com.github.erosb.jsonsKema.SchemaVisitor.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.github.erosb.jsonsKema
import java.lang.IllegalStateException
import java.lang.RuntimeException
import java.util.Objects
abstract class SchemaVisitor {
private val anchors: MutableMap = mutableMapOf()
private val dynamicScope = mutableListOf()
private fun findSubschemaByDynamicAnchor(scope: CompositeSchema, lookupValue: String): Schema? {
if (scope.dynamicAnchor == lookupValue) {
return scope
val definedSubschema = scope.definedSubschemas.values
.map { scope -> findSubschemaByDynamicAnchor(scope, lookupValue) }
if (definedSubschema != null) {
return definedSubschema
return scope.subschemas().stream()
.filter { it is CompositeSchema}
.map { it as CompositeSchema }
.map { scope -> findSubschemaByDynamicAnchor(scope, lookupValue) }
.filter (Objects::nonNull)
internal fun internallyVisitCompositeSchema(schema: CompositeSchema): P? {
try {
val dynamicRef = schema.dynamicRef
if (dynamicRef != null) {
val anchorName = dynamicRef.ref.substring(dynamicRef.ref.indexOf("#") + 1)
var referred =
.map { scope -> findSubschemaByDynamicAnchor(scope, anchorName) }
.filter (Objects::nonNull)
if (referred === null) {
if (dynamicRef.fallbackReferredSchema == null) {
TODO("not implemented (no matching dynamicAnchor for dynamicRef $dynamicRef")
} else {
referred = dynamicRef.fallbackReferredSchema!!.referredSchema
val referredProduct = referred?.accept(this)
val selfProduct = visitCompositeSchema(schema)
return accumulate(schema, referredProduct, selfProduct)
} else {
return visitCompositeSchema(schema)
} finally {
val popped = dynamicScope.removeLast()
if (popped !== schema) {
throw IllegalStateException()
open fun visitCompositeSchema(schema: CompositeSchema): P? {
val subschemaProduct = visitChildren(schema)
val propSchemaProduct: P? = if (schema.propertySchemas.isEmpty()) {
} else schema.propertySchemas
.map { visitPropertySchema(it.key, it.value) }
.reduce { a, b -> accumulate(schema, a, b) }
var result = accumulate(schema, subschemaProduct, propSchemaProduct)
val patternSchemaProduct: P? = if (schema.patternPropertySchemas.isEmpty()) {
} else schema.patternPropertySchemas
.map { visitPatternPropertySchema(it.key, it.value) }
.reduce { a, b -> accumulate(schema, a, b) }
result = accumulate(schema, result, patternSchemaProduct)
?: schema.unevaluatedItemsSchema?.accept(this)?.let { accumulate(schema, result, it) }
?: schema.unevaluatedPropertiesSchema?.accept(this)?.let { accumulate(schema, result, it) }
return result
open fun visitTrueSchema(schema: TrueSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitFalseSchema(schema: FalseSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitMinLengthSchema(schema: MinLengthSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitMaxLengthSchema(schema: MaxLengthSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitAllOfSchema(schema: AllOfSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitAnyOfSchema(schema: AnyOfSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitOneOfSchema(schema: OneOfSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitReferenceSchema(schema: ReferenceSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitAdditionalPropertiesSchema(schema: AdditionalPropertiesSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitConstSchema(schema: ConstSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitEnumSchema(schema: EnumSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitTypeSchema(schema: TypeSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitMultiTypeSchema(schema: MultiTypeSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitPropertySchema(property: String, schema: Schema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitPatternPropertySchema(pattern: Regexp, schema: Schema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitPatternSchema(schema: PatternSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitNotSchema(schema: NotSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitRequiredSchema(schema: RequiredSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitMaximumSchema(schema: MaximumSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitMinimumSchema(schema: MinimumSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitExclusiveMaximumSchema(schema: ExclusiveMaximumSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitExclusiveMinimumSchema(schema: ExclusiveMinimumSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitMultipleOfSchema(schema: MultipleOfSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitMinItemsSchema(schema: MinItemsSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitMaxItemsSchema(schema: MaxItemsSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitMinPropertiesSchema(schema: MinPropertiesSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitMaxPropertiesSchema(schema: MaxPropertiesSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitUniqueItemsSchema(schema: UniqueItemsSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitItemsSchema(schema: ItemsSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitPrefixItemsSchema(schema: PrefixItemsSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitContainsSchema(schema: ContainsSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitIfThenElseSchema(schema: IfThenElseSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitDependentSchemas(schema: DependentSchemasSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitDependentRequiredSchema(schema: DependentRequiredSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitUnevaluatedItemsSchema(schema: UnevaluatedItemsSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitUnevaluatedPropertiesSchema(schema: UnevaluatedPropertiesSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitFormatSchema(schema: FormatSchema): P? = visitChildren(schema)
open fun visitReadOnlySchema(readOnlySchema: ReadOnlySchema): P? = visitChildren(readOnlySchema)
open fun visitWriteOnlySchema(writeOnlySchema: WriteOnlySchema): P? = visitChildren(writeOnlySchema)
open fun visitPropertyNamesSchema(propertyNamesSchema: PropertyNamesSchema): P? = visitChildren(propertyNamesSchema)
open fun identity(): P? = null
open fun identity(parent: Schema): P? = identity()
open fun accumulate(parent: Schema, previous: P?, current: P?): P? = current ?: previous
open fun visitChildren(parent: Schema): P? {
var product: P? = identity(parent)
for (subschema in parent.subschemas()) {
val current = subschema.accept(this)
product = accumulate(parent, product, current)
return product
internal class SchemaNotFoundException(expectedKey: String, actualKey: String) :
RuntimeException("expected key: $expectedKey, but found: $actualKey")
internal class TraversingSchemaVisitor(vararg keys: String) : SchemaVisitor
() {
private val remainingKeys = keys.asList().toMutableList()
private fun consume(schema: Schema, key: String, cb: () -> P?): P? {
if (remainingKeys[0] == key) {
if (remainingKeys.isEmpty()) {
return schema as P
return cb()
throw SchemaNotFoundException(key, remainingKeys[0])
override fun visitCompositeSchema(schema: CompositeSchema): P? {
if (remainingKeys.isEmpty()) {
return schema as P
if (remainingKeys[0] == "title") {
if (remainingKeys.isEmpty()) {
return schema.title!!.value as P
throw SchemaNotFoundException("cannot traverse keys of string 'title'", "")
} else if (remainingKeys[0] == "properties") {
val propName = remainingKeys.removeAt(0)
return schema.propertySchemas[propName]?.accept(this)
return super.visitCompositeSchema(schema)
override fun visitAdditionalPropertiesSchema(schema: AdditionalPropertiesSchema): P? =
consume(schema, "additionalProperties") { super.visitAdditionalPropertiesSchema(schema) }
override fun visitReferenceSchema(schema: ReferenceSchema): P? {
if (remainingKeys[0] == "\$ref") {
if (remainingKeys.isEmpty()) {
return schema.referredSchema as P
return schema.referredSchema!!.accept(this)
throw SchemaNotFoundException("\$ref", remainingKeys[0])