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* Copyright 2018-2024 OVO Energy Limited
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package fs2.kafka
import cats.{Applicative, Apply, Bitraverse, Eq, Eval, Show, Traverse}
import cats.syntax.all.*
import fs2.kafka.internal.syntax.*
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord.{NO_TIMESTAMP, NULL_SIZE}
import org.apache.kafka.common.record.TimestampType.{CREATE_TIME, LOG_APPEND_TIME}
* [[ConsumerRecord]] represents a record which has been consumed from Kafka. At the very least,
* this includes a key of type `K`, value of type `V`, and the topic, partition, and offset of the
* consumed record.
* To create a new instance, use [[ConsumerRecord#apply]]
sealed abstract class ConsumerRecord[+K, +V] {
* The topic from which the record has been consumed.
def topic: String
* The partition from which the record has been consumed.
def partition: Int
* The offset from which the record has been consumed.
def offset: Long
* The record key.
def key: K
* The record value.
def value: V
* The record headers.
def headers: Headers
* The record timestamp.
def timestamp: Timestamp
* The serialized key size if available.
def serializedKeySize: Option[Int]
* The serialized value size if available.
def serializedValueSize: Option[Int]
* The leader epoch if available.
def leaderEpoch: Option[Int]
* Creates a new [[ConsumerRecord]] instance with the specified headers as the headers for the
* record.
def withHeaders(headers: Headers): ConsumerRecord[K, V]
* Creates a new [[ConsumerRecord]] instance with the specified timestamp as the timestamp for
* the record.
def withTimestamp(timestamp: Timestamp): ConsumerRecord[K, V]
* Creates a new [[ConsumerRecord]] instance with the specified key size as the key size for the
* record.
def withSerializedKeySize(serializedKeySize: Int): ConsumerRecord[K, V]
* Creates a new [[ConsumerRecord]] instance with the specified value size as the size for the
* record.
def withSerializedValueSize(serializedValueSize: Int): ConsumerRecord[K, V]
* Creates a new [[ConsumerRecord]] instance with the specified leader epoch as the epoch for the
* record.
def withLeaderEpoch(leaderEpoch: Int): ConsumerRecord[K, V]
private[kafka] def withValue[V2](v: V2): ConsumerRecord[K, V2]
private[kafka] def withKeyValue[K2, V2](k: K2, v: V2): ConsumerRecord[K2, V2]
object ConsumerRecord {
final private[this] case class ConsumerRecordImpl[+K, +V](
override val topic: String,
override val partition: Int,
override val offset: Long,
override val key: K,
override val value: V,
override val headers: Headers,
override val timestamp: Timestamp,
override val serializedKeySize: Option[Int],
override val serializedValueSize: Option[Int],
override val leaderEpoch: Option[Int]
) extends ConsumerRecord[K, V] {
override def withHeaders(headers: Headers): ConsumerRecord[K, V] =
copy(headers = headers)
override def withTimestamp(timestamp: Timestamp): ConsumerRecord[K, V] =
copy(timestamp = timestamp)
override def withSerializedKeySize(serializedKeySize: Int): ConsumerRecord[K, V] =
copy(serializedKeySize = Some(serializedKeySize))
override def withSerializedValueSize(serializedValueSize: Int): ConsumerRecord[K, V] =
copy(serializedValueSize = Some(serializedValueSize))
override def withLeaderEpoch(leaderEpoch: Int): ConsumerRecord[K, V] =
copy(leaderEpoch = Some(leaderEpoch))
override def toString: String = {
val b = new java.lang.StringBuilder("ConsumerRecord(")
b.append("topic = ").append(topic)
b.append(", partition = ").append(partition)
b.append(", offset = ").append(offset)
b.append(", key = ").append(key)
b.append(", value = ").append(value)
if (headers.nonEmpty)
b.append(", headers = ").append(headers)
if (timestamp.nonEmpty)
b.append(", timestamp = ").append(timestamp)
if (serializedKeySize.nonEmpty)
b.append(", serializedKeySize = ").append(serializedKeySize.get)
if (serializedValueSize.nonEmpty)
b.append(", serializedValueSize = ").append(serializedValueSize.get)
if (leaderEpoch.nonEmpty)
b.append(", leaderEpoch = ").append(leaderEpoch.get)
override private[kafka] def withValue[V2](v: V2): ConsumerRecord[K, V2] = copy(value = v)
override private[kafka] def withKeyValue[K2, V2](k: K2, v: V2): ConsumerRecord[K2, V2] =
copy(key = k, value = v)
* Creates a new [[ConsumerRecord]] instance using the specified key and value, and the topic,
* partition, and offset of the record.
def apply[K, V](
topic: String,
partition: Int,
offset: Long,
key: K,
value: V
): ConsumerRecord[K, V] =
topic = topic,
partition = partition,
offset = offset,
key = key,
value = value,
headers = Headers.empty,
timestamp = Timestamp.none,
serializedKeySize = None,
serializedValueSize = None,
leaderEpoch = None
private[this] def deserializeFromBytes[F[_], K, V](
record: KafkaByteConsumerRecord,
headers: Headers,
keyDeserializer: KeyDeserializer[F, K],
valueDeserializer: ValueDeserializer[F, V]
)(implicit F: Apply[F]): F[(K, V)] = {
val key = keyDeserializer.deserialize(record.topic, headers, record.key)
val value = valueDeserializer.deserialize(record.topic, headers, record.value)
private[kafka] def fromJava[F[_], K, V](
record: KafkaByteConsumerRecord,
keyDeserializer: KeyDeserializer[F, K],
valueDeserializer: ValueDeserializer[F, V]
)(implicit F: Apply[F]): F[ConsumerRecord[K, V]] = {
val headers = record.headers.asScala
deserializeFromBytes(record, headers, keyDeserializer, valueDeserializer).map {
case (key, value) =>
topic = record.topic,
partition = record.partition,
offset = record.offset,
key = key,
value = value,
headers = headers,
timestamp = {
if (record.timestamp != NO_TIMESTAMP) {
record.timestampType match {
case CREATE_TIME => Timestamp.createTime(record.timestamp)
case LOG_APPEND_TIME => Timestamp.logAppendTime(record.timestamp)
case _ => Timestamp.unknownTime(record.timestamp)
} else {
serializedKeySize =
if (record.serializedKeySize != NULL_SIZE)
else None,
serializedValueSize =
if (record.serializedValueSize != NULL_SIZE)
else None,
leaderEpoch =
if (record.leaderEpoch.isPresent)
else None
implicit def consumerRecordShow[K: Show, V: Show]: Show[ConsumerRecord[K, V]] = { record =>
val b = new java.lang.StringBuilder("ConsumerRecord(")
b.append("topic = ").append(record.topic)
b.append(", partition = ").append(record.partition)
b.append(", offset = ").append(record.offset)
b.append(", key = ").append(
b.append(", value = ").append(
if (record.headers.nonEmpty)
b.append(", headers = ").append(record.headers)
if (record.timestamp.nonEmpty)
b.append(", timestamp = ").append(record.timestamp)
if (record.serializedKeySize.nonEmpty)
b.append(", serializedKeySize = ").append(record.serializedKeySize.get)
if (record.serializedValueSize.nonEmpty)
b.append(", serializedValueSize = ").append(record.serializedValueSize.get)
if (record.leaderEpoch.nonEmpty)
b.append(", leaderEpoch = ").append(record.leaderEpoch.get)
implicit def consumerRecordEq[K: Eq, V: Eq]: Eq[ConsumerRecord[K, V]] =
Eq.instance { case (l, r) =>
l.topic === r.topic &&
l.partition === r.partition &&
l.offset === r.offset &&
l.key === r.key &&
l.value === r.value &&
l.headers === r.headers &&
l.timestamp === r.timestamp &&
l.serializedKeySize === r.serializedKeySize &&
l.serializedValueSize === r.serializedValueSize &&
l.leaderEpoch === r.leaderEpoch
implicit val consumerRecordBitraverse: Bitraverse[ConsumerRecord] =
new Bitraverse[ConsumerRecord] {
override def bitraverse[G[_], A, B, C, D](
fab: ConsumerRecord[A, B]
)(f: A => G[C], g: B => G[D])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[ConsumerRecord[C, D]] =
G.product(f(fab.key), g(fab.value))
.map { case (c, d) =>
fab.withKeyValue(c, d)
override def bifoldLeft[A, B, C](
fab: ConsumerRecord[A, B],
c: C
)(f: (C, A) => C, g: (C, B) => C): C =
g(f(c, fab.key), fab.value)
override def bifoldRight[A, B, C](
fab: ConsumerRecord[A, B],
c: Eval[C]
)(f: (A, Eval[C]) => Eval[C], g: (B, Eval[C]) => Eval[C]): Eval[C] =
g(fab.value, f(fab.key, c))
implicit def consumerRecordTraverse[K]: Traverse[ConsumerRecord[K, *]] =
new Traverse[ConsumerRecord[K, *]] {
override def traverse[G[_], A, B](
fa: ConsumerRecord[K, A]
)(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[ConsumerRecord[K, B]] =
f(fa.value).map { b =>
override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: ConsumerRecord[K, A], b: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
f(b, fa.value)
override def foldRight[A, B](fa: ConsumerRecord[K, A], lb: Eval[B])(
f: (A, Eval[B]) => Eval[B]
): Eval[B] =
f(fa.value, lb)