java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package java.text
import java.util.Locale
import locales.LocaleRegistry
import locales.cldr.{LDML, NumberingSystem, Symbols}
object DecimalFormatSymbols {
def getAvailableLocales(): Array[Locale] = Locale.getAvailableLocales
def getInstance(): DecimalFormatSymbols =
def getInstance(locale: Locale): DecimalFormatSymbols =
initialize(locale, new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale))
private def initialize(locale: Locale,
dfs: DecimalFormatSymbols): DecimalFormatSymbols = {
// Find the correct numbering systems for the ldml
def ns(ldml: LDML): NumberingSystem = {
ldml.defaultNS.flatMap { n =>
root.digitSymbols.find(_.ns == n).collect {
case s@Symbols(_, Some(alias), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => alias
case s => n
.map(l => toDFS(locale, dfs, l, ns(l)))
private def toDFS(locale: Locale, dfs: DecimalFormatSymbols, ldml: LDML,
ns: NumberingSystem): DecimalFormatSymbols = {
def parentSymbols(ldml: LDML, ns: NumberingSystem): Option[Symbols] =
.find(_.ns == ns)
.orElse(ldml.parent.flatMap(parentSymbols(_, ns)))
def parentSymbolR[A](ldml: LDML, ns: NumberingSystem,
contains: Symbols => Option[A]): Option[A] =
parentSymbols(ldml, ns).flatMap {
case s @ Symbols(_, Some(alias), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) =>
parentSymbolR(ldml, alias, contains)
case s @ Symbols(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) =>
.orElse(ldml.parent.flatMap(parentSymbolR(_, ns, contains)))
def setSymbol[A](ldml: LDML, ns: NumberingSystem,
contains: Symbols => Option[A], set: A => Unit): Unit =
parentSymbolR(ldml, ns, contains).foreach(set)
// Read the zero from the default numeric system
// Set the components of the decimal format symbol
setSymbol(ldml, ns, _.decimal, dfs.setDecimalSeparator)
setSymbol(ldml, ns,, dfs.setGroupingSeparator)
setSymbol(ldml, ns, _.list, dfs.setPatternSeparator)
setSymbol(ldml, ns, _.percent, dfs.setPercent)
setSymbol(ldml, ns, _.minus, dfs.setMinusSign)
setSymbol(ldml, ns, _.perMille, dfs.setPerMill)
setSymbol(ldml, ns, _.infinity, dfs.setInfinity)
setSymbol(ldml, ns, _.nan, dfs.setNaN)
setSymbol(ldml, ns, _.exp, dfs.setExponentSeparator)
// CLDR fixes the pattern character
class DecimalFormatSymbols(private[this] val locale: Locale)
extends Cloneable {
private[this] var zeroDigit: Char = 0
private[this] var minusSign: Char = 0
private[this] var decimalSeparator: Char = 0
private[this] var groupingSeparator: Char = 0
private[this] var perMill: Char = 0
private[this] var percent: Char = 0
private[this] var digit: Char = 0
private[this] var patternSeparator: Char = 0
private[this] var infinity: String = null
private[this] var nan: String = null
private[this] var exp: String = null
DecimalFormatSymbols.initialize(locale, this)
def this() = this(Locale.getDefault(Locale.Category.FORMAT))
def getZeroDigit(): Char = zeroDigit
def setZeroDigit(zeroDigit: Char): Unit = this.zeroDigit = zeroDigit
def getGroupingSeparator(): Char = groupingSeparator
def setGroupingSeparator(groupingSeparator: Char): Unit =
this.groupingSeparator = groupingSeparator
def getDecimalSeparator(): Char = decimalSeparator
def setDecimalSeparator(decimalSeparator: Char): Unit =
this.decimalSeparator = decimalSeparator
def getPerMill(): Char = perMill
def setPerMill(perMill: Char): Unit = this.perMill = perMill
def getPercent(): Char = percent
def setPercent(percent: Char): Unit = this.percent = percent
def getDigit(): Char = digit
def setDigit(digit: Char): Unit = this.digit = digit
def getPatternSeparator(): Char = patternSeparator
def setPatternSeparator(patternSeparator: Char): Unit =
this.patternSeparator = patternSeparator
def getInfinity(): String = infinity
def setInfinity(infinity: String): Unit = this.infinity = infinity
def getNaN(): String = nan
def setNaN(nan: String): Unit = this.nan = nan
def getMinusSign(): Char = minusSign
def setMinusSign(minusSign: Char): Unit = this.minusSign = minusSign
// TODO Implement currency methods
//def getCurrencySymbol(): String
//def setCurrencySymbol(currency: String): Unit
//def getInternationalCurrencySymbol(): String
//def setInternationalCurrencySymbol(currency: String): Unit
//def getCurrency(): Currency
//def setCurrency(currency: Currency): Unit
//def getMonetaryDecimalSeparator(): Char
//def setMonetaryDecimalSeparator(sep: Char): Unit
def getExponentSeparator(): String = if (exp != null) exp else ""
def setExponentSeparator(sep: String): Unit = {
if (sep == null)
throw new NullPointerException()
this.exp = sep
override def clone(): AnyRef =
new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale)
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean =
obj match {
case d: DecimalFormatSymbols =>
d.getZeroDigit == getZeroDigit &&
d.getGroupingSeparator == getGroupingSeparator &&
d.getDecimalSeparator == getDecimalSeparator &&
d.getPerMill == getPerMill &&
d.getPercent == getPercent &&
d.getDigit == getDigit &&
d.getPatternSeparator == getPatternSeparator &&
d.getInfinity == getInfinity &&
d.getNaN == getNaN &&
d.getMinusSign == getMinusSign &&
d.getExponentSeparator == getExponentSeparator
case _ => false
// Oddly the JVM seems to always return the same value
// it breaks the hashCode contract
override def hashCode(): Int = {
val prime = 31
var result = 1
result = prime * result + getZeroDigit().hashCode()
result = prime * result + getGroupingSeparator().hashCode()
result = prime * result + getDecimalSeparator().hashCode()
result = prime * result + getPerMill().hashCode()
result = prime * result + getPercent().hashCode()
result = prime * result + getDigit().hashCode()
result = prime * result + getPatternSeparator().hashCode()
result = prime * result + (if (getInfinity() != null) getInfinity().##
else 0)
result = prime * result + (if (getNaN() != null) getNaN().hashCode() else 0)
result = prime * result + getMinusSign().hashCode()
result = prime * result + getExponentSeparator().hashCode()
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