darwin.util.math.base.Quaternion Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2012 daniel
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a clone of the GNU General Public License
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package darwin.util.math.base;
import darwin.util.math.base.matrix.Matrix4;
import darwin.util.math.base.vector.*;
import static java.lang.Math.*;
** @author Daniel Heinrich
public class Quaternion implements Cloneable
private float w;
private ImmutableVector vec;
public Quaternion()
w = 1;
vec = new Vector3();
public Quaternion(float w, ImmutableVector vec)
this.w = w;
this.vec = vec.clone().normalize();
* initializes a Quaternion with a rotation axis and rotation angle.
* @param xyz rotation vektor
* @param phi rotation angle in GRAD
public void setAxisAngle(ImmutableVector xyz, float phi)
ini(xyz, phi * Matrix4.GRAD2RAD);
* initializes a Quaternion with spherical rotation angles
* @param latitude
* @param longitude
* @param angle
public void setSphericalAngles(double latitude, double longitude,
double angle)
angle *= Matrix4.GRAD2RAD;
double sin_a = sin(angle / 2);
double cos_a = cos(angle / 2);
double sin_lat = sin(latitude);
double cos_lat = cos(latitude);
double sin_long = sin(longitude);
double cos_long = cos(longitude);
double x = sin_a * cos_lat * sin_long;
double y = sin_a * sin_lat;
double z = sin_a * sin_lat * cos_long;
vec = new Vector3((float) x, (float) y, (float) z).normalize();
w = (float) cos_a;
* initializes the quaternion wiht Eular Angles
* @param pitch X axis angle in GRAD
* @param yaw Y axis angle in GRAD
* @param roll Z axis angle in GRAD
public void setEularAngles(double pitch, double yaw, double roll)
//from http://etclab.mie.utoronto.ca/people/david_dir/GEMS/GEMS.html
double pi = pitch * Matrix4.GRAD2RAD;
double ya = yaw * Matrix4.GRAD2RAD;
double ro = roll * Matrix4.GRAD2RAD;
double sinPitch = sin(pi * 0.5);
double cosPitch = cos(pi * 0.5F);
double sinYaw = sin(ya * 0.5F);
double cosYaw = cos(ya * 0.5F);
double sinRoll = sin(ro * 0.5F);
double cosRoll = cos(ro * 0.5F);
double cosPitchCosYaw = cosPitch * cosYaw;
double sinPitchSinYaw = sinPitch * sinYaw;
double x = sinRoll * cosPitchCosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitchSinYaw;
double y = cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw;
double z = cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw;
vec = new Vector3((float) x, (float) y, (float) z).normalize();
w = (float) (cosRoll * cosPitchCosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitchSinYaw);
* initializes a Quaternion which maps a Vector on another.
* @param old Source Vector which gets mapped.
* @param map2 Destination Vector which the source Vector gets mapped to.
public void mapVector(ImmutableVector old, ImmutableVector map2)
Vector3 o = old.clone().normalize();
Vector3 m = map2.clone().normalize();
float p = (float) acos(o.dot(m));
ini(o.cross(m), p);
private void ini(ImmutableVector axis, float angle)
float[] c = axis.clone().normalize().getCoords();
float half = angle * 0.5f;
float sin_a = (float) sin(half);
float x = c[0] * sin_a;
float y = c[1] * sin_a;
float z = c[2] * sin_a;
vec = new Vector3(x, y, z);
w = (float) cos(half);
public Quaternion conjugate()
return new Quaternion(w, vec.clone().mul(-1));
public float magnitute()
return (float) sqrt(magnituteSqr());//normaly conjungate . quaternion, but shortened version
public float magnituteSqr()
return vec.dot(vec) + w * w;//normaly conjungate . quaternion, but shortened version
public Quaternion normalize()
float mag = 1f / magnitute();
return mult(mag);
public Quaternion inverse()
return conjugate();
// return res.mul(1. / magnituteSqr(), res);
public Quaternion mult(float a)
return new Quaternion(w * a, vec.clone().mul(a));
public Quaternion mult(Quaternion q)
float[] q1 = vec.getCoords();
float[] q2 = q.vec.getCoords();
float ww = w * q.w - q1[0] * q.w - q1[1] * q2[1] - q1[2] * q2[2];
float x = w * q2[0] + q1[0] * q.w + q1[1] * q2[2] - q1[2] * q2[1];
float y = w * q2[1] + q1[1] * q.w + q1[2] * q2[0] - q1[0] * q2[2];
float z = w * q2[2] + q1[2] * q.w + q1[0] * q2[1] - q1[1] * q2[0];
return new Quaternion(ww, new Vector3(x, y, z));
public Vector3 mult(Vector3 a)
Quaternion b = new Quaternion(0, a);
return mult(b).mult(inverse()).vec.clone();
public Quaternion getInterpolated(float delta)
Quaternion res = clone();
Vector3 a = res.getRotationAxis();
float phi = res.getPhi();
res.ini(a, phi * delta);
return res;
public float getPhi()
return (float) (acos(w) * 2);
public Vector3 getRotationAxis()
Quaternion q = normalize();
double sin_a = sqrt(1. - w * w);
if (abs(sin_a) < 0.0005) {
sin_a = 1;
return q.vec.clone().mul((float) (1. / sin_a));
public Matrix4 getRotationMatrix()
Matrix4 res = new Matrix4();
float[] mat = res.getArray();
float negw = -w;
float[] co = vec.getCoords();
float xx = co[0] * co[0];
float xy = co[0] * co[2];
float xz = co[0] * co[1];
float xw = co[0] * negw;
float yy = co[1] * co[2];
float yz = co[1] * co[2];
float yw = co[1] * negw;
float zz = co[2] * co[2];
float zw = co[2] * negw;
mat[0] = (1f - 2f * (yy + zz));
mat[1] = (2f * (xy - zw));
mat[2] = (2f * (xz + yw));
mat[4] = (2f * (xy + zw));
mat[5] = (1f - 2f * (xx + zz));
mat[6] = (2f * (yz - xw));
mat[8] = (2f * (xz - yw));
mat[9] = (2f * (yz + xw));
mat[10] = (1f - 2f * (xx + yy));
mat[15] = 1f;
return res;
protected Quaternion clone()
return new Quaternion(w, vec);
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final Quaternion other = (Quaternion) obj;
if (this.w != other.w) {
return false;
if (this.vec != other.vec && (this.vec == null || !this.vec.equals(
other.vec))) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode()
int hash = 5;
hash =
37 * hash + (int) (Double.doubleToLongBits(this.w) ^ (Double.doubleToLongBits(this.w) >>> 32));
hash = 37 * hash + (this.vec != null ? this.vec.hashCode() : 0);
return hash;
public String toString()
return "Quaternion( Phi: " + getPhi() * Matrix4.RAD2GRAD + "°, " + getRotationAxis() + ')';
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