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javastrava.api.SegmentAPI Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package javastrava.api;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;

import javastrava.api.async.StravaAPICallback;
import javastrava.model.StravaAthlete;
import javastrava.model.StravaSegment;
import javastrava.model.StravaSegmentEffort;
import javastrava.model.StravaSegmentExplorerResponse;
import javastrava.model.StravaSegmentLeaderboard;
import javastrava.model.reference.StravaAgeGroup;
import javastrava.model.reference.StravaClimbCategory;
import javastrava.model.reference.StravaGender;
import javastrava.model.reference.StravaLeaderboardDateRange;
import javastrava.model.reference.StravaResourceState;
import javastrava.model.reference.StravaSegmentExplorerActivityType;
import javastrava.model.reference.StravaWeightClass;
import javastrava.service.SegmentService;
import javastrava.service.exception.BadRequestException;
import javastrava.service.exception.NotFoundException;
import javastrava.service.exception.UnauthorizedException;
import javastrava.util.Paging;
import retrofit.client.Response;
import retrofit.http.GET;
import retrofit.http.PUT;
import retrofit.http.Path;
import retrofit.http.Query;


* API definitions for the {@link SegmentService} Strava endpoints *

* * @author Dan Shannon * */ public interface SegmentAPI { /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#getSegment(java.lang.Integer) * * @param segmentId * The unique identifier of the segment * @return The Segment * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id does not exist */ @GET("/segments/{id}") public StravaSegment getSegment(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId) throws NotFoundException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#getSegment(java.lang.Integer) * * @param segmentId * The unique identifier of the segment * @param callback * The callback to execute on completion * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id does not exist */ @GET("/segments/{id}") public void getSegment(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId, final StravaAPICallback callback) throws NotFoundException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#getSegmentLeaderboard(Integer, StravaGender, StravaAgeGroup, StravaWeightClass, Boolean, Integer, StravaLeaderboardDateRange, * javastrava.util.Paging, Integer) * * @param segmentId * Segment identifier * @param gender * (Optional) Gender to filter the leaderboard by * @param ageGroup * (Optional) Age group to filter the leaderboard by * @param weightClass * (Optional) Weight class to filter the leaderboard by * @param following * (Optional) If true then filter leaderboard by athletes the authenticated athlete is following * @param clubId * (Optional) Club to filter the leaderboard by * @param dateRange * (Optional) Date range (this year, this month etc.) to filter the leaderboard by * @param page * (Optional) Page number to return (default is 1) * @param perPage * (Optional) Page size to return (default is 50) * @param contextEntries * (Optional) Number of context entries to return either side of the authenticated athlete (default is 2, maximum is 15) * @return A Strava leaderboard * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id doesn't exist * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/segments/{id}/leaderboard") public StravaSegmentLeaderboard getSegmentLeaderboard(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId, @Query("gender") final StravaGender gender, @Query("age_group") final StravaAgeGroup ageGroup, @Query("weight_class") final StravaWeightClass weightClass, @Query("following") final Boolean following, @Query("club_id") final Integer clubId, @Query("date_range") final StravaLeaderboardDateRange dateRange, @Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage, @Query("context_entries") final Integer contextEntries) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#getSegmentLeaderboard(Integer, StravaGender, StravaAgeGroup, StravaWeightClass, Boolean, Integer, StravaLeaderboardDateRange, * javastrava.util.Paging, Integer) * * @param segmentId * Segment identifier * @param gender * (Optional) Gender to filter the leaderboard by * @param ageGroup * (Optional) Age group to filter the leaderboard by * @param weightClass * (Optional) Weight class to filter the leaderboard by * @param following * (Optional) If true then filter leaderboard by athletes the authenticated athlete is following * @param clubId * (Optional) Club to filter the leaderboard by * @param dateRange * (Optional) Date range (this year, this month etc.) to filter the leaderboard by * @param page * (Optional) Page number to return (default is 1) * @param perPage * (Optional) Page size to return (default is 50) * @param contextEntries * (Optional) Number of context entries to return either side of the authenticated athlete (default is 2, maximum is 15) * @param callback * The callback to execute on completion * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id doesn't exist * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/segments/{id}/leaderboard") public void getSegmentLeaderboard(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId, @Query("gender") final StravaGender gender, @Query("age_group") final StravaAgeGroup ageGroup, @Query("weight_class") final StravaWeightClass weightClass, @Query("following") final Boolean following, @Query("club_id") final Integer clubId, @Query("date_range") final StravaLeaderboardDateRange dateRange, @Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage, @Query("context_entries") final Integer contextEntries, final StravaAPICallback callback) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#getSegmentLeaderboard(Integer, StravaGender, StravaAgeGroup, StravaWeightClass, Boolean, Integer, StravaLeaderboardDateRange, * javastrava.util.Paging, Integer) * * @param segmentId * Segment identifier * @param gender * (Optional) Gender to filter the leaderboard by * @param ageGroup * (Optional) Age group to filter the leaderboard by * @param weightClass * (Optional) Weight class to filter the leaderboard by * @param following * (Optional) If true then filter leaderboard by athletes the authenticated athlete is following * @param clubId * (Optional) Club to filter the leaderboard by * @param dateRange * (Optional) Date range (this year, this month etc.) to filter the leaderboard by * @param page * (Optional) Page number to return (default is 1) * @param perPage * (Optional) Page size to return (default is 50) * @param contextEntries * (Optional) Number of context entries to return either side of the authenticated athlete (default is 2, maximum is 15) * @return A Strava leaderboard * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id doesn't exist * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/segments/{id}/leaderboard") public Response getSegmentLeaderboardRaw(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId, @Query("gender") final StravaGender gender, @Query("age_group") final StravaAgeGroup ageGroup, @Query("weight_class") final StravaWeightClass weightClass, @Query("following") final Boolean following, @Query("club_id") final Integer clubId, @Query("date_range") final StravaLeaderboardDateRange dateRange, @Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage, @Query("context_entries") final Integer contextEntries) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#getSegment(java.lang.Integer) * * @param segmentId * The unique identifier of the segment * @return The Segment * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id does not exist */ @GET("/segments/{id}") public Response getSegmentRaw(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId) throws NotFoundException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#listAuthenticatedAthleteStarredSegments(javastrava.util.Paging) * * @param page * (optional) Page number to be returned * @param perPage * (optional) Number of entries to return per page * @return An array of segments * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/segments/starred") public StravaSegment[] listAuthenticatedAthleteStarredSegments(@Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage) throws BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#listAuthenticatedAthleteStarredSegments(javastrava.util.Paging) * * @param page * (optional) Page number to be returned * @param perPage * (optional) Number of entries to return per page * @param callback * The callback to execute on completion * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/segments/starred") public void listAuthenticatedAthleteStarredSegments(@Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage, final StravaAPICallback callback) throws BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#listAuthenticatedAthleteStarredSegments(javastrava.util.Paging) * * @param page * (optional) Page number to be returned * @param perPage * (optional) Number of entries to return per page * @return An array of segments * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/segments/starred") public Response listAuthenticatedAthleteStarredSegmentsRaw(@Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage) throws BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#listSegmentEfforts(Integer, Integer, LocalDateTime, LocalDateTime, javastrava.util.Paging) * * @param segmentId * The id of the {@link StravaSegment} for which {@link StravaSegmentEffort segment efforts} are to be returned * @param athleteId * (Optional) id of the {@link StravaAthlete} to filter results by * @param start * (Optional) ISO 8601 formatted date time * @param end * (Optional) ISO 8601 formatted date time * @return Returns an array of {@link StravaSegmentEffort segment effort} summary {@link StravaResourceState representations} sorted by start_date_local ascending or by elapsed_time if an * athlete_id is provided. * @param page * (optional) Page number to be returned * @param perPage * (optional) Number of entries to return per page * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id doesn't exist * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/segments/{id}/all_efforts") public StravaSegmentEffort[] listSegmentEfforts(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId, @Query("athlete_id") final Integer athleteId, @Query("start_date_local") final String start, @Query("end_date_local") final String end, @Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#listSegmentEfforts(Integer, Integer, LocalDateTime, LocalDateTime, javastrava.util.Paging) * * @param segmentId * The id of the {@link StravaSegment} for which {@link StravaSegmentEffort segment efforts} are to be returned * @param athleteId * (Optional) id of the {@link StravaAthlete} to filter results by * @param start * (Optional) ISO 8601 formatted date time * @param end * (Optional) ISO 8601 formatted date time * @param page * (optional) Page number to be returned * @param perPage * (optional) Number of entries to return per page * @param callback * The callback to execute on completion * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id doesn't exist * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/segments/{id}/all_efforts") public void listSegmentEfforts(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId, @Query("athlete_id") final Integer athleteId, @Query("start_date_local") final String start, @Query("end_date_local") final String end, @Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage, final StravaAPICallback callback) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#listSegmentEfforts(Integer, Integer, LocalDateTime, LocalDateTime, javastrava.util.Paging) * * @param segmentId * The id of the {@link StravaSegment} for which {@link StravaSegmentEffort segment efforts} are to be returned * @param athleteId * (Optional) id of the {@link StravaAthlete} to filter results by * @param start * (Optional) ISO 8601 formatted date time * @param end * (Optional) ISO 8601 formatted date time * @return Returns an array of {@link StravaSegmentEffort segment effort} summary {@link StravaResourceState representations} sorted by start_date_local ascending or by elapsed_time if an * athlete_id is provided. * @param page * (optional) Page number to be returned * @param perPage * (optional) Number of entries to return per page * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id doesn't exist * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/segments/{id}/all_efforts") public Response listSegmentEffortsRaw(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId, @Query("athlete_id") final Integer athleteId, @Query("start_date_local") final String start, @Query("end_date_local") final String end, @Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#listStarredSegments(java.lang.Integer, Paging) * * @param athleteId * The id of the athlete whose starred segments are to be retrieved * @param page * (optional) Page number to be returned * @param perPage * (optional) Number of entries to return per page * @return An array of segments * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id does not exist * @throws UnauthorizedException * If there is a security or privacy violation * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/athletes/{id}/segments/starred") public StravaSegment[] listStarredSegments(@Path("id") final Integer athleteId, @Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#listStarredSegments(java.lang.Integer, Paging) * * @param athleteId * The id of the athlete whose starred segments are to be retrieved * @param page * (optional) Page number to be returned * @param perPage * (optional) Number of entries to return per page * @param callback * The callback to execute on completion * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id does not exist * @throws UnauthorizedException * If there is a security or privacy violation * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/athletes/{id}/segments/starred") public void listStarredSegments(@Path("id") final Integer athleteId, @Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage, final StravaAPICallback callback) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#listStarredSegments(java.lang.Integer, Paging) * * @param athleteId * The id of the athlete whose starred segments are to be retrieved * @param page * (optional) Page number to be returned * @param perPage * (optional) Number of entries to return per page * @return An array of segments * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment with the given id does not exist * @throws UnauthorizedException * If there is a security or privacy violation * @throws BadRequestException * If the paging instructions are invalid */ @GET("/athletes/{id}/segments/starred") public Response listStarredSegmentsRaw(@Path("id") final Integer athleteId, @Query("page") final Integer page, @Query("per_page") final Integer perPage) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException; /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#segmentExplore(javastrava.model.StravaMapPoint, javastrava.model.StravaMapPoint, StravaSegmentExplorerActivityType, * StravaClimbCategory, StravaClimbCategory) * * @param bounds * Pair of co-ordinates defining a box which is to be searched for segments * @param activityType * (Optional) Activity type to filter by (default is 'ride') * @param minCategory * (Optional) Minimum climb category for which rides should be returned * @param maxCategory * (Optional) Maximum climb category for which rides should be returned * @return A response full of slightly weird-looking segments */ @GET("/segments/explore") public StravaSegmentExplorerResponse segmentExplore(@Query("bounds") final String bounds, @Query("activity_type") final StravaSegmentExplorerActivityType activityType, @Query("min_cat") final StravaClimbCategory minCategory, @Query("max_cat") final StravaClimbCategory maxCategory); /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#segmentExplore(javastrava.model.StravaMapPoint, javastrava.model.StravaMapPoint, StravaSegmentExplorerActivityType, * StravaClimbCategory, StravaClimbCategory) * * @param bounds * Pair of co-ordinates defining a box which is to be searched for segments * @param activityType * (Optional) Activity type to filter by (default is 'ride') * @param minCategory * (Optional) Minimum climb category for which rides should be returned * @param maxCategory * (Optional) Maximum climb category for which rides should be returned * @param callback * The callback to execute on completion */ @GET("/segments/explore") public void segmentExplore(@Query("bounds") final String bounds, @Query("activity_type") final StravaSegmentExplorerActivityType activityType, @Query("min_cat") final StravaClimbCategory minCategory, @Query("max_cat") final StravaClimbCategory maxCategory, final StravaAPICallback callback); /** * @see javastrava.service.SegmentService#segmentExplore(javastrava.model.StravaMapPoint, javastrava.model.StravaMapPoint, StravaSegmentExplorerActivityType, * StravaClimbCategory, StravaClimbCategory) * * @param bounds * Pair of co-ordinates defining a box which is to be searched for segments * @param activityType * (Optional) Activity type to filter by (default is 'ride') * @param minCategory * (Optional) Minimum climb category for which rides should be returned * @param maxCategory * (Optional) Maximum climb category for which rides should be returned * @return A response full of slightly weird-looking segments */ @GET("/segments/explore") public Response segmentExploreRaw(@Query("bounds") final String bounds, @Query("activity_type") final StravaSegmentExplorerActivityType activityType, @Query("min_cat") final StravaClimbCategory minCategory, @Query("max_cat") final StravaClimbCategory maxCategory); /** * @param segmentId * Identifier of the segment to be starred or unstarred * @param starred * true if the segment is to be starred, false if to be unstarred * @return Detailed representation of the segment * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment does not exist * @throws BadRequestException * If required parameters are not provided * @throws UnauthorizedException * If there is a security or privacy violation */ @PUT("/segments/{id}/starred") public StravaSegment starSegment(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId, @Query("starred") final Boolean starred) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException, UnauthorizedException; /** * @param segmentId * Identifier of the segment to be starred or unstarred * @param starred * true if the segment is to be starred, false if to be unstarred * @param callback * The callback to execute on completion * @throws NotFoundException * If the segment does not exist * @throws BadRequestException * If required parameters are not provided * @throws UnauthorizedException * If there is a security or privacy violation */ @PUT("/segments/{id}/starred") public void starSegment(@Path("id") final Integer segmentId, @Query("starred") final Boolean starred, final StravaAPICallback callback); }

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