Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import com.github.datalking.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import com.github.datalking.util.Assert;
import com.github.datalking.util.ClassUtils;
import com.github.datalking.util.CollectionUtils;
import com.github.datalking.util.ResourceUtils;
import com.github.datalking.util.StreamUtils;
import com.github.datalking.util.StringUtils;
import com.github.datalking.web.HttpRequestHandler;
import com.github.datalking.web.http.MediaType;
import com.github.datalking.web.servlet.HandlerMapping;
import com.github.datalking.web.servlet.ServletWebRequest;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.activation.FileTypeMap;
import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.List;
* @author yaoo on 5/4/18
public class ResourceHttpRequestHandler extends WebContentGenerator implements HttpRequestHandler, InitializingBean {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceHttpRequestHandler.class);
// private static final boolean jafPresent = ClassUtils.isPresent("javax.activation.FileTypeMap", ResourceHttpRequestHandler.class.getClassLoader());
private List locations;
public ResourceHttpRequestHandler() {
public void setLocations(List locations) {
Assert.notEmpty(locations.toArray(), "Locations list must not be empty");
this.locations = locations;
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled() && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.locations)) {
logger.warn("Locations list is empty. No resources will be served");
public void handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
checkAndPrepare(request, response, true);
// check whether a matching resource exists
Resource resource = getResource(request);
if (resource == null) {
logger.debug("No matching resource found - returning 404");
// check the resource's media type
MediaType mediaType = getMediaType(resource);
if (mediaType != null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Determined media type '" + mediaType + "' for " + resource);
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("No media type found for " + resource + " - not sending a content-type header");
// header phase
// if (new ServletWebRequest(request, response).checkNotModified(resource.lastModified())) {
// logger.debug("Resource not modified - returning 304");
// return;
// }
setHeaders(response, resource, mediaType);
// content phase
if (METHOD_HEAD.equals(request.getMethod())) {
logger.trace("HEAD request - skipping content");
writeContent(response, resource);
protected Resource getResource(HttpServletRequest request) {
String path = (String) request.getAttribute(HandlerMapping.PATH_WITHIN_HANDLER_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE);
if (path == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Required request attribute '" +
HandlerMapping.PATH_WITHIN_HANDLER_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE + "' is not set");
path = processPath(path);
if (!StringUtils.hasText(path) || isInvalidPath(path)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Ignoring invalid resource path [" + path + "]");
return null;
if (path.contains("%")) {
try {
// Use URLDecoder (vs UriUtils) to preserve potentially decoded UTF-8 chars
if (isInvalidPath(URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8"))) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Ignoring invalid resource path with escape sequences [" + path + "].");
return null;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
// ignore: shouldn't happen
// for (Resource location : this.locations) {
// try {
// if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
// logger.debug("Trying relative path [" + path + "] against base location: " + location);
// }
// Resource resource = location.createRelative(path);
// if (resource.exists() && resource.isReadable()) {
// if (isResourceUnderLocation(resource, location)) {
// if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
// logger.debug("Found matching resource: " + resource);
// }
// return resource;
// } else {
// if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
// logger.trace("resource=\"" + resource + "\" was successfully resolved " +
// "but is not under the location=\"" + location);
// }
// return null;
// }
// } else if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
// logger.trace("Relative resource doesn't exist or isn't readable: " + resource);
// }
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// logger.debug("Failed to create relative resource - trying next resource location", ex);
// }
// }
return null;
protected String processPath(String path) {
boolean slash = false;
for (int i = 0; i < path.length(); i++) {
if (path.charAt(i) == '/') {
slash = true;
} else if (path.charAt(i) > ' ' && path.charAt(i) != 127) {
if (i == 0 || (i == 1 && slash)) {
return path;
path = slash ? "/" + path.substring(i) : path.substring(i);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Path trimmed for leading '/' and control characters: " + path);
return path;
return (slash ? "/" : "");
protected boolean isInvalidPath(String path) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Applying \"invalid path\" checks to path: " + path);
if (path.contains("WEB-INF") || path.contains("META-INF")) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Path contains \"WEB-INF\" or \"META-INF\".");
return true;
if (path.contains(":/")) {
String relativePath = (path.charAt(0) == '/' ? path.substring(1) : path);
// if (ResourceUtils.isUrl(relativePath) || relativePath.startsWith("url:")) {
if (relativePath.startsWith("url:")) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Path represents URL or has \"url:\" prefix.");
return true;
if (path.contains("..")) {
path = StringUtils.cleanPath(path);
if (path.contains("../")) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Path contains \"../\" after call to StringUtils#cleanPath.");
return true;
return false;
private boolean isResourceUnderLocation(Resource resource, Resource location) throws IOException {
if (!resource.getClass().equals(location.getClass())) {
return false;
String resourcePath = "";
String locationPath = "";
// if (resource instanceof UrlResource) {
// resourcePath = resource.getURL().toExternalForm();
// locationPath = location.getURL().toExternalForm();
// } else
if (resource instanceof ClassPathResource) {
resourcePath = ((ClassPathResource) resource).getPath();
locationPath = ((ClassPathResource) location).getPath();
// else if (resource instanceof ServletContextResource) {
// resourcePath = ((ServletContextResource) resource).getPath();
// locationPath = ((ServletContextResource) location).getPath();
// } else {
// resourcePath = resource.getURL().getPath();
// locationPath = location.getURL().getPath();
// }
if (locationPath.equals(resourcePath)) {
return true;
locationPath = (locationPath.endsWith("/") ||
!StringUtils.hasLength(locationPath) ? locationPath : locationPath + "/");
if (!resourcePath.startsWith(locationPath)) {
return false;
if (resourcePath.contains("%")) {
// Use URLDecoder (vs UriUtils) to preserve potentially decoded UTF-8 chars...
if (URLDecoder.decode(resourcePath, "UTF-8").contains("../")) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Resolved resource path contains \"../\" after decoding: " + resourcePath);
return false;
return true;
protected MediaType getMediaType(Resource resource) {
MediaType mediaType = null;
// String mimeType = getServletContext().getMimeType(resource.getFilename());
String mimeType = "";
if (StringUtils.hasText(mimeType)) {
mediaType = MediaType.parseMediaType(mimeType);
// if (jafPresent && (mediaType == null || MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.equals(mediaType))) {
if (mediaType == null || MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.equals(mediaType)) {
// MediaType jafMediaType = ActivationMediaTypeFactory.getMediaType(resource.getFilename());
MediaType jafMediaType = ActivationMediaTypeFactory.getMediaType("filename");
if (jafMediaType != null && !MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.equals(jafMediaType)) {
mediaType = jafMediaType;
return mediaType;
protected void setHeaders(HttpServletResponse response, Resource resource, MediaType mediaType) throws IOException {
// long length = resource.contentLength();
long length = 12;
if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IOException("Resource content too long (beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE): " + resource);
response.setContentLength((int) length);
if (mediaType != null) {
protected void writeContent(HttpServletResponse response, Resource resource) throws IOException {
InputStream in = resource.getInputStream();
try {
StreamUtils.copy(in, response.getOutputStream());
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
private static class ActivationMediaTypeFactory {
private static final FileTypeMap fileTypeMap;
static {
fileTypeMap = loadFileTypeMapFromContextSupportModule();
private static FileTypeMap loadFileTypeMapFromContextSupportModule() {
// see if we can find the extended mime.types from the context-support module
ClassPathResource mappingLocation = new ClassPathResource("org/springframework/mail/javamail/mime.types");
if (mappingLocation.exists()) {
InputStream inputStream = null;
try {
inputStream = mappingLocation.getInputStream();
return new MimetypesFileTypeMap(inputStream);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore
} finally {
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore
return FileTypeMap.getDefaultFileTypeMap();
public static MediaType getMediaType(String filename) {
String mediaType = fileTypeMap.getContentType(filename);
return (StringUtils.hasText(mediaType) ? MediaType.parseMediaType(mediaType) : null);
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