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fs2.kafka.internal.KafkaConsumerActor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2018-2024 OVO Energy Limited
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package fs2.kafka.internal

import java.time.Duration
import java.util

import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet

import{Chain, NonEmptyVector, StateT}
import cats.effect.*
import cats.effect.std.*
import cats.effect.syntax.all.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import fs2.kafka.*
import fs2.kafka.instances.*
import fs2.kafka.internal.converters.collection.*
import fs2.kafka.internal.syntax.*
import fs2.kafka.internal.KafkaConsumerActor.*
import fs2.kafka.internal.LogEntry.*
import fs2.Chunk

import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition

  * [[KafkaConsumerActor]] wraps a Java `KafkaConsumer` and works similar to a traditional actor, in
  * the sense that it receives requests one at-a-time via a queue, which are received as calls to
  * the `handle` function. `Poll` requests are scheduled at a fixed interval and, when handled,
  * calls the `KafkaConsumer#poll` function, allowing the Java consumer to perform necessary
  * background functions, and to return fetched records.

* * The actor receives `Fetch` requests for topic-partitions for which there is demand. The actor * then attempts to fetch records for topic-partitions where there is a `Fetch` request. For * topic-partitions where there is no request, no attempt to fetch records is made. This * effectively enables backpressure, as long as `Fetch` requests are only issued when there is more * demand. */ final private[kafka] class KafkaConsumerActor[F[_], K, V]( settings: ConsumerSettings[F, K, V], keyDeserializer: KeyDeserializer[F, K], valueDeserializer: ValueDeserializer[F, V], val ref: Ref[F, State[F, K, V]], requests: Queue[F, Request[F, K, V]], withConsumer: WithConsumer[F] )(implicit F: Async[F], dispatcher: Dispatcher[F], logging: Logging[F], jitter: Jitter[F] ) { import logging.* private[this] type ConsumerRecords = Map[TopicPartition, NonEmptyVector[CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V]]] private[this] val consumerGroupId: Option[String] = val consumerRebalanceListener: ConsumerRebalanceListener = new ConsumerRebalanceListener { override def onPartitionsRevoked(partitions: util.Collection[TopicPartition]): Unit = dispatcher.unsafeRunSync(revoked(partitions.toSortedSet)) override def onPartitionsAssigned(partitions: util.Collection[TopicPartition]): Unit = dispatcher.unsafeRunSync(assigned(partitions.toSortedSet)) } private[this] def commitAsync( offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], callback: Either[Throwable, Unit] => Unit ): F[Unit] = withConsumer .blocking { _.commitAsync( offsets.asJava, (_, exception) => callback(Option(exception).toLeft(())) ) } .handleErrorWith(e => F.delay(callback(Left(e)))) private[this] def commit(request: Request.Commit[F]): F[Unit] = ref .modify { state => if (state.rebalancing) { val newState = state.withPendingCommit(request) (newState, Some(StoredPendingCommit(request, newState))) } else (state, None) } .flatMap { case Some(log) => logging.log(log) case None => commitAsync(request.offsets, request.callback) } private[this] def manualCommitSync(request: Request.ManualCommitSync[F]): F[Unit] = { val commit = withConsumer.blocking(_.commitSync(request.offsets.asJava, settings.commitTimeout.toJava)) commit.attempt >>= request.callback } private[this] def runCommitAsync( offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] )( k: (Either[Throwable, Unit] => Unit) => F[Unit] ): F[Unit] = F.async[Unit] { (cb: Either[Throwable, Unit] => Unit) => k(cb).as(Some(F.unit)) } .timeoutTo( settings.commitTimeout, F.defer(F.raiseError[Unit] { CommitTimeoutException( settings.commitTimeout, offsets ) }) ) private[this] def manualCommitAsync(request: Request.ManualCommitAsync[F]): F[Unit] = { val commit = runCommitAsync(request.offsets) { cb => commitAsync(request.offsets, cb) } val res = commit.attempt >>= request.callback // We need to start this action in a separate fiber without waiting for the result, // because commitAsync could be resolved only with the poll consumer call. // Which could be done only when the current request is processed. res.start.void } private[this] def assigned(assigned: SortedSet[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = ref .updateAndGet(_.withRebalancing(false)) .flatMap { state => log(AssignedPartitions(assigned, state)) >> state.onRebalances.foldLeft(F.unit)(_ >> _.onAssigned(assigned)) } private[this] def revoked(revoked: SortedSet[TopicPartition]): F[Unit] = { def withState[A] = StateT.apply[Id, State[F, K, V], A](_) def completeWithRecords(withRecords: Set[TopicPartition]) = withState { st => if (withRecords.nonEmpty) { val newState = st.withoutFetchesAndRecords(withRecords) val action = st .fetches .filterKeysStrictList(withRecords) .traverse { case (partition, partitionFetches) => val records = Chunk.from(st.records(partition).toVector) partitionFetches.values.toList.traverse(_.completeRevoked(records)) } >> logging.log( RevokedFetchesWithRecords(st.records.filterKeysStrict(withRecords), newState) ) (newState, action) } else (st, F.unit) } def completeWithoutRecords(withoutRecords: SortedSet[TopicPartition]) = withState { st => if (withoutRecords.nonEmpty) { val newState = st.withoutFetches(withoutRecords) val action = st .fetches .filterKeysStrictValuesList(withoutRecords) .traverse(_.values.toList.traverse(_.completeRevoked(Chunk.empty))) >> logging.log(RevokedFetchesWithoutRecords(withoutRecords, newState)) (newState, action) } else (st, F.unit) } def removeRevokedRecords(revokedNonFetches: SortedSet[TopicPartition]) = withState { st => if (revokedNonFetches.nonEmpty) { val revokedRecords = st.records.filterKeysStrict(revokedNonFetches) if (revokedRecords.nonEmpty) { val newState = st.withoutRecords(revokedRecords.keySet) val action = logging.log(RemovedRevokedRecords(revokedRecords, newState)) (newState, action) } else (st, F.unit) } else (st, F.unit) } ref .modify { state => val withRebalancing = state.withRebalancing(true) val fetches = withRebalancing.fetches.keySetStrict val records = withRebalancing.records.keySetStrict val revokedFetches = revoked.intersect(fetches) val revokedNonFetches = revoked.diff(revokedFetches) val withRecords = records.intersect(revokedFetches) val withoutRecords = revokedFetches.diff(records) (for { completeWithRecords <- completeWithRecords(withRecords) completeWithoutRecords <- completeWithoutRecords(withoutRecords) removeRevokedRecords <- removeRevokedRecords(revokedNonFetches) } yield RevokedResult( logRevoked = logging.log(RevokedPartitions(revoked, withRebalancing)), completeWithRecords = completeWithRecords, completeWithoutRecords = completeWithoutRecords, removeRevokedRecords = removeRevokedRecords, onRebalances = withRebalancing.onRebalances )).run(withRebalancing) } .flatMap { res => val onRevoked = res.onRebalances.foldLeft(F.unit)(_ >> _.onRevoked(revoked)) res.logRevoked >> res.completeWithRecords >> res.completeWithoutRecords >> res.removeRevokedRecords >> onRevoked } } private[this] val offsetCommit: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] => F[Unit] = offsets => { val commit = runCommitAsync(offsets) { cb => requests.offer(Request.Commit(offsets, cb)) } commit.handleErrorWith { settings.commitRecovery.recoverCommitWith(offsets, commit) } } private[this] def committableConsumerRecord( record: ConsumerRecord[K, V], partition: TopicPartition ): CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V] = CommittableConsumerRecord( record = record, offset = CommittableOffset( topicPartition = partition, consumerGroupId = consumerGroupId, offsetAndMetadata = new OffsetAndMetadata( record.offset + 1L, settings.recordMetadata(record) ), commit = offsetCommit ) ) private[this] def records(batch: KafkaByteConsumerRecords): F[ConsumerRecords] = batch .partitions .toVector .traverse { partition => NonEmptyVector .fromVectorUnsafe(batch.records(partition).toVector) .traverse { record => ConsumerRecord .fromJava(record, keyDeserializer, valueDeserializer) .map(committableConsumerRecord(_, partition)) } .map((partition, _)) } .map(_.toMap) private[this] val pollTimeout: Duration = settings.pollTimeout.toJava private[this] val poll: F[Unit] = { def pollConsumer(state: State[F, K, V]): F[ConsumerRecords] = withConsumer .blocking { consumer => val assigned = consumer.assignment.toSet val requested = state.fetches.keySetStrict val available = state.records.keySetStrict val resume = requested.intersect(assigned).diff(available) val pause = assigned.diff(resume) if (pause.nonEmpty) consumer.pause(pause.asJava) if (resume.nonEmpty) consumer.resume(resume.asJava) consumer.poll(pollTimeout) } .flatMap(records) def handlePoll(newRecords: ConsumerRecords, initialRebalancing: Boolean): F[Unit] = { def handleBatch( state: State[F, K, V], pendingCommits: Option[HandlePollResult.PendingCommits] ) = if (state.fetches.isEmpty) { if (newRecords.isEmpty) { (state, HandlePollResult.StateNotChanged(pendingCommits)) } else { val newState = state.withRecords(newRecords) (newState, HandlePollResult.Stored(StoredRecords(newRecords, newState), pendingCommits)) } } else { val allRecords = state.records.combine(newRecords) if (allRecords.nonEmpty) { val requested = state.fetches.keySetStrict val canBeCompleted = allRecords.keySetStrict.intersect(requested) val canBeStored = newRecords.keySetStrict.diff(canBeCompleted) def completeFetches: F[Unit] = state .fetches .filterKeysStrictList(canBeCompleted) .traverse_ { case (partition, fetches) => val records = Chunk.from(allRecords(partition).toVector) fetches.values.toList.traverse_(_.completeRecords(records)) } (canBeCompleted.nonEmpty, canBeStored.nonEmpty) match { case (true, true) => val storeRecords = newRecords.filterKeysStrict(canBeStored) val newState = state.withoutFetchesAndRecords(canBeCompleted).withRecords(storeRecords) ( newState, HandlePollResult.CompletedAndStored( completeFetches = completeFetches, completedLog = CompletedFetchesWithRecords( allRecords.filterKeysStrict(canBeCompleted), newState ), storedLog = StoredRecords(storeRecords, newState), pendingCommits = pendingCommits ) ) case (true, false) => val newState = state.withoutFetchesAndRecords(canBeCompleted) ( newState, HandlePollResult.Completed( completeFetches = completeFetches, log = CompletedFetchesWithRecords( allRecords.filterKeysStrict(canBeCompleted), newState ), pendingCommits = pendingCommits ) ) case (false, true) => val storeRecords = newRecords.filterKeysStrict(canBeStored) val newState = state.withRecords(storeRecords) ( newState, HandlePollResult.Stored(StoredRecords(storeRecords, newState), pendingCommits) ) case (false, false) => (state, HandlePollResult.StateNotChanged(pendingCommits)) } } else { (state, HandlePollResult.StateNotChanged(pendingCommits)) } } def handlePendingCommits(state: State[F, K, V]) = { val currentRebalancing = state.rebalancing if (initialRebalancing && !currentRebalancing && state.pendingCommits.nonEmpty) { val newState = state.withoutPendingCommits ( newState, Some( HandlePollResult.PendingCommits( commits = state.pendingCommits, log = CommittedPendingCommits(state.pendingCommits, newState) ) ) ) } else (state, None) } ref .modify { state => val (stateWithoutPendingCommits, pendingCommits) = handlePendingCommits(state) handleBatch(stateWithoutPendingCommits, pendingCommits) } .flatMap { result => (result match { case HandlePollResult.StateNotChanged(_) => F.unit case HandlePollResult.Stored(log, _) => logging.log(log) case HandlePollResult.Completed(completeFetches, log, _) => completeFetches >> logging.log(log) case HandlePollResult.CompletedAndStored(completeFetches, completedLog, storedLog, _) => completeFetches >> logging.log(completedLog) >> logging.log(storedLog) }) >> result.pendingCommits.traverse_(_.commit) } } ref .get .flatMap { state => if (state.subscribed && state.streaming) { val initialRebalancing = state.rebalancing pollConsumer(state).flatMap(handlePoll(_, initialRebalancing)) } else F.unit } } def handle(request: Request[F, K, V]): F[Unit] = request match { case Request.Poll() => poll case request @ Request.Commit(_, _) => commit(request) case request @ Request.ManualCommitAsync(_, _) => manualCommitAsync(request) case request @ Request.ManualCommitSync(_, _) => manualCommitSync(request) case Request.WithPermit(fa, cb) => fa.attempt >>= cb } private[this] case class RevokedResult( logRevoked: F[Unit], completeWithRecords: F[Unit], completeWithoutRecords: F[Unit], removeRevokedRecords: F[Unit], onRebalances: Chain[OnRebalance[F]] ) sealed private[this] trait HandlePollResult { def pendingCommits: Option[HandlePollResult.PendingCommits] } private[this] object HandlePollResult { case class PendingCommits( commits: Chain[Request.Commit[F]], log: CommittedPendingCommits[F] ) { def commit: F[Unit] = commits.traverse { commitRequest => commitAsync(commitRequest.offsets, commitRequest.callback) } >> logging.log(log) } case class StateNotChanged(pendingCommits: Option[PendingCommits]) extends HandlePollResult case class Stored( log: LogEntry.StoredRecords[F], pendingCommits: Option[PendingCommits] ) extends HandlePollResult case class Completed( completeFetches: F[Unit], log: LogEntry.CompletedFetchesWithRecords[F], pendingCommits: Option[PendingCommits] ) extends HandlePollResult case class CompletedAndStored( completeFetches: F[Unit], completedLog: LogEntry.CompletedFetchesWithRecords[F], storedLog: LogEntry.StoredRecords[F], pendingCommits: Option[PendingCommits] ) extends HandlePollResult } } private[kafka] object KafkaConsumerActor { final case class FetchRequest[F[_], K, V]( callback: ((Chunk[CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V]], FetchCompletedReason)) => F[Unit] ) { def completeRevoked(chunk: Chunk[CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V]]): F[Unit] = callback((chunk, FetchCompletedReason.TopicPartitionRevoked)) def completeRecords(chunk: Chunk[CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V]]): F[Unit] = callback((chunk, FetchCompletedReason.FetchedRecords)) override def toString: String = "FetchRequest$" + System.identityHashCode(this) } type StreamId = Int final case class State[F[_], K, V]( fetches: Map[TopicPartition, Map[StreamId, FetchRequest[F, K, V]]], records: Map[TopicPartition, NonEmptyVector[CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V]]], pendingCommits: Chain[Request.Commit[F]], onRebalances: Chain[OnRebalance[F]], rebalancing: Boolean, subscribed: Boolean, streaming: Boolean ) { def withOnRebalance(onRebalance: OnRebalance[F]): State[F, K, V] = copy(onRebalances = onRebalances.append(onRebalance)) /** * @return * (new-state, old-fetches-to-revoke) */ def withFetch( partition: TopicPartition, streamId: StreamId, callback: ((Chunk[CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V]], FetchCompletedReason)) => F[Unit] ): (State[F, K, V], List[FetchRequest[F, K, V]]) = { val newFetchRequest = FetchRequest(callback) val oldPartitionFetches: Map[StreamId, FetchRequest[F, K, V]] = fetches.getOrElse(partition, Map.empty) val newFetches: Map[TopicPartition, Map[StreamId, FetchRequest[F, K, V]]] = fetches.updated(partition, oldPartitionFetches.updated(streamId, newFetchRequest)) val fetchesToRevoke: List[FetchRequest[F, K, V]] = oldPartitionFetches.get(streamId).toList ( copy(fetches = newFetches), fetchesToRevoke ) } def withoutFetches(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): State[F, K, V] = copy( fetches = fetches.filterKeysStrict(!partitions.contains(_)) ) def withRecords( records: Map[TopicPartition, NonEmptyVector[CommittableConsumerRecord[F, K, V]]] ): State[F, K, V] = copy(records = this.records.combine(records)) def withoutFetchesAndRecords(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): State[F, K, V] = copy( fetches = fetches.filterKeysStrict(!partitions.contains(_)), records = records.filterKeysStrict(!partitions.contains(_)) ) def withoutRecords(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): State[F, K, V] = copy(records = records.filterKeysStrict(!partitions.contains(_))) def withPendingCommit(pendingCommit: Request.Commit[F]): State[F, K, V] = copy(pendingCommits = pendingCommits.append(pendingCommit)) def withoutPendingCommits: State[F, K, V] = if (pendingCommits.isEmpty) this else copy(pendingCommits = Chain.empty) def withRebalancing(rebalancing: Boolean): State[F, K, V] = if (this.rebalancing == rebalancing) this else copy(rebalancing = rebalancing) def asSubscribed: State[F, K, V] = if (subscribed) this else copy(subscribed = true) def asUnsubscribed: State[F, K, V] = if (!subscribed) this else copy(subscribed = false) def asStreaming: State[F, K, V] = if (streaming) this else copy(streaming = true) override def toString: String = { val fetchesString = fetches .toList .sortBy { case (tp, _) => tp } .mkStringAppend { case (append, (tp, fs)) => append(tp.toString) append(" -> ") append(fs.mkString("[", ", ", "]")) }("", ", ", "") s"State(fetches = Map($fetchesString), records = Map(${recordsString(records)}), pendingCommits = $pendingCommits, onRebalances = $onRebalances, rebalancing = $rebalancing, subscribed = $subscribed, streaming = $streaming)" } } object State { def empty[F[_], K, V]: State[F, K, V] = State( fetches = Map.empty, records = Map.empty, pendingCommits = Chain.empty, onRebalances = Chain.empty, rebalancing = false, subscribed = false, streaming = false ) } sealed abstract class FetchCompletedReason { final def topicPartitionRevoked: Boolean = this match { case FetchCompletedReason.TopicPartitionRevoked => true case FetchCompletedReason.FetchedRecords => false } } object FetchCompletedReason { case object TopicPartitionRevoked extends FetchCompletedReason case object FetchedRecords extends FetchCompletedReason } final case class OnRebalance[F[_]]( onAssigned: SortedSet[TopicPartition] => F[Unit], onRevoked: SortedSet[TopicPartition] => F[Unit] ) { override def toString: String = "OnRebalance$" + System.identityHashCode(this) } sealed abstract class Request[F[_], -K, -V] object Request { final case class WithPermit[F[_], A](fa: F[A], callback: Either[Throwable, A] => F[Unit]) extends Request[F, Any, Any] final case class Poll[F[_]]() extends Request[F, Any, Any] private[this] val pollInstance: Poll[Nothing] = Poll[Nothing]() def poll[F[_]]: Poll[F] = pollInstance.asInstanceOf[Poll[F]] final case class Commit[F[_]]( offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], callback: Either[Throwable, Unit] => Unit ) extends Request[F, Any, Any] final case class ManualCommitAsync[F[_]]( offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], callback: Either[Throwable, Unit] => F[Unit] ) extends Request[F, Any, Any] final case class ManualCommitSync[F[_]]( offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], callback: Either[Throwable, Unit] => F[Unit] ) extends Request[F, Any, Any] } }

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