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xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.renderer.SwingRenderer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2018 OTK Software
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * The GNU General Public License allows you also to freely redistribute 
 * the libraries under the same license, if you provide the terms of the 
 * GNU General Public License with them and add the following 
 * copyright notice at the appropriate place (with a link to 
 * web site when possible).
package xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.renderer;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.RescaleOp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXBusyLabel;


import xy.reflect.ui.ReflectionUI;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.DefaultMethodControlData;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.IContext;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.IMethodControlData;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.IMethodControlInput;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.MethodContext;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.plugin.IFieldControlPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.DialogBuilder;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.MethodAction;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.editor.StandardEditorBuilder;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.ColorPickerPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.CustomCheckBoxPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.DetailedListControlPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.FileBrowserPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.HtmlPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.ImageViewPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.OptionButtonsPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.PasswordFieldPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.SliderPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.SpinnerPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.control.swing.plugin.StyledTextPlugin;
import xy.reflect.ui.undo.ModificationStack;
import xy.reflect.ui.util.Accessor;
import xy.reflect.ui.util.ClassUtils;
import xy.reflect.ui.util.ReflectionUIError;
import xy.reflect.ui.util.ReflectionUIUtils;
import xy.reflect.ui.util.SwingRendererUtils;
import xy.reflect.ui.util.SystemProperties;
import xy.reflect.ui.util.component.AbstractControlButton;

 * This is the {@link ReflectionUI} renderer class for Swing-based UIs.
 * @author olitank
public class SwingRenderer {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		Class clazz = Object.class;
		String usageText = "Expected arguments: [  | --help ]"
				+ "\n  => : Fully qualified name of a class to instanciate and display in a window"
				+ "\n  => --help: Displays this help message" + "\n"
				+ "\nAdditionally, the following JVM properties can be set:" + "\n" + SystemProperties.describe();
		if (args.length == 0) {
			clazz = Object.class;
		} else if (args.length == 1) {
			if (args[0].equals("--help")) {
			} else {
				clazz = Class.forName(args[0]);
		} else {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(usageText);
		Object object = SwingRenderer.getDefault().onTypeInstanciationRequest(null,
				SwingRenderer.getDefault().getReflectionUI().getTypeInfo(new JavaTypeInfoSource(clazz, null)), null);
		if (object == null) {

	protected static SwingRenderer defaultInstance;

	 * @return the default instance of this class.
	public static SwingRenderer getDefault() {
		if (defaultInstance == null) {
			Class customClass = SystemProperties.getAlternateDefaultSwingRendererClass();
			if (customClass != null) {
				try {
					defaultInstance = (SwingRenderer) customClass.getMethod("getDefault").invoke(null);
				} catch (Exception e) {
					throw new ReflectionUIError(e);
			} else {
				defaultInstance = new SwingRenderer(ReflectionUI.getDefault());
		return defaultInstance;

	protected ReflectionUI reflectionUI;
	protected Map lastInvocationDataByMethodSignature = new HashMap();
	protected Map formByMethodActionMenuItem = new MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap();
	protected List
allDisplayedForms = new ArrayList(); protected ExecutorService busyDialogJobExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactory() { @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread result = new Thread(r); result.setName("busyDialogJobExecutor"); result.setDaemon(true); return result; } }); protected ExecutorService busyDialogCloser = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactory() { @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread result = new Thread(r); result.setName("busyDialogCloser"); result.setDaemon(true); return result; } }); /** * Constructs an instance that will render abstract UI models generated by the * given {@link ReflectionUI} object. * * @param reflectionUI * The abstract UI model generator. */ public SwingRenderer(ReflectionUI reflectionUI) { this.reflectionUI = reflectionUI; } public ReflectionUI getReflectionUI() { return reflectionUI; } public List getAllDisplayedForms() { return allDisplayedForms; } public Map getFormByActionMenuItem() { return formByMethodActionMenuItem; } public Map getLastInvocationDataByMethodSignature() { return lastInvocationDataByMethodSignature; } public String prepareStringToDisplay(String string) { return string; } public String getObjectTitle(Object object) { if (object == null) { return ""; } return reflectionUI.getTypeInfo(reflectionUI.getTypeInfoSource(object)).getCaption(); } public MethodAction createMethodAction(IMethodControlInput input) { return new MethodAction(this, input); } /** * @param object * Any object. * @return a form allowing to edit the given object. */ public final Form createForm(Object object) { return createForm(object, IInfoFilter.DEFAULT); } /** * @param object * Any object. * @param infoFilter * An object allowing to filter out some fields and methods. * @return a form allowing to edit the given object. */ public Form createForm(final Object object, IInfoFilter infoFilter) { return new Form(this, object, infoFilter); } public List getFieldControlPlugins() { List result = new ArrayList(); result.add(new OptionButtonsPlugin()); result.add(new SliderPlugin()); result.add(new SpinnerPlugin()); result.add(new FileBrowserPlugin()); result.add(new ColorPickerPlugin()); result.add(new ImageViewPlugin()); result.add(new CustomCheckBoxPlugin()); result.add(new DetailedListControlPlugin()); result.add(new StyledTextPlugin()); result.add(new PasswordFieldPlugin()); result.add(new HtmlPlugin()); return result; } public InfoCategory getNullInfoCategory() { return new InfoCategory("General", -1); } public Image getObjectIconImage(Object object) { if (object != null) { ITypeInfo type = reflectionUI.getTypeInfo(reflectionUI.getTypeInfoSource(object)); ResourcePath imagePath = type.getIconImagePath(); if (imagePath == null) { return null; } Image result = SwingRendererUtils.loadImageThroughcache(imagePath, ReflectionUIUtils.getErrorLogListener(reflectionUI)); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } public ImageIcon getObjectIcon(Object object) { return SwingRendererUtils.getIcon(getObjectIconImage(object)); } public ImageIcon getMethodIcon(IMethodControlData data) { ResourcePath imagePath = data.getIconImagePath(); if (imagePath == null) { return null; } return SwingRendererUtils.getIcon(SwingRendererUtils.loadImageThroughcache(imagePath, ReflectionUIUtils.getErrorLogListener(reflectionUI))); } public ImageIcon getEnumerationItemIcon(IEnumerationItemInfo itemInfo) { ResourcePath imagePath = itemInfo.getIconImagePath(); if (imagePath == null) { return null; } return SwingRendererUtils.getIcon(SwingRendererUtils.loadImageThroughcache(imagePath, ReflectionUIUtils.getErrorLogListener(reflectionUI))); } public ImageIcon getMenuItemIcon(AbstractActionMenuItem menuItem) { ResourcePath imagePath = menuItem.getIconImagePath(); if (imagePath == null) { return null; } return SwingRendererUtils.getIcon(SwingRendererUtils.loadImageThroughcache(imagePath, ReflectionUIUtils.getErrorLogListener(reflectionUI))); } public void handleExceptionsFromDisplayedUI(Component activatorComponent, final Throwable t) { reflectionUI.logError(t); openErrorDialog(activatorComponent, "An Error Occured", null, t); } /** * Allows to create an instance of the specified type. Dialogs may be displayed * to allow to select the constructor or provide parameter values. If sub-types * of the given type are know, then a type selection dialog will be displayed. * * @param activatorComponent * A component belonging to the parent window of the eventual dialogs * or null. * @param type * An abstract UI type information object. * @param parentObject * The parent object of the new instance or null if none exists. * @return an object created using the given type information. */ public Object onTypeInstanciationRequest(final Component activatorComponent, ITypeInfo type, final Object parentObject) { try { if (ReflectionUIUtils.hasPolymorphicInstanceSubTypes(type)) { final PolymorphicTypeOptionsFactory enumFactory = new PolymorphicTypeOptionsFactory(reflectionUI, type); List polyTypes = enumFactory.getTypeOptions(); if (polyTypes.size() == 1) { return onTypeInstanciationRequest(activatorComponent, polyTypes.get(0), parentObject); } else { IEnumerationTypeInfo enumType = (IEnumerationTypeInfo) reflectionUI .getTypeInfo(enumFactory.getInstanceTypeInfoSource(null)); Object resultEnumItem = openSelectionDialog(activatorComponent, enumType, null, "Choose a type:", "New '" + type.getCaption() + "'"); if (resultEnumItem == null) { return null; } return onTypeInstanciationRequest(activatorComponent, (ITypeInfo) enumFactory.unwrapInstance(resultEnumItem), parentObject); } } else { List constructors = new ArrayList(); { for (IMethodInfo ctor : type.getConstructors()) { if (ctor.isHidden()) { continue; } constructors.add(ctor); } } if (type.isConcrete() && (constructors.size() > 0)) { final IMethodInfo chosenConstructor; if (constructors.size() == 1) { chosenConstructor = constructors.get(0); } else { constructors = new ArrayList(constructors); Collections.sort(constructors, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(IMethodInfo o1, IMethodInfo o2) { return new Integer(o1.getParameters().size()) .compareTo(new Integer(o2.getParameters().size())); } }); final GenericEnumerationFactory enumFactory = new GenericEnumerationFactory(reflectionUI, constructors.toArray(), "ConstructorSelection [type=" + type.getName() + "]", "") { protected String getItemCaption(Object choice) { return ReflectionUIUtils.getContructorDescription((IMethodInfo) choice); } }; IEnumerationTypeInfo enumType = (IEnumerationTypeInfo) reflectionUI .getTypeInfo(enumFactory.getInstanceTypeInfoSource(null)); Object resultEnumItem = openSelectionDialog(activatorComponent, enumType, null, "Choose an option", "Create " + type.getCaption()); if (resultEnumItem == null) { return null; } chosenConstructor = (IMethodInfo) enumFactory.unwrapInstance(resultEnumItem); if (chosenConstructor == null) { return null; } } final ITypeInfo finalType = type; MethodAction ctorAction = createMethodAction(new IMethodControlInput() { ModificationStack dummyModificationStack = new ModificationStack(null); @Override public ModificationStack getModificationStack() { return dummyModificationStack; } @Override public IContext getContext() { return new MethodContext(finalType, chosenConstructor); } @Override public IMethodControlData getControlData() { return new DefaultMethodControlData(reflectionUI, parentObject, chosenConstructor); } }); ctorAction.setShouldDisplayReturnValueIfAny(false); ctorAction.onInvocationRequest(activatorComponent); return ctorAction.getReturnValue(); } else { String typeCaption = type.getCaption(); String msg; if (typeCaption.length() == 0) { msg = "Create"; } else { msg = "Create " + type.getCaption() + " of type"; } String className = openInputDialog(activatorComponent, "", msg, null); if (className == null) { return null; } try { type = reflectionUI .getTypeInfo(new JavaTypeInfoSource(ClassUtils.getCachedClassforName(className), null)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ReflectionUIError(e); } if (type == null) { return null; } else { return onTypeInstanciationRequest(activatorComponent, type, parentObject); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ReflectionUIError( "Could not create an instance of type '" + type.getName() + "': " + t.toString(), t); } } public Object openSelectionDialog(Component parentComponent, IEnumerationTypeInfo enumType, Object initialEnumItem, String message, String title) { if (initialEnumItem == null) { initialEnumItem = enumType.getPossibleValues()[0]; } final Object[] chosenItemHolder = new Object[] { initialEnumItem }; EncapsulatedObjectFactory encapsulation = new EncapsulatedObjectFactory(reflectionUI, enumType, "Selection", message); encapsulation.setFieldGetOnly(false); encapsulation.setFieldNullValueDistinct(false); Object encapsulatedChosenItem = encapsulation.getInstance(chosenItemHolder); if (!openObjectDialog(parentComponent, encapsulatedChosenItem, title, getObjectIconImage(encapsulatedChosenItem), true, true).isCancelled()) { return chosenItemHolder[0]; } else { return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T openInputDialog(Component activatorComponent, T initialValue, String valueCaption, String title) { if (initialValue == null) { throw new ReflectionUIError(); } final Object[] valueHolder = new Object[] { initialValue }; ITypeInfo initialValueType = reflectionUI.getTypeInfo(reflectionUI.getTypeInfoSource(initialValue)); EncapsulatedObjectFactory encapsulation = new EncapsulatedObjectFactory(reflectionUI, initialValueType, "Input", valueCaption); encapsulation.setFieldGetOnly(false); encapsulation.setFieldNullValueDistinct(false); Object encapsulatedValue = encapsulation.getInstance(valueHolder); StandardEditorBuilder editorBuilder = getEditorBuilder(activatorComponent, encapsulatedValue, title, getObjectIconImage(encapsulatedValue), true); final DialogBuilder dialogBuilder = getDialogBuilder(activatorComponent); dialogBuilder.setButtonBarControlsAccessor(new Accessor>() { @Override public List get() { return new ArrayList(dialogBuilder.createStandardOKCancelDialogButtons(null, null)); } }); dialogBuilder.setContentComponent(editorBuilder.createEditorForm(false, false)); dialogBuilder.setTitle(title); showDialog(dialogBuilder.createDialog(), true); if (dialogBuilder.wasOkPressed()) { return (T) valueHolder[0]; } else { return null; } } public boolean openQuestionDialog(Component activatorComponent, String question, String title) { return openQuestionDialog(activatorComponent, question, title, "Yes", "No"); } public boolean openQuestionDialog(Component activatorComponent, String question, String title, final String yesCaption, final String noCaption) { final DialogBuilder dialogBuilder = getDialogBuilder(activatorComponent); dialogBuilder.setButtonBarControlsAccessor(new Accessor>() { @Override public List get() { return new ArrayList( dialogBuilder.createStandardOKCancelDialogButtons(yesCaption, noCaption)); } }); dialogBuilder .setContentComponent(SwingRendererUtils.getMessagePane(question, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, this)); dialogBuilder.setTitle(title); showDialog(dialogBuilder.createDialog(), true); return dialogBuilder.wasOkPressed(); } public void openInformationDialog(Component activatorComponent, String msg, String title, Image iconImage) { DialogBuilder dialogBuilder = getDialogBuilder(activatorComponent); List buttons = new ArrayList(); buttons.add(dialogBuilder.createDialogClosingButton("Close", null)); dialogBuilder.setTitle(title); dialogBuilder.setIconImage(iconImage); dialogBuilder .setContentComponent(SwingRendererUtils.getMessagePane(msg, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, this)); dialogBuilder.setButtonBarControlsAccessor(Accessor.returning(buttons)); showDialog(dialogBuilder.createDialog(), true); } public void openErrorDialog(Component activatorComponent, String title, Image iconImage, final Throwable error) { DialogBuilder dialogBuilder = getDialogBuilder(activatorComponent); List buttons = new ArrayList(); @SuppressWarnings("serial") final JButton deatilsButton = new AbstractControlButton() { @Override public String retrieveCaption() { return "Details"; } @Override public SwingRenderer getSwingRenderer() { return SwingRenderer.this; } }; deatilsButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { openErrorDetailsDialog(deatilsButton, error); } }); buttons.add(deatilsButton); buttons.add(dialogBuilder.createDialogClosingButton("Close", null)); dialogBuilder.setTitle(title); dialogBuilder.setIconImage(iconImage); dialogBuilder.setContentComponent( SwingRendererUtils.getMessagePane(formatErrorMessage(error) + "\n", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, this)); dialogBuilder.setButtonBarControlsAccessor(Accessor.returning(buttons)); showDialog(dialogBuilder.createDialog(), true); } public String formatErrorMessage(Throwable error) { return ReflectionUIUtils.getPrettyErrorMessage(error); } public void openErrorDetailsDialog(Component activatorComponent, Throwable error) { String statckTraceString = ReflectionUIUtils.getPrintedStackTrace(error); final DialogBuilder dialogBuilder = getDialogBuilder(activatorComponent); dialogBuilder.setButtonBarControlsAccessor(new Accessor>() { @Override public List get() { return Collections.singletonList(dialogBuilder.createDialogClosingButton("Close", null)); } }); dialogBuilder.setContentComponent( SwingRendererUtils.getMessagePane(statckTraceString, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, this)); dialogBuilder.setTitle("Error Details"); showDialog(dialogBuilder.createDialog(), true); } /** * Opens a dialog allowing to edit the given object. * * @param activatorComponent * A component belonging to the parent window of the dialog or null. * @param object * Any object. * @return the dialog builder allowing thus to check the status of the dialog. */ public StandardEditorBuilder openObjectDialog(Component activatorComponent, Object object) { return openObjectDialog(activatorComponent, object, null); } /** * Opens a dialog allowing to edit the given object. * * @param activatorComponent * A component belonging to the parent window of the dialog or null. * @param object * Any object. * @param title * The title of the dialog or null to have the default title. * @return the dialog builder allowing thus to check the status of the dialog. */ public StandardEditorBuilder openObjectDialog(Component activatorComponent, Object object, final String title) { return openObjectDialog(activatorComponent, object, title, null); } /** * Opens a dialog allowing to edit the given object. * * @param activatorComponent * A component belonging to the parent window of the dialog or null. * @param object * Any object. * @param title * The title of the dialog or null to have the default title. * @param iconImage * The dialog icon image or null to have the default icon. * @return the dialog builder allowing thus to check the status of the dialog. */ public StandardEditorBuilder openObjectDialog(Component activatorComponent, Object object, final String title, Image iconImage) { return openObjectDialog(activatorComponent, object, title, iconImage, true); } /** * Opens a dialog allowing to edit the given object. * * @param activatorComponent * A component belonging to the parent window of the dialog or null. * @param object * Any object. * @param title * The title of the dialog or null to have the default title. * @param iconImage * The dialog icon image or null to have the default icon. * @param cancellable * Whether the object state changes can be cancelled or not. * @return the dialog builder allowing thus to check the status of the dialog. */ public StandardEditorBuilder openObjectDialog(Component activatorComponent, Object object, final String title, Image iconImage, boolean cancellable) { return openObjectDialog(activatorComponent, object, title, iconImage, cancellable, true); } /** * Opens a dialog allowing to edit the given object. * * @param activatorComponent * A component belonging to the parent window of the dialog or null. * @param object * Any object. * @param title * The title of the dialog or null to have the default title. * @param iconImage * The dialog icon image or null to have the default icon. * @param cancellable * Whether the object state changes can be cancelled or not. * @param modal * Whether the dialog is modal or not. * @return the dialog builder allowing thus to check the status of the dialog. */ public StandardEditorBuilder openObjectDialog(Component activatorComponent, Object object, final String title, final Image iconImage, final boolean cancellable, boolean modal) { StandardEditorBuilder editorBuilder = getEditorBuilder(activatorComponent, object, title, iconImage, cancellable); showDialog(editorBuilder.createDialog(), modal); return editorBuilder; } public StandardEditorBuilder getEditorBuilder(Component activatorComponent, final Object object, final String title, final Image iconImage, final boolean cancellable) { return new StandardEditorBuilder(this, activatorComponent, object) { @Override protected DialogBuilder createDelegateDialogBuilder() { return getDialogBuilder(ownerComponent); } @Override public boolean isCancellable() { return cancellable; } @Override public String getEditorWindowTitle() { if (title == null) { return super.getEditorWindowTitle(); } return title; } @Override public Image getEditorWindowIconImage() { if (iconImage != null) { return iconImage; } else { return super.getEditorWindowIconImage(); } } }; } /** * Opens a frame allowing to edit the given object. * * @param object * Any object. * @param title * The title of the frame or null to have the default title. * @param iconImage * The frame icon image or null to have the default icon. */ public void openObjectFrame(Object object, String title, Image iconImage) { StandardEditorBuilder editorBuilder = getEditorBuilder(null, object, title, iconImage, false); showFrame(editorBuilder.createFrame()); } /** * Opens a frame allowing to edit the given object. * * @param object * Any object. */ public void openObjectFrame(Object object) { openObjectFrame(object, null, null); } public void showFrame(JFrame frame) { frame.setVisible(true); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T openSelectionDialog(Component parentComponent, final List choices, T initialSelection, String message, String title) { if (choices.size() == 0) { throw new ReflectionUIError(); } final GenericEnumerationFactory enumFactory = new GenericEnumerationFactory(reflectionUI, choices.toArray(), "SelectionDialogArrayAsEnumeration [title=" + title + "]", "") { Map captions = new HashMap(); Map iconImages = new HashMap(); { for (Object choice : choices) { captions.put(choice, ReflectionUIUtils.toString(SwingRenderer.this.reflectionUI, choice)); iconImages.put(choice, getObjectIconImage(choice)); } } @Override protected ResourcePath getItemIconImagePath(Object choice) { Image image = iconImages.get(choice); return SwingRendererUtils.putImageInCache(image); } @Override protected String getItemName(Object choice) { return "Option [caption=" + captions.get(choice) + "]"; } @Override protected String getItemCaption(Object choice) { return captions.get(choice); } }; IEnumerationTypeInfo enumType = (IEnumerationTypeInfo) reflectionUI .getTypeInfo(enumFactory.getInstanceTypeInfoSource(null)); Object resultEnumItem = openSelectionDialog(parentComponent, enumType, enumFactory.getInstance(initialSelection), message, title); if (resultEnumItem == null) { return null; } T result = (T) enumFactory.unwrapInstance(resultEnumItem); return result; } public DialogBuilder getDialogBuilder(Component activatorComponent) { return new DialogBuilder(this, activatorComponent); } public void showBusyDialogWhile(final Component activatorComponent, final Runnable runnable, final String title) { final Throwable[] exceptionThrown = new Throwable[1]; final Future busyDialogJob = busyDialogJobExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try {; } catch (Throwable t) { exceptionThrown[0] = t; } } }); try { busyDialogJob.get(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException e1) { } catch (Exception e) { throw new ReflectionUIError(e); } if (!busyDialogJob.isDone()) { final DialogBuilder dialogBuilder = getDialogBuilder(activatorComponent); busyDialogCloser.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while ((dialogBuilder.getCreatedDialog() == null) || (!dialogBuilder.getCreatedDialog().isVisible()) || (!busyDialogJob.isDone())) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new ReflectionUIError(e); } } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { dialogBuilder.getCreatedDialog().dispose(); } }); } }); final JXBusyLabel busyLabel = new JXBusyLabel(); { IApplicationInfo appInfo = reflectionUI.getApplicationInfo(); if (appInfo.getMainForegroundColor() != null) { busyLabel.setForeground(SwingRendererUtils.getColor(appInfo.getMainForegroundColor())); } busyLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); busyLabel.setText("Please wait..."); busyLabel.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.TOP); busyLabel.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER); busyLabel.setBusy(true); dialogBuilder.setContentComponent(busyLabel); } dialogBuilder.setTitle(title); final JDialog dialog = dialogBuilder.createDialog(); dialog.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { busyDialogJob.cancel(true); } }); showDialog(dialog, true, false); } if (exceptionThrown[0] != null) { throw new ReflectionUIError(exceptionThrown[0]); } } public void showDialog(JDialog dialog, boolean modal) { showDialog(dialog, modal, true); } public void showDialog(JDialog dialog, boolean modal, boolean closeable) { if (modal) { dialog.setModalityType(ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL); if (closeable) { dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); } else { dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); } dialog.setVisible(true); dialog.dispose(); } else { dialog.setModalityType(ModalityType.MODELESS); if (closeable) { dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } else { dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); } dialog.setVisible(true); } } public WindowManager createWindowManager(Window window) { return new WindowManager(this, window); } public BufferedImage addImageActivationEffect(Image image) { BufferedImage result = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR); Graphics2D g = result.createGraphics(); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); g.dispose(); float scalefactor = 0.5f; float offset = 64f; return new RescaleOp(new float[] { scalefactor, scalefactor, scalefactor, 1f }, new float[] { offset, offset, offset, 0f }, null).filter(result, null); } public Color addColorActivationEffect(Color color) { float[] hsb = Color.RGBtoHSB(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), null); if (hsb[2] > 0.5f) { hsb[2] -= 0.2f; } else { hsb[2] += 0.2f; } int rgb = Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb[0], hsb[1], hsb[2]); return new Color(rgb); } @Override public String toString() { if (this == defaultInstance) { return "SwingRenderer.DEFAULT"; } else { return super.toString(); } } }

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