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com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.BeanBoxContext Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at Unless required by
* applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
* License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.ValueTranslator.DefaultValueTranslator;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.annotation.AOP;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.annotation.COMPONENT;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.annotation.INJECT;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.annotation.NAMED;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.annotation.POSTCONSTRUCT;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.annotation.PREDESTROY;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.annotation.PROTOTYPE;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.annotation.QUALIFILER;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jbeanbox.annotation.VALUE;
* BeanBoxContext is the Context (i.e. BeanFactory) to create beans
* @author Yong Zhu
* @since 2.4
public class BeanBoxContext {
protected boolean allowAnnotation = true;
protected boolean allowSpringJsrAnnotation = true;
protected ValueTranslator valueTranslator = new DefaultValueTranslator();
protected Map bindCache = new ConcurrentHashMap();// bind cache
protected Map, BeanBox> beanBoxCache = new ConcurrentHashMap, BeanBox>(); // default BeanBox cache
protected Map singletonCache = new ConcurrentHashMap(); // class or BeanBox as key
protected Set> componentCache = new HashSet>(); // component cache
protected Map componentSearchCache = new ConcurrentHashMap();// as title
protected static BeanBoxContext globalBeanBoxContext = new BeanBoxContext();// Global Bean context
// ==========AOP about=========
protected List aopRules; // Store aop string match rules
private static final BeanBox NO_THIS_COMPONENT = new BeanBox();// Mark a no-exist component
public BeanBoxContext() {
/** Reset context to initial status, clear binding & caches, */
public void reset() {
for (Entry singletons : singletonCache.entrySet()) {
Object key = singletons.getKey();
Object obj = singletons.getValue();
if (key instanceof BeanBox) {
BeanBox box = (BeanBox) key;
if (box.getPreDestroy() != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println(e.getMessage());// NOSONAR
allowAnnotation = true;
allowSpringJsrAnnotation = true;
valueTranslator = new DefaultValueTranslator();
public Object getObject(Object target) {
return getBean(target, true, null);
public T getBean(Object target) {
return getBean(target, true, null);// first step of changzheng
public T getInstance(Class target) {
return getBean(target, true, null);
public T getBean(Object target, boolean required) {
return getBean(target, required, null);
public T getInstance(Class target, boolean required) {
return getBean(target, required, null);
/** Get a class BeanBox which sington property is ture */
public BeanBox getSingletonBeanBox(Class> clazz) {
return getBeanBox(clazz, true);
/** Get a class BeanBox which sington property is false */
public BeanBox getPrototypeBeanBox(Class> clazz) {
return getBeanBox(clazz, false);
/** Get a class BeanBox which sington property determined by annotation */
public BeanBox getBeanBox(Class> clazz) {
return getBeanBox(clazz, null);
public T getBean(Object target, boolean required, Set history) {// NOSONAR
if (target != null && singletonCache.containsKey(target))
return (T) singletonCache.get(target);
if (target == null || EMPTY.class == target)
return (T) notfoundOrException(target, required, null);
if (history != null && target instanceof BeanBox && history.contains(target))
BeanBoxException.throwEX("Circular dependency found on :" + target);
Object result = null;
if (history == null)
history = new HashSet();// NOSONAR
if (bindCache.containsKey(target)) {
result = getBean(bindCache.get(target), required, history);
} else if (target instanceof BeanBox) { // is a BeanBox instance?
result = getBeanFromBox((BeanBox) target, required, history);
} else if (target instanceof Class) { // is a class?
BeanBox box = getBeanBox((Class>) target);
BeanBox bx = searchComponent(box);
if (bx != null)
result = getBean(bx, required, history);
result = getBean(box, required, history);
if (EMPTY.class != result && box.isSingleton()) {
singletonCache.put(target, result);
} else
result = notfoundOrException(target, required, null);
return (T) result;
* Scan classes with @COMPONENT or @Component annotation, for
* autowiring purpose
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void scanComponents(String... packages) {
List classes = ClassScanner.scanPackages(packages);
for (Class claz : classes)
for (Annotation anno : claz.getAnnotations()) {
Class extends Annotation> aType = anno.annotationType();
if (BeanBoxUtils.ifSameOrChildAnno(aType, COMPONENT.class)
|| (allowSpringJsrAnnotation && BeanBoxUtils.ifSameOrChildAnno(aType, Component.class))) {
componentCache.add(claz);// add class as component
BeanBox box = getBeanBox(claz);
Map values = BeanBoxUtils.changeAnnotationValuesToMap(anno);
if (!"".equals(values.get("value")))// use given bean name
this.bind(values.get("value"), box);
else {
String s = claz.getSimpleName(); // else use first char lower case class name as bean name
bind(s, box); // use class name as bind key
if (!Character.isLowerCase(s.charAt(0))) {
s = (new StringBuilder()).append(Character.toLowerCase(s.charAt(0))).append(s.substring(1))
bind(s, box); // also bind the key start wtih lower case
/** Bind a targe on a bean id, if id already exist, override it */
public BeanBoxContext bind(Object id, Object target) {
BeanBoxException.assureNotNull(id, "bind id can not be empty");
bindCache.put(id, target);
return this;
public BeanBoxContext addContextAop(Object aop, String classNameRegex, String methodNameRegex) {
if (aopRules == null)
aopRules = new ArrayList();
aopRules.add(new Object[] { BeanBoxUtils.checkAOP(aop), classNameRegex, methodNameRegex });
return this;
public BeanBoxContext addContextAop(Object aop, Class> clazz, String methodNameRegex) {
return addContextAop(aop, clazz.getName() + "*", methodNameRegex);
protected void internalUtilMethods____________() {// nosonar
/** Read Bean annotations to build a BeanBox instance */
private BeanBox doCreateBeanBox(Class> clazz) {// NOSONAR
BeanBox box = new BeanBox();
box.setSingleton(true); // for static class default set to singleton
if (!this.isAllowAnnotation())
return box;
// ========= singleton or prototype
if (BeanBoxUtils.checkAnnoExist(clazz, PROTOTYPE.class))
else if (allowSpringJsrAnnotation) {
Map m = BeanBoxUtils.getAnnoAsMap(clazz, "org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope");
if (m != null)
for (Entry entry : m.entrySet())
if ("value".equals(entry.getKey())) {// NOSONAR
if ("prototype".equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(entry.getValue())))
else if ("singleton".equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(entry.getValue())))
BeanBoxException.throwEX("'prototype' or 'singleton' required in @Scope annotation");
// ======== Class inject, if @INJECT, @Qualifiler put on class
BeanBox v = getInjectBoxFromAnno(clazz);
if (v != null)
BeanBoxUtils.copyBoxValues(v, box);
// ======== AOP annotated annotations on class
Annotation[] annos = clazz.getAnnotations();
for (Annotation anno : annos) {
if (anno.annotationType().isAnnotationPresent(AOP.class)) {
Map annoMap = BeanBoxUtils.changeAnnotationValuesToMap(anno);
Object aop = annoMap.get("value");
String methodNameRule = (String) annoMap.get("method");// name must be method
if (methodNameRule != null && methodNameRule.length() > 0 && aop != null)
box.addBeanAop(aop, methodNameRule);
// ========== Constructor inject
Constructor>[] constrs = clazz.getConstructors();
for (Constructor> constr : constrs) {
v = getInjectBoxFromAnno(constr);
if (v != null) { // has constr inject
box.setBeanClass(clazz);// anyway set beanClass first
BeanBox[] paramInjects = getParameterInjectAsBeanBoxArray(constr);
if (paramInjects.length == 1) {
if ( != null && != EMPTY.class)
if (v.pureValue)
if (v.qualifierAnno != null) {
// =================Field inject=================
// @INJECT annotations on fields include super class's
for (Field f : ReflectionUtils.getSelfAndSuperClassFields(clazz)) {
BeanBox inject = getInjectBoxFromAnno(f);
if (inject != null) {
box.getFieldInjects().put(f, inject);
// @INJECT annotations on methods include super class's
Method[] methods = ReflectionUtils.getAllDeclaredMethods(clazz);
for (Method m : methods) {
// ========== @PostConstruct and @PreDestory
if (m.getAnnotation(POSTCONSTRUCT.class) != null || m.getAnnotation(PostConstruct.class) != null) {
if (m.getParameterTypes().length > 0)
BeanBoxException.throwEX("In jBeanBox, PostConstruct should have no parameter.");
if (m.getAnnotation(PREDESTROY.class) != null || m.getAnnotation(PreDestroy.class) != null) {
if (m.getParameterTypes().length > 0)
BeanBoxException.throwEX("In jBeanBox, PostConstruct should have no parameter.");
// ========== AOP about annotation =========
Annotation[] mtdAnnos = m.getAnnotations();
for (Annotation anno : mtdAnnos)
if (anno.annotationType().isAnnotationPresent(AOP.class)) {
Map annoMap = BeanBoxUtils.changeAnnotationValuesToMap(anno);
Object aop = annoMap.get("value");
if (aop != null)
box.addMethodAop(aop, m);
// =========== method inject annotation ==============
v = getInjectBoxFromAnno(m);
if (v != null) {
BeanBox[] paramInjects = getParameterInjectAsBeanBoxArray(m);
box.getMethodInjects().put(m, paramInjects);
if (paramInjects.length == 1) {
if ( != null && != EMPTY.class)
if (v.pureValue)
if (v.qualifierAnno != null) {
return box;
private void bindBasicTypes() {
bind(Object.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(String.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(Integer.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(Boolean.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(Byte.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(Long.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(Short.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(Float.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(Double.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(Character.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(List.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(Map.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(Set.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(int.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(boolean.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(byte.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(long.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(short.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(float.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(double.class, EMPTY.class);
bind(char.class, EMPTY.class);
* Get BeanBox for class, prototype can be null/true/false represents
* default/prototype/sington 3 type beanbox
private BeanBox getBeanBox(Class> clazz, Boolean singleton) {
BeanBoxException.assureNotNull(clazz, "Target class can not be null");
BeanBox box = this.beanBoxCache.get(clazz);
if (box != null) {
if (singleton == null)
return box;
if (singleton && box.isSingleton())
return box;
return box.newCopy().setSingleton(singleton);
if (BeanBox.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) // not found beanbox
try {
box = (BeanBox) clazz.newInstance();
if (box.singleton == null)
box.singleton = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
box = this.doCreateBeanBox(clazz);
if (box.beanClass != null && PrototypeBean.class.isAssignableFrom(box.beanClass))// NOSONAR
this.beanBoxCache.put(clazz, box);
return box;
/** Get Bean From BeanBox instance */
private Object getBeanFromBox(BeanBox box, boolean required, Set history) {// NOSONAR
BeanBoxException.assureNotNull(box, "Fail to build instance for a null beanBox");
Object bean = null;
if (box.isSingleton()) { // Check if singleton in cache
bean = singletonCache.get(box);
if (bean != null)
return bean;
if (box.isPureValue()) // if constant?
return box.getTarget();
if (box.getTarget() != null) {// if target?
if (EMPTY.class != box.getTarget())//
return getBean(box.getTarget(), box.required, history);
if (box.type != null) { // now is EMPTY, it means it's a @INJECT parameter
BeanBox bx = searchComponent(box);
if (bx == null && box.qualifierAnno != null)
return notfoundOrException(box.type, box.required, box);
if (bx != null)
return getBean(bx, box.required, history);
return getBean(box.type, box.required, history);
} else
return notfoundOrException(box.getTarget(), box.required, box);
boolean aopFound = false;// is AOP?
if (box.getAopRules() != null || box.getMethodAops() != null)
aopFound = true;
else if (this.getAopRules() != null && box.getBeanClass() != null)
for (Object[] aops : this.getAopRules()) // global AOP
if (NameMatchUtil.nameMatch((String) aops[1], box.getBeanClass().getName())) {
aopFound = true;
if (aopFound)
bean = AopUtils.createProxyBean(box.getBeanClass(), box, this);
else {
bean = box.create(); // use BeanBox's create methods to create bean
if (bean == null)
bean = box.create(this);
if (bean == null)
bean = box.create(this, history);
if (bean == null)
if (box.getConstructor() != null) { // has constructor?
if (box.getConstructorParams() != null && box.getConstructorParams().length > 0) {
Object[] initargs = param2RealObjects(box.getConstructorParams(), history);
try {
bean = box.getConstructor().newInstance(initargs);
} catch (Exception e) {
return BeanBoxException.throwEX(e);
} else // 0 param constructor
try {
bean = box.getConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
return BeanBoxException.throwEX(e);
} else if (box.getBeanClass() != null) { // is normal bean
if (EMPTY.class == box.getBeanClass() || box.getBeanClass().isInterface())
return notfoundOrException(box.getBeanClass(), required, box);
try {
bean = box.getBeanClass().newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
return notfoundOrException(box.getBeanClass(), required, box);
} else
return notfoundOrException(null, box.required, box); // return null or throw EX
// Now Bean is ready
// Cache bean or proxy bean right now for circular dependency use
if (box.isSingleton()) {
Object id = box.getSingletonId();
if (id != null)
singletonCache.put(box, bean);
box.config(bean);// call config methods maybe overrided by user
box.config(bean, this);
box.config(bean, this, history);
if (box.getPostConstruct() != null) // PostConstructor
ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(box.getPostConstruct(), bean);
if (box.getFieldInjects() != null) // Fields inject
for (Entry entry : box.getFieldInjects().entrySet()) {
Field f = entry.getKey();
BeanBox b = entry.getValue();
Object fieldValue = this.getBeanFromBox(b, b.required, history);
if (fieldValue != null && EMPTY.class != fieldValue) {
if (fieldValue instanceof String)
fieldValue = this.valueTranslator.translate((String) fieldValue, b.type);
ReflectionUtils.setField(f, bean, fieldValue);
if (box.getMethodInjects() != null) { // Methods inject
for (Entry methods : box.getMethodInjects().entrySet()) {
Method m = methods.getKey();
BeanBox[] paramBoxs = methods.getValue();
if (paramBoxs != null && paramBoxs.length > 0) {
Object[] methodParams = param2RealObjects(paramBoxs, history);
ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(m, bean, methodParams);
} else // method has no parameter
ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(m, bean);
return bean;
private Object[] param2RealObjects(BeanBox[] boxes, Set history) {
Object[] result = new Object[boxes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
result[i] = getBeanFromBox(boxes[i], boxes[i].required, history);
if (result[i] instanceof String)
result[i] = valueTranslator.translate((String) result[i], boxes[i].type);
return result;
/** Check if class is a component and return its BeanBox */
private BeanBox searchComponent(BeanBox box) {
if (box.type == null || componentCache.isEmpty())
return null;
String key = new StringBuilder().append(box.type.getName()).append(":").append(box.qualifierAnno).append(":")
BeanBox result = componentSearchCache.get(key);
if (result == NO_THIS_COMPONENT) // already know not found
return null;
if (result != null) // already in cache?
return result;
if (box.qualifierAnno != null && box.qualifierAnno.getSimpleName().equalsIgnoreCase("named"))
result = (BeanBox) bindCache.get(box.getQualifierValue());
if (result == null)
for (Class> compClass : componentCache)
if (box.type.isAssignableFrom(compClass)) {
BeanBox compBox = getBeanBox(compClass);
if (box.qualifierAnno == null || (box.qualifierAnno == compBox.qualifierAnno
&& ((box.qualifierValue == null) || (box.qualifierValue.equals(compBox.qualifierValue))))) {
if (result != null)
BeanBoxException.throwEX("2 components " + compClass.getName() + " and "
+ result.beanClass.getName() + " found for type: " + box.type);
result = compBox;
if (result != null) {
componentSearchCache.put(key, result);
return result;
} else
componentSearchCache.put(key, NO_THIS_COMPONENT);
return null;
/** Get wanted Inject info from target annotation */
private BeanBox getInjectBoxFromAnno(Object target) {
Annotation[] anno = BeanBoxUtils.getAnnotations(target);
return getInjectBoxFromAnnos(anno);
/** Get a BeanBox instance from annotation array */
private BeanBox getInjectBoxFromAnnos(Annotation[] anno) {// NOSONAR
BeanBox box = null;
for (Annotation a : anno) {
Class extends Annotation> type = a.annotationType();
if (INJECT.class.equals(type)) {
box = new BeanBox().setTarget(i.value()).setRequired(i.required()).setPureValue(i.pureValue());
} else if (VALUE.class.equals(type))
box = new BeanBox().setTarget(((VALUE) a).value()).setRequired(true).setPureValue(true);
else if (allowSpringJsrAnnotation) {
if (Inject.class.equals(type))
box = new BeanBox().setTarget(EMPTY.class).setPureValue(false);
else if (Autowired.class.equals(type))
box = new BeanBox().setTarget(EMPTY.class).setRequired(((Autowired) a).required());
else if (Value.class.equals(type))
box = new BeanBox().setTarget(((Value) a).value()).setRequired(true).setPureValue(true);
for (Annotation a : anno) {
Class extends Annotation> type = a.annotationType();
if (BeanBoxUtils.ifSameOrChildAnno(type, NAMED.class, QUALIFILER.class) // if have qualifiler anno?
|| (allowSpringJsrAnnotation && BeanBoxUtils.ifSameOrChildAnno(type, Named.class, Qualifier.class,
org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier.class))) {
Map v = BeanBoxUtils.changeAnnotationValuesToMap(a);
if (v.size() > 1)
.throwEX("jBeanBox does not support multiple property in Qualifier annotation: " + type);
if (box == null)
box = new BeanBox();
box.setQualifierAnno(type).setQualifierValue(v.isEmpty() ? null : v.values().iterator().next());
return box;
/** Get Parameter Inject as BeanBox[] Array */
private BeanBox[] getParameterInjectAsBeanBoxArray(Object o) {
Annotation[][] annoss = null;
Class>[] paramTypes = null;
if (o instanceof Method) {
annoss = ((Method) o).getParameterAnnotations();
paramTypes = ((Method) o).getParameterTypes();
} else if (o instanceof Constructor) {
annoss = ((Constructor>) o).getParameterAnnotations();
paramTypes = ((Constructor>) o).getParameterTypes();
} else
return BeanBoxException.throwEX("Only method or Constructor are allowed for:" + o);
BeanBox[] beanBoxes = new BeanBox[annoss.length];
for (int i = 0; i < annoss.length; i++) {
Annotation[] annos = annoss[i];
BeanBox v = getInjectBoxFromAnnos(annos);
BeanBox inject = new BeanBox();
if (v != null) { // if parameter has annotation
BeanBoxUtils.copyBoxValues(v, inject);
if ( == null) = EMPTY.class;
} else // if parameter no annotation
beanBoxes[i] = inject;
return beanBoxes;
private static Object notfoundOrException(Object target, boolean required, BeanBox box) {
if (required)
return BeanBoxException
.throwEX("Can not create instance for: " + target + (box == null ? "" : box.getDebugInfo()));
return EMPTY.class;
protected void getterAndSetters____________() {// NOSONAR
public boolean isAllowAnnotation() {
return allowAnnotation;
public BeanBoxContext setAllowAnnotation(boolean allowAnnotation) {
this.allowAnnotation = allowAnnotation;
return this;
public boolean isAllowSpringJsrAnnotation() {
return allowSpringJsrAnnotation;
public BeanBoxContext setAllowSpringJsrAnnotation(boolean allowSpringJsrAnnotation) {
this.allowSpringJsrAnnotation = allowSpringJsrAnnotation;
return this;
public ValueTranslator getValueTranslator() {
return valueTranslator;
public BeanBoxContext setValueTranslator(ValueTranslator valueTranslator) {
this.valueTranslator = valueTranslator;
return this;
public Map getBindCache() {
return bindCache;
public BeanBoxContext setBindCache(Map bindCache) {
this.bindCache = bindCache;
return this;
public Map getSingletonCache() {
return singletonCache;
public BeanBoxContext setSingletonCache(Map singletonCache) {
this.singletonCache = singletonCache;
return this;
public List getAopRules() {
return aopRules;
public BeanBoxContext setAopRules(List aopRules) {
this.aopRules = aopRules;
return this;