fs2.kafka.Serializer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2018-2024 OVO Energy Limited
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package fs2.kafka
import java.nio.charset.{Charset, StandardCharsets}
import java.util.UUID
import cats.effect.{Resource, Sync}
import cats.syntax.all.*
import cats.Contravariant
sealed abstract class GenericSerializer[-T <: KeyOrValue, F[_], A] {
* Attempts to serialize the specified value of type `A` into bytes. The Kafka topic name, to
* which the serialized bytes are going to be sent, and record headers are available.
def serialize(topic: String, headers: Headers, a: A): F[Array[Byte]]
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which applies the specified function `f` on a value of type `B`,
* and then serializes the result with this [[Serializer]].
def contramap[B](f: B => A): GenericSerializer[T, F, B]
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which applies the specified function `f` on the output bytes of
* this [[Serializer]].
def mapBytes(f: Array[Byte] => Array[Byte]): GenericSerializer[T, F, A]
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which serializes `Some` values using this [[Serializer]], and
* serializes `None` as `null`.
def option: GenericSerializer[T, F, Option[A]]
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which suspends serialization, capturing any impure behaviours of
* this [[Serializer]].
def suspend: Serializer[F, A]
* Functional composable Kafka key- and record serializer with support for effect types.
object GenericSerializer {
def apply[F[_], A](implicit serializer: Serializer[F, A]): Serializer[F, A] = serializer
* Alias for [[Serializer#identity]].
def apply[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, Array[Byte]] = identity
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which serializes all values of type `A` as `null`.
def asNull[F[_], A](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, A] =
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which serializes all values of type `A` to the specified `bytes`.
def const[F[_], A](bytes: Array[Byte])(implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, A] =
Serializer.lift(_ => F.pure(bytes))
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which delegates serialization to the specified Kafka
* `Serializer`. Note the `close` and `configure` functions won't be called for the
* delegate.
* It is assumed the delegate `serialize` function is pure. If it's not pure, then use `suspend`
* after `delegate`, so the impure behaviours can be captured properly.
def delegate[F[_], A](serializer: KafkaSerializer[A])(implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, A] =
Serializer.instance[F, A] { (topic, headers, a) =>
F.pure(serializer.serialize(topic, headers.asJava, a))
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which always fails serialization with the specified exception
* `e`.
def fail[F[_], A](e: Throwable)(implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, A] =
Serializer.lift(_ => F.raiseError(e))
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which always fails serialization with a
* [[SerializationException]] using the specified message.
def failWith[F[_], A](message: String)(implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, A] =
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which serializes all values of type `A` as the empty
* `Array[Byte]`.
def empty[F[_], A](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, A] =
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which can use different [[Serializer]]s depending on the record
* headers.
def headers[F[_], A](f: Headers => Serializer[F, A])(implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, A] =
Serializer.instance { (topic, headers, a) =>
f(headers).serialize(topic, headers, a)
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] from the specified function. Use [[lift]] instead if the
* serializer doesn't need access to the Kafka topic name or record headers.
def instance[F[_], A](
f: (String, Headers, A) => F[Array[Byte]]
)(implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, A] =
new Serializer[F, A] {
override def serialize(topic: String, headers: Headers, a: A): F[Array[Byte]] =
f(topic, headers, a)
override def contramap[B](f: B => A): Serializer[F, B] =
Serializer.instance { (topic, headers, b) =>
serialize(topic, headers, f(b))
override def mapBytes(f: Array[Byte] => Array[Byte]): Serializer[F, A] =
Serializer.instance { (topic, headers, a) =>
serialize(topic, headers, a).map(f)
override def option: Serializer[F, Option[A]] =
Serializer.instance {
case (topic, headers, Some(a)) => serialize(topic, headers, a)
case (_, _, None) => F.pure(null)
override def suspend: Serializer[F, A] =
Serializer.instance { (topic, headers, a) =>
F.defer(serialize(topic, headers, a))
override def toString: String =
"Serializer$" + System.identityHashCode(this)
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] from the specified function, ignoring to which Kafka topic the
* bytes are going to be sent and any record headers. Use [[instance]] instead if the serializer
* needs access to the Kafka topic name or the record headers.
def lift[F[_], A](f: A => F[Array[Byte]])(implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, A] =
Serializer.instance((_, _, a) => f(a))
private[this] def unexpectedTopic[F[_], A](implicit F: Sync[F]): String => Serializer[F, A] =
topic => Serializer.fail(UnexpectedTopicException(topic))
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which can use different [[Serializer]]s depending on the Kafka
* topic name to which the bytes are going to be sent.
def topic[T <: KeyOrValue, F[_], A](
f: PartialFunction[String, GenericSerializer[T, F, A]]
)(implicit F: Sync[F]): GenericSerializer[T, F, A] =
Serializer.instance[F, A] { (topic, headers, a) =>
f.applyOrElse(topic, unexpectedTopic).serialize(topic, headers, a)
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which serializes `String` values using the specified `Charset`.
* Note that the default `String` serializer uses `UTF-8`.
def string[F[_]](charset: Charset)(implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, String] =
Serializer.lift(s => F.pure(s.getBytes(charset)))
* Creates a new [[Serializer]] which serializes `UUID` values as `String`s with the specified
* `Charset`. Note that the default `UUID` serializer uses `UTF-8.`
def uuid[F[_]](charset: Charset)(implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, UUID] =
* The identity [[Serializer]], which does not perform any kind of serialization, simply using
* the input bytes as the output.
implicit def identity[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, Array[Byte]] =
Serializer.lift(bytes => F.pure(bytes))
* The option [[Serializer]] serializes `None` as `null`, and serializes `Some` values using the
* serializer for type `A`.
implicit def option[T <: KeyOrValue, F[_], A](implicit
serializer: GenericSerializer[T, F, A]
): GenericSerializer[T, F, Option[A]] =
implicit def contravariant[T <: KeyOrValue, F[_]]: Contravariant[GenericSerializer[T, F, *]] =
new Contravariant[GenericSerializer[T, F, *]] {
override def contramap[A, B](
serializer: GenericSerializer[T, F, A]
)(f: B => A): GenericSerializer[T, F, B] =
implicit def double[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, Double] =
Serializer.delegate {
(new org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.DoubleSerializer)
implicit def float[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, Float] =
Serializer.delegate {
(new org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.FloatSerializer)
implicit def int[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, Int] =
Serializer.delegate {
(new org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer)
implicit def long[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, Long] =
Serializer.delegate {
(new org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongSerializer)
implicit def short[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, Short] =
Serializer.delegate {
(new org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ShortSerializer)
implicit def string[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, String] =
implicit def unit[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, Unit] =
implicit def uuid[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): Serializer[F, UUID] =
implicit def resource[T <: KeyOrValue, F[_], A](implicit
ser: GenericSerializer[T, F, A]
): Resource[F, GenericSerializer[T, F, A]] = Resource.pure(ser)
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