fs2.kafka.CommittableOffsetBatch.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2018-2024 OVO Energy Limited
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package fs2.kafka
import cats.{Applicative, Foldable, Show}
import cats.instances.list.*
import cats.syntax.foldable.*
import cats.syntax.show.*
import cats.ApplicativeError
import fs2.kafka.instances.*
import fs2.kafka.internal.syntax.*
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch]] represents a batch of Kafka [[offsets]] which can be committed
* together using [[commit]]. An offset, or one more batch, can be added an existing batch using
* `updated`. Note that this requires the offsets per topic-partition to be included in-order,
* since offset commits in general require it.
* Use [[CommittableOffsetBatch#empty]] to create an empty batch. The [[CommittableOffset#batch]]
* function can be used to create a batch from an existing [[CommittableOffset]].
* If you have some offsets in-order per topic-partition, you can fold them together using
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch#empty]] and `updated`, or you can use
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch#fromFoldable]]. Generally, prefer to use `fromFoldable`, as it has
* better performance. Provided pipes like [[commitBatchWithin]] are also to be preferred, as they
* also achieve better performance.
sealed abstract class CommittableOffsetBatch[F[_]] {
* Creates a new [[CommittableOffsetBatch]] with the specified offset included. Note that this
* function requires offsets to be in-order per topic-partition, as provided offsets will
* override existing offsets for the same topic-partition.
def updated(that: CommittableOffset[F]): CommittableOffsetBatch[F]
* Creates a new [[CommittableOffsetBatch]] with the specified offsets included. Note that this
* function requires offsets to be in-order per topic-partition, as provided offsets will
* override existing offsets for the same topic-partition.
def updated(that: CommittableOffsetBatch[F]): CommittableOffsetBatch[F]
* The offsets included in the [[CommittableOffsetBatch]].
def offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]
* The consumer group IDs for the [[offsets]] in the batch. For the batch to be valid and for
* [[commit]] to succeed, there should be exactly one ID in the set and the flag
* [[consumerGroupIdsMissing]] should be `false`.
* There might be more than one consumer group ID in the set if offsets from multiple consumers,
* with different group IDs, have accidentally been mixed. The set might also be empty if no
* consumer group IDs have been specified.
def consumerGroupIds: Set[String]
* `true` if any offset in the batch came from a consumer without a group ID; `false` otherwise.
* For the batch to be valid and for [[commit]] to succeed, this flag must be `false` and there
* should be exactly one consumer group ID in [[consumerGroupIds]].
def consumerGroupIdsMissing: Boolean
* Commits the [[offsets]] to Kafka in a single commit. For the batch to be valid and for commit
* to succeed, the following conditions must hold:
* - [[consumerGroupIdsMissing]] must be false, and
* - [[consumerGroupIds]] must have exactly one ID.
* If one of the conditions above do not hold, there will be a [[ConsumerGroupException]]
* exception raised and a commit will not be attempted. If [[offsets]] is empty then these
* conditions do not need to hold, as there is nothing to commit.
def commit: F[Unit]
object CommittableOffsetBatch {
private[kafka] def apply[F[_]](
offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata],
consumerGroupIds: Set[String],
consumerGroupIdsMissing: Boolean,
commit: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] => F[Unit]
)(implicit F: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable]): CommittableOffsetBatch[F] = {
val _offsets = offsets
val _consumerGroupIds = consumerGroupIds
val _consumerGroupIdsMissing = consumerGroupIdsMissing
val _commit = commit
new CommittableOffsetBatch[F] {
override def updated(that: CommittableOffset[F]): CommittableOffsetBatch[F] =
_offsets.updated(that.topicPartition, that.offsetAndMetadata),
that.consumerGroupId.fold(_consumerGroupIds)(_consumerGroupIds + _),
_consumerGroupIdsMissing || that.consumerGroupId.isEmpty,
override def updated(that: CommittableOffsetBatch[F]): CommittableOffsetBatch[F] =
_offsets ++ that.offsets,
_consumerGroupIds ++ that.consumerGroupIds,
_consumerGroupIdsMissing || that.consumerGroupIdsMissing,
override val offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] =
override val consumerGroupIds: Set[String] =
override val consumerGroupIdsMissing: Boolean =
override def commit: F[Unit] =
if (_consumerGroupIdsMissing || _consumerGroupIds.size != 1)
else _commit(offsets)
override def toString: String =
* Creates a [[CommittableOffsetBatch]] from some [[CommittableOffset]]s, where the containing
* type has a `Foldable` instance. Guaranteed to be equivalent to the following, but implemented
* more efficiently.
* {{{
* offsets.foldLeft(CommittableOffsetBatch.empty[F])(_ updated _)
* }}}
* Note that just like for `updated`, `offsets` have to be in order per topic-partition.
* @see
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch#fromFoldableMap]]
* @see
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch#fromFoldableOption]]
def fromFoldable[F[_], G[_]](offsets: G[CommittableOffset[F]])(implicit
F: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable],
G: Foldable[G]
): CommittableOffsetBatch[F] =
* Creates a [[CommittableOffsetBatch]] from a `Foldable` containing `A`s, by applying `f` to
* each `A` to get the [[CommittableOffset]]. Guaranteed to be equivalent to the following, but
* implemented more efficiently.
* {{{
* ga.foldLeft(CommittableOffsetBatch.empty[F])(_ updated f(_))
* }}}
* Note that just like for `updated`, `offsets` have to be in order per topic-partition.
* @see
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch#fromFoldable]]
* @see
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch#fromFoldableOption]]
def fromFoldableMap[F[_], G[_], A](ga: G[A])(f: A => CommittableOffset[F])(implicit
F: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable],
G: Foldable[G]
): CommittableOffsetBatch[F] = {
var commit: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] => F[Unit] = null
var offsetsMap: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] = Map.empty
var consumerGroupIds: Set[String] = Set.empty
var consumerGroupIdsMissing: Boolean = false
var empty: Boolean = true
ga.foldLeft(()) { (_, a) =>
val offset = f(a)
if (empty) {
commit = offset.commitOffsets
empty = false
offsetsMap = offsetsMap.updated(offset.topicPartition, offset.offsetAndMetadata)
offset.consumerGroupId match {
case Some(consumerGroupId) => consumerGroupIds = consumerGroupIds + consumerGroupId
case None => consumerGroupIdsMissing = true
if (empty) CommittableOffsetBatch.empty[F]
else CommittableOffsetBatch(offsetsMap, consumerGroupIds, consumerGroupIdsMissing, commit)
* Creates a [[CommittableOffsetBatch]] from some [[CommittableOffset]]s wrapped in `Option`,
* where the containing type has a `Foldable` instance. Guaranteed to be equivalent to the
* following, but implemented more efficiently.
* {{{
* offsets.foldLeft(CommittableOffsetBatch.empty[F]) {
* case (batch, Some(offset)) => batch.updated(offset)
* case (batch, None) => batch
* }
* }}}
* Note that just like for `updated`, `offsets` have to be in order per topic-partition.
* @see
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch#fromFoldable]]
* @see
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch#fromFoldableMap]]
def fromFoldableOption[F[_], G[_]](offsets: G[Option[CommittableOffset[F]]])(implicit
F: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable],
G: Foldable[G]
): CommittableOffsetBatch[F] = {
var commit: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] => F[Unit] = null
var offsetsMap: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] = Map.empty
var consumerGroupIds: Set[String] = Set.empty
var consumerGroupIdsMissing: Boolean = false
var empty: Boolean = true
offsets.foldLeft(()) {
case (_, Some(offset)) =>
if (empty) {
commit = offset.commitOffsets
empty = false
offsetsMap = offsetsMap.updated(offset.topicPartition, offset.offsetAndMetadata)
offset.consumerGroupId match {
case Some(consumerGroupId) => consumerGroupIds = consumerGroupIds + consumerGroupId
case None => consumerGroupIdsMissing = true
case (_, None) => ()
if (empty) CommittableOffsetBatch.empty[F]
else CommittableOffsetBatch(offsetsMap, consumerGroupIds, consumerGroupIdsMissing, commit)
* An empty [[CommittableOffsetBatch]] which does not include any offsets and `commit` will not
* commit offsets. This can be used together with `updated` to create a batch from some offsets.
* @see
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch#fromFoldable]]
* @see
* [[CommittableOffsetBatch#fromFoldableOption]]
def empty[F[_]](implicit F: Applicative[F]): CommittableOffsetBatch[F] =
new CommittableOffsetBatch[F] {
override def updated(that: CommittableOffset[F]): CommittableOffsetBatch[F] =
override def updated(that: CommittableOffsetBatch[F]): CommittableOffsetBatch[F] =
override val offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] =
override val consumerGroupIds: Set[String] =
override val consumerGroupIdsMissing: Boolean =
override val commit: F[Unit] =
override def toString: String =
implicit def committableOffsetBatchShow[F[_]]: Show[CommittableOffsetBatch[F]] =
Show.show { cob =>
if (cob.offsets.isEmpty) "CommittableOffsetBatch()"
else {
.mkStringAppend { case (append, (tp, oam)) =>
append(" -> ")
start = "CommittableOffsetBatch(",
sep = ", ",
end = ")"
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