datomisca.Database.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2012 Pellucid and Zenexity
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package datomisca
class Database(val underlying: datomic.Database) extends AnyVal {
/** Returns the entity for the given entity id.
* This will return an empty [[Entity]], if there
* are no facts about the given entity id. The
* :db/id of the entity will be the given id.
* @param id
* an entity id.
* @return an entity.
def entity[T](id: T)(implicit ev: AsPermanentEntityId[T]): Entity = {
val e = underlying.entity(ev.conv(id))
if (e ne null)
new Entity(e)
throw new UnresolvedLookupRefException(ev.conv(id))
/** Returns the entity for the given keyword.
* This will return an empty [[Entity]], if there
* are no facts about the given entity ident. The
* :db/id of the entity will null.
* @param kw
* a keyword.
* @return an entity.
def entity(kw: Keyword): Entity =
new Entity(underlying.entity(kw))
/** Returns the value of the database as of some point t, inclusive.
* @param t
* a transactor number, transaction id, or date.
* @return the value of the database as of some point t, inclusive.
def asOf[T](t: T)(implicit ev: AsPointT[T]): Database =
new Database(underlying.asOf(ev.conv(t)))
/** Returns the value of the database since some point t, exclusive.
* @param t
* a transactor number, or transaction id.
* @return the value of the database since some point t, exclusive.
def since[T](t: T)(implicit ev: AsPointT[T]): Database =
new Database(underlying.since(ev.conv(t)))
/** Returns the entity id passed.
* @param id
* an entity id.
* @return the entity id passed.
def entid[T](id: T)(implicit ev: AsPermanentEntityId[T]): Long = {
val l = underlying.entid(ev.conv(id)).asInstanceOf[java.lang.Long]
if (l ne null)
throw new UnresolvedLookupRefException(ev.conv(id))
/** Returns the entity id associated with a symbolic keyword
* @param kw a keyword.
* @return the entity id.
* @throws DatomiscaException if no entity is found.
def entid(kw: Keyword): Long =
Option { underlying.entid(kw) } match {
case None => throw new DatomiscaException(s"entity id for keyword $kw not found")
case Some(eid) => eid.asInstanceOf[Long]
* Returns a fabricated entity id in the supplied partition whose
* T component is at or after the supplied t.
* Returns a fabricated entity id in the supplied partition whose
* T component is at or after the supplied t. Entity ids sort by
* partition, then T component, such T components interleaving with
* transaction numbers. Thus this method can be used to fabricate a
* time-based entity id component for use in e.g. seekDatoms.
* (Copied from Datomic docs)
* @param partition
* a partition name.
* @param t
* a transaction number, transaction id, or date.
* @return a fabricated entity id at or after some point t.
* @see [[seekDatoms]]
def entidAt[T](partition: Partition, t: T)(implicit ev: AsPointT[T]): Long =
underlying.entidAt(partition.keyword, ev.conv(t)).asInstanceOf[Long]
/** Returns the symbolic keyword associated with an id
* @param id an entity id
* @return a keyword
* @throws DatomiscaException if no keyword is found
def ident[T](id: T)(implicit ev: AsPermanentEntityId[T]): Keyword =
Option { underlying.ident(ev.conv(id)) } match {
case None => throw new DatomiscaException(s"ident keyword for entity id $id not found")
case Some(kw) => kw.asInstanceOf[Keyword]
/** Returns the symbolic keyword
* @param kw a keyword
* @return a keyword
def ident(kw: Keyword): Keyword =
/** Applies transaction data to the database
* It is as if the data was applied in a
* transaction, but the source of the database
* is unaffected.
* @param ops a sequence of tranaction data
* @return a transaction report
def withData(ops: Seq[TxData]): TxReport = {
val javaMap: java.util.Map[_, _] = underlying.`with`(datomic.Util.list(ops.map(_.toTxData): _*))
new TxReport(javaMap)
/** Returns the value of the database containing only Datoms
* satisfying the predicate.
* The predicate will be passed the unfiltered db and a Datom.
* Chained calls compose the predicate with 'and'.
* @param filterFn a predicate
* @return the value of the database satisfying the predicate
def filter(filterFn: (Database, Datom) => Boolean): Database = {
new Database(underlying.filter(
new datomic.Database.Predicate[datomic.Datom](){
def apply(db: datomic.Database, d: datomic.Datom): Boolean = {
val ddb = new Database(db)
filterFn(ddb, new Datom(d))
def filter(filterFn: Datom => Boolean): Database = {
new Database(underlying.filter(
new datomic.Database.Predicate[datomic.Datom](){
def apply(db: datomic.Database, d: datomic.Datom): Boolean = {
filterFn(new Datom(d))
/** Combines `entity()` and `entity.touch()`
* @param id an entity id
* @return a touched entity
def touch[T : AsPermanentEntityId](id: T): Entity = entity(id).touch()
* Raw access to the index data, by index.
* Raw access to the index data, by index. The index must be supplied,
* and, optionally, one or more leading components of the index can be
* supplied to narrow the result.
* - [[Database.EAVT]] and [[Database.AEVT]] indexes will contain all datoms
* - [[Database.AVET]] contains datoms for attributes where :db/index = true.
* - [[Database.VAET]] contains datoms for attributes of :db.type/ref (it is the reverse index)
* (Copied from Datomic docs)
* @param index
* the index to use.
* @param components
* optional leading components of the index to match.
* @return an iterable collection of [[Datom]].
def datoms(index: Keyword, components: AnyRef*): Iterable[Datom] =
new Iterable[Datom] {
private val jIterable = underlying.datoms(index, components: _*)
override def iterator = new Iterator[Datom] {
private val jIter = jIterable.iterator
override def hasNext = jIter.hasNext
override def next() = new Datom(jIter.next())
override def equals(arg: Any) = jIterable.equals(arg)
override def hashCode = jIterable.hashCode
override def toString = s"${classOf[Database].getName}.datoms.Iterable@${Integer.toHexString(jIterable.hashCode)}"
* Raw access to the index data, by index.
* Raw access to the index data, by index. The index must be supplied,
* and, optionally, one or more leading components of the index can be
* supplied for the initial search. Note that, unlike the datoms method,
* there need not be an exact match on the supplied components. The
* iteration will begin at or after the point in the index where the
* components would reside. Further, the iteration is not bound by the
* supplied components, and will only terminate at the end of the index.
* Thus you will have to supply your own termination logic, as you rarely
* want the entire index. As such, seekDatoms is for more advanced
* applications, and datoms should be preferred wherever it is adequate.
* - [[Database.EAVT]] and [[Database.AEVT]] indexes will contain all datoms
* - [[Database.AVET]] contains datoms for attributes where :db/index = true.
* - [[Database.VAET]] contains datoms for attributes of :db.type/ref (it is the reverse index)
* (Copied from Datomic docs)
* @param index
* the index to use.
* @param components
* optional leading components of the index to search for.
* @return an iterable collection of [[Datom]].
* @see entidAt
def seekDatoms(index: Keyword, components: AnyRef*): Iterable[Datom] =
new Iterable[Datom] {
private val jIterable = underlying.seekDatoms(index, components: _*)
override def iterator = new Iterator[Datom] {
private val jIter = jIterable.iterator
override def hasNext = jIter.hasNext
override def next() = new Datom(jIter.next())
override def equals(arg: Any) = jIterable.equals(arg)
override def hashCode = jIterable.hashCode
override def toString = s"${classOf[Database].getName}.seekDatoms.Iterable@${Integer.toHexString(jIterable.hashCode)}"
* Raw access to the index data for an indexed attribute.
* Returns a range of datoms in index specified by attrid,
* starting at start, or from beginning if start is null,
* and ending before end, or through end of attr index if
* end is null
* (Copied from Datomic docs)
* @param attr
* attribute keyword (attribute must be indexed or unique).
* @param start
* some start value or none if beginning.
* @param end
* some end value (non-inclusive), or None if through end.
* @return an iterable collection of [[Datom]].
def indexRange(attr: Keyword, start: Option[AnyRef] = None, end: Option[AnyRef] = None): Iterable[Datom] =
new Iterable[Datom] {
private val jIterable = underlying.indexRange(attr, start.orNull, end.orNull)
override def iterator = new Iterator[Datom] {
private val jIter = jIterable.iterator
override def hasNext = jIter.hasNext
override def next() = new Datom(jIter.next())
override def equals(arg: Any) = jIterable.equals(arg)
override def hashCode = jIterable.hashCode
override def toString = s"${classOf[Database].getName}.indexRange.Iterable@${Integer.toHexString(jIterable.hashCode)}"
/** Returns a special database containing all assertions
* and retractions across time.
* This special database can be used for `datoms()` and
* `indexRange()` calls and queries, but not for `entity()`
* or `with()` calls. `asOf()` and `since()` bounds are also
* supported. Note that queries will get all of the
* additions and retractions, which can be distinguished
* by the fifth datom field 'added'
* (true for add/assert) `[e a v tx added]`
def history: Database = new Database(underlying.history)
* @return the database id
def id: String = underlying.id
* @return true if db has had a filter set with filter(filterFn)
def isFiltered: Boolean = underlying.isFiltered
* @return true if this is a special history db
def isHistory: Boolean = underlying.isHistory
* @return the t of the most recent transaction reachable via this db value
def basisT: Long = underlying.basisT
* the t one beyond the highest reachable via this db value
def nextT: Long = underlying.nextT
* @return the asOf point
def asOfT: Option[Long] = Option { underlying.asOfT.longValue }
* @return the since point
def sinceT: Option[Long] = Option { underlying.sinceT.longValue }
/** Look up the database function of the ident entity `ident`, and invoke the function with `args`.
* The function value is stored as the value of the `:db/fn` attribute of the resolved entity.
* Note that no casts or conversions are applied to the arguments or the return value.
* @param ident the entity ident.
* @param args the raw arguments to pass to the function.
* @return the result of the function invocation.
def invoke(ident: Keyword, args: AnyRef*): AnyRef =
underlying.invoke(entid(ident), args:_*)
/** Look up the database function of the entity `id`, and invoke the function with `args`.
* The function value is stored as the value of the `:db/fn` attribute of the resolved entity.
* Note that no casts or conversions are applied to the arguments or the return value.
* @param id the entity id.
* @param args the raw arguments to pass to the function.
* @return the result of the function invocation.
def invoke[T](id: T, args: AnyRef*)(implicit ev: AsPermanentEntityId[T]): AnyRef =
underlying.invoke(ev.conv(id), args:_*)
object Database {
// Index component contains all datoms
val EAVT = datomic.Database.EAVT.asInstanceOf[Keyword]
// Index component contains all datoms
val AEVT = datomic.Database.AEVT.asInstanceOf[Keyword]
// Index component contains datoms for attributes where :db/index = true
val AVET = datomic.Database.AVET.asInstanceOf[Keyword]
// Index component contains datoms for attributes of :db.type/ref
val VAET = datomic.Database.VAET.asInstanceOf[Keyword]
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