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com.github.drinkjava2.jdialects.DDLCreateUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at Unless required by
 * applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
 * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS
 * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.github.drinkjava2.jdialects;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import com.github.drinkjava2.jdialects.annotation.jpa.GenerationType;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jdialects.model.ColumnModel;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jdialects.model.FKeyModel;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jdialects.model.IndexModel;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jdialects.model.TableModel;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jdialects.model.UniqueModel;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jlogs.Log;
import com.github.drinkjava2.jlogs.LogFactory;

 * To transfer platform-independent model to create DDL String array
 * @author Yong Zhu
 * @since 1.0.2
public class DDLCreateUtils {// NOSONAR
	private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DDLCreateUtils.class);

	 * Transfer tables to DDL by given dialect and without format it, if want get a
	 * formatted DDL, use DDLFormatter.format(DDLs) method to format it
	public static String[] toCreateDDL(Dialect dialect, TableModel... tables) {
		// Store mixed DDL String, TableGen Object, SequenceGen Object ...
		List objectResultList = new ArrayList();

		for (TableModel table : tables)
			transferTableToObjectList(dialect, table, objectResultList);

		boolean hasAutoIdGenerator = false;
		for (TableModel table : tables) {
			for (ColumnModel column : table.getColumns())
				if (GenerationType.AUTO.equals(column.getIdGenerationType())) {
					hasAutoIdGenerator = true;
			for (IdGenerator idGens : table.getIdGenerators())
				if (hasAutoIdGenerator || idGens.dependOnAutoIdGenerator()) {
					hasAutoIdGenerator = true;

		List stringResultList = new ArrayList();
		List tbGeneratorList = new ArrayList();
		List sequenceList = new ArrayList();
		List fKeyConstraintList = new ArrayList();

		for (Object strOrObj : objectResultList) {
			if (!StrUtils.isEmpty(strOrObj)) {
				if (strOrObj instanceof String)
					stringResultList.add((String) strOrObj);
				else if (strOrObj instanceof TableIdGenerator)
					tbGeneratorList.add((TableIdGenerator) strOrObj);
				else if (strOrObj instanceof SequenceIdGenerator)
					sequenceList.add((SequenceIdGenerator) strOrObj);
				else if (strOrObj instanceof FKeyModel)
					fKeyConstraintList.add((FKeyModel) strOrObj);

		if (hasAutoIdGenerator) {
			IdGenerator realIdGen = AutoIdGenerator.INSTANCE.getSequenceOrTableIdGenerator(dialect);
			if (realIdGen instanceof TableIdGenerator)
				tbGeneratorList.add((TableIdGenerator) realIdGen);
			else if (realIdGen instanceof SequenceIdGenerator)
				sequenceList.add((SequenceIdGenerator) realIdGen);
				throw new DialectException("Unknow exception happen for realIdGen, please report this bug");

		buildSequenceDDL(dialect, stringResultList, sequenceList);
		buildTableGeneratorDDL(dialect, stringResultList, tbGeneratorList);
		outputFKeyConstraintDDL(dialect, stringResultList, fKeyConstraintList);
		String[] result = stringResultList.toArray(new String[stringResultList.size()]);
		if (Dialect.getGlobalAllowShowSql())"Create DDL:\r" + StrUtils.arrayToString(result, "\r"));
		return result;

	 * Transfer table to a mixed DDL String or TableGen Object list
	 * @param dialect
	 * @param t
	 * @param objectResultList
	private static void transferTableToObjectList(Dialect dialect, TableModel t, List objectResultList) {
		DDLFeatures features = dialect.ddlFeatures;

		StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
		boolean hasPkey = false;
		String pkeys = "";
		String tableName = t.getTableName();
		List columns = t.getColumns();

		// Reserved words check
		dialect.checkNotEmptyReservedWords(tableName, "Table name", tableName);

		List idexChks = t.getIndexConsts();// check index names
		if (idexChks != null && !idexChks.isEmpty())
			for (IndexModel index : idexChks)

		List ukChks = t.getUniqueConsts();// check unique names
		if (ukChks != null && !ukChks.isEmpty())
			for (UniqueModel unique : ukChks)

		List fkeyChks = t.getFkeyConstraints();// check Fkey names
		if (fkeyChks != null && !fkeyChks.isEmpty())
			for (FKeyModel fkey : fkeyChks)

		for (ColumnModel col : columns)// check column names
			if (!col.getTransientable())
				dialect.checkNotEmptyReservedWords(col.getColumnName(), "Column name", tableName);

		// idGenerator
		for (IdGenerator idGen : t.getIdGenerators())

		// Foreign key
		for (FKeyModel fkey : t.getFkeyConstraints())

		// check and cache prime keys
		for (ColumnModel col : columns) {
			if (col.getTransientable())
			if (col.getPkey()) {
				hasPkey = true;
				if (StrUtils.isEmpty(pkeys))
					pkeys = col.getColumnName();
					pkeys += "," + col.getColumnName();

		// create table
		buf.append(hasPkey ? dialect.ddlFeatures.createTableString : dialect.ddlFeatures.createMultisetTableString)
				.append(" ").append(tableName).append(" ( ");

		for (ColumnModel c : columns) {
			if (c.getTransientable())
			if (c.getColumnType() == null)
						.throwEX("Type not set on column \"" + c.getColumnName() + "\" at table \"" + tableName + "\"");

			// column definition
			buf.append(c.getColumnName()).append(" ");

			// Identity
			if (GenerationType.IDENTITY.equals(c.getIdGenerationType()) && !features.supportsIdentityColumns)
				DialectException.throwEX("Unsupported identity setting for dialect \"" + dialect + "\" on column \""
						+ c.getColumnName() + "\" at table \"" + tableName + "\"");

			// Column type definition
			if (GenerationType.IDENTITY.equals(c.getIdGenerationType())) {
				if (features.hasDataTypeInIdentityColumn)
				buf.append(' ');
				if (Type.BIGINT.equals(c.getColumnType()))
			} else {

				// Default
				String defaultValue = c.getDefaultValue();
				if (defaultValue != null) {
					buf.append(" default ").append(defaultValue);

				// Not null
				if (!c.getNullable())
					buf.append(" not null");

			// Check
			if (!StrUtils.isEmpty(c.getCheck())) {
				if (features.supportsColumnCheck)
					buf.append(" check (").append(c.getCheck()).append(")");
					logger.warn("Ignore unsupported check setting for dialect \"" + dialect + "\" on column \""
							+ c.getColumnName() + "\" at table \"" + tableName + "\" with value: " + c.getCheck());

			// Comments
			if (c.getComment() != null) {
				if (StrUtils.isEmpty(features.columnComment) && !features.supportsCommentOn)
					logger.warn("Ignore unsupported comment setting for dialect \"" + dialect + "\" on column \""
							+ c.getColumnName() + "\" at table \"" + tableName + "\" with value: " + c.getComment());
					buf.append(StrUtils.replace(features.columnComment, "_COMMENT", c.getComment()));

			// tail String
			if (!StrUtils.isEmpty(c.getTail()))

		// PKEY
		if (!StrUtils.isEmpty(pkeys)) {
			buf.append(" primary key (").append(pkeys).append("),");

		// Table Check
		if (!StrUtils.isEmpty(t.getCheck())) {
			if (features.supportsTableCheck)
				buf.append(" check (").append(t.getCheck()).append("),");
				logger.warn("Ignore unsupported table check setting for dialect \"" + dialect + "\" on table \""
						+ tableName + "\" with value: " + t.getCheck());

		buf.setLength(buf.length() - 1);

		// Engine for MariaDB & MySql only, for example "engine=innoDB"
		String tableTypeString = features.tableTypeString;
		if (!StrUtils.isEmpty(tableTypeString) && !DDLFeatures.NOT_SUPPORT.equals(tableTypeString)) {

			// EngineTail, for example:" DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"
			if (!StrUtils.isEmpty(t.getEngineTail()))


		// table comment on
		if (t.getComment() != null) {
			if (features.supportsCommentOn)
				objectResultList.add("comment on table " + t.getTableName() + " is '" + t.getComment() + "'");
				logger.warn("Ignore unsupported table comment setting for dialect \"" + dialect + "\" on table \""
						+ tableName + "\" with value: " + t.getComment());

		// column comment on
		for (ColumnModel c : columns) {
			if (features.supportsCommentOn && c.getComment() != null && StrUtils.isEmpty(features.columnComment))
						"comment on column " + tableName + '.' + c.getColumnName() + " is '" + c.getComment() + "'");

		// index
		buildIndexDLL(dialect, objectResultList, t);

		// unique
		buildUniqueDLL(dialect, objectResultList, t);

	 * if name not found, add 
* If name same, but other fields different, throw exception
* If name same, and other field same, ignore
*/ protected static void checkAndInsertToNotRepeatSeq(Set notRepeatedSeq, SequenceIdGenerator seq) { DialectException.assureNotEmpty(seq.getName(), "SequenceGen name can not be empty"); DialectException.assureNotEmpty(seq.getSequenceName(), "sequenceName can not be empty of \"" + seq.getName() + "\""); boolean canAdd = true; for (SequenceIdGenerator not : notRepeatedSeq) { if (seq.getName().equals(not.getName())) { canAdd = false; if (!(seq.getSequenceName().equals(not.getSequenceName()) && seq.getInitialValue().equals(not.getInitialValue()) && seq.getAllocationSize().equals(not.getAllocationSize()))) throw new DialectException( "In one or more tableModel, duplicated SequenceIdGenerator name '" + seq.getName() + "' but different value of sequenceName/initialValue/allocationSize setting"); } else { if (seq.getSequenceName().equals(not.getSequenceName())) throw new DialectException( "In one or more tableModel, duplicated SequenceName '" + seq.getSequenceName() + "' found for '" + seq.getName() + "' and '" + not.getName() + "'"); } } if (canAdd) notRepeatedSeq.add(seq); } private static void buildSequenceDDL(Dialect dialect, List stringList, List sequenceList) { Set notRepeatedSequences = new HashSet(); for (SequenceIdGenerator seq : sequenceList) checkAndInsertToNotRepeatSeq(notRepeatedSequences, seq); DDLFeatures features = dialect.ddlFeatures; for (SequenceIdGenerator seq : notRepeatedSequences) { if (!features.supportBasicOrPooledSequence()) { DialectException.throwEX("Dialect \"" + dialect + "\" does not support sequence setting on sequence \"" + seq.getName() + "\""); } if (features.supportsPooledSequences) { // create sequence _SEQ start with 11 increment by 33 String pooledSequence = StrUtils.replace(features.createPooledSequenceStrings, "_SEQ", seq.getSequenceName()); pooledSequence = StrUtils.replace(pooledSequence, "11", "" + seq.getInitialValue()); pooledSequence = StrUtils.replace(pooledSequence, "33", "" + seq.getAllocationSize()); stringList.add(pooledSequence); } else { if (seq.getInitialValue() >= 2 || seq.getAllocationSize() >= 2) DialectException.throwEX("Dialect \"" + dialect + "\" does not support initialValue and allocationSize setting on sequence \"" + seq.getName() + "\", try set initialValue and allocationSize to 1 to fix"); // "create sequence _SEQ" String simepleSeq = StrUtils.replace(features.createSequenceStrings, "_SEQ", seq.getSequenceName()); stringList.add(simepleSeq); } } } /** * if name not found, add
* If name same, but other fields different, throw exception
* If name same, and other field same, ignore
*/ protected static void checkAndInsertToNotRepeatTable(Set notRepeatedSeq, TableIdGenerator tab) { DialectException.assureNotEmpty(tab.getName(), "TableGen name can not be empty"); DialectException.assureNotEmpty(tab.getTable(), "TableGen tableName can not be empty of \"" + tab.getName() + "\""); DialectException.assureNotEmpty(tab.getPkColumnName(), "TableGen pkColumnName can not be empty of \"" + tab.getName() + "\""); DialectException.assureNotEmpty(tab.getPkColumnValue(), "TableGen pkColumnValue can not be empty of \"" + tab.getName() + "\""); DialectException.assureNotEmpty(tab.getValueColumnName(), "TableGen valueColumnName can not be empty of \"" + tab.getName() + "\""); boolean canAdd = true; for (TableIdGenerator not : notRepeatedSeq) { if (tab.getName().equals(not.getName())) { canAdd = false; if (!(tab.getTable().equals(not.getTable()) && tab.getPkColumnName().equals(not.getPkColumnName()) && tab.getPkColumnValue().equals(not.getPkColumnValue()) && tab.getValueColumnName().equals(not.getValueColumnName()) && tab.getInitialValue().equals(not.getInitialValue()) && tab.getAllocationSize().equals(not.getAllocationSize()))) throw new DialectException("In one or more tableModel, duplicated TableIdGenerator name '" + tab.getName() + "' but different value of table/pKColumnName/pkColumnValue/valueColumnName/initialValue/allocationSize setting"); } } if (canAdd) notRepeatedSeq.add(tab); } private static final ColumnModel VARCHAR100=new ColumnModel("VARCHAR100").VARCHAR(100); private static final ColumnModel BINGINT=new ColumnModel("BINGINT").BIGINT(); private static void buildTableGeneratorDDL(Dialect dialect, List stringList, List tbGeneratorList) { Set notRepeatedTab = new HashSet(); for (TableIdGenerator tab : tbGeneratorList) checkAndInsertToNotRepeatTable(notRepeatedTab, tab); Set tableExisted = new HashSet(); Set columnExisted = new HashSet(); for (TableIdGenerator tg : tbGeneratorList) if (tg.getAllocationSize() != 0) { String tableName = tg.getTable().toLowerCase(); String tableAndPKColumn = tg.getTable().toLowerCase() + "..XXOO.." + tg.getPkColumnName(); String tableAndValColumn = tg.getTable().toLowerCase() + "..XXOO.." + tg.getValueColumnName(); if (!tableExisted.contains(tableName)) { String s = dialect.ddlFeatures.createTableString + " " + tableName + " ("; s += tg.getPkColumnName() + " " + dialect.translateToDDLType(VARCHAR100) + ","; s += tg.getValueColumnName() + " " + dialect.translateToDDLType(BINGINT) + " )"; stringList.add(s); tableExisted.add(tableName); columnExisted.add(tableAndPKColumn); columnExisted.add(tableAndValColumn); } else { if (!columnExisted.contains(tableAndPKColumn)) { stringList.add("alter table " + tableName + " " + dialect.ddlFeatures.addColumnString + " " + tg.getPkColumnName() + " " + dialect.translateToDDLType(VARCHAR100) + " " + dialect.ddlFeatures.addColumnSuffixString); columnExisted.add(tableAndPKColumn); } if (!columnExisted.contains(tableAndValColumn)) { stringList.add("alter table " + tableName + " " + dialect.ddlFeatures.addColumnString + " " + tg.getValueColumnName() + " " + dialect.translateToDDLType(VARCHAR100) + " " + dialect.ddlFeatures.addColumnSuffixString); columnExisted.add(tableAndValColumn); } } } } private static void outputFKeyConstraintDDL(Dialect dialect, List stringList, List trueList) { if (DDLFeatures.NOT_SUPPORT.equals(dialect.ddlFeatures.addForeignKeyConstraintString)) { logger.warn("Dialect \"" + dialect + "\" does not support foreign key setting, settings be ignored"); return; } for (FKeyModel t : trueList) { if (!t.getDdl()) continue; // if ddl is false, skip /* * ADD CONSTRAINT _FKEYNAME FOREIGN KEY _FKEYNAME (_FK1, _FK2) REFERENCES * _REFTABLE (_REF1, _REF2) */ String constName = t.getFkeyName(); if (StrUtils.isEmpty(constName)) constName = "fk_" + t.getTableName().toLowerCase() + "_" + StrUtils.replace(StrUtils.listToString(t.getColumnNames()), ",", "_"); String[] refTableAndColumns = t.getRefTableAndColumns(); DialectException.assureNotNull(refTableAndColumns); String fkeyTemplate; if (refTableAndColumns.length == 1) fkeyTemplate = dialect.ddlFeatures.addFKeyRefPkeyString; else fkeyTemplate = dialect.ddlFeatures.addForeignKeyConstraintString; fkeyTemplate = StrUtils.replace(fkeyTemplate, "_FK1, _FK2", StrUtils.listToString(t.getColumnNames())); fkeyTemplate = StrUtils.replace(fkeyTemplate, "_REF1, _REF2", StrUtils.arrayToStringButSkipFirst(t.getRefTableAndColumns())); fkeyTemplate = StrUtils.replace(fkeyTemplate, "_REFTABLE", t.getRefTableAndColumns()[0]); fkeyTemplate = StrUtils.replace(fkeyTemplate, "_FKEYNAME", constName); String tail = StrUtils.isEmpty(t.getFkeyTail()) ? "" : " " + t.getFkeyTail(); stringList.add("alter table " + t.getTableName() + " " + fkeyTemplate + tail); } } private static void buildIndexDLL(Dialect dialect, List objectResultList, TableModel t) { List l = t.getIndexConsts(); if (l == null || l.isEmpty()) return; String template; if (Dialect.Teradata14Dialect.equals(dialect)) template = "create $ifUnique index $indexName ($indexValues) on " + t.getTableName(); else template = "create $ifUnique index $indexName on " + t.getTableName() + " ($indexValues)"; for (IndexModel index : l) { String indexname = index.getName(); if (StrUtils.isEmpty(indexname)) indexname = "IX_" + t.getTableName() + "_" + StrUtils.arrayToString(index.getColumnList(), "_"); String ifUnique = index.getUnique() ? "unique" : ""; String result = StrUtils.replace(template, "$ifUnique", ifUnique); result = StrUtils.replace(result, "$indexName", indexname); result = StrUtils.replace(result, "$indexValues", StrUtils.arrayToString(index.getColumnList())); objectResultList.add(result); } } private static void buildUniqueDLL(Dialect dialect, List objectResultList, TableModel t) { List l = t.getUniqueConsts(); if (l == null || l.isEmpty()) return; String dialectName = "" + dialect; for (UniqueModel unique : l) { boolean nullable = false; String[] columns = unique.getColumnList(); for (String colNames : columns) { ColumnModel vc = t.getColumnByColName(colNames); if (vc != null && vc.getNullable()) nullable = true; } String uniqueName = unique.getName(); if (StrUtils.isEmpty(uniqueName)) uniqueName = "UK_" + t.getTableName() + "_" + StrUtils.arrayToString(unique.getColumnList(), "_"); String template = "alter table $TABLE add constraint $UKNAME unique ($COLUMNS)"; if ((StrUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(dialectName, "DB2")// DB2 and // DERBY || StrUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(dialectName, "DERBY")) && nullable) template = "create unique index $UKNAME on $TABLE ($COLUMNS)"; else if (StrUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(dialectName, "Informix")) template = "alter table $TABLE add constraint unique ($COLUMNS) constraint $UKNAME"; String result = StrUtils.replace(template, "$TABLE", t.getTableName()); result = StrUtils.replace(result, "$UKNAME", uniqueName); result = StrUtils.replace(result, "$COLUMNS", StrUtils.arrayToString(unique.getColumnList())); objectResultList.add(result); } } }