All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository. Maven / Gradle / Ivy


import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.testng.IReporter;
import org.testng.ISuite;
import org.testng.ISuiteResult;
import org.testng.ITestContext;
import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;
import org.testng.ITestResult;
import org.testng.TestListenerAdapter;
import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;


public class TestNGDataProviderEmailReporter extends TestListenerAdapter implements IReporter {

	private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestNGDataProviderEmailReporter.class);
	private static PrintWriter f_out;
	private static String outputDir;
	private static StringBuilder[] sBuilder = new StringBuilder[3];
	private static StringBuilder currentValue = null;
	NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();

	private String background_color = "background-color: #004040; padding:0 15px 0 15px; border: 0px solid grey; height: 25px; color: white; font-family: Georgia;";

	 * @param result This method will be called on every Test skipped
	public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult result) {
		if (sBuilder[0] == null) {
			sBuilder[0] = new StringBuilder();
		if (sBuilder[1] == null) {
			sBuilder[1] = new StringBuilder();
		if (sBuilder[2] == null) {
			sBuilder[2] = new StringBuilder();
		sBuilder[2] = sBuilder[2].append(getSummaryReport(result, "passed"));

	 * @param result This method will be called on every Test skipped
	public void onTestSkipped(ITestResult result) {
		if (sBuilder[0] == null) {
			sBuilder[0] = new StringBuilder();
		if (sBuilder[1] == null) {
			sBuilder[1] = new StringBuilder();
		if (sBuilder[2] == null) {
			sBuilder[2] = new StringBuilder();
		sBuilder[1] = sBuilder[1].append(getSummaryReport(result, "skipped"));
		//PricingTestData pricingTestData = (PricingTestData) result.getParameters()[0];
		//System.out.println("Pricing Test data :: "+pricingTestData);

	 * @param result This method will be called on every Test failure
	public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) {
		if (sBuilder[0] == null) {
			sBuilder[0] = new StringBuilder();
		if (sBuilder[1] == null) {
			sBuilder[1] = new StringBuilder();
		if (sBuilder[2] == null) {
			sBuilder[2] = new StringBuilder();
		sBuilder[0] = sBuilder[0].append(getSummaryReport(result, "failed"));
		//PricingTestData pricingTestData = (PricingTestData) result.getParameters()[0];
		//System.out.println("Pricing Test data :: "+pricingTestData);

	public void generateReport(List arg0, List suites, String outdir) {
		System.out.println("****** generateReport");
		try {
			outputDir = "target/custom-test-reports";
		} catch (Exception ex) {
		try {
			f_out = createWriter(outputDir);
		} catch (IOException e) {

	private void generateTestExecutionStatus(List suites) {
		int totalPassedMethods = 0;
		int totalFailedMethods = 0;
		int totalSkippedMethods = 0;
		int totalSkippedConfigurationMethods = 0;
		int totalFailedConfigurationMethods = 0;
		int totalMethods = 0;

		int suite_totalPassedMethods = 0;
		int suite_totalFailedMethods = 0;
		int suite_totalSkippedMethods = 0;

		String suite_passPercentage = "";
		String suiteName = "";

		ITestContext overview = null;
		HashMap dashboardReportMap = new HashMap();

		for (ISuite suite : suites) {
			suiteName = suite.getName();

			Map tests = suite.getResults();

			for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) {
				overview = r.getTestContext();

				totalPassedMethods = overview.getPassedTests().getAllMethods().size();
				totalFailedMethods = overview.getFailedTests().getAllMethods().size();
				totalSkippedMethods = overview.getSkippedTests().getAllMethods().size();

				totalMethods = overview.getAllTestMethods().length;


				ITestNGMethod[] allTestMethods = overview.getAllTestMethods();

				String browser = "NA";
				String browser_version = "NA";
				String platform = "NA";

				if (platform == null || platform.trim().length() == 0) {
					platform = "Windows XP";

				if (browser_version == null || browser_version.trim().length() == 0) {
					browser_version = "N/A";

				if (browser == null || browser.trim().length() == 0) {
					browser = "N/A";

				if (!(dashboardReportMap.containsKey(""))) {
					if (browser_version.equalsIgnoreCase("N/A")) {
						browser_version = "";
					dashboardReportMap.put("", "os1~" + platform + "|browser1~" + browser + browser_version
							+ "|testcase_count_1~" + totalMethods + "|pass_count_1~" + totalPassedMethods
							+ "|fail_count_1~" + totalFailedMethods + "|skip_count_1~" + totalSkippedMethods
							+ "|skip_conf_count_1~" + totalSkippedConfigurationMethods + "|fail_conf_count_1~"
							+ totalFailedConfigurationMethods);

				} else {
					for (String key : dashboardReportMap.keySet()) {

						if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
							if (browser_version.equalsIgnoreCase("N/A")) {
								browser_version = "";
							String value = dashboardReportMap.get(key);
							int index = StringUtils.countMatches(value, "#") + 1;

							index += 1;

							value = value + "#" + "os" + index + "~" + platform + "|browser" + index + "~" + browser
									+ browser_version + "|testcase_count_" + index + "~" + totalMethods
									+ "|pass_count_" + index + "~" + totalPassedMethods + "|fail_count_" + index + "~"
									+ totalFailedMethods + "|skip_count_" + index + "~" + totalSkippedMethods
									+ "|skip_conf_count_" + index + "~" + totalSkippedConfigurationMethods
									+ "|fail_conf_count_" + index + "~" + totalFailedConfigurationMethods;
							dashboardReportMap.put(key, value);

				suite_totalPassedMethods += totalPassedMethods;
				suite_totalFailedMethods += totalFailedMethods;
				suite_totalSkippedMethods += totalSkippedMethods;

				try {
					suite_passPercentage = nf
							.format(((float) suite_totalPassedMethods / (float) (suite_totalPassedMethods
									+ suite_totalFailedMethods + suite_totalSkippedMethods)) * 100);
				} catch (NumberFormatException e) {

		StringBuilder dashboardResults = new StringBuilder();


		int total_browser_combinations = 0;
		int total_unique_testcases = 0;

		for (String key : dashboardReportMap.keySet()) {
			String module = key;

			String value = dashboardReportMap.get(key);
			String[] values = value.split("#");

			int testcase_count = 0;
			int pass_count = 0;
			int fail_count = 0;
			int skip_count = 0;
			int skip_conf_count = 0;
			int fail_conf_count = 0;

			for (String val : values) {
				String[] tokens = val.split("\\|");
				for (String token : tokens) {
					if (token.contains("testcase_count")) {
						testcase_count = testcase_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]);
					if (token.contains("pass_count")) {
						pass_count = pass_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]);
					if (token.contains("fail_count")) {
						fail_count = fail_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]);
					if (token.contains("skip_count")) {
						skip_count = skip_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]);
					if (token.contains("skip_conf_count")) {
						skip_conf_count = skip_conf_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]);
					if (token.contains("fail_conf_count")) {
						fail_conf_count = fail_conf_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]);

			logger.debug("Value: " + value);

			String[] sub = value.split("#");
			String temp = "";
			for (String s : sub) {
				s = s.substring(0, s.indexOf("fail_count"));
				temp = temp + s;

			temp = temp.substring(0, temp.lastIndexOf("|"));
			temp = temp.replace(" ", "%20");

			NumberFormat nformat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
			String passPercent = nformat
					.format(((float) pass_count / (float) (pass_count + fail_count + skip_count)) * 100);

			String finalStr = "[";
			String[] val = dashboardReportMap.get(key).split("#");

			int unique_testcase = 0;

			int limit = val.length - 1;
			for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
				String testCaseCount = (val[i].split("\\|")[2]).split("~")[1];
				int next = Integer.parseInt(testCaseCount);
				if (next > unique_testcase) {
					unique_testcase = next;
				finalStr = finalStr + testCaseCount + " T * 1 B]";
				if (i != limit) {
					finalStr += " + [";

			String finalString = "";
			if ((unique_testcase * values.length) != (pass_count + fail_count + skip_count)) {
				finalString = "" + (pass_count + fail_count + skip_count)
						+ "";
			} else {
				finalString = String.valueOf((pass_count + fail_count + skip_count));

			String passCount = "";
			String failCount = "";
			String skipCount = "";

			if (pass_count > 0) {
				passCount = "";
			} else {
				passCount = "";

			if (fail_count > 0) {
				failCount = "";
			} else {
				failCount = "";

			if (skip_count > 0) {
				skipCount = "";
			} else {
				skipCount = "";

							+ passCount
							+ failCount
							+ skipCount
							+ "");

			if (total_browser_combinations < values.length) {
				total_browser_combinations = values.length;

			total_unique_testcases += unique_testcase;

" + pass_count + "" + pass_count + "" + fail_count + "" + fail_count + "" + skip_count + "" + skip_count + "
" + module + "" + unique_testcase + "" + values.length + "" + finalString + "" + passPercent + " %" + "
"); String suite_pass = ""; String suite_fail = ""; String suite_skip = ""; if (suite_totalPassedMethods > 0) { suite_pass = "" + suite_totalPassedMethods + ""; } else { suite_pass = "" + suite_totalPassedMethods + ""; } if (suite_totalFailedMethods > 0) { suite_fail = "" + suite_totalFailedMethods + ""; } else { suite_fail = "" + suite_totalFailedMethods + ""; } if (suite_totalSkippedMethods > 0) { suite_skip = "" + suite_totalSkippedMethods + ""; } else { suite_skip = "" + suite_totalSkippedMethods + ""; } for (ISuite suite : suites) { suiteName = suite.getName(); boolean isHeaderPrinted = false; Map tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); } } Collection passedTest = overview.getPassedTests().getAllMethods(); Collection failedTest = overview.getFailedTests().getAllMethods(); Collection skippedTest = overview.getSkippedTests().getAllMethods(); f_out.println("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + suite_pass + suite_fail + "" + "" + "
Execution Summary
Test Suite Name# Unique TestCases# Passed# Failed# Skipped# Failed + Skipped Success Rate# Failure Rate
" + suiteName + "" + (passedTest.size() + failedTest.size() + skippedTest.size()) + "" + skippedTest.size() + "" + (failedTest.size() + skippedTest.size()) + "" + nf.format(((float) passedTest.size() / (float) ((passedTest.size() + failedTest.size() + skippedTest.size()))) * 100) + " %" + "" + nf.format(((float) (failedTest.size() + skippedTest.size()) / (float) ((passedTest.size() + failedTest.size() + skippedTest.size()))) * 100) + " %" + "
"); f_out.flush(); f_out.println("

"); String failedTestCondition = "true"; if (failedTestCondition.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { String jiraURL = ""; String testlinkURL = ""; String testlinkPrefix = ""; String BUILD_URL = ""; String SLNUM = ""; try { jiraURL = ""; testlinkURL = ""; testlinkPrefix = "OSP"; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int count = 1; String testIncludePassTest = "true"; String tableSummary = "Failed and Skipped Tests Summary"; if (testIncludePassTest.contains("true")) { tableSummary = "Tests Summary"; } for (ISuite suite : suites) { suiteName = suite.getName(); boolean isHeaderPrinted = false; Map tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if (overview.getAllTestMethods().length > 0 && !isHeaderPrinted) { f_out.println("" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""); isHeaderPrinted = true; } } int indexSubStr; int subStringLeng = SLNUM.length(); while (true) { indexSubStr = sBuilder[0].indexOf(SLNUM); if (indexSubStr == -1) break; sBuilder[0].replace(indexSubStr, indexSubStr + subStringLeng, "" + (count++)); } while (true) { indexSubStr = sBuilder[1].indexOf(SLNUM); if (indexSubStr == -1) break; sBuilder[1].replace(indexSubStr, indexSubStr + subStringLeng, "" + (count++)); } while (true) { indexSubStr = sBuilder[2].indexOf(SLNUM); if (indexSubStr == -1) break; sBuilder[2].replace(indexSubStr, indexSubStr + subStringLeng, "" + (count++)); } f_out.print(sBuilder[0].toString()); f_out.print(sBuilder[1].toString()); f_out.print(sBuilder[2].toString()); f_out.print("
" + tableSummary + "
"); } f_out.println("

"); } f_out.flush(); } private StringBuilder getSummaryReport(final ITestResult result, final String status) { Employee employeeTestData = (Employee) result.getParameters()[0]; StringBuilder current = new StringBuilder(); String testlinkURL = ""; current.append(""); current.append(""); current.append(""); current.append(""); String methodStr = result.getName(); /*Testcase ID*/ current.append(""); if (!methodStr.isEmpty()) { String[] split = methodStr.split(","); int counter = 0; for (String tc : split) { if (counter != 0) { current.append("
"); } current.append("" + tc + " "); counter++; } counter = 0; } else { current.append(""); } current.append(""); /*Component Name*/ current.append(""); current.append("Component"); current.append(""); String data = employeeTestData.toString(); if (data == null) { data = ""; } current.append(""); current.append(data + ""); current.append(""); if (status.contains("passed")) { current.append(""); current.append(status + ""); } else if (status.contains("failed")) { current.append(""); current.append(status + ""); } else { current.append(""); current.append(status + ""); } current.append(""); current.append(""); return current; } private PrintWriter createWriter(String outdir) throws IOException { new File(outdir).mkdirs(); return new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(outputDir, "testng-email.html")))); } /** * Starts HTML Stream */ private void startHtmlPage(PrintWriter out) { out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println(""); out.println("Automation Test Results Summary"); out.println(""); out.println("
" + "
" + "

Automation Report

"); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm a z"); TimeZone obj = TimeZone.getTimeZone("IST"); formatter.setTimeZone(obj); out.flush(); } /** * Finishes HTML Stream */ private void endHtmlPage(PrintWriter out) { out.println(""); } }