org.jclouds.docker.compute.options.DockerTemplateOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jclouds.docker.compute.options;
import static shaded.com.google.common.base.Objects.equal;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import shaded.com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import shaded.com.google.common.base.Objects;
import shaded.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import shaded.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import org.jclouds.compute.options.TemplateOptions;
import org.jclouds.docker.domain.Config;
import org.jclouds.docker.internal.NullSafeCopies;
import org.jclouds.domain.LoginCredentials;
import org.jclouds.javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement;
* Contains options supported by the
* {@link org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService#createNodesInGroup(String, int, TemplateOptions)
* createNodes} operation on the docker provider.
* Usage
* The recommended way to instantiate a DockerTemplateOptions object is to
* statically import {@code DockerTemplateOptions.Builder.*} and invoke one of
* the static creation methods, followed by an instance mutator if needed.
* {@code import static org.jclouds.docker.compute.options.DockerTemplateOptions.Builder.*;
* ComputeService api = // get connection
* templateBuilder.options(inboundPorts(22, 80, 8080, 443));
* Set extends NodeMetadata> set = api.createNodesInGroup(tag, 2, templateBuilder.build());}
* Advanced Usage
* In addition to basic configuration through its methods, this class also
* provides possibility to work directly with Docker API configuration object (
* {@link Config.Builder}). When the
* {@link #configBuilder(org.jclouds.docker.domain.Config.Builder)} is used to
* configure not-null
configBuilder, then this configuration object
* takes precedence over the other configuration in this class (i.e. the other
* config entries are not used)
* Note: The {@code image} property in the provided {@link Config.Builder} is rewritten by a placeholder value.
* The real value is configured by ComputeServiceAdapter.
* {@code import static org.jclouds.docker.compute.options.DockerTemplateOptions.Builder.*;
* ComputeService api = // get connection
* DockerTemplateOptions options = DockerTemplateOptions.Builder
* .configBuilder(
* Config.builder().env(ImmutableList. of("SSH_PORT=8822"))
* .hostConfig(HostConfig.builder().networkMode("host").build()));
* templateBuilder.options(options);
* Set extends NodeMetadata> set = api.createNodesInGroup("sample-group", 1, templateBuilder.build());}
public class DockerTemplateOptions extends TemplateOptions implements Cloneable {
private static final String NO_IMAGE = "jclouds-placeholder-for-image";
protected List dns = ImmutableList.of();
@Nullable protected String hostname;
@Nullable protected Integer memory;
@Nullable protected Integer cpuShares;
@Nullable List entrypoint;
@Nullable List commands;
protected Map volumes = ImmutableMap.of();
@Nullable protected List env;
protected Map portBindings = ImmutableMap.of();
@Nullable protected String networkMode;
protected Map extraHosts = ImmutableMap.of();
protected List volumesFrom = ImmutableList.of();
protected boolean privileged;
protected boolean openStdin;
protected Config.Builder configBuilder;
public DockerTemplateOptions clone() {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options;
public void copyTo(TemplateOptions to) {
if (to instanceof DockerTemplateOptions) {
DockerTemplateOptions eTo = DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(to);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
DockerTemplateOptions that = DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(o);
return super.equals(that) &&
equal(this.volumes, that.volumes) &&
equal(this.hostname, that.hostname) &&
equal(this.dns, that.dns) &&
equal(this.memory, that.memory) &&
equal(this.cpuShares, that.cpuShares) &&
equal(this.entrypoint, that.entrypoint) &&
equal(this.commands, that.commands) &&
equal(this.env, that.env) &&
equal(this.portBindings, that.portBindings) &&
equal(this.networkMode, that.networkMode) &&
equal(this.extraHosts, that.extraHosts) &&
equal(this.volumesFrom, that.volumesFrom) &&
equal(this.privileged, that.privileged) &&
equal(this.openStdin, that.openStdin) &&
buildersEqual(this.configBuilder, that.configBuilder);
* Compares two Config.Builder instances.
private boolean buildersEqual(Config.Builder b1, Config.Builder b2) {
return b1 == b2 || (b1 != null && b2 != null && b1.build().equals(b2.build()));
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(super.hashCode(), volumes, hostname, dns, memory, entrypoint, commands, cpuShares, env,
portBindings, networkMode, extraHosts, volumesFrom, privileged, openStdin, configBuilder);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("volumes", volumes)
.add("hostname", hostname)
.add("dns", dns)
.add("memory", memory)
.add("cpuShares", cpuShares)
.add("entrypoint", entrypoint)
.add("commands", commands)
.add("env", env)
.add("portBindings", portBindings)
.add("networkMode", networkMode)
.add("extraHosts", extraHosts)
.add("volumesFrom", volumesFrom)
.add("privileged", privileged)
.add("openStdin", openStdin)
.add("configBuilder", configBuilder)
public DockerTemplateOptions volumes(Map volumes) {
this.volumes = NullSafeCopies.copyOf(volumes);
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions dns(Iterable dns) {
this.dns = NullSafeCopies.copyOf(dns);
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions dns(String...dns) {
this.dns = NullSafeCopies.copyOf(dns);
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions hostname(@Nullable String hostname) {
this.hostname = hostname;
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions memory(@Nullable Integer memory) {
this.memory = memory;
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions entrypoint(Iterable entrypoint) {
this.entrypoint = NullSafeCopies.copyWithNullOf(entrypoint);
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions entrypoint(String... entrypoint) {
this.entrypoint = NullSafeCopies.copyWithNullOf(entrypoint);
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions commands(Iterable commands) {
this.commands = NullSafeCopies.copyWithNullOf(commands);
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions commands(String...commands) {
this.commands = NullSafeCopies.copyWithNullOf(commands);
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions cpuShares(@Nullable Integer cpuShares) {
this.cpuShares = cpuShares;
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions env(Iterable env) {
this.env = NullSafeCopies.copyWithNullOf(env);
return this;
public DockerTemplateOptions env(String...env) {
this.env = NullSafeCopies.copyWithNullOf(env);
return this;
* Set port bindings between the Docker host and a container.
* The {@link Map} keys are host ports number, and the value for an entry is the
* container port number. This is the same order as the arguments for the
* {@code --publish} command-line option to {@code docker run} which is
* {@code hostPort:containerPort}.
* @param portBindings the map of host to container port bindings
public DockerTemplateOptions portBindings(Map portBindings) {
this.portBindings = NullSafeCopies.copyOf(portBindings);
return this;
* Sets the networking mode for the container.
* Supported values are: {@code bridge}, {@code none}, {@code host},
* {@code networkname}, {@code networkid} or {@code container:[name|id]}
* @param networkMode
* @return this instance
public DockerTemplateOptions networkMode(@Nullable String networkMode) {
this.networkMode = networkMode;
return this;
* Set extra hosts file entries for a container.
* The {@link Map} keys are host names, and the value is an IP address that
* can be accessed by the container. This is the same order as the arguments for the
* {@code --add-host} command-line option to {@code docker run}.
* @param extraHosts the map of host names to IP addresses
public DockerTemplateOptions extraHosts(Map extraHosts) {
this.extraHosts = NullSafeCopies.copyOf(extraHosts);
return this;
* Set list of containers to mount volumes from onto this container.
* @param volumesFrom the list of container names
public DockerTemplateOptions volumesFrom(Iterable volumesFrom) {
this.volumesFrom = NullSafeCopies.copyOf(volumesFrom);
return this;
* By default, Docker containers are unprivileged and cannot execute privileged operations or access certain
* host devices.
* @param privileged Whether the container should run in privileged mode or not
* @return this instance
public DockerTemplateOptions privileged(boolean privileged) {
this.privileged = privileged;
return this;
* Keep {@code STDIN} open when running interactive workloads in the container.
* @param openStdin Whether the container should keep STDIN open
* @return this instance
public DockerTemplateOptions openStdin(boolean openStdin) {
this.openStdin = openStdin;
return this;
* This method sets Config.Builder configuration object, which can be used as
* a replacement for all the other settings from this class. Some values in
* the provided Config.Builder instance (the image name for instance) can be
* ignored or their value can be changed.
* @param configBuilder
* Config.Builder instance. This instance can be changed in this
* method!
public DockerTemplateOptions configBuilder(Config.Builder configBuilder) {
this.configBuilder = configBuilder != null
? Config.builder().fromConfig(configBuilder.image(NO_IMAGE).build())
: null;
return this;
public Map getVolumes() { return volumes; }
public List getDns() { return dns; }
public List getVolumesFrom() { return volumesFrom; }
public String getHostname() { return hostname; }
public Integer getMemory() { return memory; }
public List getEntrypoint() { return entrypoint; }
public List getCommands() { return commands; }
public Integer getCpuShares() { return cpuShares; }
public List getEnv() { return env; }
public Map getPortBindings() { return portBindings; }
public String getNetworkMode() { return networkMode; }
public Map getExtraHosts() { return extraHosts; }
public boolean getPrivileged() { return privileged; }
public boolean getOpenStdin() { return openStdin; }
public Config.Builder getConfigBuilder() { return configBuilder; }
public static class Builder {
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#volumes(Map)
public static DockerTemplateOptions volumes(Map volumes) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.volumes(volumes);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#dns(String...)
public static DockerTemplateOptions dns(String...dns) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.dns(dns);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#dns(List)
public static DockerTemplateOptions dns(Iterable dns) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.dns(dns);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#hostname(String)
public static DockerTemplateOptions hostname(@Nullable String hostname) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.hostname(hostname);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#memory(Integer)
public static DockerTemplateOptions memory(@Nullable Integer memory) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.memory(memory);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#entrypoint(String...)
public static DockerTemplateOptions entrypoint(String...entrypoint) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.entrypoint(entrypoint);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#entrypoint(Iterable)
public static DockerTemplateOptions entrypoint(Iterable entrypoint) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.entrypoint(entrypoint);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#commands(String...)
public static DockerTemplateOptions commands(String...commands) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.commands(commands);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#commands(Iterable)
public static DockerTemplateOptions commands(Iterable commands) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.commands(commands);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#cpuShares(Integer)
public static DockerTemplateOptions cpuShares(@Nullable Integer cpuShares) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.cpuShares(cpuShares);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#env(String...)
public static DockerTemplateOptions env(String...env) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.env(env);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#env(Iterable)
public static DockerTemplateOptions env(Iterable env) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.env(env);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#portBindings(Map)
public static DockerTemplateOptions portBindings(Map portBindings) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.portBindings(portBindings);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#networkMode(String)
public static DockerTemplateOptions networkMode(@Nullable String networkMode) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.networkMode(networkMode);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#extraHosts(Map)
public static DockerTemplateOptions extraHosts(Map extraHosts) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.extraHosts(extraHosts);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#privileged(boolean)
public static DockerTemplateOptions privileged(boolean privileged) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.privileged(privileged);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#openStdin(boolean)
public static DockerTemplateOptions openStdin(boolean openStdin) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.openStdin(openStdin);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#configBuilder(Config.Builder)
public static DockerTemplateOptions configBuilder(Config.Builder configBuilder) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.configBuilder(configBuilder);
* @see DockerTemplateOptions#volumesFrom(Iterable)
public static DockerTemplateOptions volumesFrom(Iterable volumesFrom) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.volumesFrom(volumesFrom);
* @see TemplateOptions#inboundPorts(int...)
public static DockerTemplateOptions inboundPorts(int... ports) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.inboundPorts(ports);
* @see TemplateOptions#blockOnPort(int, int)
public static DockerTemplateOptions blockOnPort(int port, int seconds) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.blockOnPort(port, seconds);
* @see TemplateOptions#installPrivateKey(String)
public static DockerTemplateOptions installPrivateKey(String rsaKey) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.installPrivateKey(rsaKey);
* @see TemplateOptions#authorizePublicKey(String)
public static DockerTemplateOptions authorizePublicKey(String rsaKey) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.authorizePublicKey(rsaKey);
* @see TemplateOptions#userMetadata(Map)
public static DockerTemplateOptions userMetadata(Map userMetadata) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.userMetadata(userMetadata);
* @see TemplateOptions#nodeNames(Iterable)
public static DockerTemplateOptions nodeNames(Iterable nodeNames) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.nodeNames(nodeNames);
* @see TemplateOptions#networks(Iterable)
public static DockerTemplateOptions networks(Iterable networks) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.networks(networks);
* @see TemplateOptions#overrideLoginUser(String)
public static DockerTemplateOptions overrideLoginUser(String user) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.overrideLoginUser(user);
* @see TemplateOptions#overrideLoginPassword(String)
public static DockerTemplateOptions overrideLoginPassword(String password) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.overrideLoginPassword(password);
* @see TemplateOptions#overrideLoginPrivateKey(String)
public static DockerTemplateOptions overrideLoginPrivateKey(String privateKey) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.overrideLoginPrivateKey(privateKey);
* @see TemplateOptions#overrideAuthenticateSudo(boolean)
public static DockerTemplateOptions overrideAuthenticateSudo(boolean authenticateSudo) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.overrideAuthenticateSudo(authenticateSudo);
* @see TemplateOptions#overrideLoginCredentials(LoginCredentials)
public static DockerTemplateOptions overrideLoginCredentials(LoginCredentials credentials) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.overrideLoginCredentials(credentials);
* @see TemplateOptions#blockUntilRunning(boolean)
public static DockerTemplateOptions blockUntilRunning(boolean blockUntilRunning) {
DockerTemplateOptions options = new DockerTemplateOptions();
return options.blockUntilRunning(blockUntilRunning);
// methods that only facilitate returning the correct object type
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions blockOnPort(int port, int seconds) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.blockOnPort(port, seconds));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions inboundPorts(int... ports) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.inboundPorts(ports));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions authorizePublicKey(String publicKey) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.authorizePublicKey(publicKey));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions installPrivateKey(String privateKey) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.installPrivateKey(privateKey));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions blockUntilRunning(boolean blockUntilRunning) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.blockUntilRunning(blockUntilRunning));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions dontAuthorizePublicKey() {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.dontAuthorizePublicKey());
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions nameTask(String name) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.nameTask(name));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions runAsRoot(boolean runAsRoot) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.runAsRoot(runAsRoot));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions runScript(Statement script) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.runScript(script));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions overrideLoginCredentials(LoginCredentials overridingCredentials) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.overrideLoginCredentials(overridingCredentials));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions overrideLoginPassword(String password) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.overrideLoginPassword(password));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions overrideLoginPrivateKey(String privateKey) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.overrideLoginPrivateKey(privateKey));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions overrideLoginUser(String loginUser) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.overrideLoginUser(loginUser));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions overrideAuthenticateSudo(boolean authenticateSudo) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.overrideAuthenticateSudo(authenticateSudo));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions userMetadata(Map userMetadata) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.userMetadata(userMetadata));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions userMetadata(String key, String value) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.userMetadata(key, value));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions nodeNames(Iterable nodeNames) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.nodeNames(nodeNames));
* {@inheritDoc}
public DockerTemplateOptions networks(Iterable networks) {
return DockerTemplateOptions.class.cast(super.networks(networks));