com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.LmlSyntax Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.czyzby.lml.parser;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap;
import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlActorBuilder;
import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlAttribute;
import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlBuildingAttribute;
import com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.tag.LmlTagProvider;
/** Contains markers and signs parsed using in LML templates and parsed by LML parsers.
* @author MJ
* @see com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.impl.DefaultLmlSyntax */
public interface LmlSyntax {
/** @return character that opens LML tag, starting a new entity. Defaults to '{@literal <}'d. For example:
* <tag>
char getTagOpening();
/** @return character that closes LML tag, ending an entity. Defaults to '{@literal >}'. For example:
* <tag>
char getTagClosing();
/** @return character that indicates that the tag is closed. Defaults to '/'. If appears at the end of the tag, the
* entity is considered a "child". If appears at the beginning of a tag, the tag - along with its unclosed
* pair tag - is considered "parental". For example:
* <parent>
* <child/>
* This line is processed by parent.
* <nestedParent> This text will be processed
* by nested parent. </nestedParent>
* </parent>
In this example, child widget and nestedParent widget will be appended to parent widget
* (which decides how he manages them; if parent was a Table, for example, it might just add them as their
* cells). Parental entities decide how plain text and other tags between them are parsed. The "nearest"
* parent in the hierarchy parses the text and other widgets. */
char getClosedTagMarker();
/** @return character that follows tag opening and indicated that this tag is a comment. Defaults to '!'. For
* example:
* <! This is a comment ->
* <!-- This is also a comment -->
char getCommentOpening();
/** @return character that follows tag opening and proceeds tag closing, indicating that the tag is a schema
* comment. Defaults to '?'. This might be useful if to keep your templates as valid XML files and you want
* to specify encoding, version (and so on) with a valid XML schema comment. Most parsers will treat allow
* to mix both schema comment and regular comment openings and closings. For example:
* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
char getSchemaCommentMarker();
/** @return character that proceeds tag closing and indicated that this tag was a comment and now should be ended.
* Defaults to '-'. For example:
* <! This is a comment ->
* <!-- This is also a comment -->
char getCommentClosing();
/** @return value that begins DTD schema comment. Defaults to "DOCTYPE". When this value is detected at the
* beginning of a comment (started with !), parser treats it differently. For example:
* <!DOCTYPE table SYSTEM "lml.dtd">
String getDocumentTypeOpening();
/** @return character that indicates that the following text is an ID of LML parser argument. Defaults to '{'. For
* example:
* { name }
This will look for argument mapped to "name" key, convert it to string and replace the
* argument entity in the template with the string value. Note that whitespaces are optional and trimmed. */
char getArgumentOpening();
/** @return character that indicates that the following text is an ID of LML parser argument. Defaults to '}'. For
* example:
* { name }
This will look for argument mapped to "name" key, convert it to string and replace the
* argument entity in the template with the string value. Note that whitespaces are optional and trimmed. */
char getArgumentClosing();
/** @return character following tag opening that indicates that this tag should be parsed as a macro, not an actor.
* Defaults to ':'. For example:
* <:macro>...</:macro>
char getMacroMarker();
/** @return character that separates ID of a container from ID of a value stored in the container. This applies to
* preferences, bundles, etc. Defaults to '.'. For example:
* @bundleKey.textKey
* #preferencesKey.settingKey
The first line will look for i18n bundle mapped to "bundleKey" and retrieve value mapped to
* "textKey". The second line will look for preferences mapped to "peferencesKey" and retrieve current
* preference mapped to "settingKey". */
char getIdSeparatorMarker();
/** @return character that indicates that the following text is a key of a preference and should be replaced by the
* preference value converted to string. Defaults to '#'. For example:
* <label>#volume</label>
* <checkBox value=#soundPreferences.soundOn />
The first value will look for default preferences (mapped to default ID) and look for
* "volume" preference. The second value will look for preferences mapped to "soundPreferences" key and look
* for "soundOn" preference. */
char getPreferenceMarker();
/** @return character that indicates that the following text is a key of a i18n bundle line and should be replaced
* by the formatted bundle key. Defaults to '@'. For example:
* <label>@line</label>
* <label>@bundle.line</label>
First label's text will be value mapped to "line" in the default i18n bundle. The second
* will match value mapped to "line" in a bundle mapped to "bundle" key.
* @see #getBundleLineArgumentMarker() */
char getBundleLineMarker();
/** @return character inside a bundle text that separates bundle line key from its arguments. Defaults to '|'.
* Multiple markers can be used to pass multiple arguments to the line. Each argument is parsed as any other
* value, so can be a separate bundle line (without arguments!), preference or method invocation. For
* example:
* @line|MJ|9
* @bundle.line|@otherLine|#somePreference
The first line will look for the default bundle and format value mapped to "line" key with
* "MJ" and "9" arguments. The second line will look for bundle mapped to "bundle" key and format value
* mapped to "line" key with formatted "otherLine" bundle line from default bundle and value of
* "somePreference" from default preferences.
* @see #getBundleLineMarker() */
char getBundleLineArgumentMarker();
/** @return character that separates tag attribute names from their values. Defaults to '='. For example:
* <tag attribute="value"/>
Note parsers, by default, consider quotations as optional and spaces have to be escaped
* with a backslash in tags. */
char getAttributeSeparator();
/** @return character that indicates that the following text is an ID of a method that should be invoked and its
* result will should be returned. Defaults to '$'. For example:
* <label>$someMethod<label/>
Label's text will be the result of LML action mapped with "someMethod" (which might actually
* be a method named "someMethod"). Note that attributes expecting ONLY methods - like, for example,
* attributes that create listeners - do not need to be proceeded with this marker. */
char getMethodInvocationMarker();
/** @return character that separates elements in an array type. Some tags (like iteration macros) expect an array of
* arguments and this character allows to split the string into separate array elements. Defaults to ';'.
* For example:
* <:forEach elem=val1;val2;val3> <label>{elem}</label> </:forEach>.
This macro will iterate over array consisting of "val1", "val2" and "val3", assigning each
* element to "elem" argument and parsing its content. As a result, it will produce three labels with their
* texts matching, as you might guess, "val1", "val2" and "val3". */
char getArrayElementSeparator();
/** @return character that starts range array. Defaults to '['. Range array is useful for printing multiple values
* that vary only by an index number that they end with. This might not seem so useful at first, but it
* might be used in conjunction with i18n bundles for long texts. For example:
* <:forEach elem=line[0,2]> <label>@{elem}</label> </:forEach>.
This macro will iterate over array consisting of "line0", "line1" and "val2", assigning
* each element to "elem" argument and parsing its content. As a result, it will produce three labels with
* their texts formatted with default i18n bundle, matching "line0", "line1" and "line2" bundle line
* keys. */
char getRangeArrayOpening();
/** @return character that separates ranges' starting and ending values. Defaults to ','. Range array is useful for
* printing multiple values that vary only by an index number that they end with. This might not seem so
* useful at first, but it might be used in conjunction with i18n bundles for long texts. For example:
* <:forEach elem=line[0,2]> <label>@{elem}</label> </:forEach>.
This macro will iterate over array consisting of "line0", "line1" and "val2", assigning
* each element to "elem" argument and parsing its content. As a result, it will produce three labels with
* their texts formatted with default i18n bundle, matching "line0", "line1" and "line2" bundle line
* keys. */
char getRangeArraySeparator();
/** @return character that ends range array. Defaults to ']'. Range array is useful for printing multiple values
* that vary only by an index number that they end with. This might not seem so useful at first, but it
* might be used in conjunction with i18n bundles for long texts. For example:
* <:forEach elem=line[0,2]> <label>@{elem}</label> </:forEach>.
This macro will iterate over array consisting of "line0", "line1" and "val2", assigning
* each element to "elem" argument and parsing its content. As a result, it will produce three labels with
* their texts formatted with default i18n bundle, matching "line0", "line1" and "line2" bundle line
* keys. */
char getRangeArrayClosing();
/** @return character that marks that selected block should be evaluated as an equation rather than regular
* argument. Defaults to '='. Changes the way argument is parsed. For example:
* {=4+5}
Rather than looking for argument named "=4+5", this block will evaluate to "9". Equations
* can also handle preferences, actions and bundle lines. For example:
* # Given .properties i18n bundle file with line:
* player=Player
* # ...this equation:
* {={@literal @}player + 1}
* # ...evaluates to:
* Player1
See {@link com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.impl.tag.macro.CalculationLmlMacroTag calculation
* macro docs} for more informations about equations. */
char getEquationMarker();
/** @return character that marks that selected block should be evaluated as condition (similar to ternary operator)
* rather than regular argument. Defaults to '?'. Changes the way argument is parsed. For example:
* {?4>6 ? onTrue : onFalse}
Rather than looking for argument named "?(4>6) onTrue : onFalse", this argument would
* evaluate condition (4 is lower than 6 - false), and print "onFalse". See
* {@link com.github.czyzby.lml.parser.impl.tag.macro.CalculationLmlMacroTag calculation macro docs} for
* more informations about equations. */
char getConditionMarker();
/** @return character that separates true and false values in conditions. Defaults to ':'.
* @see #getConditionMarker() */
char getTernaryMarker();
/** @return current LML style sheet files syntax. */
LssSyntax getLssSyntax();
/** @param tagName name of the tag as it appears in LML template.
* @return provider of tags associated with the selected name. Might be null, if tag was not registered.
* @see #getMacroTagProvider(String) */
LmlTagProvider getTagProvider(String tagName);
/** @param provider provides tag wrappers for selected tag names.
* @param supportedTagNames name of the tags supported by the provider as they can appear in LML templates. */
void addTagProvider(LmlTagProvider provider, String... supportedTagNames);
/** @param tagName tag wrapper provider registered with this name will be removed. */
void removeTagProvider(String tagName);
/** @param tagName name of the macro tag with stripped marker as it appears in LML template.
* @return provider of macro tags associated with the selected name. Might be null, if tag was not registered.
* @see #getTagProvider(String) */
LmlTagProvider getMacroTagProvider(String tagName);
/** @param provider provides macro tag wrappers for selected tag names.
* @param supportedTagNames name of the macro tags with stripped markers supported by the provider as they can
* appear in LML templates. */
void addMacroTagProvider(LmlTagProvider provider, String... supportedTagNames);
/** @param tagName macro tag wrapper provider registered with this name will be removed. */
void removeMacroTagProvider(String tagName);
/** @param forActor actor that needs to parse an attribute. Cannot be null.
* @param attributeName name of the attribute to parse.
* @return attribute processor connected with the selected attribute name and actor's class or null.
* @param type of actor accepted by the processor. */
LmlAttribute getAttributeProcessor(Actor forActor, String attributeName);
/** @param forActorType type of actor that needs to parse an attribute. Cannot be null.
* @param attributeName name of the attribute to parse.
* @return attribute processor connected with the selected attribute name and actor's class or null.
* @param type of actor accepted by the processor. */
LmlAttribute getAttributeProcessor(Class forActorType, String attributeName);
/** @param attributeProcessor will be registered under passed names for the handled actor class type.
* @param names names under which the attribute should be registered.
* @param type of actor accepted by the processor. */
void addAttributeProcessor(LmlAttribute attributeProcessor, String... names);
/** @param name attribute processor registered with this name will be removed.
* @param handledActorType removed attribute processor must handle this exact base actor type. */
void removeAttributeProcessor(String name, Class> handledActorType);
/** @param builder will be used by the attribute processor. Cannot be null.
* @param attributeName name of the attribute to parse.
* @return attribute processor connected with the selected attribute name and actor's class or null.
* @param type of handled builder. */
LmlBuildingAttribute getBuildingAttributeProcessor(Builder builder,
String attributeName);
/** @param buildingAttributeProcessor will be registered under passed names for the handled actor class type.
* @param names names under which the attribute should be registered.
* @param type of handled builder. */
void addBuildingAttributeProcessor(
LmlBuildingAttribute buildingAttributeProcessor, String... names);
/** @param name building attribute processor registered with this name will be removed.
* @param handledActorType removed building attribute processor must handle this exact base actor type. */
void removeBuildingAttributeProcessor(String name, Class> handledActorType);
/** @param actor an instance of LML actor.
* @return all attributes that can be applied to this actor. This is a debug method. */
ObjectMap> getAttributesForActor(Object actor);
/** @param builder builder of a LML actor.
* @return all attributes that can be applied to this builder. This is a debug method. */
ObjectMap> getAttributesForBuilder(LmlActorBuilder builder);
/** @return all actor tags available in this syntax. Should not be modified manually. Might return a copy of tags
* instead of the internal collection. This is a debug method. */
ObjectMap getTags();
/** @return all macro tags available in this syntax. Should not be modified manually. Might return a copy of tags
* instead of the internal collection. This is a debug method. */
ObjectMap getMacroTags();
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