core.common.annotations.ja.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldml.dtd"> <!-- Copyright © 1991-2016 Unicode, Inc. For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) DO NOT CHANGE MANUALLY! Generated by: GenerateOtherAnnotations --> <ldml> <identity> <version number="$Revision: 12945 $"/> <language type="ja"/> </identity> <annotations> <annotation cp="♀">おんな | じょせい | しんぼる</annotation> <annotation cp="♀" type="tts">じょせいのまーく</annotation> <annotation cp="♂">おとこ | だんせい | しんぼる</annotation> <annotation cp="♂" type="tts">だんせいのまーく</annotation> <annotation cp="⚕">いりょう | いしゃ | ちりょう | あすくれぴおす</annotation> <annotation cp="⚕" type="tts">いりょうのしんぼる</annotation> <annotation cp="🕺">ひと | だんせい | おどる | おどり | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕺" type="tts">おどるひと</annotation> <annotation cp="🖤">はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="🖤" type="tts">くろいはーと</annotation> <annotation cp="🤙">て | でんわ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤙" type="tts">でんわのあいず</annotation> <annotation cp="🤚">て</annotation> <annotation cp="🤚" type="tts">てのこう</annotation> <annotation cp="🤛">て | ぱんち | こぶし</annotation> <annotation cp="🤛" type="tts">ひだりむきのこぶし</annotation> <annotation cp="🤜">て | ぱんち | こぶし</annotation> <annotation cp="🤜" type="tts">みぎむきのこぶし</annotation> <annotation cp="🤝">て</annotation> <annotation cp="🤝" type="tts">あくしゅ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤞">て | ゆび | くろすふぃんがー</annotation> <annotation cp="🤞" type="tts">ゆびをくろす</annotation> <annotation cp="🤠">かお | かうぼーい</annotation> <annotation cp="🤠" type="tts">かうぼーいのかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤡">かお | ぴえろ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤡" type="tts">ぴえろのかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤢">かお | ぐあいのわるい | きもちわるい | びょうき</annotation> <annotation cp="🤢" type="tts">ぐあいのわるいかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤣">かお | わらい | えがお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤣" type="tts">わらいころげる</annotation> <annotation cp="🤤">かお | よだれ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤤" type="tts">よだれをたらしているかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤥">かお | ぴのきお | うそつき | うそ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤥" type="tts">ぴのきおのかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦">じぇすちゃー</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦" type="tts">ひたいにてをあてる</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♀">じぇすちゃー | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♀" type="tts">ひたいにてをあてるおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♂">じぇすちゃー | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♂" type="tts">ひたいにてをあてるおとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤧">かお | くしゃみ | かぜ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤧" type="tts">くしゃみをするかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤰">おんな | じょせい | にんしん</annotation> <annotation cp="🤰" type="tts">にんぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤳">すまほ | じぶんどり</annotation> <annotation cp="🤳" type="tts">せるふぃー</annotation> <annotation cp="🤴">おうじ | おとこ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤴" type="tts">おうじのかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤵">かお | けっこん | だんせい | たきしーど | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤵" type="tts">はなむこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤶">くりすます | おばあさん | おんな | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤶" type="tts">まざーくりすます</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷">じぇすちゃー</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷" type="tts">おてあげ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♀">おてあげ | じぇすちゃー | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♀" type="tts">おてあげするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♂">おてあげ | じぇすちゃー | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♂" type="tts">おてあげするおとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸">すぽーつ | たいそう</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸" type="tts">そくてん</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♀">そくてん | たいそう | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♀" type="tts">そくてんするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♂">そくてん | たいそう | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♂" type="tts">そくてんするおとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹">じゃぐらー | だいどうげい</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹" type="tts">じゃぐりんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♀">じゃぐりんぐ | じゃぐらー | だいどうげい | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♀" type="tts">じゃぐりんぐするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♂">じゃぐりんぐ | じゃぐらー | だいどうげい | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♂" type="tts">じゃぐりんぐするおとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤺">すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤺" type="tts">ふぇんしんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼">すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼" type="tts">れすりんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♀">れすりんぐ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♀" type="tts">れすりんぐするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♂">れすりんぐ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♂" type="tts">れすりんぐするおとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽">すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽" type="tts">すいきゅう</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♀">すいきゅう | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♀" type="tts">すいきゅうするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♂">すいきゅう | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♂" type="tts">すいきゅうするおとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾">すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾" type="tts">はんどぼーる</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♀">はんどぼーる | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♀" type="tts">はんどぼーるするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♂">はんどぼーる | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♂" type="tts">はんどぼーるするおとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥀">はな | かれた</annotation> <annotation cp="🥀" type="tts">かれたはな</annotation> <annotation cp="🥁">どらむ | おんがく | がっき</annotation> <annotation cp="🥁" type="tts">たいこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥂">かんぱい | しゃんぱん | すぱーくりんぐわいん | すぷまんて | ぐらす</annotation> <annotation cp="🥂" type="tts">ぐらすでかんぱい</annotation> <annotation cp="🥃">たんぶらー | ぐらす | ういすきー | うぃすきー</annotation> <annotation cp="🥃" type="tts">たんぶらーぐらす</annotation> <annotation cp="🥄">しょっき</annotation> <annotation cp="🥄" type="tts">すぷーん</annotation> <annotation cp="🥅">すぽーつ | ごーる</annotation> <annotation cp="🥅" type="tts">ごーるねっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🥇">めだる | いち | きん | ごーるど</annotation> <annotation cp="🥇" type="tts">きんめだる</annotation> <annotation cp="🥈">めだる | に | ぎん | しるばー</annotation> <annotation cp="🥈" type="tts">ぎんめだる</annotation> <annotation cp="🥉">めだる | さん | どう | ぶろんず</annotation> <annotation cp="🥉" type="tts">どうめだる</annotation> <annotation cp="🥊">すぽーつ | ぼくしんぐ | ぐろーぶ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥊" type="tts">ぼくしんぐぐろーぶ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥋">すぽーつ | じゅうどう | からて | てこんどー</annotation> <annotation cp="🥋" type="tts">どうぎ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥐">ぱん</annotation> <annotation cp="🥐" type="tts">くろわっさん</annotation> <annotation cp="🥑">くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🥑" type="tts">あぼかど</annotation> <annotation cp="🥒">やさい</annotation> <annotation cp="🥒" type="tts">きゅうり</annotation> <annotation cp="🥓">にく</annotation> <annotation cp="🥓" type="tts">べーこん</annotation> <annotation cp="🥔">やさい | いも</annotation> <annotation cp="🥔" type="tts">じゃがいも</annotation> <annotation cp="🥕">やさい</annotation> <annotation cp="🥕" type="tts">にんじん</annotation> <annotation cp="🥖">ぱん | ふらんすぱん</annotation> <annotation cp="🥖" type="tts">ばげっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🥗">さらだ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥗" type="tts">ぐりーんさらだ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥘">しーふーど</annotation> <annotation cp="🥘" type="tts">ぱえりあ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥙">けばぶ | らっぷさんど</annotation> <annotation cp="🥙" type="tts">けばぶさんど</annotation> <annotation cp="🥚">たまご</annotation> <annotation cp="🥚" type="tts">たまご</annotation> <annotation cp="🥛">ぎゅうにゅう | みるく | こっぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥛" type="tts">ぎゅうにゅういりのこっぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥜">らっかせい | なっつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥜" type="tts">ぴーなっつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥝">くだもの | きうい</annotation> <annotation cp="🥝" type="tts">きういふるーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🥞">ほっとけーき</annotation> <annotation cp="🥞" type="tts">ぱんけーき</annotation> <annotation cp="🦅">とり</annotation> <annotation cp="🦅" type="tts">わし</annotation> <annotation cp="🦆">とり</annotation> <annotation cp="🦆" type="tts">かも</annotation> <annotation cp="🦇">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦇" type="tts">こうもり</annotation> <annotation cp="🦈">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦈" type="tts">さめ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦉">とり</annotation> <annotation cp="🦉" type="tts">ふくろう</annotation> <annotation cp="🦊">どうぶつ | きつね</annotation> <annotation cp="🦊" type="tts">きつねのかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🦋">むし | ちょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🦋" type="tts">ちょうちょ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦌">どうぶつ | しか</annotation> <annotation cp="🦌" type="tts">しかのかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🦍">どうぶつ | ごりら</annotation> <annotation cp="🦍" type="tts">ごりらのかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🦎">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦎" type="tts">とかげ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦏">どうぶつ | さい</annotation> <annotation cp="🦏" type="tts">さいのかお</annotation> <annotation cp="🦐">しゅりんぷ | しーふーど | どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦐" type="tts">えび</annotation> <annotation cp="🦑">しーふーど | どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦑" type="tts">いか</annotation> <!-- 1F600 grinning face; face; grin --> <annotation cp="😀">わらう | えがお | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😀" type="tts">にっこりわらう</annotation> <!-- 1F601 grinning face with smiling eyes; eye; face; grin; smile --> <annotation cp="😁">わらう | えがお | かお | にやっ</annotation> <annotation cp="😁" type="tts">にやっとわらう</annotation> <!-- 1F602 face with tears of joy; face; joy; laugh; tear --> <annotation cp="😂">わらい | えがお | かお | なみだ</annotation> <annotation cp="😂" type="tts">うれしなき</annotation> <!-- 1F603 smiling face with open mouth; face; mouth; open; smile --> <annotation cp="😃">かお | えがお</annotation> <annotation cp="😃" type="tts">わーい</annotation> <!-- 1F604 smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes; eye; face; mouth; open; smile --> <annotation cp="😄">わーい | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😄" type="tts">えがお</annotation> <!-- 1F605 smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat; cold; face; open; smile; sweat --> <annotation cp="😅">わーい | ひやあせ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😅" type="tts">ひやあせえがお</annotation> <!-- 1F606 smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes; face; laugh; mouth; open; satisfied; smile --> <annotation cp="😆">うれしい | えがお | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😆" type="tts">きゃー</annotation> <!-- 1F609 winking face; face; wink --> <annotation cp="😉">ういんく | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😉" type="tts">うぃんく</annotation> <!-- 1F60A smiling face with smiling eyes; blush; eye; face; smile --> <annotation cp="😊">えがお | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😊" type="tts">にこにこ</annotation> <!-- 1F60B face savouring delicious food; delicious; face; savouring; smile; um; yum --> <annotation cp="😋">えがお | かお | ごちそう</annotation> <annotation cp="😋" type="tts">にこにこぺろり</annotation> <!-- 1F60E smiling face with sunglasses; bright; cool; eye; eyewear; face; glasses; smile; sun; sunglasses; weather --> <annotation cp="😎">えがお | かお | さんぐらす | くーる</annotation> <annotation cp="😎" type="tts">さんぐらすでえがお</annotation> <!-- 1F60D smiling face with heart-shaped eyes; eye; face; heart; love; smile --> <annotation cp="😍">らぶ | かお | はーと | すまいる</annotation> <annotation cp="😍" type="tts">めがはーとのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F618 face throwing a kiss; face; heart; kiss --> <annotation cp="😘">かお | はーと | きす</annotation> <annotation cp="😘" type="tts">なげきっす</annotation> <!-- 1F617 kissing face; face; kiss --> <annotation cp="😗">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😗" type="tts">きす</annotation> <!-- 1F619 kissing face with smiling eyes; eye; face; kiss; smile --> <annotation cp="😙">かお | きす | すまいる</annotation> <annotation cp="😙" type="tts">にっこりきす</annotation> <!-- 1F61A kissing face with closed eyes; closed; eye; face; kiss --> <annotation cp="😚">めをとじる | かお | きす</annotation> <annotation cp="😚" type="tts">ちゅっ</annotation> <!-- 263A smiling face; face; outlined; relaxed; smile --> <annotation cp="☺">えがお | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="☺" type="tts">すまいりー</annotation> <!-- 1F642 slightly smiling face; face; smile --> <annotation cp="🙂">えがお | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🙂" type="tts">ほほえむ</annotation> <!-- 1F917 hugging face; face; hug; hugging --> <annotation cp="🤗">えがお | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤗" type="tts">はぐ</annotation> <!-- 1F607 smiling face with halo; angel; face; fairy tale; fantasy; halo; innocent; smile --> <annotation cp="😇">えがお | かお | てんしのわ</annotation> <annotation cp="😇" type="tts">えがおのてんし</annotation> <!-- 1F914 thinking face; face; thinking --> <annotation cp="🤔">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤔" type="tts">かんがえる</annotation> <!-- 1F610 neutral face; deadpan; face; neutral --> <annotation cp="😐">ふつう</annotation> <annotation cp="😐" type="tts">かお</annotation> <!-- 1F611 expressionless face; expressionless; face; inexpressive; unexpressive --> <annotation cp="😑">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😑" type="tts">むひょうじょう</annotation> <!-- 1F636 face without mouth; face; mouth; quiet; silent --> <annotation cp="😶">くちなし | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😶" type="tts">くちなしがお</annotation> <!-- 1F644 face with rolling eyes; eyes; face; rolling --> <annotation cp="🙄">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🙄" type="tts">うわめ</annotation> <!-- 1F60F smirking face; face; smirk --> <annotation cp="😏">ふっ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😏" type="tts">にやり</annotation> <!-- 1F623 persevering face; face; persevere --> <annotation cp="😣">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😣" type="tts">がまん</annotation> <!-- 1F625 disappointed but relieved face; disappointed; face; relieved; whew --> <annotation cp="😥">あせ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😥" type="tts">がっかり</annotation> <!-- 1F62E face with open mouth; face; mouth; open; sympathy --> <annotation cp="😮">かお | きょうかん</annotation> <annotation cp="😮" type="tts">あいたくち</annotation> <!-- 1F910 zipper-mouth face; face; mouth; zipper --> <annotation cp="🤐">かお | くち | ちゃっく</annotation> <annotation cp="🤐" type="tts">くちちゃっく</annotation> <!-- 1F62F hushed face; face; hushed; stunned; surprised --> <annotation cp="😯">かお | おどろき</annotation> <annotation cp="😯" type="tts">びっくりがお</annotation> <!-- 1F62A sleepy face; face; sleep --> <annotation cp="😪">ねる | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😪" type="tts">ねむい</annotation> <!-- 1F62B tired face; face; tired --> <annotation cp="😫">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😫" type="tts">つかれ</annotation> <!-- 1F634 sleeping face; face; sleep; zzz --> <annotation cp="😴">かお | ねる | zzz | ねむい</annotation> <annotation cp="😴" type="tts">ねむる</annotation> <!-- 1F60C relieved face; face; relieved --> <annotation cp="😌">かお | あんしん</annotation> <annotation cp="😌" type="tts">ほっ</annotation> <!-- 1F913 nerd face; face; geek; nerd --> <annotation cp="🤓">かお | めがね</annotation> <annotation cp="🤓" type="tts">おたく</annotation> <!-- 1F61B face with stuck-out tongue; face; tongue --> <annotation cp="😛">かお | した</annotation> <annotation cp="😛" type="tts">したべー</annotation> <!-- 1F61C face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye; eye; face; joke; tongue; wink --> <annotation cp="😜">かお | じょーく</annotation> <annotation cp="😜" type="tts">あっかんべー</annotation> <!-- 1F61D face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eyes; eye; face; horrible; taste; tongue --> <annotation cp="😝">した | べー | わーい | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😝" type="tts">めをとじてべー</annotation> <!-- 2639 frowning face; face; frown --> <annotation cp="☹">かお | しかめつら</annotation> <annotation cp="☹" type="tts">こまった</annotation> <!-- 1F641 slightly frowning face; face; frown --> <annotation cp="🙁">かお | しかめつら</annotation> <annotation cp="🙁" type="tts">すこしこまった</annotation> <!-- 1F612 unamused face; face; unamused; unhappy --> <annotation cp="😒">かお | しらけ | じとめ</annotation> <annotation cp="😒" type="tts">しらける</annotation> <!-- 1F613 face with cold sweat; cold; face; sweat --> <annotation cp="😓">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😓" type="tts">ひやあせ</annotation> <!-- 1F614 pensive face; dejected; face; pensive --> <annotation cp="😔">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😔" type="tts">しょぼーん</annotation> <!-- 1F615 confused face; confused; face --> <annotation cp="😕">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😕" type="tts">こんらん</annotation> <!-- 1F616 confounded face; confounded; face --> <annotation cp="😖">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😖" type="tts">こんわく</annotation> <!-- 1F643 upside-down face; face; upside-down --> <annotation cp="🙃">かお | さかさま</annotation> <annotation cp="🙃" type="tts">さかさまのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F637 face with medical mask; cold; doctor; face; mask; medicine; sick --> <annotation cp="😷">ますく | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😷" type="tts">かぜますく</annotation> <!-- 1F912 face with thermometer; face; ill; sick; thermometer --> <annotation cp="🤒">かお | ねつ | たいおんけい | びょうき</annotation> <annotation cp="🤒" type="tts">ねつをはかる</annotation> <!-- 1F915 face with head-bandage; bandage; face; hurt; injury --> <annotation cp="🤕">かお | けが | ほうたい</annotation> <annotation cp="🤕" type="tts">ほうたいをまく</annotation> <!-- 1F911 money-mouth face; face; money; mouth --> <annotation cp="🤑">かお | したべー | おかね</annotation> <annotation cp="🤑" type="tts">おかねのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F632 astonished face; astonished; face; shocked; totally --> <annotation cp="😲">かお | びっくり</annotation> <annotation cp="😲" type="tts">きょうがく</annotation> <!-- 1F61E disappointed face; disappointed; face --> <annotation cp="😞">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😞" type="tts">がっくり</annotation> <!-- 1F61F worried face; face; worried --> <annotation cp="😟">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😟" type="tts">しんぱい</annotation> <!-- 1F624 face with steam from nose; face; triumph; won --> <annotation cp="😤">かお | とくいげ | はないき</annotation> <annotation cp="😤" type="tts">ふんっ</annotation> <!-- 1F622 crying face; cry; face; sad; tear --> <annotation cp="😢">なく | かお | かなしい</annotation> <annotation cp="😢" type="tts">なきがお</annotation> <!-- 1F62D loudly crying face; cry; face; sad; sob; tear --> <annotation cp="😭">かお | なく | かなしい | なみだ</annotation> <annotation cp="😭" type="tts">おおなき</annotation> <!-- 1F626 frowning face with open mouth; face; frown; mouth; open --> <annotation cp="😦">しかめる | くち | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😦" type="tts">しかめがお</annotation> <!-- 1F627 anguished face; anguished; face --> <annotation cp="😧">くもん | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😧" type="tts">くのう</annotation> <!-- 1F628 fearful face; face; fear; fearful; scared --> <annotation cp="😨">がーん | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😨" type="tts">あおざめ</annotation> <!-- 1F629 weary face; face; tired; weary --> <annotation cp="😩">かお | つかれ</annotation> <annotation cp="😩" type="tts">あきらめ</annotation> <!-- 1F62C grimacing face; face; grimace --> <annotation cp="😬">しかめがお | かお | いー</annotation> <annotation cp="😬" type="tts">しかめっつら</annotation> <!-- 1F630 face with open mouth and cold sweat; blue; cold; face; mouth; open; rushed; sweat --> <annotation cp="😰">くちがあく | かお | あおざめ | ひやあせ</annotation> <annotation cp="😰" type="tts">ひやあせあおざめ</annotation> <!-- 1F631 face screaming in fear; face; fear; fearful; munch; scared; scream --> <annotation cp="😱">さけび | かお | がーん | しょっく</annotation> <annotation cp="😱" type="tts">きょうふ</annotation> <!-- 1F633 flushed face; dazed; face; flushed --> <annotation cp="😳">あかくなる | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😳" type="tts">せきめん</annotation> <!-- 1F635 dizzy face; dizzy; face --> <annotation cp="😵">ふらふら | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😵" type="tts">めまい</annotation> <!-- 1F621 pouting face; angry; face; mad; pouting; rage; red --> <annotation cp="😡">かんかん | かお | いかり</annotation> <annotation cp="😡" type="tts">ふくれっつら</annotation> <!-- 1F620 angry face; angry; face; mad --> <annotation cp="😠">かお | いかり</annotation> <annotation cp="😠" type="tts">ぷんぷん</annotation> <!-- 1F608 smiling face with horns; face; fairy tale; fantasy; horns; smile --> <annotation cp="😈">えがお | あくま | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😈" type="tts">あくまのえがお</annotation> <!-- 1F47F imp; demon; devil; face; fairy tale; fantasy --> <annotation cp="👿">かお | あくま</annotation> <annotation cp="👿" type="tts">あくまのこ</annotation> <!-- 1F479 ogre; creature; face; fairy tale; fantasy; japanese; monster --> <annotation cp="👹">なまはげ | おめん</annotation> <annotation cp="👹" type="tts">おに</annotation> <!-- 1F47A goblin; creature; face; fairy tale; fantasy; japanese; monster --> <annotation cp="👺">おめん</annotation> <annotation cp="👺" type="tts">てんぐ</annotation> <!-- 1F480 skull; body; death; face; fairy tale; monster --> <annotation cp="💀">かお | がいこつ</annotation> <annotation cp="💀" type="tts">どくろ</annotation> <!-- 2620 skull and crossbones; body; crossbones; death; face; monster; skull --> <annotation cp="☠">かお | すかる | どくろ | がいこつ</annotation> <annotation cp="☠" type="tts">どくろとほね</annotation> <!-- 1F47B ghost; creature; face; fairy tale; fantasy; monster --> <annotation cp="👻">ゆうれい | ゆーれい | ごーすと</annotation> <annotation cp="👻" type="tts">おばけ</annotation> <!-- 1F47D alien; creature; extraterrestrial; face; fairy tale; fantasy; monster; space; ufo --> <annotation cp="👽">うちゅうじん | かお | ゆーふぉー | UFO</annotation> <annotation cp="👽" type="tts">えいりあん</annotation> <!-- 1F47E alien monster; alien; creature; extraterrestrial; face; fairy tale; fantasy; monster; space; ufo --> <annotation cp="👾">えいりあん | もんすたー | いんべーだー</annotation> <annotation cp="👾" type="tts">うちゅうじん</annotation> <!-- 1F916 robot face; face; monster; robot --> <annotation cp="🤖">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🤖" type="tts">ろぼっと</annotation> <!-- 1F4A9 pile of poo; comic; dung; face; monster; poo; poop --> <annotation cp="💩">うんち</annotation> <annotation cp="💩" type="tts">うんこ</annotation> <!-- 1F63A smiling cat face with open mouth; cat; face; mouth; open; smile --> <annotation cp="😺">えがお | ねこ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😺" type="tts">くちがあいた</annotation> <!-- 1F638 grinning cat face with smiling eyes; cat; eye; face; grin; smile --> <annotation cp="😸">わらう | えがお | ねこ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="😸" type="tts">にやっ</annotation> <!-- 1F639 cat face with tears of joy; cat; face; joy; tear --> <annotation cp="😹">えがお | ねこ | かお | なみだ</annotation> <annotation cp="😹" type="tts">ねこのうれしなき</annotation> <!-- 1F63B smiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes; cat; eye; face; heart; love; smile --> <annotation cp="😻">えがお | ねこ | かお | はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="😻" type="tts">はーとのめ</annotation> <!-- 1F63C cat face with wry smile; cat; face; ironic; smile; wry --> <annotation cp="😼">ねこ | かお | にやり</annotation> <annotation cp="😼" type="tts">にがわらい</annotation> <!-- 1F63D kissing cat face with closed eyes; cat; eye; face; kiss --> <annotation cp="😽">ねこ | かお | きす</annotation> <annotation cp="😽" type="tts">ねこのきす</annotation> <!-- 1F640 weary cat face; cat; face; oh; surprised; weary --> <annotation cp="🙀">ねこ | かお | びっくり</annotation> <annotation cp="🙀" type="tts">ぜつぼう</annotation> <!-- 1F63F crying cat face; cat; cry; face; sad; tear --> <annotation cp="😿">ねこ | かお | なみだ | かなしい</annotation> <annotation cp="😿" type="tts">ねこのなみだ</annotation> <!-- 1F63E pouting cat face; cat; face; pouting --> <annotation cp="😾">ねこ | かお | ぷんぷん</annotation> <annotation cp="😾" type="tts">ふきげんなねこ</annotation> <!-- 1F648 see-no-evil; evil; face; forbidden; gesture; monkey; no; not; prohibited; see --> <annotation cp="🙈">さる</annotation> <annotation cp="🙈" type="tts">みざる</annotation> <!-- 1F649 hear-no-evil; evil; face; forbidden; gesture; hear; monkey; no; not; prohibited --> <annotation cp="🙉">きかざる | さる</annotation> <annotation cp="🙉" type="tts">きかざる</annotation> <!-- 1F64A speak-no-evil; evil; face; forbidden; gesture; monkey; no; not; prohibited; speak --> <annotation cp="🙊">さる</annotation> <annotation cp="🙊" type="tts">いわざる</annotation> <!-- 1F466 boy --> <annotation cp="👦">かお | こども | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👦" type="tts">おとこのこ</annotation> <!-- 1F467 girl; maiden; virgin; virgo; zodiac --> <annotation cp="👧">かお | こども | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👧" type="tts">おんなのこ</annotation> <!-- 1F468 man --> <annotation cp="👨">かお | だんせい</annotation> <annotation cp="👨" type="tts">おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚕">いしゃ | いし | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚕" type="tts">だんせいのいしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎓">せいと | そつぎょう | かくぼう | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎓" type="tts">だんしせいと</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🌾">のうふ | のうか | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🌾" type="tts">だんせいののうふ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🍳">こっく | りょうり | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🍳" type="tts">だんせいのこっく</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏫">せんせい | きょうし | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏫" type="tts">だんせいのきょうし</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏭">ようせつ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏭" type="tts">だんせいのようせつこう</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎨">がか | けいじゅつか | あーてぃすと | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎨" type="tts">だんせいげいじゅつか</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚒">しょうぼうし | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚒" type="tts">だんせいしょうぼうし</annotation> <annotation cp="👨✈">ぱいろっと | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨✈" type="tts">だんせいぱいろっと</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚀">うちゅうひこうし | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚀" type="tts">だんせいうちゅうひこうし</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎤">かしゅ | しんがー | あーてぃすと | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎤" type="tts">だんせいかしゅ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💻">こんぴゅーたー | ぱそこん | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💻" type="tts">ぱそこんをつかうおとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔬">かがくしゃ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔬" type="tts">だんせいかがくしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💼">すーつ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💼" type="tts">さらりーまん</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔧">すぱな | こうさく | めかにっく | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔧" type="tts">すぱなをもつおとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚖">さいばん | さいばんかん | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚖" type="tts">だんせいのさいばんかん</annotation> <!-- 1F469 woman --> <annotation cp="👩">かお | じょせい</annotation> <annotation cp="👩" type="tts">おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚕">いしゃ | いし | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚕" type="tts">じょせいのいしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎓">せいと | そつぎょう | かくぼう | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎓" type="tts">じょしせいと</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🌾">のうふ | のうか | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🌾" type="tts">じょせいののうふ</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🍳">こっく | りょうり | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🍳" type="tts">じょせいのこっく</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏫">せんせい | きょうし | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏫" type="tts">じょせいのきょうし</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏭">ようせつ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏭" type="tts">じょせいのようせつこう</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎨">がか | けいじゅつか | あーてぃすと | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎨" type="tts">じょせいげいじゅつか</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚒">しょうぼうし | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚒" type="tts">じょせいしょうぼうし</annotation> <annotation cp="👩✈">ぱいろっと | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩✈" type="tts">じょせいぱいろっと</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚀">うちゅうひこうし | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚀" type="tts">じょせいうちゅうひこうし</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎤">かしゅ | しんがー | あーてぃすと | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎤" type="tts">じょせいかしゅ</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💻">こんぴゅーたー | ぱそこん | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💻" type="tts">ぱそこんをつかうおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔬">かがくしゃ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔬" type="tts">じょせいかがくしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💼">さらりーまん | すーつ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💼" type="tts">おーえる</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔧">すぱな | こうさく | めかにっく | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔧" type="tts">すぱなをもつおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚖">さいばん | さいばんかん | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚖" type="tts">じょせいのさいばんかん</annotation> <!-- 1F474 old man; man; old --> <annotation cp="👴">おとしより | かお | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👴" type="tts">おじいさん</annotation> <!-- 1F475 old woman; old; woman --> <annotation cp="👵">おとしより | かお | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👵" type="tts">おばあさん</annotation> <!-- 1F476 baby --> <annotation cp="👶">かお | あかちゃん | べびー</annotation> <annotation cp="👶" type="tts">あかんぼう</annotation> <!-- 1F471 person with blond hair; blond --> <annotation cp="👱">かお | がいこくじん | がいじん | きんぱつ</annotation> <annotation cp="👱" type="tts">きんぱつのひと</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♀">きんぱつ | ぶろんど | がいじん | がいこくじん | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♀" type="tts">きんぱつのおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♂">きんぱつ | ぶろんど | がいじん | がいこくじん | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♂" type="tts">きんぱつのおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F46E police officer; cop; officer; police --> <annotation cp="👮">かお | けいかん | けいさつ</annotation> <annotation cp="👮" type="tts">おまわりさん</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♀">けいさつかん | けいかん | けいさつ | おまわりさん | ふけい | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♀" type="tts">じょせいけいさつかん</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♂">けいさつかん | けいかん | けいさつ | おまわりさん | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♂" type="tts">だんせいけいさつかん</annotation> <!-- 1F472 man with chinese cap; gua pi mao; hat; man --> <annotation cp="👲">おわんぼう | かお | ちゅうごくじん</annotation> <annotation cp="👲" type="tts">おわんぼうのひと</annotation> <!-- 1F473 man with turban; man; turban --> <annotation cp="👳">かお | いんどじん | たーばん</annotation> <annotation cp="👳" type="tts">たーばんのひと</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♀">たーばん | いんどじん | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♀" type="tts">たーばんのおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♂">たーばん | いんどじん | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♂" type="tts">たーばんのおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F477 construction worker; construction; hat; worker --> <annotation cp="👷">かお | へるめっと</annotation> <annotation cp="👷" type="tts">さぎょういん</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♀">さぎょういん | こうじ | かなづち | はんまー | とんかち | へるめっと | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♀" type="tts">かなづちをもつおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♂">さぎょういん | こうじ | かなづち | はんまー | とんかち | へるめっと | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♂" type="tts">かなづちをもつおとこ</annotation> <!-- 26D1 helmet with white cross; aid; cross; face; hat; helmet --> <annotation cp="⛑">きゅうきゅう | かお | へるめっと</annotation> <annotation cp="⛑" type="tts">しろじゅうじへるめっと</annotation> <!-- 1F478 princess; fairy tale; fantasy --> <annotation cp="👸">かお | おうじょ | くいーん | おひめさま</annotation> <annotation cp="👸" type="tts">ぷりんせす</annotation> <!-- 1F482 guardsman; guard --> <annotation cp="💂">かお | けいび | もんばん</annotation> <annotation cp="💂" type="tts">えいへい</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♀">えいへい | もんばん | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♀" type="tts">えいへいのじょせい</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♂">えいへい | もんばん | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♂" type="tts">えいへいのだんせい</annotation> <!-- 1F575 detective; sleuth; spy --> <annotation cp="🕵">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵" type="tts">たんてい</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♀">たんてい | むしめがね | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♀" type="tts">たんていのじょせい</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♂">たんてい | むしめがね | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♂" type="tts">たんていのだんせい</annotation> <!-- 1F385 santa claus; celebration; christmas; fairy tale; fantasy; father; santa --> <annotation cp="🎅">くりすます | さんたくろーす | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🎅" type="tts">さんた</annotation> <!-- 1F47C baby angel; angel; baby; face; fairy tale; fantasy --> <annotation cp="👼">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="👼" type="tts">てんし</annotation> <!-- 1F46F women partying; bunny; dancer; ear; girl; woman --> <annotation cp="👯">ばにー</annotation> <annotation cp="👯" type="tts">ばにーがーる</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♀">ばにー | ばにーがーる | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♀" type="tts">おどるばにーがーる</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♂">ばにー | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♂" type="tts">ばにーでおどるおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F486 face massage; massage; salon --> <annotation cp="💆">まっさーじ | えすて</annotation> <annotation cp="💆" type="tts">ふぇいすまっさーじ</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♀">えすて | ふぇいすまっさーじ | まっさーじ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♀" type="tts">ふぇいすまっさーじされるおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♂">えすて | ふぇいすまっさーじ | まっさーじ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♂" type="tts">ふぇいすまっさーじされるおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F487 haircut; barber; beauty; parlor --> <annotation cp="💇">さんぱつ | びよういん</annotation> <annotation cp="💇" type="tts">へあかっと</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♀">さんぱつ | へあかっと | びよういん | とこや | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♀" type="tts">さんぱつされるおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♂">さんぱつ | へあかっと | びよういん | とこや | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♂" type="tts">さんぱつされるおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F470 bride with veil; bride; veil; wedding --> <annotation cp="👰">けっこん | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="👰" type="tts">はなよめ</annotation> <!-- 1F64D person frowning; frown; gesture --> <annotation cp="🙍">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍" type="tts">しかめつら</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♀">しかめつら | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♀" type="tts">しかめつらのおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♂">しかめつら | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♂" type="tts">しかめつらのおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F64E person pouting; gesture; pouting --> <annotation cp="🙎">かお | ぷんぷん</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎" type="tts">ふきげん</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♀">ふきげん | ぷんぷん | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♀" type="tts">ふきげんなおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♂">ふきげん | ぷんぷん | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♂" type="tts">ふきげんなおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F645 gesturing no; forbidden; gesture; hand; no; not; prohibited --> <annotation cp="🙅">かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅" type="tts">だめ</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♀">NG | ばつ | だめ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♀" type="tts">うでをばつにしているおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♂">NG | ばつ | だめ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♂" type="tts">うでをばつにしているおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F646 gesturing ok; gesture; hand; ok --> <annotation cp="🙆">OK | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆" type="tts">うでおーけー</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♀">OK | まる | じぇすちゃー | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♀" type="tts">うでをまるにしているおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♂">OK | まる | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♂" type="tts">うでをまるにしているおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F481 information desk person; hand; help; information; sassy --> <annotation cp="💁">かお | うけつけじょう | うけつけ | あんない</annotation> <annotation cp="💁" type="tts">あんないがかり</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♀">あんない | じぇすちゃー | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♀" type="tts">あんないするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♂">あんない | じぇすちゃー | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♂" type="tts">あんないするおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F64B happy person raising hand; gesture; hand; happy; raised --> <annotation cp="🙋">てをあげるひと | てをあげる</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋" type="tts">きょしゅ</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♀">きょしゅ | てをあげる | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♀" type="tts">てをあげるおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♂">きょしゅ | てをあげる | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♂" type="tts">てをあげるおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F647 person bowing; apology; bow; gesture; sorry --> <annotation cp="🙇">ごめんなさい | おじぎするひと</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇" type="tts">おじぎ</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♀">おじぎ | どげざ | ごめんなさい | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♀" type="tts">おじぎするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♂">おじぎ | どげざ | ごめんなさい | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♂" type="tts">おじぎするおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F64C person raising hands; body; celebration; gesture; hand; hooray; raised --> <annotation cp="🙌">りょうてをあげるひと | てをあげる | りょうて | て</annotation> <annotation cp="🙌" type="tts">ばんざい</annotation> <!-- 1F64F folded hands; ask; body; bow; folded; gesture; hand; please; pray; thanks --> <annotation cp="🙏">てをあわせる | がっしょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🙏" type="tts">いのり</annotation> <!-- 1F5E3 speaking head; face; head; silhouette; speak; speaking --> <annotation cp="🗣">かお | しるえっと | はなす</annotation> <annotation cp="🗣" type="tts">はなすよこがお</annotation> <!-- 1F464 bust in silhouette; bust; silhouette --> <annotation cp="👤">じょうはんしん | しるえっと | ひとり</annotation> <annotation cp="👤" type="tts">ひとかげ</annotation> <!-- 1F465 busts in silhouette; bust; silhouette --> <annotation cp="👥">じょうはんしん | しるえっと | ふたり</annotation> <annotation cp="👥" type="tts">ひとかげたち</annotation> <!-- 1F6B6 pedestrian; hike; walk; walking --> <annotation cp="🚶">あるき | うぉーきんぐ | あるく | ほこう</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶" type="tts">ほこうしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♀">あるき | あるく | うぉーきんぐ | ほこう | ほこうしゃ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♀" type="tts">あるくおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♂">あるき | あるく | うぉーきんぐ | ほこう | ほこうしゃ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♂" type="tts">あるくおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F3C3 runner; marathon; running --> <annotation cp="🏃">まらそん | はしる | らんにんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃" type="tts">らんなー</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♀">らんなー | らんにんぐ | はしる | まらそん | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♀" type="tts">はしるおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♂">らんなー | らんにんぐ | はしる | まらそん | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♂" type="tts">はしるおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F483 dancer --> <annotation cp="💃">だんす | ふらめんこ</annotation> <annotation cp="💃" type="tts">だんさー</annotation> <!-- 1F574 man in business suit levitating; business; man; suit --> <annotation cp="🕴">びじねすまん | すーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕴" type="tts">ういてるびじねすまん</annotation> <!-- 1F48F kiss; couple; romance --> <annotation cp="💏">かっぷる | ろまんす | はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="💏" type="tts">ふたりできす</annotation> <!-- 1F491 couple with heart; couple; heart; love; romance --> <annotation cp="💑">こいびと | かっぷる | あつあつ | はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="💑" type="tts">はーとのかっぷる</annotation> <!-- 1F46A family; child; father; mother --> <annotation cp="👪">おやこ</annotation> <annotation cp="👪" type="tts">かぞく</annotation> <!-- 1F46B man and woman holding hands; couple; hand; hold; man; woman --> <annotation cp="👫">ふたり | だんじょ</annotation> <annotation cp="👫" type="tts">かっぷる</annotation> <!-- 1F46C two men holding hands; couple; gemini; hand; hold; man; twins; zodiac --> <annotation cp="👬">ふたり | おとこどうし</annotation> <annotation cp="👬" type="tts">おとこたち</annotation> <!-- 1F46D two women holding hands; couple; hand; hold; woman --> <annotation cp="👭">ふたり | おんなどうし</annotation> <annotation cp="👭" type="tts">おんなたち</annotation> <!-- 1F3FB skin type-1-2; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏻">はだのいろ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏻" type="tts">はだいろ1–2</annotation> <!-- 1F3FC skin type-3; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏼">はだのいろ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏼" type="tts">はだいろ3</annotation> <!-- 1F3FD skin type-4; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏽">はだのいろ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏽" type="tts">はだいろ4</annotation> <!-- 1F3FE skin type-5; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏾">はだのいろ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏾" type="tts">はだいろ5</annotation> <!-- 1F3FF skin type-6; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏿">はだのいろ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏿" type="tts">はだいろ6</annotation> <!-- 1F4AA flexed biceps; biceps; body; comic; flex; muscle --> <annotation cp="💪">きんにく</annotation> <annotation cp="💪" type="tts">ちからこぶ</annotation> <!-- 1F448 backhand index pointing left; backhand; body; finger; hand; index; point --> <annotation cp="👈">て | やじるし | ゆびさし | ゆびさす | ひだり</annotation> <annotation cp="👈" type="tts">ひだりゆびさし</annotation> <!-- 1F449 backhand index pointing right; backhand; body; finger; hand; index; point --> <annotation cp="👉">て | やじるし | ゆびさし | ゆびさす | みぎ</annotation> <annotation cp="👉" type="tts">みぎゆびさし</annotation> <!-- 261D index pointing up; body; finger; hand; index; point; up --> <annotation cp="☝">て | やじるし | ゆびさし | ゆびさす | うえ</annotation> <annotation cp="☝" type="tts">うえゆびさし</annotation> <!-- 1F446 backhand index pointing up; backhand; body; finger; hand; index; point; up --> <annotation cp="👆">て | やじるし | ゆびさし | ゆびさす | うえ</annotation> <annotation cp="👆" type="tts">てのこううえゆびさし</annotation> <!-- 1F595 middle finger; body; finger; hand --> <annotation cp="🖕">て | やじるし | ゆびさし | ゆびさす | うえ</annotation> <annotation cp="🖕" type="tts">なかゆび</annotation> <!-- 1F447 backhand index pointing down; backhand; body; down; finger; hand; index; point --> <annotation cp="👇">て | やじるし | ゆびさし | ゆびさす | した</annotation> <annotation cp="👇" type="tts">したゆびさし</annotation> <!-- 270C victory hand; body; hand; v; victory --> <annotation cp="✌">ぴーす | て</annotation> <annotation cp="✌" type="tts">ぶいさいん</annotation> <!-- 1F596 vulcan salute; body; finger; hand; spock; vulcan --> <annotation cp="🖖">て | ばるかんじん | すぽっく</annotation> <annotation cp="🖖" type="tts">ばるかんのあいさつ</annotation> <!-- 1F918 sign of the horns; body; finger; hand; horns; rock-on --> <annotation cp="🤘">きつね | て</annotation> <annotation cp="🤘" type="tts">つの</annotation> <!-- 1F590 raised hand with fingers splayed; body; finger; hand; splayed --> <annotation cp="🖐">て</annotation> <annotation cp="🖐" type="tts">ぱー</annotation> <!-- 270A raised fist; body; clenched; fist; hand; punch --> <annotation cp="✊">ぐー | て</annotation> <annotation cp="✊" type="tts">げんこつ</annotation> <!-- 270B raised hand; body; hand --> <annotation cp="✋">ぱー | て</annotation> <annotation cp="✋" type="tts">てのひら</annotation> <!-- 1F44A oncoming fist; body; clenched; fist; hand; punch --> <annotation cp="👊">て | ぱんち | げんこつ</annotation> <annotation cp="👊" type="tts">ぐー</annotation> <!-- 1F44C ok hand; body; hand; ok --> <annotation cp="👌">OK | て | おーけー</annotation> <annotation cp="👌" type="tts">ておーけー</annotation> <!-- 1F44D thumbs up; +1; body; hand; thumb; up --> <annotation cp="👍">おーけー | ぐっど | さむあっぷ | うえ | て | おっけー | おやゆび | OK</annotation> <annotation cp="👍" type="tts">さむずあっぷ</annotation> <!-- 1F44E thumbs down; -1; body; down; hand; thumb --> <annotation cp="👎">した | ぶーいんぐ | て | NG | だめ</annotation> <annotation cp="👎" type="tts">さむずだうん</annotation> <!-- 1F44B waving hand; body; hand; wave; waving --> <annotation cp="👋">て | さよなら</annotation> <annotation cp="👋" type="tts">ばいばい</annotation> <!-- 1F44F clapping hands; body; clap; hand --> <annotation cp="👏">て | ぱちぱち</annotation> <annotation cp="👏" type="tts">はくしゅ</annotation> <!-- 1F450 open hands; body; hand; open --> <annotation cp="👐">てのひら | て | おっはー</annotation> <annotation cp="👐" type="tts">りょうてのひら</annotation> <!-- 270D writing hand; body; hand; write --> <annotation cp="✍">て | てがき</annotation> <annotation cp="✍" type="tts">てでかく</annotation> <!-- 1F485 nail polish; body; care; cosmetics; manicure; nail; polish --> <annotation cp="💅">つめ | ねいる</annotation> <annotation cp="💅" type="tts">まにきゅあ</annotation> <annotation cp="👂">みみ</annotation> <annotation cp="👂" type="tts">みみ</annotation> <annotation cp="👃">はな</annotation> <annotation cp="👃" type="tts">はな</annotation> <!-- 1F463 footprints; body; clothing; footprint; print --> <annotation cp="👣">あし</annotation> <annotation cp="👣" type="tts">あしあと</annotation> <!-- 1F440 eyes; body; eye; face --> <annotation cp="👀">りょうめ</annotation> <annotation cp="👀" type="tts">め</annotation> <!-- 1F441 eye; body --> <annotation cp="👁">め | かため</annotation> <annotation cp="👁" type="tts">ひとつめ</annotation> <annotation cp="👁🗨">め | ふきだし</annotation> <annotation cp="👁🗨" type="tts">ふきだしのめ</annotation> <!-- 1F445 tongue; body --> <annotation cp="👅">べろ</annotation> <annotation cp="👅" type="tts">した</annotation> <!-- 1F444 mouth; body; lips --> <annotation cp="👄">くちびる | きす</annotation> <annotation cp="👄" type="tts">くち</annotation> <!-- 1F48B kiss mark; heart; kiss; lips; mark; romance --> <annotation cp="💋">くちびる | きす</annotation> <annotation cp="💋" type="tts">きすまーく</annotation> <!-- 1F498 heart with arrow; arrow; cupid; heart; romance --> <annotation cp="💘">はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="💘" type="tts">はーとのや</annotation> <!-- 2764 red heart; heart --> <annotation cp="❤">はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="❤" type="tts">あかいはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F493 beating heart; beating; heart; heartbeat; pulsating --> <annotation cp="💓">はーと | どきどき</annotation> <annotation cp="💓" type="tts">どきどきはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F494 broken heart; break; broken; heart --> <annotation cp="💔">はーと | しつれん</annotation> <annotation cp="💔" type="tts">われたはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F495 two hearts; heart; love --> <annotation cp="💕">はーと | らぶ</annotation> <annotation cp="💕" type="tts">ふたつのはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F496 sparkling heart; excited; heart; sparkle --> <annotation cp="💖">はーと | きらきら</annotation> <annotation cp="💖" type="tts">きらきらはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F497 growing heart; excited; growing; heart; heartpulse; nervous --> <annotation cp="💗">はーと | どきどき</annotation> <annotation cp="💗" type="tts">おおきくなるはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F499 blue heart; blue; heart --> <annotation cp="💙">はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="💙" type="tts">あおいはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F49A green heart; green; heart --> <annotation cp="💚">はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="💚" type="tts">みどりのはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F49B yellow heart; heart; yellow --> <annotation cp="💛">はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="💛" type="tts">きいろのはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F49C purple heart; heart; purple --> <annotation cp="💜">はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="💜" type="tts">むらさきのはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F49D heart with ribbon; heart; ribbon; valentine --> <annotation cp="💝">ばれんたいん | ばれんたいんでー | はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="💝" type="tts">はーとにりぼん</annotation> <!-- 1F49E revolving hearts; heart; revolving --> <annotation cp="💞">はーと | かわいい</annotation> <annotation cp="💞" type="tts">かいてんするはーと</annotation> <!-- 1F49F heart decoration; heart --> <annotation cp="💟">はーとでこれーしょん | はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="💟" type="tts">はーとでこ</annotation> <!-- 2763 heavy heart exclamation mark ornament; exclamation; heart; mark; punctuation --> <annotation cp="❣">はーと | びっくりまーく</annotation> <annotation cp="❣" type="tts">はーとのびっくり</annotation> <annotation cp="💌">てがみ | こいぶみ | ふうとう | はーと</annotation> <annotation cp="💌" type="tts">らぶれたー</annotation> <!-- 1F4A4 zzz; comic; sleep --> <annotation cp="💤">Zzz | ねる | いびき</annotation> <annotation cp="💤" type="tts">ぐーぐー</annotation> <!-- 1F4A2 anger symbol; angry; comic; mad --> <annotation cp="💢">#</annotation> <annotation cp="💢" type="tts">むかっ</annotation> <annotation cp="💣">ばくだん</annotation> <annotation cp="💣" type="tts">ばくだん</annotation> <!-- 1F4A5 collision; boom; comic --> <annotation cp="💥">しょうげき | どんっ</annotation> <annotation cp="💥" type="tts">しょうとつ</annotation> <!-- 1F4A6 sweat droplets; comic; splashing; sweat --> <annotation cp="💦">あせ</annotation> <annotation cp="💦" type="tts">あせあせ</annotation> <!-- 1F4A8 dashing; comic; dash; running --> <annotation cp="💨">はしる</annotation> <annotation cp="💨" type="tts">だっしゅ</annotation> <!-- 1F4AB dizzy; comic; star --> <annotation cp="💫">ほし</annotation> <annotation cp="💫" type="tts">くらくら</annotation> <!-- 1F4AC speech balloon; balloon; bubble; comic; dialog; speech --> <annotation cp="💬">ふきだし</annotation> <annotation cp="💬" type="tts">せりふのふきだし</annotation> <!-- 1F5E8 left speech bubble; dialog; speech --> <annotation cp="🗨">ふきだし</annotation> <annotation cp="🗨" type="tts">ふきだしひだり</annotation> <!-- 1F5EF right anger bubble; angry; balloon; bubble; mad --> <annotation cp="🗯">ふきだし</annotation> <annotation cp="🗯" type="tts">いかりのふきだし</annotation> <annotation cp="💭">ふきだし</annotation> <annotation cp="💭" type="tts">くもがたのふきだし</annotation> <annotation cp="🕳">あな</annotation> <annotation cp="🕳" type="tts">あな</annotation> <annotation cp="👓">めがね</annotation> <annotation cp="👓" type="tts">めがね</annotation> <annotation cp="🕶">めがね</annotation> <annotation cp="🕶" type="tts">さんぐらす</annotation> <!-- 1F454 necktie; clothing --> <annotation cp="👔">しゃつ | わいしゃつ | ふく</annotation> <annotation cp="👔" type="tts">ねくたい</annotation> <!-- 1F455 t-shirt; clothing; shirt; tshirt --> <annotation cp="👕">しゃつ | ふく | Tしゃつ</annotation> <annotation cp="👕" type="tts">てぃーしゃつ</annotation> <!-- 1F456 jeans; clothing; pants; trousers --> <annotation cp="👖">ぱんつ | じーんず | じーぱん | ふく</annotation> <annotation cp="👖" type="tts">ずぼん</annotation> <!-- 1F457 dress; clothing --> <annotation cp="👗">どれす | ふく</annotation> <annotation cp="👗" type="tts">わんぴーす</annotation> <!-- 1F458 kimono; clothing --> <annotation cp="👘">ふく</annotation> <annotation cp="👘" type="tts">きもの</annotation> <!-- 1F459 bikini; clothing; swim --> <annotation cp="👙">みずぎ</annotation> <annotation cp="👙" type="tts">びきに</annotation> <!-- 1F45A woman’s clothes; clothing; woman --> <annotation cp="👚">ふく | しゃつ</annotation> <annotation cp="👚" type="tts">ふじんふく</annotation> <!-- 1F45B purse; clothing; coin --> <annotation cp="👛">さいふ</annotation> <annotation cp="👛" type="tts">がまぐち</annotation> <!-- 1F45C handbag; bag; clothing --> <annotation cp="👜">ばっぐ | かばん</annotation> <annotation cp="👜" type="tts">はんどばっぐ</annotation> <!-- 1F45D pouch; bag; clothing --> <annotation cp="👝">ばっぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="👝" type="tts">ぽーち</annotation> <!-- 1F6CD shopping bags; bag; hotel; shopping --> <annotation cp="🛍">ばっぐ | かみぶくろ</annotation> <annotation cp="🛍" type="tts">かみてさげ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎒">がっこう | しょうがっこう | しょうがくせい</annotation> <annotation cp="🎒" type="tts">らんどせる</annotation> <!-- 1F45E man’s shoe; clothing; man; shoe --> <annotation cp="👞">くつ | かわぐつ</annotation> <annotation cp="👞" type="tts">しんしぐつ</annotation> <!-- 1F45F running shoe; athletic; clothing; shoe; sneaker --> <annotation cp="👟">くつ</annotation> <annotation cp="👟" type="tts">すにーかー</annotation> <!-- 1F460 high-heeled shoe; clothing; heel; shoe; woman --> <annotation cp="👠">くつ</annotation> <annotation cp="👠" type="tts">はいひーる</annotation> <!-- 1F461 woman’s sandal; clothing; sandal; shoe; woman --> <annotation cp="👡">くつ</annotation> <annotation cp="👡" type="tts">さんだる</annotation> <!-- 1F462 woman’s boot; boot; clothing; shoe; woman --> <annotation cp="👢">くつ | ぶーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="👢" type="tts">ろんぐぶーつ</annotation> <!-- 1F451 crown; clothing; king; queen --> <annotation cp="👑">かんむり | くらうん</annotation> <annotation cp="👑" type="tts">おうかん</annotation> <!-- 1F452 woman’s hat; clothing; hat; woman --> <annotation cp="👒">ぼうし | むぎわら | むぎわらぼうし</annotation> <annotation cp="👒" type="tts">じょせいぼうし</annotation> <!-- 1F3A9 top hat; clothing; hat; top; tophat --> <annotation cp="🎩">ぼうし</annotation> <annotation cp="🎩" type="tts">しるくはっと</annotation> <!-- 1F393 graduation cap; cap; celebration; clothing; graduation; hat --> <annotation cp="🎓">ぼうし | かくぼう</annotation> <annotation cp="🎓" type="tts">そつぎょうしき</annotation> <annotation cp="📿">いのり | いのる | ろざりお | ねっくれす</annotation> <annotation cp="📿" type="tts">じゅず</annotation> <!-- 1F484 lipstick; cosmetics; makeup --> <annotation cp="💄">りっぷすてぃっく | りっぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="💄" type="tts">くちべに</annotation> <!-- 1F48D ring; diamond; romance --> <annotation cp="💍">じゅえりー | りんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="💍" type="tts">ゆびわ</annotation> <!-- 1F48E gem stone; diamond; gem; jewel; romance --> <annotation cp="💎">だいや | だいあ</annotation> <annotation cp="💎" type="tts">ほうせき</annotation> <!-- 1F435 monkey face; face; monkey --> <annotation cp="🐵">さる | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐵" type="tts">さるのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F412 monkey --> <annotation cp="🐒">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐒" type="tts">さる</annotation> <!-- 1F436 dog face; dog; face; pet --> <annotation cp="🐶">いぬ | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐶" type="tts">いぬのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F415 dog; pet --> <annotation cp="🐕">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐕" type="tts">いぬ</annotation> <!-- 1F429 poodle; dog --> <annotation cp="🐩">いぬ | どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐩" type="tts">ぷーどる</annotation> <!-- 1F43A wolf face; face; wolf --> <annotation cp="🐺">おおかみ | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐺" type="tts">おおかみのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F431 cat face; cat; face; pet --> <annotation cp="🐱">ねこ | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐱" type="tts">ねこのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F408 cat; pet --> <annotation cp="🐈">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐈" type="tts">ねこ</annotation> <!-- 1F981 lion face; face; leo; lion; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🦁">どうぶつ | らいおん | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🦁" type="tts">らいおんのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F42F tiger face; face; tiger --> <annotation cp="🐯">とら | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐯" type="tts">とらのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F405 tiger --> <annotation cp="🐅">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐅" type="tts">とら</annotation> <!-- 1F406 leopard --> <annotation cp="🐆">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐆" type="tts">ひょう</annotation> <!-- 1F434 horse face; face; horse --> <annotation cp="🐴">どうぶつ | うま | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐴" type="tts">うまのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F40E horse; racehorse; racing --> <annotation cp="🐎">どうぶつ | けいば</annotation> <annotation cp="🐎" type="tts">うま</annotation> <!-- 1F984 unicorn face; face; unicorn --> <annotation cp="🦄">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦄" type="tts">ゆにこーん</annotation> <!-- 1F42E cow face; cow; face --> <annotation cp="🐮">うし | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐮" type="tts">うしのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F402 ox; bull; taurus; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🐂">うし | どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐂" type="tts">おうし</annotation> <!-- 1F403 water buffalo; buffalo; water --> <annotation cp="🐃">ばっふぁろー | どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐃" type="tts">すいぎゅう</annotation> <!-- 1F404 cow --> <annotation cp="🐄">うし | どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐄" type="tts">めうし</annotation> <!-- 1F437 pig face; face; pig --> <annotation cp="🐷">ぶた | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐷" type="tts">ぶたのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F416 pig; sow --> <annotation cp="🐖">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐖" type="tts">ぶた</annotation> <!-- 1F417 boar; pig --> <annotation cp="🐗">のぶた | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐗" type="tts">いのしし</annotation> <!-- 1F43D pig nose; face; nose; pig --> <annotation cp="🐽">ぶた | はな</annotation> <annotation cp="🐽" type="tts">ぶたばな</annotation> <!-- 1F40F ram; aries; sheep; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🐏">ひつじ | どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐏" type="tts">おひつじ</annotation> <!-- 1F411 sheep; ewe --> <annotation cp="🐑">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐑" type="tts">ひつじ</annotation> <!-- 1F410 goat; capricorn; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🐐">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐐" type="tts">やぎ</annotation> <!-- 1F42A camel; dromedary; hump --> <annotation cp="🐪">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐪" type="tts">らくだ</annotation> <!-- 1F42B two-hump camel; bactrian; camel; hump --> <annotation cp="🐫">どうぶつ | らくだ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐫" type="tts">ふたこぶらくだ</annotation> <!-- 1F418 elephant --> <annotation cp="🐘">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐘" type="tts">ぞう</annotation> <!-- 1F42D mouse face; face; mouse --> <annotation cp="🐭">どうぶつ | ねずみ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐭" type="tts">ねずみのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F401 mouse --> <annotation cp="🐁">まうす | どうぶつ | ねずみ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐁" type="tts">はつかねずみ</annotation> <!-- 1F400 rat --> <annotation cp="🐀">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐀" type="tts">ねずみ</annotation> <!-- 1F439 hamster face; face; hamster; pet --> <annotation cp="🐹">はむすたー | ねずみ | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐹" type="tts">はむすたーのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F430 rabbit face; bunny; face; pet; rabbit --> <annotation cp="🐰">どうぶつ | うさぎ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐰" type="tts">うさぎのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F407 rabbit; bunny; pet --> <annotation cp="🐇">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐇" type="tts">うさぎ</annotation> <!-- 1F43F chipmunk --> <annotation cp="🐿">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐿" type="tts">りす</annotation> <!-- 1F43B bear face; bear; face --> <annotation cp="🐻">くま | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐻" type="tts">くまのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F428 koala; bear --> <annotation cp="🐨">どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐨" type="tts">こあら</annotation> <!-- 1F43C panda face; face; panda --> <annotation cp="🐼">ぱんだ | どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐼" type="tts">ぱんだのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F43E paw prints; feet; paw; print --> <annotation cp="🐾">どうぶつ | あしあと</annotation> <annotation cp="🐾" type="tts">いぬのあしあと</annotation> <!-- 1F983 turkey --> <annotation cp="🦃">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦃" type="tts">しちめんちょう</annotation> <!-- 1F414 chicken --> <annotation cp="🐔">どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐔" type="tts">にわとり</annotation> <!-- 1F413 rooster --> <annotation cp="🐓">どうぶつ | にわとり</annotation> <annotation cp="🐓" type="tts">おんどり</annotation> <!-- 1F423 hatching chick; baby; chick; hatching --> <annotation cp="🐣">どうぶつ | ひよこ | たまご</annotation> <annotation cp="🐣" type="tts">ひなどり</annotation> <!-- 1F424 baby chick; baby; chick --> <annotation cp="🐤">どうぶつ | ひよこ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐤" type="tts">ひよこのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F425 front-facing baby chick; baby; chick --> <annotation cp="🐥">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐥" type="tts">ひよこ</annotation> <!-- 1F426 bird --> <annotation cp="🐦">どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐦" type="tts">とり</annotation> <!-- 1F427 penguin --> <annotation cp="🐧">どうぶつ | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐧" type="tts">ぺんぎん</annotation> <!-- 1F54A dove; bird; fly; peace --> <annotation cp="🕊">どうぶつ | とり | へいわ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕊" type="tts">はと</annotation> <!-- 1F438 frog face; face; frog --> <annotation cp="🐸">かえる | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🐸" type="tts">かえるのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F40A crocodile --> <annotation cp="🐊">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐊" type="tts">わに</annotation> <!-- 1F422 turtle --> <annotation cp="🐢">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐢" type="tts">かめ</annotation> <!-- 1F40D snake; bearer; ophiuchus; serpent; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🐍">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐍" type="tts">へび</annotation> <!-- 1F432 dragon face; dragon; face; fairy tale --> <annotation cp="🐲">たつ | りゅう | どうぶつ | かお | どらごん</annotation> <annotation cp="🐲" type="tts">りゅうのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F409 dragon; fairy tale --> <annotation cp="🐉">どうぶつ | たつ | どらごん</annotation> <annotation cp="🐉" type="tts">りゅう</annotation> <!-- 1F433 spouting whale; face; spouting; whale --> <annotation cp="🐳">くじら | しお | しおふき | どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐳" type="tts">しおふきくじら</annotation> <!-- 1F40B whale --> <annotation cp="🐋">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐋" type="tts">くじら</annotation> <!-- 1F42C dolphin; flipper --> <annotation cp="🐬">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐬" type="tts">いるか</annotation> <!-- 1F41F fish; pisces; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🐟">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐟" type="tts">さかな</annotation> <!-- 1F420 tropical fish; fish; tropical --> <annotation cp="🐠">どうぶつ | さかな</annotation> <annotation cp="🐠" type="tts">ねったいぎょ</annotation> <!-- 1F421 blowfish; fish --> <annotation cp="🐡">どうぶつ | さかな</annotation> <annotation cp="🐡" type="tts">ふぐ</annotation> <!-- 1F419 octopus --> <annotation cp="🐙">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐙" type="tts">たこ</annotation> <!-- 1F41A spiral shell; shell; spiral --> <annotation cp="🐚">まきがい | どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🐚" type="tts">かい</annotation> <!-- 1F980 crab; cancer; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🦀">どうぶつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🦀" type="tts">かに</annotation> <!-- 1F40C snail --> <annotation cp="🐌">むし | でんでんむし</annotation> <annotation cp="🐌" type="tts">かたつむり</annotation> <!-- 1F41B bug; insect --> <annotation cp="🐛">むし | いもむし</annotation> <annotation cp="🐛" type="tts">けむし</annotation> <!-- 1F41C ant; insect --> <annotation cp="🐜">むし</annotation> <annotation cp="🐜" type="tts">あり</annotation> <!-- 1F41D honeybee; bee; insect --> <annotation cp="🐝">むし | はち</annotation> <annotation cp="🐝" type="tts">みつばち</annotation> <!-- 1F41E lady beetle; beetle; insect; ladybird; ladybug --> <annotation cp="🐞">むし</annotation> <annotation cp="🐞" type="tts">てんとうむし</annotation> <!-- 1F577 spider; insect --> <annotation cp="🕷">むし | くも</annotation> <annotation cp="🕷" type="tts">すぱいだー</annotation> <!-- 1F578 spider web; spider; web --> <annotation cp="🕸">くも</annotation> <annotation cp="🕸" type="tts">くものす</annotation> <!-- 1F982 scorpion; scorpio; scorpius; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🦂">むし</annotation> <annotation cp="🦂" type="tts">さそり</annotation> <!-- 1F490 bouquet; flower; plant; romance --> <annotation cp="💐">ぶーけ</annotation> <annotation cp="💐" type="tts">はなたば</annotation> <!-- 1F338 cherry blossom; blossom; cherry; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌸">はな</annotation> <annotation cp="🌸" type="tts">さくら</annotation> <!-- 1F4AE white flower; flower --> <annotation cp="💮">はなまる</annotation> <annotation cp="💮" type="tts">よくできました</annotation> <!-- 1F3F5 rosette; plant --> <annotation cp="🏵">はな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏵" type="tts">ろぜっと</annotation> <!-- 1F339 rose; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌹">はな</annotation> <annotation cp="🌹" type="tts">ばら</annotation> <!-- 1F33A hibiscus; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌺">はな</annotation> <annotation cp="🌺" type="tts">はいびすかす</annotation> <!-- 1F33B sunflower; flower; plant; sun --> <annotation cp="🌻">はな</annotation> <annotation cp="🌻" type="tts">ひまわり</annotation> <!-- 1F33C blossom; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌼">はな</annotation> <annotation cp="🌼" type="tts">さいたはな</annotation> <!-- 1F337 tulip; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌷">はな</annotation> <annotation cp="🌷" type="tts">ちゅーりっぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="☘">しゃむろっく</annotation> <annotation cp="☘" type="tts">くろーばー</annotation> <!-- 1F331 seedling; plant; young --> <annotation cp="🌱">め | ふたば</annotation> <annotation cp="🌱" type="tts">しんめ</annotation> <!-- 1F332 evergreen; plant; tree --> <annotation cp="🌲">き</annotation> <annotation cp="🌲" type="tts">じょうりょくじゅ</annotation> <!-- 1F333 deciduous tree; deciduous; plant; shedding; tree --> <annotation cp="🌳">き</annotation> <annotation cp="🌳" type="tts">らくようじゅ</annotation> <!-- 1F334 palm tree; palm; plant; tree --> <annotation cp="🌴">き | やし</annotation> <annotation cp="🌴" type="tts">やしのき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌵">さぼてん</annotation> <annotation cp="🌵" type="tts">さぼてん</annotation> <!-- 1F33E sheaf of rice; ear; plant; rice --> <annotation cp="🌾">くさ | すすき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌾" type="tts">いね</annotation> <!-- 1F33F herb; leaf; plant --> <annotation cp="🌿">は | くさ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌿" type="tts">はーぶ</annotation> <!-- 1F340 four leaf clover; 4; clover; four; leaf; plant --> <annotation cp="🍀">くろーばー</annotation> <annotation cp="🍀" type="tts">よつば</annotation> <!-- 1F341 maple leaf; falling; leaf; maple; plant --> <annotation cp="🍁">かえで | こうよう</annotation> <annotation cp="🍁" type="tts">もみじ</annotation> <!-- 1F342 fallen leaf; falling; leaf; plant --> <annotation cp="🍂">おちば | このは</annotation> <annotation cp="🍂" type="tts">かれは</annotation> <!-- 1F343 leaf fluttering in wind; blow; flutter; leaf; plant; wind --> <annotation cp="🍃">かぜ | おちば</annotation> <annotation cp="🍃" type="tts">このは</annotation> <!-- 1F347 grapes; fruit; grape; plant --> <annotation cp="🍇">くだもの | ぐれーぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍇" type="tts">ぶどう</annotation> <!-- 1F348 melon; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍈">くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍈" type="tts">めろん</annotation> <!-- 1F349 watermelon; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍉">くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍉" type="tts">すいか</annotation> <!-- 1F34A tangerine; fruit; orange; plant --> <annotation cp="🍊">おれんじ | くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍊" type="tts">みかん</annotation> <!-- 1F34B lemon; citrus; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍋">くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍋" type="tts">れもん</annotation> <!-- 1F34C banana; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍌">くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍌" type="tts">ばなな</annotation> <!-- 1F34D pineapple; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍍">ぱいん | くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍍" type="tts">ぱいなっぷる</annotation> <!-- 1F34E red apple; apple; fruit; plant; red --> <annotation cp="🍎">りんご | あっぷる | くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍎" type="tts">あかりんご</annotation> <!-- 1F34F green apple; apple; fruit; green; plant --> <annotation cp="🍏">りんご | あっぷる | くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍏" type="tts">あおりんご</annotation> <!-- 1F350 pear; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍐">なし | くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍐" type="tts">せいようなし</annotation> <!-- 1F351 peach; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍑">くだもの | ぴーち</annotation> <annotation cp="🍑" type="tts">もも</annotation> <!-- 1F352 cherries; cherry; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍒">ちぇりー | くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍒" type="tts">さくらんぼ</annotation> <!-- 1F353 strawberry; berry; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍓">すとろべりー | くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍓" type="tts">いちご</annotation> <!-- 1F345 tomato; plant; vegetable --> <annotation cp="🍅">やさい</annotation> <annotation cp="🍅" type="tts">とまと</annotation> <!-- 1F346 eggplant; aubergine; plant; vegetable --> <annotation cp="🍆">やさい</annotation> <annotation cp="🍆" type="tts">なす</annotation> <!-- 1F33D ear of corn; corn; ear; maize; maze; plant --> <annotation cp="🌽">こーん | やさい</annotation> <annotation cp="🌽" type="tts">とうもろこし</annotation> <!-- 1F336 hot pepper; hot; pepper; plant --> <annotation cp="🌶">やさい</annotation> <annotation cp="🌶" type="tts">とうがらし</annotation> <annotation cp="🍄">きのこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍄" type="tts">きのこ</annotation> <!-- 1F330 chestnut; plant --> <annotation cp="🌰">くだもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🌰" type="tts">くり</annotation> <!-- 1F35E bread; loaf --> <annotation cp="🍞">ぱん</annotation> <annotation cp="🍞" type="tts">しょくぱん</annotation> <annotation cp="🧀">ちーず</annotation> <annotation cp="🧀" type="tts">ちーず</annotation> <!-- 1F356 meat on bone; bone; meat --> <annotation cp="🍖">にく | ももにく</annotation> <annotation cp="🍖" type="tts">ほねつきにく</annotation> <!-- 1F357 poultry leg; bone; chicken; leg; poultry --> <annotation cp="🍗">にく | ほねつきにく | ももにく</annotation> <annotation cp="🍗" type="tts">とりももにく</annotation> <!-- 1F354 hamburger; burger --> <annotation cp="🍔">はんばーがー</annotation> <annotation cp="🍔" type="tts">ばーがー</annotation> <!-- 1F35F french fries; french; fries --> <annotation cp="🍟">ぽてと</annotation> <annotation cp="🍟" type="tts">ふらいどぽてと</annotation> <!-- 1F355 pizza; cheese; slice --> <annotation cp="🍕">ぴっつぁ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍕" type="tts">ぴざ</annotation> <!-- 1F32D hot dog; frankfurter; hotdog; sausage --> <annotation cp="🌭">そーせーじ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌭" type="tts">ほっとどっぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌮">めきしかん</annotation> <annotation cp="🌮" type="tts">たこす</annotation> <!-- 1F32F burrito; mexican --> <annotation cp="🌯">そふとたこす</annotation> <annotation cp="🌯" type="tts">ぶりとー</annotation> <annotation cp="🍿">おかし</annotation> <annotation cp="🍿" type="tts">ぽっぷこーん</annotation> <annotation cp="🍲">にもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🍲" type="tts">なべ</annotation> <!-- 1F371 bento box; bento; box --> <annotation cp="🍱">まくのうち</annotation> <annotation cp="🍱" type="tts">べんとう</annotation> <annotation cp="🍘">おかし</annotation> <annotation cp="🍘" type="tts">せんべい</annotation> <annotation cp="🍙">おむすび</annotation> <annotation cp="🍙" type="tts">おにぎり</annotation> <annotation cp="🍚">こめ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍚" type="tts">ごはん</annotation> <!-- 1F35B curry rice; curry; rice --> <annotation cp="🍛">かれー</annotation> <annotation cp="🍛" type="tts">かれーらいす</annotation> <annotation cp="🍜">めん | どんぶり</annotation> <annotation cp="🍜" type="tts">らーめん</annotation> <!-- 1F35D spaghetti; pasta --> <annotation cp="🍝">すぱげってぃー | すぱげってぃ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍝" type="tts">ぱすた</annotation> <!-- 1F360 roasted sweet potato; potato; roasted; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍠">いも</annotation> <annotation cp="🍠" type="tts">やきいも</annotation> <annotation cp="🍢">おでん</annotation> <annotation cp="🍢" type="tts">おでん</annotation> <!-- 1F363 sushi --> <annotation cp="🍣">おすし</annotation> <annotation cp="🍣" type="tts">すし</annotation> <!-- 1F364 fried shrimp; fried; prawn; shrimp; tempura --> <annotation cp="🍤">ふらい | えび</annotation> <annotation cp="🍤" type="tts">えびふらい</annotation> <annotation cp="🍥">なると</annotation> <annotation cp="🍥" type="tts">なると</annotation> <!-- 1F361 dango; dessert; japanese; skewer; stick; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍡">おだんご</annotation> <annotation cp="🍡" type="tts">だんご</annotation> <!-- 1F366 soft ice cream; cream; dessert; ice; icecream; soft; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍦">あいす</annotation> <annotation cp="🍦" type="tts">そふとくりーむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍧">こおり | あいす</annotation> <annotation cp="🍧" type="tts">かきごおり</annotation> <!-- 1F368 ice cream; cream; dessert; ice; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍨">あいす</annotation> <annotation cp="🍨" type="tts">あいすくりーむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍩">おかし</annotation> <annotation cp="🍩" type="tts">どーなつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍪">おかし</annotation> <annotation cp="🍪" type="tts">くっきー</annotation> <!-- 1F382 birthday cake; birthday; cake; celebration; dessert; pastry; sweet --> <annotation cp="🎂">けーき | ばーすでー | たんじょうび</annotation> <annotation cp="🎂" type="tts">ばーすでーけーき</annotation> <!-- 1F370 shortcake; cake; dessert; pastry; slice; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍰">おかし | しょーとけーき</annotation> <annotation cp="🍰" type="tts">けーき</annotation> <!-- 1F36B chocolate bar; bar; chocolate; dessert; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍫">ちょこれーと | おかし</annotation> <annotation cp="🍫" type="tts">ちょこ</annotation> <!-- 1F36C candy; dessert; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍬">きゃんでぃー | あめ | おかし</annotation> <annotation cp="🍬" type="tts">きゃんでぃ</annotation> <!-- 1F36D lollipop; candy; dessert; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍭">きゃんでぃ | きゃんでぃー | おかし</annotation> <annotation cp="🍭" type="tts">あめ</annotation> <!-- 1F36E custard; dessert; pudding; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍮">おかし</annotation> <annotation cp="🍮" type="tts">ぷりん</annotation> <!-- 1F36F honey pot; honey; honeypot; pot; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍯">はにー</annotation> <annotation cp="🍯" type="tts">はちみつ</annotation> <!-- 1F37C baby bottle; baby; bottle; drink; milk --> <annotation cp="🍼">みるく | あかちゃん | ほにゅうびん</annotation> <annotation cp="🍼" type="tts">ほにゅーびん</annotation> <annotation cp="☕">こーひー | どりんく | のみもの | こうちゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="☕" type="tts">あたたかいのみもの</annotation> <!-- 1F375 teacup without handle; beverage; cup; drink; tea; teacup --> <annotation cp="🍵">おちゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍵" type="tts">ゆのみ</annotation> <!-- 1F376 sake; bar; beverage; bottle; cup; drink --> <annotation cp="🍶">さけ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍶" type="tts">とっくり</annotation> <!-- 1F37E bottle with popping cork; bar; bottle; cork; drink; popping --> <annotation cp="🍾">しゃんぺん</annotation> <annotation cp="🍾" type="tts">しゃんぱん</annotation> <!-- 1F377 wine glass; bar; beverage; drink; glass; wine --> <annotation cp="🍷">わいんぐらす</annotation> <annotation cp="🍷" type="tts">わいん</annotation> <annotation cp="🍸">かくてる | ぐらす | ばー</annotation> <annotation cp="🍸" type="tts">かくてるぐらす</annotation> <!-- 1F379 tropical drink; bar; drink; tropical --> <annotation cp="🍹">かくてる</annotation> <annotation cp="🍹" type="tts">とろぴかるどりんく</annotation> <!-- 1F37A beer mug; bar; beer; drink; mug --> <annotation cp="🍺">びーる</annotation> <annotation cp="🍺" type="tts">じょっき</annotation> <!-- 1F37B clinking beer mugs; bar; beer; clink; drink; mug --> <annotation cp="🍻">びーる</annotation> <annotation cp="🍻" type="tts">かんぱい</annotation> <!-- 1F37D fork and knife with plate; cooking; fork; knife; plate --> <annotation cp="🍽">さら | おさら | ふぉーく | ないふ</annotation> <annotation cp="🍽" type="tts">ないふふぉーくさら</annotation> <!-- 1F374 fork and knife; cooking; fork; knife --> <annotation cp="🍴">ふぉーく | ないふ | れすとらん</annotation> <annotation cp="🍴" type="tts">ないふふぉーく</annotation> <!-- 1F373 cooking; egg; frying; pan --> <annotation cp="🍳">めだまやき | たまご</annotation> <annotation cp="🍳" type="tts">ふらいぱん</annotation> <!-- 1F3FA amphora; aquarius; cooking; drink; jug; tool; weapon; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🏺">みずがめ | かめ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏺" type="tts">つぼ</annotation> <!-- 1F30D globe showing europe-africa; africa; earth; europe; globe; world --> <annotation cp="🌍">ちきゅう | よーろっぱ | あふりか</annotation> <annotation cp="🌍" type="tts">ちきゅうよーろっぱあふりか</annotation> <!-- 1F30E globe showing americas; americas; earth; globe; world --> <annotation cp="🌎">ちきゅう | あめりか | あめりかたいりく</annotation> <annotation cp="🌎" type="tts">ちきゅうあめりか</annotation> <!-- 1F30F globe showing asia-australia; asia; australia; earth; globe; world --> <annotation cp="🌏">ちきゅう | あじあ | おーすとらりあ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌏" type="tts">ちきゅうあじあおーすとらりあ</annotation> <!-- 1F310 globe with meridians; earth; globe; meridians; world --> <annotation cp="🌐">ちきゅう | しごせん</annotation> <annotation cp="🌐" type="tts">ちきゅうしごせん</annotation> <!-- 1F5FA world map; map; world --> <annotation cp="🗺">せかい</annotation> <annotation cp="🗺" type="tts">ちず</annotation> <!-- 1F3D4 snow-capped mountain; cold; mountain; snow --> <annotation cp="🏔">やま</annotation> <annotation cp="🏔" type="tts">ゆきやま</annotation> <annotation cp="⛰">やま</annotation> <annotation cp="⛰" type="tts">あおいやま</annotation> <!-- 1F30B volcano; eruption; mountain; weather --> <annotation cp="🌋">やま | ふんか</annotation> <annotation cp="🌋" type="tts">かざん</annotation> <!-- 1F5FB mount fuji; fuji; mountain --> <annotation cp="🗻">やま</annotation> <annotation cp="🗻" type="tts">ふじさん</annotation> <!-- 1F3D5 camping --> <annotation cp="🏕">てんと</annotation> <annotation cp="🏕" type="tts">きゃんぷ</annotation> <!-- 1F3D6 beach with umbrella; beach; umbrella --> <annotation cp="🏖">びーち | ぱらそる</annotation> <annotation cp="🏖" type="tts">びーちぱらそる</annotation> <annotation cp="🏜">さぼてん | さばく</annotation> <annotation cp="🏜" type="tts">さぼてんのあるさばく</annotation> <annotation cp="🏝">しま | やし</annotation> <annotation cp="🏝" type="tts">やしのきのあるしま</annotation> <!-- 1F3DE national park; park --> <annotation cp="🏞">こうえん</annotation> <annotation cp="🏞" type="tts">こくりつこうえん</annotation> <annotation cp="🏟">やきゅうじょう | きゅうじょう | すたじあむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏟" type="tts">きょうぎじょう</annotation> <!-- 1F3DB classical building; building; classical --> <annotation cp="🏛">しせき</annotation> <annotation cp="🏛" type="tts">いせき</annotation> <!-- 1F3D7 building construction; building; construction --> <annotation cp="🏗">けんせつ | くれーん</annotation> <annotation cp="🏗" type="tts">けんせつちゅう</annotation> <!-- 1F3D8 house buildings; building; house --> <annotation cp="🏘">いえ | まち</annotation> <annotation cp="🏘" type="tts">ふくすうのいえ</annotation> <!-- 1F3D9 cityscape; building; city --> <annotation cp="🏙">とかい</annotation> <annotation cp="🏙" type="tts">こうそうびる</annotation> <!-- 1F3DA derelict house building; building; derelict; house --> <annotation cp="🏚">たてもの | いえ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏚" type="tts">はいおく</annotation> <!-- 1F3E0 house building; building; home; house --> <annotation cp="🏠">たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏠" type="tts">いえ</annotation> <!-- 1F3E1 house with garden; building; garden; home; house --> <annotation cp="🏡">たてもの | いえ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏡" type="tts">まいほーむ</annotation> <!-- 26EA church; building; christian; cross; religion --> <annotation cp="⛪">たてもの | きりすときょう</annotation> <annotation cp="⛪" type="tts">きょうかい</annotation> <!-- 1F54B kaaba; islam; muslim; religion --> <annotation cp="🕋">たてもの | もすく | いすらむきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🕋" type="tts">かーば</annotation> <!-- 1F54C mosque; islam; muslim; religion --> <annotation cp="🕌">たてもの | いすらむきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🕌" type="tts">もすく</annotation> <!-- 1F54D synagogue; jew; jewish; religion; temple --> <annotation cp="🕍">たてもの | ゆだやきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🕍" type="tts">しなごーぐ</annotation> <!-- 26E9 shinto shrine; religion; shinto; shrine --> <annotation cp="⛩">しんとう | たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="⛩" type="tts">じんじゃ</annotation> <!-- 1F3E2 office building; building --> <annotation cp="🏢">たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏢" type="tts">びる</annotation> <!-- 1F3E3 japanese post office; building; japanese; post --> <annotation cp="🏣">たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏣" type="tts">ゆうびんきょく</annotation> <!-- 1F3E4 post office; building; european; post --> <annotation cp="🏤">ゆうびんきょく | たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏤" type="tts">せいようのゆうびんきょく</annotation> <!-- 1F3E5 hospital; building; doctor; medicine --> <annotation cp="🏥">たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏥" type="tts">びょういん</annotation> <!-- 1F3E6 bank; building --> <annotation cp="🏦">たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏦" type="tts">ぎんこう</annotation> <!-- 1F3E8 hotel; building --> <annotation cp="🏨">たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏨" type="tts">ほてる</annotation> <!-- 1F3E9 love hotel; building; hotel; love --> <annotation cp="🏩">らぶほ | たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏩" type="tts">らぶほてる</annotation> <!-- 1F3EA convenience store; building; convenience; store --> <annotation cp="🏪">こんびにえんすすとあ | たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏪" type="tts">こんびに</annotation> <!-- 1F3EB school; building --> <annotation cp="🏫">たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏫" type="tts">がっこう</annotation> <!-- 1F3EC department store; building; department; store --> <annotation cp="🏬">たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏬" type="tts">でぱーと</annotation> <!-- 1F3ED factory; building --> <annotation cp="🏭">たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏭" type="tts">こうじょう</annotation> <!-- 1F3EF japanese castle; building; castle; japanese --> <annotation cp="🏯">たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏯" type="tts">しろ</annotation> <!-- 1F3F0 castle; building; european --> <annotation cp="🏰">しろ | たてもの | きゃっする</annotation> <annotation cp="🏰" type="tts">せいようのしろ</annotation> <!-- 1F492 wedding; chapel; romance --> <annotation cp="💒">きょうかい | けっこん | たてもの</annotation> <annotation cp="💒" type="tts">けっこんしき</annotation> <annotation cp="🗼">たわー | とうきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🗼" type="tts">とうきょうたわー</annotation> <annotation cp="🗽">にゅーよーく</annotation> <annotation cp="🗽" type="tts">じゆうのめがみ</annotation> <!-- 1F5FE map of japan; japan; map --> <annotation cp="🗾">ちず</annotation> <annotation cp="🗾" type="tts">にほん</annotation> <annotation cp="⛲">ふんすい</annotation> <annotation cp="⛲" type="tts">ふんすい</annotation> <!-- 26FA tent; camping --> <annotation cp="⛺">きゃんぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="⛺" type="tts">てんと</annotation> <!-- 1F301 foggy; fog; weather --> <annotation cp="🌁">やま | きり</annotation> <annotation cp="🌁" type="tts">やまにきり</annotation> <!-- 1F303 night with stars; night; star; weather --> <annotation cp="🌃">よる | ほし | やけい</annotation> <annotation cp="🌃" type="tts">ほしのよる</annotation> <!-- 1F304 sunrise over mountains; morning; mountain; sun; sunrise; weather --> <annotation cp="🌄">たいよう | あさひ | ひので | あさ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌄" type="tts">やまからひので</annotation> <!-- 1F305 sunrise; morning; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌅">たいよう | あさひ | あさ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌅" type="tts">ひので</annotation> <!-- 1F306 cityscape at dusk; building; city; dusk; evening; landscape; sun; sunset; weather --> <annotation cp="🌆">ゆうひ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌆" type="tts">ゆうがた</annotation> <!-- 1F307 sunset; building; dusk; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌇">たいよう | ゆうがた</annotation> <annotation cp="🌇" type="tts">ゆうひ</annotation> <!-- 1F309 bridge at night; bridge; night; weather --> <annotation cp="🌉">はし | よる | やけい</annotation> <annotation cp="🌉" type="tts">よるのはし</annotation> <annotation cp="♨">おんせん</annotation> <annotation cp="♨" type="tts">おんせんまーく</annotation> <!-- 1F30C milky way; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌌">よぞら</annotation> <annotation cp="🌌" type="tts">あまのがわ</annotation> <!-- 1F3A0 carousel horse; carousel; horse --> <annotation cp="🎠">ゆうえんち</annotation> <annotation cp="🎠" type="tts">めりーごーらんど</annotation> <!-- 1F3A1 ferris wheel; amusement park; ferris; wheel --> <annotation cp="🎡">ゆうえんち</annotation> <annotation cp="🎡" type="tts">かんらんしゃ</annotation> <!-- 1F3A2 roller coaster; amusement park; coaster; roller --> <annotation cp="🎢">こーすたー | ゆうえんち</annotation> <annotation cp="🎢" type="tts">じぇっとこーすたー</annotation> <!-- 1F488 barber pole; barber; haircut; pole --> <annotation cp="💈">ばーばー | さんぱつ | びよういん</annotation> <annotation cp="💈" type="tts">とこや</annotation> <!-- 1F3AA circus tent; circus; tent --> <annotation cp="🎪">てんと</annotation> <annotation cp="🎪" type="tts">さーかす</annotation> <!-- 1F3AD performing arts; art; mask; performing; theater; theatre --> <annotation cp="🎭">かめん | げいじゅつ | げきじょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🎭" type="tts">えんげい</annotation> <!-- 1F5BC frame with picture; art; frame; museum; painting; picture --> <annotation cp="🖼">かいが | びじゅつかん</annotation> <annotation cp="🖼" type="tts">え</annotation> <!-- 1F3A8 artist palette; art; museum; painting; palette --> <annotation cp="🎨">ぱれっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🎨" type="tts">あーとぱれっと</annotation> <!-- 1F3B0 slot machine; game; slot --> <annotation cp="🎰">すりーせぶん</annotation> <annotation cp="🎰" type="tts">すろっと</annotation> <!-- 1F682 locomotive; engine; railway; steam; train; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚂">のりもの | SL</annotation> <annotation cp="🚂" type="tts">えすえる</annotation> <!-- 1F683 railway car; car; electric; railway; train; tram; trolleybus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚃">のりもの | れっしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚃" type="tts">でんしゃ</annotation> <!-- 1F684 high-speed train; railway; shinkansen; speed; train; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚄">のりもの | でんしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚄" type="tts">しんかんせん</annotation> <!-- 1F685 high-speed train with bullet nose; bullet; railway; shinkansen; speed; train; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚅">のりもの | しんかんせん | でんしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚅" type="tts">まるいしんかんせん</annotation> <!-- 1F686 train; railway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚆">れっしゃ | のりもの | でんしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚆" type="tts">でんしゃしょうめん</annotation> <!-- 1F687 metro; subway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚇">ちかてつ | でんしゃ | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚇" type="tts">めとろ</annotation> <!-- 1F688 light rail; railway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚈">でんしゃ | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚈" type="tts">らいとれーる</annotation> <!-- 1F689 station; railway; train; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚉">でんしゃ | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚉" type="tts">えき</annotation> <!-- 1F68A tram; trolleybus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚊">でんしゃ | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚊" type="tts">とでんしょうめん</annotation> <!-- 1F69D monorail; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚝">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚝" type="tts">ものれーる</annotation> <!-- 1F69E mountain railway; car; mountain; railway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚞">とざんでんしゃ | でんしゃ | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚞" type="tts">とざんてつどう</annotation> <!-- 1F68B tram car; car; tram; trolleybus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚋">でんしゃ | ろめんでんしゃ | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚋" type="tts">とでん</annotation> <!-- 1F68C bus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚌">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚌" type="tts">ばす</annotation> <!-- 1F68D oncoming bus; bus; oncoming; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚍">のりもの | ばす</annotation> <annotation cp="🚍" type="tts">ばすしょうめん</annotation> <!-- 1F68E trolleybus; bus; tram; trolley; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚎">のりもの | ばす</annotation> <annotation cp="🚎" type="tts">とろりーばす</annotation> <!-- 1F68F bus stop; bus; busstop; stop --> <annotation cp="🚏">ばすのりば | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚏" type="tts">ばすてい</annotation> <!-- 1F690 minibus; bus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚐">ばす | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚐" type="tts">みにばす</annotation> <!-- 1F691 ambulance; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚑">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚑" type="tts">きゅうきゅうしゃ</annotation> <!-- 1F692 fire engine; engine; fire; truck; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚒">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚒" type="tts">しょうぼうしゃ</annotation> <!-- 1F693 police car; car; patrol; police; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚓">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚓" type="tts">ぱとかー</annotation> <!-- 1F694 oncoming police car; car; oncoming; police; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚔">のりもの | ぱとかー</annotation> <annotation cp="🚔" type="tts">ぱとかーしょうめん</annotation> <!-- 1F695 taxi; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚕">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚕" type="tts">たくしー</annotation> <!-- 1F696 oncoming taxi; oncoming; taxi; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚖">のりもの | たくしー</annotation> <annotation cp="🚖" type="tts">たくしーしょうめん</annotation> <!-- 1F697 automobile; car; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚗">くるま | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚗" type="tts">じどうしゃ</annotation> <!-- 1F698 oncoming automobile; automobile; car; oncoming; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚘">じどうしゃ | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚘" type="tts">くるま</annotation> <!-- 1F699 recreational vehicle; recreational; rv; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚙">じどうしゃ | くるま | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚙" type="tts">あーるぶい</annotation> <!-- 1F69A delivery truck; delivery; truck; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚚">くるま | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚚" type="tts">とらっく</annotation> <!-- 1F69B articulated lorry; lorry; semi; truck; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚛">くるま | のりもの | とらっく</annotation> <annotation cp="🚛" type="tts">れんけつとらっく</annotation> <!-- 1F69C tractor; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚜">くるま | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚜" type="tts">とらくたー</annotation> <!-- 1F6B2 bicycle; bike; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚲">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚲" type="tts">じてんしゃ</annotation> <!-- 26FD fuel pump; fuel; fuelpump; gas; pump; station --> <annotation cp="⛽">がそりん | がそりんすたんど</annotation> <annotation cp="⛽" type="tts">がそりんのずる</annotation> <!-- 1F6E3 motorway; highway; road --> <annotation cp="🛣">どうろ</annotation> <annotation cp="🛣" type="tts">こうそくどうろ</annotation> <!-- 1F6E4 railway track; railway; train --> <annotation cp="🛤">てつどう</annotation> <annotation cp="🛤" type="tts">せんろ</annotation> <!-- 1F6A8 police car’s light; beacon; car; light; police; revolving; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚨">ぱとかー</annotation> <annotation cp="🚨" type="tts">ぱとらんぷ</annotation> <!-- 1F6A5 horizontal traffic light; light; signal; traffic --> <annotation cp="🚥">しんごうき | しんごう</annotation> <annotation cp="🚥" type="tts">しんごうよこ</annotation> <!-- 1F6A6 vertical traffic light; light; signal; traffic --> <annotation cp="🚦">しんごうき | しんごう</annotation> <annotation cp="🚦" type="tts">しんごうたて</annotation> <!-- 1F6A7 construction; barrier --> <annotation cp="🚧">つうこうどめ | さいん</annotation> <annotation cp="🚧" type="tts">こうじちゅう</annotation> <!-- 2693 anchor; ship; tool --> <annotation cp="⚓">ふね</annotation> <annotation cp="⚓" type="tts">いかり</annotation> <!-- 26F5 sailboat; boat; resort; sea; vehicle; yacht --> <annotation cp="⛵">ほぶね | はんせん | ふね | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="⛵" type="tts">よっと</annotation> <!-- 1F6A3 rowboat; boat; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚣">ふね | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣" type="tts">ぼーと</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♀">ぼーと | かぬー | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♀" type="tts">ぼーとをこぐおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♂">ぼーと | かぬー | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♂" type="tts">ぼーとをこぐおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F6A4 speedboat; boat; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚤">ぼーと | ふね | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚤" type="tts">すぴーどぼーと</annotation> <!-- 1F6F3 passenger ship; passenger; ship; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛳">ふね | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🛳" type="tts">きゃくせん</annotation> <!-- 26F4 ferry; boat --> <annotation cp="⛴">ふね | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="⛴" type="tts">ふぇりー</annotation> <!-- 1F6E5 motor boat; boat; motorboat; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛥">ぼーと | ふね | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🛥" type="tts">もーたーぼーと</annotation> <!-- 1F6A2 ship; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚢">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚢" type="tts">ふね</annotation> <!-- 2708 airplane; vehicle --> <annotation cp="✈">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="✈" type="tts">ひこうき</annotation> <!-- 1F6E9 small airplane; airplane; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛩">のりもの | ひこうき</annotation> <annotation cp="🛩" type="tts">ちいさいひこうき</annotation> <!-- 1F6EB airplane departure; airplane; check-in; departure; departures; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛫">のりもの | ひこうき | りりく</annotation> <annotation cp="🛫" type="tts">ひこうきりりく</annotation> <!-- 1F6EC airplane arrival; airplane; arrivals; arriving; landing; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛬">のりもの | ひこうき | ちゃくりく</annotation> <annotation cp="🛬" type="tts">ひこうきちゃくりく</annotation> <!-- 1F4BA seat; chair --> <annotation cp="💺">いす | せき</annotation> <annotation cp="💺" type="tts">ざせき</annotation> <!-- 1F681 helicopter; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚁">へり | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚁" type="tts">へりこぷたー</annotation> <!-- 1F69F suspension railway; railway; suspension; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚟">でんしゃ | のりもの | ものれーる</annotation> <annotation cp="🚟" type="tts">つりものれーる</annotation> <!-- 1F6A0 mountain cableway; cable; gondola; mountain; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚠">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚠" type="tts">けーぶるかー</annotation> <!-- 1F6A1 aerial tramway; aerial; cable; car; gondola; ropeway; tramway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚡">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚡" type="tts">ろーぷうぇい</annotation> <!-- 1F680 rocket; space; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚀">のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🚀" type="tts">ろけっと</annotation> <!-- 1F6F0 satellite; space; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛰">うちゅう</annotation> <annotation cp="🛰" type="tts">じんこうえいせい</annotation> <!-- 1F6CE bellhop bell; bell; bellhop; hotel --> <annotation cp="🛎">べる | ほてる</annotation> <annotation cp="🛎" type="tts">べるぼーいべる</annotation> <!-- 1F6AA door --> <annotation cp="🚪">とびら | と</annotation> <annotation cp="🚪" type="tts">どあ</annotation> <!-- 1F6CC person in bed; hotel; sleep --> <annotation cp="🛌">ほてる | べっど</annotation> <annotation cp="🛌" type="tts">べっどにねるひと</annotation> <!-- 1F6CF bed; hotel; sleep --> <annotation cp="🛏">ほてる</annotation> <annotation cp="🛏" type="tts">べっど</annotation> <!-- 1F6CB couch and lamp; couch; hotel; lamp --> <annotation cp="🛋">ほてる | そふぁ</annotation> <annotation cp="🛋" type="tts">そふぁとらんぷ</annotation> <!-- 1F6BD toilet --> <annotation cp="🚽">といれ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚽" type="tts">べんき</annotation> <annotation cp="🚿">しゃわー</annotation> <annotation cp="🚿" type="tts">しゃわー</annotation> <!-- 1F6C0 person taking bath; bathtub; bath --> <annotation cp="🛀">ばすたぶ</annotation> <annotation cp="🛀" type="tts">ふろ</annotation> <!-- 1F6C1 bathtub; bath --> <annotation cp="🛁">ふろ</annotation> <annotation cp="🛁" type="tts">ばすたぶ</annotation> <!-- 231B hourglass; sand; timer --> <annotation cp="⌛">とけい</annotation> <annotation cp="⌛" type="tts">すなどけい</annotation> <!-- 23F3 hourglass with flowing sand; hourglass; sand; timer --> <annotation cp="⏳">とけい | すなどけい</annotation> <annotation cp="⏳" type="tts">ながれるすなどけい</annotation> <!-- 231A watch; clock --> <annotation cp="⌚">とけい</annotation> <annotation cp="⌚" type="tts">うでどけい</annotation> <!-- 23F0 alarm clock; alarm; clock --> <annotation cp="⏰">とけい | めざまし</annotation> <annotation cp="⏰" type="tts">めざましどけい</annotation> <!-- 23F1 stopwatch; clock --> <annotation cp="⏱">とけい | めざまし</annotation> <annotation cp="⏱" type="tts">すとっぷうぉっち</annotation> <!-- 23F2 timer clock; clock; timer --> <annotation cp="⏲">とけい</annotation> <annotation cp="⏲" type="tts">たいまー</annotation> <!-- 1F570 mantelpiece clock; clock --> <annotation cp="🕰">とけい</annotation> <annotation cp="🕰" type="tts">おきどけい</annotation> <!-- 1F55B twelve o’clock; 00; 12; 12:00; clock; o’clock; twelve --> <annotation cp="🕛">とけい | 12じ | しょうご</annotation> <annotation cp="🕛" type="tts">じゅうにじ</annotation> <!-- 1F567 twelve-thirty; 12; 12:30; 30; clock; thirty; twelve --> <annotation cp="🕧">とけい | 12じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕧" type="tts">じゅうにじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F550 one o’clock; 00; 1; 1:00; clock; o’clock; one --> <annotation cp="🕐">とけい | 1じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕐" type="tts">いちじ</annotation> <!-- 1F55C one-thirty; 1; 1:30; 30; clock; one; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕜">とけい | 1じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕜" type="tts">いちじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F551 two o’clock; 00; 2; 2:00; clock; o’clock; two --> <annotation cp="🕑">とけい | 2じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕑" type="tts">にじ</annotation> <!-- 1F55D two-thirty; 2; 2:30; 30; clock; thirty; two --> <annotation cp="🕝">とけい | 2じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕝" type="tts">にじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F552 three o’clock; 00; 3; 3:00; clock; o’clock; three --> <annotation cp="🕒">とけい | 3じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕒" type="tts">さんじ</annotation> <!-- 1F55E three-thirty; 3; 3:30; 30; clock; thirty; three --> <annotation cp="🕞">とけい | 3じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕞" type="tts">さんじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F553 four o’clock; 00; 4; 4:00; clock; four; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕓">とけい | 4じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕓" type="tts">よじ</annotation> <!-- 1F55F four-thirty; 30; 4; 4:30; clock; four; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕟">とけい | 4じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕟" type="tts">よじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F554 five o’clock; 00; 5; 5:00; clock; five; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕔">とけい | 5じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕔" type="tts">ごじ</annotation> <!-- 1F560 five-thirty; 30; 5; 5:30; clock; five; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕠">とけい | 5じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕠" type="tts">ごじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F555 six o’clock; 00; 6; 6:00; clock; o’clock; six --> <annotation cp="🕕">とけい | 6じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕕" type="tts">ろくじ</annotation> <!-- 1F561 six-thirty; 30; 6; 6:30; clock; six; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕡">とけい | 6じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕡" type="tts">ろくじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F556 seven o’clock; 00; 7; 7:00; clock; o’clock; seven --> <annotation cp="🕖">とけい | 7じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕖" type="tts">しちじ</annotation> <!-- 1F562 seven-thirty; 30; 7; 7:30; clock; seven; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕢">とけい | 7じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕢" type="tts">ななじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F557 eight o’clock; 00; 8; 8:00; clock; eight; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕗">とけい | 8じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕗" type="tts">はちじ</annotation> <!-- 1F563 eight-thirty; 30; 8; 8:30; clock; eight; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕣">とけい | 8じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕣" type="tts">はちじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F558 nine o’clock; 00; 9; 9:00; clock; nine; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕘">とけい | 9じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕘" type="tts">くじ</annotation> <!-- 1F564 nine-thirty; 30; 9; 9:30; clock; nine; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕤">とけい | 9じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕤" type="tts">くじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F559 ten o’clock; 00; 10; 10:00; clock; o’clock; ten --> <annotation cp="🕙">とけい | 10じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕙" type="tts">じゅうじ</annotation> <!-- 1F565 ten-thirty; 10; 10:30; 30; clock; ten; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕥">とけい | 10じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕥" type="tts">じゅうじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F55A eleven o’clock; 00; 11; 11:00; clock; eleven; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕚">とけい | 11じ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕚" type="tts">じゅういちじ</annotation> <!-- 1F566 eleven-thirty; 11; 11:30; 30; clock; eleven; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕦">とけい | 11じはん</annotation> <annotation cp="🕦" type="tts">じゅういちじはん</annotation> <!-- 1F311 new moon; dark; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌑">つき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌑" type="tts">しんげつ</annotation> <!-- 1F312 waxing crescent moon; crescent; moon; space; waxing; weather --> <annotation cp="🌒">つき | みかづき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌒" type="tts">ういづき</annotation> <!-- 1F313 first quarter moon; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌓">つき | はんげつ | じょうげん</annotation> <annotation cp="🌓" type="tts">じょうげんのつき</annotation> <!-- 1F314 waxing gibbous moon; gibbous; moon; space; waxing; weather --> <annotation cp="🌔">つき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌔" type="tts">じゅうさんやづき</annotation> <!-- 1F315 full moon; full; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌕">つき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌕" type="tts">まんげつ</annotation> <!-- 1F316 waning gibbous moon; gibbous; moon; space; waning; weather --> <annotation cp="🌖">つき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌖" type="tts">ねまちづき</annotation> <!-- 1F317 last quarter moon; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌗">つき | はんげつ | かげん</annotation> <annotation cp="🌗" type="tts">かげんのつき</annotation> <!-- 1F318 waning crescent moon; crescent; moon; space; waning; weather --> <annotation cp="🌘">つき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌘" type="tts">ありあけづき</annotation> <!-- 1F319 crescent moon; crescent; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌙">つき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌙" type="tts">みかづき</annotation> <!-- 1F31A new moon face; face; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌚">つき | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🌚" type="tts">しんげつのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F31B first quarter moon with face; face; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌛">つき | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🌛" type="tts">じょうげんのつきのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F31C last quarter moon with face; face; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌜">つき | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🌜" type="tts">かげんのつきのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F321 thermometer; weather --> <annotation cp="🌡">おんど</annotation> <annotation cp="🌡" type="tts">おんどけい</annotation> <!-- 2600 sun; bright; rays; space; sunny; weather --> <annotation cp="☀">はれ</annotation> <annotation cp="☀" type="tts">たいよう</annotation> <!-- 1F31D full moon with face; bright; face; full; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌝">つき | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🌝" type="tts">おつきさま</annotation> <!-- 1F31E sun with face; bright; face; space; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌞">たいよう | かお</annotation> <annotation cp="🌞" type="tts">おひさま</annotation> <annotation cp="⭐">ほし | すたー</annotation> <annotation cp="⭐" type="tts">おれんじのふちどりのほし</annotation> <!-- 1F31F glowing star; glittery; glow; shining; sparkle; star --> <annotation cp="🌟">かがやき | きらきら | ほし</annotation> <annotation cp="🌟" type="tts">きらきらぼし</annotation> <!-- 1F320 shooting star; falling; shooting; space; star --> <annotation cp="🌠">ほし</annotation> <annotation cp="🌠" type="tts">ながれぼし</annotation> <!-- 2601 cloud; weather --> <annotation cp="☁">くもり</annotation> <annotation cp="☁" type="tts">くも</annotation> <!-- 26C5 sun behind cloud; cloud; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="⛅">くも | たいよう</annotation> <annotation cp="⛅" type="tts">くもり</annotation> <!-- 26C8 cloud with lightning and rain; cloud; rain; thunder; weather --> <annotation cp="⛈">くも | かみなり | あめ</annotation> <annotation cp="⛈" type="tts">らいう</annotation> <!-- 1F324 sun behind small cloud; cloud; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌤">くも | たいよう | はれ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌤" type="tts">たいようとちいさいくも</annotation> <!-- 1F325 sun behind large cloud; cloud; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌥">くも | くもり</annotation> <annotation cp="🌥" type="tts">たいようとおおきいくも</annotation> <!-- 1F326 sun behind cloud with rain; cloud; rain; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌦">くも | くもり | あめ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌦" type="tts">たいようとくもとあめ</annotation> <!-- 1F327 cloud with rain; cloud; rain; weather --> <annotation cp="🌧">くも | あめ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌧" type="tts">くもとあめ</annotation> <!-- 1F328 cloud with snow; cloud; cold; snow; weather --> <annotation cp="🌨">くも | ゆき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌨" type="tts">くもとゆき</annotation> <!-- 1F329 cloud with lightning; cloud; lightning; weather --> <annotation cp="🌩">くも | いなづま | かみなり</annotation> <annotation cp="🌩" type="tts">くもとかみなり</annotation> <!-- 1F32A tornado; cloud; weather; whirlwind --> <annotation cp="🌪">くも</annotation> <annotation cp="🌪" type="tts">たつまき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌫">てんき</annotation> <annotation cp="🌫" type="tts">きり</annotation> <!-- 1F32C wind face; blow; cloud; face; weather; wind --> <annotation cp="🌬">かぜ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌬" type="tts">かぜのかお</annotation> <!-- 1F300 cyclone; dizzy; twister; typhoon; weather --> <annotation cp="🌀">たいふう | うず | めまい | もやもや</annotation> <annotation cp="🌀" type="tts">うずまき</annotation> <!-- 1F308 rainbow; rain; weather --> <annotation cp="🌈">にじ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌈" type="tts">れいんぼー</annotation> <!-- 1F302 closed umbrella; clothing; rain; umbrella; weather --> <annotation cp="🌂">あめ | かさ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌂" type="tts">とじたかさ</annotation> <!-- 2602 umbrella; clothing; rain; weather --> <annotation cp="☂">あめ</annotation> <annotation cp="☂" type="tts">かさ</annotation> <!-- 2614 umbrella with rain drops; clothing; drop; rain; umbrella; weather --> <annotation cp="☔">あめ | かさ</annotation> <annotation cp="☔" type="tts">かさとあめ</annotation> <!-- 26F1 umbrella on ground; rain; sun; umbrella; weather --> <annotation cp="⛱">かさ | びーち</annotation> <annotation cp="⛱" type="tts">ぱらそる</annotation> <!-- 26A1 high voltage; danger; electric; electricity; lightning; voltage; zap --> <annotation cp="⚡">いなづま | きけん | でんき</annotation> <annotation cp="⚡" type="tts">こうでんあつ</annotation> <!-- 2744 snowflake; cold; snow; weather --> <annotation cp="❄">ゆき | けっしょう</annotation> <annotation cp="❄" type="tts">ゆきのけっしょう</annotation> <!-- 2603 snowman; cold; snow; weather --> <annotation cp="☃">ゆき | ゆきだるま</annotation> <annotation cp="☃" type="tts">ゆきだるまとゆき</annotation> <!-- 26C4 snowman without snow; cold; snow; snowman; weather --> <annotation cp="⛄">ゆき</annotation> <annotation cp="⛄" type="tts">ゆきだるま</annotation> <annotation cp="☄">うちゅう</annotation> <annotation cp="☄" type="tts">すいせい</annotation> <!-- 1F525 fire; flame; tool --> <annotation cp="🔥">ほのお | ふぁいやー | ふぁいあー</annotation> <annotation cp="🔥" type="tts">ひ</annotation> <!-- 1F4A7 droplet; cold; comic; drop; sweat; weather --> <annotation cp="💧">なみだ | しずく | たらーっ</annotation> <annotation cp="💧" type="tts">あせ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌊">うみ</annotation> <annotation cp="🌊" type="tts">なみ</annotation> <!-- 1F383 jack-o-lantern; celebration; halloween; jack; lantern --> <annotation cp="🎃">かぼちゃ | はろうぃーん</annotation> <annotation cp="🎃" type="tts">はろうぃんかぼちゃ</annotation> <!-- 1F384 christmas tree; celebration; christmas; tree --> <annotation cp="🎄">つりー | くりすます</annotation> <annotation cp="🎄" type="tts">くりすますつりー</annotation> <!-- 1F386 fireworks; celebration --> <annotation cp="🎆">うちあげはなび</annotation> <annotation cp="🎆" type="tts">はなび</annotation> <!-- 1F387 sparkler; celebration; fireworks; sparkle --> <annotation cp="🎇">はなび</annotation> <annotation cp="🎇" type="tts">せんこうはなび</annotation> <!-- 2728 sparkles; sparkle; star --> <annotation cp="✨">ぴかぴか | ほし</annotation> <annotation cp="✨" type="tts">きらきら</annotation> <!-- 1F388 balloon; celebration --> <annotation cp="🎈">ばるーん</annotation> <annotation cp="🎈" type="tts">ふうせん</annotation> <!-- 1F389 party popper; celebration; party; popper; tada --> <annotation cp="🎉">くらっかー | ぱーてぃー</annotation> <annotation cp="🎉" type="tts">ぱーてぃくらっかー</annotation> <!-- 1F38A confetti ball; ball; celebration; confetti --> <annotation cp="🎊">ぱーてぃー</annotation> <annotation cp="🎊" type="tts">くすだま</annotation> <!-- 1F38B tanabata tree; banner; celebration; japanese; tree --> <annotation cp="🎋">たんざく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎋" type="tts">たなばた</annotation> <!-- 1F38C crossed flags; celebration; cross; crossed; japanese --> <annotation cp="🎌">はた | ひのまる</annotation> <annotation cp="🎌" type="tts">しゅくじつ</annotation> <!-- 1F38D pine decoration; bamboo; celebration; japanese; pine; plant --> <annotation cp="🎍">しょうがつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎍" type="tts">かどまつ</annotation> <!-- 1F38E japanese dolls; celebration; doll; festival; japanese --> <annotation cp="🎎">おだいりさま</annotation> <annotation cp="🎎" type="tts">ひなまつり</annotation> <!-- 1F38F carp streamer; carp; celebration; streamer --> <annotation cp="🎏">こどものひ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎏" type="tts">こいのぼり</annotation> <annotation cp="🎐">なつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎐" type="tts">ふうりん</annotation> <!-- 1F391 moon ceremony; celebration; ceremony; moon --> <annotation cp="🎑">すすき | つき | じゅうごや</annotation> <annotation cp="🎑" type="tts">つきみ</annotation> <!-- 1F380 ribbon; celebration --> <annotation cp="🎀">おいわい</annotation> <annotation cp="🎀" type="tts">りぼん</annotation> <!-- 1F381 wrapped present; box; celebration; gift; present; wrapped --> <annotation cp="🎁">おいわい | ぎふと</annotation> <annotation cp="🎁" type="tts">ぷれぜんと</annotation> <!-- 1F396 military medal; celebration; medal; military --> <annotation cp="🎖">おいわい | めだる</annotation> <annotation cp="🎖" type="tts">くんしょう</annotation> <!-- 1F397 reminder ribbon; celebration; reminder; ribbon --> <annotation cp="🎗">おいわい | りぼん | りまいんだー</annotation> <annotation cp="🎗" type="tts">りまいんだーりぼん</annotation> <!-- 1F39E film frames; cinema; film; frames; movie --> <annotation cp="🎞">えいが | ふぃるむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎞" type="tts">えいがふぃるむ</annotation> <!-- 1F39F admission tickets; admission; ticket --> <annotation cp="🎟">ちけっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🎟" type="tts">にゅうじょうけん</annotation> <!-- 1F3AB ticket; admission --> <annotation cp="🎫">きっぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎫" type="tts">ちけっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🏷">らべる</annotation> <annotation cp="🏷" type="tts">にふだ</annotation> <!-- 26BD soccer ball; ball; soccer --> <annotation cp="⚽">さっかーぼーる | ぼーる | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="⚽" type="tts">さっかー</annotation> <!-- 26BE baseball; ball --> <annotation cp="⚾">ぼーる | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="⚾" type="tts">やきゅう</annotation> <!-- 1F3C0 basketball; ball; hoop --> <annotation cp="🏀">ばすけっとぼーる | すぽーつ | ぼーる</annotation> <annotation cp="🏀" type="tts">ばすけ</annotation> <!-- 1F3C8 american football; american; ball; football --> <annotation cp="🏈">あめりかんふっとぼーる | ぼーる | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏈" type="tts">あめふと</annotation> <!-- 1F3C9 rugby football; ball; football; rugby --> <annotation cp="🏉">らぐびーぼーる | ぼーる | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏉" type="tts">らぐびー</annotation> <!-- 1F3BE tennis; ball; racquet --> <annotation cp="🎾">すぽーつ | てにすぼーる | ぼーる</annotation> <annotation cp="🎾" type="tts">てにす</annotation> <!-- 1F3B1 billiards; 8; 8 ball; ball; billiard; eight; game --> <annotation cp="🎱">えいとぼーる | ぼーる | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎱" type="tts">びりやーど</annotation> <!-- 1F3B3 bowling; ball; game --> <annotation cp="🎳">ぼーる | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎳" type="tts">ぼーりんぐ</annotation> <!-- 26F3 flag in hole; golf; hole --> <annotation cp="⛳">ごるふ | ふらぐ | ほーる | ふらっぐ | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="⛳" type="tts">ごるふのはた</annotation> <!-- 1F3CC golfer; ball; golf --> <annotation cp="🏌">ごるふ | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌" type="tts">ごるふぁー</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♀">ごるふぁー | ごるふ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♀" type="tts">ごるふするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♂">ごるふぁー | ごるふ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♂" type="tts">ごるふするおとこ</annotation> <!-- 26F8 ice skate; ice; skate --> <annotation cp="⛸">すぽーつ | すけーと</annotation> <annotation cp="⛸" type="tts">あいすすけーと</annotation> <!-- 1F3A3 fishing pole; fish; pole --> <annotation cp="🎣">つり | さかな</annotation> <annotation cp="🎣" type="tts">つりざお</annotation> <!-- 1F3BD running shirt; running; sash; shirt --> <annotation cp="🎽">しゃつ | たすき | えきでん</annotation> <annotation cp="🎽" type="tts">たすきしゃつ</annotation> <!-- 1F3BF skis; ski; snow --> <annotation cp="🎿">すとっく | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎿" type="tts">すきー</annotation> <!-- 26F7 skier; ski; snow --> <annotation cp="⛷">すきー | すとっく | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="⛷" type="tts">すきーやー</annotation> <!-- 1F3C2 snowboarder; ski; snow; snowboard --> <annotation cp="🏂">すのぼ | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏂" type="tts">すのーぼーど</annotation> <!-- 1F3C4 surfer; surfing --> <annotation cp="🏄">すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄" type="tts">さーふぃん</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♀">さーふぃん | さーふぁー | なみのり | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♀" type="tts">さーふぃんするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♂">さーふぃん | さーふぁー | なみのり | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♂" type="tts">さーふぃんするおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F3C7 horse racing; horse; jockey; racehorse; racing --> <annotation cp="🏇">じょうば | じょっきー | すぽーつ | ぎゃんぶる</annotation> <annotation cp="🏇" type="tts">けいば</annotation> <!-- 1F3CA swimmer; swim --> <annotation cp="🏊">すいえい | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊" type="tts">すいまー</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♀">すいまー | すいえい | すいむ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♀" type="tts">およぐおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♂">すいまー | すいえい | すいむ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♂" type="tts">およぐおとこ</annotation> <!-- 26F9 person with ball; ball --> <annotation cp="⛹">ばすけっとぼーる | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹" type="tts">ばすけっとぷれーやー</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♀">ばすけっとぼーる | ばすけ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♀" type="tts">ばすけっとぼーるをするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♂">ばすけっとぼーる | ばすけ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♂" type="tts">ばすけっとぼーるをするおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F3CB weight lifter; lifter; weight --> <annotation cp="🏋">じゅうりょうあげ | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋" type="tts">うぇいとりふてぃんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♀">うぇいとりふてぃんぐ | じゅうりょうあげ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♀" type="tts">じゅうりょうあげをするおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♂">うぇいとりふてぃんぐ | じゅうりょうあげ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♂" type="tts">じゅうりょうあげをするおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F6B4 bicyclist; bicycle; bike; cyclist --> <annotation cp="🚴">じてんしゃ | さいくりんぐ | ろーどばいく | すぽーつ | けいりん</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴" type="tts">じてんしゃのり</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♀">さいくりんぐ | じてんしゃ | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♀" type="tts">じてんしゃにのるおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♂">さいくりんぐ | じてんしゃ | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♂" type="tts">じてんしゃにのるおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F6B5 mountain biker; bicycle; bicyclist; bike; cyclist; mountain --> <annotation cp="🚵">じてんしゃ | さいくりんぐ | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵" type="tts">まうんてんばいく</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♀">さいくりんぐ | じてんしゃ | まうんてんばいく | じょせい | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♀" type="tts">まうんてんばいくにのるおんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♂">さいくりんぐ | じてんしゃ | まうんてんばいく | だんせい | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♂" type="tts">まうんてんばいくにのるおとこ</annotation> <!-- 1F3CE racing car; car; racing --> <annotation cp="🏎">くるま | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏎" type="tts">れーしんぐかー</annotation> <!-- 1F3CD motorcycle; racing --> <annotation cp="🏍">ばいく | のりもの</annotation> <annotation cp="🏍" type="tts">おーとばい</annotation> <annotation cp="🏅">ひょうしょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🏅" type="tts">めだる</annotation> <annotation cp="🏆">ひょうしょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🏆" type="tts">とろふぃー</annotation> <!-- 1F3CF cricket; ball; bat; game --> <annotation cp="🏏">すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏏" type="tts">くりけっと</annotation> <!-- 1F3D0 volleyball; ball; game --> <annotation cp="🏐">ぼーる | すぽーつ | ばれー</annotation> <annotation cp="🏐" type="tts">ばれーぼーる</annotation> <!-- 1F3D1 field hockey; ball; field; game; hockey; stick --> <annotation cp="🏑">ふぃーるどほっけー | すぽーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏑" type="tts">ほっけー</annotation> <!-- 1F3D2 ice hockey stick and puck; game; hockey; ice; puck; stick --> <annotation cp="🏒">すぽーつ | ほっけー</annotation> <annotation cp="🏒" type="tts">あいすほっけー</annotation> <!-- 1F3D3 ping pong; ball; bat; game; paddle; table tennis --> <annotation cp="🏓">ぴんぽん | すぽーつ | らけっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🏓" type="tts">たっきゅう</annotation> <!-- 1F3F8 badminton; birdie; game; racquet; shuttlecock --> <annotation cp="🏸">すぽーつ | らけっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🏸" type="tts">ばどみんとん</annotation> <!-- 1F3AF direct hit; bull; bullseye; dart; eye; game; hit; target --> <annotation cp="🎯">あたり | だーつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎯" type="tts">まと</annotation> <!-- 1F3AE video game; controller; game --> <annotation cp="🎮">こんとろーら | てれびげーむ | げーむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎮" type="tts">びでおげーむ</annotation> <!-- 1F579 joystick; game; video game --> <annotation cp="🕹">こんとろーら | てれびげーむ | すてぃっく | げーむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🕹" type="tts">じょいすてぃっく</annotation> <!-- 1F3B2 game die; dice; die; game --> <annotation cp="🎲">だいす | げーむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎲" type="tts">さいころ</annotation> <!-- 2660 spade suit; card; game; spade; suit --> <annotation cp="♠">とらんぷ | かーど</annotation> <annotation cp="♠" type="tts">すぺーど</annotation> <!-- 2665 heart suit; card; game; heart; hearts; suit --> <annotation cp="♥">とらんぷ | かーど</annotation> <annotation cp="♥" type="tts">はーと</annotation> <!-- 2666 diamond suit; card; diamond; diamonds; game; suit --> <annotation cp="♦">だいあ | とらんぷ | かーど</annotation> <annotation cp="♦" type="tts">だいや</annotation> <!-- 2663 club suit; card; club; clubs; game; suit --> <annotation cp="♣">くろーばー | とらんぷ | かーど</annotation> <annotation cp="♣" type="tts">くらぶ</annotation> <!-- 1F0CF joker; card; game; playing --> <annotation cp="🃏">とらんぷ | かーど</annotation> <annotation cp="🃏" type="tts">じょーかー</annotation> <!-- 1F004 mahjong red dragon; game; mahjong; red --> <annotation cp="🀄">ぱい</annotation> <annotation cp="🀄" type="tts">まーじゃん</annotation> <annotation cp="🎴">かーど | げーむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🎴" type="tts">はなふだ</annotation> <!-- 1F507 speaker off; mute; quiet; silent; speaker; volume --> <annotation cp="🔇">みゅーと | おとなし | すぴーかー | おんりょう | ぼりゅーむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔇" type="tts">すぴーかーおふ</annotation> <!-- 1F508 speaker; volume --> <annotation cp="🔈">おんりょう | ぼりゅーむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔈" type="tts">すぴーかー</annotation> <!-- 1F509 speaker on; low; speaker; volume; wave --> <annotation cp="🔉">おんりょうがちいさい | おんりょう | すぴーかー | ぼりゅーむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔉" type="tts">すぴーかーおん</annotation> <!-- 1F50A speaker loud; 3; high; loud; speaker; three; volume --> <annotation cp="🔊">おんりょうがおおきい | おんりょう | すぴーかー | ぼりゅーむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔊" type="tts">すぴーかーだいおんりょう</annotation> <!-- 1F4E2 loudspeaker; loud; public address --> <annotation cp="📢">すぴーかー | めがほん</annotation> <annotation cp="📢" type="tts">かくせいき</annotation> <!-- 1F4E3 megaphone; cheering --> <annotation cp="📣">すぴーかー | かくせいき</annotation> <annotation cp="📣" type="tts">めがほん</annotation> <!-- 1F4EF postal horn; horn; post; postal --> <annotation cp="📯">らっぱ | ゆうびん</annotation> <annotation cp="📯" type="tts">ゆうびんらっぱ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔔">べる | かね</annotation> <annotation cp="🔔" type="tts">きいろいべる</annotation> <!-- 1F515 bell with slash; bell; forbidden; mute; no; not; prohibited; quiet; silent --> <annotation cp="🔕">べる | みゅーと | おとなし</annotation> <annotation cp="🔕" type="tts">べるみゅーと</annotation> <!-- 1F3BC musical score; music; score --> <annotation cp="🎼">とおんきごう | すこあ | ごせんふ | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎼" type="tts">がくふ</annotation> <!-- 1F3B5 musical note; music; note --> <annotation cp="🎵">おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎵" type="tts">おんぷ</annotation> <!-- 1F3B6 musical notes; music; note; notes --> <annotation cp="🎶">おんぷ | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎶" type="tts">おんぷたち</annotation> <!-- 1F399 studio microphone; mic; microphone; music; studio --> <annotation cp="🎙">まいく | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎙" type="tts">すたじおまいく</annotation> <!-- 1F39A level slider; level; music; slider --> <annotation cp="🎚">れべる | すらいだー | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎚" type="tts">れべるすらいだー</annotation> <!-- 1F39B control knobs; control; knobs; music --> <annotation cp="🎛">つまみ | のぶ | こんとろーる | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎛" type="tts">こんとろーるつまみ</annotation> <!-- 1F3A4 microphone; karaoke; mic --> <annotation cp="🎤">からおけ | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎤" type="tts">まいく</annotation> <!-- 1F3A7 headphone; earbud --> <annotation cp="🎧">へっどふぉん | いやほん | いやふぉん | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎧" type="tts">へっどほん</annotation> <!-- 1F3B7 saxophone; instrument; music; sax --> <annotation cp="🎷">さくそふぉん | がっき | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎷" type="tts">さっくす</annotation> <!-- 1F3B8 guitar; instrument; music --> <annotation cp="🎸">がっき | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎸" type="tts">ぎたー</annotation> <!-- 1F3B9 musical keyboard; instrument; keyboard; music; piano --> <annotation cp="🎹">きーぼーど | ぴあの | がっき | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎹" type="tts">けんばん</annotation> <!-- 1F3BA trumpet; instrument; music --> <annotation cp="🎺">がっき | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎺" type="tts">とらんぺっと</annotation> <!-- 1F3BB violin; instrument; music --> <annotation cp="🎻">がっき | おんがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🎻" type="tts">ばいおりん</annotation> <annotation cp="📻">らじお</annotation> <annotation cp="📻" type="tts">らじお</annotation> <!-- 1F4F1 mobile phone; cell; mobile; phone; telephone --> <annotation cp="📱">けいたいでんわ | すまほ | すまーとふぉん</annotation> <annotation cp="📱" type="tts">けいたい</annotation> <!-- 1F4F2 mobile phone with arrow; arrow; call; cell; mobile; phone; receive; telephone --> <annotation cp="📲">けいたいでんわ | けいたい | すまほ | すまーとふぉん | じゅしん | ちゃくしん</annotation> <annotation cp="📲" type="tts">けいたいじゅしん</annotation> <annotation cp="☎">でんわ</annotation> <annotation cp="☎" type="tts">ぼたんしきでんわ</annotation> <!-- 1F4DE telephone receiver; phone; receiver; telephone --> <annotation cp="📞">でんわ</annotation> <annotation cp="📞" type="tts">じゅわき</annotation> <!-- 1F4DF pager --> <annotation cp="📟">ぽけっとべる</annotation> <annotation cp="📟" type="tts">ぽけべる</annotation> <!-- 1F4E0 fax machine; fax --> <annotation cp="📠">FAX</annotation> <annotation cp="📠" type="tts">ふぁっくす</annotation> <!-- 1F50B battery --> <annotation cp="🔋">かんでんち</annotation> <annotation cp="🔋" type="tts">でんち</annotation> <!-- 1F50C electric plug; electric; electricity; plug --> <annotation cp="🔌">ぷらぐ | でんげん</annotation> <annotation cp="🔌" type="tts">こんせんと</annotation> <!-- 1F4BB laptop computer; computer; pc; personal --> <annotation cp="💻">こんぴゅーたー | こんぴゅーた | ぱそこん</annotation> <annotation cp="💻" type="tts">のーとぱそこん</annotation> <!-- 1F5A5 desktop computer; computer; desktop --> <annotation cp="🖥">こんぴゅーたー | こんぴゅーた | ぱそこん | ですくとっぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="🖥" type="tts">ですくとっぷぱそこん</annotation> <!-- 1F5A8 printer; computer --> <annotation cp="🖨">ぷりんたー | いんさつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🖨" type="tts">ぷりんた</annotation> <!-- 2328 keyboard; computer --> <annotation cp="⌨">ぱそこん</annotation> <annotation cp="⌨" type="tts">きーぼーど</annotation> <annotation cp="🖱">こんぴゅーたー</annotation> <annotation cp="🖱" type="tts">まうす</annotation> <annotation cp="🖲">こんぴゅーたー</annotation> <annotation cp="🖲" type="tts">とらっくぼーる</annotation> <!-- 1F4BD minidisc; computer; disk; minidisk; optical --> <annotation cp="💽">MD | でぃすく</annotation> <annotation cp="💽" type="tts">みにでぃすく</annotation> <!-- 1F4BE floppy disk; computer; disk; floppy --> <annotation cp="💾">FD | ふろっぴーでぃすく | でぃすく</annotation> <annotation cp="💾" type="tts">ふろっぴー</annotation> <!-- 1F4BF optical disc; dvd; blu-ray; cd; computer; disk; optical --> <annotation cp="💿">DVD | ぶるーれい | CD | でぃすく</annotation> <annotation cp="💿" type="tts">CD</annotation> <!-- 1F4C0 dvd; blu-ray; cd; computer; disk; optical --> <annotation cp="📀">DVD | ぶるーれい | CD | でぃすく</annotation> <annotation cp="📀" type="tts">DVD</annotation> <!-- 1F3A5 movie camera; camera; cinema; movie --> <annotation cp="🎥">えいが | かめら</annotation> <annotation cp="🎥" type="tts">えいがかめら</annotation> <!-- 1F3AC clapper board; clapper; movie --> <annotation cp="🎬">えいが</annotation> <annotation cp="🎬" type="tts">かちんこ</annotation> <!-- 1F4FD film projector; cinema; film; movie; projector; video --> <annotation cp="📽">えいが | ぷろじぇくたー</annotation> <annotation cp="📽" type="tts">えいしゃき</annotation> <annotation cp="📺">てれび</annotation> <annotation cp="📺" type="tts">てれび</annotation> <annotation cp="📷">しゃしん</annotation> <annotation cp="📷" type="tts">かめら</annotation> <!-- 1F4F8 camera with flash; camera; flash; video --> <annotation cp="📸">かめら | ふらっしゅ</annotation> <annotation cp="📸" type="tts">かめらふらっしゅ</annotation> <!-- 1F4F9 video camera; camera; video --> <annotation cp="📹">びでお | かめら</annotation> <annotation cp="📹" type="tts">びでおかめら</annotation> <!-- 1F4FC videocassette; tape; vhs; video --> <annotation cp="📼">びでお | びでおかせっと</annotation> <annotation cp="📼" type="tts">びでおてーぷ</annotation> <!-- 1F50D left-pointing magnifying glass; glass; magnifying; search; tool --> <annotation cp="🔍">けんさく | むしめがね</annotation> <annotation cp="🔍" type="tts">むしめがねひだり</annotation> <!-- 1F50E right-pointing magnifying glass; glass; magnifying; search; tool --> <annotation cp="🔎">けんさく | むしめがね</annotation> <annotation cp="🔎" type="tts">むしめがねみぎ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔬">けんきゅう</annotation> <annotation cp="🔬" type="tts">けんびきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🔭">てんたいかんそく | かんそく</annotation> <annotation cp="🔭" type="tts">ぼうえんきょう</annotation> <!-- 1F4E1 satellite antenna; antenna; dish; satellite --> <annotation cp="📡">でんぱ | ぱらぼらあんてな | ぱらぼら</annotation> <annotation cp="📡" type="tts">あんてな</annotation> <!-- 1F56F candle; light --> <annotation cp="🕯">きゃんどる</annotation> <annotation cp="🕯" type="tts">ろうそく</annotation> <!-- 1F4A1 light bulb; bulb; comic; electric; idea; light --> <annotation cp="💡">ぴこーん | ひらめき</annotation> <annotation cp="💡" type="tts">でんきゅう</annotation> <!-- 1F526 flashlight; electric; light; tool; torch --> <annotation cp="🔦">らいと | でんとう</annotation> <annotation cp="🔦" type="tts">かいちゅうでんとう</annotation> <!-- 1F3EE red paper lantern; bar; japanese; lantern; light; red --> <annotation cp="🏮">ちょうちん | のみや | いざかや</annotation> <annotation cp="🏮" type="tts">あかちょうちん</annotation> <!-- 1F4D4 notebook with decorative cover; book; cover; decorated; notebook --> <annotation cp="📔">ぶんぼうぐ | のーと</annotation> <annotation cp="📔" type="tts">かざりのーと</annotation> <annotation cp="📕">ほん | しょせき</annotation> <annotation cp="📕" type="tts">ぴんくのひょうしのほん</annotation> <!-- 1F4D6 open book; book; open --> <annotation cp="📖">ほん</annotation> <annotation cp="📖" type="tts">ひらいたほん</annotation> <!-- 1F4D7 green book; book; green --> <annotation cp="📗">ほん</annotation> <annotation cp="📗" type="tts">みどりのほん</annotation> <!-- 1F4D8 blue book; blue; book --> <annotation cp="📘">ほん</annotation> <annotation cp="📘" type="tts">あおのほん</annotation> <!-- 1F4D9 orange book; book; orange --> <annotation cp="📙">ほん</annotation> <annotation cp="📙" type="tts">おれんじのほん</annotation> <!-- 1F4DA books; book --> <annotation cp="📚">ほん</annotation> <annotation cp="📚" type="tts">ほんのやま</annotation> <!-- 1F4D3 notebook --> <annotation cp="📓">ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📓" type="tts">のーと</annotation> <!-- 1F4D2 ledger; notebook --> <annotation cp="📒">のーと | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📒" type="tts">りんぐのーと</annotation> <!-- 1F4C3 page with curl; curl; document; page --> <annotation cp="📃">しょるい | かーる</annotation> <annotation cp="📃" type="tts">まきぺーじ</annotation> <!-- 1F4DC scroll; paper --> <annotation cp="📜">しょるい</annotation> <annotation cp="📜" type="tts">すくろーる</annotation> <!-- 1F4C4 page facing up; document; page --> <annotation cp="📄">しょるい</annotation> <annotation cp="📄" type="tts">ぺーじ</annotation> <!-- 1F4F0 newspaper; news; paper --> <annotation cp="📰">しんぶんし</annotation> <annotation cp="📰" type="tts">しんぶん</annotation> <!-- 1F5DE rolled-up newspaper; news; newspaper; paper; rolled --> <annotation cp="🗞">しんぶんし | しんぶん</annotation> <annotation cp="🗞" type="tts">まるめたしんぶん</annotation> <!-- 1F4D1 bookmark tabs; bookmark; mark; marker; tabs --> <annotation cp="📑">ふせん | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📑" type="tts">ぺーじまーく</annotation> <!-- 1F516 bookmark; mark --> <annotation cp="🔖">ふせん | しおり | ぶっくまーく</annotation> <annotation cp="🔖" type="tts">たぐ</annotation> <!-- 1F4B0 money bag; bag; dollar; money; moneybag --> <annotation cp="💰">おかね | かねぶくろ | しょうきん</annotation> <annotation cp="💰" type="tts">どるぶくろ</annotation> <!-- 1F4B4 yen banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; money; note; yen --> <annotation cp="💴">おかね | おさつ | さつたば | ゆうりょう | こぎって | えん</annotation> <annotation cp="💴" type="tts">えんのおさつ</annotation> <!-- 1F4B5 dollar banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; dollar; money; note --> <annotation cp="💵">おかね | おさつ | さつたば | どる</annotation> <annotation cp="💵" type="tts">どるさつ</annotation> <!-- 1F4B6 euro banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; euro; money; note --> <annotation cp="💶">おかね | おさつ | ゆーろ | さつたば</annotation> <annotation cp="💶" type="tts">ゆーろさつ</annotation> <!-- 1F4B7 pound banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; money; note; pound --> <annotation cp="💷">おかね | おさつ | ぽんど | さつたば</annotation> <annotation cp="💷" type="tts">ぽんどさつ</annotation> <!-- 1F4B8 money with wings; bank; banknote; bill; dollar; fly; money; note; wings --> <annotation cp="💸">おさつ | さつたば</annotation> <annotation cp="💸" type="tts">おかね</annotation> <!-- 1F4B3 credit card; bank; card; credit; money --> <annotation cp="💳">かーど</annotation> <annotation cp="💳" type="tts">くれじっとかーど</annotation> <!-- 1F4B9 chart increasing with yen; bank; chart; currency; graph; growth; market; money; rise; trend; upward; yen --> <annotation cp="💹">ちゃーと | かぶか | かぶ</annotation> <annotation cp="💹" type="tts">かわせ</annotation> <!-- 2709 envelope; e-mail; email --> <annotation cp="✉">めーる | てがみ | Eめーる</annotation> <annotation cp="✉" type="tts">ふうとう</annotation> <!-- 1F4E7 e-mail; email; letter; mail --> <annotation cp="📧">Eめーる | めーる</annotation> <annotation cp="📧" type="tts">いーめーる</annotation> <!-- 1F4E8 incoming envelope; e-mail; email; envelope; incoming; letter; mail; receive --> <annotation cp="📨">じゅしん | じゅしんする</annotation> <annotation cp="📨" type="tts">めーるじゅしんちゅう</annotation> <!-- 1F4E9 envelope with arrow; arrow; down; e-mail; email; envelope; letter; mail; outgoing; sent --> <annotation cp="📩">そうしん | そうしんする | めーるする</annotation> <annotation cp="📩" type="tts">めーるじゅしん</annotation> <!-- 1F4E4 outbox tray; box; letter; mail; outbox; sent; tray --> <annotation cp="📤">めーる | そうしんとれい</annotation> <annotation cp="📤" type="tts">そうしん</annotation> <!-- 1F4E5 inbox tray; box; inbox; letter; mail; receive; tray --> <annotation cp="📥">めーる | じゅしんとれい</annotation> <annotation cp="📥" type="tts">じゅしん</annotation> <!-- 1F4E6 package; box; parcel --> <annotation cp="📦">だんぼーる | にもつ | こづづみ</annotation> <annotation cp="📦" type="tts">ぱっけーじ</annotation> <!-- 1F4EB closed mailbox with raised flag; closed; mail; mailbox; postbox --> <annotation cp="📫">ゆうびんうけ | めーる | ぽすと | ゆうびんばこ</annotation> <annotation cp="📫" type="tts">とじたゆうびんうけてがみあり</annotation> <!-- 1F4EA closed mailbox with lowered flag; closed; lowered; mail; mailbox; postbox --> <annotation cp="📪">ゆうびんうけ | めーる | ぽすと | ゆうびんばこ</annotation> <annotation cp="📪" type="tts">とじたゆうびんうけてがみなし</annotation> <!-- 1F4EC open mailbox with raised flag; mail; mailbox; open; postbox --> <annotation cp="📬">ゆうびんうけ | めーる | ぽすと | ゆうびんばこ</annotation> <annotation cp="📬" type="tts">あいたゆうびんうけてがみあり</annotation> <!-- 1F4ED open mailbox with lowered flag; lowered; mail; mailbox; open; postbox --> <annotation cp="📭">ゆうびんうけ | めーる | ぽすと | ゆうびんばこ</annotation> <annotation cp="📭" type="tts">あいたゆうびんうけてがみなし</annotation> <!-- 1F4EE postbox; mail; mailbox --> <annotation cp="📮">ゆうびんばこ | ゆうびん | ぽすと</annotation> <annotation cp="📮" type="tts">ゆうびんぽすと</annotation> <!-- 1F5F3 ballot box with ballot; ballot; box --> <annotation cp="🗳">せんきょ</annotation> <annotation cp="🗳" type="tts">とうひょうばこ</annotation> <!-- 270F pencil --> <annotation cp="✏">ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="✏" type="tts">えんぴつ</annotation> <!-- 2712 black nib; nib; pen --> <annotation cp="✒">まんねんひつ | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="✒" type="tts">ぺんさき</annotation> <!-- 1F58B fountain pen; fountain; pen --> <annotation cp="🖋">ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🖋" type="tts">まんねんひつ</annotation> <!-- 1F58A pen; ballpoint --> <annotation cp="🖊">ぼーるぺん | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🖊" type="tts">ぺん</annotation> <!-- 1F58C paintbrush; painting --> <annotation cp="🖌">えのぐ | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🖌" type="tts">えふで</annotation> <!-- 1F58D crayon --> <annotation cp="🖍">ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🖍" type="tts">くれよん</annotation> <!-- 1F4DD memo; pencil --> <annotation cp="📝">えんぴつ | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📝" type="tts">めも</annotation> <!-- 1F4BC briefcase --> <annotation cp="💼">ぶりーふけーす</annotation> <annotation cp="💼" type="tts">かばん</annotation> <!-- 1F4C1 file folder; file; folder --> <annotation cp="📁">ふぁいる | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📁" type="tts">ふぉるだー</annotation> <!-- 1F4C2 open file folder; file; folder; open --> <annotation cp="📂">ふぁいる | ふぉるだー | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📂" type="tts">ひらいたふぉるだー</annotation> <!-- 1F5C2 card index dividers; card; dividers; index --> <annotation cp="🗂">かーど | ふぉるだー | いんでっくす | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🗂" type="tts">かーどふぉるだー</annotation> <annotation cp="📅">よてい</annotation> <annotation cp="📅" type="tts">かれんだー</annotation> <!-- 1F4C6 tear-off calendar; calendar --> <annotation cp="📆">かれんだー</annotation> <annotation cp="📆" type="tts">ひめくり</annotation> <!-- 1F5D2 spiral notepad; note; pad; spiral --> <annotation cp="🗒">めも | のーと | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🗒" type="tts">めもちょう</annotation> <!-- 1F5D3 spiral calendar; calendar; pad; spiral --> <annotation cp="🗓">かれんだー</annotation> <annotation cp="🗓" type="tts">つきめくりかれんだー</annotation> <!-- 1F4C7 card index; card; index; rolodex --> <annotation cp="📇">かーど | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📇" type="tts">かーどいんでっくす</annotation> <!-- 1F4C8 chart increasing; chart; graph; growth; trend; upward --> <annotation cp="📈">おれせんぐらふ | うわむき | じょうしょう</annotation> <annotation cp="📈" type="tts">ぐらふうえ</annotation> <!-- 1F4C9 chart decreasing; chart; down; graph; trend --> <annotation cp="📉">おれせんぐらふ | したむき | かこう</annotation> <annotation cp="📉" type="tts">ぐらふした</annotation> <!-- 1F4CA bar chart; bar; chart; graph --> <annotation cp="📊">ぐらふ | ちゃーと</annotation> <annotation cp="📊" type="tts">ぼうぐらふ</annotation> <!-- 1F4CB clipboard --> <annotation cp="📋">くりっぷ | ぶんぼうぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📋" type="tts">くりっぷぼーど</annotation> <!-- 1F4CC pushpin; pin --> <annotation cp="📌">ぷっしゅぴん | ぴん | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📌" type="tts">おしぴん</annotation> <!-- 1F4CD round pushpin; pin; pushpin --> <annotation cp="📍">ぷっしゅぴん | ぴん | おしぴん | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📍" type="tts">まるいおしぴん</annotation> <!-- 1F4CE paperclip --> <annotation cp="📎">ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📎" type="tts">くりっぷ</annotation> <!-- 1F587 linked paperclips; link; paperclip --> <annotation cp="🖇">くりっぷ | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🖇" type="tts">つながったくりっぷ</annotation> <!-- 1F4CF straight ruler; ruler; straight edge --> <annotation cp="📏">すけーる | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📏" type="tts">じょうぎ</annotation> <!-- 1F4D0 triangular ruler; ruler; set; triangle --> <annotation cp="📐">じょうぎ | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="📐" type="tts">さんかくじょうぎ</annotation> <!-- 2702 scissors; tool --> <annotation cp="✂">ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ | きる | かっと</annotation> <annotation cp="✂" type="tts">はさみ</annotation> <!-- 1F5C3 card file box; box; card; file --> <annotation cp="🗃">かーど | はこ | ぼっくす | ふぁいる | ぶんぼうぐ | ぶんぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🗃" type="tts">かーどふぁいるぼっくす</annotation> <!-- 1F5C4 file cabinet; cabinet; file --> <annotation cp="🗄">きゃびねっと | ふぁいる</annotation> <annotation cp="🗄" type="tts">ふぁいるきゃびねっと</annotation> <!-- 1F5D1 wastebasket --> <annotation cp="🗑">ごみばこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🗑" type="tts">ごみかご</annotation> <!-- 1F512 lock; closed --> <annotation cp="🔒">かぎ | じょう | ろっく</annotation> <annotation cp="🔒" type="tts">ろっくおん</annotation> <!-- 1F513 open lock; lock; open; unlock --> <annotation cp="🔓">かぎ | じょう | ろっく</annotation> <annotation cp="🔓" type="tts">ろっくおふ</annotation> <!-- 1F50F lock with pen; ink; lock; nib; pen; privacy --> <annotation cp="🔏">ぷらいばしー | かぎ | じょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🔏" type="tts">ろっく</annotation> <!-- 1F510 closed lock with key; closed; key; lock; secure --> <annotation cp="🔐">かぎ | あんぜん | じょう | ろっく</annotation> <annotation cp="🔐" type="tts">ろっくかくにん</annotation> <!-- 1F511 key; lock; password --> <annotation cp="🔑">ぱすわーど | きー</annotation> <annotation cp="🔑" type="tts">かぎ</annotation> <!-- 1F5DD old key; clue; key; lock; old --> <annotation cp="🗝">ぱすわーど | かぎ | きー</annotation> <annotation cp="🗝" type="tts">ふるいかぎ</annotation> <!-- 1F528 hammer; tool --> <annotation cp="🔨">とんかち | はんまー</annotation> <annotation cp="🔨" type="tts">かなづち</annotation> <annotation cp="⛏">こうぐ | さいくつ</annotation> <annotation cp="⛏" type="tts">つるはし</annotation> <!-- 2692 hammer and pick; hammer; pick; tool --> <annotation cp="⚒">とんかち</annotation> <annotation cp="⚒" type="tts">はんまー</annotation> <!-- 1F6E0 hammer and wrench; hammer; tool; wrench --> <annotation cp="🛠">はんまー | れんち</annotation> <annotation cp="🛠" type="tts">はんまーとれんち</annotation> <annotation cp="🔧">こうぐ | れんち</annotation> <annotation cp="🔧" type="tts">すぱな</annotation> <!-- 1F529 nut and bolt; bolt; nut; tool --> <annotation cp="🔩">ぼると | なっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🔩" type="tts">ぼるととなっと</annotation> <!-- 2699 gear; tool --> <annotation cp="⚙">ぎあ</annotation> <annotation cp="⚙" type="tts">はぐるま</annotation> <annotation cp="🗜">こうぐ | ばいす</annotation> <annotation cp="🗜" type="tts">まんりき</annotation> <!-- 2697 alembic; chemistry; tool --> <annotation cp="⚗">かがく | じっけん</annotation> <annotation cp="⚗" type="tts">じょうりゅうき</annotation> <!-- 2696 balance scale; balance; justice; libra; scales; tool; weight; zodiac --> <annotation cp="⚖">かがく | じっけん | はかり</annotation> <annotation cp="⚖" type="tts">てんびん</annotation> <!-- 1F517 link --> <annotation cp="🔗">りんく</annotation> <annotation cp="🔗" type="tts">りんくしんぼる</annotation> <!-- 26D3 chains; chain --> <annotation cp="⛓">ちぇーん</annotation> <annotation cp="⛓" type="tts">くさり</annotation> <!-- 1F489 syringe; doctor; medicine; needle; shot; sick; tool --> <annotation cp="💉">ちゅうしゃ | びょうき | いしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="💉" type="tts">ちゅうしゃき</annotation> <!-- 1F48A pill; doctor; medicine; sick --> <annotation cp="💊">かぷせる | びょうき | いしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="💊" type="tts">くすり</annotation> <!-- 1F5E1 dagger; knife; weapon --> <annotation cp="🗡">ないふ | だがー</annotation> <annotation cp="🗡" type="tts">たんとう</annotation> <!-- 1F52A kitchen knife; cooking; hocho; knife; tool; weapon --> <annotation cp="🔪">ないふ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔪" type="tts">ほうちょう</annotation> <!-- 2694 crossed swords; crossed; swords; weapon --> <annotation cp="⚔">かたな | けん</annotation> <annotation cp="⚔" type="tts">つるぎ</annotation> <!-- 1F52B pistol; gun; handgun; revolver; tool; weapon --> <annotation cp="🔫">けんじゅう</annotation> <annotation cp="🔫" type="tts">ぴすとる</annotation> <!-- 1F6E1 shield; weapon --> <annotation cp="🛡">しーるど</annotation> <annotation cp="🛡" type="tts">たて</annotation> <!-- 1F3F9 bow and arrow; archer; arrow; bow; sagittarius; tool; weapon; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🏹">ゆみ | や</annotation> <annotation cp="🏹" type="tts">ゆみや</annotation> <!-- 1F3C1 chequered flag; checkered; chequered; racing --> <annotation cp="🏁">ちぇっかー | れーす | すぽーつ | ふらっぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏁" type="tts">ふらぐ</annotation> <!-- 1F3F3 waving white flag; waving --> <annotation cp="🏳">はた | しろ | ふらっぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏳" type="tts">しろはた</annotation> <annotation cp="🏳🌈">れいんぼー | にじ | はた</annotation> <annotation cp="🏳🌈" type="tts">にじいろのはた</annotation> <!-- 1F3F4 waving black flag; waving --> <annotation cp="🏴">はた | くろ | ふらっぐ</annotation> <annotation cp="🏴" type="tts">くろはた</annotation> <!-- 1F6A9 triangular flag; post --> <annotation cp="🚩">ごるふ | はた</annotation> <annotation cp="🚩" type="tts">ふらっぐ</annotation> <!-- 1F6AC smoking --> <annotation cp="🚬">たばこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚬" type="tts">きつえん</annotation> <!-- 26B0 coffin; death --> <annotation cp="⚰">し</annotation> <annotation cp="⚰" type="tts">かんおけ</annotation> <!-- 26B1 funeral urn; death; funeral; urn --> <annotation cp="⚱">し | つぼ</annotation> <annotation cp="⚱" type="tts">こつつぼ</annotation> <annotation cp="🗿">もやい</annotation> <annotation cp="🗿" type="tts">もあい</annotation> <!-- 1F6E2 oil drum; drum; oil --> <annotation cp="🛢">せきゆ</annotation> <annotation cp="🛢" type="tts">どらむかん</annotation> <!-- 1F52E crystal ball; ball; crystal; fairy tale; fantasy; fortune; tool --> <annotation cp="🔮">すいしょう | うらない</annotation> <annotation cp="🔮" type="tts">すいしょうだま</annotation> <!-- 1F3E7 ATM sign; atm; automated; bank; teller --> <annotation cp="🏧">ATM | ぎんこう</annotation> <annotation cp="🏧" type="tts">ATM</annotation> <!-- 1F6AE litter in bin sign; litter; litterbox --> <annotation cp="🚮">ごみ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚮" type="tts">ごみばこ</annotation> <!-- 1F6B0 potable water; drink; potable; water --> <annotation cp="🚰">のみみず | みず | すいどう</annotation> <annotation cp="🚰" type="tts">いんりょうすい</annotation> <!-- 267F wheelchair; access --> <annotation cp="♿">ばりあふりー</annotation> <annotation cp="♿" type="tts">くるまいす</annotation> <!-- 1F6B9 men’s room; lavatory; man; restroom; wc --> <annotation cp="🚹">といれ | だんし | おとこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚹" type="tts">だんせい</annotation> <!-- 1F6BA women’s room; lavatory; restroom; wc; woman --> <annotation cp="🚺">といれ | じょし | おんな</annotation> <annotation cp="🚺" type="tts">じょせい</annotation> <!-- 1F6BB restroom; lavatory; wc --> <annotation cp="🚻">WC</annotation> <annotation cp="🚻" type="tts">といれ</annotation> <!-- 1F6BC baby symbol; baby; changing --> <annotation cp="🚼">あかんぼう | べびー</annotation> <annotation cp="🚼" type="tts">あかちゃん</annotation> <!-- 1F6BE water closet; closet; lavatory; restroom; water; wc --> <annotation cp="🚾">WC | といれ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚾" type="tts">だぶりゅしー</annotation> <!-- 1F6C2 passport control; control; passport --> <annotation cp="🛂">しゅつにゅうこく | にゅうしゅつこく | ぱすぽーと</annotation> <annotation cp="🛂" type="tts">ぱすぽーとこんとろーる</annotation> <annotation cp="🛃">つうかん</annotation> <annotation cp="🛃" type="tts">ぜいかん</annotation> <!-- 1F6C4 baggage claim; baggage; claim --> <annotation cp="🛄">てにもつ</annotation> <annotation cp="🛄" type="tts">てにもつうけとり</annotation> <!-- 1F6C5 left luggage; baggage; locker; luggage --> <annotation cp="🛅">てにもつ | ろっかー</annotation> <annotation cp="🛅" type="tts">てにもつあずかり</annotation> <!-- 26A0 warning --> <annotation cp="⚠">ちゅうい | ひょうしき</annotation> <annotation cp="⚠" type="tts">けいこく</annotation> <!-- 1F6B8 children crossing; child; crossing; pedestrian; traffic --> <annotation cp="🚸">ひょうしき</annotation> <annotation cp="🚸" type="tts">じどうおうだん</annotation> <!-- 26D4 no entry; entry; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; traffic --> <annotation cp="⛔">ひょうしき</annotation> <annotation cp="⛔" type="tts">しんにゅうきんし</annotation> <!-- 1F6AB prohibited; entry; forbidden; no; not --> <annotation cp="🚫">ひょうしき | つうこうどめ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚫" type="tts">きんし</annotation> <!-- 1F6B3 no bicycles; bicycle; bike; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚳">ひょうしき</annotation> <annotation cp="🚳" type="tts">じてんしゃきんし</annotation> <!-- 1F6AD no smoking; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; smoking --> <annotation cp="🚭">たばこ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚭" type="tts">きんえん</annotation> <annotation cp="🚯">きんし | ごみ</annotation> <annotation cp="🚯" type="tts">ごみすてきんし</annotation> <!-- 1F6B1 non-potable water; drink; forbidden; no; not; potable; prohibited; water --> <annotation cp="🚱">いんようふか</annotation> <annotation cp="🚱" type="tts">のめないみず</annotation> <annotation cp="🚷">きんし</annotation> <annotation cp="🚷" type="tts">ほこうしゃきんし</annotation> <!-- 2622 radioactive --> <annotation cp="☢">ほうしゃせい | きけん</annotation> <annotation cp="☢" type="tts">ほうしゃのう</annotation> <!-- 2623 biohazard --> <annotation cp="☣">ばいおはざーど | きけん</annotation> <annotation cp="☣" type="tts">ゆうがいぶっしつ</annotation> <!-- 2B06 up arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; north --> <annotation cp="⬆">やじるし | うえ | きた</annotation> <annotation cp="⬆" type="tts">うえやじるし</annotation> <!-- 2197 up-right arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; northeast --> <annotation cp="↗">やじるし | みぎうえ | ほくとう</annotation> <annotation cp="↗" type="tts">みぎうえやじるし</annotation> <!-- 27A1 right arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; east --> <annotation cp="➡">やじるし | みぎ | ひがし</annotation> <annotation cp="➡" type="tts">みぎやじるし</annotation> <!-- 2198 down-right arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; southeast --> <annotation cp="↘">やじるし | みぎした | なんとう</annotation> <annotation cp="↘" type="tts">みぎしたやじるし</annotation> <!-- 2B07 down arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; down; south --> <annotation cp="⬇">やじるし | した | みなみ</annotation> <annotation cp="⬇" type="tts">したやじるし</annotation> <!-- 2199 down-left arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; southwest --> <annotation cp="↙">やじるし | ひだりした | なんせい</annotation> <annotation cp="↙" type="tts">ひだりしたやじるし</annotation> <!-- 2B05 left arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; west --> <annotation cp="⬅">やじるし | ひだり | にし</annotation> <annotation cp="⬅" type="tts">ひだりやじるし</annotation> <!-- 2196 up-left arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; northwest --> <annotation cp="↖">やじるし | ひだりうえ | ほくせい</annotation> <annotation cp="↖" type="tts">ひだりうえやじるし</annotation> <!-- 2195 up-down arrow; arrow --> <annotation cp="↕">やじるし | じょうげ</annotation> <annotation cp="↕" type="tts">うえしたやじるし</annotation> <!-- 2194 left-right arrow; arrow --> <annotation cp="↔">やじるし | さゆう</annotation> <annotation cp="↔" type="tts">みぎひだりやじるし</annotation> <!-- 21A9 right arrow curving left; arrow --> <annotation cp="↩">やじるし | きょくせん | かーぶ | ひだり</annotation> <annotation cp="↩" type="tts">みぎかーぶやじるし</annotation> <!-- 21AA left arrow curving right; arrow --> <annotation cp="↪">やじるし | きょくせん | かーぶ | みぎ</annotation> <annotation cp="↪" type="tts">ひだりかーぶやじるし</annotation> <!-- 2934 right arrow curving up; arrow --> <annotation cp="⤴">やじるし | きょくせん | かーぶ | うえ</annotation> <annotation cp="⤴" type="tts">うえかーぶやじるし</annotation> <!-- 2935 right arrow curving down; arrow; down --> <annotation cp="⤵">やじるし | きょくせん | かーぶ | した</annotation> <annotation cp="⤵" type="tts">したかーぶやじるし</annotation> <!-- 1F503 clockwise vertical arrows; arrow; clockwise; reload --> <annotation cp="🔃">やじるし | みぎまわり | りろーど</annotation> <annotation cp="🔃" type="tts">みぎまわりたてやじるし</annotation> <!-- 1F504 anticlockwise arrows button; anticlockwise; arrow; counterclockwise; withershins --> <annotation cp="🔄">やじるし | ひだりまわり</annotation> <annotation cp="🔄" type="tts">ひだりまわりやじるし</annotation> <!-- 1F519 back arrow; arrow; back --> <annotation cp="🔙">やじるし | もどる</annotation> <annotation cp="🔙" type="tts">もどりやじるし</annotation> <!-- 1F51A end arrow; arrow; end --> <annotation cp="🔚">やじるし | えんど</annotation> <annotation cp="🔚" type="tts">えんどやじるし</annotation> <!-- 1F51B on! arrow; arrow; mark; on --> <annotation cp="🔛">おん | やじるし</annotation> <annotation cp="🔛" type="tts">おんやじるし</annotation> <!-- 1F51C soon arrow; arrow; soon --> <annotation cp="🔜">すーん | やじるし</annotation> <annotation cp="🔜" type="tts">すーんやじるし</annotation> <!-- 1F51D top arrow; arrow; top; up --> <annotation cp="🔝">すーん | やじるし | うえ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔝" type="tts">とっぷやじるし</annotation> <!-- 1F6D0 place of worship; religion; worship --> <annotation cp="🛐">しゅうきょう | いのり</annotation> <annotation cp="🛐" type="tts">れいはい</annotation> <annotation cp="⚛">げんしりょく | あとむ</annotation> <annotation cp="⚛" type="tts">げんしりょくまーく</annotation> <!-- 1F549 om; hindu; religion --> <annotation cp="🕉">ひんどぅーきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🕉" type="tts">おーむ</annotation> <!-- 2721 star of david; david; jew; jewish; religion; star --> <annotation cp="✡">ゆだやきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="✡" type="tts">だびでのほし</annotation> <!-- 2638 wheel of dharma; buddhist; dharma; religion; wheel --> <annotation cp="☸">ぶっきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="☸" type="tts">ほうりん</annotation> <!-- 262F yin yang; religion; tao; taoist; yang; yin --> <annotation cp="☯">いんやん | どうきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="☯" type="tts">いんよう</annotation> <!-- 271D latin cross; christian; cross; religion --> <annotation cp="✝">くろす | きりすときょう</annotation> <annotation cp="✝" type="tts">じゅうじか</annotation> <!-- 2626 orthodox cross; christian; cross; religion --> <annotation cp="☦">きりすときょう | じゅうじか</annotation> <annotation cp="☦" type="tts">はったんじゅうじか</annotation> <!-- 262A star and crescent; islam; muslim; religion --> <annotation cp="☪">みかづき | ほし | いすらむきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="☪" type="tts">ほしとみかづき</annotation> <!-- 262E peace symbol; peace --> <annotation cp="☮">へいわ</annotation> <annotation cp="☮" type="tts">ぴーすまーく</annotation> <!-- 1F54E menorah; candelabrum; candlestick; religion --> <annotation cp="🕎">めのらー | しょくだい | ゆだやきょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🕎" type="tts">めのーらー</annotation> <!-- 1F52F dotted six-pointed star; fortune; star --> <annotation cp="🔯">うらない | だびで | ろくぼうせい</annotation> <annotation cp="🔯" type="tts">ろっかくせい</annotation> <annotation cp="♻">りさいくる | さいせい</annotation> <annotation cp="♻" type="tts">りさいくるまーく</annotation> <!-- 1F4DB name badge; badge; name --> <annotation cp="📛">ほいくしょ | ほいくえん | ようちえん</annotation> <annotation cp="📛" type="tts">なふだ</annotation> <!-- 269C fleur-de-lis --> <annotation cp="⚜">えんぶれむ</annotation> <annotation cp="⚜" type="tts">ふるーるどりす</annotation> <!-- 1F530 japanese symbol for beginner; beginner; chevron; green; japanese; leaf; tool; yellow --> <annotation cp="🔰">しょしんしゃ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔰" type="tts">わかばまーく</annotation> <!-- 1F531 trident emblem; anchor; emblem; ship; tool; trident --> <annotation cp="🔱">とらいでんと | えんぶれむ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔱" type="tts">みつまた</annotation> <!-- 2B55 heavy large circle; circle; o --> <annotation cp="⭕">えん | わ | さーくる | きごう | まる</annotation> <annotation cp="⭕" type="tts">おおきいまる</annotation> <!-- 2705 white heavy check mark; check; mark --> <annotation cp="✅">ちぇっくまーく | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="✅" type="tts">ちぇっく</annotation> <!-- 2611 ballot box with check; ballot; box; check --> <annotation cp="☑">ちぇっく | ちぇっくまーく | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="☑" type="tts">ちぇっくぼっくす</annotation> <!-- 2714 heavy check mark; check; mark --> <annotation cp="✔">ちぇっく | ちぇっくまーく | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="✔" type="tts">おおきいちぇっく</annotation> <!-- 2716 heavy multiplication x; cancel; multiplication; multiply; x --> <annotation cp="✖">きゃんせる | ばつ | ぺけ | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="✖" type="tts">かけざん</annotation> <!-- 274C cross mark; cancel; mark; multiplication; multiply; x --> <annotation cp="❌">きゃんせる | ぺけ | かけざん | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="❌" type="tts">ばつ</annotation> <!-- 274E cross mark button; mark; square --> <annotation cp="❎">きゃんせる | ばつ | ぺけ | かけざん | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="❎" type="tts">ばつぼたん</annotation> <!-- 2795 heavy plus sign; math; plus --> <annotation cp="➕">+ | たす | たしざん | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="➕" type="tts">ぷらす</annotation> <!-- 2796 heavy minus sign; math; minus --> <annotation cp="➖">ー | ひく | ひきざん | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="➖" type="tts">まいなす</annotation> <!-- 2797 heavy division sign; division; math --> <annotation cp="➗">/ | わる | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="➗" type="tts">わりざん</annotation> <!-- 27B0 curly loop; curl; loop --> <annotation cp="➰">ちょうおん | きごう | るーぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="➰" type="tts">くるり</annotation> <!-- 27BF double curly loop; curl; double; loop --> <annotation cp="➿">きごう | ふりーだいやる</annotation> <annotation cp="➿" type="tts">だぶるるーぷ</annotation> <!-- 303D part alternation mark; mark; part --> <annotation cp="〽">うたきごう | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="〽" type="tts">いおりてん</annotation> <!-- 2733 eight-spoked asterisk; asterisk --> <annotation cp="✳">あすたりすく | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="✳" type="tts">はっかくあすたりすく</annotation> <!-- 2734 eight-pointed star; star --> <annotation cp="✴">ほし | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="✴" type="tts">はっかくせい</annotation> <!-- 2747 sparkle --> <annotation cp="❇">あすたりすく | きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="❇" type="tts">すぱーくる</annotation> <!-- 1F4B1 currency exchange; bank; currency; exchange; money --> <annotation cp="💱">きごう | おかね</annotation> <annotation cp="💱" type="tts">りょうがえ</annotation> <!-- 1F4B2 heavy dollar sign; currency; dollar; money --> <annotation cp="💲">きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="💲" type="tts">どる</annotation> <!-- 203C double exclamation mark; bangbang; exclamation; mark; punctuation --> <annotation cp="‼">きごう | かんたんふ | びっくりまーく | !</annotation> <annotation cp="‼" type="tts">だぶるかんたんふ</annotation> <!-- 2049 exclamation question mark; exclamation; interrobang; mark; punctuation; question --> <annotation cp="⁉">きごう | かんたんふ | びっくりまーく | ぎもんふ | はてなまーく | ! | ?</annotation> <annotation cp="⁉" type="tts">かんたんふぎもんふ</annotation> <!-- 2753 question mark; mark; punctuation; question --> <annotation cp="❓">きごう | ぎもんふ | はてなまーく | ?</annotation> <annotation cp="❓" type="tts">くえすちょん</annotation> <!-- 2754 white question mark; mark; outlined; punctuation; question --> <annotation cp="❔">きごう | ぎもんふ | はてなまーく | ?</annotation> <annotation cp="❔" type="tts">しろくえすちょん</annotation> <!-- 2755 white exclamation mark; exclamation; mark; outlined; punctuation --> <annotation cp="❕">きごう | かんたんふ | びっくりまーく | !</annotation> <annotation cp="❕" type="tts">しろかんたんふ</annotation> <!-- 2757 exclamation mark; exclamation; mark; punctuation --> <annotation cp="❗">きごう | びっくりまーく | !</annotation> <annotation cp="❗" type="tts">かんたんふ</annotation> <!-- 3030 wavy dash; dash; punctuation; wavy --> <annotation cp="〰">きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="〰" type="tts">なみだっしゅ</annotation> <!-- 00A9 copyright --> <annotation cp="©">きごう | ちょさくけん</annotation> <annotation cp="©" type="tts">こぴーらいと</annotation> <!-- 00AE registered --> <annotation cp="®">きごう | とうろくしょうひょう</annotation> <annotation cp="®" type="tts">れじすたーど</annotation> <!-- 2122 trade mark; mark; tm; trademark --> <annotation cp="™">きごう | しょうひょう</annotation> <annotation cp="™" type="tts">とれーどまーく</annotation> <!-- 2648 aries; ram; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♈">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♈" type="tts">おひつじざ</annotation> <!-- 2649 taurus; bull; ox; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♉">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♉" type="tts">おうしざ</annotation> <!-- 264A gemini; twins; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♊">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♊" type="tts">ふたござ</annotation> <!-- 264B cancer; crab; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♋">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♋" type="tts">かにざ</annotation> <!-- 264C leo; lion; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♌">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♌" type="tts">ししざ</annotation> <!-- 264D virgo; maiden; virgin; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♍">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♍" type="tts">おとめざ</annotation> <!-- 264E libra; balance; justice; scales; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♎">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♎" type="tts">てんびんざ</annotation> <!-- 264F scorpius; scorpio; scorpion; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♏">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♏" type="tts">さそりざ</annotation> <!-- 2650 sagittarius; archer; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♐">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♐" type="tts">いてざ</annotation> <!-- 2651 capricorn; goat; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♑">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♑" type="tts">やぎざ</annotation> <!-- 2652 aquarius; bearer; water; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♒">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♒" type="tts">みずがめざ</annotation> <!-- 2653 pisces; fish; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♓">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="♓" type="tts">うおざ</annotation> <!-- 26CE ophiuchus; bearer; serpent; snake; zodiac --> <annotation cp="⛎">せいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="⛎" type="tts">へびつかいざ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔀">しゃっふる | ぼたん | やじるし</annotation> <annotation cp="🔀" type="tts">しゃっふるぼたん</annotation> <!-- 1F501 repeat button; arrow; clockwise; repeat --> <annotation cp="🔁">りぴーと</annotation> <annotation cp="🔁" type="tts">くりかえし</annotation> <!-- 1F502 repeat single button; arrow; clockwise; once --> <annotation cp="🔂">いっかいりぴーと</annotation> <annotation cp="🔂" type="tts">いっかいくりかえし</annotation> <annotation cp="▶">さいせい | ぷれい | ぼたん | やじるし</annotation> <annotation cp="▶" type="tts">さいせいぼたん</annotation> <annotation cp="⏩">はやおくり | ぼたん | やじるし</annotation> <annotation cp="⏩" type="tts">はやおくりぼたん</annotation> <annotation cp="⏭">つぎのきょく | つぎ | ぼたん | やじるし</annotation> <annotation cp="⏭" type="tts">つぎへいくぼたん</annotation> <!-- 23EF play or pause button; arrow; pause; play; right; triangle --> <annotation cp="⏯">さいせい | いちじていし</annotation> <annotation cp="⏯" type="tts">さいせいいちじていし</annotation> <annotation cp="◀">ぎゃくさいせい | まきもどし | ぼたん | やじるし</annotation> <annotation cp="◀" type="tts">ぎゃくさいせいぼたん</annotation> <annotation cp="⏪">はやもどし | ぼたん | やじるし</annotation> <annotation cp="⏪" type="tts">はやもどしぼたん</annotation> <!-- 23EE last track button; arrow; previous scene; previous track; triangle --> <annotation cp="⏮">さいごのとらっく</annotation> <annotation cp="⏮" type="tts">まえのとらっく</annotation> <!-- 1F53C up button; arrow; button; red --> <annotation cp="🔼">うえ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔼" type="tts">うえぼたん</annotation> <!-- 23EB fast up button; arrow; double --> <annotation cp="⏫">うえ</annotation> <annotation cp="⏫" type="tts">こうそくうえ</annotation> <!-- 1F53D down button; arrow; button; down; red --> <annotation cp="🔽">した</annotation> <annotation cp="🔽" type="tts">したぼたん</annotation> <!-- 23EC fast down button; arrow; double; down --> <annotation cp="⏬">した</annotation> <annotation cp="⏬" type="tts">こうそくした</annotation> <annotation cp="⏸">いちじていし | ぽーず | ぼたん | やじるし</annotation> <annotation cp="⏸" type="tts">いちじていしぼたん</annotation> <annotation cp="⏹">ていし | すとっぷ | ぼたん | やじるし</annotation> <annotation cp="⏹" type="tts">ていしぼたん</annotation> <!-- 23FA record button; circle; record --> <annotation cp="⏺">ろくが</annotation> <annotation cp="⏺" type="tts">ろくおん</annotation> <!-- 23CF eject button; eject --> <annotation cp="⏏">とりだし</annotation> <annotation cp="⏏" type="tts">いじぇくと</annotation> <!-- 1F3A6 cinema; camera; film; movie --> <annotation cp="🎦">えいが | かめら</annotation> <annotation cp="🎦" type="tts">えいがかん</annotation> <!-- 1F505 dim button; brightness; dim; low --> <annotation cp="🔅">あかるさ | ぶらいとねす</annotation> <annotation cp="🔅" type="tts">ひくいきど</annotation> <!-- 1F506 bright button; bright; brightness --> <annotation cp="🔆">あかるさ | ぶらいとねす</annotation> <annotation cp="🔆" type="tts">たかいきど</annotation> <!-- 1F4F6 antenna bars; antenna; bar; cell; mobile; phone; signal; telephone --> <annotation cp="📶">けんない | けいたい | けいたいでんわ | すまほ | すまーとふぉん</annotation> <annotation cp="📶" type="tts">でんぱ</annotation> <!-- 1F4F5 no mobile phones; cell; forbidden; mobile; no; not; phone; prohibited; telephone --> <annotation cp="📵">けいたいでんわきんし | すまほきんし | すまーとふぉんきんし</annotation> <annotation cp="📵" type="tts">けいたいきんし</annotation> <!-- 1F4F3 vibration mode; cell; mobile; mode; phone; telephone; vibration --> <annotation cp="📳">けいたい | けいたいでんわ | すまほ | すまーとふぉん</annotation> <annotation cp="📳" type="tts">まなーもーど</annotation> <!-- 1F4F4 mobile phone off; cell; mobile; off; phone; telephone --> <annotation cp="📴">けいたい | けいたいでんわ | すまほ | すまーとふぉん | でんげんおふ</annotation> <annotation cp="📴" type="tts">けいたいおふ</annotation> <!-- 0023,20E3 keycap number; hash; keycap; pound --> <annotation cp="#⃣">はっしゅ | きー</annotation> <annotation cp="#⃣" type="tts">はっしゅきー</annotation> <!-- 002A,20E3 keycap asterisk; asterisk; keycap; star --> <annotation cp="*⃣">きー</annotation> <annotation cp="*⃣" type="tts">あすたりすく</annotation> <!-- 1F51F keycap ten; 10; keycap; ten --> <annotation cp="🔟">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔟" type="tts">じゅう</annotation> <!-- 1F4AF hundred points; 100; full; hundred; score --> <annotation cp="💯">ひゃくてん | まんてん | 100</annotation> <annotation cp="💯" type="tts">ひゃくてんまんてん</annotation> <!-- 1F51E no one under eighteen; 18; age restriction; eighteen; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; underage --> <annotation cp="🔞">18</annotation> <annotation cp="🔞" type="tts">じゅうはっきん</annotation> <!-- 1F520 input latin uppercase; input; latin; letters; uppercase --> <annotation cp="🔠">ろーまじ | おおもじ | あるふぁべっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🔠" type="tts">おおもじABCD</annotation> <!-- 1F521 input latin lowercase; abcd; input; latin; letters; lowercase --> <annotation cp="🔡">ろーまじ | こもじ | あるふぁべっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🔡" type="tts">こもじABCD</annotation> <annotation cp="🔢">すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔢" type="tts">すうじのにゅうりょく</annotation> <annotation cp="🔣">きごう</annotation> <annotation cp="🔣" type="tts">きごうのにゅうりょく</annotation> <!-- 1F524 input latin letters; abc; alphabet; input; latin; letters --> <annotation cp="🔤">ろーまじ | あるふぁべっと</annotation> <annotation cp="🔤" type="tts">ABC</annotation> <!-- 1F170 a button; a; blood --> <annotation cp="🅰">けつえきがた</annotation> <annotation cp="🅰" type="tts">えーがた</annotation> <!-- 1F18E ab button; ab; blood --> <annotation cp="🆎">けつえきがた</annotation> <annotation cp="🆎" type="tts">えーびーがた</annotation> <!-- 1F171 b button; b; blood --> <annotation cp="🅱">けつえきがた</annotation> <annotation cp="🅱" type="tts">びーがた</annotation> <!-- 1F191 squared cl; cl --> <annotation cp="🆑">CL</annotation> <annotation cp="🆑" type="tts">くりあ</annotation> <!-- 1F192 squared cool; cool --> <annotation cp="🆒">COOL</annotation> <annotation cp="🆒" type="tts">くーる</annotation> <!-- 1F193 squared free; free --> <annotation cp="🆓">むりょう | ふりー | FREE</annotation> <annotation cp="🆓" type="tts">ただ</annotation> <!-- 2139 information source; i; information --> <annotation cp="ℹ">いんふぉめーしょん</annotation> <annotation cp="ℹ" type="tts">じょうほう</annotation> <!-- 1F194 squared id; id; identity --> <annotation cp="🆔">ID</annotation> <annotation cp="🆔" type="tts">あいでぃー</annotation> <!-- 24C2 circled letter m; circle; m --> <annotation cp="Ⓜ">M</annotation> <annotation cp="Ⓜ" type="tts">えむ</annotation> <!-- 1F195 squared new; new --> <annotation cp="🆕">NEW | あたらしい</annotation> <annotation cp="🆕" type="tts">にゅー</annotation> <!-- 1F196 squared ng; ng --> <annotation cp="🆖">NG</annotation> <annotation cp="🆖" type="tts">えぬじー</annotation> <!-- 1F17E o button; blood; o --> <annotation cp="🅾">けつえきがた</annotation> <annotation cp="🅾" type="tts">おーがた</annotation> <!-- 1F197 squared ok; ok --> <annotation cp="🆗">OK</annotation> <annotation cp="🆗" type="tts">おーけー</annotation> <!-- 1F17F p button; parking --> <annotation cp="🅿">ちゅうしゃじょう | P</annotation> <annotation cp="🅿" type="tts">ぱーきんぐ</annotation> <!-- 1F198 squared sos; help; sos --> <annotation cp="🆘">SOS</annotation> <annotation cp="🆘" type="tts">えすおーえす</annotation> <!-- 1F199 up! button; mark; up --> <annotation cp="🆙">こうしん | UP</annotation> <annotation cp="🆙" type="tts">あっぷ</annotation> <!-- 1F19A squared vs; versus; vs --> <annotation cp="🆚">ばーさす | ゔぁーさす | VS</annotation> <annotation cp="🆚" type="tts">ゔぃえす</annotation> <annotation cp="🈁">ここ</annotation> <annotation cp="🈁" type="tts">ここ</annotation> <!-- 1F202 squared katakana sa; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈂">さーびす</annotation> <annotation cp="🈂" type="tts">さ</annotation> <!-- 1F237 squared moon ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈷">つき | げつがく</annotation> <annotation cp="🈷" type="tts">つきぎめ</annotation> <!-- 1F236 squared exist ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈶">ゆうりょう | ゆうげん</annotation> <annotation cp="🈶" type="tts">ゆう</annotation> <!-- 1F22F squared finger ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈯">してい</annotation> <annotation cp="🈯" type="tts">し</annotation> <!-- 1F250 circled advantage ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🉐">とく</annotation> <annotation cp="🉐" type="tts">まるとく</annotation> <!-- 1F239 squared divide ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈹">わりびき</annotation> <annotation cp="🈹" type="tts">わり</annotation> <!-- 1F21A squared negation ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈚">むりょう</annotation> <annotation cp="🈚" type="tts">む</annotation> <!-- 1F232 squared prohibit ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈲">きんし</annotation> <annotation cp="🈲" type="tts">きん</annotation> <!-- 1F251 circled accept ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🉑">かのう</annotation> <annotation cp="🉑" type="tts">か</annotation> <!-- 1F238 squared apply ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈸">もうしこみ</annotation> <annotation cp="🈸" type="tts">しん</annotation> <!-- 1F234 squared together ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈴">ごう</annotation> <annotation cp="🈴" type="tts">ごうかく</annotation> <!-- 1F233 squared empty ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈳">あき | くう</annotation> <annotation cp="🈳" type="tts">から</annotation> <!-- 3297 circled congratulate ideograph; chinese; congratulation; congratulations; ideograph --> <annotation cp="㊗">しゅく</annotation> <annotation cp="㊗" type="tts">おいわい</annotation> <!-- 3299 circled secret ideograph; chinese; ideograph; secret --> <annotation cp="㊙">まるひ</annotation> <annotation cp="㊙" type="tts">ひみつ</annotation> <!-- 1F23A squared operating ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈺">えいぎょう | えいぎょうび</annotation> <annotation cp="🈺" type="tts">えい</annotation> <!-- 1F235 squared fullness ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈵">まんしゃ | まんしつ | まんいん | まんせき</annotation> <annotation cp="🈵" type="tts">まん</annotation> <!-- 25AA black small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="▪">くろ | しかく | せいほうけい</annotation> <annotation cp="▪" type="tts">くろしかくしょう</annotation> <!-- 25AB white small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="▫">しろ | しかく | せいほうけい</annotation> <annotation cp="▫" type="tts">しろしかくしょう</annotation> <!-- 25FB white medium square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◻">しろ | しかく | せいほうけい</annotation> <annotation cp="◻" type="tts">しろしかくだい</annotation> <!-- 25FC black medium square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◼">くろ | しかく | せいほうけい</annotation> <annotation cp="◼" type="tts">くろしかくだい</annotation> <!-- 25FD white medium-small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◽">しろ | しかく | せいほうけい</annotation> <annotation cp="◽" type="tts">しろしかくちゅう</annotation> <!-- 25FE black medium-small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◾">くろ | しかく | せいほうけい</annotation> <annotation cp="◾" type="tts">くろしかくちゅう</annotation> <!-- 2B1B black large square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="⬛">くろ | しかく | せいほうけい</annotation> <annotation cp="⬛" type="tts">くろしかくさいだい</annotation> <!-- 2B1C white large square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="⬜">しろ | しかく | せいほうけい</annotation> <annotation cp="⬜" type="tts">しろしかくさいだい</annotation> <!-- 1F536 large orange diamond; diamond; geometric; orange --> <annotation cp="🔶">しかく | ひしがた</annotation> <annotation cp="🔶" type="tts">ひしがたおれんじ</annotation> <!-- 1F537 large blue diamond; blue; diamond; geometric --> <annotation cp="🔷">しかく | ひしがた</annotation> <annotation cp="🔷" type="tts">ひしがたあお</annotation> <!-- 1F538 small orange diamond; diamond; geometric; orange --> <annotation cp="🔸">しかく | ひしがた</annotation> <annotation cp="🔸" type="tts">ちいさいひしがたおれんじ</annotation> <!-- 1F539 small blue diamond; blue; diamond; geometric --> <annotation cp="🔹">しかく | ひしがた</annotation> <annotation cp="🔹" type="tts">ちいさいひしがたあお</annotation> <!-- 1F53A red triangle pointed up; geometric; red --> <annotation cp="🔺">さんかく | うえ</annotation> <annotation cp="🔺" type="tts">あかいうえさんかく</annotation> <!-- 1F53B red triangle pointed down; down; geometric; red --> <annotation cp="🔻">さんかく | した</annotation> <annotation cp="🔻" type="tts">あかいしたさんかく</annotation> <!-- 1F4A0 diamond with a dot; comic; diamond; geometric; inside --> <annotation cp="💠">だいや | だいあ</annotation> <annotation cp="💠" type="tts">ひしがた</annotation> <annotation cp="🔘">ぼたん | にじゅうまる</annotation> <annotation cp="🔘" type="tts">らじおぼたん</annotation> <!-- 1F532 black square button; button; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="🔲">しかくぼたん</annotation> <annotation cp="🔲" type="tts">くろわくしかく</annotation> <!-- 1F533 white square button; button; geometric; outlined; square --> <annotation cp="🔳">しかくぼたん</annotation> <annotation cp="🔳" type="tts">しろわくしかく</annotation> <!-- 26AA white circle; circle; geometric --> <annotation cp="⚪">まるいぼたん</annotation> <annotation cp="⚪" type="tts">しろまる</annotation> <!-- 26AB black circle; circle; geometric --> <annotation cp="⚫">まるいぼたん</annotation> <annotation cp="⚫" type="tts">くろまる</annotation> <!-- 1F534 red circle; circle; geometric; red --> <annotation cp="🔴">まる | おおまる</annotation> <annotation cp="🔴" type="tts">あかいまる</annotation> <!-- 1F535 blue circle; blue; circle; geometric --> <annotation cp="🔵">まる | おおまる</annotation> <annotation cp="🔵" type="tts">あおいまる</annotation> <annotation cp="🛑">ひょうしき | とまれ | すとっぷ</annotation> <annotation cp="🛑" type="tts">とまれのひょうしき</annotation> <annotation cp="🛒">しょっぴんぐ | かいもの | かーと | すーぱー</annotation> <annotation cp="🛒" type="tts">しょっぴんぐかーと</annotation> <annotation cp="🛴">きっくすくーたー | きっくすけーたー</annotation> <annotation cp="🛴" type="tts">きっくぼーど</annotation> <annotation cp="🛵">げんつき | げんちゃり</annotation> <annotation cp="🛵" type="tts">すくーたー</annotation> <annotation cp="🛶">ぼーと</annotation> <annotation cp="🛶" type="tts">かぬー</annotation> <!-- 0030,20E3 keycap digit zero; 0; keycap; zero --> <annotation cp="0⃣">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="0⃣" type="tts">ぜろ</annotation> <!-- 0031,20E3 keycap digit one; 1; keycap; one --> <annotation cp="1⃣">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="1⃣" type="tts">いち</annotation> <!-- 0032,20E3 keycap digit two; 2; keycap; two --> <annotation cp="2⃣">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="2⃣" type="tts">に</annotation> <!-- 0033,20E3 keycap digit three; 3; keycap; three --> <annotation cp="3⃣">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="3⃣" type="tts">さん</annotation> <!-- 0034,20E3 keycap digit four; 4; four; keycap --> <annotation cp="4⃣">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="4⃣" type="tts">よん</annotation> <!-- 0035,20E3 keycap digit five; 5; five; keycap --> <annotation cp="5⃣">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="5⃣" type="tts">ご</annotation> <!-- 0036,20E3 keycap digit six; 6; keycap; six --> <annotation cp="6⃣">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="6⃣" type="tts">ろく</annotation> <!-- 0037,20E3 keycap digit seven; 7; keycap; seven --> <annotation cp="7⃣">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="7⃣" type="tts">なな</annotation> <!-- 0038,20E3 keycap digit eight; 8; eight; keycap --> <annotation cp="8⃣">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="8⃣" type="tts">はち</annotation> <!-- 0039,20E3 keycap digit nine; 9; keycap; nine --> <annotation cp="9⃣">きー | すうじ</annotation> <annotation cp="9⃣" type="tts">きゅう</annotation> </annotations> </ldml>
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