dk.bayes.math.gaussian.Gaussian.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package dk.bayes.math.gaussian
import scala.math._
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution
import Gaussian._
import dk.bayes.math.linear._
import breeze.stats.distributions.RandBasis
import breeze.stats.distributions.ThreadLocalRandomGenerator
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.MersenneTwister
import dk.bayes.math.numericops.NumericOps
import dk.bayes.math.gaussian.canonical.CanonicalGaussian
import dk.bayes.math.gaussian.canonical.DenseCanonicalGaussian
* Univariate Gaussian Distribution.
* @author Daniel Korzekwa
* @param m Mean
* @param v Variance
case class Gaussian(m: Double, v: Double) extends NumericOps[Gaussian] {
require(!m.isNaN(), "Gaussian mean is NaN")
require(!v.isNaN(), "Gaussian variance is NaN")
private val minPrecision = 1e-7
def draw(randSeed: Int): Double = {
val randBasis = new RandBasis(new ThreadLocalRandomGenerator(new MersenneTwister(randSeed)))
breeze.stats.distributions.Gaussian(m, sqrt(v))(randBasis).draw()
def draw(): Double = {
breeze.stats.distributions.Gaussian(m, sqrt(v)).draw()
def +(x: Double): Gaussian = Gaussian(m + x, v)
def -(x: Double): Gaussian = Gaussian(m - x, v)
def *(x: Double): Gaussian = Gaussian(x * m, pow(x, 2) * v)
def pdf(x: Double): Double = Gaussian.pdf(x, m, v)
def cdf(x: Double) = Gaussian.cdf(x, m, v)
def invcdf(x: Double) = Gaussian.invcdf(x, m, v)
* Returns upper/lower tail gaussian truncation.
* @param x The value, at which gaussian is truncated
* @param upperTail If true then upper tail truncation is returned, otherwise the lower tail is returned
def truncate(x: Double, upperTail: Boolean): Gaussian = {
if (v.isPosInfinity) return this
val sd = sqrt(v)
val truncatedGaussian = upperTail match {
case true => {
def lambda(alpha: Double): Double = stdPdf(alpha) / (1 - stdCdf(alpha))
def delta(alpha: Double, lambdaValue: Double): Double = lambdaValue * (lambdaValue - alpha)
val alpha = (x - m) / sd
val lambdaValue = lambda(alpha)
val truncatedMean = m + sd * lambdaValue
val truncatedVariance = v * (1 - delta(alpha, lambdaValue))
if (!truncatedMean.isInfinity)
Gaussian(truncatedMean, truncatedVariance)
else Gaussian(0, Double.PositiveInfinity)
case false => {
val beta = (x - m) / sd
val pdfVal = stdPdf(beta)
val cdfVal = stdCdf(beta)
val truncatedMean = m - sd * (pdfVal / cdfVal)
val truncatedVariance = v * (1 - beta * (pdfVal / cdfVal) - pow(pdfVal / cdfVal, 2))
if (!truncatedMean.isInfinity)
Gaussian(truncatedMean, truncatedVariance)
else Gaussian(0, Double.PositiveInfinity)
def *(linearGaussian: LinearGaussian): MultivariateGaussian = {
val m = Matrix(this.m, linearGaussian.a * this.m + linearGaussian.b)
val R = Matrix.zeros(2, 2)
R.set(0, 0, 1 / this.v + pow(linearGaussian.a, 2) * (1 / linearGaussian.v))
R.set(0, 1, -linearGaussian.a * (1 / linearGaussian.v))
R.set(1, 0, (-1 / linearGaussian.v) * linearGaussian.a)
R.set(1, 1, 1 / linearGaussian.v)
val v = R.inv
MultivariateGaussian(m, v)
* Gaussian distribution of Z = XY, where X and Y are independent normal random variables
def productXY(gaussian: Gaussian): Gaussian = {
val productM = m * gaussian.m
val productVar = pow(gaussian.m, 2) * v + (pow(m, 2) + v) * gaussian.v
Gaussian(productM, productVar)
* P.A. Bromiley. Products and Convolutions of Gaussian Distributions, 2003
def +(gaussian: Gaussian): Gaussian = {
val newM = m + gaussian.m
val newV = v + gaussian.v
Gaussian(newM, newV)
def -(gaussian: Gaussian): Gaussian = this + gaussian.copy(m = -gaussian.m)
* Returns the derivative value of Gaussian with respect to mean, evaluated at the value of x.
def derivativeM(x: Double): Double = pdf(x) * (x - m) / v
* Returns the derivative value of Gaussian with respect to variance, evaluated at the value of x.
def derivativeV(x: Double): Double = pdf(x) * (1d / (2 * v * v) * (x - m) * (x - m) - 1d / (2 * v))
* Converts Gaussian to Canonical Gaussian.
def toCanonical(): DenseCanonicalGaussian = DenseCanonicalGaussian(m, v)
object Gaussian extends GaussianNumericOps {
private val standardNormal = new NormalDistribution(0, 1)
* Returns the value of probability density function of the normal distribution.
* @param x The pdf function is evaluated at the value of x
* @param m Mean
* @param v Variance
def pdf(x: Double, m: Double, v: Double) = normConstant(v) * exp(-pow(x - m, 2) / (2 * v))
* Returns the normalisation constant of the Gaussian distribution.
* @param v Variance
def normConstant(v: Double): Double = 1 / sqrt(2 * Pi * v)
* Returns the value of probability density function of the standard normal distribution.
def stdPdf(x: Double): Double = pdf(x, 0, 1)
* Returns the value of cumulative distribution function
* @param x The cdf function is evaluated at the value of x
* @param m Mean
* @param v Variance
def cdf(x: Double, m: Double, v: Double): Double = new NormalDistribution(m, sqrt(v)).cumulativeProbability(x)
* Returns the value of inverse cumulative distribution function (quantile function)
* @param x The cdf function is evaluated at the value of x
* @param m Mean
* @param v Variance
def invcdf(x: Double, m: Double, v: Double): Double = new NormalDistribution(m, sqrt(v)).inverseCumulativeProbability(x)
* Returns the value of cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution.
def stdCdf(x: Double): Double = standardNormal.cumulativeProbability(x)
* Returns the value of inverse cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution.
def stdInvCdf(x: Double): Double = standardNormal.inverseCumulativeProbability(x)
* Projects histogram to Gaussian distribution by matching the mean and variance moments.
def projHistogram(values: Seq[Double], probs: Seq[Double]): Gaussian = {
require(values.size == probs.size, "Number of values is not equal to number of probabilities")
val Z = probs.sum
require(Z > 0, "Sum of probabilities is zero")
val m = { case (v, p) => v * p }.sum / Z
val mm = { case (v, p) => v * v * p }.sum / Z
Gaussian(m, mm - m * m)