src.org.jafer.registry.RegistryException Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* JAFER Toolkit Project. Copyright (C) 2002, JAFER Toolkit Project, Oxford
* University. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
* the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
* received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
* library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package org.jafer.registry;
* This class defines the methods the user should be able to call to
* determine information about the exception
public abstract class RegistryException extends Exception
* Signifies that a particular publisher assertion (consisting of two businessKey values, and
* a keyed reference with three components) cannot be identified in a save or delete operation.
public static final String E_assertionNotFound = "E_assertionNotFound";
* Signifies that the authentication token value passed in the authInfo argument
* is no longer valid because the token has expired.
public static final String E_authTokenExpired = "E_authTokenExpired";
* Signifies that the authentication token value passed in the authInfo argument
* is either missing or is not valid.
public static final String E_authTokenRequired = "E_authTokenRequired";
* Signifies that user account limits have been exceeded.
public static final String E_accountLimitExceeded = "E_accountLimitExceeded";
* Signifies that the request cannot be processed at the current time.
public static final String E_busy = "E_busy";
* Restrictions have been placed by the taxonomy provider on the types of
* information that should be included at that location within a specific
* taxonomy. The validation routine chosen by the Operator Site has
* rejected this tModel for at least one specified category.
public static final String E_categorizationNotAllowed = "E_categorizationNotAllowed";
* Signifies that a serious technical error has occurred while processing
* the request.
public static final String E_fatalError= "E_fatalError";
* Signifies that the request cannot be satisfied because one or more uuid_key
* values specified is not a valid key value. This will occur if a uuid_key
* value is passed in a tModel that does not match with any known tModel key.
public static final String E_invalidKeyPassed = "E_invalidKeyPassed";
* Signifies that an attempt was made to save a businessEntity containing a service projection
* that does not match the businessService being projected. The serviceKey of at least one such
* businessService will be included in the dispositionReport
public static final String E_invalidProjection = "E_invalidProjection";
* Signifies that the given keyValue did not correspond to a category within
* the taxonomy identified by a tModelKey value within one of the categoryBag elements provided.
public static final String E_invalidCategory = "E_invalidCategory";
* Signifies that one of assertion status values passed is unrecognized. The completion status
* that caused the problem will be clearly indicated in the error text.
public static final String E_invalidCompletionStatus = "E_invalidCompletionStatus";
* An error occurred with one of the uploadRegister URL values.
public static final String E_invalidURLPassed = "E_invalidURLPassed";
* A value that was passed in a keyValue attribute did not pass validation. This applies to
* checked categorizations, identifiers and other validated code lists. The error text will
* clearly indicate the key and value combination that failed validation.
public static final String E_invalidValue = "E_invalidValue";
* Signifies that the request cannot be satisfied because one or more uuid_key
* values specified has previously been hidden or removed by the requester.
* This specifically applies to the tModelKey values passed.
public static final String E_keyRetired = "E_keyRetired";
* Signifies that an error was detected while processing elements that were annotated with
* xml:lang qualifiers. Presently, only the description and name elements support xml:lang
* qualifications.
public static final String E_languageError = "E_languageError";
* Signifies that the message it too large. The upper limit will be clearly indicated in the
* error text.
public static final String E_messageTooLarge = "E_messageTooLarge";
* Signifies that the partial name value passed exceeds the maximum name length designated by
* the policy of an implementation or Operator Site.
public static final String E_nameTooLong = "E_nameTooLong";
* Signifies that one or more of the uuid_key values passed refers to data
* that is not controlled by the Operator Site that received the request for processing.
public static final String E_operatorMismatch = "E_operatorMismatch";
* Signifies that the target publisher cancelled the custody transfer operation.
public static final String E_publisherCancelled = "E_publisherCancelled";
* Signifies that a custody transfer request has been refused.
public static final String E_requestDenied = "E_requestDenied";
* Signifies that the request could not be carried out because a needed validate_values service did not
* respond in a reasonable amount of time.
public static final String E_requestTimeout = "E_requestTimeout";
* Signifies that the target publisher was unable to match the shared secret and the five (5)
* attempt limit was exhausted. The target operator automatically cancelled the transfer
* operation.
public static final String E_secretUnknown = "E_secretUnknown";
* Signifies no failure occurred. This return code is used with the dispositionReport for
* reporting results from requests with no natural response document.
public static final String E_success = "E_success";
* Signifies that too many or incompatible arguments were passed. The error text will clearly
* indicate the nature of the problem.
public static final String E_tooManyOptions = "E_tooManyOptions";
* Signifies that a custody transfer request will not succeed.
public static final String E_transferAborted = "E_transferAborted";
* Signifies that the value of the generic attribute passed is unsupported by the Operator
* Instance being queried.
public static final String E_unrecognizedVersion = "E_unrecognizedVersion";
* Signifies that the user ID and password pair passed in a get_authToken message is not known
* to the Operator Site or is not valid.
public static final String E_unknownUser = "E_unknownUser";
* Signifies that the implementer does not support a feature or API.
public static final String E_unsupported = "E_unsupported";
* Signifies that an attempt was made to reference a taxonomy or identifier system in a
* keyedReference whose tModel is categorized with the unvalidatable categorization.
public static final String E_unvalidatable = "E_unvalidatable";
* Signifies that one or more of the uuid_key values passed refers to data
* that is not controlled by the individual who is represented by the authentication token.
public static final String E_userMismatch = "E_userMismatch";
* Signifies that a value did not pass validation because of contextual issues. The value may
* be valid in some contexts, but not in the context used. The error text may contain information
* about the contextual problem.
public static final String E_valueNotAllowed = "E_valueNotAllowed";
* Constructor supplying a message
* @param message
protected RegistryException(String message)
* Constructor supplying a message
* @param exc
protected RegistryException(Exception exc)
* Constructor supplying a message and exception
* @param message
* @param exc
protected RegistryException(String message, Exception exc)
super(message, exc);
* Returns the UDDI defined error number
* @return The erro rnumber
public abstract String getErrorNumber();
* Returns the UDDI defined code
* @return The code
public abstract String getErrorCode();
* Returns the UDDI defined error text
* @return The error Text
public abstract String getErrorText();
* This method returns the error message with a full stack trace. This is
* done by calling printStackTrace on Exception that internally calls
* toString() to get our message.
* @return The full stack trace string of the exception
public abstract String getStackTraceString();
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