core.common.annotations.nl.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldml.dtd"> <!-- Copyright © 1991-2016 Unicode, Inc. For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) DO NOT CHANGE MANUALLY! Generated by: GenerateOtherAnnotations --> <ldml> <identity> <version number="$Revision: 12945 $"/> <language type="nl"/> </identity> <annotations> <annotation cp="♀">vrouw | symbool | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="♀" type="tts">vrouwelijkheidssymbool</annotation> <annotation cp="♂">man | symbool | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="♂" type="tts">mannelijkheidssymbool</annotation> <annotation cp="⚕">esculaap | dokter</annotation> <annotation cp="⚕" type="tts">esculaap</annotation> <annotation cp="🕺">dans | dansen | disco | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🕺" type="tts">dansende man</annotation> <annotation cp="🖤">zwart | hart | kwaad | slecht | verdorven</annotation> <annotation cp="🖤" type="tts">zwart hart</annotation> <annotation cp="🤙">bellen | hand</annotation> <annotation cp="🤙" type="tts">hand voor bel mij</annotation> <annotation cp="🤚">handrug | hand | opgestoken</annotation> <annotation cp="🤚" type="tts">achterzijde opgestoken hand</annotation> <annotation cp="🤛">vuist | linksom</annotation> <annotation cp="🤛" type="tts">vuist naar links</annotation> <annotation cp="🤜">vuist | rechtsom</annotation> <annotation cp="🤜" type="tts">vuist naar rechts</annotation> <annotation cp="🤝">handdruk | overeenkomst | deal | ontmoeting | hand</annotation> <annotation cp="🤝" type="tts">handen schudden</annotation> <annotation cp="🤞">gekruist | vinger | hand | geluk | wensen</annotation> <annotation cp="🤞" type="tts">duimen</annotation> <annotation cp="🤠">cowboy | gezicht | hoed | cowgirl</annotation> <annotation cp="🤠" type="tts">gezicht met cowboyhoed</annotation> <annotation cp="🤡">clown | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🤡" type="tts">clownsgezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🤢">gezicht | misselijk | overgeven</annotation> <annotation cp="🤢" type="tts">misselijk gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🤣">vloer | lachen | rollen | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🤣" type="tts">rollend over de vloer, lachend</annotation> <annotation cp="🤤">kwijlen | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🤤" type="tts">kwijlend gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🤥">gezicht | liegen | pinokkio</annotation> <annotation cp="🤥" type="tts">liegend gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦">gezicht | palm | ongeloof | ergernis</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦" type="tts">gezicht met hand bedekken</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♀">ongeloof | ergernis | fascepalm | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♀" type="tts">vrouw doet facepalm</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♂">ongeloof | ergernis | fascepalm | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🤦♂" type="tts">man doet facepalm</annotation> <annotation cp="🤧">gezicht | gezondheid | niezen</annotation> <annotation cp="🤧" type="tts">niezend gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🤰">zwanger | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🤰" type="tts">zwangere vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🤳">selfie | camera | telefoon</annotation> <annotation cp="🤳" type="tts">selfie</annotation> <annotation cp="🤴">prins</annotation> <annotation cp="🤴" type="tts">prins</annotation> <annotation cp="🤵">bruidegom | man | smoking | tuxedo</annotation> <annotation cp="🤵" type="tts">man in smoking</annotation> <annotation cp="🤶">kerstvrouw | kerstmis | moedertje kerst</annotation> <annotation cp="🤶" type="tts">de kerstvrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷">schouderophalen | onverschillig | nou en | onschuld | twijfel</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷" type="tts">schouders ophalen</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♀">twijfel | weet niet | onverschillig | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♀" type="tts">vrouw haalt schouders op</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♂">twijfel | weet niet | onverschillig | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🤷♂" type="tts">man haalt schouders op</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸">radslag | rad | gymnastiek | persoon | sport</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸" type="tts">radslag</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♀">vrouw | radslag</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♀" type="tts">vrouw doet radslag</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♂">man | radslag</annotation> <annotation cp="🤸♂" type="tts">man doet radslag</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹">jongleur | multitasken | balans | vaardigheid</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹" type="tts">jongleren</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♀">jongleren | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♀" type="tts">jonglerende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♂">jongleren | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🤹♂" type="tts">jonglerende man</annotation> <annotation cp="🤺">schermer | schermen | schermsport | sabel | floret | degen | persoon | sport</annotation> <annotation cp="🤺" type="tts">schermer</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼">worstelaar | worstelen | persoon | sport</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼" type="tts">worstelaars</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♀">worstelen | vrouwen</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♀" type="tts">worstelende vrouwen</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♂">worstelen | mannen</annotation> <annotation cp="🤼♂" type="tts">worstelende mannen</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽">polo | water | persoon | sport</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽" type="tts">waterpolo</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♀">vrouw | waterpolo</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♀" type="tts">waterpolooster</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♂">man | waterpolo</annotation> <annotation cp="🤽♂" type="tts">waterpoloër</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾">handbal | bal | persoon | sport</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾" type="tts">handbal</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♀">handballen | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♀" type="tts">handbalster</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♂">handballen | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🤾♂" type="tts">handballer</annotation> <annotation cp="🥀">bloem | verwelkt</annotation> <annotation cp="🥀" type="tts">verwelkte bloem</annotation> <annotation cp="🥁">trommel | trommelen | trommelstokken | drumsticks | drums | drummen | muziek</annotation> <annotation cp="🥁" type="tts">trommel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥂">klinken | toosten | proost | vieren | drinken | drank</annotation> <annotation cp="🥂" type="tts">klinkende glazen</annotation> <annotation cp="🥃">glas | tumbler | whisky | whiskey | likeur | drank</annotation> <annotation cp="🥃" type="tts">tumblerglas</annotation> <annotation cp="🥄">lepel | bestek | tafelgerei</annotation> <annotation cp="🥄" type="tts">lepel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥅">goal | doel | net | sport</annotation> <annotation cp="🥅" type="tts">doelnet</annotation> <annotation cp="🥇">eerste | gouden | goud | medaille</annotation> <annotation cp="🥇" type="tts">medaille 1e plaats</annotation> <annotation cp="🥈">tweede | zilver | medaille</annotation> <annotation cp="🥈" type="tts">medaille 2e plaats</annotation> <annotation cp="🥉">derde | bronzen | brons | medaille</annotation> <annotation cp="🥉" type="tts">medaille 3e plaats</annotation> <annotation cp="🥊">boksen | handschoen | sport</annotation> <annotation cp="🥊" type="tts">bokshandschoen</annotation> <annotation cp="🥋">judo | karate | taekwando | jiujitsu | kungfu | aikido | vechtkunst | vechtsport | oosters | pak | uniform | sport</annotation> <annotation cp="🥋" type="tts">pak voor vechtsporten</annotation> <annotation cp="🥐">croissant | frans | brood | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥐" type="tts">croissant</annotation> <annotation cp="🥑">avocado | fruit | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥑" type="tts">avocado</annotation> <annotation cp="🥒">komkommer | augurk | groente | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥒" type="tts">komkommer</annotation> <annotation cp="🥓">bacon | vlees | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥓" type="tts">bacon</annotation> <annotation cp="🥔">aardappel | groente | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥔" type="tts">aardappel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥕">wortel | groente | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥕" type="tts">wortel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥖">baguette | brood | frans | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥖" type="tts">baguette</annotation> <annotation cp="🥗">groen | salade | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥗" type="tts">groene salade</annotation> <annotation cp="🥘">paella | casserole | stoofpan | pan | wok | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥘" type="tts">paellapan</annotation> <annotation cp="🥙">kebab | falafel | gyro | pitabrood | gevuld | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥙" type="tts">gevuld pitabroodje</annotation> <annotation cp="🥚">ei | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥚" type="tts">ei</annotation> <annotation cp="🥛">glas | melk | drank</annotation> <annotation cp="🥛" type="tts">glas melk</annotation> <annotation cp="🥜">pinda | pindanootje | noot | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥜" type="tts">pinda</annotation> <annotation cp="🥝">kiwi | fruit | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥝" type="tts">kiwi</annotation> <annotation cp="🥞">flensjes | crêpe | pannenkoek | pannekoek | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🥞" type="tts">pannenkoeken</annotation> <annotation cp="🦅">adelaar | arend | vogel</annotation> <annotation cp="🦅" type="tts">adelaar</annotation> <annotation cp="🦆">eend | vogel</annotation> <annotation cp="🦆" type="tts">eend</annotation> <annotation cp="🦇">vleermuis | vampier | dier</annotation> <annotation cp="🦇" type="tts">vleermuis</annotation> <annotation cp="🦈">haai | vis</annotation> <annotation cp="🦈" type="tts">haai</annotation> <annotation cp="🦉">uil | wijsheid | wijs | vogel</annotation> <annotation cp="🦉" type="tts">uil</annotation> <annotation cp="🦊">gezicht | vos | dier</annotation> <annotation cp="🦊" type="tts">vossengezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🦋">vlinder | mooi | schoonheid | insect</annotation> <annotation cp="🦋" type="tts">vlinder</annotation> <annotation cp="🦌">hert | dier</annotation> <annotation cp="🦌" type="tts">hert</annotation> <annotation cp="🦍">gorilla | dier</annotation> <annotation cp="🦍" type="tts">gorilla</annotation> <annotation cp="🦎">hagedis | gekko | reptiel</annotation> <annotation cp="🦎" type="tts">hagedis</annotation> <annotation cp="🦏">neushoorn | rinoceros | dier</annotation> <annotation cp="🦏" type="tts">neushoorn</annotation> <annotation cp="🦐">garnaal | schaaldier | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🦐" type="tts">garnaal</annotation> <annotation cp="🦑">inktvis | calamaris | weekdier | voedsel</annotation> <annotation cp="🦑" type="tts">inktvis</annotation> <!-- 1F600 grinning face; face; grin --> <annotation cp="😀">grijnzend | smiley | gezicht | lachen | leuk | grappig | grijns</annotation> <annotation cp="😀" type="tts">grijnzend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F601 grinning face with smiling eyes; eye; face; grin; smile --> <annotation cp="😁">lachende ogen | grijnzend | lach | smiley | lachend | gezicht | lachen | leuk | grappig | oog | ogen | grijns | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="😁" type="tts">grijnzend gezicht met lachende ogen</annotation> <!-- 1F602 face with tears of joy; face; joy; laugh; tear --> <annotation cp="😂">geluk | tranen | gezicht | lach | lachen</annotation> <annotation cp="😂" type="tts">gezicht met tranen van geluk</annotation> <!-- 1F603 smiling face with open mouth; face; mouth; open; smile --> <annotation cp="😃">lachend | smiley | gezicht | lachen | leuk | grappig | open mond | lach | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="😃" type="tts">lachend gezicht met open mond</annotation> <!-- 1F604 smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes; eye; face; mouth; open; smile --> <annotation cp="😄">lach | smiley | open mond | lachende ogen | lachen | leuk | grappig | oog | ogen | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="😄" type="tts">lachend gezicht met open mond en lachende ogen</annotation> <!-- 1F605 smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat; cold; face; open; smile; sweat --> <annotation cp="😅">gezicht | open mond | lachen | lach | glimlach | zweet | zweetdruppel</annotation> <annotation cp="😅" type="tts">lachend gezicht met open mond en zweetdruppel</annotation> <!-- 1F606 smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes; face; laugh; mouth; open; satisfied; smile --> <annotation cp="😆">lachen met ogen dicht | open mond | ogen dicht | gezicht | tevreden | glimlach | lach</annotation> <annotation cp="😆" type="tts">lachend gezicht met open mond en dichtgeknepen ogen</annotation> <!-- 1F609 winking face; face; wink --> <annotation cp="😉">knipoog | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😉" type="tts">knipogend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F60A smiling face with smiling eyes; blush; eye; face; smile --> <annotation cp="😊">blozen | blos | blosjes | oog | ogen | gezicht | lach | lachen | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="😊" type="tts">lachend gezicht met lachende ogen</annotation> <!-- 1F60B face savouring delicious food; delicious; face; savouring; smile; um; yum --> <annotation cp="😋">smullen | lekker | lachend gezicht | lekker eten | gezicht | lache | lach | glimlach | mmm | jammie</annotation> <annotation cp="😋" type="tts">smulgezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F60E smiling face with sunglasses; bright; cool; eye; eyewear; face; glasses; smile; sun; sunglasses; weather --> <annotation cp="😎">lachend met zonnebril | lachend | zonnebril | gezicht | oog | ogen | bril | lachen | lach | glimlach | zon | mooi weer</annotation> <annotation cp="😎" type="tts">lachend gezicht met zonnebril</annotation> <!-- 1F60D smiling face with heart-shaped eyes; eye; face; heart; love; smile --> <annotation cp="😍">hartjesogen | liefde | aanbidding | hart | ogen | gezicht | oog | lachen | lach | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="😍" type="tts">lachend gezicht met hartjesogen</annotation> <!-- 1F618 face throwing a kiss; face; heart; kiss --> <annotation cp="😘">gezicht deelt kussen uit | gezicht | hartje | hart</annotation> <annotation cp="😘" type="tts">kussen uitdelen</annotation> <!-- 1F617 kissing face; face; kiss --> <annotation cp="😗">kussend gezicht | kus | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😗" type="tts">kusgezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F619 kissing face with smiling eyes; eye; face; kiss; smile --> <annotation cp="😙">kussend gezicht met een lach | gezicht | lach | lachende ogen | oog | ogen | lachen | glimlach | kus</annotation> <annotation cp="😙" type="tts">kus en lach</annotation> <!-- 1F61A kissing face with closed eyes; closed; eye; face; kiss --> <annotation cp="😚">kussen met ogen dicht | dichte ogen | gezicht | gesloten ogen | kus</annotation> <annotation cp="😚" type="tts">kussend gezicht met ogen dicht</annotation> <!-- 263A smiling face; face; outlined; relaxed; smile --> <annotation cp="☺">gezicht | ontspannen | lach | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="☺" type="tts">lachend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F642 slightly smiling face; face; smile --> <annotation cp="🙂">gezicht | lach | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="🙂" type="tts">kussen met ogen dicht, dichte ogen, gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F917 hugging face; face; hug; hugging --> <annotation cp="🤗">gezicht | knuffel | knuffelen</annotation> <annotation cp="🤗" type="tts">knuffelend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F607 smiling face with halo; angel; face; fairy tale; fantasy; halo; innocent; smile --> <annotation cp="😇">engel | gezicht | sprookje | fantasie | halo | onschuldig | lach | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="😇" type="tts">lach met halo</annotation> <!-- 1F914 thinking face; face; thinking --> <annotation cp="🤔">gezicht | denken | nadenken | peinzen | peinzend</annotation> <annotation cp="🤔" type="tts">nadenkend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F610 neutral face; deadpan; face; neutral --> <annotation cp="😐">uitgestreken | neutraal | gezicht | geen commentaar</annotation> <annotation cp="😐" type="tts">neutraal gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F611 expressionless face; expressionless; face; inexpressive; unexpressive --> <annotation cp="😑">gezicht | geen commentaar</annotation> <annotation cp="😑" type="tts">uitdrukkingsloos gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F636 face without mouth; face; mouth; quiet; silent --> <annotation cp="😶">geen mond | gezicht | stil | rustig</annotation> <annotation cp="😶" type="tts">gezicht zonder mond</annotation> <!-- 1F644 face with rolling eyes; eyes; face; rolling --> <annotation cp="🙄">ogen | gezicht | rollen | rollend</annotation> <annotation cp="🙄" type="tts">gezicht met rollende ogen</annotation> <!-- 1F60F smirking face; face; smirk --> <annotation cp="😏">gezicht met grote grijns | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😏" type="tts">grote grijns</annotation> <!-- 1F623 persevering face; face; persevere --> <annotation cp="😣">ik heb het verknald-gezicht | volhardend | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😣" type="tts">volhardend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F625 disappointed but relieved face; disappointed; face; relieved; whew --> <annotation cp="😥">teleurgesteld maar opgelucht | opgelucht | teleurgesteld gezicht | gezicht | oef</annotation> <annotation cp="😥" type="tts">teleurgesteld maar opgelucht gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F62E face with open mouth; face; mouth; open; sympathy --> <annotation cp="😮">open mond | mond | gezicht | sympathie</annotation> <annotation cp="😮" type="tts">gezicht met open mond</annotation> <!-- 1F910 zipper-mouth face; face; mouth; zipper --> <annotation cp="🤐">gezicht | mond | rits | dichtgeritst | dichtgeritste mond</annotation> <annotation cp="🤐" type="tts">gezicht met dichtgeritste mond</annotation> <!-- 1F62F hushed face; face; hushed; stunned; surprised --> <annotation cp="😯">verstomd | verrast | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😯" type="tts">verstomd gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F62A sleepy face; face; sleep --> <annotation cp="😪">gezicht | slaap</annotation> <annotation cp="😪" type="tts">slaperig gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F62B tired face; face; tired --> <annotation cp="😫">gezicht | moe | vermoeid</annotation> <annotation cp="😫" type="tts">vermoeid gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F634 sleeping face; face; sleep; zzz --> <annotation cp="😴">gezicht | slaap | zzz</annotation> <annotation cp="😴" type="tts">slapend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F60C relieved face; face; relieved --> <annotation cp="😌">opgelucht | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😌" type="tts">opgelucht gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F913 nerd face; face; geek; nerd --> <annotation cp="🤓">gezicht | geek | nerd | nerderig</annotation> <annotation cp="🤓" type="tts">nerderig gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F61B face with stuck-out tongue; face; tongue --> <annotation cp="😛">tong uitgestoken | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😛" type="tts">gezicht met uitgestoken tong</annotation> <!-- 1F61C face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye; eye; face; joke; tongue; wink --> <annotation cp="😜">plagen | tong uitgestoken met een knipoog | knipoog | grap | gezicht | tong</annotation> <annotation cp="😜" type="tts">gezicht met uitgestoken tong en knipoog</annotation> <!-- 1F61D face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eyes; eye; face; horrible; taste; tongue --> <annotation cp="😝">tong uitgestoken met dichte ogen | vreselijk | uitgestoken tong | dichte ogen | gezicht | vies | smerig | smaak | oog | ogen</annotation> <annotation cp="😝" type="tts">gezicht met uitgestoken tong en dichtgeknepen ogen</annotation> <!-- 2639 frowning face; face; frown --> <annotation cp="☹">gezicht | frons | fronsend</annotation> <annotation cp="☹" type="tts">fronsend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F641 slightly frowning face; face; frown --> <annotation cp="🙁">gezicht | frons | fronsend</annotation> <annotation cp="🙁" type="tts">licht fronsend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F612 unamused face; face; unamused; unhappy --> <annotation cp="😒">ongelukkig | gezicht | niet blij | niet leuk</annotation> <annotation cp="😒" type="tts">chagrijnig gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F613 face with cold sweat; cold; face; sweat --> <annotation cp="😓">gezicht | zweet | angstzweet</annotation> <annotation cp="😓" type="tts">gezicht met angstzweet</annotation> <!-- 1F614 pensive face; dejected; face; pensive --> <annotation cp="😔">moedeloos | peinzend | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😔" type="tts">peinzend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F615 confused face; confused; face --> <annotation cp="😕">verward | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😕" type="tts">verward gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F616 confounded face; confounded; face --> <annotation cp="😖">onthutst | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😖" type="tts">onthutst gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F643 upside-down face; face; upside-down --> <annotation cp="🙃">gezicht | ondersteboven | op de kop</annotation> <annotation cp="🙃" type="tts">gezicht ondersteboven</annotation> <!-- 1F637 face with medical mask; cold; doctor; face; mask; medicine; sick --> <annotation cp="😷">koud | ziek | medisch masker | masker | gezicht | dokter | medicijn</annotation> <annotation cp="😷" type="tts">gezicht met medisch masker</annotation> <!-- 1F912 face with thermometer; face; ill; sick; thermometer --> <annotation cp="🤒">gezicht | ziek | niet lekker | thermometer</annotation> <annotation cp="🤒" type="tts">gezicht met thermometer</annotation> <!-- 1F915 face with head-bandage; bandage; face; hurt; injury --> <annotation cp="🤕">verband | gezicht | gewond | pijn | wond | verwonding</annotation> <annotation cp="🤕" type="tts">gezicht met verband</annotation> <!-- 1F911 money-mouth face; face; money; mouth --> <annotation cp="🤑">gezicht | geld | mond | geldmond</annotation> <annotation cp="🤑" type="tts">gezicht met geldmond</annotation> <!-- 1F632 astonished face; astonished; face; shocked; totally --> <annotation cp="😲">geschokt | totaal gechoqueerd | gechoqueerd | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😲" type="tts">geschokt gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F61E disappointed face; disappointed; face --> <annotation cp="😞">teleurstelling | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😞" type="tts">teleurgesteld gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F61F worried face; face; worried --> <annotation cp="😟">gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😟" type="tts">bezorgd gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F624 face with steam from nose; face; triumph; won --> <annotation cp="😤">ik heb gewonnen-gezicht | ik heb gewonnen | triomf | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😤" type="tts">gezicht met stoom uit neus</annotation> <!-- 1F622 crying face; cry; face; sad; tear --> <annotation cp="😢">bedroefd | tranen | gezicht | traan | huilen | huilend</annotation> <annotation cp="😢" type="tts">huilend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F62D loudly crying face; cry; face; sad; sob; tear --> <annotation cp="😭">tranen | huilend | huilen | gezicht | snikken | traan</annotation> <annotation cp="😭" type="tts">hard huilend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F626 frowning face with open mouth; face; frown; mouth; open --> <annotation cp="😦">fronsend met open mond | fronsend | open mond | gezicht | frons</annotation> <annotation cp="😦" type="tts">fronsend gezicht met open mond</annotation> <!-- 1F627 anguished face; anguished; face --> <annotation cp="😧">lijdend | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😧" type="tts">gekweld gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F628 fearful face; face; fear; fearful; scared --> <annotation cp="😨">bang | bang gezicht | gezicht | angst | angstig</annotation> <annotation cp="😨" type="tts">angstig gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F629 weary face; face; tired; weary --> <annotation cp="😩">vermoeid | gezicht | moe</annotation> <annotation cp="😩" type="tts">moe gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F62C grimacing face; face; grimace --> <annotation cp="😬">grimassen | gezicht | grimas</annotation> <annotation cp="😬" type="tts">grimasgezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F630 face with open mouth and cold sweat; blue; cold; face; mouth; open; rushed; sweat --> <annotation cp="😰">blauw gezicht met angstzweet | open mond | angstzweet | gezicht | zweet | zweetdruppel | gehaast | opgejaagd</annotation> <annotation cp="😰" type="tts">gezicht met open mond en zweetdruppel</annotation> <!-- 1F631 face screaming in fear; face; fear; fearful; munch; scared; scream --> <annotation cp="😱">schreeuwend van angst | gezicht schreeuwt van angst | angst | angstig | bang | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😱" type="tts">gezicht dat schreeuwt van angst</annotation> <!-- 1F633 flushed face; dazed; face; flushed --> <annotation cp="😳">verbijstering | verbijsterd | gezicht | blozen | blozend | blos | blosjes</annotation> <annotation cp="😳" type="tts">blozend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F635 dizzy face; dizzy; face --> <annotation cp="😵">gezicht | duizelig</annotation> <annotation cp="😵" type="tts">duizelig gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F621 pouting face; angry; face; mad; pouting; rage; red --> <annotation cp="😡">boos | kwaad | rood pruilend gezicht | rood gezicht | gezicht | woede | woedend</annotation> <annotation cp="😡" type="tts">pruilend gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F620 angry face; angry; face; mad --> <annotation cp="😠">kwaad | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😠" type="tts">boos gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F608 smiling face with horns; face; fairy tale; fantasy; horns; smile --> <annotation cp="😈">lach | hoorns | gezicht | sprookje | fantasie | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="😈" type="tts">lachend gezicht met hoorns</annotation> <!-- 1F47F imp; demon; devil; face; fairy tale; fantasy --> <annotation cp="👿">kleine duivel | duivel | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="👿" type="tts">duiveltje</annotation> <!-- 1F479 ogre; creature; face; fairy tale; fantasy; japanese; monster --> <annotation cp="👹">monster | oni | sprookje | japanse oger | gezicht | wezen | fantasie | japans</annotation> <annotation cp="👹" type="tts">oger</annotation> <!-- 1F47A goblin; creature; face; fairy tale; fantasy; japanese; monster --> <annotation cp="👺">monster | tengu | sprookje | Japanse kobold | gezicht | wezen | fantasie | japans</annotation> <annotation cp="👺" type="tts">kobold</annotation> <!-- 1F480 skull; body; death; face; fairy tale; monster --> <annotation cp="💀">sprookje | lichaam | gezicht | lijk | dood | monster</annotation> <annotation cp="💀" type="tts">schedel</annotation> <!-- 2620 skull and crossbones; body; crossbones; death; face; monster; skull --> <annotation cp="☠">lichaam | lijk | botten | gekruiste botten | dood | gezicht | monster | schedel</annotation> <annotation cp="☠" type="tts">schedel en gekruiste botten</annotation> <!-- 1F47B ghost; creature; face; fairy tale; fantasy; monster --> <annotation cp="👻">geest | sprookje | gezicht | fantasie | monster | wezen</annotation> <annotation cp="👻" type="tts">spook</annotation> <!-- 1F47D alien; creature; extraterrestrial; face; fairy tale; fantasy; monster; space; ufo --> <annotation cp="👽">buitenaards wezen | ufo | sprookje | gezicht | fantasie | monster | ruimte</annotation> <annotation cp="👽" type="tts">alien</annotation> <!-- 1F47E alien monster; alien; creature; extraterrestrial; face; fairy tale; fantasy; monster; space; ufo --> <annotation cp="👾">monster | UFO | sprookje | gezicht | alien | wezen | buitenaards | fantasie | ruimte | ufo</annotation> <annotation cp="👾" type="tts">buitenaards monster</annotation> <!-- 1F916 robot face; face; monster; robot --> <annotation cp="🤖">gezicht | monster | robot</annotation> <annotation cp="🤖" type="tts">robotgezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F4A9 pile of poo; comic; dung; face; monster; poo; poop --> <annotation cp="💩">grappig | drol | monster</annotation> <annotation cp="💩" type="tts">poep</annotation> <!-- 1F63A smiling cat face with open mouth; cat; face; mouth; open; smile --> <annotation cp="😺">lachende kat met open mond | kattengezicht | open mond | open | mond | kat | gezicht | lach | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="😺" type="tts">lachend kattengezicht met open mond</annotation> <!-- 1F638 grinning cat face with smiling eyes; cat; eye; face; grin; smile --> <annotation cp="😸">grijnzend | kattengezicht met grijns en lachende ogen | kattengezicht | kat | gezicht | grijns | lach | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="😸" type="tts">grijnzend kattengezicht met lachende ogen</annotation> <!-- 1F639 cat face with tears of joy; cat; face; joy; tear --> <annotation cp="😹">kattengezicht | kat | gezicht | traan | tranen</annotation> <annotation cp="😹" type="tts">kattengezicht met tranen van geluk</annotation> <!-- 1F63B smiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes; cat; eye; face; heart; love; smile --> <annotation cp="😻">lachende kat met hartjesogen | verliefd | liefde | hart | ogen | kattengezicht | kat | gezicht | lach | glimlach</annotation> <annotation cp="😻" type="tts">lachend kattengezicht met hartjesogen</annotation> <!-- 1F63C cat face with wry smile; cat; face; ironic; smile; wry --> <annotation cp="😼">spottend | ironische lach | kattengezicht | kat | gezicht | ironisch | spot</annotation> <annotation cp="😼" type="tts">spottend kattengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F63D kissing cat face with closed eyes; cat; eye; face; kiss --> <annotation cp="😽">ogen dicht | kussend | kus | ogen | dicht | kat | gezicht | gesloten ogen</annotation> <annotation cp="😽" type="tts">kussend kattengezicht met gesloten ogen</annotation> <!-- 1F640 weary cat face; cat; face; oh; surprised; weary --> <annotation cp="🙀">oh nee | echt verbaasd | kat | gezicht | geschokt | verrast</annotation> <annotation cp="🙀" type="tts">vermoeid kattengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F63F crying cat face; cat; cry; face; sad; tear --> <annotation cp="😿">huilend | huilen | kattengezicht | kat | gezicht | traan | tranen | verdrietig</annotation> <annotation cp="😿" type="tts">huilend kattengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F63E pouting cat face; cat; face; pouting --> <annotation cp="😾">pruilend | kattengezicht | kat | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="😾" type="tts">pruilend kattengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F648 see-no-evil; evil; face; forbidden; gesture; monkey; no; not; prohibited; see --> <annotation cp="🙈">geen kwaad zien-aap | aap | kwaad | gezicht | verboden | gebaar | geen | niet | zien</annotation> <annotation cp="🙈" type="tts">geen kwaad zien</annotation> <!-- 1F649 hear-no-evil; evil; face; forbidden; gesture; hear; monkey; no; not; prohibited --> <annotation cp="🙉">geen kwaad horen-aap | aap | kwaad | gezicht | verboden | gebaar | horen | niet | geen</annotation> <annotation cp="🙉" type="tts">geen kwaad horen</annotation> <!-- 1F64A speak-no-evil; evil; face; forbidden; gesture; monkey; no; not; prohibited; speak --> <annotation cp="🙊">geen kwaad spreken-aap | aap | kwaad | gezicht | verboden | gebaar | geen | niet | spreken</annotation> <annotation cp="🙊" type="tts">geen kwaad spreken</annotation> <annotation cp="👦">jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👦" type="tts">jongen</annotation> <!-- 1F467 girl; maiden; virgin; virgo; zodiac --> <annotation cp="👧">maagd | sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="👧" type="tts">meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👨">man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨" type="tts">man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚕">dokter | arts | verpleger | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚕" type="tts">mannelijke dokter</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👦">gezin | man | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👦" type="tts">gezin, man, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👦👦">gezin | man | jongens</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👦👦" type="tts">gezin, man, jongen, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧">gezin | man | meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧" type="tts">gezin, man, meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧👦">gezin | man | meisje | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧👦" type="tts">gezin, man, meisje, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧👧">gezin | man | meisjes</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👧👧" type="tts">gezin, man, meisje, meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎓">student | scholier | man | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎓" type="tts">student</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🌾">boer | tuinder | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🌾" type="tts">boer</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🍳">kok | chefkok | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🍳" type="tts">kok</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏫">leraar | meester | docent | professor</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏫" type="tts">docent</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏭">arbeider | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🏭" type="tts">arbeider</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎨">kunstenaar | schilder | palet</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎨" type="tts">kunstenaar</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚒">brandweerman | brandweerwagen | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚒" type="tts">brandweerman</annotation> <annotation cp="👨✈">man | piloot | vliegtuig</annotation> <annotation cp="👨✈" type="tts">piloot</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚀">astronaut | man | raket | ruimte</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🚀" type="tts">astronaut</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎤">acteur | entertainer | zanger | ster</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🎤" type="tts">zanger</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💻">programmeur | ontwikkelaar | man | techneut</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💻" type="tts">techneut</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔬">bioloog | scheikundige | natuurkundige | wetenschapper</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔬" type="tts">natuurwetenschapper</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💼">architect | manager | kantoor | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨💼" type="tts">kantoormedewerker</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔧">elektricien | loodgieter | monteur | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨🔧" type="tts">mannelijke monteur</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚖">rechter | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨⚖" type="tts">mannelijke rechter</annotation> <annotation cp="👩">vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩" type="tts">vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚕">dokter | arts | verpleegster | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚕" type="tts">vrouwelijke dokter</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👦">gezin | vrouw | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👦" type="tts">gezin, vrouw, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👦👦">gezin | vrouw | jongens</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👦👦" type="tts">gezin, vrouw, jongen, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧">gezin | vrouw | meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧" type="tts">gezin, vrouw, meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧👦">gezin | vrouw | meisje | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧👦" type="tts">gezin, vrouw, meisje, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧👧">gezin | vrouw | meisjes</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👧👧" type="tts">gezin, vrouw, meisje, meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎓">studente | scholiere | vrouw | meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎓" type="tts">studente</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🌾">boerin | tuinder | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🌾" type="tts">boerin</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🍳">kok | chefkok | kokkin | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🍳" type="tts">kokkin</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏫">lerares | juf | docente | professor</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏫" type="tts">docente</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏭">arbeidster | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🏭" type="tts">arbeidster</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎨">kunstenares | schilderes | palet</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎨" type="tts">kunstenares</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚒">brandweervrouw | brandweerwagen | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚒" type="tts">brandweervrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩✈">vrouw | pilote | vliegtuig</annotation> <annotation cp="👩✈" type="tts">pilote</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚀">astronaute | vrouw | raket | ruimte</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🚀" type="tts">astronaute</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎤">actrice | entertainer | zangeres | ster</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🎤" type="tts">zangeres</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💻">programmeur | ontwikkelaar | vrouw | techneut</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💻" type="tts">techneute</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔬">bioloog | scheikundige | natuurkundige | wetenschapper</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔬" type="tts">natuurwetenschapster</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💼">architect | manager | kantoor | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩💼" type="tts">kantoormedewerkster</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔧">elektricien | loodgieter | monteur | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩🔧" type="tts">vrouwelijke monteur</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚖">rechter | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩⚖" type="tts">vrouwelijke rechter</annotation> <!-- 1F474 old man; man; old --> <annotation cp="👴">man | oud | ouder</annotation> <annotation cp="👴" type="tts">oudere man</annotation> <!-- 1F475 old woman; old; woman --> <annotation cp="👵">vrouw | oud | ouder</annotation> <annotation cp="👵" type="tts">oudere vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👶">baby | kindje</annotation> <annotation cp="👶" type="tts">baby</annotation> <!-- 1F471 person with blond hair; blond --> <annotation cp="👱">blond | mensen</annotation> <annotation cp="👱" type="tts">blond persoon</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♀">blond | blondine | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♀" type="tts">blonde vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♂">blond | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👱♂" type="tts">blonde man</annotation> <!-- 1F46E police officer; cop; officer; police --> <annotation cp="👮">politie | agent | mensen</annotation> <annotation cp="👮" type="tts">politieagent</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♀">agent | vrouw | politie</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♀" type="tts">vrouwelijke politiepolitieagent</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♂">agent | man | politie</annotation> <annotation cp="👮♂" type="tts">mannelijke politieagent</annotation> <!-- 1F472 man with chinese cap; gua pi mao; hat; man --> <annotation cp="👲">gua pi mao | man | mensen | hoed | hoedje</annotation> <annotation cp="👲" type="tts">man met chinees hoedje</annotation> <!-- 1F473 man with turban; man; turban --> <annotation cp="👳">man met een tulband | tulband | mensen | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👳" type="tts">man met tulband</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♀">vrouw | tulband</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♀" type="tts">vrouwelijke tulbanddrager</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♂">man | tulband</annotation> <annotation cp="👳♂" type="tts">mannelijke tulbanddrager</annotation> <!-- 1F477 construction worker; construction; hat; worker --> <annotation cp="👷">bouw | helm | klusser</annotation> <annotation cp="👷" type="tts">bouwvakker</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♀">bouw | bouwvakker | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♀" type="tts">vrouwelijke bouwvakker</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♂">bouw | bouwvakker | man</annotation> <annotation cp="👷♂" type="tts">mannelijke bouwvakker</annotation> <!-- 26D1 helmet with white cross; aid; cross; face; hat; helmet --> <annotation cp="⛑">hulp | kruis | gezicht | help | hulpverlener</annotation> <annotation cp="⛑" type="tts">helm met wit kruis</annotation> <!-- 1F478 princess; fairy tale; fantasy --> <annotation cp="👸">sprookje | fantasie | mensen</annotation> <annotation cp="👸" type="tts">prinses</annotation> <!-- 1F482 guardsman; guard --> <annotation cp="💂">wachter | mensen</annotation> <annotation cp="💂" type="tts">bewaker</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♀">wachter | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♀" type="tts">vrouwelijke wachter</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♂">wachter | man</annotation> <annotation cp="💂♂" type="tts">mannelijke wachter</annotation> <!-- 1F575 detective; sleuth; spy --> <annotation cp="🕵">speurder | spion</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵" type="tts">detective</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♀">detective | vrouw | speurder | spionne</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♀" type="tts">vrouwelijke speurder</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♂">detective | man | speurder | spion</annotation> <annotation cp="🕵♂" type="tts">mannelijke speurder</annotation> <!-- 1F385 santa claus; celebration; christmas; fairy tale; fantasy; father; santa --> <annotation cp="🎅">viering | feest | kerst | sprookje | fantasie | kerstmis</annotation> <annotation cp="🎅" type="tts">kerstman</annotation> <!-- 1F47C baby angel; angel; baby; face; fairy tale; fantasy --> <annotation cp="👼">engel | baby | gezicht | sprookje | fantasie</annotation> <annotation cp="👼" type="tts">baby-engel</annotation> <!-- 1F46F women partying; bunny; dancer; ear; girl; woman --> <annotation cp="👯">konijnenoren | meisje | vrouw | mensen | danseres | danseressen</annotation> <annotation cp="👯" type="tts">dansende vrouwen</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♀">dansen | vrouwen | feest</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♀" type="tts">feestende vrouwen</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♂">dansen | mannen | feest</annotation> <annotation cp="👯♂" type="tts">feestende mannen</annotation> <!-- 1F486 face massage; massage; salon --> <annotation cp="💆">massage | salon</annotation> <annotation cp="💆" type="tts">gezichtsmassage</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♀">gezichtmassage | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♀" type="tts">vrouw krijgt gezichtsmassage</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♂">gezichtmassage | man</annotation> <annotation cp="💆♂" type="tts">man krijgt gezichtsmassage</annotation> <!-- 1F487 haircut; barber; beauty; parlor --> <annotation cp="💇">kapper | kapsalon | salon</annotation> <annotation cp="💇" type="tts">haar knippen</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♀">knippen | kapsel | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♀" type="tts">vrouw wordt geknipt</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♂">knippen | kapsel | man</annotation> <annotation cp="💇♂" type="tts">man wordt geknipt</annotation> <!-- 1F470 bride with veil; bride; veil; wedding --> <annotation cp="👰">gesluierde bruid | sluier | huwelijk | mensen</annotation> <annotation cp="👰" type="tts">bruid</annotation> <!-- 1F64D person frowning; frown; gesture --> <annotation cp="🙍">persoon | gebaar</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍" type="tts">fronsend persoon</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♀">frons | uitdrukking | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♀" type="tts">fronsende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♂">frons | uitdrukking | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🙍♂" type="tts">fronsende man</annotation> <!-- 1F64E person pouting; gesture; pouting --> <annotation cp="🙎">persoon | gebaar</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎" type="tts">pruilend persoon</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♀">uitdrukking | vrouw | pruilen</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♀" type="tts">pruilende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♂">uitdrukking | man | pruilen</annotation> <annotation cp="🙎♂" type="tts">pruilende man</annotation> <!-- 1F645 gesturing no; forbidden; gesture; hand; no; not; prohibited --> <annotation cp="🙅">fout | nee | verboden | gebaar | gezicht | hand | niet</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅" type="tts">Fout-gebaar</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♀">gebaar | hand | vrouw | niet ok</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♀" type="tts">vrouw gebaart niet ok</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♂">gebaar | hand | man | niet ok</annotation> <annotation cp="🙅♂" type="tts">man gebaart niet ok</annotation> <!-- 1F646 gesturing ok; gesture; hand; ok --> <annotation cp="🙆">alles goed | gebaar | hand | oké</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆" type="tts">Oké-gebaar</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♀">gebaar | hand | vrouw | ok</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♀" type="tts">vrouw gebaart ok</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♂">gebaar | hand | man | ok</annotation> <annotation cp="🙆♂" type="tts">man gebaart ok</annotation> <!-- 1F481 information desk person; hand; help; information; sassy --> <annotation cp="💁">hulp | informatie | mensen | hand | enthousiast</annotation> <annotation cp="💁" type="tts">medewerker van infobalie</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♀">vrouw | uitdagend | hand | pols</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♀" type="tts">vrouw knikt pols</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♂">man | uitdagend | hand | pols</annotation> <annotation cp="💁♂" type="tts">man knikt pols</annotation> <!-- 1F64B happy person raising hand; gesture; hand; happy; raised --> <annotation cp="🙋">hand omhoog | persoon met hand omhoog | blij | persoon | gebaar</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋" type="tts">blij persoon die hand opsteekt</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♀">gebaar | vrouw | hand opsteken</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♀" type="tts">vrouw steekt hand op</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♂">gebaar | man | hand opsteken</annotation> <annotation cp="🙋♂" type="tts">man steekt hand op</annotation> <!-- 1F647 person bowing; apology; bow; gesture; sorry --> <annotation cp="🙇">diepe buiging | sorry | buiging | gebaar | persoon | excuses</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇" type="tts">persoon die buiging maakt</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♀">excuses | buiging | gebaar | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♀" type="tts">vrouw buigt diep</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♂">excuses | buiging | gebaar | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🙇♂" type="tts">man buigt diep</annotation> <!-- 1F64C person raising hands; body; celebration; gesture; hand; hooray; raised --> <annotation cp="🙌">beide handen omhoog | beide handen | feest | lichaam | gebaar | hand | handen | hoera | omhoog</annotation> <annotation cp="🙌" type="tts">persoon die beide handen omhoog steekt</annotation> <!-- 1F64F folded hands; ask; body; bow; folded; gesture; hand; please; pray; thanks --> <annotation cp="🙏">gebed | biddend | bidden | hand | gebaar | vragen | lichaam | buigen | gevouwen | alsjeblieft | bedankt | dank</annotation> <annotation cp="🙏" type="tts">gevouwen handen</annotation> <!-- 1F5E3 speaking head; face; head; silhouette; speak; speaking --> <annotation cp="🗣">gezicht | hoofd | silhouet | spreken | sprekend | praten | pratend</annotation> <annotation cp="🗣" type="tts">sprekend hoofd</annotation> <!-- 1F464 bust in silhouette; bust; silhouette --> <annotation cp="👤">buste | silhouet | mensen</annotation> <annotation cp="👤" type="tts">buste in silhouet</annotation> <!-- 1F465 busts in silhouette; bust; silhouette --> <annotation cp="👥">buste | silhouet | mensen</annotation> <annotation cp="👥" type="tts">bustes in silhouet</annotation> <!-- 1F6B6 pedestrian; hike; walk; walking --> <annotation cp="🚶">wandelen | lopen | wandelaar</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶" type="tts">voetganger</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♀">wandelen | vrouw | lopen</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♀" type="tts">wandelende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♂">wandelen | man | lopen</annotation> <annotation cp="🚶♂" type="tts">wandelende man</annotation> <!-- 1F3C3 runner; marathon; running --> <annotation cp="🏃">hardlopen | marathon | sport</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃" type="tts">hardloper</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♀">vrouw | marathon | rennen | hardlopen</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♀" type="tts">rennende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♂">man | marathon | rennen | hardlopen</annotation> <annotation cp="🏃♂" type="tts">rennende man</annotation> <annotation cp="💃">dansen | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="💃" type="tts">dansende vrouw</annotation> <!-- 1F574 man in business suit levitating; business; man; suit --> <annotation cp="🕴">zaken | zakelijk | man | pak | kostuum</annotation> <annotation cp="🕴" type="tts">zwevende man in zakenpak</annotation> <!-- 1F48F kiss; couple; romance --> <annotation cp="💏">stelletje | stel | kussen | kussend | romantiek</annotation> <annotation cp="💏" type="tts">kus</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤💋👨">stel | paar | man | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤💋👨" type="tts">kussende man en vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👨❤💋👨">stel | paar | mannen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨❤💋👨" type="tts">kussende mannen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤💋👩">stel | paar | vrouwen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤💋👩" type="tts">kussende vrouwen</annotation> <!-- 1F491 couple with heart; couple; heart; love; romance --> <annotation cp="💑">stelletje | stel | hart | liefde | romantiek</annotation> <annotation cp="💑" type="tts">stelletje met hart</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤👨">stel | hart | man | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤👨" type="tts">hart, vrouw, man</annotation> <annotation cp="👨❤👨">stel | hart | mannen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨❤👨" type="tts">hart, man, man</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤👩">stel | hart | vrouwen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩❤👩" type="tts">hart, vrouw, vrouw</annotation> <!-- 1F46A family; child; father; mother --> <annotation cp="👪">vader | moeder | kind | mensen</annotation> <annotation cp="👪" type="tts">gezin</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👦">gezin | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👦" type="tts">gezin, man, vrouw, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧">gezin | meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧" type="tts">gezin, man, vrouw, meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👦👦">gezin | jongens</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👦👦" type="tts">gezin, man, vrouw, jongen, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧👦">gezin | meisje | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧👦" type="tts">gezin, man, vrouw, meisje, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧👧">gezin | meisjes</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👩👧👧" type="tts">gezin, man, vrouw, meisje, meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👦">gezin | mannen | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👦" type="tts">gezin, man, man, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧">gezin | mannen | meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧" type="tts">gezin, man, man, meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👦👦">gezin | mannen | jongens</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👦👦" type="tts">gezin, man, man, jongen, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧👦">gezin | mannen | meisje | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧👦" type="tts">gezin, man, man, meisje, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧👧">gezin | mannen | meisjes</annotation> <annotation cp="👨👨👧👧" type="tts">gezin, man, man, meisje, meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👦">gezin | vrouwen | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👦" type="tts">gezin, vrouw, vrouw, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧">gezin | vrouwen | meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧" type="tts">gezin, vrouw, vrouw, meisje</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👦👦">gezin | vrouwen | jongens</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👦👦" type="tts">gezin, vrouw, vrouw, jongen, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧👦">gezin | vrouwen | meisje | jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧👦" type="tts">gezin, vrouw, vrouw, meisje, jongen</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧👧">gezin | vrouwen | meisjes</annotation> <annotation cp="👩👩👧👧" type="tts">gezin, vrouw, vrouw, meisje, meisje</annotation> <!-- 1F46B man and woman holding hands; couple; hand; hold; man; woman --> <annotation cp="👫">stel | man | vrouw | hand in hand | mensen | vasthouden | hand</annotation> <annotation cp="👫" type="tts">man en vrouw hand in hand</annotation> <!-- 1F46C two men holding hands; couple; gemini; hand; hold; man; twins; zodiac --> <annotation cp="👬">stel | tweeling | hand | vasthouden | hand in hand | man | sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="👬" type="tts">twee mannen hand in hand</annotation> <!-- 1F46D two women holding hands; couple; hand; hold; woman --> <annotation cp="👭">stel | hand | vasthouden | hand in hand | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👭" type="tts">twee vrouwen hand in hand</annotation> <!-- 1F3FB skin type-1-2; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏻">emoji modifier | fitzpatrick | huid | kleur | huidskleur</annotation> <annotation cp="🏻" type="tts">huidtype 1–2</annotation> <!-- 1F3FC skin type-3; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏼">emoji modifier | fitzpatrick | huid | kleur | huidskleur</annotation> <annotation cp="🏼" type="tts">huidtype 3</annotation> <!-- 1F3FD skin type-4; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏽">emoji modifier | fitzpatrick | huid | kleur | huidskleur</annotation> <annotation cp="🏽" type="tts">huidtype 4</annotation> <!-- 1F3FE skin type-5; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏾">emoji modifier | fitzpatrick | huid | kleur | huidskleur</annotation> <annotation cp="🏾" type="tts">huidtype 5</annotation> <!-- 1F3FF skin type-6; emoji modifier; fitzpatrick; skin; tone --> <annotation cp="🏿">emoji modifier | fitzpatrick | huid | kleur | huidskleur</annotation> <annotation cp="🏿" type="tts">huidtype 6</annotation> <!-- 1F4AA flexed biceps; biceps; body; comic; flex; muscle --> <annotation cp="💪">biceps | spierbal | lichaam | strip | spannen | spier</annotation> <annotation cp="💪" type="tts">gespannen biceps</annotation> <!-- 1F448 backhand index pointing left; backhand; body; finger; hand; index; point --> <annotation cp="👈">vinger wijst naar links | wijsvinger | vinger | lichaam | hand | wijzen | wijzend</annotation> <annotation cp="👈" type="tts">wijsvinger wijst naar links</annotation> <!-- 1F449 backhand index pointing right; backhand; body; finger; hand; index; point --> <annotation cp="👉">vinger wijst naar rechts | wijsvinger | vinger | lichaam | hand | wijzen | wijzend</annotation> <annotation cp="👉" type="tts">wijsvinger wijst naar rechts</annotation> <!-- 261D index pointing up; body; finger; hand; index; point; up --> <annotation cp="☝">lichaam | vinger | hand | wijsvinger | wijzen | wijzend | omhoog</annotation> <annotation cp="☝" type="tts">wijsvinger wijst omhoog</annotation> <!-- 1F446 backhand index pointing up; backhand; body; finger; hand; index; point; up --> <annotation cp="👆">backhand | hand met rug naar voren | lichaam | vinger | hand | wijsvinger | wijzen | wijzend | omhoog</annotation> <annotation cp="👆" type="tts">wijsvinger wijst omhoog met hand andersom</annotation> <!-- 1F595 middle finger; body; finger; hand --> <annotation cp="🖕">lichaam | vinger | hand</annotation> <annotation cp="🖕" type="tts">middelvinger</annotation> <!-- 1F447 backhand index pointing down; backhand; body; down; finger; hand; index; point --> <annotation cp="👇">backhand | hand met rug naar voren | lichaam | omlaag | vinger | hand | wijsvinger | wijzen | wijzend</annotation> <annotation cp="👇" type="tts">wijsvinger wijst omlaag</annotation> <!-- 270C victory hand; body; hand; v; victory --> <annotation cp="✌">lichaam | hand | v | vredesteken</annotation> <annotation cp="✌" type="tts">V-teken</annotation> <!-- 1F596 vulcan salute; body; finger; hand; spock; vulcan --> <annotation cp="🖖">lichaam | vinger | hand | spock | vulcan</annotation> <annotation cp="🖖" type="tts">vulcangroet</annotation> <!-- 1F918 sign of the horns; body; finger; hand; horns; rock-on --> <annotation cp="🤘">lichaam | vinger | hand | hoorns | rock on</annotation> <annotation cp="🤘" type="tts">teken van duivelshoorns</annotation> <!-- 1F590 raised hand with fingers splayed; body; finger; hand; splayed --> <annotation cp="🖐">lichaam | vinger | hand | gespreid</annotation> <annotation cp="🖐" type="tts">hand omhoog met gespreide vingers</annotation> <!-- 270A raised fist; body; clenched; fist; hand; punch --> <annotation cp="✊">lichaam | gebald | vuist | hand | stoot</annotation> <annotation cp="✊" type="tts">vuist omhoog</annotation> <!-- 270B raised hand; body; hand --> <annotation cp="✋">lichaam | hand</annotation> <annotation cp="✋" type="tts">hand omhoog</annotation> <!-- 1F44A oncoming fist; body; clenched; fist; hand; punch --> <annotation cp="👊">lichaam | gebald | vuist | hand | stoot</annotation> <annotation cp="👊" type="tts">gebalde vuist</annotation> <!-- 1F44C ok hand; body; hand; ok --> <annotation cp="👌">lichaam | hand | OK</annotation> <annotation cp="👌" type="tts">OK-teken</annotation> <!-- 1F44D thumbs up; +1; body; hand; thumb; up --> <annotation cp="👍">+1 | lichaam | hand | duim | omhoog</annotation> <annotation cp="👍" type="tts">duim omhoog</annotation> <!-- 1F44E thumbs down; -1; body; down; hand; thumb --> <annotation cp="👎">-1 | lichaam | omlaag | hand | duim</annotation> <annotation cp="👎" type="tts">duim omlaag</annotation> <!-- 1F44B waving hand; body; hand; wave; waving --> <annotation cp="👋">lichaam | hand | zwaai | zwaaien</annotation> <annotation cp="👋" type="tts">zwaaiende hand</annotation> <!-- 1F44F clapping hands; body; clap; hand --> <annotation cp="👏">lichaam | klappen | hand</annotation> <annotation cp="👏" type="tts">klappende handen</annotation> <!-- 1F450 open hands; body; hand; open --> <annotation cp="👐">lichaam | hand | open</annotation> <annotation cp="👐" type="tts">open handen</annotation> <!-- 270D writing hand; body; hand; write --> <annotation cp="✍">lichaam | hand | schrijven</annotation> <annotation cp="✍" type="tts">schrijvende hand</annotation> <!-- 1F485 nail polish; body; care; cosmetics; manicure; nail; polish --> <annotation cp="💅">lichaam | verzorging | cosmetica | manicure | nagel | nagellak</annotation> <annotation cp="💅" type="tts">nagels lakken</annotation> <!-- 1F442 ear; body --> <annotation cp="👂">lichaam</annotation> <annotation cp="👂" type="tts">oor</annotation> <!-- 1F443 nose; body --> <annotation cp="👃">lichaam</annotation> <annotation cp="👃" type="tts">neus</annotation> <!-- 1F463 footprints; body; clothing; footprint; print --> <annotation cp="👣">lichaam | voetafdruk | afdruk</annotation> <annotation cp="👣" type="tts">voetafdrukken</annotation> <!-- 1F440 eyes; body; eye; face --> <annotation cp="👀">lichaam | oog | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="👀" type="tts">ogen</annotation> <!-- 1F441 eye; body --> <annotation cp="👁">lichaam</annotation> <annotation cp="👁" type="tts">oog</annotation> <annotation cp="👁🗨">oog | spraakballon</annotation> <annotation cp="👁🗨" type="tts">oog in spraakballon</annotation> <!-- 1F445 tongue; body --> <annotation cp="👅">lichaam</annotation> <annotation cp="👅" type="tts">tong</annotation> <!-- 1F444 mouth; body; lips --> <annotation cp="👄">lichaam | lippen</annotation> <annotation cp="👄" type="tts">mond</annotation> <!-- 1F48B kiss mark; heart; kiss; lips; mark; romance --> <annotation cp="💋">hart | kus | lippen | afdruk | romantiek</annotation> <annotation cp="💋" type="tts">kusafdruk</annotation> <!-- 1F498 heart with arrow; arrow; cupid; heart; romance --> <annotation cp="💘">pijl | cupido | hart | romantiek</annotation> <annotation cp="💘" type="tts">hart met pijl</annotation> <!-- 2764 red heart; heart --> <annotation cp="❤">hart</annotation> <annotation cp="❤" type="tts">rood hart</annotation> <!-- 1F493 beating heart; beating; heart; heartbeat; pulsating --> <annotation cp="💓">kloppen | hart | hartslag | slaan</annotation> <annotation cp="💓" type="tts">kloppend hart</annotation> <!-- 1F494 broken heart; break; broken; heart --> <annotation cp="💔">breken | gebroken | hart</annotation> <annotation cp="💔" type="tts">gebroken hart</annotation> <!-- 1F495 two hearts; heart; love --> <annotation cp="💕">hart | liefde</annotation> <annotation cp="💕" type="tts">twee harten</annotation> <!-- 1F496 sparkling heart; excited; heart; sparkle --> <annotation cp="💖">spannend | hart | glinsterend</annotation> <annotation cp="💖" type="tts">glinsterend hart</annotation> <!-- 1F497 growing heart; excited; growing; heart; heartpulse; nervous --> <annotation cp="💗">spannend | groeiend | hart | hartslag | nerveus</annotation> <annotation cp="💗" type="tts">groeiend hart</annotation> <!-- 1F499 blue heart; blue; heart --> <annotation cp="💙">blauw | hart</annotation> <annotation cp="💙" type="tts">blauw hart</annotation> <!-- 1F49A green heart; green; heart --> <annotation cp="💚">groen | hart</annotation> <annotation cp="💚" type="tts">groen hart</annotation> <!-- 1F49B yellow heart; heart; yellow --> <annotation cp="💛">hart | geel</annotation> <annotation cp="💛" type="tts">geel hart</annotation> <!-- 1F49C purple heart; heart; purple --> <annotation cp="💜">hart | paars</annotation> <annotation cp="💜" type="tts">paars hart</annotation> <!-- 1F49D heart with ribbon; heart; ribbon; valentine --> <annotation cp="💝">hart | strik | Valentijn</annotation> <annotation cp="💝" type="tts">hart met strik</annotation> <!-- 1F49E revolving hearts; heart; revolving --> <annotation cp="💞">hart | draaien</annotation> <annotation cp="💞" type="tts">draaiende harten</annotation> <!-- 1F49F heart decoration; heart --> <annotation cp="💟">hart</annotation> <annotation cp="💟" type="tts">hartdecoratie</annotation> <!-- 2763 heavy heart exclamation mark ornament; exclamation; heart; mark; punctuation --> <annotation cp="❣">uitroepteken | hart | teken | interpunctie</annotation> <annotation cp="❣" type="tts">uitroepteken met hart</annotation> <!-- 1F48C love letter; heart; letter; love; mail; romance --> <annotation cp="💌">hart | brief | liefde | post | romantiek</annotation> <annotation cp="💌" type="tts">liefdesbrief</annotation> <!-- 1F4A4 zzz; comic; sleep --> <annotation cp="💤">strip | slapen</annotation> <annotation cp="💤" type="tts">slaperig</annotation> <!-- 1F4A2 anger symbol; angry; comic; mad --> <annotation cp="💢">kwaad | strip | boos</annotation> <annotation cp="💢" type="tts">woede</annotation> <!-- 1F4A3 bomb; comic --> <annotation cp="💣">strip</annotation> <annotation cp="💣" type="tts">bom</annotation> <!-- 1F4A5 collision; boom; comic --> <annotation cp="💥">boem | strip</annotation> <annotation cp="💥" type="tts">botsing</annotation> <!-- 1F4A6 sweat droplets; comic; splashing; sweat --> <annotation cp="💦">strip | druppels | zweet</annotation> <annotation cp="💦" type="tts">zweetdruppels</annotation> <!-- 1F4A8 dashing; comic; dash; running --> <annotation cp="💨">strip | rennen</annotation> <annotation cp="💨" type="tts">wegrennen</annotation> <!-- 1F4AB dizzy; comic; star --> <annotation cp="💫">strip | ster</annotation> <annotation cp="💫" type="tts">duizelig</annotation> <!-- 1F4AC speech balloon; balloon; bubble; comic; dialog; speech --> <annotation cp="💬">tekstballon | strip | dialoog | spraak</annotation> <annotation cp="💬" type="tts">spraakballon</annotation> <!-- 1F5E8 left speech bubble; dialog; speech --> <annotation cp="🗨">dialoog | spraak</annotation> <annotation cp="🗨" type="tts">spraakballon naar links</annotation> <!-- 1F5EF right anger bubble; angry; balloon; bubble; mad --> <annotation cp="🗯">woede | ballon | woedeballon | kwaad</annotation> <annotation cp="🗯" type="tts">woedeballon naar rechts</annotation> <!-- 1F4AD thought balloon; balloon; bubble; comic; thought --> <annotation cp="💭">ballon | denkballon | strip | gedachten</annotation> <annotation cp="💭" type="tts">gedachtenballon</annotation> <annotation cp="🕳">gat</annotation> <annotation cp="🕳" type="tts">gat</annotation> <!-- 1F453 glasses; clothing; eye; eyeglasses; eyewear --> <annotation cp="👓">kleding | oog</annotation> <annotation cp="👓" type="tts">bril</annotation> <!-- 1F576 sunglasses; dark; eye; eyewear; glasses --> <annotation cp="🕶">donker | oog | bril</annotation> <annotation cp="🕶" type="tts">zonnebril</annotation> <!-- 1F454 necktie; clothing --> <annotation cp="👔">kleding</annotation> <annotation cp="👔" type="tts">stropdas</annotation> <!-- 1F455 t-shirt; clothing; shirt; tshirt --> <annotation cp="👕">kleding | shirt</annotation> <annotation cp="👕" type="tts">T-shirt</annotation> <!-- 1F456 jeans; clothing; pants; trousers --> <annotation cp="👖">kleding | jeans</annotation> <annotation cp="👖" type="tts">broek</annotation> <!-- 1F457 dress; clothing --> <annotation cp="👗">kleding</annotation> <annotation cp="👗" type="tts">jurk</annotation> <!-- 1F458 kimono; clothing --> <annotation cp="👘">kleding</annotation> <annotation cp="👘" type="tts">kimono</annotation> <!-- 1F459 bikini; clothing; swim --> <annotation cp="👙">kleding | zwemmen</annotation> <annotation cp="👙" type="tts">bikini</annotation> <!-- 1F45A woman’s clothes; clothing; woman --> <annotation cp="👚">kleding | dames</annotation> <annotation cp="👚" type="tts">dameskleding</annotation> <!-- 1F45B purse; clothing; coin --> <annotation cp="👛">kleding | munt</annotation> <annotation cp="👛" type="tts">portemonnee</annotation> <!-- 1F45C handbag; bag; clothing --> <annotation cp="👜">tas | kleding</annotation> <annotation cp="👜" type="tts">handtas</annotation> <!-- 1F45D pouch; bag; clothing --> <annotation cp="👝">tas | kleding</annotation> <annotation cp="👝" type="tts">tasje</annotation> <!-- 1F6CD shopping bags; bag; hotel; shopping --> <annotation cp="🛍">tas | hotel | winkelen</annotation> <annotation cp="🛍" type="tts">boodschappentassen</annotation> <!-- 1F392 school backpack; bag; satchel; school --> <annotation cp="🎒">tas | rugzak | school</annotation> <annotation cp="🎒" type="tts">schooltas</annotation> <!-- 1F45E man’s shoe; clothing; man; shoe --> <annotation cp="👞">kleding | man | schoen</annotation> <annotation cp="👞" type="tts">herenschoen</annotation> <!-- 1F45F running shoe; athletic; clothing; shoe; sneaker --> <annotation cp="👟">atletiek | kleding | schoen | sneaker</annotation> <annotation cp="👟" type="tts">sportschoen</annotation> <!-- 1F460 high-heeled shoe; clothing; heel; shoe; woman --> <annotation cp="👠">kleding | schoen | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👠" type="tts">hoge hak</annotation> <!-- 1F461 woman’s sandal; clothing; sandal; shoe; woman --> <annotation cp="👡">kleding | sandaal | schoen | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👡" type="tts">damessandaal</annotation> <!-- 1F462 woman’s boot; boot; clothing; shoe; woman --> <annotation cp="👢">laars | kleding | schoen | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👢" type="tts">dameslaars</annotation> <!-- 1F451 crown; clothing; king; queen --> <annotation cp="👑">kleding | koning | koningin</annotation> <annotation cp="👑" type="tts">kroon</annotation> <!-- 1F452 woman’s hat; clothing; hat; woman --> <annotation cp="👒">kleding | hoed | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="👒" type="tts">dameshoed</annotation> <!-- 1F3A9 top hat; clothing; hat; top; tophat --> <annotation cp="🎩">kleding | hoed | hoog</annotation> <annotation cp="🎩" type="tts">hoge hoed</annotation> <!-- 1F393 graduation cap; cap; celebration; clothing; graduation; hat --> <annotation cp="🎓">viering | kleding | eindexamen | hoed</annotation> <annotation cp="🎓" type="tts">diplomeringshoed</annotation> <!-- 1F4FF prayer beads; beads; clothing; necklace; prayer; religion --> <annotation cp="📿">kralen | kleding | ketting | gebed | geloof</annotation> <annotation cp="📿" type="tts">gebedskralen</annotation> <!-- 1F484 lipstick; cosmetics; makeup --> <annotation cp="💄">cosmetica | make-up</annotation> <annotation cp="💄" type="tts">lippenstift</annotation> <!-- 1F48D ring; diamond; romance --> <annotation cp="💍">diamant | romantiek</annotation> <annotation cp="💍" type="tts">ring</annotation> <!-- 1F48E gem stone; diamond; gem; jewel; romance --> <annotation cp="💎">diamant | juweel | romantiek</annotation> <annotation cp="💎" type="tts">edelsteen</annotation> <!-- 1F435 monkey face; face; monkey --> <annotation cp="🐵">gezicht | aap</annotation> <annotation cp="🐵" type="tts">apengezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🐒">aap</annotation> <annotation cp="🐒" type="tts">aap</annotation> <!-- 1F436 dog face; dog; face; pet --> <annotation cp="🐶">hond | gezicht | huisdier</annotation> <annotation cp="🐶" type="tts">hondengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F415 dog; pet --> <annotation cp="🐕">huisdier</annotation> <annotation cp="🐕" type="tts">hond</annotation> <!-- 1F429 poodle; dog --> <annotation cp="🐩">hond</annotation> <annotation cp="🐩" type="tts">poedel</annotation> <!-- 1F43A wolf face; face; wolf --> <annotation cp="🐺">gezicht | wolf</annotation> <annotation cp="🐺" type="tts">wolvengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F431 cat face; cat; face; pet --> <annotation cp="🐱">kat | gezicht | huisdier</annotation> <annotation cp="🐱" type="tts">kattengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F408 cat; pet --> <annotation cp="🐈">huisdier</annotation> <annotation cp="🐈" type="tts">kat</annotation> <!-- 1F981 lion face; face; leo; lion; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🦁">gezicht | leeuw | sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="🦁" type="tts">leeuwengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F42F tiger face; face; tiger --> <annotation cp="🐯">gezicht | tijger</annotation> <annotation cp="🐯" type="tts">tijgergezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🐅">tijger</annotation> <annotation cp="🐅" type="tts">tijger</annotation> <annotation cp="🐆">luipaard</annotation> <annotation cp="🐆" type="tts">luipaard</annotation> <!-- 1F434 horse face; face; horse --> <annotation cp="🐴">gezicht | paard</annotation> <annotation cp="🐴" type="tts">paardengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F40E horse; racehorse; racing --> <annotation cp="🐎">renpaard | racen</annotation> <annotation cp="🐎" type="tts">paard</annotation> <!-- 1F984 unicorn face; face; unicorn --> <annotation cp="🦄">gezicht | eenhoorn</annotation> <annotation cp="🦄" type="tts">eenhoorngezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F42E cow face; cow; face --> <annotation cp="🐮">koe | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🐮" type="tts">koeiengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F402 ox; bull; taurus; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🐂">stier | sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="🐂" type="tts">os</annotation> <!-- 1F403 water buffalo; buffalo; water --> <annotation cp="🐃">buffel | water</annotation> <annotation cp="🐃" type="tts">waterbuffel</annotation> <annotation cp="🐄">koe</annotation> <annotation cp="🐄" type="tts">koe</annotation> <!-- 1F437 pig face; face; pig --> <annotation cp="🐷">gezicht | varken</annotation> <annotation cp="🐷" type="tts">varkensgezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F416 pig; sow --> <annotation cp="🐖">zeug</annotation> <annotation cp="🐖" type="tts">varken</annotation> <!-- 1F417 boar; pig --> <annotation cp="🐗">varken</annotation> <annotation cp="🐗" type="tts">everzwijn</annotation> <!-- 1F43D pig nose; face; nose; pig --> <annotation cp="🐽">gezicht | neus | varken</annotation> <annotation cp="🐽" type="tts">varkensneus</annotation> <!-- 1F40F ram; aries; sheep; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🐏">schaap | sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="🐏" type="tts">ram</annotation> <!-- 1F411 sheep; ewe --> <annotation cp="🐑">ooi</annotation> <annotation cp="🐑" type="tts">schaap</annotation> <!-- 1F410 goat; capricorn; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🐐">steenbok | sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="🐐" type="tts">geit</annotation> <!-- 1F42A camel; dromedary; hump --> <annotation cp="🐪">kameel met één bult | bult</annotation> <annotation cp="🐪" type="tts">dromedaris</annotation> <!-- 1F42B two-hump camel; bactrian; camel; hump --> <annotation cp="🐫">kameel met twee bulten | bult</annotation> <annotation cp="🐫" type="tts">kameel</annotation> <annotation cp="🐘">olifant</annotation> <annotation cp="🐘" type="tts">olifant</annotation> <!-- 1F42D mouse face; face; mouse --> <annotation cp="🐭">gezicht | muis</annotation> <annotation cp="🐭" type="tts">muizengezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🐁">muis</annotation> <annotation cp="🐁" type="tts">muis</annotation> <annotation cp="🐀">rat</annotation> <annotation cp="🐀" type="tts">rat</annotation> <!-- 1F439 hamster face; face; hamster; pet --> <annotation cp="🐹">gezicht | hamster | huisdier</annotation> <annotation cp="🐹" type="tts">hamstergezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F430 rabbit face; bunny; face; pet; rabbit --> <annotation cp="🐰">konijntje | gezicht | huisdier | konijn</annotation> <annotation cp="🐰" type="tts">konijnengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F407 rabbit; bunny; pet --> <annotation cp="🐇">konijntje | huisdier</annotation> <annotation cp="🐇" type="tts">konijn</annotation> <annotation cp="🐿">eekhoorn</annotation> <annotation cp="🐿" type="tts">eekhoorn</annotation> <!-- 1F43B bear face; bear; face --> <annotation cp="🐻">beer | gezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🐻" type="tts">berengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F428 koala; bear --> <annotation cp="🐨">beer</annotation> <annotation cp="🐨" type="tts">koala</annotation> <!-- 1F43C panda face; face; panda --> <annotation cp="🐼">gezicht | panda</annotation> <annotation cp="🐼" type="tts">pandagezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F43E paw prints; feet; paw; print --> <annotation cp="🐾">poten | poot | afdruk</annotation> <annotation cp="🐾" type="tts">pootafdrukken</annotation> <annotation cp="🦃">kalkoen</annotation> <annotation cp="🦃" type="tts">kalkoen</annotation> <annotation cp="🐔">kip</annotation> <annotation cp="🐔" type="tts">kip</annotation> <annotation cp="🐓">haan</annotation> <annotation cp="🐓" type="tts">haan</annotation> <!-- 1F423 hatching chick; baby; chick; hatching --> <annotation cp="🐣">baby | kuiken | uit ei komen</annotation> <annotation cp="🐣" type="tts">kuiken in ei</annotation> <!-- 1F424 baby chick; baby; chick --> <annotation cp="🐤">baby | kuiken</annotation> <annotation cp="🐤" type="tts">kuikentje</annotation> <!-- 1F425 front-facing baby chick; baby; chick --> <annotation cp="🐥">baby | kuiken</annotation> <annotation cp="🐥" type="tts">naar voren kijkend kuikentje</annotation> <annotation cp="🐦">vogel</annotation> <annotation cp="🐦" type="tts">vogel</annotation> <annotation cp="🐧">pinguïn</annotation> <annotation cp="🐧" type="tts">pinguïn</annotation> <!-- 1F54A dove; bird; fly; peace --> <annotation cp="🕊">vogel | vliegen | vrede</annotation> <annotation cp="🕊" type="tts">duif</annotation> <!-- 1F438 frog face; face; frog --> <annotation cp="🐸">gezicht | kikker</annotation> <annotation cp="🐸" type="tts">kikkergezicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🐊">krokodil</annotation> <annotation cp="🐊" type="tts">krokodil</annotation> <annotation cp="🐢">schildpad</annotation> <annotation cp="🐢" type="tts">schildpad</annotation> <!-- 1F40D snake; bearer; ophiuchus; serpent; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🐍">slangendrager | ophiuchus | serpent | sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="🐍" type="tts">slang</annotation> <!-- 1F432 dragon face; dragon; face; fairy tale --> <annotation cp="🐲">draak | gezicht | sprookje</annotation> <annotation cp="🐲" type="tts">drakengezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F409 dragon; fairy tale --> <annotation cp="🐉">sprookje</annotation> <annotation cp="🐉" type="tts">draak</annotation> <!-- 1F433 spouting whale; face; spouting; whale --> <annotation cp="🐳">gezicht | spuitend | walvis</annotation> <annotation cp="🐳" type="tts">spuitende walvis</annotation> <annotation cp="🐋">walvis</annotation> <annotation cp="🐋" type="tts">walvis</annotation> <!-- 1F42C dolphin; flipper --> <annotation cp="🐬">flipper</annotation> <annotation cp="🐬" type="tts">dolfijn</annotation> <!-- 1F41F fish; pisces; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🐟">vissen | sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="🐟" type="tts">vis</annotation> <!-- 1F420 tropical fish; fish; tropical --> <annotation cp="🐠">vis | tropisch</annotation> <annotation cp="🐠" type="tts">tropische vis</annotation> <!-- 1F421 blowfish; fish --> <annotation cp="🐡">vis</annotation> <annotation cp="🐡" type="tts">kogelvis</annotation> <annotation cp="🐙">octopus</annotation> <annotation cp="🐙" type="tts">octopus</annotation> <!-- 1F41A spiral shell; shell; spiral --> <annotation cp="🐚">spiraal</annotation> <annotation cp="🐚" type="tts">schelp</annotation> <!-- 1F980 crab; cancer; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🦀">kreeft | sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="🦀" type="tts">krab</annotation> <annotation cp="🐌">slak</annotation> <annotation cp="🐌" type="tts">slak</annotation> <annotation cp="🐛">insect</annotation> <annotation cp="🐛" type="tts">insect</annotation> <!-- 1F41C ant; insect --> <annotation cp="🐜">insect</annotation> <annotation cp="🐜" type="tts">mier</annotation> <!-- 1F41D honeybee; bee; insect --> <annotation cp="🐝">bij | insect</annotation> <annotation cp="🐝" type="tts">honingbij</annotation> <!-- 1F41E lady beetle; beetle; insect; ladybird; ladybug --> <annotation cp="🐞">kever | insect | lieveheersbeest</annotation> <annotation cp="🐞" type="tts">lieveheersbeestje</annotation> <!-- 1F577 spider; insect --> <annotation cp="🕷">insect</annotation> <annotation cp="🕷" type="tts">spin</annotation> <!-- 1F578 spider web; spider; web --> <annotation cp="🕸">spin | web</annotation> <annotation cp="🕸" type="tts">spinnenweb</annotation> <!-- 1F982 scorpion; scorpio; scorpius; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🦂">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="🦂" type="tts">schorpioen</annotation> <!-- 1F490 bouquet; flower; plant; romance --> <annotation cp="💐">bloem | plant | romantiek</annotation> <annotation cp="💐" type="tts">boeket</annotation> <!-- 1F338 cherry blossom; blossom; cherry; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌸">bloesem | kers | bloem | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌸" type="tts">kersenbloesem</annotation> <!-- 1F4AE white flower; flower --> <annotation cp="💮">bloem</annotation> <annotation cp="💮" type="tts">bloemenstempel</annotation> <!-- 1F3F5 rosette; plant --> <annotation cp="🏵">plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🏵" type="tts">rozet</annotation> <!-- 1F339 rose; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌹">bloem | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌹" type="tts">roos</annotation> <!-- 1F33A hibiscus; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌺">bloem | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌺" type="tts">hibiscus</annotation> <!-- 1F33B sunflower; flower; plant; sun --> <annotation cp="🌻">bloem | plant | zon</annotation> <annotation cp="🌻" type="tts">zonnebloem</annotation> <!-- 1F33C blossom; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌼">bloem | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌼" type="tts">bloesem</annotation> <!-- 1F337 tulip; flower; plant --> <annotation cp="🌷">bloem | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌷" type="tts">tulp</annotation> <!-- 2618 shamrock; plant --> <annotation cp="☘">plant</annotation> <annotation cp="☘" type="tts">klavertjedrie</annotation> <!-- 1F331 seedling; plant; young --> <annotation cp="🌱">plant | jong</annotation> <annotation cp="🌱" type="tts">jonge plant</annotation> <!-- 1F332 evergreen; plant; tree --> <annotation cp="🌲">plant | boom</annotation> <annotation cp="🌲" type="tts">dennenboom</annotation> <!-- 1F333 deciduous tree; deciduous; plant; shedding; tree --> <annotation cp="🌳">bladeren verliezen | plant | loof verliezen | boom</annotation> <annotation cp="🌳" type="tts">bladeren verliezende boom</annotation> <!-- 1F334 palm tree; palm; plant; tree --> <annotation cp="🌴">palm | plant | boom</annotation> <annotation cp="🌴" type="tts">palmboom</annotation> <!-- 1F335 cactus; plant --> <annotation cp="🌵">plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌵" type="tts">cactus</annotation> <!-- 1F33E sheaf of rice; ear; plant; rice --> <annotation cp="🌾">rijstaar | plant | rijst</annotation> <annotation cp="🌾" type="tts">rijstplant</annotation> <!-- 1F33F herb; leaf; plant --> <annotation cp="🌿">blad | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌿" type="tts">kruid</annotation> <!-- 1F340 four leaf clover; 4; clover; four; leaf; plant --> <annotation cp="🍀">4 | klaver | vier | blad | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍀" type="tts">klavertjevier</annotation> <!-- 1F341 maple leaf; falling; leaf; maple; plant --> <annotation cp="🍁">vallend | blad | esdoorn | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍁" type="tts">esdoornblad</annotation> <!-- 1F342 fallen leaf; falling; leaf; plant --> <annotation cp="🍂">vallend | blad | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍂" type="tts">vallende bladeren</annotation> <!-- 1F343 leaf fluttering in wind; blow; flutter; leaf; plant; wind --> <annotation cp="🍃">waait | waaiend | blad | plant | wind</annotation> <annotation cp="🍃" type="tts">blad in de wind</annotation> <!-- 1F347 grapes; fruit; grape; plant --> <annotation cp="🍇">fruit | druif | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍇" type="tts">druiven</annotation> <!-- 1F348 melon; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍈">fruit | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍈" type="tts">meloen</annotation> <!-- 1F349 watermelon; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍉">fruit | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍉" type="tts">watermeloen</annotation> <!-- 1F34A tangerine; fruit; orange; plant --> <annotation cp="🍊">fruit | sinaasappel | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍊" type="tts">mandarijn</annotation> <!-- 1F34B lemon; citrus; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍋">citrus | fruit | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍋" type="tts">citroen</annotation> <!-- 1F34C banana; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍌">fruit | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍌" type="tts">banaan</annotation> <!-- 1F34D pineapple; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍍">fruit | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍍" type="tts">ananas</annotation> <!-- 1F34E red apple; apple; fruit; plant; red --> <annotation cp="🍎">appel | fruit | plant | rood</annotation> <annotation cp="🍎" type="tts">rode appel</annotation> <!-- 1F34F green apple; apple; fruit; green; plant --> <annotation cp="🍏">appel | fruit | plant | groen</annotation> <annotation cp="🍏" type="tts">groene appel</annotation> <!-- 1F350 pear; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍐">fruit | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍐" type="tts">peer</annotation> <!-- 1F351 peach; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍑">fruit | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍑" type="tts">perzik</annotation> <!-- 1F352 cherries; cherry; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍒">fruit | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍒" type="tts">kers</annotation> <!-- 1F353 strawberry; berry; fruit; plant --> <annotation cp="🍓">fruit | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍓" type="tts">aardbei</annotation> <!-- 1F345 tomato; plant; vegetable --> <annotation cp="🍅">plant | groente</annotation> <annotation cp="🍅" type="tts">tomaat</annotation> <!-- 1F346 eggplant; aubergine; plant; vegetable --> <annotation cp="🍆">plant | groente</annotation> <annotation cp="🍆" type="tts">aubergine</annotation> <!-- 1F33D ear of corn; corn; ear; maize; maze; plant --> <annotation cp="🌽">kolf | maïskolf | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌽" type="tts">maïs</annotation> <!-- 1F336 hot pepper; hot; pepper; plant --> <annotation cp="🌶">heet | peper | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌶" type="tts">rode peper</annotation> <!-- 1F344 mushroom; plant --> <annotation cp="🍄">plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🍄" type="tts">paddenstoel</annotation> <!-- 1F330 chestnut; plant --> <annotation cp="🌰">plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🌰" type="tts">kastanje</annotation> <annotation cp="🍞">brood</annotation> <annotation cp="🍞" type="tts">brood</annotation> <!-- 1F9C0 cheese wedge; cheese --> <annotation cp="🧀">kaas</annotation> <annotation cp="🧀" type="tts">stuk kaas</annotation> <!-- 1F356 meat on bone; bone; meat --> <annotation cp="🍖">bot | vlees</annotation> <annotation cp="🍖" type="tts">vlees met bot</annotation> <!-- 1F357 poultry leg; bone; chicken; leg; poultry --> <annotation cp="🍗">bot | kip | poot | gevogelte</annotation> <annotation cp="🍗" type="tts">kippenpoot</annotation> <!-- 1F354 hamburger; burger --> <annotation cp="🍔">burger</annotation> <annotation cp="🍔" type="tts">hamburger</annotation> <!-- 1F35F french fries; french; fries --> <annotation cp="🍟">frans | frietjes</annotation> <annotation cp="🍟" type="tts">patat</annotation> <!-- 1F355 pizza; cheese; slice --> <annotation cp="🍕">kaas | punt</annotation> <annotation cp="🍕" type="tts">pizzapunt</annotation> <!-- 1F32D hot dog; frankfurter; hotdog; sausage --> <annotation cp="🌭">frankfurter | worst</annotation> <annotation cp="🌭" type="tts">hotdog</annotation> <!-- 1F32E taco; mexican --> <annotation cp="🌮">mexicaans</annotation> <annotation cp="🌮" type="tts">taco</annotation> <!-- 1F32F burrito; mexican --> <annotation cp="🌯">mexicaans</annotation> <annotation cp="🌯" type="tts">burrito</annotation> <annotation cp="🍿">popcorn</annotation> <annotation cp="🍿" type="tts">popcorn</annotation> <!-- 1F372 pot of food; pot; stew --> <annotation cp="🍲">eenpansgerecht</annotation> <annotation cp="🍲" type="tts">stoofschotel</annotation> <!-- 1F371 bento box; bento; box --> <annotation cp="🍱">bento | box</annotation> <annotation cp="🍱" type="tts">bento box</annotation> <!-- 1F358 rice cracker; cracker; rice --> <annotation cp="🍘">cracker | rijst</annotation> <annotation cp="🍘" type="tts">rijstcracker</annotation> <!-- 1F359 rice ball; ball; japanese; rice --> <annotation cp="🍙">balletje | japans | rijst</annotation> <annotation cp="🍙" type="tts">rijstballetje</annotation> <!-- 1F35A cooked rice; cooked; rice --> <annotation cp="🍚">gekookt | rijst</annotation> <annotation cp="🍚" type="tts">gekookte rijst</annotation> <!-- 1F35B curry rice; curry; rice --> <annotation cp="🍛">curry | rijst</annotation> <annotation cp="🍛" type="tts">curry en rijst</annotation> <!-- 1F35C steaming bowl; bowl; noodle; ramen; steaming --> <annotation cp="🍜">kom | noedels | ramen | dampend</annotation> <annotation cp="🍜" type="tts">dampende kom</annotation> <!-- 1F35D spaghetti; pasta --> <annotation cp="🍝">pasta</annotation> <annotation cp="🍝" type="tts">spaghetti</annotation> <!-- 1F360 roasted sweet potato; potato; roasted; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍠">aardappel | gepoft | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍠" type="tts">gepofte zoete aardappel</annotation> <!-- 1F362 oden; kebab; seafood; skewer; stick --> <annotation cp="🍢">zeevruchten op een stokje | zeevruchten | stokje</annotation> <annotation cp="🍢" type="tts">oden</annotation> <annotation cp="🍣">sushi</annotation> <annotation cp="🍣" type="tts">sushi</annotation> <!-- 1F364 fried shrimp; fried; prawn; shrimp; tempura --> <annotation cp="🍤">gefrituurd | garnaal | tempura</annotation> <annotation cp="🍤" type="tts">gefrituurde garnaal</annotation> <!-- 1F365 fish cake with swirl; cake; fish; pastry; swirl --> <annotation cp="🍥">koekje | vis | viskoekje | krul</annotation> <annotation cp="🍥" type="tts">viskoekje met krul</annotation> <!-- 1F361 dango; dessert; japanese; skewer; stick; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍡">dessert | japans | stokje | kleefrijstballetjes | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍡" type="tts">dango</annotation> <!-- 1F366 soft ice cream; cream; dessert; ice; icecream; soft; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍦">roomijs | dessert | ijs | zacht | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍦" type="tts">softijs</annotation> <!-- 1F367 shaved ice; dessert; ice; shaved; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍧">dessert | ijs | geschaafd | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍧" type="tts">geschaafd ijs</annotation> <!-- 1F368 ice cream; cream; dessert; ice; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍨">roomijs | dessert | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍨" type="tts">ijs</annotation> <!-- 1F369 doughnut; dessert; donut; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍩">dessert | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍩" type="tts">donut</annotation> <!-- 1F36A cookie; dessert; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍪">dessert | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍪" type="tts">cookie</annotation> <!-- 1F382 birthday cake; birthday; cake; celebration; dessert; pastry; sweet --> <annotation cp="🎂">verjaardag | taart | feest | dessert | gebak | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🎂" type="tts">verjaardagstaart</annotation> <!-- 1F370 shortcake; cake; dessert; pastry; slice; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍰">dessert | gebak | plak | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍰" type="tts">cake</annotation> <!-- 1F36B chocolate bar; bar; chocolate; dessert; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍫">reep | chocolade | dessert | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍫" type="tts">chocoladereep</annotation> <!-- 1F36C candy; dessert; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍬">dessert | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍬" type="tts">snoep</annotation> <!-- 1F36D lollipop; candy; dessert; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍭">snoep | dessert | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍭" type="tts">lolly</annotation> <!-- 1F36E custard; dessert; pudding; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍮">dessert | pudding | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍮" type="tts">vla</annotation> <!-- 1F36F honey pot; honey; honeypot; pot; sweet --> <annotation cp="🍯">honing | pot | zoet</annotation> <annotation cp="🍯" type="tts">honingpot</annotation> <!-- 1F37C baby bottle; baby; bottle; drink; milk --> <annotation cp="🍼">baby | flesje | drinken | melk</annotation> <annotation cp="🍼" type="tts">babyflesje</annotation> <!-- 2615 hot beverage; beverage; coffee; drink; hot; steaming; tea --> <annotation cp="☕">drankje | koffie | drinken | warm | stomend | thee</annotation> <annotation cp="☕" type="tts">warme drank</annotation> <!-- 1F375 teacup without handle; beverage; cup; drink; tea; teacup --> <annotation cp="🍵">drankje | kop | drinken | thee | theekopje</annotation> <annotation cp="🍵" type="tts">theekopje zonder oor</annotation> <!-- 1F376 sake; bar; beverage; bottle; cup; drink --> <annotation cp="🍶">bar | drankje | fles | kopje | drinken</annotation> <annotation cp="🍶" type="tts">sake</annotation> <!-- 1F37E bottle with popping cork; bar; bottle; cork; drink; popping --> <annotation cp="🍾">bar | fles | kurk | drinken | knallend</annotation> <annotation cp="🍾" type="tts">fles met knallende kurk</annotation> <!-- 1F377 wine glass; bar; beverage; drink; glass; wine --> <annotation cp="🍷">bar | drankje | drinken | glas | wijn</annotation> <annotation cp="🍷" type="tts">wijnglas</annotation> <!-- 1F378 cocktail glass; bar; cocktail; drink; glass --> <annotation cp="🍸">bar | cocktail | drinken | glas</annotation> <annotation cp="🍸" type="tts">cocktailglas</annotation> <!-- 1F379 tropical drink; bar; drink; tropical --> <annotation cp="🍹">bar | drinken | tropisch</annotation> <annotation cp="🍹" type="tts">tropisch drankje</annotation> <!-- 1F37A beer mug; bar; beer; drink; mug --> <annotation cp="🍺">bar | bier | drinken | glas</annotation> <annotation cp="🍺" type="tts">bierglas</annotation> <!-- 1F37B clinking beer mugs; bar; beer; clink; drink; mug --> <annotation cp="🍻">bar | bier | proosten | drinken | glas</annotation> <annotation cp="🍻" type="tts">proostende bierglazen</annotation> <!-- 1F37D fork and knife with plate; cooking; fork; knife; plate --> <annotation cp="🍽">koken | vork | mes | bord</annotation> <annotation cp="🍽" type="tts">vork en mes met bord</annotation> <!-- 1F374 fork and knife; cooking; fork; knife --> <annotation cp="🍴">koken | vork | mes</annotation> <annotation cp="🍴" type="tts">vork en mes</annotation> <!-- 1F373 cooking; egg; frying; pan --> <annotation cp="🍳">ei | bakken | pan</annotation> <annotation cp="🍳" type="tts">koken</annotation> <!-- 1F3FA amphora; aquarius; cooking; drink; jug; tool; weapon; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🏺">waterman | koken | drinken | kruik | voorwerp | wapen | sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="🏺" type="tts">amfora</annotation> <!-- 1F30D globe showing europe-africa; africa; earth; europe; globe; world --> <annotation cp="🌍">afrika | aarde | europa | wereldbol | wereld</annotation> <annotation cp="🌍" type="tts">wereldbol met europa-afrika</annotation> <!-- 1F30E globe showing americas; americas; earth; globe; world --> <annotation cp="🌎">noord- en zuid-amerika | aarde | wereldbol | wereld</annotation> <annotation cp="🌎" type="tts">wereldbol met noord- en zuid-amerika</annotation> <!-- 1F30F globe showing asia-australia; asia; australia; earth; globe; world --> <annotation cp="🌏">azië | australië | aarde | wereldbol | wereld</annotation> <annotation cp="🌏" type="tts">wereldbol met azië-australië</annotation> <!-- 1F310 globe with meridians; earth; globe; meridians; world --> <annotation cp="🌐">aarde | wereldbol | meridianen | wereld</annotation> <annotation cp="🌐" type="tts">wereldbol met meridianen</annotation> <!-- 1F5FA world map; map; world --> <annotation cp="🗺">kaart | wereld</annotation> <annotation cp="🗺" type="tts">wereldkaart</annotation> <!-- 1F3D4 snow-capped mountain; cold; mountain; snow --> <annotation cp="🏔">koud | berg | sneeuw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏔" type="tts">berg met besneeuwde toppen</annotation> <annotation cp="⛰">berg</annotation> <annotation cp="⛰" type="tts">berg</annotation> <!-- 1F30B volcano; eruption; mountain; weather --> <annotation cp="🌋">vulkaanuitbarsting | berg | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌋" type="tts">vulkaan</annotation> <!-- 1F5FB mount fuji; fuji; mountain --> <annotation cp="🗻">fuji | berg</annotation> <annotation cp="🗻" type="tts">berg fuji</annotation> <annotation cp="🏕">kamperen</annotation> <annotation cp="🏕" type="tts">kamperen</annotation> <!-- 1F3D6 beach with umbrella; beach; umbrella --> <annotation cp="🏖">strand | parasol</annotation> <annotation cp="🏖" type="tts">strand met parasol</annotation> <annotation cp="🏜">woestijn</annotation> <annotation cp="🏜" type="tts">woestijn</annotation> <!-- 1F3DD desert island; desert; island --> <annotation cp="🏝">onbewoond | eiland</annotation> <annotation cp="🏝" type="tts">onbewoond eiland</annotation> <!-- 1F3DE national park; park --> <annotation cp="🏞">park</annotation> <annotation cp="🏞" type="tts">nationaal park</annotation> <annotation cp="🏟">stadion</annotation> <annotation cp="🏟" type="tts">stadion</annotation> <!-- 1F3DB classical building; building; classical --> <annotation cp="🏛">gebouw | historisch</annotation> <annotation cp="🏛" type="tts">historisch gebouw</annotation> <!-- 1F3D7 building construction; building; construction --> <annotation cp="🏗">gebouw | bouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏗" type="tts">woningbouw</annotation> <!-- 1F3D8 house buildings; building; house --> <annotation cp="🏘">gebouw | huis</annotation> <annotation cp="🏘" type="tts">huizen</annotation> <!-- 1F3D9 cityscape; building; city --> <annotation cp="🏙">gebouw | stad</annotation> <annotation cp="🏙" type="tts">stadsgezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F3DA derelict house building; building; derelict; house --> <annotation cp="🏚">gebouw | vervallen | huis</annotation> <annotation cp="🏚" type="tts">vervallen huis</annotation> <!-- 1F3E0 house building; building; home; house --> <annotation cp="🏠">gebouw | thuis</annotation> <annotation cp="🏠" type="tts">huis</annotation> <!-- 1F3E1 house with garden; building; garden; home; house --> <annotation cp="🏡">gebouw | tuin | huis | thuis</annotation> <annotation cp="🏡" type="tts">huis met tuin</annotation> <!-- 26EA church; building; christian; cross; religion --> <annotation cp="⛪">gebouw | christelijk | kruis | geloof</annotation> <annotation cp="⛪" type="tts">kerk</annotation> <!-- 1F54B kaaba; islam; muslim; religion --> <annotation cp="🕋">islam | moslim | geloof</annotation> <annotation cp="🕋" type="tts">kaäba</annotation> <!-- 1F54C mosque; islam; muslim; religion --> <annotation cp="🕌">islam | moslim | geloof</annotation> <annotation cp="🕌" type="tts">moskee</annotation> <!-- 1F54D synagogue; jew; jewish; religion; temple --> <annotation cp="🕍">jood | joods | geloof | tempel</annotation> <annotation cp="🕍" type="tts">synagoge</annotation> <!-- 26E9 shinto shrine; religion; shinto; shrine --> <annotation cp="⛩">geloof | shinto | tempel</annotation> <annotation cp="⛩" type="tts">shinto-tempel</annotation> <!-- 1F3E2 office building; building --> <annotation cp="🏢">gebouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏢" type="tts">kantoorgebouw</annotation> <!-- 1F3E3 japanese post office; building; japanese; post --> <annotation cp="🏣">gebouw | japans | post</annotation> <annotation cp="🏣" type="tts">japans postkantoor</annotation> <!-- 1F3E4 post office; building; european; post --> <annotation cp="🏤">gebouw | europees | post</annotation> <annotation cp="🏤" type="tts">postkantoor</annotation> <!-- 1F3E5 hospital; building; doctor; medicine --> <annotation cp="🏥">gebouw | dokter | medicijnen</annotation> <annotation cp="🏥" type="tts">ziekenhuis</annotation> <!-- 1F3E6 bank; building --> <annotation cp="🏦">gebouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏦" type="tts">bank</annotation> <!-- 1F3E8 hotel; building --> <annotation cp="🏨">gebouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏨" type="tts">hotel</annotation> <!-- 1F3E9 love hotel; building; hotel; love --> <annotation cp="🏩">gebouw | hotel | liefde</annotation> <annotation cp="🏩" type="tts">love-hotel</annotation> <!-- 1F3EA convenience store; building; convenience; store --> <annotation cp="🏪">gebouw | winkel</annotation> <annotation cp="🏪" type="tts">supermarkt</annotation> <!-- 1F3EB school; building --> <annotation cp="🏫">gebouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏫" type="tts">school</annotation> <!-- 1F3EC department store; building; department; store --> <annotation cp="🏬">gebouw | winkel</annotation> <annotation cp="🏬" type="tts">warenhuis</annotation> <!-- 1F3ED factory; building --> <annotation cp="🏭">gebouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏭" type="tts">fabriek</annotation> <!-- 1F3EF japanese castle; building; castle; japanese --> <annotation cp="🏯">gebouw | kasteel | japans</annotation> <annotation cp="🏯" type="tts">japans kasteel</annotation> <!-- 1F3F0 castle; building; european --> <annotation cp="🏰">gebouw | europees</annotation> <annotation cp="🏰" type="tts">kasteel</annotation> <!-- 1F492 wedding; chapel; romance --> <annotation cp="💒">kapel | romantiek</annotation> <annotation cp="💒" type="tts">trouwkapel</annotation> <!-- 1F5FC tokyo tower; tokyo; tower --> <annotation cp="🗼">tokio | toren</annotation> <annotation cp="🗼" type="tts">tokio-toren</annotation> <!-- 1F5FD statue of liberty; liberty; statue --> <annotation cp="🗽">vrijheid | beeld</annotation> <annotation cp="🗽" type="tts">vrijheidsbeeld</annotation> <!-- 1F5FE map of japan; japan; map --> <annotation cp="🗾">japan | kaart</annotation> <annotation cp="🗾" type="tts">kaart van japan</annotation> <annotation cp="⛲">fontein</annotation> <annotation cp="⛲" type="tts">fontein</annotation> <!-- 26FA tent; camping --> <annotation cp="⛺">kamperen</annotation> <annotation cp="⛺" type="tts">tent</annotation> <!-- 1F301 foggy; fog; weather --> <annotation cp="🌁">mist | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌁" type="tts">mistig</annotation> <!-- 1F303 night with stars; night; star; weather --> <annotation cp="🌃">nacht | sterren | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌃" type="tts">sterrenhemel</annotation> <!-- 1F304 sunrise over mountains; morning; mountain; sun; sunrise; weather --> <annotation cp="🌄">ochtend | berg | zon | zonsopgang | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌄" type="tts">zonsopgang in de bergen</annotation> <!-- 1F305 sunrise; morning; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌅">ochtend | zon | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌅" type="tts">zonsopgang</annotation> <!-- 1F306 cityscape at dusk; building; city; dusk; evening; landscape; sun; sunset; weather --> <annotation cp="🌆">gebouw | stad | schemer | avond | landschap | zon | zonsondergang | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌆" type="tts">stad bij schemering</annotation> <!-- 1F307 sunset; building; dusk; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌇">gebouw | schemer | zon | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌇" type="tts">zonsondergang</annotation> <!-- 1F309 bridge at night; bridge; night; weather --> <annotation cp="🌉">brug | nacht | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌉" type="tts">nachtelijke brug</annotation> <!-- 2668 hot springs; hot; hotsprings; springs; steaming --> <annotation cp="♨">warm | bronnen | stomend</annotation> <annotation cp="♨" type="tts">warmwaterbronnen</annotation> <!-- 1F30C milky way; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌌">ruimte | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌌" type="tts">melkweg</annotation> <!-- 1F3A0 carousel horse; carousel; horse --> <annotation cp="🎠">draaimolen | paard</annotation> <annotation cp="🎠" type="tts">draaimolenpaard</annotation> <!-- 1F3A1 ferris wheel; amusement park; ferris; wheel --> <annotation cp="🎡">pretpark | rad</annotation> <annotation cp="🎡" type="tts">reuzenrad</annotation> <!-- 1F3A2 roller coaster; amusement park; coaster; roller --> <annotation cp="🎢">pretpark | baan</annotation> <annotation cp="🎢" type="tts">achtbaan</annotation> <!-- 1F488 barber pole; barber; haircut; pole --> <annotation cp="💈">kapper | kapsel | paal</annotation> <annotation cp="💈" type="tts">kapperspaal</annotation> <!-- 1F3AA circus tent; circus; tent --> <annotation cp="🎪">circus | tent</annotation> <annotation cp="🎪" type="tts">circustent</annotation> <!-- 1F3AD performing arts; art; mask; performing; theater; theatre --> <annotation cp="🎭">kunst | masker | toneelkunst | theater | toneel</annotation> <annotation cp="🎭" type="tts">toneelkunsten</annotation> <!-- 1F5BC frame with picture; art; frame; museum; painting; picture --> <annotation cp="🖼">kunst | lijst | museum | schilderij | afbeelding</annotation> <annotation cp="🖼" type="tts">lijst met afbeelding</annotation> <!-- 1F3A8 artist palette; art; museum; painting; palette --> <annotation cp="🎨">kunst | museum | schilderij | palet</annotation> <annotation cp="🎨" type="tts">schilderspalet</annotation> <!-- 1F3B0 slot machine; game; slot --> <annotation cp="🎰">spel</annotation> <annotation cp="🎰" type="tts">fruitautomaat</annotation> <!-- 1F682 locomotive; engine; railway; steam; train; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚂">spoor | stoom | trein | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚂" type="tts">locomotief</annotation> <!-- 1F683 railway car; car; electric; railway; train; tram; trolleybus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚃">wagon | elektrisch | spoor | trein | tram | trolleybus | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚃" type="tts">treinwagon</annotation> <!-- 1F684 high-speed train; railway; shinkansen; speed; train; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚄">spoor | shinkansen | snelheid | trein | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚄" type="tts">hogesnelheidstrein</annotation> <!-- 1F685 high-speed train with bullet nose; bullet; railway; shinkansen; speed; train; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚅">kogeltrein | spoor | shinkansen | snelheid | trein | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚅" type="tts">hogesnelheidstrein met kogelneus</annotation> <!-- 1F686 train; railway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚆">spoor | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚆" type="tts">trein</annotation> <!-- 1F687 metro; subway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚇">ondergrondse | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚇" type="tts">metro</annotation> <!-- 1F688 light rail; railway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚈">spoor | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚈" type="tts">lightrail</annotation> <!-- 1F689 station; railway; train; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚉">spoor | trein | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚉" type="tts">treinstation</annotation> <!-- 1F68A tram; trolleybus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚊">trolleybus | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚊" type="tts">tram</annotation> <!-- 1F69D monorail; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚝">voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚝" type="tts">monorail</annotation> <!-- 1F69E mountain railway; car; mountain; railway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚞">wagon | berg | spoor | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚞" type="tts">bergspoor</annotation> <!-- 1F68B tram car; car; tram; trolleybus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚋">wagon | tram | trolleybus | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚋" type="tts">tramwagon</annotation> <!-- 1F68C bus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚌">voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚌" type="tts">bus</annotation> <!-- 1F68D oncoming bus; bus; oncoming; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚍">bus | naderend | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚍" type="tts">naderende bus</annotation> <!-- 1F68E trolleybus; bus; tram; trolley; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚎">bus | tram | trolley | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚎" type="tts">trolleybus</annotation> <!-- 1F68F bus stop; bus; busstop; stop --> <annotation cp="🚏">bus | halte</annotation> <annotation cp="🚏" type="tts">bushalte</annotation> <!-- 1F690 minibus; bus; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚐">bus | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚐" type="tts">minibus</annotation> <!-- 1F691 ambulance; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚑">voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚑" type="tts">ambulance</annotation> <!-- 1F692 fire engine; engine; fire; truck; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚒">brand | auto | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚒" type="tts">brandweerauto</annotation> <!-- 1F693 police car; car; patrol; police; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚓">auto | politiewagen | politie | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚓" type="tts">politieauto</annotation> <!-- 1F694 oncoming police car; car; oncoming; police; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚔">auto | naderend | politie | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚔" type="tts">naderende politieauto</annotation> <!-- 1F695 taxi; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚕">voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚕" type="tts">taxi</annotation> <!-- 1F696 oncoming taxi; oncoming; taxi; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚖">naderend | taxi | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚖" type="tts">naderende taxi</annotation> <!-- 1F697 automobile; car; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚗">automobiel | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚗" type="tts">auto</annotation> <!-- 1F698 oncoming automobile; automobile; car; oncoming; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚘">automobiel | auto | naderend | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚘" type="tts">naderende auto</annotation> <!-- 1F699 recreational vehicle; recreational; rv; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚙">kampeerauto | auto | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚙" type="tts">camper</annotation> <!-- 1F69A delivery truck; delivery; truck; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚚">bezorging | bus | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚚" type="tts">bestelbus</annotation> <!-- 1F69B articulated lorry; lorry; semi; truck; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚛">vrachtwagen met oplegger | vrachtauto | truck | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚛" type="tts">vrachtwagen</annotation> <!-- 1F69C tractor; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚜">voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚜" type="tts">tractor</annotation> <!-- 1F6B2 bicycle; bike; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚲">fietsen | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚲" type="tts">fiets</annotation> <!-- 26FD fuel pump; fuel; fuelpump; gas; pump; station --> <annotation cp="⛽">brandstof | benzinepomp | benzine | pomp | station</annotation> <annotation cp="⛽" type="tts">benzinestation</annotation> <!-- 1F6E3 motorway; highway; road --> <annotation cp="🛣">weg</annotation> <annotation cp="🛣" type="tts">snelweg</annotation> <!-- 1F6E4 railway track; railway; train --> <annotation cp="🛤">spoor | trein</annotation> <annotation cp="🛤" type="tts">treinspoor</annotation> <!-- 1F6A8 police car’s light; beacon; car; light; police; revolving; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚨">sein | auto | licht | politie | draaiend | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚨" type="tts">zwaailicht van politieauto</annotation> <!-- 1F6A5 horizontal traffic light; light; signal; traffic --> <annotation cp="🚥">licht | verkeerslichten | verkeer</annotation> <annotation cp="🚥" type="tts">horizontaal verkeerslicht</annotation> <!-- 1F6A6 vertical traffic light; light; signal; traffic --> <annotation cp="🚦">licht | verkeerslichten | verkeer</annotation> <annotation cp="🚦" type="tts">verticaal verkeerslicht</annotation> <!-- 1F6A7 construction; barrier --> <annotation cp="🚧">barricade</annotation> <annotation cp="🚧" type="tts">bouwwerkzaamheden</annotation> <!-- 2693 anchor; ship; tool --> <annotation cp="⚓">schip | hulpmiddel</annotation> <annotation cp="⚓" type="tts">anker</annotation> <!-- 26F5 sailboat; boat; resort; sea; vehicle; yacht --> <annotation cp="⛵">boot | jachthaven | zee | voertuig | jacht</annotation> <annotation cp="⛵" type="tts">zeilboot</annotation> <!-- 1F6A3 rowboat; boat; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚣">boot | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣" type="tts">roeiboot</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♀">roeien | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♀" type="tts">roeiende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♂">roeien | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🚣♂" type="tts">roeiende man</annotation> <!-- 1F6A4 speedboat; boat; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚤">boot | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚤" type="tts">speedboot</annotation> <!-- 1F6F3 passenger ship; passenger; ship; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛳">passagier | schip | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🛳" type="tts">passagiersschip</annotation> <!-- 26F4 ferry; boat --> <annotation cp="⛴">boot</annotation> <annotation cp="⛴" type="tts">veerboot</annotation> <!-- 1F6E5 motor boat; boat; motorboat; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛥">boot | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🛥" type="tts">motorboot</annotation> <!-- 1F6A2 ship; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚢">voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚢" type="tts">schip</annotation> <!-- 2708 airplane; vehicle --> <annotation cp="✈">voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="✈" type="tts">vliegtuig</annotation> <!-- 1F6E9 small airplane; airplane; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛩">vliegtuig | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🛩" type="tts">vliegtuigje</annotation> <!-- 1F6EB airplane departure; airplane; check-in; departure; departures; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛫">vliegtuig | inchecken | vertrek | vertrekken | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🛫" type="tts">vertrek van vliegtuig</annotation> <!-- 1F6EC airplane arrival; airplane; arrivals; arriving; landing; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛬">vliegtuig | aankomst | aankomen | landen | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🛬" type="tts">aankomst van vliegtuig</annotation> <annotation cp="💺">stoel</annotation> <annotation cp="💺" type="tts">stoel</annotation> <!-- 1F681 helicopter; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚁">voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚁" type="tts">helikopter</annotation> <!-- 1F69F suspension railway; railway; suspension; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚟">spoor | zwevend | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚟" type="tts">zweeftrein</annotation> <!-- 1F6A0 mountain cableway; cable; gondola; mountain; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚠">kabel | gondel | berg | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚠" type="tts">bergkabelbaan</annotation> <!-- 1F6A1 aerial tramway; aerial; cable; car; gondola; ropeway; tramway; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚡">lucht | kabel | baan | gondel | transportbaan | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚡" type="tts">kabelbaan</annotation> <!-- 1F680 rocket; space; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚀">ruimte | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚀" type="tts">raket</annotation> <!-- 1F6F0 satellite; space; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🛰">ruimte | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🛰" type="tts">satelliet</annotation> <!-- 1F6CE bellhop bell; bell; bellhop; hotel --> <annotation cp="🛎">bel | balie | hotel</annotation> <annotation cp="🛎" type="tts">baliebel</annotation> <annotation cp="🚪">deur</annotation> <annotation cp="🚪" type="tts">deur</annotation> <!-- 1F6CC person in bed; hotel; sleep --> <annotation cp="🛌">hotel | slapen</annotation> <annotation cp="🛌" type="tts">persoon in bed</annotation> <!-- 1F6CF bed; hotel; sleep --> <annotation cp="🛏">hotel | slapen</annotation> <annotation cp="🛏" type="tts">bed</annotation> <!-- 1F6CB couch and lamp; couch; hotel; lamp --> <annotation cp="🛋">bank | hotel | lamp</annotation> <annotation cp="🛋" type="tts">bank en lamp</annotation> <annotation cp="🚽">toilet | wc</annotation> <annotation cp="🚽" type="tts">toilet</annotation> <!-- 1F6BF shower; water --> <annotation cp="🚿">water</annotation> <annotation cp="🚿" type="tts">douche</annotation> <!-- 1F6C0 person taking bath; bathtub; bath --> <annotation cp="🛀">badkuip | bad</annotation> <annotation cp="🛀" type="tts">persoon in bad</annotation> <!-- 1F6C1 bathtub; bath --> <annotation cp="🛁">bad</annotation> <annotation cp="🛁" type="tts">badkuip</annotation> <!-- 231B hourglass; sand; timer --> <annotation cp="⌛">zand | timer</annotation> <annotation cp="⌛" type="tts">zandloper</annotation> <!-- 23F3 hourglass with flowing sand; hourglass; sand; timer --> <annotation cp="⏳">zandloper | zand | timer</annotation> <annotation cp="⏳" type="tts">zandloper met stromend zand</annotation> <!-- 231A watch; clock --> <annotation cp="⌚">klok</annotation> <annotation cp="⌚" type="tts">horloge</annotation> <!-- 23F0 alarm clock; alarm; clock --> <annotation cp="⏰">alarm | klok</annotation> <annotation cp="⏰" type="tts">wekker</annotation> <!-- 23F1 stopwatch; clock --> <annotation cp="⏱">klok</annotation> <annotation cp="⏱" type="tts">stopwatch</annotation> <!-- 23F2 timer clock; clock; timer --> <annotation cp="⏲">klok | timer</annotation> <annotation cp="⏲" type="tts">kookwekker</annotation> <!-- 1F570 mantelpiece clock; clock --> <annotation cp="🕰">klok</annotation> <annotation cp="🕰" type="tts">pendule</annotation> <!-- 1F55B twelve o’clock; 00; 12; 12:00; clock; o’clock; twelve --> <annotation cp="🕛">00 | 12 | 12:00 | klok | uur | twaalf</annotation> <annotation cp="🕛" type="tts">12 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F567 twelve-thirty; 12; 12:30; 30; clock; thirty; twelve --> <annotation cp="🕧">12 | 12:30 | 30 | uur | dertig | twaalf</annotation> <annotation cp="🕧" type="tts">half één</annotation> <!-- 1F550 one o’clock; 00; 1; 1:00; clock; o’clock; one --> <annotation cp="🕐">00 | 1 | 1:00 | klok | uur | één</annotation> <annotation cp="🕐" type="tts">1 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F55C one-thirty; 1; 1:30; 30; clock; one; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕜">1 | 1:30 | 30 | klok | één | dertig</annotation> <annotation cp="🕜" type="tts">half twee</annotation> <!-- 1F551 two o’clock; 00; 2; 2:00; clock; o’clock; two --> <annotation cp="🕑">00 | 2 | 2:00 | klok | uur | twee</annotation> <annotation cp="🕑" type="tts">2 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F55D two-thirty; 2; 2:30; 30; clock; thirty; two --> <annotation cp="🕝">2 | 2:30 | 30 | klok | dertig | twee</annotation> <annotation cp="🕝" type="tts">half drie</annotation> <!-- 1F552 three o’clock; 00; 3; 3:00; clock; o’clock; three --> <annotation cp="🕒">00 | 3 | 3:00 | klok | uur | drie</annotation> <annotation cp="🕒" type="tts">3 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F55E three-thirty; 3; 3:30; 30; clock; thirty; three --> <annotation cp="🕞">3 | 3:30 | 30 | klok | dertig | drie</annotation> <annotation cp="🕞" type="tts">half vier</annotation> <!-- 1F553 four o’clock; 00; 4; 4:00; clock; four; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕓">00 | 4 | 4:00 | klok | vier | uur</annotation> <annotation cp="🕓" type="tts">4 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F55F four-thirty; 30; 4; 4:30; clock; four; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕟">30 | 4 | 4:30 | klok | vier | dertig</annotation> <annotation cp="🕟" type="tts">half vijf</annotation> <!-- 1F554 five o’clock; 00; 5; 5:00; clock; five; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕔">00 | 5 | 5:00 | klok | vijf | uur</annotation> <annotation cp="🕔" type="tts">5 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F560 five-thirty; 30; 5; 5:30; clock; five; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕠">30 | 5 | 5:30 | klok | vijf | dertig</annotation> <annotation cp="🕠" type="tts">half zes</annotation> <!-- 1F555 six o’clock; 00; 6; 6:00; clock; o’clock; six --> <annotation cp="🕕">00 | 6 | 6:00 | klok | uur | zes</annotation> <annotation cp="🕕" type="tts">6 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F561 six-thirty; 30; 6; 6:30; clock; six; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕡">30 | 6 | 6:30 | klok | zes | dertig</annotation> <annotation cp="🕡" type="tts">half zeven</annotation> <!-- 1F556 seven o’clock; 00; 7; 7:00; clock; o’clock; seven --> <annotation cp="🕖">00 | 7 | 7:00 | klok | uur | zeven</annotation> <annotation cp="🕖" type="tts">7 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F562 seven-thirty; 30; 7; 7:30; clock; seven; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕢">30 | 7 | 7:30 | klok | zeven | dertig</annotation> <annotation cp="🕢" type="tts">half acht</annotation> <!-- 1F557 eight o’clock; 00; 8; 8:00; clock; eight; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕗">00 | 8 | 8:00 | klok | acht | uur</annotation> <annotation cp="🕗" type="tts">8 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F563 eight-thirty; 30; 8; 8:30; clock; eight; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕣">30 | 8 | 8:30 | klok | acht | dertig</annotation> <annotation cp="🕣" type="tts">half negen</annotation> <!-- 1F558 nine o’clock; 00; 9; 9:00; clock; nine; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕘">00 | 9 | 9:00 | klok | negen | uur</annotation> <annotation cp="🕘" type="tts">9 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F564 nine-thirty; 30; 9; 9:30; clock; nine; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕤">30 | 9 | 9:30 | klok | negen | dertig</annotation> <annotation cp="🕤" type="tts">half tien</annotation> <!-- 1F559 ten o’clock; 00; 10; 10:00; clock; o’clock; ten --> <annotation cp="🕙">00 | 10 | 10:00 | klok | uur | tien</annotation> <annotation cp="🕙" type="tts">10 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F565 ten-thirty; 10; 10:30; 30; clock; ten; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕥">10 | 10:30 | 30 | klok | tien | dertig</annotation> <annotation cp="🕥" type="tts">half elf</annotation> <!-- 1F55A eleven o’clock; 00; 11; 11:00; clock; eleven; o’clock --> <annotation cp="🕚">00 | 11 | 11:00 | klok | elf | uur</annotation> <annotation cp="🕚" type="tts">11 uur</annotation> <!-- 1F566 eleven-thirty; 11; 11:30; 30; clock; eleven; thirty --> <annotation cp="🕦">11 | 11:30 | 30 | klok | elf | dertig</annotation> <annotation cp="🕦" type="tts">half twaalf</annotation> <!-- 1F311 new moon; dark; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌑">donker | maan | ruimte | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌑" type="tts">nieuwe maan</annotation> <!-- 1F312 waxing crescent moon; crescent; moon; space; waxing; weather --> <annotation cp="🌒">sikkel | maan | ruimte | wassend | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌒" type="tts">wassende halvemaan</annotation> <!-- 1F313 first quarter moon; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌓">maan | kwartier | ruimte | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌓" type="tts">maan in eerste kwartier</annotation> <!-- 1F314 waxing gibbous moon; gibbous; moon; space; waxing; weather --> <annotation cp="🌔">bolvormig | maan | ruimte | wassend | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌔" type="tts">wassende maan</annotation> <!-- 1F315 full moon; full; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌕">vol | maan | ruimte | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌕" type="tts">volle maan</annotation> <!-- 1F316 waning gibbous moon; gibbous; moon; space; waning; weather --> <annotation cp="🌖">bolvormig | maand | ruimte | wassend | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌖" type="tts">afnemende maan</annotation> <!-- 1F317 last quarter moon; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌗">maan | kwartier | ruimte | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌗" type="tts">maan in laatste kwartier</annotation> <!-- 1F318 waning crescent moon; crescent; moon; space; waning; weather --> <annotation cp="🌘">sikkel | maan | ruimte | afnemend | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌘" type="tts">afnemende halvemaan</annotation> <!-- 1F319 crescent moon; crescent; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌙">sikkel | maan | ruimte | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌙" type="tts">halvemaan</annotation> <!-- 1F31A new moon face; face; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌚">gezicht | maan | ruimte | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌚" type="tts">nieuwe maan-gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F31B first quarter moon with face; face; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌛">gezicht | maan | kwartier | ruimte | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌛" type="tts">maan in eerste kwartier met gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F31C last quarter moon with face; face; moon; quarter; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌜">gezicht | maan | kwartier | ruimte | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌜" type="tts">maan in laatste kwartier met gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F321 thermometer; weather --> <annotation cp="🌡">weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌡" type="tts">thermometer</annotation> <!-- 2600 sun; bright; rays; space; sunny; weather --> <annotation cp="☀">helder | stralen | ruimte | zonnig | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="☀" type="tts">zon</annotation> <!-- 1F31D full moon with face; bright; face; full; moon; space; weather --> <annotation cp="🌝">helder | gezicht | vol | maan | ruimte | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌝" type="tts">volle maan met gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F31E sun with face; bright; face; space; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌞">helder | gezicht | ruimte | zon | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌞" type="tts">zon met gezicht</annotation> <!-- 2B50 white medium star; star --> <annotation cp="⭐">ster</annotation> <annotation cp="⭐" type="tts">witte middelgrote ster</annotation> <!-- 1F31F glowing star; glittery; glow; shining; sparkle; star --> <annotation cp="🌟">schitterend | stralen | fonkelend | schittering | ster</annotation> <annotation cp="🌟" type="tts">stralende ster</annotation> <!-- 1F320 shooting star; falling; shooting; space; star --> <annotation cp="🌠">vallend | vallen | ruimte | ster</annotation> <annotation cp="🌠" type="tts">vallende ster</annotation> <!-- 2601 cloud; weather --> <annotation cp="☁">weer</annotation> <annotation cp="☁" type="tts">wolk</annotation> <!-- 26C5 sun behind cloud; cloud; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="⛅">wolk | zon | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="⛅" type="tts">zon achter wolken</annotation> <!-- 26C8 cloud with lightning and rain; cloud; rain; thunder; weather --> <annotation cp="⛈">wolk | regen | onweer | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="⛈" type="tts">wolk met bliksem en regen</annotation> <!-- 1F324 sun behind small cloud; cloud; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌤">wolk | zon | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌤" type="tts">zon achter kleine wolk</annotation> <!-- 1F325 sun behind large cloud; cloud; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌥">wolk | zon | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌥" type="tts">zon achter grote wolk</annotation> <!-- 1F326 sun behind cloud with rain; cloud; rain; sun; weather --> <annotation cp="🌦">wolk | regen | zon | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌦" type="tts">zon achter wolk met regen</annotation> <!-- 1F327 cloud with rain; cloud; rain; weather --> <annotation cp="🌧">wolk | regen | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌧" type="tts">wolk met regen</annotation> <!-- 1F328 cloud with snow; cloud; cold; snow; weather --> <annotation cp="🌨">wolk | koud | sneeuw | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌨" type="tts">wolk met sneeuw</annotation> <!-- 1F329 cloud with lightning; cloud; lightning; weather --> <annotation cp="🌩">wolk | bliksem | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌩" type="tts">wolk met bliksem</annotation> <!-- 1F32A tornado; cloud; weather; whirlwind --> <annotation cp="🌪">wolk | weer | wervelwind</annotation> <annotation cp="🌪" type="tts">tornado</annotation> <!-- 1F32B fog; cloud; weather --> <annotation cp="🌫">wolk | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌫" type="tts">mist</annotation> <!-- 1F32C wind face; blow; cloud; face; weather; wind --> <annotation cp="🌬">blazen | wolk | gezicht | weer | wind</annotation> <annotation cp="🌬" type="tts">wind met gezicht</annotation> <!-- 1F300 cyclone; dizzy; twister; typhoon; weather --> <annotation cp="🌀">duizelig | twister | tyfoon | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌀" type="tts">cycloon</annotation> <!-- 1F308 rainbow; rain; weather --> <annotation cp="🌈">regen | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌈" type="tts">regenboog</annotation> <!-- 1F302 closed umbrella; clothing; rain; umbrella; weather --> <annotation cp="🌂">kleding | regen | paraplu | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌂" type="tts">dichte paraplu</annotation> <!-- 2602 umbrella; clothing; rain; weather --> <annotation cp="☂">kleding | regen | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="☂" type="tts">paraplu</annotation> <!-- 2614 umbrella with rain drops; clothing; drop; rain; umbrella; weather --> <annotation cp="☔">kleding | druppels | regen | paraplu | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="☔" type="tts">paraplu met regendruppels</annotation> <!-- 26F1 umbrella on ground; rain; sun; umbrella; weather --> <annotation cp="⛱">regen | zon | parasol | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="⛱" type="tts">parasol op de grond</annotation> <!-- 26A1 high voltage; danger; electric; electricity; lightning; voltage; zap --> <annotation cp="⚡">gevaar | elektrisch | elektriciteit | bliksem | voltage | schok</annotation> <annotation cp="⚡" type="tts">hoog voltage</annotation> <!-- 2744 snowflake; cold; snow; weather --> <annotation cp="❄">koud | sneeuw | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="❄" type="tts">sneeuwvlok</annotation> <!-- 2603 snowman; cold; snow; weather --> <annotation cp="☃">koud | sneeuw | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="☃" type="tts">sneeuwpop</annotation> <!-- 26C4 snowman without snow; cold; snow; snowman; weather --> <annotation cp="⛄">koud | sneeuw | sneeuwpop | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="⛄" type="tts">sneeuwpop zonder sneeuw</annotation> <!-- 2604 comet; space --> <annotation cp="☄">ruimte</annotation> <annotation cp="☄" type="tts">komeet</annotation> <!-- 1F525 fire; flame; tool --> <annotation cp="🔥">vlam | hulpmiddel</annotation> <annotation cp="🔥" type="tts">vuur</annotation> <!-- 1F4A7 droplet; cold; comic; drop; sweat; weather --> <annotation cp="💧">koud | strip | zweet | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="💧" type="tts">druppel</annotation> <!-- 1F30A water wave; ocean; water; wave; weather --> <annotation cp="🌊">oceaan | water | golf | weer</annotation> <annotation cp="🌊" type="tts">watergolf</annotation> <!-- 1F383 jack-o-lantern; celebration; halloween; jack; lantern --> <annotation cp="🎃">feest | halloween | pompoen | lantaarn</annotation> <annotation cp="🎃" type="tts">pompoenlantaarn</annotation> <!-- 1F384 christmas tree; celebration; christmas; tree --> <annotation cp="🎄">feest | kerstmis | boom</annotation> <annotation cp="🎄" type="tts">kerstboom</annotation> <!-- 1F386 fireworks; celebration --> <annotation cp="🎆">feest</annotation> <annotation cp="🎆" type="tts">vuurwerk</annotation> <!-- 1F387 sparkler; celebration; fireworks; sparkle --> <annotation cp="🎇">vuurwerk | vuurwerksterretje | feest</annotation> <annotation cp="🎇" type="tts">sterretje</annotation> <!-- 2728 sparkles; sparkle; star --> <annotation cp="✨">glinsterende sterren | ster</annotation> <annotation cp="✨" type="tts">sterretjes</annotation> <!-- 1F388 balloon; celebration --> <annotation cp="🎈">feest</annotation> <annotation cp="🎈" type="tts">ballon</annotation> <!-- 1F389 party popper; celebration; party; popper; tada --> <annotation cp="🎉">feest | viering | popper | hoera</annotation> <annotation cp="🎉" type="tts">party-popper</annotation> <!-- 1F38A confetti ball; ball; celebration; confetti --> <annotation cp="🎊">bal | feest | confetti</annotation> <annotation cp="🎊" type="tts">confettibal</annotation> <!-- 1F38B tanabata tree; banner; celebration; japanese; tree --> <annotation cp="🎋">papierlinten | feest | japans | boom</annotation> <annotation cp="🎋" type="tts">boom met papierlinten</annotation> <!-- 1F38C crossed flags; celebration; cross; crossed; japanese --> <annotation cp="🎌">feest | kruis | gekruist | japans</annotation> <annotation cp="🎌" type="tts">gekruiste vlaggen</annotation> <!-- 1F38D pine decoration; bamboo; celebration; japanese; pine; plant --> <annotation cp="🎍">bamboe | feest | japans | den | plant</annotation> <annotation cp="🎍" type="tts">dennentakdecoratie</annotation> <!-- 1F38E japanese dolls; celebration; doll; festival; japanese --> <annotation cp="🎎">feest | pop | festival | japans</annotation> <annotation cp="🎎" type="tts">japanse poppen</annotation> <!-- 1F38F carp streamer; carp; celebration; streamer --> <annotation cp="🎏">karper | feest | wimpel</annotation> <annotation cp="🎏" type="tts">karperwimpel</annotation> <!-- 1F390 wind chime; bell; celebration; chime; wind --> <annotation cp="🎐">bel | feest | klokkenspel | wind</annotation> <annotation cp="🎐" type="tts">windklokkenspel</annotation> <!-- 1F391 moon ceremony; celebration; ceremony; moon --> <annotation cp="🎑">feest | ceremonie | maan</annotation> <annotation cp="🎑" type="tts">maanceremonie</annotation> <!-- 1F380 ribbon; celebration --> <annotation cp="🎀">feest</annotation> <annotation cp="🎀" type="tts">strik</annotation> <!-- 1F381 wrapped present; box; celebration; gift; present; wrapped --> <annotation cp="🎁">verpakking | feest | cadeau | cadeautje | ingepakt</annotation> <annotation cp="🎁" type="tts">ingepakt cadeau</annotation> <!-- 1F396 military medal; celebration; medal; military --> <annotation cp="🎖">viering | medaille | militair</annotation> <annotation cp="🎖" type="tts">militaire medaille</annotation> <!-- 1F397 reminder ribbon; celebration; reminder; ribbon --> <annotation cp="🎗">viering | herinnering | lintje</annotation> <annotation cp="🎗" type="tts">herinneringslintje</annotation> <!-- 1F39E film frames; cinema; film; frames; movie --> <annotation cp="🎞">bioscoop | film | frames | films</annotation> <annotation cp="🎞" type="tts">filmframes</annotation> <!-- 1F39F admission tickets; admission; ticket --> <annotation cp="🎟">entree | kaartje</annotation> <annotation cp="🎟" type="tts">entreekaartjes</annotation> <!-- 1F3AB ticket; admission --> <annotation cp="🎫">entree</annotation> <annotation cp="🎫" type="tts">kaartje</annotation> <annotation cp="🏷">label</annotation> <annotation cp="🏷" type="tts">label</annotation> <!-- 26BD soccer ball; ball; soccer --> <annotation cp="⚽">bal</annotation> <annotation cp="⚽" type="tts">voetbal</annotation> <!-- 26BE baseball; ball --> <annotation cp="⚾">bal</annotation> <annotation cp="⚾" type="tts">honkbal</annotation> <!-- 1F3C0 basketball; ball; hoop --> <annotation cp="🏀">bal | basket</annotation> <annotation cp="🏀" type="tts">basketbal</annotation> <!-- 1F3C8 american football; american; ball; football --> <annotation cp="🏈">amerikaans | bal | football</annotation> <annotation cp="🏈" type="tts">american football</annotation> <!-- 1F3C9 rugby football; ball; football; rugby --> <annotation cp="🏉">bal | voetbal</annotation> <annotation cp="🏉" type="tts">rugby</annotation> <!-- 1F3BE tennis; ball; racquet --> <annotation cp="🎾">bal | tennisracket</annotation> <annotation cp="🎾" type="tts">tennis</annotation> <!-- 1F3B1 billiards; 8; 8 ball; ball; billiard; eight; game --> <annotation cp="🎱">8 | 8 ball | bal | acht | spel</annotation> <annotation cp="🎱" type="tts">biljart</annotation> <!-- 1F3B3 bowling; ball; game --> <annotation cp="🎳">bal | spel</annotation> <annotation cp="🎳" type="tts">bowlen</annotation> <!-- 26F3 flag in hole; golf; hole --> <annotation cp="⛳">golf | hole</annotation> <annotation cp="⛳" type="tts">vlag in hole</annotation> <!-- 1F3CC golfer; ball; golf --> <annotation cp="🏌">bal | golf</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌" type="tts">golfer</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♀">golfen | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♀" type="tts">golfende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♂">golfen | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🏌♂" type="tts">golfende man</annotation> <!-- 26F8 ice skate; ice; skate --> <annotation cp="⛸">ijs</annotation> <annotation cp="⛸" type="tts">schaats</annotation> <!-- 1F3A3 fishing pole; fish; pole --> <annotation cp="🎣">vis | hengel</annotation> <annotation cp="🎣" type="tts">vishengel</annotation> <!-- 1F3BD running shirt; running; sash; shirt --> <annotation cp="🎽">hardlopen | sjerp | shirt</annotation> <annotation cp="🎽" type="tts">hardloopshirt</annotation> <!-- 1F3BF skis; ski; snow --> <annotation cp="🎿">ski | sneeuw</annotation> <annotation cp="🎿" type="tts">skis</annotation> <!-- 26F7 skier; ski; snow --> <annotation cp="⛷">ski | sneeuw</annotation> <annotation cp="⛷" type="tts">skiër</annotation> <!-- 1F3C2 snowboarder; ski; snow; snowboard --> <annotation cp="🏂">ski | sneeuw | snowboard</annotation> <annotation cp="🏂" type="tts">snowboarder</annotation> <!-- 1F3C4 surfer; surfing --> <annotation cp="🏄">surfen</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄" type="tts">surfer</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♀">surfen | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♀" type="tts">surfende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♂">surfen | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🏄♂" type="tts">surfende man</annotation> <!-- 1F3C7 horse racing; horse; jockey; racehorse; racing --> <annotation cp="🏇">paard | jockey | renpaard | racen</annotation> <annotation cp="🏇" type="tts">paardenraces</annotation> <!-- 1F3CA swimmer; swim --> <annotation cp="🏊">zwemmen</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊" type="tts">zwemmer</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♀">zwemster | vrouw | zwemmer</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♀" type="tts">zwemmende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♂">zwemmer | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🏊♂" type="tts">zwemmende man</annotation> <!-- 26F9 person with ball; ball --> <annotation cp="⛹">bal</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹" type="tts">persoon met bal</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♀">vrouw | bal</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♀" type="tts">vrouw met bal</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♂">man | bal</annotation> <annotation cp="⛹♂" type="tts">man met bal</annotation> <!-- 1F3CB weight lifter; lifter; weight --> <annotation cp="🏋">heffer | gewicht</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋" type="tts">gewichtheffer</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♀">gewichtheffen | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♀" type="tts">gewichtheffende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♂">gewichtheffen | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🏋♂" type="tts">gewichtheffende man</annotation> <!-- 1F6B4 bicyclist; bicycle; bike; cyclist --> <annotation cp="🚴">fiets | fietsen | wielrennen | wielrenner</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴" type="tts">fietser</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♀">fietser | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♀" type="tts">fietsende vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♂">fietser | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🚴♂" type="tts">fietsende man</annotation> <!-- 1F6B5 mountain biker; bicycle; bicyclist; bike; cyclist; mountain --> <annotation cp="🚵">fiets | fietser | fietsen | wielrenner | berg</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵" type="tts">mountainbiker</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♀">mountainbiker | vrouw</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♀" type="tts">vrouw op mountainbike</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♂">mountainbiker | man</annotation> <annotation cp="🚵♂" type="tts">man op mountainbike</annotation> <!-- 1F3CE racing car; car; racing --> <annotation cp="🏎">auto | racen</annotation> <annotation cp="🏎" type="tts">raceauto</annotation> <!-- 1F3CD motorcycle; racing --> <annotation cp="🏍">racen</annotation> <annotation cp="🏍" type="tts">motor</annotation> <!-- 1F3C5 sports medal; medal --> <annotation cp="🏅">medaille</annotation> <annotation cp="🏅" type="tts">sportmedaille</annotation> <!-- 1F3C6 trophy; prize --> <annotation cp="🏆">prijs</annotation> <annotation cp="🏆" type="tts">trofee</annotation> <!-- 1F3CF cricket; ball; bat; game --> <annotation cp="🏏">bal | bat | wedstrijd</annotation> <annotation cp="🏏" type="tts">cricket</annotation> <!-- 1F3D0 volleyball; ball; game --> <annotation cp="🏐">bal | wedstrijd</annotation> <annotation cp="🏐" type="tts">volleybal</annotation> <!-- 1F3D1 field hockey; ball; field; game; hockey; stick --> <annotation cp="🏑">bal | veld | wedstrijd | stick</annotation> <annotation cp="🏑" type="tts">hockey</annotation> <!-- 1F3D2 ice hockey stick and puck; game; hockey; ice; puck; stick --> <annotation cp="🏒">wedstrijd | ijshockey | ijs | puck | stick</annotation> <annotation cp="🏒" type="tts">ijshockeystick en puck</annotation> <!-- 1F3D3 ping pong; ball; bat; game; paddle; table tennis --> <annotation cp="🏓">bal | bat | wedstrijd | batje | tafeltennis</annotation> <annotation cp="🏓" type="tts">pingpong</annotation> <!-- 1F3F8 badminton; birdie; game; racquet; shuttlecock --> <annotation cp="🏸">pluimbal | wedstrijd | racket | shuttle</annotation> <annotation cp="🏸" type="tts">badminton</annotation> <!-- 1F3AF direct hit; bull; bullseye; dart; eye; game; hit; target --> <annotation cp="🎯">in de roos | doelwit | bullseye | darts | treffer | spel</annotation> <annotation cp="🎯" type="tts">directe treffer</annotation> <!-- 1F3AE video game; controller; game --> <annotation cp="🎮">gamecontroller | controller | game</annotation> <annotation cp="🎮" type="tts">videogame</annotation> <!-- 1F579 joystick; game; video game --> <annotation cp="🕹">game | videogame</annotation> <annotation cp="🕹" type="tts">joystick</annotation> <!-- 1F3B2 game die; dice; die; game --> <annotation cp="🎲">dobbelstenen | spel</annotation> <annotation cp="🎲" type="tts">dobbelsteen</annotation> <!-- 2660 spade suit; card; game; spade; suit --> <annotation cp="♠">kaart | kaarten | spel | ruiten</annotation> <annotation cp="♠" type="tts">schoppen</annotation> <!-- 2665 heart suit; card; game; heart; hearts; suit --> <annotation cp="♥">kaart | kaarten | spel | hart</annotation> <annotation cp="♥" type="tts">harten</annotation> <!-- 2666 diamond suit; card; diamond; diamonds; game; suit --> <annotation cp="♦">kaart | kaarten | ruit | spel</annotation> <annotation cp="♦" type="tts">ruiten</annotation> <!-- 2663 club suit; card; club; clubs; game; suit --> <annotation cp="♣">kaart | kaarten | klaveren | spel</annotation> <annotation cp="♣" type="tts">klaver</annotation> <!-- 1F0CF joker; card; game; playing --> <annotation cp="🃏">kaart | kaarten | spel | spelen | joker</annotation> <annotation cp="🃏" type="tts">Jokerkaart</annotation> <!-- 1F004 mahjong red dragon; game; mahjong; red --> <annotation cp="🀄">rode draak | draak | mahjong | steen | rood | spel</annotation> <annotation cp="🀄" type="tts">mahjong rode draak</annotation> <!-- 1F3B4 flower playing cards; card; flower; game; japanese; playing --> <annotation cp="🎴">bloemenkaart | bloem | kaartspel | kaart | spel | hanafuda | japans | spelen</annotation> <annotation cp="🎴" type="tts">speelkaarten</annotation> <!-- 1F507 speaker off; mute; quiet; silent; speaker; volume --> <annotation cp="🔇">dempen | stil | speaker | luidspreker | volume | geluid</annotation> <annotation cp="🔇" type="tts">speaker uit</annotation> <!-- 1F508 speaker; volume --> <annotation cp="🔈">volume</annotation> <annotation cp="🔈" type="tts">speaker</annotation> <!-- 1F509 speaker on; low; speaker; volume; wave --> <annotation cp="🔉">laag | speaker | luidspreker | volume | golfje</annotation> <annotation cp="🔉" type="tts">speaker aan</annotation> <!-- 1F50A speaker loud; 3; high; loud; speaker; three; volume --> <annotation cp="🔊">3 | hoog | luid | speaker | luidspreker | drie | volume</annotation> <annotation cp="🔊" type="tts">speaker luid</annotation> <!-- 1F4E2 loudspeaker; loud; public address --> <annotation cp="📢">luid | toespraak | toespreken</annotation> <annotation cp="📢" type="tts">luidspreker</annotation> <!-- 1F4E3 megaphone; cheering --> <annotation cp="📣">juichen | communicatie</annotation> <annotation cp="📣" type="tts">megafoon</annotation> <!-- 1F4EF postal horn; horn; post; postal --> <annotation cp="📯">post | hoorn</annotation> <annotation cp="📯" type="tts">posthoorn</annotation> <!-- 1F514 bell --> <annotation cp="🔔">klok</annotation> <annotation cp="🔔" type="tts">bel</annotation> <!-- 1F515 bell with slash; bell; forbidden; mute; no; not; prohibited; quiet; silent --> <annotation cp="🔕">bel | niet toegestaan | dempen | geen | niet | geluid | stil</annotation> <annotation cp="🔕" type="tts">doorgestreepte bel</annotation> <!-- 1F3BC musical score; music; score --> <annotation cp="🎼">muziek | partituur</annotation> <annotation cp="🎼" type="tts">notenschift</annotation> <!-- 1F3B5 musical note; music; note --> <annotation cp="🎵">muziek | noot</annotation> <annotation cp="🎵" type="tts">muzieknoot</annotation> <!-- 1F3B6 musical notes; music; note; notes --> <annotation cp="🎶">muziek | noot | noten</annotation> <annotation cp="🎶" type="tts">muzieknoten</annotation> <!-- 1F399 studio microphone; mic; microphone; music; studio --> <annotation cp="🎙">microfoon | muziek | studio</annotation> <annotation cp="🎙" type="tts">studiomicrofoon</annotation> <!-- 1F39A level slider; level; music; slider --> <annotation cp="🎚">niveau | muziek | schuif | schuifje</annotation> <annotation cp="🎚" type="tts">schuifregelaar</annotation> <!-- 1F39B control knobs; control; knobs; music --> <annotation cp="🎛">controle | bediening | knoppen | muziek</annotation> <annotation cp="🎛" type="tts">controleknoppen</annotation> <!-- 1F3A4 microphone; karaoke; mic --> <annotation cp="🎤">karaoke</annotation> <annotation cp="🎤" type="tts">microfoon</annotation> <!-- 1F3A7 headphone; earbud --> <annotation cp="🎧">oordopje</annotation> <annotation cp="🎧" type="tts">hoofdtelefoon</annotation> <!-- 1F3B7 saxophone; instrument; music; sax --> <annotation cp="🎷">sax | muziekinstrument | muziek | instrument</annotation> <annotation cp="🎷" type="tts">saxofoon</annotation> <!-- 1F3B8 guitar; instrument; music --> <annotation cp="🎸">muziekinstrument | muziek | instrument</annotation> <annotation cp="🎸" type="tts">gitaar</annotation> <!-- 1F3B9 musical keyboard; instrument; keyboard; music; piano --> <annotation cp="🎹">keyboard | muziekinstrument | muziek | instrument</annotation> <annotation cp="🎹" type="tts">piano</annotation> <!-- 1F3BA trumpet; instrument; music --> <annotation cp="🎺">muziekinstrument | muziek | instrument</annotation> <annotation cp="🎺" type="tts">trompet</annotation> <!-- 1F3BB violin; instrument; music --> <annotation cp="🎻">muziekinstrument | muziek | instrument</annotation> <annotation cp="🎻" type="tts">viool</annotation> <!-- 1F4FB radio; video --> <annotation cp="📻">muziek</annotation> <annotation cp="📻" type="tts">radio</annotation> <!-- 1F4F1 mobile phone; cell; mobile; phone; telephone --> <annotation cp="📱">telefoon | mobiel</annotation> <annotation cp="📱" type="tts">mobiele telefoon</annotation> <!-- 1F4F2 mobile phone with arrow; arrow; call; cell; mobile; phone; receive; telephone --> <annotation cp="📲">pijl | bellen | mobiel | telefoon | ontvangen | mobiele telefoon</annotation> <annotation cp="📲" type="tts">mobiel met pijl</annotation> <annotation cp="☎">telefoon</annotation> <annotation cp="☎" type="tts">telefoon</annotation> <!-- 1F4DE telephone receiver; phone; receiver; telephone --> <annotation cp="📞">telefoon | hoorn</annotation> <annotation cp="📞" type="tts">telefoonhoorn</annotation> <annotation cp="📟">pager</annotation> <annotation cp="📟" type="tts">pager</annotation> <!-- 1F4E0 fax machine; fax --> <annotation cp="📠">faxapparaat</annotation> <annotation cp="📠" type="tts">fax</annotation> <annotation cp="🔋">batterij</annotation> <annotation cp="🔋" type="tts">batterij</annotation> <!-- 1F50C electric plug; electric; electricity; plug --> <annotation cp="🔌">elektrisch | elektriciteit</annotation> <annotation cp="🔌" type="tts">stekker</annotation> <!-- 1F4BB laptop computer; computer; pc; personal --> <annotation cp="💻">computer | pc | personal computer</annotation> <annotation cp="💻" type="tts">laptop</annotation> <!-- 1F5A5 desktop computer; computer; desktop --> <annotation cp="🖥">computer</annotation> <annotation cp="🖥" type="tts">desktop</annotation> <!-- 1F5A8 printer; computer --> <annotation cp="🖨">computer</annotation> <annotation cp="🖨" type="tts">printer</annotation> <!-- 2328 keyboard; computer --> <annotation cp="⌨">computer</annotation> <annotation cp="⌨" type="tts">toetsenbord</annotation> <!-- 1F5B1 computer mouse; 3; button; computer; mouse; three --> <annotation cp="🖱">3 | knop | knoppen | computer | muis | drie</annotation> <annotation cp="🖱" type="tts">computermuis</annotation> <!-- 1F5B2 trackball; computer --> <annotation cp="🖲">computer</annotation> <annotation cp="🖲" type="tts">trackball</annotation> <!-- 1F4BD minidisc; computer; disk; minidisk; optical --> <annotation cp="💽">computer | disk | optisch</annotation> <annotation cp="💽" type="tts">minidisc</annotation> <!-- 1F4BE floppy disk; computer; disk; floppy --> <annotation cp="💾">floppy | disk | diskette</annotation> <annotation cp="💾" type="tts">floppydisk</annotation> <!-- 1F4BF optical disc; dvd; blu-ray; cd; computer; disk; optical --> <annotation cp="💿">dvd | blu-ray | cd | computer | disk | optisch</annotation> <annotation cp="💿" type="tts">optische disk</annotation> <!-- 1F4C0 dvd; blu-ray; cd; computer; disk; optical --> <annotation cp="📀">blu-ray | cd | computer | disk | optisch</annotation> <annotation cp="📀" type="tts">dvd</annotation> <!-- 1F3A5 movie camera; camera; cinema; movie --> <annotation cp="🎥">camera | bioscoop | film</annotation> <annotation cp="🎥" type="tts">filmcamera</annotation> <!-- 1F3AC clapper board; clapper; movie --> <annotation cp="🎬">klap | klapper | film | entertainment</annotation> <annotation cp="🎬" type="tts">klapbord</annotation> <!-- 1F4FD film projector; cinema; film; movie; projector; video --> <annotation cp="📽">bioscoop | film | projector | video</annotation> <annotation cp="📽" type="tts">filmprojector</annotation> <!-- 1F4FA television; tv; video --> <annotation cp="📺">televisie | beeld</annotation> <annotation cp="📺" type="tts">tv</annotation> <!-- 1F4F7 camera; video --> <annotation cp="📷">video</annotation> <annotation cp="📷" type="tts">camera</annotation> <!-- 1F4F8 camera with flash; camera; flash; video --> <annotation cp="📸">camera | flitser | video</annotation> <annotation cp="📸" type="tts">camera met flitser</annotation> <!-- 1F4F9 video camera; camera; video --> <annotation cp="📹">camera | video</annotation> <annotation cp="📹" type="tts">videocamera</annotation> <!-- 1F4FC videocassette; tape; vhs; video --> <annotation cp="📼">band | vhs | video</annotation> <annotation cp="📼" type="tts">videoband</annotation> <!-- 1F50D left-pointing magnifying glass; glass; magnifying; search; tool --> <annotation cp="🔍">glas | vergrootglas | zoeken | tool | gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="🔍" type="tts">vergrootglas naar links gericht</annotation> <!-- 1F50E right-pointing magnifying glass; glass; magnifying; search; tool --> <annotation cp="🔎">glas | vergrootglas | zoeken | tool | gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="🔎" type="tts">vergrootglas naar rechts gericht</annotation> <!-- 1F52C microscope; tool --> <annotation cp="🔬">gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="🔬" type="tts">microscoop</annotation> <!-- 1F52D telescope; tool --> <annotation cp="🔭">gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="🔭" type="tts">telescoop</annotation> <!-- 1F4E1 satellite antenna; antenna; dish; satellite --> <annotation cp="📡">satellietantenne | antenne | schotel | satelliet | communicatie</annotation> <annotation cp="📡" type="tts">satellietschotel</annotation> <!-- 1F56F candle; light --> <annotation cp="🕯">licht</annotation> <annotation cp="🕯" type="tts">kaars</annotation> <!-- 1F4A1 light bulb; bulb; comic; electric; idea; light --> <annotation cp="💡">idee | elektrisch | licht | lamp | strip | peertje</annotation> <annotation cp="💡" type="tts">gloeilamp</annotation> <!-- 1F526 flashlight; electric; light; tool; torch --> <annotation cp="🔦">lamp | zaklantaarn | elektrisch | licht</annotation> <annotation cp="🔦" type="tts">zaklamp</annotation> <!-- 1F3EE red paper lantern; bar; japanese; lantern; light; red --> <annotation cp="🏮">rood | lantaarn | izakaya | japans | licht | bar</annotation> <annotation cp="🏮" type="tts">rode papieren lantaarn</annotation> <!-- 1F4D4 notebook with decorative cover; book; cover; decorated; notebook --> <annotation cp="📔">boek | schrift | omslag | versierd | notitieboekje</annotation> <annotation cp="📔" type="tts">versierd schrift</annotation> <!-- 1F4D5 closed book; book; closed --> <annotation cp="📕">boek | gesloten</annotation> <annotation cp="📕" type="tts">gesloten boek</annotation> <!-- 1F4D6 open book; book; open --> <annotation cp="📖">boek | open | geopend</annotation> <annotation cp="📖" type="tts">geopend boek</annotation> <!-- 1F4D7 green book; book; green --> <annotation cp="📗">boek | groen</annotation> <annotation cp="📗" type="tts">groen boek</annotation> <!-- 1F4D8 blue book; blue; book --> <annotation cp="📘">blauw | boek</annotation> <annotation cp="📘" type="tts">blauw boek</annotation> <!-- 1F4D9 orange book; book; orange --> <annotation cp="📙">boek | oranje</annotation> <annotation cp="📙" type="tts">oranje boek</annotation> <!-- 1F4DA books; book --> <annotation cp="📚">boek</annotation> <annotation cp="📚" type="tts">boeken</annotation> <!-- 1F4D3 notebook --> <annotation cp="📓">notitieboek</annotation> <annotation cp="📓" type="tts">schrift</annotation> <!-- 1F4D2 ledger; notebook --> <annotation cp="📒">schrift | notitieboek</annotation> <annotation cp="📒" type="tts">grootboek</annotation> <!-- 1F4C3 page with curl; curl; document; page --> <annotation cp="📃">krul | krullend | gekruld | omkrullend | omgekruld | krullen | omkrullen | document | pagina | papier | vel | blad</annotation> <annotation cp="📃" type="tts">omkrullende pagina</annotation> <!-- 1F4DC scroll; paper --> <annotation cp="📜">papierrol</annotation> <annotation cp="📜" type="tts">rol</annotation> <!-- 1F4C4 page facing up; document; page --> <annotation cp="📄">document | pagina</annotation> <annotation cp="📄" type="tts">pagina met bovenzijde omhoog</annotation> <!-- 1F4F0 newspaper; news; paper --> <annotation cp="📰">nieuws | nieuwsblad</annotation> <annotation cp="📰" type="tts">krant</annotation> <!-- 1F5DE rolled-up newspaper; news; newspaper; paper; rolled --> <annotation cp="🗞">nieuws | krant | nieuwsblad | opgerold</annotation> <annotation cp="🗞" type="tts">opgerolde krant</annotation> <!-- 1F4D1 bookmark tabs; bookmark; mark; marker; tabs --> <annotation cp="📑">markering | tabs | bladwijzer</annotation> <annotation cp="📑" type="tts">bladwijzertabs</annotation> <!-- 1F516 bookmark; mark --> <annotation cp="🔖">markering</annotation> <annotation cp="🔖" type="tts">bladwijzer</annotation> <!-- 1F4B0 money bag; bag; dollar; money; moneybag --> <annotation cp="💰">zak | dollar | geld | geldzak</annotation> <annotation cp="💰" type="tts">zak met geld</annotation> <!-- 1F4B4 yen banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; money; note; yen --> <annotation cp="💴">bank | bankbiljet | briefje | valuta | geld | biljet | yen</annotation> <annotation cp="💴" type="tts">yenbiljet</annotation> <!-- 1F4B5 dollar banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; dollar; money; note --> <annotation cp="💵">bank | bankbiljet | briefje | valuta | geld | biljet | dollar</annotation> <annotation cp="💵" type="tts">dollarbiljet</annotation> <!-- 1F4B6 euro banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; euro; money; note --> <annotation cp="💶">bank | bankbiljet | briefje | valuta | geld | biljet | euro</annotation> <annotation cp="💶" type="tts">eurobiljet</annotation> <!-- 1F4B7 pound banknote; bank; banknote; bill; currency; money; note; pound --> <annotation cp="💷">bank | bankbiljet | briefje | valuta | geld | biljet | pond</annotation> <annotation cp="💷" type="tts">pondbiljet</annotation> <!-- 1F4B8 money with wings; bank; banknote; bill; dollar; fly; money; note; wings --> <annotation cp="💸">geld met vleugels | vliegend bankbiljet | bank | biljet | geld | dollar | vliegen | vleugels</annotation> <annotation cp="💸" type="tts">vliegend geld</annotation> <!-- 1F4B3 credit card; bank; card; credit; money --> <annotation cp="💳">bank | kaart | krediet | geld</annotation> <annotation cp="💳" type="tts">creditcard</annotation> <!-- 1F4B9 chart increasing with yen; bank; chart; currency; graph; growth; market; money; rise; trend; upward; yen --> <annotation cp="💹">Bank | grafiek | valuta | diagram | trend | groei | markt | geld | stijgen | stijging | omhoog | yen</annotation> <annotation cp="💹" type="tts">stijgende grafiek met yenteken</annotation> <!-- 2709 envelope; e-mail; email --> <annotation cp="✉">e-mail | email | mail</annotation> <annotation cp="✉" type="tts">envelop</annotation> <!-- 1F4E7 e-mail; email; letter; mail --> <annotation cp="📧">brief | mail | post</annotation> <annotation cp="📧" type="tts">e-mail</annotation> <!-- 1F4E8 incoming envelope; e-mail; email; envelope; incoming; letter; mail; receive --> <annotation cp="📨">e-mail | email | envelop | inkomend | brief | mail | post | ontvangen</annotation> <annotation cp="📨" type="tts">inkomende post</annotation> <!-- 1F4E9 envelope with arrow; arrow; down; e-mail; email; envelope; letter; mail; outgoing; sent --> <annotation cp="📩">pijl | omlaag | e-mail | email | envelop | brief | mail | post | uitgaand | verzonden</annotation> <annotation cp="📩" type="tts">envelop met pijl</annotation> <!-- 1F4E4 outbox tray; box; letter; mail; outbox; sent; tray --> <annotation cp="📤">postvak | brief | post | mail | verzonden</annotation> <annotation cp="📤" type="tts">postvak uit</annotation> <!-- 1F4E5 inbox tray; box; inbox; letter; mail; receive; tray --> <annotation cp="📥">postvak | brief | post | mail | ontvangen</annotation> <annotation cp="📥" type="tts">postvak in</annotation> <!-- 1F4E6 package; box; parcel --> <annotation cp="📦">pakketje | doos</annotation> <annotation cp="📦" type="tts">pakket</annotation> <!-- 1F4EB closed mailbox with raised flag; closed; mail; mailbox; postbox --> <annotation cp="📫">gesloten | post | mail | brievenbus | postbus</annotation> <annotation cp="📫" type="tts">gesloten brievenbus met vlaggetje omhoog</annotation> <!-- 1F4EA closed mailbox with lowered flag; closed; lowered; mail; mailbox; postbox --> <annotation cp="📪">gesloten | omlaag | post | mail | brievenbus | postbus</annotation> <annotation cp="📪" type="tts">gesloten brievenbus met vlaggetje omlaag</annotation> <!-- 1F4EC open mailbox with raised flag; mail; mailbox; open; postbox --> <annotation cp="📬">post | mail | brievenbus | postbus | open</annotation> <annotation cp="📬" type="tts">open brievenbus met vlaggetje omhoog</annotation> <!-- 1F4ED open mailbox with lowered flag; lowered; mail; mailbox; open; postbox --> <annotation cp="📭">omlaag | post | mail | brievenbus | postbus | open</annotation> <annotation cp="📭" type="tts">open brievenbus met vlaggetje omlaag</annotation> <!-- 1F4EE postbox; mail; mailbox --> <annotation cp="📮">post</annotation> <annotation cp="📮" type="tts">brievenbus</annotation> <!-- 1F5F3 ballot box with ballot; ballot; box --> <annotation cp="🗳">stembus | doos</annotation> <annotation cp="🗳" type="tts">stembus met stembiljet</annotation> <annotation cp="✏">potlood</annotation> <annotation cp="✏" type="tts">potlood</annotation> <!-- 2712 black nib; nib; pen --> <annotation cp="✒">punt | pen</annotation> <annotation cp="✒" type="tts">kroontjespen met zwarte punt</annotation> <!-- 1F58B fountain pen; fountain; pen --> <annotation cp="🖋">pen</annotation> <annotation cp="🖋" type="tts">vulpen</annotation> <!-- 1F58A pen; ballpoint --> <annotation cp="🖊">ballpoint | balpen</annotation> <annotation cp="🖊" type="tts">pen</annotation> <!-- 1F58C paintbrush; painting --> <annotation cp="🖌">schilderen | schilderkwast | penseel</annotation> <annotation cp="🖌" type="tts">kwast</annotation> <!-- 1F58D crayon --> <annotation cp="🖍">krijt</annotation> <annotation cp="🖍" type="tts">krijtje</annotation> <!-- 1F4DD memo; pencil --> <annotation cp="📝">potlood</annotation> <annotation cp="📝" type="tts">memo</annotation> <annotation cp="💼">aktentas</annotation> <annotation cp="💼" type="tts">aktentas</annotation> <!-- 1F4C1 file folder; file; folder --> <annotation cp="📁">bestand | map</annotation> <annotation cp="📁" type="tts">bestandsmap</annotation> <!-- 1F4C2 open file folder; file; folder; open --> <annotation cp="📂">geopende bestandsmap | open | bestand | map</annotation> <annotation cp="📂" type="tts">geopende map</annotation> <!-- 1F5C2 card index dividers; card; dividers; index --> <annotation cp="🗂">kaart | kaarten | index</annotation> <annotation cp="🗂" type="tts">tabbladen</annotation> <!-- 1F4C5 calendar; date --> <annotation cp="📅">datum</annotation> <annotation cp="📅" type="tts">kalender</annotation> <!-- 1F4C6 tear-off calendar; calendar --> <annotation cp="📆">kalender</annotation> <annotation cp="📆" type="tts">scheurkalender</annotation> <!-- 1F5D2 spiral notepad; note; pad; spiral --> <annotation cp="🗒">notitie | blok | notitieblok | schrijfblok | spiraal</annotation> <annotation cp="🗒" type="tts">schrijfblok met spiraal</annotation> <!-- 1F5D3 spiral calendar; calendar; pad; spiral --> <annotation cp="🗓">kalender | blok | spiraal</annotation> <annotation cp="🗓" type="tts">kalender met spiraal</annotation> <!-- 1F4C7 card index; card; index; rolodex --> <annotation cp="📇">kaart | index | rolodex</annotation> <annotation cp="📇" type="tts">kaartindex</annotation> <!-- 1F4C8 chart increasing; chart; graph; growth; trend; upward --> <annotation cp="📈">grafiek met stijgende trend | grafiek | diagram | stijgend</annotation> <annotation cp="📈" type="tts">stijgende trend</annotation> <!-- 1F4C9 chart decreasing; chart; down; graph; trend --> <annotation cp="📉">grafiek met dalende trend | grafiek | diagram | dalend</annotation> <annotation cp="📉" type="tts">dalende trend</annotation> <!-- 1F4CA bar chart; bar; chart; graph --> <annotation cp="📊">staafgrafiek | grafiek | diagram | staaf | balk</annotation> <annotation cp="📊" type="tts">staafdiagram</annotation> <annotation cp="📋">klembord</annotation> <annotation cp="📋" type="tts">klembord</annotation> <!-- 1F4CC pushpin; pin --> <annotation cp="📌">speld</annotation> <annotation cp="📌" type="tts">punaise</annotation> <!-- 1F4CD round pushpin; pin; pushpin --> <annotation cp="📍">kopspeld | speld</annotation> <annotation cp="📍" type="tts">ronde speld</annotation> <!-- 1F4CE paperclip --> <annotation cp="📎">clip</annotation> <annotation cp="📎" type="tts">paperclip</annotation> <!-- 1F587 linked paperclips; link; paperclip --> <annotation cp="🖇">aan elkaar | vastgemaakt | paperclip</annotation> <annotation cp="🖇" type="tts">twee paperclips aan elkaar</annotation> <!-- 1F4CF straight ruler; ruler; straight edge --> <annotation cp="📏">rechte lijn</annotation> <annotation cp="📏" type="tts">liniaal</annotation> <!-- 1F4D0 triangular ruler; ruler; set; triangle --> <annotation cp="📐">driehoek | driehoek liniaal | liniaal | geo</annotation> <annotation cp="📐" type="tts">geodriehoek</annotation> <!-- 2702 scissors; tool --> <annotation cp="✂">gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="✂" type="tts">schaar</annotation> <!-- 1F5C3 card file box; box; card; file --> <annotation cp="🗃">bak | kaart | archief</annotation> <annotation cp="🗃" type="tts">kaartenbak</annotation> <!-- 1F5C4 file cabinet; cabinet; file --> <annotation cp="🗄">kast | archief</annotation> <annotation cp="🗄" type="tts">archiefkast</annotation> <annotation cp="🗑">prullenmand</annotation> <annotation cp="🗑" type="tts">prullenmand</annotation> <!-- 1F512 lock; closed --> <annotation cp="🔒">gesloten slot</annotation> <annotation cp="🔒" type="tts">slot</annotation> <annotation cp="🔓">hangslot | open</annotation> <annotation cp="🔓" type="tts">geopend hangslot</annotation> <!-- 1F50F lock with pen; ink; lock; nib; pen; privacy --> <annotation cp="🔏">privacy | slot met vulpen | vulpen</annotation> <annotation cp="🔏" type="tts">slot met pen</annotation> <!-- 1F510 closed lock with key; closed; key; lock; secure --> <annotation cp="🔐">gesloten | slot met sleutel | beveiligd</annotation> <annotation cp="🔐" type="tts">gesloten slot met sleutel</annotation> <!-- 1F511 key; lock; password --> <annotation cp="🔑">beveiligd | wachtwoord</annotation> <annotation cp="🔑" type="tts">sleutel</annotation> <!-- 1F5DD old key; clue; key; lock; old --> <annotation cp="🗝">aanwijzing | sleutel | slot | oud</annotation> <annotation cp="🗝" type="tts">oude sleutel</annotation> <!-- 1F528 hammer; tool --> <annotation cp="🔨">gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="🔨" type="tts">hamer</annotation> <!-- 26CF pick; mining; tool --> <annotation cp="⛏">gereedschap | mijnbouw</annotation> <annotation cp="⛏" type="tts">pikhouweel</annotation> <!-- 2692 hammer and pick; hammer; pick; tool --> <annotation cp="⚒">hamer | hamers | gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="⚒" type="tts">twee hamers</annotation> <!-- 1F6E0 hammer and wrench; hammer; tool; wrench --> <annotation cp="🛠">hamer | moersleutel | gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="🛠" type="tts">hamer en moersleutel</annotation> <!-- 1F527 wrench; tool --> <annotation cp="🔧">gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="🔧" type="tts">moersleutel</annotation> <!-- 1F529 nut and bolt; bolt; nut; tool --> <annotation cp="🔩">bout | moer | gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="🔩" type="tts">bout en moer</annotation> <!-- 2699 gear; tool --> <annotation cp="⚙">gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="⚙" type="tts">tandwiel</annotation> <!-- 1F5DC compression; tool; vice --> <annotation cp="🗜">gereedschap | bankschroef</annotation> <annotation cp="🗜" type="tts">lijmklem</annotation> <!-- 2697 alembic; chemistry; tool --> <annotation cp="⚗">scheikunde | gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="⚗" type="tts">distilleerkolf</annotation> <!-- 2696 balance scale; balance; justice; libra; scales; tool; weight; zodiac --> <annotation cp="⚖">recht | gewichten | gereedschap</annotation> <annotation cp="⚖" type="tts">weegschaal</annotation> <!-- 1F517 link --> <annotation cp="🔗">twee ringen</annotation> <annotation cp="🔗" type="tts">schakels</annotation> <!-- 26D3 chains; chain --> <annotation cp="⛓">ketting</annotation> <annotation cp="⛓" type="tts">kettingen</annotation> <!-- 1F489 syringe; doctor; medicine; needle; shot; sick; tool --> <annotation cp="💉">spuit | naald | medicijn | dokter</annotation> <annotation cp="💉" type="tts">injectiespuit</annotation> <!-- 1F48A pill; doctor; medicine; sick --> <annotation cp="💊">medicijn | dokter</annotation> <annotation cp="💊" type="tts">pil</annotation> <!-- 1F5E1 dagger; knife; weapon --> <annotation cp="🗡">mes | wapen</annotation> <annotation cp="🗡" type="tts">dolk</annotation> <!-- 1F52A kitchen knife; cooking; hocho; knife; tool; weapon --> <annotation cp="🔪">mes | koken | wapen</annotation> <annotation cp="🔪" type="tts">keukenmes</annotation> <!-- 2694 crossed swords; crossed; swords; weapon --> <annotation cp="⚔">zwaarden | wapen</annotation> <annotation cp="⚔" type="tts">gekruisde zwaarden</annotation> <!-- 1F52B pistol; gun; handgun; revolver; tool; weapon --> <annotation cp="🔫">revolver | wapen</annotation> <annotation cp="🔫" type="tts">pistool</annotation> <!-- 1F6E1 shield; weapon --> <annotation cp="🛡">bescherming</annotation> <annotation cp="🛡" type="tts">schild</annotation> <!-- 1F3F9 bow and arrow; archer; arrow; bow; sagittarius; tool; weapon; zodiac --> <annotation cp="🏹">boogschutter | boog | pijl | wapen</annotation> <annotation cp="🏹" type="tts">pijl en boog</annotation> <!-- 1F3C1 chequered flag; checkered; chequered; racing --> <annotation cp="🏁">vlag | geblokt | racen | sport</annotation> <annotation cp="🏁" type="tts">geblokte vlag</annotation> <!-- 1F3F3 waving white flag; waving --> <annotation cp="🏳">vlag | wit</annotation> <annotation cp="🏳" type="tts">witte vlag</annotation> <annotation cp="🏳🌈">regenboog | vlag</annotation> <annotation cp="🏳🌈" type="tts">regenboogvlag</annotation> <!-- 1F3F4 waving black flag; waving --> <annotation cp="🏴">vlag | zwart</annotation> <annotation cp="🏴" type="tts">zwarte vlag</annotation> <!-- 1F6A9 triangular flag; post --> <annotation cp="🚩">locatie-informatievlag | driehoekige locatievlag | vlag | locatie</annotation> <annotation cp="🚩" type="tts">driehoekige vlag</annotation> <!-- 1F6AC smoking --> <annotation cp="🚬">roken toegestaan | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🚬" type="tts">roken</annotation> <!-- 26B0 coffin; death --> <annotation cp="⚰">kist | dood</annotation> <annotation cp="⚰" type="tts">doodskist</annotation> <!-- 26B1 funeral urn; death; funeral; urn --> <annotation cp="⚱">as | dood</annotation> <annotation cp="⚱" type="tts">urn</annotation> <!-- 1F5FF moai; face; moyai; statue --> <annotation cp="🗿">moai | beeld | paaseiliand</annotation> <annotation cp="🗿" type="tts">moai-beeld</annotation> <!-- 1F6E2 oil drum; drum; oil --> <annotation cp="🛢">vat | olie</annotation> <annotation cp="🛢" type="tts">olievat</annotation> <!-- 1F52E crystal ball; ball; crystal; fairy tale; fantasy; fortune; tool --> <annotation cp="🔮">waarzeggen | kristal | bol | waarzeggerij</annotation> <annotation cp="🔮" type="tts">kristallen bol</annotation> <!-- 1F3E7 ATM sign; atm; automated; bank; teller --> <annotation cp="🏧">pinnen | automaat</annotation> <annotation cp="🏧" type="tts">pinautomaat</annotation> <!-- 1F6AE litter in bin sign; litter; litterbox --> <annotation cp="🚮">afval in prullenbak gooien | prullenbak | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🚮" type="tts">prullenbaksymbool</annotation> <!-- 1F6B0 potable water; drink; potable; water --> <annotation cp="🚰">drinkwatersymbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🚰" type="tts">drinkwater</annotation> <!-- 267F wheelchair; access --> <annotation cp="♿">rolstoel | toegang | rolstoelsymbool | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="♿" type="tts">rolstoeltoegang</annotation> <!-- 1F6B9 men’s room; lavatory; man; restroom; wc --> <annotation cp="🚹">Heren-wc | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🚹" type="tts">herensymbool</annotation> <!-- 1F6BA women’s room; lavatory; restroom; wc; woman --> <annotation cp="🚺">Dames-wc | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🚺" type="tts">damessymbool</annotation> <!-- 1F6BB restroom; lavatory; wc --> <annotation cp="🚻">toilet | wc</annotation> <annotation cp="🚻" type="tts">toiletsymbool</annotation> <!-- 1F6BC baby symbol; baby; changing --> <annotation cp="🚼">baby aan boord | babyruimte | baby</annotation> <annotation cp="🚼" type="tts">babysymbool</annotation> <!-- 1F6BE water closet; closet; lavatory; restroom; water; wc --> <annotation cp="🚾">toilet</annotation> <annotation cp="🚾" type="tts">wc</annotation> <!-- 1F6C2 passport control; control; passport --> <annotation cp="🛂">paspoort | controle</annotation> <annotation cp="🛂" type="tts">paspoortcontrole</annotation> <annotation cp="🛃">douane</annotation> <annotation cp="🛃" type="tts">douane</annotation> <!-- 1F6C4 baggage claim; baggage; claim --> <annotation cp="🛄">bagage</annotation> <annotation cp="🛄" type="tts">bagage ophalen</annotation> <!-- 1F6C5 left luggage; baggage; locker; luggage --> <annotation cp="🛅">bagageservice | koffers | bagage</annotation> <annotation cp="🛅" type="tts">achtergelaten bagage</annotation> <!-- 26A0 warning --> <annotation cp="⚠">waarschuwing | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="⚠" type="tts">waarschuwingssymbool</annotation> <!-- 1F6B8 children crossing; child; crossing; pedestrian; traffic --> <annotation cp="🚸">kinderen | oversteek | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🚸" type="tts">kinderoversteek</annotation> <!-- 26D4 no entry; entry; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; traffic --> <annotation cp="⛔">Verboden toegang | verboden | nee | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="⛔" type="tts">geen toegang</annotation> <!-- 1F6AB prohibited; entry; forbidden; no; not --> <annotation cp="🚫">Verboden toegang | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🚫" type="tts">verboden</annotation> <!-- 1F6B3 no bicycles; bicycle; bike; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; vehicle --> <annotation cp="🚳">niet fietsen | fietsen niet toegestaan | fiets | voertuig</annotation> <annotation cp="🚳" type="tts">geen fietsen</annotation> <!-- 1F6AD no smoking; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; smoking --> <annotation cp="🚭">symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🚭" type="tts">niet roken</annotation> <!-- 1F6AF no littering; forbidden; litter; no; not; prohibited --> <annotation cp="🚯">geen afval | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🚯" type="tts">geen afval weggooien</annotation> <!-- 1F6B1 non-potable water; drink; forbidden; no; not; potable; prohibited; water --> <annotation cp="🚱">water | niet drinken</annotation> <annotation cp="🚱" type="tts">geen drinkwater</annotation> <!-- 1F6B7 no pedestrians; forbidden; no; not; pedestrian; prohibited --> <annotation cp="🚷">voetgangers niet toegestaan | voetganger | wandelaar | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🚷" type="tts">geen voetgangers</annotation> <!-- 2622 radioactive --> <annotation cp="☢">symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="☢" type="tts">radioactief</annotation> <!-- 2623 biohazard --> <annotation cp="☣">bio | biologisch | gevaar</annotation> <annotation cp="☣" type="tts">biologisch gevaar</annotation> <!-- 2B06 up arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; north --> <annotation cp="⬆">pijl | omhoog | noord</annotation> <annotation cp="⬆" type="tts">pijl omhoog</annotation> <!-- 2197 up-right arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; northeast --> <annotation cp="↗">pijl | rechtsomhoog | rechtsboven | noordoost</annotation> <annotation cp="↗" type="tts">pijl rechtsomhoog</annotation> <!-- 27A1 right arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; east --> <annotation cp="➡">pijl | rechts | oost</annotation> <annotation cp="➡" type="tts">pijl naar rechts</annotation> <!-- 2198 down-right arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; southeast --> <annotation cp="↘">pijl | rechtsomlaag | rechtsbeneden | zuidoost</annotation> <annotation cp="↘" type="tts">pijl rechtsomlaag</annotation> <!-- 2B07 down arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; down; south --> <annotation cp="⬇">pijl | omlaag | zuid</annotation> <annotation cp="⬇" type="tts">pijl omlaag</annotation> <!-- 2199 down-left arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; southwest --> <annotation cp="↙">pijl | linksomlaag | linksbeneden | zuidwest</annotation> <annotation cp="↙" type="tts">pijl linksomlaag</annotation> <!-- 2B05 left arrow; arrow; cardinal; direction; west --> <annotation cp="⬅">pijl | links | west</annotation> <annotation cp="⬅" type="tts">pijl naar links</annotation> <!-- 2196 up-left arrow; arrow; direction; intercardinal; northwest --> <annotation cp="↖">pijl | linksomhoog | linksboven | noordwest</annotation> <annotation cp="↖" type="tts">pijl linksomhoog</annotation> <!-- 2195 up-down arrow; arrow --> <annotation cp="↕">pijl | omhoog | omlaag | noord | zuid</annotation> <annotation cp="↕" type="tts">pijl omhoog en omlaag</annotation> <!-- 2194 left-right arrow; arrow --> <annotation cp="↔">pijl | links | rechts | west | oost</annotation> <annotation cp="↔" type="tts">pijl naar links en rechts</annotation> <!-- 21A9 right arrow curving left; arrow --> <annotation cp="↩">pijl | rechts | links</annotation> <annotation cp="↩" type="tts">pijl naar rechts die naar links draait</annotation> <!-- 21AA left arrow curving right; arrow --> <annotation cp="↪">pijl | rechts | links</annotation> <annotation cp="↪" type="tts">pijl naar links die naar rechts draait</annotation> <!-- 2934 right arrow curving up; arrow --> <annotation cp="⤴">pijl | rechts | omhoog</annotation> <annotation cp="⤴" type="tts">pijl naar rechts die omhoog draait</annotation> <!-- 2935 right arrow curving down; arrow; down --> <annotation cp="⤵">pijl | rechts | omlaag</annotation> <annotation cp="⤵" type="tts">pijl naar rechts die omlaag draait</annotation> <!-- 1F503 clockwise vertical arrows; arrow; clockwise; reload --> <annotation cp="🔃">opnieuw laden-symbool | verticale pijlen rechtsom | pijlen</annotation> <annotation cp="🔃" type="tts">verticale pijlen met de klok mee</annotation> <!-- 1F504 anticlockwise arrows button; anticlockwise; arrow; counterclockwise; withershins --> <annotation cp="🔄">linksom | pijlen</annotation> <annotation cp="🔄" type="tts">pijlen tegen de klok in</annotation> <!-- 1F519 back arrow; arrow; back --> <annotation cp="🔙">terugpijl | terug met linkerpijl | linkerpijl | pijl</annotation> <annotation cp="🔙" type="tts">terug</annotation> <!-- 1F51A end arrow; arrow; end --> <annotation cp="🔚">eindepijl | einde met linkerpijl | linkerpijl | pijl</annotation> <annotation cp="🔚" type="tts">einde</annotation> <!-- 1F51B on! arrow; arrow; mark; on --> <annotation cp="🔛">AAN met uitroepteken en pijl | pijl | uitroepteken | uitroep</annotation> <annotation cp="🔛" type="tts">AAN-pijl</annotation> <!-- 1F51C soon arrow; arrow; soon --> <annotation cp="🔜">Binnenkort | Binnenkort met rechterpijl | pijl</annotation> <annotation cp="🔜" type="tts">Binnenkort-symbool</annotation> <!-- 1F51D top arrow; arrow; top; up --> <annotation cp="🔝">Omhoog met pijl-omhoog | pijl-omhoog | omhoog</annotation> <annotation cp="🔝" type="tts">Omhoog-symbool</annotation> <!-- 1F6D0 place of worship; religion; worship --> <annotation cp="🛐">religie | bidden | tempel</annotation> <annotation cp="🛐" type="tts">gebedsruimte</annotation> <!-- 269B atom symbol; atheist; atom --> <annotation cp="⚛">atoom | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="⚛" type="tts">atoom-symbool</annotation> <!-- 1F549 om; hindu; religion --> <annotation cp="🕉">om | aum | symbool | religie | mantra</annotation> <annotation cp="🕉" type="tts">om-symbool</annotation> <!-- 2721 star of david; david; jew; jewish; religion; star --> <annotation cp="✡">david | ster | jodendom | joods | religie</annotation> <annotation cp="✡" type="tts">davidster</annotation> <!-- 2638 wheel of dharma; buddhist; dharma; religion; wheel --> <annotation cp="☸">wiel van dharma | boedhisme | religie</annotation> <annotation cp="☸" type="tts">Dharmachakra</annotation> <!-- 262F yin yang; religion; tao; taoist; yang; yin --> <annotation cp="☯">tao | evenwicht | religie | yin | yang</annotation> <annotation cp="☯" type="tts">yin en yang</annotation> <!-- 271D latin cross; christian; cross; religion --> <annotation cp="✝">christendom | kruis | religie</annotation> <annotation cp="✝" type="tts">christelijk kruis</annotation> <!-- 2626 orthodox cross; christian; cross; religion --> <annotation cp="☦">christendom | kruis | religie</annotation> <annotation cp="☦" type="tts">russisch kruis</annotation> <!-- 262A star and crescent; islam; muslim; religion --> <annotation cp="☪">islam | moslim | religie</annotation> <annotation cp="☪" type="tts">wassende maan en ster</annotation> <!-- 262E peace symbol; peace --> <annotation cp="☮">vrede | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="☮" type="tts">vredessymbool</annotation> <!-- 1F54E menorah; candelabrum; candlestick; religion --> <annotation cp="🕎">kandelaar | joods | religie</annotation> <annotation cp="🕎" type="tts">menora</annotation> <!-- 1F52F dotted six-pointed star; fortune; star --> <annotation cp="🔯">waarzeggen | zes punten | ster | waarzeggerij</annotation> <annotation cp="🔯" type="tts">zespuntige ster</annotation> <!-- 267B recycling symbol; recycle --> <annotation cp="♻">gevuld universeel recycling-symbool | recycling | universeel | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="♻" type="tts">recycling-symbool</annotation> <!-- 1F4DB name badge; badge; name --> <annotation cp="📛">kaartje | badge | naam</annotation> <annotation cp="📛" type="tts">naamkaartje</annotation> <!-- 269C fleur-de-lis --> <annotation cp="⚜">symbool | frans | franse lelie</annotation> <annotation cp="⚜" type="tts">fleur-de-lis</annotation> <!-- 1F530 japanese symbol for beginner; beginner; chevron; green; japanese; leaf; tool; yellow --> <annotation cp="🔰">groen en geel | beginner | Japans</annotation> <annotation cp="🔰" type="tts">groen en geel blad</annotation> <!-- 1F531 trident emblem; anchor; emblem; ship; tool; trident --> <annotation cp="🔱">anker | drietand | embleem</annotation> <annotation cp="🔱" type="tts">drietand-symbool</annotation> <!-- 2B55 heavy large circle; circle; o --> <annotation cp="⭕">groot | rood | cirkel</annotation> <annotation cp="⭕" type="tts">grote rode cirkel</annotation> <!-- 2705 white heavy check mark; check; mark --> <annotation cp="✅">vinkje | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="✅" type="tts">wit vinkje in groen vak</annotation> <!-- 2611 ballot box with check; ballot; box; check --> <annotation cp="☑">vinkje | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="☑" type="tts">wit vinkje in grijs vak</annotation> <!-- 2714 heavy check mark; check; mark --> <annotation cp="✔">vinkje | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="✔" type="tts">zwart vinkje</annotation> <!-- 2716 heavy multiplication x; cancel; multiplication; multiply; x --> <annotation cp="✖">annuleren | vermenigvuldigen | x | kruis</annotation> <annotation cp="✖" type="tts">zwart kruis</annotation> <!-- 274C cross mark; cancel; mark; multiplication; multiply; x --> <annotation cp="❌">annuleren | vermenigvuldigen | x | kruis</annotation> <annotation cp="❌" type="tts">rood kruis</annotation> <!-- 274E cross mark button; mark; square --> <annotation cp="❎">X’ in vierkant</annotation> <annotation cp="❎" type="tts">wit kruis in groen vak</annotation> <!-- 2795 heavy plus sign; math; plus --> <annotation cp="➕">dikgedrukt plusteken | plusteken | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="➕" type="tts">plus</annotation> <!-- 2796 heavy minus sign; math; minus --> <annotation cp="➖">dikgedrukt minteken | minteken | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="➖" type="tts">min</annotation> <!-- 2797 heavy division sign; division; math --> <annotation cp="➗">dikgedrukt deelteken | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="➗" type="tts">deelteken</annotation> <!-- 27B0 curly loop; curl; loop --> <annotation cp="➰">gedraaid | lus</annotation> <annotation cp="➰" type="tts">gekrulde lus</annotation> <!-- 27BF double curly loop; curl; double; loop --> <annotation cp="➿">gekrulde lus | Japan | gratis bellen</annotation> <annotation cp="➿" type="tts">dubbele gekrulde lus</annotation> <!-- 303D part alternation mark; mark; part --> <annotation cp="〽">rolwisseling | markering | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="〽" type="tts">rolwisselingsmarkering</annotation> <!-- 2733 eight-spoked asterisk; asterisk --> <annotation cp="✳">asterisk</annotation> <annotation cp="✳" type="tts">achtpuntige asterisk</annotation> <!-- 2734 eight-pointed star; star --> <annotation cp="✴">ster</annotation> <annotation cp="✴" type="tts">vierpuntige ster</annotation> <!-- 2747 sparkle --> <annotation cp="❇">ster | sprankeling</annotation> <annotation cp="❇" type="tts">achtpuntige ster</annotation> <!-- 1F4B1 currency exchange; bank; currency; exchange; money --> <annotation cp="💱">valuta | geld | wisselen</annotation> <annotation cp="💱" type="tts">geld wisselen</annotation> <!-- 1F4B2 heavy dollar sign; currency; dollar; money --> <annotation cp="💲">vetgedrukt dollarteken | dollar | geld</annotation> <annotation cp="💲" type="tts">dollarteken</annotation> <!-- 203C double exclamation mark; bangbang; exclamation; mark; punctuation --> <annotation cp="‼">uitroeptekens | twee | rood</annotation> <annotation cp="‼" type="tts">dubbel uitroepteken</annotation> <!-- 2049 exclamation question mark; exclamation; interrobang; mark; punctuation; question --> <annotation cp="⁉">uitroepteken | vraagteken</annotation> <annotation cp="⁉" type="tts">uitroepteken en vraagteken</annotation> <!-- 2753 question mark; mark; punctuation; question --> <annotation cp="❓">vraag | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="❓" type="tts">vraagteken</annotation> <!-- 2754 white question mark; mark; outlined; punctuation; question --> <annotation cp="❔">vraag | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="❔" type="tts">wit vraagteken</annotation> <!-- 2755 white exclamation mark; exclamation; mark; outlined; punctuation --> <annotation cp="❕">uitroep | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="❕" type="tts">wit uitroepteken</annotation> <!-- 2757 exclamation mark; exclamation; mark; punctuation --> <annotation cp="❗">uitroep | teken</annotation> <annotation cp="❗" type="tts">uitroepteken</annotation> <!-- 3030 wavy dash; dash; punctuation; wavy --> <annotation cp="〰">lang geluid | golvend | streepje</annotation> <annotation cp="〰" type="tts">golvend streepje</annotation> <!-- 00A9 copyright --> <annotation cp="©">Copyright</annotation> <annotation cp="©" type="tts">Copyrightsymbool</annotation> <!-- 00AE registered --> <annotation cp="®">Gedeponeerd</annotation> <annotation cp="®" type="tts">Gedeponeerd-symbool</annotation> <!-- 2122 trade mark; mark; tm; trademark --> <annotation cp="™">handelsmerk | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="™" type="tts">handelsmerksymbool</annotation> <!-- 2648 aries; ram; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♈">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♈" type="tts">ram (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 2649 taurus; bull; ox; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♉">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♉" type="tts">stier (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 264A gemini; twins; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♊">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♊" type="tts">tweelingen (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 264B cancer; crab; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♋">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♋" type="tts">kreeft (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 264C leo; lion; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♌">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♌" type="tts">leeuw (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 264D virgo; maiden; virgin; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♍">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♍" type="tts">maagd (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 264E libra; balance; justice; scales; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♎">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♎" type="tts">weegschaal (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 264F scorpius; scorpio; scorpion; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♏">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♏" type="tts">schorpioen (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 2650 sagittarius; archer; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♐">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♐" type="tts">boogschutter (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 2651 capricorn; goat; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♑">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♑" type="tts">steenbok (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 2652 aquarius; bearer; water; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♒">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♒" type="tts">waterman (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 2653 pisces; fish; zodiac --> <annotation cp="♓">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="♓" type="tts">vissen (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 26CE ophiuchus; bearer; serpent; snake; zodiac --> <annotation cp="⛎">sterrenbeeld</annotation> <annotation cp="⛎" type="tts">slangendrager (sterrenbeeld)</annotation> <!-- 1F500 shuffle tracks button; arrow; crossed --> <annotation cp="🔀">gekruiste pijlen naar rechts | pijlen | shuffle</annotation> <annotation cp="🔀" type="tts">knop voor shuffle</annotation> <!-- 1F501 repeat button; arrow; clockwise; repeat --> <annotation cp="🔁">rechtsom | pijlen | herhalen</annotation> <annotation cp="🔁" type="tts">knop voor herhalen</annotation> <!-- 1F502 repeat single button; arrow; clockwise; once --> <annotation cp="🔂">pijlen rechtsom met cijfer 1 | rechtsom | pijlen | cijfer 1 | 1 herhalen</annotation> <annotation cp="🔂" type="tts">knop voor één herhalen</annotation> <!-- 25B6 play button; arrow; play; right; triangle --> <annotation cp="▶">afspelen | pijl | rechts | driehoek</annotation> <annotation cp="▶" type="tts">knop voor afspelen</annotation> <!-- 23E9 fast-forword button; arrow; double; fast; forward --> <annotation cp="⏩">dubbele pijl rechts | rechts | pijl</annotation> <annotation cp="⏩" type="tts">knop voor snel vooruitspoelen</annotation> <!-- 23ED next track button; arrow; next scene; next track; triangle --> <annotation cp="⏭">pijlen | volgende | rechts</annotation> <annotation cp="⏭" type="tts">knop voor volgende nummer</annotation> <!-- 23EF play or pause button; arrow; pause; play; right; triangle --> <annotation cp="⏯">pijl | onderbreken | afspelen | rechts</annotation> <annotation cp="⏯" type="tts">knop voor afspelen of onderbreken</annotation> <!-- 25C0 reverse button; arrow; left; reverse; triangle --> <annotation cp="◀">pijl | links | achterstevoren | afspelen</annotation> <annotation cp="◀" type="tts">knop voor achterstevoren afspelen</annotation> <!-- 23EA fast reverse button; arrow; double; rewind --> <annotation cp="⏪">dubbele pijl links | links | pijl | terugspoelen</annotation> <annotation cp="⏪" type="tts">knop voor versneld achterstevoren afspelen</annotation> <!-- 23EE last track button; arrow; previous scene; previous track; triangle --> <annotation cp="⏮">pijl | vorige nummer</annotation> <annotation cp="⏮" type="tts">knop voor vorige nummer</annotation> <!-- 1F53C up button; arrow; button; red --> <annotation cp="🔼">pijl | omhoog | driehoek</annotation> <annotation cp="🔼" type="tts">knop voor omhoog</annotation> <!-- 23EB fast up button; arrow; double --> <annotation cp="⏫">dubbele pijl omhoog | omhoog | pijl</annotation> <annotation cp="⏫" type="tts">knop voor versneld omhoog</annotation> <!-- 1F53D down button; arrow; button; down; red --> <annotation cp="🔽">pijl | omlaag | driehoek</annotation> <annotation cp="🔽" type="tts">knop voor omlaag</annotation> <!-- 23EC fast down button; arrow; double; down --> <annotation cp="⏬">dubbele pijl omlaag | omlaag | pijl</annotation> <annotation cp="⏬" type="tts">knop voor versnel omlaag</annotation> <!-- 23F8 pause button; bar; double; pause; vertical --> <annotation cp="⏸">onderbreken | pauzeren</annotation> <annotation cp="⏸" type="tts">knop voor onderbreken</annotation> <!-- 23F9 stop button; square; stop --> <annotation cp="⏹">vierkant | stoppen</annotation> <annotation cp="⏹" type="tts">knop voor stoppen</annotation> <!-- 23FA record button; circle; record --> <annotation cp="⏺">opnemen | rondje</annotation> <annotation cp="⏺" type="tts">knop voor opnemen</annotation> <!-- 23CF eject button; eject --> <annotation cp="⏏">uitwerpen</annotation> <annotation cp="⏏" type="tts">knop voor uitwerpen</annotation> <!-- 1F3A6 cinema; camera; film; movie --> <annotation cp="🎦">filmsymbool | film</annotation> <annotation cp="🎦" type="tts">knop voor filmen</annotation> <!-- 1F505 dim button; brightness; dim; low --> <annotation cp="🔅">helderheid | laag | dimmen</annotation> <annotation cp="🔅" type="tts">knop voor lagere helderheid</annotation> <!-- 1F506 bright button; bright; brightness --> <annotation cp="🔆">helder | helderheid</annotation> <annotation cp="🔆" type="tts">knop voor hogere helderheid</annotation> <!-- 1F4F6 antenna bars; antenna; bar; cell; mobile; phone; signal; telephone --> <annotation cp="📶">bereik | signaalsterkte</annotation> <annotation cp="📶" type="tts">mobiel signaal</annotation> <!-- 1F4F5 no mobile phones; cell; forbidden; mobile; no; not; phone; prohibited; telephone --> <annotation cp="📵">geen oproepen | mobiel | telefoon</annotation> <annotation cp="📵" type="tts">geen mobiele telefoon</annotation> <!-- 1F4F3 vibration mode; cell; mobile; mode; phone; telephone; vibration --> <annotation cp="📳">mobiele telefoon | mobiel | telefoon | modus</annotation> <annotation cp="📳" type="tts">trilstand</annotation> <!-- 1F4F4 mobile phone off; cell; mobile; off; phone; telephone --> <annotation cp="📴">mobiele telefoon uit | mobiele telefoon | mobiel | telefoon | uit</annotation> <annotation cp="📴" type="tts">telefoon uit</annotation> <!-- 0023,20E3 keycap number; hash; keycap; pound --> <annotation cp="#⃣">hekje | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="#⃣" type="tts">hekje (toets)</annotation> <!-- 002A,20E3 keycap asterisk; asterisk; keycap; star --> <annotation cp="*⃣">sterretje | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="*⃣" type="tts">sterretje (toets)</annotation> <!-- 1F51F keycap ten; 10; keycap; ten --> <annotation cp="🔟">10 | tien | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="🔟" type="tts">cijfer tien (toets)</annotation> <!-- 1F4AF hundred points; 100; full; hundred; score --> <annotation cp="💯">100 punten | 100 | score</annotation> <annotation cp="💯" type="tts">maximumscore</annotation> <!-- 1F51E no one under eighteen; 18; age restriction; eighteen; forbidden; no; not; prohibited; underage --> <annotation cp="🔞">onder de 18 verboden | onder de 18 | 18</annotation> <annotation cp="🔞" type="tts">Niemand onder de 18</annotation> <!-- 1F520 input latin uppercase; input; latin; letters; uppercase --> <annotation cp="🔠">hoofdletters invoeren | hoofdletters Latijns | Latijns</annotation> <annotation cp="🔠" type="tts">hoofdletters</annotation> <!-- 1F521 input latin lowercase; abcd; input; latin; letters; lowercase --> <annotation cp="🔡">kleine letters invoeren | kleine letters Latijns | Latijns</annotation> <annotation cp="🔡" type="tts">kleine letters</annotation> <!-- 1F522 input numbers; 1234; input; numbers --> <annotation cp="🔢">cijfers invoeren</annotation> <annotation cp="🔢" type="tts">cijfers</annotation> <!-- 1F523 input symbols; input --> <annotation cp="🔣">symbolen invoeren</annotation> <annotation cp="🔣" type="tts">symbolen</annotation> <!-- 1F524 input latin letters; abc; alphabet; input; latin; letters --> <annotation cp="🔤">Latijns alfabet invoeren | Latijns | Nederlands | ABC</annotation> <annotation cp="🔤" type="tts">Latijns alfabet</annotation> <!-- 1F170 a button; a; blood --> <annotation cp="🅰">groep A | bloedgroep | bloed | A</annotation> <annotation cp="🅰" type="tts">bloedgroep A</annotation> <!-- 1F18E ab button; ab; blood --> <annotation cp="🆎">groep AB | bloedgroep | bloed | AB</annotation> <annotation cp="🆎" type="tts">bloedgroep AB</annotation> <!-- 1F171 b button; b; blood --> <annotation cp="🅱">groep B | bloedgroep | bloed | B</annotation> <annotation cp="🅱" type="tts">bloedgroep B</annotation> <!-- 1F191 squared cl; cl --> <annotation cp="🆑">Wissen-symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆑" type="tts">wissen</annotation> <!-- 1F192 squared cool; cool --> <annotation cp="🆒">cool-symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆒" type="tts">vierkant met woord cool</annotation> <!-- 1F193 squared free; free --> <annotation cp="🆓">gratis-symbool | kosteloos | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆓" type="tts">gratis</annotation> <!-- 2139 information source; i; information --> <annotation cp="ℹ">teken</annotation> <annotation cp="ℹ" type="tts">informatie</annotation> <!-- 1F194 squared id; id; identity --> <annotation cp="🆔">ID-symbool | identiteit | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆔" type="tts">ID</annotation> <!-- 24C2 circled letter m; circle; m --> <annotation cp="Ⓜ">cirkel | M</annotation> <annotation cp="Ⓜ" type="tts">witte M in blauwe cirkel</annotation> <!-- 1F195 squared new; new --> <annotation cp="🆕">Nieuw-symbool | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆕" type="tts">Nieuw</annotation> <!-- 1F196 squared ng; ng --> <annotation cp="🆖">Niet goed-symbool | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆖" type="tts">Niet goed</annotation> <!-- 1F17E o button; blood; o --> <annotation cp="🅾">groep O | bloedgroep | bloed | O</annotation> <annotation cp="🅾" type="tts">bloedgroep O</annotation> <!-- 1F197 squared ok; ok --> <annotation cp="🆗">OK-symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆗" type="tts">OK</annotation> <!-- 1F17F p button; parking --> <annotation cp="🅿">parkeerplaats</annotation> <annotation cp="🅿" type="tts">parkeren</annotation> <!-- 1F198 squared sos; help; sos --> <annotation cp="🆘">SOS-symbool | Help | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆘" type="tts">SOS</annotation> <!-- 1F199 up! button; mark; up --> <annotation cp="🆙">OMHOOG-symbool | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆙" type="tts">OMHOOG</annotation> <!-- 1F19A squared vs; versus; vs --> <annotation cp="🆚">vs | vs-symbool | symbool</annotation> <annotation cp="🆚" type="tts">versus</annotation> <!-- 1F201 squared katakana koko; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈁">vierkant | japans | koko</annotation> <annotation cp="🈁" type="tts">vierkante katakana voor koko</annotation> <!-- 1F202 squared katakana sa; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈂">vierkant | japans | sa</annotation> <annotation cp="🈂" type="tts">vierkante katakana voor sa</annotation> <!-- 1F237 squared moon ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈷">vierkant | japans | maan</annotation> <annotation cp="🈷" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor maan</annotation> <!-- 1F236 squared exist ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈶">vierkant | japans | bestaan</annotation> <annotation cp="🈶" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor bestaan</annotation> <!-- 1F22F squared finger ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈯">vierkant | japans | vinger</annotation> <annotation cp="🈯" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor vinger</annotation> <!-- 1F250 circled advantage ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🉐">cirkel | japans | voordeel</annotation> <annotation cp="🉐" type="tts">ronde ideograaf voor voordeel</annotation> <!-- 1F239 squared divide ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈹">vierkant | japans | verdelen</annotation> <annotation cp="🈹" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor verdelen</annotation> <!-- 1F21A squared negation ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈚">vierkant | japans | ontkenning</annotation> <annotation cp="🈚" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor ontkenning</annotation> <!-- 1F232 squared prohibit ideograph; japanese --> <annotation cp="🈲">vierkant | japans | verbieden</annotation> <annotation cp="🈲" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor verbieden</annotation> <!-- 1F251 circled accept ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🉑">rond | chinees | accepteren</annotation> <annotation cp="🉑" type="tts">ronde ideograaf voor accepteren</annotation> <!-- 1F238 squared apply ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈸">vierkant | chinees | toepassen</annotation> <annotation cp="🈸" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor toepassen</annotation> <!-- 1F234 squared together ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈴">vierkant | chinees | samen</annotation> <annotation cp="🈴" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor samen</annotation> <!-- 1F233 squared empty ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈳">vierkant | chinees | leeg</annotation> <annotation cp="🈳" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor leeg</annotation> <!-- 3297 circled congratulate ideograph; chinese; congratulation; congratulations; ideograph --> <annotation cp="㊗">cirkel | chinees | gefeliciteerd</annotation> <annotation cp="㊗" type="tts">ronde ideograaf voor gefeliciteerd</annotation> <!-- 3299 circled secret ideograph; chinese; ideograph; secret --> <annotation cp="㊙">cirkel | chinees | geheim</annotation> <annotation cp="㊙" type="tts">ronde ideograaf voor geheim</annotation> <!-- 1F23A squared operating ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈺">vierkant | chinees | werkend</annotation> <annotation cp="🈺" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor werkend</annotation> <!-- 1F235 squared fullness ideograph; chinese --> <annotation cp="🈵">vierkant | chinees | volheid</annotation> <annotation cp="🈵" type="tts">vierkante ideograaf voor volheid</annotation> <!-- 25AA black small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="▪">zwart | vierkant | klein</annotation> <annotation cp="▪" type="tts">klein zwart vierkant</annotation> <!-- 25AB white small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="▫">wit | vierkant | klein</annotation> <annotation cp="▫" type="tts">klein wit vierkant</annotation> <!-- 25FB white medium square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◻">wit | vierkant | middelgroot</annotation> <annotation cp="◻" type="tts">middelgroot wit vierkant</annotation> <!-- 25FC black medium square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◼">zwart | vierkant | middelgroot</annotation> <annotation cp="◼" type="tts">middelgroot zwart vierkant</annotation> <!-- 25FD white medium-small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◽">wit | vierkant | redelijk klein</annotation> <annotation cp="◽" type="tts">redelijk klein wit vierkant</annotation> <!-- 25FE black medium-small square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="◾">zwart | vierkant | redelijk klein</annotation> <annotation cp="◾" type="tts">redelijk klein zwart vierkant</annotation> <!-- 2B1B black large square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="⬛">zwart | vierkant | groot</annotation> <annotation cp="⬛" type="tts">groot zwart vierkant</annotation> <!-- 2B1C white large square; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="⬜">wit | vierkant | groot</annotation> <annotation cp="⬜" type="tts">groot wit vierkant</annotation> <!-- 1F536 large orange diamond; diamond; geometric; orange --> <annotation cp="🔶">oranje | ruit</annotation> <annotation cp="🔶" type="tts">grote oranje ruit</annotation> <!-- 1F537 large blue diamond; blue; diamond; geometric --> <annotation cp="🔷">blauw | ruit</annotation> <annotation cp="🔷" type="tts">grote blauwe ruit</annotation> <!-- 1F538 small orange diamond; diamond; geometric; orange --> <annotation cp="🔸">oranje | ruit</annotation> <annotation cp="🔸" type="tts">kleine oranje ruit</annotation> <!-- 1F539 small blue diamond; blue; diamond; geometric --> <annotation cp="🔹">blauw | ruit</annotation> <annotation cp="🔹" type="tts">kleine blauwe ruit</annotation> <!-- 1F53A red triangle pointed up; geometric; red --> <annotation cp="🔺">rood | driehoek</annotation> <annotation cp="🔺" type="tts">rode driehoek omhoog</annotation> <!-- 1F53B red triangle pointed down; down; geometric; red --> <annotation cp="🔻">rood | driehoek</annotation> <annotation cp="🔻" type="tts">rode driehoek omlaag</annotation> <!-- 1F4A0 diamond with a dot; comic; diamond; geometric; inside --> <annotation cp="💠">schattig | bloem | ruitvorm | ruit | emotie</annotation> <annotation cp="💠" type="tts">ruit met stip</annotation> <!-- 1F518 radio button; button; geometric; radio --> <annotation cp="🔘">rondje | keuze</annotation> <annotation cp="🔘" type="tts">keuzerondje</annotation> <!-- 1F532 black square button; button; geometric; square --> <annotation cp="🔲">vierkant | knop</annotation> <annotation cp="🔲" type="tts">zwarte vierkante knop</annotation> <!-- 1F533 white square button; button; geometric; outlined; square --> <annotation cp="🔳">vierkant | knop</annotation> <annotation cp="🔳" type="tts">witte vierkante knop</annotation> <!-- 26AA white circle; circle; geometric --> <annotation cp="⚪">grote witte cirkel | wit | cirkel</annotation> <annotation cp="⚪" type="tts">witte cirkel</annotation> <!-- 26AB black circle; circle; geometric --> <annotation cp="⚫">grote zwarte cirkel | zwart | cirkel</annotation> <annotation cp="⚫" type="tts">zwarte cirkel</annotation> <!-- 1F534 red circle; circle; geometric; red --> <annotation cp="🔴">grote rode cirkel | rood | cirkel</annotation> <annotation cp="🔴" type="tts">rode cirkel</annotation> <!-- 1F535 blue circle; blue; circle; geometric --> <annotation cp="🔵">grote blauwe cirkel | blauw | cirkel</annotation> <annotation cp="🔵" type="tts">blauwe cirkel</annotation> <annotation cp="🛑">achthoekig | bord | verkeersteken | stop</annotation> <annotation cp="🛑" type="tts">stopteken</annotation> <annotation cp="🛒">winkelen | shoppen | wagen | wagentje</annotation> <annotation cp="🛒" type="tts">winkelwagen</annotation> <annotation cp="🛴">step | autoped | steppen</annotation> <annotation cp="🛴" type="tts">step</annotation> <annotation cp="🛵">motor | brommer | scooter</annotation> <annotation cp="🛵" type="tts">scooter</annotation> <annotation cp="🛶">kano | boot</annotation> <annotation cp="🛶" type="tts">kano</annotation> <!-- 0030,20E3 keycap digit zero; 0; keycap; zero --> <annotation cp="0⃣">0 | nul | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="0⃣" type="tts">cijfer nul (toets)</annotation> <!-- 0031,20E3 keycap digit one; 1; keycap; one --> <annotation cp="1⃣">1 | één | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="1⃣" type="tts">cijfer één (toets)</annotation> <!-- 0032,20E3 keycap digit two; 2; keycap; two --> <annotation cp="2⃣">2 | twee | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="2⃣" type="tts">cijfer twee (toets)</annotation> <!-- 0033,20E3 keycap digit three; 3; keycap; three --> <annotation cp="3⃣">3 | drie | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="3⃣" type="tts">cijfer drie (toets)</annotation> <!-- 0034,20E3 keycap digit four; 4; four; keycap --> <annotation cp="4⃣">4 | vier | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="4⃣" type="tts">cijfer vier (toets)</annotation> <!-- 0035,20E3 keycap digit five; 5; five; keycap --> <annotation cp="5⃣">5 | vijf | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="5⃣" type="tts">cijfer vijf (toets)</annotation> <!-- 0036,20E3 keycap digit six; 6; keycap; six --> <annotation cp="6⃣">6 | zes | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="6⃣" type="tts">cijfer zes (toets)</annotation> <!-- 0037,20E3 keycap digit seven; 7; keycap; seven --> <annotation cp="7⃣">7 | zeven | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="7⃣" type="tts">cijfer zeven (toets)</annotation> <!-- 0038,20E3 keycap digit eight; 8; eight; keycap --> <annotation cp="8⃣">8 | acht | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="8⃣" type="tts">cijfer acht (toets)</annotation> <!-- 0039,20E3 keycap digit nine; 9; keycap; nine --> <annotation cp="9⃣">9 | negen | cijfer | toets</annotation> <annotation cp="9⃣" type="tts">cijfer negen (toets)</annotation> </annotations> </ldml>
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