Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JAFER Toolkit Project.
* Copyright (C) 2002, JAFER Toolkit Project, Oxford University.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Title: JAFER Toolkit
* Description:
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
* Company: Oxford University
*@author Antony Corfield; Matthew Dovey; Colin Tatham
*@version 1.0
package org.jafer.databeans;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.jafer.exception.JaferException;
import org.jafer.interfaces.Cache;
import org.jafer.interfaces.Databean;
import org.jafer.interfaces.DatabeanFactory;
import org.jafer.interfaces.Present;
import org.jafer.interfaces.Search;
import org.jafer.query.JaferQuery;
import org.jafer.record.CacheFactory;
import org.jafer.record.Field;
import org.jafer.record.RecordException;
import org.jafer.util.xml.DOMFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* This inner class represents a thread that performs a search on a Jafer Client
* (AbstractClient). It is configured and utilised by the DataBeanManager in
* order to facilitate parallel searches.
class ActiveBean extends java.lang.Thread
* Stores a reference to a flag that indicates that the thread should
* terminate and prefilling of the cache should stop if it has not yet
* completed
private boolean stopActiveBeanSearch = false;
* Stores a reference to whether the search is still executing.
private boolean stillSearching = false;
* Stores a reference to whether pre filling of the caching is enabled or
* not. Enabled as default.
private boolean autoPopulateCache = true;
* Stores a reference to record schema to use when preopoulating the cache
private String cacheRecordSchema = null;
* Stores a reference to the offset this ActiveBean starts at in the super
* result set of all the ActiveBeans
private int startOffset;
* Stores a reference to the offset this ActiveBean ends at in the super
* result set of all the ActiveBeans
private int endOffset;
* Stores a reference to the bean that this ActiveBean uses to perform
* searches and to retrieve results from. It must implement the Search and
* Present interfaces.
private Databean databean;
* Stores a reference to query that should be submited to the
* jaferClientBean when the thread is executed
private Object query;
* Stores a reference to logger instance
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.jafer.databeans");
* Stores a reference to exception that occured in the last search or null
* if no errors occured
private JaferException searchException = null;
* Sets the offsets for this ActiveBean result set in respect to the super
* result set of all the ActiveBeans
* @param start The starting offset index
* @param end The ending offset index
public void setOffsets(int start, int end)
this.startOffset = start;
this.endOffset = end;
* Returns a boolean to indicate if the record index supplied is contained
* with in the result set of this ActiveBean. IE that the record index is
* between the offsets.
* @param recordIndex The index to search for
* @return true if the record is contained in this ActiveBean
public boolean containsRecord(int recordIndex)
return (recordIndex >= startOffset && recordIndex <= endOffset);
* Gets a reference to the JaferClientBean for this ActiveBean
* @return The instance of the DataBean
public Databean getDatabean()
return databean;
* sets a reference to the JaferClientBean for this ActiveBean
* @param bean The JaferClientBean to store in this ActiveBean
public void setDatabean(Databean bean)
this.databean = bean;
* This method returns the JaferException from the last search.
* @return JaferException instance or null if no errors were found
public JaferException getSearchException()
return this.searchException;
* This method sets the last exception that occurred during a search
* @param exc The exception that occurred
protected void setSearchException(JaferException exc)
this.searchException = exc;
* Set the query that will be executed when this ActiveBeans thread is run
* @param query The query to execute
* @param schema The schema used to auto populate cache
public void submitQuery(Object query, String schema)
// if the query is of type Node we need to import it into a new document
if (query instanceof Node)
this.query = DOMFactory.newDocument().importNode((Node) query, true);
// if the query is of type JaferQuery we need to import it into a new
// document
else if (query instanceof JaferQuery)
// if jafer then import the node
this.query = DOMFactory.newDocument().importNode(((JaferQuery) query).getQuery(), true);
this.query = query;
// set the schema to use when prepopulating the cache
// set flag to indicate we have started a search. Need to do this here
// to avoid this call returning and processing results before the thread
// itself has set this flag
// start the thread running
* get the query that will be executed when this ActiveBeans thread is run
* @return The query to be executed
public Object getQuery()
return query;
* Set the record schema to use when prepoulating cache
* @param recordSchemamThe schema to prepopulate the cache with
protected void setPrepoulateCacheRecordSchema(String recordSchema)
this.cacheRecordSchema = recordSchema;
* Get the record schema to use when prepoulating cache
* @return The schema for prepoulating the cache
protected String getPrepoulateCacheRecordSchema()
return cacheRecordSchema;
* Get the number of results that were found the last time the ActiveBeans
* thread was executed
* @return The number of results found
public int getNumberOfResults()
// make sure the bean is configured else retun no results
if (this.databean != null)
return ((Search) this.databean).getNumberOfResults();
return 0;
* Retrieve the record at the specified recordIndex
* @param recordIndex The recordIndex to retrieve
* @param schema The schema to apply
* @return The retrieved record
* @throws JaferException
public Field getRecord(int recordIndex, String schema) throws JaferException
// make sure a schema is entered
if (schema == null || schema.length() == 0)
throw new JaferException("Record Schema must be set to retrieve a record");
// get the record applying the offsets
return getRecord(recordIndex, schema, true);
* Retrieve the record at the specified recordIndex
* @param recordIndex The recordIndex to retrieve
* @param schema The schema to apply
* @param applyOffsets Should the offsets be applied to the record index,
* This is normally true apart from when the autopopulation of cache
* needs to refer to local indexs
* @return The retrieved record
* @throws JaferException
protected synchronized Field getRecord(int recordIndex, String schema, boolean applyOffsets) throws JaferException
// make sure the bean is configured
if (this.databean != null)
// make sure this ActiveBean contains the record when we are
// applying offsets
if (applyOffsets && containsRecord(recordIndex) == false)
throw new RecordException("The record is not contained by this ActiveBean");
// set the record schema and cursor position for retreival
// applying the offsets to obtain the position in just this
// activeBeans result set
((Present) this.databean).setRecordSchema(schema);
// set the record cursor applying off sets if required
if (applyOffsets)
// apply offsets
((Present) this.databean).setRecordCursor(recordIndex - this.startOffset + 1);
// use straight record index
((Present) this.databean).setRecordCursor(recordIndex);
// return the current record
return ((Present) this.databean).getCurrentRecord();
throw new RecordException("The databean for this ActiveBean is not configured");
* This method checks if the search is still executing
* @return Returns the false if the search has completed.
public boolean stillSearching()
return stillSearching;
* This method sets the flag to indicate if the search is executing or not
* @param searchStatus The search status - true if executing search
protected void stillSearching(boolean searchStatus)
stillSearching = searchStatus;
* Returns whether this active bean should prepopulate cache after search
* @return Returns true is auto population of cache should take place
public boolean autoPopulateCache()
return autoPopulateCache;
* Sets whether this active bean should prepopulate cache after search
* @param autoPopulate true if the cache should be auto populated
public void setAutoPopulateCache(boolean autoPopulate)
this.autoPopulateCache = autoPopulate;
* This method allows the caller to set the stop active bean search flag
public void stopActiveBeanSearch(boolean stopStatus)
this.stopActiveBeanSearch = stopStatus;
* Checks to see if the search should be stopped premeturely
* @return true if search process should terminate early
protected boolean stopActiveBeanSearch()
return this.stopActiveBeanSearch;
* Executes the thread to perform the search
public void run()
// stores the number of results found
int results = 0;
logger.fine("Starting search on thread - " + getName());
// reset the stop flag
this.stopActiveBeanSearch = false;
// set flag to indicate we have started a search
// ensure last search exception is nulled out
// set the offsets back to 0
setOffsets(0, 0);
// make sure the bean is configured to execute search
if (this.databean != null)
// perform the search
results = ((Search) this.databean).submitQuery(this.query);
logger.fine("Search on " + this.getName() + " found " + Integer.toString(results)
+ " results, bean also reports " + ((Search) this.databean).getNumberOfResults());
// set flag to indicate we have completed search part of thread
logger.fine("search completed on thread - " + getName());
// if prefilling of the cache is enabled start this process
if (autoPopulateCache())
// make sure we have a schema set on the active bean
if (getPrepoulateCacheRecordSchema() == null || getPrepoulateCacheRecordSchema().length() == 0)
throw new JaferException("Record Schema must be set to search when prepopulating of the cache is enabled");
logger.fine("Cache free slots: " + ((Cache) databean).getAvailableSlots() + " on thread - " + getName());
Cache cacheBean = (Cache) databean;
// fill the cache with records until:
// * all the result records have been processed,
// * the user prematurely stops the process,
// * the cache runs out of available slots and is therefore full
// * either the available slots are less than the fetch size
// (as performing another retrieve would wipe out the first x
// records) or there are less records than the fetch size to be
// added and they are greater than the available slotsrecords.
The index is moved on by the fetch size as retreiving one
// record will auto retrieve the next X records
for (int index = 1; index <= results
&& stopActiveBeanSearch == false
&& cacheBean.getAvailableSlots() > 0
&& (cacheBean.getAvailableSlots() >= cacheBean.getFetchSize() || cacheBean.getAvailableSlots() >= results
+ 1 - index); index += cacheBean.getFetchSize())
logger.fine("Caching Record " + index + " on thread - " + getName());
// get the record which will automatically add it into the
// cache if it does not already exist, set apply offsets to
// false as this is already a local index
getRecord(index, getPrepoulateCacheRecordSchema(), false);
catch (JaferException exc)
// something went wrong searching this bean so output problem as a
// warning as it may just be that the client is not on-line at
// present
String message = "Jafer Exception in databeanManager ActiveBean( " + this.getName() + ") performing search: "
+ exc.toString();
// set the exception so it can be retrieved later
catch (Exception exc)
// something went wrong searching this bean so output problem as a
// warning as it may just be that the client is not on-line at
// present
String message = "Unexpected Exception in databeanManager ActiveBean( " + this.getName() + ") performing search: "
+ exc.toString();
// set the exception so it can be retrieved later
setSearchException(new JaferException(message, exc));
logger.fine("stopping search on thread - " + getName());
// set flag to indicate we have completed search part of thread
* This class manages a collection of databases
public class DatabeanManager extends Databean implements Present, Search
* Stores a reference to factories that can create databeans for specified
* databases. A map entry consists of key = database name and value =
* factory that creates a databean supporting Search and Present for the
* specified database
private Hashtable databeanFactories;
* Stores a reference to cache factory that provides the cache for the
* ActiveBeans data bean to use. If this is set to null then the cache will
* not be set on the databean and the databeans internal one will be used
private CacheFactory cacheFactory = null;
* Stores a reference to whether pre filling of the caching is enabled or
* not. Enabled (true) as default.
private boolean autoPopulateCache = true;
* Stores a reference to an array of active beans forthe current set of
* databases
private ActiveBean[] activeBeans = new ActiveBean[0];
* Stores a reference to current record cursor position
private int recordCursor;
* Stores a reference to record schema that should be applied when
* retrieving records
private String recordSchema;
* Stores a reference to search mode.
* - serial - The first active bean to return a result set will be used,
* ignoring all other activebean results
* - parallel - All ActiveBeans results will be combined to provide a
* super result set (DEFAULT)
private String mode;
* Stores a reference to the total number of records retrieved
private int totalRecords = 0;
* Stores a reference to the name of this databeanmanager
private String name;
* Stores a reference to this databeanmanagers complete set of configured
* databases
private String[] allDatabases;
* Set the databean factories that this databeanmanager supports
* @param databeanFactories A map where key = database name and value =
* factory that creates a databean supporting Search and Present for
* the specified database
public void setDatabeanFactories(Hashtable databeanFactories)
// avoid case sensitive database names by converting keys to lowercase
this.databeanFactories = new Hashtable();
// loop round all the keys
Enumeration en = databeanFactories.keys();
while (en.hasMoreElements())
// get the key and value for the databean factory
String database = ((String) en.nextElement());
Object value = databeanFactories.get(database);
// add to internal databean factories map turning database name to
// lower case
this.databeanFactories.put(database.toLowerCase(), value);
* Returns a map of the supported databean factories
* @return the supported databean factories map
public Map getDatabeanFactories()
return databeanFactories;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Present#setRecordCursor(int)
public void setRecordCursor(int recordCursor) throws JaferException
this.recordCursor = recordCursor;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Present#getRecordCursor()
public int getRecordCursor()
return recordCursor;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Present#setRecordSchema(java.lang.String)
public void setRecordSchema(String recordSchema)
this.recordSchema = recordSchema;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Present#getRecordSchema()
public String getRecordSchema()
return recordSchema;
* Returns whether the active beans should prepopulate cache after search
* @return Returns true is auto population of cache should take place
public boolean autoPopulateCache()
return autoPopulateCache;
* Sets whether the active beans should prepopulate cache after search
* @param autoPopulate true if the cache should be auto populated
public void setAutoPopulateCache(boolean autoPopulate)
this.autoPopulateCache = autoPopulate;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#setDatabases(java.lang.String)
public void setDatabases(String database)
// make sure a database is specified. If the DatabeanManagerFactory is
// not set up correctly that could mean null being passed here
if (database != null)
this.setDatabases(new String[] { database });
// reset active beans back to an empty array so search will return
// nothing if it is executed rather than the last set of databases
// results
activeBeans = new ActiveBean[0];
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#setDatabases(java.lang.String[])
public void setDatabases(String[] databases)
// reset active beans back to an empty array so search will return
// nothing if it is executed rather than the last set of databases
// results
activeBeans = new ActiveBean[0];
// Make sure we have databases to set
if (databases == null || databases.length == 0)
// if the first database name equals the name of this database then use
// it's configured set of databases if they are set and not null
if (databases[0].equalsIgnoreCase(this.getName()) && this.allDatabases != null)
databases = this.allDatabases;
// create a new array of active beans for the new set of databases to
// search now we know we definitly have some to set
activeBeans = new ActiveBean[databases.length];
// for each database create the active bean into the array
for (int index = 0; index < databases.length; index++)
// convert the database name supplied to lower case for searching
// databeanfactories
String database = databases[index].toLowerCase();
if (databeanFactories.containsKey(database))
// get the datbean factory for the database and create a new
// databean
DatabeanFactory factory = (DatabeanFactory) databeanFactories.get(database);
Databean databean = factory.getDatabean();
// set the cache on the databean if we have a cache factory
// defined inside this databeanmanager
if (getCacheFactory() != null)
// convert the databean to a cache interface to set the
// cache from the factory
((Cache) databean).setCache(getCacheFactory().getCache());
// create an active bean and set its databean with the one
// obtained from the factory
activeBeans[index] = new ActiveBean();
// name the activebean thread after the database it searches
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#getDatabases()
public String[] getDatabases()
// create a string array to return all the names of the databases
// currently active
String[] databases = new String[activeBeans.length];
for (int index = 0; index < activeBeans.length; index++)
// make sure the activebean was configured correctly
if (activeBeans[index] != null)
// store the name of the active bean into databases return
// result.
databases[index] = activeBeans[index].getName();
// active bean was configured incorrectly so set database name
// to error
databases[index] = "ERROR - NOT FOUND";
return databases;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#submitQuery(java.lang.Object)
public int submitQuery(Object query) throws JaferException
// if the active beans are currently caching stop them now as we are
// preforming a new search
// make sure we have active beans to search
if (activeBeans.length == 0)
// throw error as trying to search no databases
throw new JaferException("Unable to search - No databases were found", 235, "");
// make sure record schema not null to search with auto populate caching
// on
if (getRecordSchema() == null && autoPopulateCache())
throw new JaferException("Record Schema must be set to search when prepopulating of the cache is enabled");
// set the total records found back to 0
totalRecords = 0;
// loop round each activebean
for (int index = 0; index < activeBeans.length; index++)
// make sure the active bean is valid and has its data bean set
if (activeBeans[index] == null || activeBeans[index].getDatabean() == null)
throw new JaferException("Unable to search - Specified database was not found", 235, "");
// tell the bean if it should auto populate
// set the query on the active bean and start the search thread
activeBeans[index].submitQuery(query, getRecordSchema());
// set current record to find to 1;
int currentRecord = 1;
// loop round each active bean
for (int index = 0; index < activeBeans.length; index++)
// wait until the active bean has completed it's search by checking
// if it is still searching. Can not check thread alive status as
// ActiveBean may have started to cache data
while (activeBeans[index].stillSearching())
// yield this thread to give active bean chance to execute
// bean has now completed search so see how many records were found
int recordsFound = activeBeans[index].getNumberOfResults();
// did we find any records?
if (recordsFound > 0)
// yes records were found so we need to set the offsets for the
// active bean
// Hence it should start at the current record and end at the
// current record + the records found -1
activeBeans[index].setOffsets(currentRecord, currentRecord + recordsFound - 1);
// update the current record to add on the number of records
// found so the offset is increase for the next active bean
// processed
currentRecord += recordsFound;
totalRecords += recordsFound;
// check if we are running mode serial
if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase(DatabeanManagerFactory.MODE_SERIAL))
// yes so break the entire loop as we no longer need to
// process any more active beans as we are only going to
// return the result set from this active bean
// return the toal number of records found
return totalRecords;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#getNumberOfResults()
public int getNumberOfResults()
return totalRecords;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#getNumberOfResults(java.lang.String)
public int getNumberOfResults(String databaseName)
// loop round active beans
for (int index = 0; index < activeBeans.length; index++)
// make sure active bean is configured
if (activeBeans[index] != null)
// does the name of the database match the name of the active
// bean
if (activeBeans[index].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(databaseName))
return activeBeans[index].getNumberOfResults();
return -1;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Present#getCurrentRecord()
public Field getCurrentRecord() throws org.jafer.exception.JaferException
// loop round active beans
for (int index = 0; index < activeBeans.length; index++)
// make sure active bean is configured
if (activeBeans[index] != null)
// check to see if this active bean contains the record
if (activeBeans[index].containsRecord(this.recordCursor))
// return the record
return activeBeans[index].getRecord(this.recordCursor, this.recordSchema);
throw new JaferException("Record Cursor Out of Range");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Present#getCurrentDatabase()
public String getCurrentDatabase() throws JaferException
// loop round active beans
for (int index = 0; index < activeBeans.length; index++)
// make sure active bean is configured
if (activeBeans[index] != null)
// does this active bean contain the record
if (activeBeans[index].containsRecord(this.recordCursor))
// return the beans database name
return activeBeans[index].getName();
throw new JaferException("Record Cursor Out of Range");
* Currently Not Supported
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Present#setCheckRecordFormat(boolean)
public void setCheckRecordFormat(boolean checkRecordFormat)
/** @todo Implement this org.jafer.interfaces.Present method */
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method setCheckRecordFormat() not yet implemented.");
* Currently Not Supported
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Present#isCheckRecordFormat()
public boolean isCheckRecordFormat()
/** @todo Implement this org.jafer.interfaces.Present method */
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method isCheckRecordFormat() not yet implemented.");
* Currently Not Supported
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Present#setElementSpec(java.lang.String)
public void setElementSpec(String elementSpec)
/** @todo Implement this org.jafer.interfaces.Present method */
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method setElementSpec() not yet implemented.");
* Currently Not Supported
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Present#getElementSpec()
public String getElementSpec()
/** @todo Implement this org.jafer.interfaces.Present method */
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method getElementSpec() not yet implemented.");
* Currently Not Supported
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#setResultSetName(java.lang.String)
public void setResultSetName(String resultSetName)
/** @todo Implement this org.jafer.interfaces.Search method */
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method setResultSetName() not yet implemented.");
* Currently Not Supported
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#getResultSetName()
public String getResultSetName()
/** @todo Implement this org.jafer.interfaces.Search method */
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method getResultSetName() not yet implemented.");
* Currently Not Supported
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#setParseQuery(boolean)
public void setParseQuery(boolean parseQuery)
/** @todo Implement this org.jafer.interfaces.Search method */
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method setParseQuery() not yet implemented.");
* Currently Not Supported
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#isParseQuery()
public boolean isParseQuery()
/** @todo Implement this org.jafer.interfaces.Search method */
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method isParseQuery() not yet implemented.");
* Currently Not Supported
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#saveQuery(java.lang.String)
public void saveQuery(String file) throws JaferException
/** @todo Implement this org.jafer.interfaces.Search method */
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method saveQuery() not yet implemented.");
* Currently Not Supported
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#getQuery()
public Object getQuery()
/** @todo Implement this org.jafer.interfaces.Search method */
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method getQuery() not yet implemented.");
* Set the mode that this databeanManager runs in
* @param mode The mode to set use statics in DatabeanManagerFactory
public void setMode(String mode)
this.mode = mode;
* get the mode that the DatabeanManager is running in
* @return The current mode Serial or Parallel
public String getMode()
return mode;
* Set the name of this DataBeanManager
* @param name The name of the databean manager
public void setName(String name)
{ = name;
* get the name of the DataBeanManager
* @return the name of the databean manager
public String getName()
return name;
* Set the databeanManagers set of all databases it processes. All the
* databases must be configured in the databeanfactories for the
* databeanManager
* @param allDatabases the array of database names
public void setAllDatabases(String[] allDatabases)
this.allDatabases = allDatabases;
* Get the databeanManagers set of all databases it processes
* @return An array of all the database names
public String[] getAllDatabases()
return allDatabases;
* Sets the cache factory to be used by the DatabeanManager
* @param cacheFactory the cache factory to use
public void setCacheFactory(CacheFactory cacheFactory)
this.cacheFactory = cacheFactory;
* Returns the cache factory used by this databeanManager
* @return The cache factory used
public CacheFactory getCacheFactory()
return cacheFactory;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#getSearchDiagnostic(java.lang.String)
public JaferException getSearchException(String database)
// make sure database name specified
if (database != null)
// get the JaferException for the database, empty arry if no errors
// found
JaferException[] errors = getSearchException(new String[] { database });
if (errors.length != 0)
// return the first JaferException
return errors[0];
return null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jafer.interfaces.Search#getSearchDiagnostics(java.lang.String[])
public JaferException[] getSearchException(String[] databases)
// create empty array for success condition
ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
// Make sure we have databases to set
if (databases == null || databases.length == 0)
// return an empty array
return new JaferException[0];
// if the first database name equals the name of this database then use
// it's configured set of databases if they are set and not null
if (databases[0].equalsIgnoreCase(this.getName()) && this.allDatabases != null)
databases = this.allDatabases;
// loop round active beans
for (int index = 0; index < databases.length; index++)
// loop round active beans
for (int activeBeanIndex = 0; activeBeanIndex < activeBeans.length; activeBeanIndex++)
// make sure active bean is configured
if (activeBeans[activeBeanIndex] != null)
// does this active bean match the database name
if (databases[index] != null && activeBeans[activeBeanIndex].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(databases[index]))
// convert the array list back to an Array
return (JaferException[]) errors.toArray(new JaferException[databases.length]);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#finalize()
protected void finalize() throws Throwable
* This method stops any auto caching that may being performed by the
* databean manager in seperate threads to prempt and speed up retrieval.
* This is important as the databean manager will continue to cache
* records if the setting is enabled until this method is called, a new
* query is submitted or the databean manager is garbage collected
public void stopAutoPopulateCache()
// before the DatabeanManager can be cleaned up it needs to stop any
// active bean threads that may still be running
for (int activeBeanIndex = 0; activeBeanIndex < activeBeans.length; activeBeanIndex++)
// make sure active bean is configured
if (activeBeans[activeBeanIndex] != null)
// tell the bean to stop hence cleaning up correctly
// loop while the active bean still alive
while (activeBeans[activeBeanIndex].isAlive())
// yield this thread to give active bean chance to execute
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