java.util.Locale.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package java.util
import locales.{BCP47, LocaleRegistry}
import scala.collection.{Map => SMap, Set => SSet}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import locales.BCP47.{GrandfatheredTag, LanguageTag, PrivateUseTag}
object Locale {
// Default locales required by the specs
lazy val ENGLISH: Locale = LocaleRegistry.en.toLocale
lazy val FRENCH: Locale =
lazy val GERMAN: Locale =
lazy val ITALIAN: Locale =
lazy val JAPANESE: Locale = LocaleRegistry.ja.toLocale
lazy val KOREAN: Locale = LocaleRegistry.ko.toLocale
lazy val CHINESE: Locale = LocaleRegistry.zh.toLocale
lazy val SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE: Locale = LocaleRegistry.zh_Hans_CN.toLocale
lazy val TRADITIONAL_CHINESE: Locale = LocaleRegistry.zh_Hant_TW.toLocale
lazy val FRANCE: Locale = LocaleRegistry.fr_FR.toLocale
lazy val GERMANY: Locale = LocaleRegistry.de_DE.toLocale
lazy val ITALY: Locale = LocaleRegistry.it_IT.toLocale
lazy val JAPAN: Locale = LocaleRegistry.ja_JP.toLocale
lazy val KOREA: Locale = LocaleRegistry.ko_KR.toLocale
lazy val CHINA: Locale = LocaleRegistry.zh_Hans_CN.toLocale
lazy val PRC: Locale = LocaleRegistry.zh_Hans_CN.toLocale
lazy val TAIWAN: Locale = LocaleRegistry.zh_Hant_TW.toLocale
lazy val UK: Locale = LocaleRegistry.en_GB.toLocale
lazy val US: Locale = LocaleRegistry.en_US.toLocale
lazy val CANADA: Locale = LocaleRegistry.en_CA.toLocale
lazy val CANADA_FRENCH: Locale = LocaleRegistry.fr_CA.toLocale
lazy val ROOT: Locale = LocaleRegistry.root.toLocale
final class Category private (name: String, ordinal: Int)
extends Enum[Category](name, ordinal)
object Category {
val DISPLAY: Category = new Category("DISPLAY", 0)
val FORMAT: Category = new Category("FORMAT", 1)
private lazy val categories = Array(DISPLAY, FORMAT)
def values(): Array[Category] = categories
def valueOf(name: String): Category =
categories.find( == name).getOrElse {
if (name == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Argument cannot be null")
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No such category: $name")
private[util] def checkRegex(regex: Regex, s: String): Boolean =
s match {
case regex() => true
case _ => false
private[util] def checkLanguage(l: String): Boolean =
checkRegex("[a-zA-Z]{2,8}".r, l)
private[util] def checkScript(l: String): Boolean =
checkRegex("[a-zA-Z]{4}".r, l)
private[util] def checkRegion(l: String): Boolean =
checkRegex("[a-zA-Z]{2}".r, l) || checkRegex("[0-9]{3}".r, l)
private[util] def checkAcceptableVariantSegment(l: String): Boolean =
checkRegex("[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,8}".r, l)
private[util] def checkVariantSegment(l: String): Boolean = {
checkRegex("[0-9][0-9a-zA-Z]{3}".r, l) ||
checkRegex("[0-9a-zA-Z]{5,8}".r, l)
private[util] def checkVariant(l: String): Boolean = {
val parts = l.split("-|_")
private[util] def checkExtKey(key: Char): Boolean = key.isLetterOrDigit
private[util] def checkExtValue(value: String): Boolean =
value.split("-").forall(checkRegex("[0-9a-zA-Z]{2,8}".r, _))
private[util] def checkUnicodeKey(l: String): Boolean =
checkRegex("[a-zA-Z]{2}".r, l)
private[util] def checkUnicodeType(l: String): Boolean =
l.isEmpty || l.split("-").forall(checkRegex("[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,8}".r, _))
private[util] def checkAttribute(l: String): Boolean =
checkRegex("[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,8}".r, l)
class Builder() {
private[this] var builder = LocaleBuilder()
// TODO Implement
//def setLocale(locale: Locale): Builder = ???
//def setLanguageTag(languageTag: String): Builder = ???
def setLanguage(language: String): Builder = {
builder = builder
throw new IllformedLocaleException(s"Invalid language $language"))(
def setScript(script: String): Builder = {
builder = builder
.fold(throw new IllformedLocaleException(s"Invalid script $script"))(
def setRegion(region: String): Builder = {
builder = builder
.fold(throw new IllformedLocaleException(s"Invalid region $region"))(
def setVariant(variant: String): Builder = {
builder = builder
.fold(throw new IllformedLocaleException(s"Invalid variant $variant"))(
def setExtension(key: Char, value: String): Builder = {
builder = builder
.extension(key, value)
.fold(throw new IllformedLocaleException(
s"Invalid extension $key: $value"))(identity)
def setUnicodeLocaleKeyword(key: String, _type: String): Builder = {
if (key == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null unicode extension key")
builder = builder
.unicodeLocaleKeyword(key, _type)
.fold(throw new IllformedLocaleException(
s"Invalid unicode keyword $key: ${_type}"))(identity)
def addUnicodeLocaleAttribute(attribute: String): Builder = {
if (attribute == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null unicode attribute")
builder = builder
.fold(throw new IllformedLocaleException(
s"Invalid unicode attribute $attribute"))(identity)
def removeUnicodeLocaleAttribute(attribute: String): Builder = {
if (attribute == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null unicode attribute")
builder = builder
.fold(throw new IllformedLocaleException(
s"Invalid unicode attribute $attribute"))(identity)
def clear(): Builder = {
builder = LocaleBuilder()
def clearExtensions(): Builder = {
builder = builder.clearExtensions
def build(): Locale =
private case class LocaleBuilder(strict: Boolean = true,
language: Option[String] = None, region: Option[String] = None,
variant: Option[String] = None, script: Option[String] = None,
extensions: SMap[Char, String] = SMap.empty,
unicodeExtensions: SMap[String, String] = SMap.empty,
unicodeAttributes: SSet[String] = SSet.empty) {
def language(language: String): Option[LocaleBuilder] =
if (language == null || language.isEmpty) {
Some(copy(language = None))
} else if (!strict || checkLanguage(language)) {
Some(copy(language = Some(language.toLowerCase)))
} else {
def script(script: String): Option[LocaleBuilder] =
if (script == null || script.isEmpty) {
Some(copy(script = None))
} else if (!strict || checkScript(script)) {
// Script must be canonicalized
script = Some(script.charAt(0).toUpper + script.substring(1))))
} else {
def region(region: String): Option[LocaleBuilder] =
if (region == null || region.isEmpty) {
Some(copy(region = None))
} else if (!strict || checkRegion(region)) {
Some(copy(region = Some(region.toUpperCase)))
} else {
def addVariant(v: String): Option[LocaleBuilder] =
Some(copy(variant = + "_" + v).orElse(Some(v))))
def variant(variant: String): Option[LocaleBuilder] =
if (variant == null || variant.isEmpty) {
Some(copy(variant = None))
} else if (!strict || checkVariant(variant)) {
Some(copy(variant = Some(variant.replace("-", "_"))))
} else {
def extension(key: Char, value: String): Option[LocaleBuilder] =
if (extensions.contains(key) || (value == null || value.isEmpty)) {
// remove
Some(copy(extensions = extensions - key))
} else if (key == UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION) {
// replace all unicode extensions
Some(copy(extensions = extensions + (key -> value.toLowerCase),
unicodeExtensions = SMap.empty))
} else if (!strict || checkExtKey(key) && checkExtValue(value)) {
Some(copy(extensions = extensions + (key -> value.toLowerCase)))
} else {
def unicodeLocaleKeyword(key: String,
_type: String): Option[LocaleBuilder] = {
if (!strict || checkUnicodeKey(key) && checkUnicodeType(_type)) {
Some(copy(unicodeExtensions = unicodeExtensions + (key -> _type)))
} else {
def addUnicodeLocaleAttribute(attribute: String): Option[LocaleBuilder] = {
if (!strict || checkAttribute(attribute)) {
Some(copy(unicodeAttributes = unicodeAttributes + attribute))
} else {
def removeUnicodeLocaleAttribute(
attribute: String): Option[LocaleBuilder] = {
if (!strict || checkAttribute(attribute)) {
Some(copy(unicodeAttributes = unicodeAttributes.filterNot(
} else {
def clearExtensions: LocaleBuilder =
copy(extensions = SMap.empty)
def build: Locale = {
new Locale(language.getOrElse(""), region.getOrElse(""),
variant.getOrElse(""), script, extensions, unicodeExtensions,
def getDefault(): Locale = LocaleRegistry.default
def getDefault(category: Category): Locale = LocaleRegistry.default(category)
def setDefault(newLocale: Locale): Unit = LocaleRegistry.setDefault(newLocale)
def setDefault(category: Category, newLocale: Locale): Unit =
LocaleRegistry.setDefault(category, newLocale)
def getAvailableLocales(): Array[Locale] =
def getISOCountries(): Array[String] = metadata.isoCountries
def getISOLanguages(): Array[String] = metadata.isoLanguages
private def parseLanguageTag(tag: String): Option[Locale] = {
// grandfathered mapping
val grandfathered = SMap("art-lojban" -> "jbo", "i-ami" -> "ami",
"i-bnn" -> "bnn", "i-hak" -> "hak", "i-klingon" -> "tlh",
"i-lux" -> "lb", "i-hak" -> "hak", "i-navajo" -> "nv",
"i-pwn" -> "pwn", "i-tao" -> "tao", "i-tay" -> "tay", "i-tsu" -> "tsu",
"no-bok" -> "nb", "no-nyn" -> "nn", "sgn-BE-FR" -> "sfb",
"sgn-BE-NL" -> "vgt", "sgn-CH-DE" -> "sgg", "zh-guoyu" -> "cmn",
"zh-hakka" -> "hak", "zh-min-nan" -> "nan", "zh-xiang" -> "hsn",
"cel-gaulish" -> "xtg", "en-GB-oed" -> "en-GB-x-oed",
"i-default" -> "en-x-i-default", "i-enochian" -> "und-x-i-enochian",
"i-mingo" -> "see-x-i-mingo", "zh-min" -> "nan-x-zh-min")
def sanitizePrivateExtension(b: LocaleBuilder,
p: Option[String]): LocaleBuilder = {
val lvariantRegex = "lvariant-(.*)".r
val longVariantRegex = "(.*)-lvariant-(.*)".r
p.collect {
case longVariantRegex(x, y) =>
for {
b1 <- b.addVariant(y.replace("-", "_"))
b2 <- b1.extension('x', x)
} yield b2
case lvariantRegex(x) => b.addVariant(x.replace("-", "_"))
case x => b.extension('x', x)
BCP47.parseTag(tag) match {
case Some(LanguageTag(l, e, s, r, v, x, p)) =>
// By the javadocs the builder is lenient
val builder = LocaleBuilder(strict = false)
// "und" defaults to the empty string
val la = if (l == "und") "" else l
// Spilt the extensions
val extRegex = "([0-9A-WY-Za-wy-z])-([A-Za-z0-9]{2,8})+".r
val exts = x.collect {
case extRegex(c, xv) => c.charAt(0) -> xv
val b = for {
b1 <- builder.language(
b2 <- b1.script(s.getOrElse(""))
b3 <- b2.region(r.getOrElse(""))
b4 <- b3.variant(v.mkString("_"))
b5 <- exts.foldLeft(Option(b4)) {
case (bu, (c, xv)) => bu.flatMap(_.extension(c, xv))
} yield sanitizePrivateExtension(b5, p)
case Some(GrandfatheredTag(g)) =>
val default = new Locale(g)
case Some(PrivateUseTag(p)) =>
val default =
LocaleBuilder(strict = false).extension('x', p).fold(ROOT)(
case None =>
// Last ditch attempt to parse, Javadocs don't define this case well
val split = tag.split("-").toList
split match {
case l :: Nil if checkLanguage(l) => Some(new Locale(l))
case l :: c :: _ if checkLanguage(l) => Some(new Locale(l, c))
case _ => None
def forLanguageTag(languageTag: String): Locale =
//class LanguageRange
//class FilteringMode
//def filter(priorityList: List[LanguageRange], locales: Collection[Locale], mode: FilteringMode): List[Locale] = ???
//def filter(priorityList: List[LanguageRange], locales: Collection[Locale]): List[Locale] = ???
//def filter(priorityList: List[LanguageRange], tags: Collection[String], mode: FilteringMode): List[Locale] = ???
//def filter(priorityList: List[LanguageRange], tags: Collection[String]): List[Locale] = ???
//def lookupTag(priorityList: List[LanguageRange], tags: Collection[String]): String = ???
class Locale private[util] (private[this] val language: String,
private[this] val country: String, private[this] val variant: String,
private[this] val script: Option[String],
private[this] val _extensions: SMap[Char, String],
private[this] val unicodeExtensions: SMap[String, String],
private[this] val unicodeAttributes: SSet[String],
private[this] val supportSpecialCases: Boolean = true) {
// Required by the javadocs
if (language == null || country == null || variant == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null argument to constructor not allowed")
// Handle 2 special cases jp_JP_JP and th_TH_TH
private[this] val extensions = {
if ((language, country, variant) == ("ja", "JP", "JP") &&
supportSpecialCases) {
_extensions + (Locale.UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION -> "ca-japanese")
} else if ((language, country, variant) == ("th", "TH", "TH") &&
supportSpecialCases) {
_extensions + (Locale.UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION -> "nu-thai")
} else {
private def updateSpecialLanguages(l: String) = l match {
case "iw" => "he"
case "ji" => "yi"
case "in" => "id"
case _ => l
private def translateSpecialLanguages(l: String) = l match {
case "he" => "iw"
case "yi" => "ji"
case "id" => "in"
case _ => l
// public constructors
def this(language: String, country: String, variant: String) =
this(language, country, variant, None, SMap.empty, SMap.empty, SSet.empty)
// Additional constructors
def this(language: String, country: String) = this(language, country, "")
def this(language: String) = this(language, "", "")
def getLanguage(): String = translateSpecialLanguages(language.toLowerCase)
def getScript(): String = script.getOrElse("")
def getCountry(): String = country.toUpperCase
def getVariant(): String = variant
def hasExtensions(): Boolean =
extensions.nonEmpty || unicodeExtensions.nonEmpty
def stripExtensions(): Locale =
new Locale(language, country, variant, script, SMap.empty, SMap.empty,
SSet.empty, false)
def getExtension(key: Char): String = {
if (key == Locale.UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION && unicodeExtensions.nonEmpty) {
unicodeExtensions.collect {
case (k, v) if v.isEmpty => k
case (k, v) => s"$k-$v"
} else extensions.get(key).orNull
def getExtensionKeys(): Set[Char] = {
if (unicodeExtensions.nonEmpty) {
extensions.keySet + Locale.UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION
} else extensions.keySet
def getUnicodeLocaleAttributes(): Set[String] = unicodeAttributes.asJava
def getUnicodeLocaleType(key: String): String =
def getUnicodeLocaleKeys(): Set[String] = unicodeExtensions.keySet.asJava
override def toString(): String = {
// Rather complex toString following the specifications
val hasVariant = getVariant().nonEmpty
val hasCountry = getCountry().nonEmpty
val hasLanguage = getLanguage().nonEmpty
val hasScript = getScript().nonEmpty
val countryPart =
if (hasCountry) s"_${getCountry()}"
else if (hasVariant || hasScript) "_"
else ""
val variantPart =
if (hasVariant) s"_${getVariant()}"
else if (hasScript) "_"
else ""
val scriptPart =
if (hasScript && hasExtensions()) s"#${getScript()}_"
else if (hasScript) s"#${getScript()}"
else if (hasExtensions()) "_#"
else ""
val extensionsPart = { case (x, v) => s"$x-$v" }
if (hasLanguage || hasCountry) {
} else {
def toLanguageTag(): String = {
val language = {
if (getLanguage().nonEmpty && Locale.checkLanguage(getLanguage))
val country =
if (Locale.checkRegion(getCountry())) s"-${getCountry()}"
else ""
val variantSegments = getVariant().split("-|_")
val allSegmentsWellFormed =
val allAcceptableSegments =
val variant = {
if (allSegmentsWellFormed) {
variantSegments.mkString("-", "-", "")
} else if (allAcceptableSegments) {
val (wellFormed, acceptable) =
val pre =
if (wellFormed.nonEmpty) wellFormed.take(1).mkString("-", "-", "-")
else "-"
pre + "x-lvariant" +
(acceptable ++ wellFormed.drop(1)).mkString("-", "-", "")
} else {
val ext = {
if (extensions.nonEmpty) { case (x, v) => s"$x-$v" }.mkString("-", "-", "")
val script = => s"-${getScript()}").getOrElse("")
if (getLanguage == "no" && getCountry == "NO" && getVariant == "NY") "nn-NO"
else s"$language$script$country$ext$variant"
// TODO Implement
//def getISO3Language(): String = ???
//def getISO3Country(): String = ???
//final def getDisplayLanguage(): String = ???
//final def getDisplayLanguage(inLocale: Locale): String = ???
//final def getDisplayScript(): String = ???
//final def getDisplayScript(inLocale: Locale): String = ???
//final def getDisplayCountry(): String = ???
//final def getDisplayCountry(inLocale: Locale): String = ???
//final def getDisplayVariant(): String = ???
//final def getDisplayVariant(inLocale: Locale): String = ???
//final def getDisplayName(): String = ???
//final def getDisplayName(inLocale: Locale): String = ???
override def clone(): AnyRef = this // Locale is immutable
private def isEqual(l: Locale): Boolean = {
language == l.getLanguage && country == l.getCountry &&
variant == l.getVariant && script.forall(_ == l.getScript) &&
extensions.forall { case (k, v) => l.getExtension(k) == v } &&
unicodeExtensions.forall { case (k, v) => l.getUnicodeLocaleType(k) == v } &&
unicodeAttributes == l.getUnicodeLocaleAttributes.asScala
override def equals(x: Any): Boolean = x match {
case l: Locale => isEqual(l)
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = toLanguageTag.hashCode
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