cp="🔀" type="tts">botó de reproducció aleatòria</annotation> <!-- 1F501 repeat button; arrow; clockwise; repeat --> <annotation cp="🔁">botó | repetició</annotation> <annotation cp="🔁" type="tts">botó de repetició</annotation> <!-- 1F502 repeat single button; arrow; clockwise; once --> <annotation cp="🔂">botó | repetició | única</annotation> <annotation cp="🔂" type="tts">botó de repetició única</annotation> <!-- 25B6 play button; arrow; play; right; triangle --> <annotation cp="▶">botó | reproducció</annotation> <annotation cp="▶" type="tts">botó de reproducció</annotation> <!-- 23E9 fast-forword button; arrow; double; fast; forward --> <annotation cp="⏩">botó | avançar | ràpidament</annotation> <annotation cp="⏩" type="tts">botó d’avançar ràpidament</annotation> <!-- 23ED next track button; arrow; next scene; next track; triangle --> <annotation cp="⏭">botó | cançó | següent</annotation> <annotation cp="⏭" type="tts">botó de cançó següent</annotation> <!-- 23EF play or pause button; arrow; pause; play; right; triangle --> <annotation cp="⏯">botó | pausa | reproducció</annotation> <annotation cp="⏯" type="tts">botó de pausa o de reproducció</annotation> <!-- 25C0 reverse button; arrow; left; reverse; triangle --> <annotation cp="◀">botó | retrocedir</annotation> <annotation cp="◀" type="tts">botó de retrocedir</annotation> <!-- 23EA fast reverse button; arrow; double; rewind --> <annotation cp="⏪">botó | retrocedir | ràpidament</annotation> <annotation cp="⏪" type="tts">botó de retrocedir ràpidament</annotation> <!-- 23EE last track button; arrow; previous scene; previous track; triangle --> <annotation cp="⏮">botó | cançó | anterior</annotation> <annotation cp="⏮" type="tts">botó de cançó anterior</annotation> <!-- 1F53C up button; arrow; button; red --> <annotation cp="🔼">botó | amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="🔼" type="tts">botó d’anar amunt</annotation> <!-- 23EB fast up button; arrow; double --> <annotation cp="⏫">botó | amunt | ràpidament</annotation> <annotation cp="⏫" type="tts">botó d’anar amunt ràpidament</annotation> <!-- 1F53D down button; arrow; button; down; red --> <annotation cp="🔽">botó | avall</annotation> <annotation cp="🔽" type="tts">botó d’anar avall</annotation> <!-- 23EC fast down button; arrow; double; down --> <annotation cp="⏬">botó | avall | ràpidament</annotation> <annotation cp="⏬" type="tts">botó d’anar avall ràpidament</annotation> <!-- 23F8 pause button; bar; double; pause; vertical --> <annotation cp="⏸">botó | pausa</annotation> <annotation cp="⏸" type="tts">botó de pausa</annotation> <!-- 23F9 stop button; square; stop --> <annotation cp="⏹">botó | aturada</annotation> <annotation cp="⏹" type="tts">botó d’aturada</annotation> <!-- 23FA record button; circle; record --> <annotation cp="⏺">botó | enregistrar</annotation> <annotation cp="⏺" type="tts">botó d’enregistrar</annotation> <!-- 23CF eject button; eject --> <annotation cp="⏏">botó | expulsar</annotation> <annotation cp="⏏" type="tts">botó d’expulsar</annotation> <annotation cp="🎦">càmera | pel lícula | film</annotation> <annotation cp="🎦" type="tts">cinema</annotation> <!-- 1F505 dim button; brightness; dim; low --> <annotation cp="🔅">botó | brillantor | atenuar</annotation> <annotation cp="🔅" type="tts">botó d’atenuar la brillantor</annotation> <!-- 1F506 bright button; bright; brightness --> <annotation cp="🔆">botó | brillantor | augmentar</annotation> <annotation cp="🔆" type="tts">botó d’augmentar la brillantor</annotation> <!-- 1F4F6 antenna bars; antenna; bar; cell; mobile; phone; signal; telephone --> <annotation cp="📶">barres | cobertura</annotation> <annotation cp="📶" type="tts">barres de cobertura</annotation> <!-- 1F4F5 no mobile phones; cell; forbidden; mobile; no; not; phone; prohibited; telephone --> <annotation cp="📵">prohibició | telèfons mòbils</annotation> <annotation cp="📵" type="tts">prohibits els telèfons mòbils</annotation> <!-- 1F4F3 vibration mode; cell; mobile; mode; phone; telephone; vibration --> <annotation cp="📳">mode | vibració | telèfon</annotation> <annotation cp="📳" type="tts">mode de vibració</annotation> <!-- 1F4F4 mobile phone off; cell; mobile; off; phone; telephone --> <annotation cp="📴">telèfon | mòbil | desactivat</annotation> <annotation cp="📴" type="tts">telèfon mòbil desactivat</annotation> <!-- 0023,20E3 keycap number; hash; keycap; pound --> <annotation cp="#⃣">tecla | coixinet</annotation> <annotation cp="#⃣" type="tts">tecla de coixinet</annotation> <!-- 002A,20E3 keycap asterisk; asterisk; keycap; star --> <annotation cp="*⃣">tecla | asterisc</annotation> <annotation cp="*⃣" type="tts">tecla d’asterisc</annotation> <!-- 1F51F keycap ten; 10; keycap; ten --> <annotation cp="🔟">tecla | 10</annotation> <annotation cp="🔟" type="tts">tecla 10</annotation> <!-- 1F4AF hundred points; 100; full; hundred; score --> <annotation cp="💯">100 | punts | puntuació</annotation> <annotation cp="💯" type="tts">100 punts</annotation> <!-- 1F51E no one under eighteen; 18; age restriction; eighteen; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; underage --> <annotation cp="🔞">prohibició | menors d’edat</annotation> <annotation cp="🔞" type="tts">prohibit a menors d’edat</annotation> <!-- 1F520 input latin uppercase; input; latin; letters; uppercase --> <annotation cp="🔠">lletres | llatines | majúscules</annotation> <annotation cp="🔠" type="tts">lletres llatines en majúscules</annotation> <!-- 1F521 input latin lowercase; abcd; input; latin; letters; lowercase --> <annotation cp="🔡">lletres | llatines | minúscules</annotation> <annotation cp="🔡" type="tts">lletres llatines en minúscules</annotation> <annotation cp="🔢">1234 | entrada | números | xifres</annotation> <annotation cp="🔢" type="tts">números d’entrada</annotation> <annotation cp="🔣">entrada</annotation> <annotation cp="🔣" type="tts">símbols d’entrada</annotation> <!-- 1F524 input latin letters; abc; alphabet; input; latin; letters --> <annotation cp="🔤">lletres | llatines</annotation> <annotation cp="🔤" type="tts">lletres llatines</annotation> <!-- 1F170 a button; a; blood --> <annotation cp="🅰">botó | A</annotation> <annotation cp="🅰" type="tts">botó A</annotation> <!-- 1F18E ab button; ab; blood --> <annotation cp="🆎">botó | AB</annotation> <annotation cp="🆎" type="tts">botó AB</annotation> <!-- 1F171 b button; b; blood --> <annotation cp="🅱">botó | B</annotation> <annotation cp="🅱" type="tts">botó B</annotation> <!-- 1F191 squared cl; cl --> <annotation cp="🆑">quadre | CL</annotation> <annotation cp="🆑" type="tts">quadre amb CL</annotation> <!-- 1F192 squared cool; cool --> <annotation cp="🆒">quadre | paraula | Cool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆒" type="tts">quadre amb la paraula Cool</annotation> <!-- 1F193 squared free; free --> <annotation cp="🆓">quadre | paraula | Free</annotation> <annotation cp="🆓" type="tts">quadre amb la paraula Free</annotation> <!-- 2139 information source; i; information --> <annotation cp="ℹ">punt | informació</annotation> <annotation cp="ℹ" type="tts">punt d’informació</annotation> <!-- 1F194 squared id; id; identity --> <annotation cp="🆔">quadre | ID</annotation> <annotation cp="🆔" type="tts">quadre amb ID</annotation> <!-- 24C2 circled letter m; circle; m --> <annotation cp="Ⓜ">lletra | M | cercle</annotation> <annotation cp="Ⓜ" type="tts">lletra M en cercle</annotation> <!-- 1F195 squared new; new --> <annotation cp="🆕">quadre | paraula | New</annotation> <annotation cp="🆕" type="tts">quadre amb la paraula New</annotation> <!-- 1F196 squared ng; ng --> <annotation cp="🆖">quadre | paraula | NG</annotation> <annotation cp="🆖" type="tts">quadre amb NG</annotation> <!-- 1F17E o button; blood; o --> <annotation cp="🅾">botó | lletra | O</annotation> <annotation cp="🅾" type="tts">botó O</annotation> <!-- 1F197 squared ok; ok --> <annotation cp="🆗">botó | paraula | OK</annotation> <annotation cp="🆗" type="tts">botó amb la paraula OK</annotation> <!-- 1F17F p button; parking --> <annotation cp="🅿">botó | lletra | P</annotation> <annotation cp="🅿" type="tts">botó P</annotation> <!-- 1F198 squared sos; help; sos --> <annotation cp="🆘">quadre | SOS</annotation> <annotation cp="🆘" type="tts">quadre amb SOS</annotation> <!-- 1F199 up! button; mark; up --> <annotation cp="🆙">botó | paraula | Up!</annotation> <annotation cp="🆙" type="tts">botó amb la paraula Up</annotation> <!-- 1F19A squared vs; versus; vs --> <annotation cp="🆚">quadre | VS</annotation> <annotation cp="🆚" type="tts">quadre amb VS</annotation> <!-- 1F201 squared katakana koko; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈁">quadre | katakana | koko</annotation> <annotation cp="🈁" type="tts">quadre amb katakana koko</annotation> <!-- 1F202 squared katakana sa; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈂">quadre | katakana | sa</annotation> <annotation cp="🈂" type="tts">quadre amb katakana sa</annotation> <!-- 1F237 squared moon ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈷">quadre | ideograma | lluna</annotation> <annotation cp="🈷" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma de lluna</annotation> <!-- 1F236 squared exist ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈶">quadre | ideograma | existir</annotation> <annotation cp="🈶" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma d’existir</annotation> <!-- 1F22F squared finger ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈯">quadre | ideograma | dit</annotation> <annotation cp="🈯" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma de dit</annotation> <!-- 1F250 circled advantage ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🉐">cercle | ideograma | avantatge</annotation> <annotation cp="🉐" type="tts">cercle amb ideograma d’avantatge</annotation> <!-- 1F239 squared divide ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈹">quadre | ideograma | dividir</annotation> <annotation cp="🈹" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma de dividir</annotation> <!-- 1F21A squared negation ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈚">quadre | ideograma | negació</annotation> <annotation cp="🈚" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma de negació</annotation> <!-- 1F232 squared prohibit ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈲">quadre | ideograma | prohibició</annotation> <annotation cp="🈲" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma de prohibició</annotation> <!-- 1F251 circled accept ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🉑">cercle | ideograma | acceptació</annotation> <annotation cp="🉑" type="tts">cercle amb ideograma d’acceptació</annotation> <!-- 1F238 squared apply ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈸">quadre | ideograma | aplicar</annotation> <annotation cp="🈸" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma d’aplicar</annotation> <!-- 1F234 squared together ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈴">quadre | ideograma | junts</annotation> <annotation cp="🈴" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma de junts</annotation> <!-- 1F233 squared empty ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈳">quadre | ideograma | buit</annotation> <annotation cp="🈳" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma de buit</annotation> <!-- 3297 circled congratulate ideograph; chinese; congratulation; congratulations; ideograph --> <annotation cp="㊗">cercle | ideograma | enhorabona</annotation> <annotation cp="㊗" type="tts">cercle amb ideograma d’enhorabona</annotation> <!-- 3299 circled secret ideograph; chinese; ideograph; secret --> <annotation cp="㊙">cercle | ideograma | secret</annotation> <annotation cp="㊙" type="tts">cercle amb ideograma de secret</annotation> <!-- 1F23A squared operating ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈺">quadre | ideograma | operar</annotation> <annotation cp="🈺" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma d’operar</annotation> <!-- 1F235 squared fullness ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈵">quadre | ideograma | plenitud</annotation> <annotation cp="🈵" type="tts">quadre amb ideograma de plenitud</annotation> <!-- 25AA black small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="▪">quadrat | negre | petit</annotation> <annotation cp="▪" type="tts">quadrat negre petit</annotation> <!-- 25AB white small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="▫">quadrat | blanc | petit</annotation> <annotation cp="▫" type="tts">quadrat blanc petit</annotation> <!-- 25FB white medium square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◻">quadrat | mitjà | blanc</annotation> <annotation cp="◻" type="tts">quadrat mitjà blanc</annotation> <!-- 25FC black medium square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◼">quadrat | mitjà | negre</annotation> <annotation cp="◼" type="tts">quadrat mitjà negre</annotation> <!-- 25FD white medium-small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◽">quadrat | blanc | petit-mitjà</annotation> <annotation cp="◽" type="tts">quadrat blanc petit-mitjà</annotation> <!-- 25FE black medium-small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◾">quadrat | negre | petit-mitjà</annotation> <annotation cp="◾" type="tts">quadrat negre petit-mitjà</annotation> <!-- 2B1B black large square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="⬛">quadrat | gran | negre</annotation> <annotation cp="⬛" type="tts">quadrat gran negre</annotation> <!-- 2B1C white large square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="⬜">quadrat | gran | blanc</annotation> <annotation cp="⬜" type="tts">quadrat gran blanc</annotation> <!-- 1F536 large orange diamond; diamond; geometric; orange --> <annotation cp="🔶">diamant | gran | taronja</annotation> <annotation cp="🔶" type="tts">diamant gran taronja</annotation> <!-- 1F537 large blue diamond; blue; diamond; geometric --> <annotation cp="🔷">diamant | gran | blau</annotation> <annotation cp="🔷" type="tts">diamant gran blau</annotation> <!-- 1F538 small orange diamond; diamond; geometric; orange --> <annotation cp="🔸">diamant | petit | taronja</annotation> <annotation cp="🔸" type="tts">diamant petit taronja</annotation> <!-- 1F539 small blue diamond; blue; diamond; geometric --> <annotation cp="🔹">diamant | petit | blau</annotation> <annotation cp="🔹" type="tts">diamant petit blau</annotation> <!-- 1F53A red triangle pointed up; geometric; red --> <annotation cp="🔺">triangle | vermell | amunt</annotation> <annotation cp="🔺" type="tts">triangle vermell cap amunt</annotation> <!-- 1F53B red triangle pointed down; down; geometric; red --> <annotation cp="🔻">triangle | vermell | avall</annotation> <annotation cp="🔻" type="tts">triangle vermell cap avall</annotation> <!-- 1F4A0 diamond with a dot; comic; diamond; geometric; inside --> <annotation cp="💠">diamant | punt</annotation> <annotation cp="💠" type="tts">diamant amb punt</annotation> <!-- 1F518 radio button; button; geometric; radio --> <annotation cp="🔘">botó | opció</annotation> <annotation cp="🔘" type="tts">botó d’opció</annotation> <!-- 1F532 black square button; button; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="🔲">botó | quadrat | negre</annotation> <annotation cp="🔲" type="tts">botó de quadrat negre</annotation> <!-- 1F533 white square button; button; geometric; outlined; square --> <annotation cp="🔳">botó | quadrat | blanc</annotation> <annotation cp="🔳" type="tts">botó de quadrat blanc</annotation> <!-- 26AA white circle; circle; geometric --> <annotation cp="⚪">cercle | blanc</annotation> <annotation cp="⚪" type="tts">cercle blanc</annotation> <!-- 26AB black circle; circle; geometric --> <annotation cp="⚫">cercle | negre</annotation> <annotation cp="⚫" type="tts">cercle negre</annotation> <!-- 1F534 red circle; circle; geometric; red --> <annotation cp="🔴">cercle | vermell</annotation> <annotation cp="🔴" type="tts">cercle vermell</annotation> <!-- 1F535 blue circle; blue; circle; geometric --> <annotation cp="🔵">cercle | blau</annotation> <annotation cp="🔵" type="tts">cercle blau</annotation> <annotation cp="🛑">senyal | detenció | obligatòria | estop | stop</annotation> <annotation cp="🛑" type="tts">senyal d’estop</annotation> <annotation cp="🛒">carretó | compra</annotation> <annotation cp="🛒" type="tts">carretó</annotation> <annotation cp="🛴">patinet | transport</annotation> <annotation cp="🛴" type="tts">patinet</annotation> <annotation cp="🛵">moto | motocicleta | escúter | transport</annotation> <annotation cp="🛵" type="tts">escúter</annotation> <annotation cp="🛶">canoa | kayak</annotation> <annotation cp="🛶" type="tts">canoa</annotation> <!-- 0030,20E3 keycap digit zero; 0; keycap; zero --> <annotation cp="0⃣">tecla | 0</annotation> <annotation cp="0⃣" type="tts">tecla 0</annotation> <!-- 0031,20E3 keycap digit one; 1; keycap; one --> <annotation cp="1⃣">tecla | 1</annotation> <annotation cp="1⃣" type="tts">tecla 1</annotation> <!-- 0032,20E3 keycap digit two; 2; keycap; two --> <annotation cp="2⃣">tecla | 2</annotation> <annotation cp="2⃣" type="tts">tecla 2</annotation> <!-- 0033,20E3 keycap digit three; 3; keycap; three --> <annotation cp="3⃣">tecla | 3</annotation> <annotation cp="3⃣" type="tts">tecla 3</annotation> <!-- 0034,20E3 keycap digit four; 4; four; keycap --> <annotation cp="4⃣">tecla | 4</annotation> <annotation cp="4⃣" type="tts">tecla 4</annotation> <!-- 0035,20E3 keycap digit five; 5; five; keycap --> <annotation cp="5⃣">tecla | 5</annotation> <annotation cp="5⃣" type="tts">tecla 5</annotation> <!-- 0036,20E3 keycap digit six; 6; keycap; six --> <annotation cp="6⃣">tecla | 6</annotation> <annotation cp="6⃣" type="tts">tecla 6</annotation> <!-- 0037,20E3 keycap digit seven; 7; keycap; seven --> <annotation cp="7⃣">tecla | 7</annotation> <annotation cp="7⃣" type="tts">tecla 7</annotation> <!-- 0038,20E3 keycap digit eight; 8; eight; keycap --> <annotation cp="8⃣">tecla | 8</annotation> <annotation cp="8⃣" type="tts">tecla 8</annotation> <!-- 0039,20E3 keycap digit nine; 9; keycap; nine --> <annotation cp="9⃣">tecla | 9</annotation> <annotation cp="9⃣" type="tts">tecla 9</annotation> </annotations> </ldml>
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