morphling.HFunctor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package morphling
import cats.*
type HAlgebra[F[_[_], _], G[_]] = F[G, _] ~> G
type HCoAlgebra[F[_[_], _], G[_]] = G ~> F[G, _]
type HCofree[F[_[_], _], A[_], I] = HFix[[Y[_], Z] =>> HEnvT[A, F, Y, Z], I]
trait HFunctor[F[_[_], _]] {
def hlift[M[_], N[_]](nt: M ~> N): F[M, _] ~> F[N, _]
extension [M[_], I](fa: F[M, I])(using HF: HFunctor[F]) def hfmap[N[_]](nt: M ~> N): F[N, I] = HF.hlift(nt)(fa)
object HFunctor {
def apply[F[_[_], _]](using hf: HFunctor[F]): HFunctor[F] = hf
* Fixpoint data type that can preserve a type index through its recursive step.
final case class HFix[F[_[_], _], I](unfix: Eval[F[HFix[F, _], I]])
object HFix {
import HFunctor.*
def hfix[F[_[_], _], I](fa: => F[HFix[F, _], I]): HFix[F, I] =
HFix[F, I](Later(fa))
def cataNT[F[_[_], _]: HFunctor, G[_]](alg: HAlgebra[F, G]): HFix[F, _] ~> G =
new ((HFix[F, _]) ~> G) { self =>
def apply[I](f: HFix[F, I]): G[I] =
def anaNT[F[_[_], _]: HFunctor, G[_]](alg: HCoAlgebra[F, G]): G ~> HFix[F, _] =
new (G ~> (HFix[F, _])) { self =>
override def apply[I](fa: G[I]): HFix[F, I] =
/** Smart constructor for HCofree values. */
def hcofree[F[_[_], _], A[_], I](ask: A[I], fga: => F[HCofree[F, A, _], I]): HCofree[F, A, I] =
hfix[[Y[_], Z] =>> HEnvT[A, F, Y, Z], I](HEnvT(ask, fga))
* Algebra to discard the annotations from an HCofree structure.
def forgetAlg[F[_[_], _], A[_]]: HEnvT[A, F, HFix[F, _], _] ~> HFix[F, _] =
new HAlgebra[[Y[_], Z] =>> HEnvT[A, F, Y, Z], HFix[F, _]] {
def apply[I](env: HEnvT[A, F, HFix[F, _], I]): HFix[F, I] = hfix(env.fa)
def forget[F[_[_], _]: HFunctor, A[_]]: HCofree[F, A, _] ~> HFix[F, _] = cataNT(forgetAlg)
* Algebra to annotate the whole HCofree with a same annotation
def annotateAlg[F[_[_], _], A[_]](ann: A[Nothing]): HFix[F, _] ~> HEnvT[A, F, HFix[F, _], _] =
new HCoAlgebra[[Y[_], Z] =>> HEnvT[A, F, Y, Z], HFix[F, _]] {
override def apply[T](fa: HFix[F, T]): HEnvT[A, F, HFix[F, _], T] =
HEnvT[A, F, HFix[F, _], T](ann.asInstanceOf[A[T]], fa.unfix.value)
def annotate[F[_[_], _]: HFunctor, A[_]](ann: A[Nothing]): HFix[F, _] ~> HCofree[F, A, _] = anaNT(annotateAlg(ann))
given [F[_[_], _]: HFunctor]: HFunctor[[Y[_], Z] =>> HCofree[F, Y, Z]] with {
override def hlift[M[_], N[_]](nt: M ~> N): HCofree[F, M, _] ~> HCofree[F, N, _] =
new (HCofree[F, M, *] ~> HCofree[F, N, *]) {
override def apply[I](hc: HCofree[F, M, I]): HCofree[F, N, I] = {
val step = hc.unfix.value
HFunctor[F].hlift(HFunctor[[Y[_], Z] =>> HCofree[F, Y, Z]].hlift(nt)).apply(step.fa)
final case class HMutu[F[_[_], _], G[_[_], _], I](unmutu: F[G[HMutu[F, G, _], _], I]) {
type Inner[T] = G[HMutu[F, G, _], T]
def transformInner[H[_[_], _]](f: Inner ~> H[HMutu[F, H, _], _])(using hfg: HFunctor[F]): HMutu[F, H, I] =
final case class HEnvT[E[_], F[_[_], _], G[_], I](ask: E[I], fa: F[G, I])
given [E[_], F[_[_], _]: HFunctor]: HFunctor[[Y[_], Z] =>> HEnvT[E, F, Y, Z]] with {
override def hlift[M[_], N[_]](nt: M ~> N): HEnvT[E, F, M, _] ~> HEnvT[E, F, N, _] =
new (HEnvT[E, F, M, _] ~> HEnvT[E, F, N, _]) {
override def apply[I](fm: HEnvT[E, F, M, I]): HEnvT[E, F, N, I] = HEnvT(fm.ask, fm.fa.hfmap[N](nt))