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aerospike.mock.MockAerospike.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2016 Dany Lee
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package aerospike.mock
import java.util.concurrent.{BlockingQueue, DelayQueue}
import com.aerospike.client.Value.StringValue
import com.aerospike.client._
import com.aerospike.client.admin.{Privilege, Role, User}
import com.aerospike.client.async.IAsyncClient
import com.aerospike.client.cluster.{Cluster, Node}
import com.aerospike.client.large.{LargeList, LargeMap, LargeSet, LargeStack}
import com.aerospike.client.listener._
import com.aerospike.client.policy._
import com.aerospike.client.query._
import com.aerospike.client.task.{ExecuteTask, IndexTask, RegisterTask}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
* @author MarinaSigaeva
* @since 08.09.16
class MockAerospike extends IAsyncClient {
def getAsyncReadPolicyDefault: Policy = ???
def getReadPolicyDefault: Policy = ???
def getAsyncWritePolicyDefault: WritePolicy = ???
def getAsyncScanPolicyDefault: ScanPolicy = ???
def getAsyncQueryPolicyDefault: QueryPolicy = ???
def getAsyncBatchPolicyDefault: BatchPolicy = ???
def getInfoPolicyDefault: InfoPolicy = ???
def getWritePolicyDefault: WritePolicy = ???
def getBatchPolicyDefault: BatchPolicy = ???
def getQueryPolicyDefault: QueryPolicy = ???
def getScanPolicyDefault: ScanPolicy = ???
def isConnected: Boolean = ???
def close(): Unit = ???
def getNodeNames: java.util.List[String] = ???
def getNodes: Array[Node] = ???
def getNode(nodeName: String): Node = ???
def scanNode(policy: ScanPolicy, nodeName: String, namespace: String, setName: String, callback: ScanCallback, binNames: String*): Unit = ???
def scanNode(policy: ScanPolicy, node: Node, namespace: String, setName: String, callback: ScanCallback, binNames: String*): Unit = ???
def get(policy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Array[Record] = ???
def get(policy: BatchPolicy, records: java.util.List[BatchRead]): Unit = ???
def get(policy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key], binNames: String*): Record = ???
def prepend(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def put(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def append(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def get(policy: Policy, key: Key, binNames: String*): Record = ???
def get(policy: Policy, key: Key): Record = ???
def put(policy: WritePolicy, listener: WriteListener, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def append(policy: WritePolicy, listener: WriteListener, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def prepend(policy: WritePolicy, listener: WriteListener, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def add(policy: WritePolicy, listener: WriteListener, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def add(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, bins: Bin*): Unit = ???
def delete(policy: WritePolicy, listener: DeleteListener, key: Key): Unit = ???
def touch(policy: WritePolicy, listener: WriteListener, key: Key): Unit = ???
def touch(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key): Unit = ???
def delete(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key): Boolean = ???
def exists(policy: Policy, listener: ExistsListener, key: Key): Unit = ???
def exists(policy: Policy, key: Key): Boolean = ???
def exists(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: ExistsArrayListener, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def exists(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: ExistsSequenceListener, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def exists(policy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Array[Boolean] = ???
def get(policy: Policy, listener: RecordListener, key: Key): Unit = ???
def get(policy: Policy, listener: RecordListener, key: Key, binNames: String*): Unit = ???
def getHeader(policy: Policy, listener: RecordListener, key: Key): Unit = ???
def getHeader(policy: Policy, key: Key): Record = ???
def get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: BatchListListener, records: java.util.List[BatchRead]): Unit = ???
def get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: BatchSequenceListener, records: java.util.List[BatchRead]): Unit = ???
def get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordArrayListener, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordSequenceListener, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordArrayListener, keys: Array[Key], binNames: String*): Unit = ???
def get(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordSequenceListener, keys: Array[Key], binNames: String*): Unit = ???
def getHeader(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordArrayListener, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def getHeader(policy: BatchPolicy, listener: RecordSequenceListener, keys: Array[Key]): Unit = ???
def getHeader(policy: BatchPolicy, keys: Array[Key]): Array[Record] = ???
def operate(policy: WritePolicy, listener: RecordListener, key: Key, operations: Operation*): Unit = ???
def operate(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, operations: Operation*): Record = ???
def scanAll(policy: ScanPolicy, listener: RecordSequenceListener, namespace: String, setName: String, binNames: String*): Unit = ???
def scanAll(policy: ScanPolicy, namespace: String, setName: String, callback: ScanCallback, binNames: String*): Unit = ???
def execute(policy: WritePolicy, listener: ExecuteListener, key: Key, packageName: String, functionName: String, functionArgs: Value*): Unit = ???
def query(policy: QueryPolicy, listener: RecordSequenceListener, statement: Statement): Unit = ???
def getLargeList(policy: Policy, key: Key, binName: String, userModule: String): LargeList = ???
def getLargeList(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, binName: String, userModule: String): LargeList = ???
def getLargeList(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, binName: String): LargeList = ???
def getLargeMap(policy: Policy, key: Key, binName: String, userModule: String): LargeMap = ???
def getLargeMap(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, binName: String, userModule: String): LargeMap = ???
def getLargeSet(policy: Policy, key: Key, binName: String, userModule: String): LargeSet = ???
def getLargeSet(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, binName: String, userModule: String): LargeSet = ???
def getLargeStack(policy: Policy, key: Key, binName: String, userModule: String): LargeStack = ???
def getLargeStack(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, binName: String, userModule: String): LargeStack = ???
def register(policy: Policy, clientPath: String, serverPath: String, language: Language): RegisterTask = ???
def register(policy: Policy, resourceLoader: ClassLoader, resourcePath: String, serverPath: String, language: Language): RegisterTask = ???
def registerUdfString(policy: Policy, code: String, serverPath: String, language: Language): RegisterTask = ???
def removeUdf(policy: InfoPolicy, serverPath: String): Unit = ???
def execute(policy: WritePolicy, key: Key, packageName: String, functionName: String, args: Value*): Any = ???
def execute(policy: WritePolicy, statement: Statement, packageName: String, functionName: String, functionArgs: Value*): ExecuteTask = ???
def query(policy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement): RecordSet = ???
def queryNode(policy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement, node: Node): RecordSet = ???
def queryAggregate(policy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement, packageName: String, functionName: String, functionArgs: Value*): ResultSet = ???
def queryAggregate(policy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement): ResultSet = ???
def queryAggregateNode(policy: QueryPolicy, statement: Statement, node: Node): ResultSet = ???
def createIndex(policy: Policy, namespace: String, setName: String, indexName: String, binName: String, indexType: IndexType): IndexTask = ???
def createIndex(policy: Policy, namespace: String, setName: String, indexName: String, binName: String, indexType: IndexType, indexCollectionType: IndexCollectionType): IndexTask = ???
def dropIndex(policy: Policy, namespace: String, setName: String, indexName: String): Unit = ???
def createUser(policy: AdminPolicy, user: String, password: String, roles: java.util.List[String]): Unit = ???
def dropUser(policy: AdminPolicy, user: String): Unit = ???
def changePassword(policy: AdminPolicy, user: String, password: String): Unit = ???
def grantRoles(policy: AdminPolicy, user: String, roles: java.util.List[String]): Unit = ???
def revokeRoles(policy: AdminPolicy, user: String, roles: java.util.List[String]): Unit = ???
def createRole(policy: AdminPolicy, roleName: String, privileges: java.util.List[Privilege]): Unit = ???
def dropRole(policy: AdminPolicy, roleName: String): Unit = ???
def grantPrivileges(policy: AdminPolicy, roleName: String, privileges: java.util.List[Privilege]): Unit = ???
def revokePrivileges(policy: AdminPolicy, roleName: String, privileges: java.util.List[Privilege]): Unit = ???
def queryUser(policy: AdminPolicy, user: String): User = ???
def queryUsers(policy: AdminPolicy): java.util.List[User] = ???
def queryRole(policy: AdminPolicy, roleName: String): Role = ???
def queryRoles(policy: AdminPolicy): java.util.List[Role] = ???
val cluster = new Cluster(new ClientPolicy(), Array(new Host("111", 8080)))
val et1 = new ExecuteTask(cluster, new Policy(), new Statement())
val rt1 = new RegisterTask(cluster, new Policy(), "s")
/* val node = new Node(cluster, new NodeValidator())
val queryExecutor = new QueryExecutor(cluster, new QueryPolicy(), new Statement(), node) {
override def sendCancel() = {}
override def sendCompleted() = {}
override def createCommand(node: Node): MultiCommand = new MultiCommand(node, true) {
override def getPolicy: Policy = new Policy()
override def parseRow(key: Key): Unit = {}
override def writeBuffer() = {}
val rs = new RecordSet(queryExecutor, new DelayQueue[KeyRecord](),
new KeyRecord(new Key("kName", "ns", 1), new Record(Map("k" -> new StringValue("v")), 100, 12)), true)*/
case class ReadHandler(key: Key = new Key("kName", "ns", 1),
record: Record = new Record(Map("k" -> new StringValue("v")), 100, 12)) extends RecordListener {
def onSuccess(key: Key, record: Record): Unit = {}
def onFailure(e: AerospikeException): Unit = e.printStackTrace()
case class WriteHandler(k: Key = new Key("kName", "ns", 1)) extends WriteListener {
def onSuccess(key: Key): Unit = {}
def onFailure(e: AerospikeException): Unit = e.printStackTrace()
case class DeleteHandler(key: Key = new Key("kName", "ns", 1)) extends DeleteListener {
def onSuccess(key: Key, existed: Boolean): Unit = {}
def onFailure(e: AerospikeException): Unit = e.printStackTrace()
case class ExecuteHandler(k: Key = new Key("kName", "ns", 1), obj: Object = "") extends ExecuteListener {
def onSuccess(key: Key, obj: Object): Unit = {}
def onFailure(e: AerospikeException): Unit = e.printStackTrace()
case class ExistsHandler(k: Key = new Key("kName", "ns", 1), exists: Boolean = true) extends ExistsListener {
def onSuccess(key: Key, exists: Boolean): Unit = {}
def onFailure(e: AerospikeException): Unit = e.printStackTrace()
case class ExistsArrayHandler(keys: Array[Key] = Array(new Key("kName", "ns", 1)), exists: Array[Boolean] = Array(true)) extends ExistsArrayListener {
def onSuccess(keys: Array[Key], exists: Array[Boolean]): Unit = {}
def onFailure(e: AerospikeException): Unit = e.printStackTrace()
case class ExistsSequenceHandler(k: Key = new Key("kName", "ns", 1), exists: Boolean = true) extends ExistsSequenceListener {
def onExists(key: Key, exists: Boolean): Unit = {}
def onSuccess(): Unit = {}
def onFailure(e: AerospikeException): Unit = e.printStackTrace()
case class RecordSequenceHandler(k: Key = new Key("kName", "ns", 1), record: Record = new Record(Map("k" -> new StringValue("v")), 100, 12)) extends RecordSequenceListener {
def onRecord(key: Key, record: Record): Unit = {}
def onSuccess(): Unit = {}
def onFailure(e: AerospikeException): Unit = e.printStackTrace()
case class ScanCallbackImpl(k: Key = new Key("kName", "ns", 1), record: Record = new Record(Map("k" -> new StringValue("v")), 100, 12)) extends ScanCallback {
def scanCallback(k: Key = new Key("kName", "ns", 1),
record: Record = new Record(Map("k" -> new StringValue("v")), 100, 12)) = {}