fs2.kafka.ConsumerSettings.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2018-2024 OVO Energy Limited
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package fs2.kafka
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import cats.effect.Resource
import cats.Show
import fs2.kafka.security.KafkaCredentialStore
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.OffsetFetchResponse
* [[ConsumerSettings]] contain settings necessary to create a [[KafkaConsumer]]. At the very
* least, this includes key and value deserializers.
* The following consumer configuration defaults are used.
* - `auto.offset.reset` is set to `none` to avoid the surprise of the otherwise default `latest`
* setting.
* - `enable.auto.commit` is set to `false` since offset commits are managed manually.
* Several convenience functions are provided so that you don't have to work with `String` values
* and `ConsumerConfig` for configuration. It's still possible to specify `ConsumerConfig` values
* with functions like [[withProperty]].
* [[ConsumerSettings]] instances are immutable and all modification functions return a new
* [[ConsumerSettings]] instance.
* Use `ConsumerSettings#apply` to create a new instance.
sealed abstract class ConsumerSettings[F[_], K, V] {
* The `Deserializer` to use for deserializing record keys.
def keyDeserializer: Resource[F, KeyDeserializer[F, K]]
* The `Deserializer` to use for deserializing record values.
def valueDeserializer: Resource[F, ValueDeserializer[F, V]]
* Creates a new `ConsumerSettings` instance that replaces the serializers with those provided.
* Note that this will remove any custom `recordMetadata` configuration.
def withDeserializers[K0, V0](
keyDeserializer: Resource[F, KeyDeserializer[F, K0]],
valueDeserializer: Resource[F, ValueDeserializer[F, V0]]
): ConsumerSettings[F, K0, V0]
* A custom `ExecutionContext` to use for blocking Kafka operations. If not provided, a default
* single-threaded `ExecutionContext` will be created when creating a `KafkaConsumer` instance.
def customBlockingContext: Option[ExecutionContext]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified [[ExecutionContext]] to use for
* blocking operations.
* Because the underlying Java consumer is not thread-safe, the ExecutionContext *must* be
* single-threaded. If in doubt, leave this unset so that a default single-threaded blocker will
* be provided.
def withCustomBlockingContext(ec: ExecutionContext): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Properties which can be provided when creating a Java `KafkaConsumer` instance. Numerous
* functions in [[ConsumerSettings]] add properties here if the settings are used by the Java
* `KafkaConsumer`.
def properties: Map[String, String]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified bootstrap servers. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function.
* {{{
* }}}
def withBootstrapServers(bootstrapServers: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified auto offset reset. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except you
* can specify it with [[AutoOffsetReset]] instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
def withAutoOffsetReset(autoOffsetReset: AutoOffsetReset): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified client id. This is equivalent
* to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function.
* {{{
* ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG
* }}}
def withClientId(clientId: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified group id. This is equivalent to
* setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function.
* {{{
* ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG
* }}}
def withGroupId(groupId: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified group instance id. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function.
* {{{
* }}}
def withGroupInstanceId(groupInstanceId: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified max poll records. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except you
* can specify it with an `Int` instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
def withMaxPollRecords(maxPollRecords: Int): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified max poll interval. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except you
* can specify it with a `FiniteDuration` instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
def withMaxPollInterval(maxPollInterval: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified session timeout. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except you
* can specify it with a `FiniteDuration` instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
def withSessionTimeout(sessionTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified heartbeat interval. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except you
* can specify it with a `FiniteDuration` instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
def withHeartbeatInterval(heartbeatInterval: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified auto commit setting. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except you
* can specify it with a `Boolean` instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
* Note that by default, this setting is set to `false`.
def withEnableAutoCommit(enableAutoCommit: Boolean): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified auto commit interval. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except you
* can specify it with a `FiniteDuration` instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
def withAutoCommitInterval(autoCommitInterval: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified request timeout. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except you
* can specify it with a `FiniteDuration` instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
def withRequestTimeout(requestTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified default api timeout. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except you
* can specify it with a `FiniteDuration` instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
def withDefaultApiTimeout(defaultApiTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified isolation level. This is
* equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except you
* can specify it with an [[IsolationLevel]] instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
def withIsolationLevel(isolationLevel: IsolationLevel): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified allow auto create topics. This
* is equivalent to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function, except
* you can specify it with a `Boolean` instead of a `String`.
* {{{
* }}}
def withAllowAutoCreateTopics(allowAutoCreateTopics: Boolean): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Returns a new [[ConsumerSettings]] instance with the specified client rack. This is equivalent
* to setting the following property using the [[withProperty]] function.
* {{{
* }}}
def withClientRack(clientRack: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Includes a property with the specified `key` and `value`. The key should be one of the keys in
* `ConsumerConfig`, and the value should be a valid choice for the key.
def withProperty(key: String, value: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Includes the specified keys and values as properties. The keys should be part of the
* `ConsumerConfig` keys, and the values should be valid choices for the keys.
def withProperties(properties: (String, String)*): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Includes the specified keys and values as properties. The keys should be part of the
* `ConsumerConfig` keys, and the values should be valid choices for the keys.
def withProperties(properties: Map[String, String]): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* The time to wait for the Java `KafkaConsumer` to shutdown.
* The default value is 20 seconds.
def closeTimeout: FiniteDuration
* Creates a new [[ConsumerSettings]] with the specified [[closeTimeout]].
def withCloseTimeout(closeTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* The time to wait for offset commits to complete. If an offset commit doesn't complete within
* this time, a [[CommitTimeoutException]] will be raised instead.
* The default value is 15 seconds.
def commitTimeout: FiniteDuration
* Creates a new [[ConsumerSettings]] with the specified [[commitTimeout]].
def withCommitTimeout(commitTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* How often we should attempt to call `poll` on the Java `KafkaConsumer`.
* The default value is 50 milliseconds.
def pollInterval: FiniteDuration
* Creates a new [[ConsumerSettings]] with the specified [[pollInterval]].
def withPollInterval(pollInterval: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* How long we should allow the `poll` call to block for in the Java `KafkaConsumer`.
* The default value is 50 milliseconds.
def pollTimeout: FiniteDuration
* Creates a new [[ConsumerSettings]] with the specified [[pollTimeout]].
def withPollTimeout(pollTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* The [[CommitRecovery]] strategy for recovering from offset commit exceptions.
* The default is [[CommitRecovery#Default]].
def commitRecovery: CommitRecovery
* Creates a new [[ConsumerSettings]] with the specified [[CommitRecovery]] as the
* [[commitRecovery]] to use.
def withCommitRecovery(commitRecovery: CommitRecovery): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* The function used to specify metadata for records. This metadata will be included in
* `OffsetAndMetadata` in the [[CommittableOffset]]s, and can then be committed with the
* offsets.
* By default, there will be no metadata, as determined by `OffsetFetchResponse.NO_METADATA`.
def recordMetadata: ConsumerRecord[K, V] => String
* Creates a new [[ConsumerSettings]] with the specified [[recordMetadata]]. Note that replacing
* the serializers via `withSerializers` will reset this to the default.
def withRecordMetadata(recordMetadata: ConsumerRecord[K, V] => String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* The maximum number of record batches to prefetch per topic-partition. This means that, while
* records are being processed, there can be up to `maxPrefetchBatches * max.poll.records`
* records per topic-partition that have already been fetched, and are waiting to be processed.
* You can use [[withMaxPollRecords]] to control the `max.poll.records` setting.
* This setting effectively controls backpressure, i.e. the maximum number of batches to prefetch
* per topic-partition before starting to slow down (not fetching more records) until processing
* has caught-up.
* Note that prefetching cannot be disabled and is generally preferred since it yields improved
* performance. The minimum value for this setting is `2`.
def maxPrefetchBatches: Int
* Creates a new [[ConsumerSettings]] with the specified value for [[maxPrefetchBatches]]. Note
* that if a value lower than the minimum `2` is specified, [[maxPrefetchBatches]] will instead
* be set to `2` and not the specified value.
def withMaxPrefetchBatches(maxPrefetchBatches: Int): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
* Includes the credentials properties from the provided [[KafkaCredentialStore]]
def withCredentials(credentialsStore: KafkaCredentialStore): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]
object ConsumerSettings {
final private[this] case class ConsumerSettingsImpl[F[_], K, V](
override val keyDeserializer: Resource[F, KeyDeserializer[F, K]],
override val valueDeserializer: Resource[F, ValueDeserializer[F, V]],
override val customBlockingContext: Option[ExecutionContext],
override val properties: Map[String, String],
override val closeTimeout: FiniteDuration,
override val commitTimeout: FiniteDuration,
override val pollInterval: FiniteDuration,
override val pollTimeout: FiniteDuration,
override val commitRecovery: CommitRecovery,
override val recordMetadata: ConsumerRecord[K, V] => String,
override val maxPrefetchBatches: Int
) extends ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] {
override def withCustomBlockingContext(ec: ExecutionContext): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(customBlockingContext = Some(ec))
override def withBootstrapServers(bootstrapServers: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers)
override def withAutoOffsetReset(autoOffsetReset: AutoOffsetReset): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
autoOffsetReset match {
case AutoOffsetReset.EarliestOffsetReset => "earliest"
case AutoOffsetReset.LatestOffsetReset => "latest"
case AutoOffsetReset.NoneOffsetReset => "none"
override def withClientId(clientId: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, clientId)
override def withGroupId(groupId: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupId)
override def withGroupInstanceId(groupInstanceId: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_INSTANCE_ID_CONFIG, groupInstanceId)
override def withMaxPollRecords(maxPollRecords: Int): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_RECORDS_CONFIG, maxPollRecords.toString)
override def withMaxPollInterval(maxPollInterval: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, maxPollInterval.toMillis.toString)
override def withSessionTimeout(sessionTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, sessionTimeout.toMillis.toString)
override def withHeartbeatInterval(
heartbeatInterval: FiniteDuration
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, heartbeatInterval.toMillis.toString)
override def withEnableAutoCommit(enableAutoCommit: Boolean): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, enableAutoCommit.toString)
override def withAutoCommitInterval(
autoCommitInterval: FiniteDuration
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
override def withRequestTimeout(requestTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
override def withDefaultApiTimeout(
defaultApiTimeout: FiniteDuration
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
override def withIsolationLevel(isolationLevel: IsolationLevel): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
isolationLevel match {
case IsolationLevel.ReadCommittedIsolationLevel => "read_committed"
case IsolationLevel.ReadUncommittedIsolationLevel => "read_uncommitted"
override def withAllowAutoCreateTopics(
allowAutoCreateTopics: Boolean
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.ALLOW_AUTO_CREATE_TOPICS_CONFIG, allowAutoCreateTopics.toString)
override def withClientRack(clientRack: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_RACK_CONFIG, clientRack)
override def withProperty(key: String, value: String): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(properties = properties.updated(key, value))
override def withProperties(properties: (String, String)*): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(properties = this.properties ++ properties.toMap)
override def withProperties(properties: Map[String, String]): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(properties = this.properties ++ properties)
override def withCloseTimeout(closeTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(closeTimeout = closeTimeout)
override def withCommitTimeout(commitTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(commitTimeout = commitTimeout)
override def withPollInterval(pollInterval: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(pollInterval = pollInterval)
override def withPollTimeout(pollTimeout: FiniteDuration): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(pollTimeout = pollTimeout)
override def withCommitRecovery(commitRecovery: CommitRecovery): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(commitRecovery = commitRecovery)
override def withRecordMetadata(
recordMetadata: ConsumerRecord[K, V] => String
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(recordMetadata = recordMetadata)
override def withMaxPrefetchBatches(maxPrefetchBatches: Int): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
copy(maxPrefetchBatches = Math.max(2, maxPrefetchBatches))
override def withCredentials(
credentialsStore: KafkaCredentialStore
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
override def toString: String =
s"ConsumerSettings(closeTimeout = $closeTimeout, commitTimeout = $commitTimeout, pollInterval = $pollInterval, pollTimeout = $pollTimeout, commitRecovery = $commitRecovery)"
override def withDeserializers[K0, V0](
keyDeserializer: Resource[F, KeyDeserializer[F, K0]],
valueDeserializer: Resource[F, ValueDeserializer[F, V0]]
): ConsumerSettings[F, K0, V0] =
keyDeserializer = keyDeserializer,
valueDeserializer = valueDeserializer,
recordMetadata = _ => OffsetFetchResponse.NO_METADATA
private[this] def create[F[_], K, V](
keyDeserializer: Resource[F, KeyDeserializer[F, K]],
valueDeserializer: Resource[F, ValueDeserializer[F, V]]
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
customBlockingContext = None,
keyDeserializer = keyDeserializer,
valueDeserializer = valueDeserializer,
properties = Map(
ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG -> "none",
ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG -> "false"
closeTimeout = 20.seconds,
commitTimeout = 15.seconds,
pollInterval = 50.millis,
pollTimeout = 50.millis,
commitRecovery = CommitRecovery.Default,
recordMetadata = _ => OffsetFetchResponse.NO_METADATA,
maxPrefetchBatches = 2
def apply[F[_], K, V](
keyDeserializer: KeyDeserializer[F, K],
valueDeserializer: ValueDeserializer[F, V]
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
keyDeserializer = Resource.pure(keyDeserializer),
valueDeserializer = Resource.pure(valueDeserializer)
def apply[F[_], K, V](
keyDeserializer: Resource[F, KeyDeserializer[F, K]],
valueDeserializer: ValueDeserializer[F, V]
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
keyDeserializer = keyDeserializer,
valueDeserializer = Resource.pure(valueDeserializer)
def apply[F[_], K, V](
keyDeserializer: KeyDeserializer[F, K],
valueDeserializer: Resource[F, ValueDeserializer[F, V]]
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
keyDeserializer = Resource.pure(keyDeserializer),
valueDeserializer = valueDeserializer
def apply[F[_], K, V](implicit
keyDeserializer: Resource[F, KeyDeserializer[F, K]],
valueDeserializer: Resource[F, ValueDeserializer[F, V]]
): ConsumerSettings[F, K, V] =
keyDeserializer = keyDeserializer,
valueDeserializer = valueDeserializer
implicit def consumerSettingsShow[F[_], K, V]: Show[ConsumerSettings[F, K, V]] =
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