com.github.dapperware.slack.Slack.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.dapperware.slack
import io.circe.Decoder
import sttp.client3.SttpBackend
import zio.{ Tag, Task, Trace, URIO, ZIO, ZLayer }
trait SlackApiBase {
def client: SlackClient
def apiCall[T, A](
request: Request[T, A]
)(implicit ev: HasAuth[A], tag: Tag[A], trace: Trace): URIO[A, SlackResponse[T]] =
* The root trait for the Slack API.
trait Slack
extends SlackApiBase
with Api
with Apps
with Auth
with Bots
with Calls
with Chats
with Conversations
with Dialogs
with Dnd
with Emojis
with Files
with OAuth
with Pins
with Profiles
with Reactions
with Reminders
with RemoteFiles
with Rtm
with Search
with Stars
with Teams
with UserGroups
with Users
with Views
object Slack
extends ApiAccessors
with AppsAccessors
with AuthAccessors
with BotsAccessors
with CallsAccessors
with ChatsAccessors
with ConversationsAccessors
with DialogsAccessors
with DndAccessors
with EmojisAccessors
with FilesAccessors
with OAuthAccessors
with PinsAccessors
with ProfilesAccessors
with ReactionsAccessors
with RemindersAccessors
with RemoteFilesAccessors
with RtmAccessors
with SearchAccessors
with StarsAccessors
with TeamsAccessors
with UserGroupsAccessors
with UsersAccessors
with ViewsAccessors {
def request(name: String): Request[Unit, Unit] = Request.make(MethodName(name))
def request[A: Decoder](name: String, args: (String, SlackParamMagnet)*): Request[A, Unit] =
Request.make(MethodName(name)).formBody(args: _*).as[A]
def client: ZIO[Slack, Nothing, SlackClient] = ZIO.serviceWith[Slack](_.client)
def make: ZIO[SlackClient, Nothing, Slack] =
.serviceWith[SlackClient](c =>
new Slack {
val client: SlackClient = c
val http: ZLayer[SttpBackend[Task, Any], Nothing, Slack] =
HttpSlack.layer >>> ZLayer(make)