Download all versions of Bichromate JAR files with all dependencies
Bichromate from group com.github.dramer (version 3.13)
Java, Selenium, Appium, Winium, Extend, and TestNG automated testing framework. Bichromate integrates the best of these frameworks and takes automation to the next level. With Bichromate there is one function call that builds any type of Web,IOS Mobile, Android, and Windows App driver on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). From Local web drivers, to SauceLabs, Browserstack, and Selenium grid. Build data driven tests is never easier.
Bichromate also gives you built in Factories that, access DBs, Video Capture, FTP, POM Generation, Hilite element.
Artifact Bichromate
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.13
Last update 28. October 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.13
Last update 28. October 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Bichromate from group com.github.dramer (version 3.12)
Java, Selenium, Appium, Winium, Extend, and TestNG automated testing framework. Bichromate integrates the best of these frameworks and takes automation to the next level. With Bichromate there is one function call that builds any type of Web,IOS Mobile, Android, and Windows App driver on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). From Local web drivers, to SauceLabs, Browserstack, and Selenium grid. Build data driven tests is never easier.
Bichromate also gives you built in Factories that, access DBs, Video Capture, FTP, POM Generation, Hilite element.
Artifact Bichromate
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.12
Last update 16. September 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.12
Last update 16. September 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Bichromate from group com.github.dramer (version 3.11)
Java, Selenium, Appium, Winium, Extend, and TestNG automated testing framework. Bichromate integrates the best of these frameworks and takes automation to the next level. With Bichromate there is one function call that builds any type of Web,IOS Mobile, Android, and Windows App driver on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). From Local web drivers, to SauceLabs, Browserstack, and Selenium grid. Build data driven tests is never easier.
Bichromate also gives you built in Factories that, access DBs, Video Capture, FTP, POM Generation, Hilite element.
Artifact Bichromate
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.11
Last update 09. September 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.11
Last update 09. September 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Bichromate from group com.github.dramer (version 3.10)
Java, Selenium, Appium, Winium, Extend, and TestNG automated testing framework. Bichromate integrates the best of these frameworks and takes automation to the next level. With Bichromate there is one function call that builds any type of Web,IOS Mobile, Android, and Windows App driver on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). From Local web drivers, to SauceLabs, Browserstack, and Selenium grid. Build data driven tests is never easier.
Bichromate also gives you built in Factories that, access DBs, Video Capture, FTP, POM Generation, Hilite element.
Artifact Bichromate
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.10
Last update 26. August 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.10
Last update 26. August 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Bichromate from group com.github.dramer (version 3.9)
Java, Selenium, Appium, Winium, Extend, and TestNG automated testing framework. Bichromate integrates the best of these frameworks and takes automation to the next level. With Bichromate there is one function call that builds any type of Web,IOS Mobile, Android, and Windows App driver on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). From Local web drivers, to SauceLabs, Browserstack, and Selenium grid. Build data driven tests is never easier.
Bichromate also gives you built in Factories that, access DBs, Video Capture, FTP, POM Generation, Hilite element.
Artifact Bichromate
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.9
Last update 25. August 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.9
Last update 25. August 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Bichromate from group com.github.dramer (version 3.8)
Java, Selenium, Appium, Winium, Extend, and TestNG automated testing framework. Bichromate integrates the best of these frameworks and takes automation to the next level. With Bichromate there is one function call that builds any type of Web,IOS Mobile, Android, and Windows App driver on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). From Local web drivers, to SauceLabs, Browserstack, and Selenium grid. Build data driven tests is never easier.
Bichromate also gives you built in Factories that, access DBs, Video Capture, FTP, POM Generation, Hilite element.
Artifact Bichromate
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.8
Last update 25. August 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.8
Last update 25. August 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Bichromate from group com.github.dramer (version 3.7)
Java, Selenium, Appium, Winium, Extend, and TestNG automated testing framework. Bichromate integrates the best of these frameworks and takes automation to the next level. With Bichromate there is one function call that builds any type of Web,IOS Mobile, Android, and Windows App driver on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). From Local web drivers, to SauceLabs, Browserstack, and Selenium grid. Build data driven tests is never easier.
Bichromate also gives you built in Factories that, access DBs, Video Capture, FTP, POM Generation, Hilite element.
Artifact Bichromate
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.7
Last update 25. August 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.7
Last update 25. August 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Bichromate from group com.github.dramer (version 3.6)
Java, Selenium, Appium, Winium, Extend, and TestNG automated testing framework. Bichromate integrates the best of these frameworks and takes automation to the next level. With Bichromate there is one function call that builds any type of Web,IOS Mobile, Android, and Windows App driver on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). From Local web drivers, to SauceLabs, Browserstack, and Selenium grid. Build data driven tests is never easier.
Bichromate also gives you built in Factories that, access DBs, Video Capture, FTP, POM Generation, Hilite element.
Artifact Bichromate
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.6
Last update 25. August 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.6
Last update 25. August 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Bichromate from group com.github.dramer (version 3.5)
Java, Selenium, Appium, Winium, Extend, and TestNG automated testing framework. Bichromate integrates the best of these frameworks and takes automation to the next level. With Bichromate there is one function call that builds any type of Web,IOS Mobile, Android, and Windows App driver on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). From Local web drivers, to SauceLabs, Browserstack, and Selenium grid. Build data driven tests is never easier.
Bichromate also gives you built in Factories that, access DBs, Video Capture, FTP, POM Generation, Hilite element.
Artifact Bichromate
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.5
Last update 03. July 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.5
Last update 03. July 2018
Tags: winium automated selenium type function saucelabs takes level capture appium browserstack generation video these platform element testng frameworks easier bichromate windows that hilite mobile drivers call integrates android next data from build tests driven best grid driver built with builds gives extend automation linux factories access framework never there testing java local also
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Bichromate from group com.github.dramer (version 3.4)
Java, Selenium, Appium, Winium, Extend, and TestNG automated testing framework. Bichromate integrates the best of these frameworks and takes automation to the next level. With Bichromate there is one function call that builds any type of Web,IOS Mobile, Android, and Windows App driver on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). From Local web drivers, to SauceLabs, Browserstack, and Selenium grid. Build data driven tests is never easier.
Bichromate also gives you built in Factories that, access DBs, Video Capture, FTP, POM Generation, Hilite element.
Artifact Bichromate
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.4
Last update 30. June 2018
Tags: drivers call winium automated integrates selenium next data from type build function saucelabs takes level tests driven grid best appium browserstack these platform with testng frameworks builds extend easier automation bichromate windows linux framework that drver never there java testing local
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.dramer
Version 3.4
Last update 30. June 2018
Tags: drivers call winium automated integrates selenium next data from type build function saucelabs takes level tests driven grid best appium browserstack these platform with testng frameworks builds extend easier automation bichromate windows linux framework that drver never there java testing local
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 55
Dependencies jsoup, gson, aether-connector-basic, aether-transport-wagon, wagon-http, wagon-provider-api, selenium-remote-driver, jcommander, operadriver, transport, log4j-core, webcam-capture, poi, poi-ooxml, twilio, twilio-java-sdk, hamcrest-all, winium-webdriver, winium-elements-desktop, unit-api, org.eclipse.jgit, jazzy, guava, xchart, j2bugzilla, mysql-connector-java, commons-net, jmf, extentreports, java-client, jsch, selenium-ie-driver, selenium-chrome-driver, selenium-firefox-driver, selenium-server, selenium-java, selenium-api, selenium-htmlunit-driver, sikuli-webdriver, mail, swingx, ci-sauce, hipchat-java, jersey-client, jersey-media-json-jackson, jbrowserdriver, javacv, javacpp, thumbnailator, axis, phantomjsdriver, hipchat-scala_2.11, testng, jxl, saucerest,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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