datomiscadao.DB.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Datomisca dao for easier crud.
The newest version!
package datomiscadao
import java.util.{Date, UUID}
import datomisca._
import datomisca.gen.{TypedQuery0, TypedQuery2}
import datomiscadao.Sort.{Asc, Desc, SortOrder}
import play.api.Logger
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.Try
trait IdEntity {
def id: Long
* This trait is intended to be mixed into companion objects to make it easy to do basic CRUD functionality.
trait DB[T] {
implicit val reader: EntityReader[T]
implicit val writer: PartialAddEntityWriter[T]
def createEntity(facts: TraversableOnce[TxData], resolveId: DId)(implicit conn: Connection): Future[T] = {
for {
tx <- Datomic.transact(facts)
} yield get(tx.resolve(resolveId))
def updateEntity(facts: TraversableOnce[TxData], id: Long)(implicit conn: Connection): Future[T] = {
for {
tx <- Datomic.transact(facts)
} yield get(id)
/* Some experimenting on how to get errors out of models */
// Datomic.q(queryAll, Datomic.database) => execute1
def execute0(myQuery: AbstractQuery)(implicit conn: Connection) = {
Datomic.q(myQuery.asInstanceOf[TypedQuery0[Any]], Datomic.database)
def execute1(myQuery: AbstractQuery, param: String)(implicit conn: Connection) = {
Datomic.q(myQuery.asInstanceOf[TypedQuery2[AnyRef, AnyRef, Any]], Datomic.database, param)
def execute1(myQuery: AbstractQuery, param: Long)(implicit conn: Connection) = {
Datomic.q(myQuery.asInstanceOf[TypedQuery2[AnyRef, AnyRef, Any]], Datomic.database, param)
* Gets an entity by ID, where the ID can either be a [[Long]] or a [[LookupRef]]. This method will throw an
* [[UnresolvedLookupRefException]] if the ID does not map to an existing entity. this should never be the case for a
* [[Long]] ID, but can potentially be possible when using a [[LookupRef]]. If you are not certain that a [[LookupRef]]
* points to an existing entity, call `find` instead
* @param id the ID of the entity you with to select
* @param db the database to look in
* @param reader the reader that converts the entity into the proper case class
* @param idConv the converter that converts the OD from type `I` to the [[Long]] that it eventually needs to be
* @tparam I the type of the ID, can either be a [[Long]] or a [[LookupRef]]
* @return the entity, or an [[UnresolvedLookupRefException]] if no entity can be found
def get[I](id: I, db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T], idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): T = {
val entity = db.entity(id)
def get[I](id: I)(implicit conn: Connection, reader: EntityReader[T], idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): T = {
val entity = Datomic.database.entity(id)
def find[I](id: I, db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T], idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): Option[T] = {
val entity = db.entity(id)
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => None
def find[I](id: I)(implicit conn: Connection, reader: EntityReader[T], idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): Option[T] = {
val entity = Datomic.database().entity(id)
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => None
* Similar to `get(id: Long)` except this method will not throw an exception of the entity with the specified ID
* exists, instead, it simply returns a `None`. This is useful for when you are not sure whether or not an entity has
* been retracted.
* @param ref the [[LookupRef]] for the entity you wish to find
* @param db the database to search in
* @param reader the reader which converts the [[Entity]] to our native entity type `T`
* @return `Some[T]` if the entity exists, `None` otherwise
def find(ref: LookupRef, db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): Option[T] = {
ref.entity(db).map(ent => DatomicMapping.fromEntity[T](ent))
def find(ref: LookupRef)(implicit conn: Connection, reader: EntityReader[T]): Option[T] = {
ref.entity(Datomic.database()).map(ent => DatomicMapping.fromEntity[T](ent))
* Similar to `get(id: Long)` all excpetions are caught and wrapped in a [[Try]]. This is useful in circumstances
* where perhaps the entity in question was not fully entered into the DB, so while something is there with that ID,
* there isn't enough to fully inflate the case class.
* @param id the ID of the entity that you want to select
* @param db the database to search in
* @param reader the reader which converts the [[Entity]] to our native entity type `T`
* @param idConv the converter that converts the OD from type `I` to the [[Long]] that it eventually needs to be
* @return `Some[T]` if the entity exists, `None` otherwise
def getAsTry[I](id: I, db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T], idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): Try[T] = Try {
get(id, db)
def getAsTry[I](id: I)(implicit conn: Connection, reader: EntityReader[T], idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): Try[T] = Try {
get(id, Datomic.database())
* Gets an entity in JSON format. This is done directly on the Datomic map, so calling this method is an optimization
* that saves on having to serialize and deserialize from a case class.
* @param id the ID of the entity
* @param depth the depth to recursively expand. After you reach this depth, you will only get entity IDs instead of
* the fully expanded entities.
* @param db the database to use
* @tparam I the type of the ID, can either be a [[Long]] or a [[LookupRef]]
* @return the JSON
def getAsJson[I](id: I, db: Database, depth: Int = 10)(implicit idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): JsValue = {
def writesDatomicDataToDepth(depth: Int): Writes[Any] = {
require(depth >= 0)
new Writes[Any] {
override def writes(a: Any): JsValue = a match {
case s: String => JsString(s)
case b: Boolean => JsBoolean(b)
case l: Long => JsNumber(l)
//case f: Float => JsNumber(f)
case d: Double => JsNumber(d)
case bi: BigInt => JsNumber(BigDecimal(bi))
case bd: BigDecimal => JsNumber(bd)
case d: java.util.Date => Writes.DefaultDateWrites.writes(d)
case u: java.util.UUID => JsString(u.toString)
case u: java.net.URI => JsString(u.toString)
case k: Keyword => JsString(k.toString.substring(k.toString.lastIndexOf('/') + 1))
case e: Entity =>
if (depth == 0)
case i: Iterable[_] =>
val builder = Seq.newBuilder[JsValue]
for (a <- i) {
builder += writesDatomicDataToDepth(depth).writes(a)
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected Datomic data of ${a.getClass}")
def writesEntityToDepth(depth: Int): Writes[Entity] = {
new Writes[Entity] {
override def writes(entity: Entity): JsValue = {
def transformKeys(map: Map[String, Any]): Map[String, Any] = {
for {
(key, value) <- map
} yield {
val trimmedKey: String = key.toString.substring(key.toString.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
val trimmedValue = value match {
// Need to add the @unchecked annotation to get rid of the following type erasure warning that we don't
// care about: non-variable type argument String in type pattern Map[String,Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
case valueMap: Map[String, Any]@unchecked => transformKeys(valueMap)
case _ => value
(trimmedKey, trimmedValue)
Writes.mapWrites(writesDatomicDataToDepth(depth - 1)).writes(transformKeys(entity.toMap))
val entity = db.entity(id)
* This is the Datomic equivalent of a delete, except in Datomic, nothing ever gets deleted. You can only insert a
* retraction, that flags the specified entity as ignored.
* @param id the ID of the entity to retract
* @param ex the [[ExecutionContext]]
* @tparam I the type of the ID, can either be a [[Long]] or a [[LookupRef]]
* @return the transaction record specifying whether or not the transaction succeeded or failed
def retractEntity[I](id: I)(implicit conn: Connection, ex: ExecutionContext, idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): Future[TxReport] = DB.retractEntity(id)
* Returns the list of entities chosen by the query tupled with its ID.
* @param query the Datomic Query
* @param db the database - Required to convert the entity ID to the full entity. For consistency, This should be the
* same database that you used to execute the query.
* @param reader the reader for the entity
* @return
protected def list(query: Iterable[Any], db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): List[T] = DB.list[T](query, db)
protected def list(query: Iterable[Any])(implicit conn: Connection, reader: EntityReader[T]): List[T] = DB.list[T](query, Datomic.database())
protected def listWithId(query: Iterable[Any], db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): List[(Long, T)] = DB.listWithId[T](query, db)
protected def listWithId(query: Iterable[Any])(implicit conn: Connection, reader: EntityReader[T]): List[(Long, T)] = DB.listWithId[T](query, Datomic.database())
* Returns a single entity (the first entity if there are many that match the query) as an option or `None` if there
* are no results matching the query
* @param query the executed query
* @param db the database - Required to convert the entity ID to the full entity. For consistency, This should be the
* same database that you used to execute the query.
* @param reader the reader to convert to the specified entity type
* @return `Some(entity)` of there is at lease one result where `entity` is the first entity found, or `None` if there
* are no results
protected def headOption(query: Iterable[Any], db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): Option[T] = DB.headOption[T](query, db)
protected def headOption(query: Iterable[Any])(implicit conn: Connection, reader: EntityReader[T]): Option[T] = DB.headOption[T](query, Datomic.database())
protected def headOptionWithId(query: Iterable[Any], db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): Option[(Long, T)] = DB.headOptionWithId[T](query, db)
protected def headOptionWithId(query: Iterable[Any])(implicit conn: Connection, reader: EntityReader[T]): Option[(Long, T)] = DB.headOptionWithId[T](query, Datomic.database())
* Runs a query and pulls a single page worth of values out.
* @param query the query
* @param filter the filter
* @param db the database - Required to convert the entity ID to the full entity. For consistency, This should be the
* same database that you used to execute the query.
* @param reader the entity reader
* @return the [[Page]]
protected def page(query: Iterable[Any], filter: PageFilter)(implicit db: Database, reader: EntityReader[T]): Page[T] = {
DB.page[T](query, filter)
protected def pageWithSort(query: Iterable[(Any, Any)], filter: PageFilter, sort: SortOrder = Asc)(implicit db: Database, reader: EntityReader[T]): Page[T] = {
DB.pageWithSort[T](query, filter, sort)
* Object abstraction with for interacting with Datomic. Note that this object, is not intended to try and abstract/hide
* away the fact that we are using Datomic, but rather intends to make it easier to use Datomic the way that we want to
* use it in this app.
object DB {
* Generate a unique UUID to be used as a lookup-ref. Abstracting away the fact that we are using Datomic to generate
* UUIDs. We are using Datomic for reasons specified here: http://docs.datomic.com/identity.html
* @return the [[UUID]]
def uuid: UUID = Datomic.squuid()
* Little bit of boilerplate to get around the fact that Scala type parameter inference is either all or nothing. See
* [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10726222/simulate-partial-type-parameter-inference-with-implicits/10734268#10734268]]
* for an explaination of why this is necessary and the sample from which this code is derived from.
* @tparam T the return type
class EntityGetter[T] {
* Gets an entity by ID, where the ID can either be a [[Long]] or a [[LookupRef]]. This method will throw an
* [[UnresolvedLookupRefException]] if the ID does not map to an existing entity. this should never be the case for a
* [[Long]] ID, but can potentially be possible when using a [[LookupRef]]. If you are not certain that a [[LookupRef]]
* points to an existing entity, call `find` instead
* @param id the ID of the entity you with to select
* @param db the database to look in
* @param reader the reader that converts the entity into the proper case class
* @param idConv the converter that converts the OD from type `I` to the [[Long]] that it eventually needs to be
* @tparam I the type of the ID, can either be a [[Long]] or a [[LookupRef]]
* @return the entity, or an [[UnresolvedLookupRefException]] if no entity can be found
def apply[I](id: I, db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T], idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): T = {
val entity = db.entity(id)
* See [[EntityGetter.apply()]].
* @tparam T the type that you want returned
* @return the [[EntityGetter]]
def get[T] = new EntityGetter[T]
* Converts an ID to a tuple of the ID and the Entity that the ID represents.
* @param e the entity
* @param db the database, used to find the ID
* @param reader the reader, used to convert the entity map to the appropriate case class
* @tparam T the type to convert to
* @return a tuple of ID and entity
private def toIdEntityTuple[T](e: Any, db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): (Long, T) = e match {
case id: Long =>
val entity = db.entity(id)
(id, DatomicMapping.fromEntity(entity)(reader))
private def toEntity[T](e: Any, db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): T = e match {
case id: Long =>
val entity = db.entity(id)
* Returns the list of entities chosen by the query tupled with its ID.
* @param query the Datomic Query
* @param db the database - Required to convert the entity ID to the full entity. For consistency, This should be the
* same database that you used to execute the query.
* @param reader the reader for the entity
* @return
def list[T](query: Iterable[Any], db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): List[T] = {
query.toList.map(toEntity(_, db)(reader))
def listWithId[T](query: Iterable[Any], db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): List[(Long, T)] = {
query.toList.map(toIdEntityTuple(_, db)(reader))
* Returns a single entity (the first entity if there are many that match the query) as an option or `None` if there
* are no results matching the query
* @param query the executed query
* @param db the database - Required to convert the entity ID to the full entity. For consistency, This should be the
* same database that you used to execute the query.
* @param reader the reader to convert to the specified entity type
* @return `Some(entity)` of there is at lease one result where `entity` is the first entity found, or `None` if there
* are no results
def headOption[T](query: Iterable[Any], db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): Option[T] = {
query.headOption.map(toEntity(_, db)(reader))
def headOptionWithId[T](query: Iterable[Any], db: Database)(implicit reader: EntityReader[T]): Option[(Long, T)] = {
query.headOption.map(toIdEntityTuple(_, db)(reader))
* Runs a query and pulls a single page worth of values out.
* @param query the query
* @param filter the filter
* @param db the database - Required to convert the entity ID to the full entity. For consistency, This should be the
* same database that you used to execute the query.
* @param reader the entity reader
* @return the [[Page]]
protected def page[T](query: Iterable[Any], filter: PageFilter)(implicit db: Database, reader: EntityReader[T]): Page[T] = {
val from = filter.offset
val until = filter.offset + filter.pageSize + 1
val hasPrev = from > 0
val hasNext = query.size >= until
val items: List[T] = query.toList.slice(from, until - 1).map(toEntity(_, db)(reader))
Page(items, filter, hasPrev, hasNext)
protected def pageWithId[T](query: Iterable[Any], filter: PageFilter)(implicit db: Database, reader: EntityReader[T]): Page[(Long, T)] = {
val from = filter.offset
val until = filter.offset + filter.pageSize + 1
val hasPrev = from > 0
val hasNext = query.size >= until
val items: List[(Long, T)] = query.toList.slice(from, until).map(toIdEntityTuple(_, db)(reader))
Page(items, filter, hasPrev, hasNext)
def listToPage[T](rawList: List[Any], filter: PageFilter)(implicit db: Database, reader: EntityReader[T]): Page[T] = {
val from = filter.offset
val until = filter.offset + filter.pageSize + 1
val hasPrev = from > 0
val hasNext = rawList.size >= until
val items = rawList.slice(from, until - 1).map(toEntity(_, db)(reader))
Page(items, filter, hasPrev, hasNext)
def compareFunction(leftE: (Any, Any), rightE: (Any, Any)): Boolean = {
(leftE._2, rightE._2) match {
case (a: Int, b: Int) => a < b
case (a: Double, b: Double) => a < b
case (a: String, b: String) => a < b
case (a: Date, b: Date) => a.before(b)
case (a: Long, b: Long) => a < b
case (a: Any, b: Any) => a.toString < b.toString
protected def pageWithSort[T](query: Iterable[(Any, Any)], filter: PageFilter, sort: SortOrder = Asc)(implicit db: Database, reader: EntityReader[T]): Page[T] = {
val from = filter.offset
val until = filter.offset + filter.pageSize + 1
val hasPrev = from > 0
val hasNext = query.size >= until
val result: List[(Any, Any)] = query.toList.sortWith(compareFunction)
val sorted = sort match {
case Asc => result
case Desc => result.reverse
val sliced = sorted.slice(from, until - 1).map(x => toEntity(x._1, db)(reader))
Page(sliced, filter, hasPrev, hasNext)
* Retrieves the value of a particular field for a particular entity. In other words, in the EAVT structure of
* Datomic this method allows you to specify the id (E), attribute (A), and what you will get in return is the most
* recent (T) value (V).
* @param id the ID of the entity that you want to query
* @param attribute the schema attribute of the field that you want to get
* @param db the database
* @param attrC the converter
* @tparam DD the Datomic Data type
* @tparam Card the cardinality
* @tparam T the return type (must correspond to the Datomic data type)
* @return the field value
def value[I, DD <: AnyRef, Card <: Cardinality, T](id: I,
attribute: Attribute[DD, Card],
db: Database)
(implicit attrC: Attribute2EntityReaderInj[DD, Card, T],
idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): T = {
valueOpt(id, attribute, db).get
* Retrieves the optional value of a particular attribute for a particular entity, from a particular database value.
* In other words, in the EAVT structure of Datomic this method allows you to specify the id (E), attribute (A), and
* what you will get in return is the most recent (T) value (V), for the supplied database.
* @param id the ID of the entity that you want to query
* @param attribute the schema attribute of the field that you want to get
* @param database the database
* @param attrC the converter
* @tparam DD the Datomic Data type
* @tparam Card the cardinality
* @tparam T the return type (must correspond to the Datomic data type)
* @return the field value
def valueOpt[I, DD <: AnyRef, Card <: Cardinality, T](id: I,
attribute: Attribute[DD, Card],
database: Database)
(implicit attrC: Attribute2EntityReaderInj[DD, Card, T],
idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): Option[T] = {
val entity: Entity = database.entity(id)
val value: Option[T] = entity.get(attribute)
* Retract an individual attribute for a given entity. Before issuing the retraction, it first checks that there is a
* value there to retract. If there is not, this method is simply a NOOP.
* @param id the identified for the entity. Can either be an ID, or a lookup ref
* @param attr the attribute to retract
* @param conn the database connection
* @param ec the [[ExecutionContext]]
* @param attrC the [[Attribute2EntityReaderInj]]
* @param ev2 the [[Attribute2FactWriter]]
* @param idConv the ID converter
* @tparam I the type of the ID
* @tparam DD the Datomic Data type
* @tparam Card the cardinality of the attribute
* @tparam T the type of the value that you are retracting
* @return a successful future if all goes well
def retract[I, DD <: AnyRef, Card <: Cardinality, T](id: I, attr: Attribute[DD, Card])
(implicit conn: Connection,
ec: ExecutionContext,
attrC: Attribute2EntityReaderInj[DD, Card, T],
ev2: Attribute2FactWriter[DD, Card, T],
idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): Future[Unit] = {
valueOpt(id, attr, conn.database()) match {
case Some(value) => Datomic.transact(SchemaFact.retract(id)(attr -> value)).map(r => Unit)
case None => Future.successful(Unit)
* This is the Datomic equivalent of a delete, except in Datomic, nothing ever gets deleted. You can only insert a
* retraction, that flags the specified entity as ignored.
* @param id the ID of the entity to retract
* @param ex the [[ExecutionContext]]
* @tparam I the type of the ID, can either be a [[Long]] or a [[LookupRef]]
* @return the transaction record specifying whether or not the transaction succeeded or failed
def retractEntity[I](id: I)(implicit conn: Connection, ex: ExecutionContext, idConv: AsPermanentEntityId[I]): Future[TxReport] = {
* Asserts a new fact in the database
* @param id the entity ID
* @param attrVal the assertion of the form `Schema.thing -> value`
* @param conn the database connection
* @param ec the execution context
* @param ev2 the [[Attribute2FactWriter]]
* @tparam DD the Datomic Data type
* @tparam Card the cardinality of the attribute
* @tparam A the type of the value that you are adding
* @return the database result
def add[DD <: AnyRef, Card <: Cardinality, A, I](id: I)(attrVal: (Attribute[DD, Card], A))
(implicit conn: Connection,
ec: ExecutionContext,
ev1: AsEntityId[I],
ev2: Attribute2FactWriter[DD, Card, A]): Future[TxReport] = {
def factOrNone[T, DD <: AnyRef, Card <: Cardinality, A](original: Any, changed: Any, attrVal: (Attribute[DD, Card], A))
(implicit ev2: Attribute2FactWriter[DD, Card, A], id: Long) = {
// Need to compare content equality and None = None
def optionCompare(a: Option[Any], b: Option[Any]) = (a, b) match {
case (Some(x: Any), None) => false
case (None, Some(x: Any)) => false
case (None, None) => true
case (Some(x: Long), Some(y: Long)) => x == y
case (Some(x: Int), Some(y: Int)) => x == y
case (Some(x: String), Some(y: String)) => x == y
case (Some(x: Date), Some(y: Date)) => x.compareTo(y) == 0
case (Some(x: Float), Some(y: Float)) => x.compareTo(y) == 0
case _ => false
(original, changed) match {
case (b: Option[Any], a: Option[Any]) => {
if (b.nonEmpty && a.isEmpty) Some(SchemaFact.retract(id)(attrVal._1 -> b.get.asInstanceOf[A]))
else if (optionCompare(b, a)) None else Some(SchemaFact.add(DId(id))(attrVal))
case (b: Any, a: Any) => if (b == a) None else Some(SchemaFact.add(DId(id))(attrVal))
case _ => None
// Used in schema upgrades
def hasAttribute(attributeIdent: Keyword)(implicit db: Database, conn: Connection): Boolean =
Datomic.q(Query("[:find ?e :in $ ?attribute :where [?e :db/ident ?attribute]]"), db, attributeIdent).toSeq.nonEmpty
def transactAndWait(facts: TxData*)(implicit conn: Connection): Unit = {
if (facts.nonEmpty) {
for {
_ <- Datomic.transact(facts)
} yield (),
Duration("3 seconds")
def transactAndWait(facts: TraversableOnce[TxData])(implicit conn: Connection): Unit = {
if (facts.nonEmpty) {
for {
_ <- Datomic.transact(facts)
} yield (),
Duration("3 seconds")
def transact(facts: TraversableOnce[TxData])(implicit conn: Connection): Unit = {
if (facts.nonEmpty) {
for {
_ <- Datomic.transact(facts)
} yield ()
def transact(facts: TraversableOnce[TxData], id: Long)(implicit conn: Connection): Future[Long] = {
if (facts.nonEmpty) {
Datomic.transact(facts).map(_ => id)
} else {
// TODO: this should be async
def transactAndWait(facts: TraversableOnce[TxData], resolveId: DId)(implicit conn: Connection): Long = {
for {
tx <- Datomic.transact(facts)
} yield tx.resolve(resolveId),
Duration("3 seconds")
def transact(facts: TraversableOnce[TxData], resolveId: DId)(implicit conn: Connection): Future[Long] = {
for {
tx <- Datomic.transact(facts)
} yield tx.resolve(resolveId)
def loadSchema(combinedSchema: Seq[TxData with KeywordIdentified], check: Boolean = true)(implicit conn: Connection) = {
implicit val db = Datomic.database
val filteredSchema = if (check) combinedSchema.filterNot(s => DB.hasAttribute(s.ident)) else combinedSchema
if (filteredSchema.nonEmpty) {
val fut = Datomic.transact(filteredSchema) map { tx =>
Logger.info(s"Loaded Schema: $filteredSchema")
Await.result(fut, Duration("10 seconds"))
object Sort {
sealed trait SortOrder
case object Asc extends SortOrder
case object Desc extends SortOrder
trait SortByField
case class SortBy(field: String, order: SortOrder = Asc)
def sortByOrder(currentSortBy: String, currentOrder: String, newSortByOpt: Option[String]): (String, String) = {
val sortBy = newSortByOpt.getOrElse(currentSortBy)
val order = newSortByOpt.map { newSortBy =>
if (currentSortBy.equals(sortBy)) {
if (currentOrder == "asc") {
} else {
} else {
(sortBy, order)
* Pagination support.
case class PageFilter(page: Int = 0, pageSize: Int = 50) {
def offset = page * pageSize
case class Page[+T](items: Seq[T], pageFilter: PageFilter, hasPrev: Boolean, hasNext: Boolean) {
lazy val prev = Option(pageFilter.page - 1).filter(_ >= 0)
lazy val current = pageFilter.page
lazy val next = Option(pageFilter.page + 1).filter(_ => hasNext)
lazy val from = pageFilter.offset + 1
lazy val to = pageFilter.offset + items.size
lazy val total = 0
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