shaded.com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package shaded.com.google.inject.assistedinject;
import static shaded.com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static shaded.com.google.common.collect.Iterables.getOnlyElement;
import shaded.com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import shaded.com.google.common.base.Objects;
import shaded.com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
import shaded.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import shaded.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import shaded.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import shaded.com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import shaded.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import shaded.com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import shaded.com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import shaded.com.google.inject.AbstractModule;
import shaded.com.google.inject.Binder;
import shaded.com.google.inject.Binding;
import shaded.com.google.inject.ConfigurationException;
import shaded.com.google.inject.Inject;
import shaded.com.google.inject.Injector;
import shaded.com.google.inject.Key;
import shaded.com.google.inject.Module;
import shaded.com.google.inject.Provider;
import shaded.com.google.inject.ProvisionException;
import shaded.com.google.inject.Scopes;
import shaded.com.google.inject.TypeLiteral;
import shaded.com.google.inject.internal.Annotations;
import shaded.com.google.inject.internal.BytecodeGen;
import shaded.com.google.inject.internal.Errors;
import shaded.com.google.inject.internal.ErrorsException;
import shaded.com.google.inject.internal.UniqueAnnotations;
import shaded.com.google.inject.internal.util.Classes;
import shaded.com.google.inject.spi.BindingTargetVisitor;
import shaded.com.google.inject.spi.Dependency;
import shaded.com.google.inject.spi.HasDependencies;
import shaded.com.google.inject.spi.InjectionPoint;
import shaded.com.google.inject.spi.Message;
import shaded.com.google.inject.spi.ProviderInstanceBinding;
import shaded.com.google.inject.spi.ProviderWithExtensionVisitor;
import shaded.com.google.inject.spi.Toolable;
import shaded.com.google.inject.util.Providers;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* The newer implementation of factory provider. This implementation uses a child injector to create
* values.
* @author [email protected] (Jesse Wilson)
* @author [email protected] (Daniel Martin)
* @author [email protected] (Peter Schmitt)
* @author [email protected] (Sam Berlin)
final class FactoryProvider2
implements InvocationHandler,
AssistedInjectBinding {
/** A constant annotation to denote the return value, instead of creating a new one each time. */
static final Annotation RETURN_ANNOTATION = UniqueAnnotations.create();
// use the logger under a well-known name, not FactoryProvider2
static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AssistedInject.class.getName());
/** if a factory method parameter isn't annotated, it gets this annotation. */
static final Assisted DEFAULT_ANNOTATION =
new Assisted() {
public String value() {
return "";
public Class extends Annotation> annotationType() {
return Assisted.class;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof Assisted && ((Assisted) o).value().isEmpty();
public int hashCode() {
return 127 * "value".hashCode() ^ "".hashCode();
public String toString() {
return "@"
+ Assisted.class.getName()
+ "(value="
+ Annotations.memberValueString("")
+ ")";
/** All the data necessary to perform an assisted inject. */
private static class AssistData implements AssistedMethod {
/** the constructor the implementation is constructed with. */
final Constructor> constructor;
/** the return type in the factory method that the constructor is bound to. */
final Key> returnType;
/** the parameters in the factory method associated with this data. */
final ImmutableList> paramTypes;
/** the type of the implementation constructed */
final TypeLiteral> implementationType;
/** All non-assisted dependencies required by this method. */
final Set> dependencies;
/** The factory method associated with this data */
final Method factoryMethod;
/** true if {@link #isValidForOptimizedAssistedInject} returned true. */
final boolean optimized;
/** the list of optimized providers, empty if not optimized. */
final List providers;
/** used to perform optimized factory creations. */
volatile Binding> cachedBinding; // TODO: volatile necessary?
Constructor> constructor,
Key> returnType,
ImmutableList> paramTypes,
TypeLiteral> implementationType,
Method factoryMethod,
Set> dependencies,
boolean optimized,
List providers) {
this.constructor = constructor;
this.returnType = returnType;
this.paramTypes = paramTypes;
this.implementationType = implementationType;
this.factoryMethod = factoryMethod;
this.dependencies = dependencies;
this.optimized = optimized;
this.providers = providers;
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("ctor", constructor)
.add("return type", returnType)
.add("param type", paramTypes)
.add("implementation type", implementationType)
.add("dependencies", dependencies)
.add("factory method", factoryMethod)
.add("optimized", optimized)
.add("providers", providers)
.add("cached binding", cachedBinding)
public Set> getDependencies() {
return dependencies;
public Method getFactoryMethod() {
return factoryMethod;
public Constructor> getImplementationConstructor() {
return constructor;
public TypeLiteral> getImplementationType() {
return implementationType;
/** Mapping from method to the data about how the method will be assisted. */
private final ImmutableMap assistDataByMethod;
/** Mapping from method to method handle, for generated default methods. */
private final ImmutableMap methodHandleByMethod;
/** the hosting injector, or null if we haven't been initialized yet */
private Injector injector;
/** the factory interface, implemented and provided */
private final F factory;
/** The key that this is bound to. */
private final Key factoryKey;
/** The binding collector, for equality/hashing purposes. */
private final BindingCollector collector;
* @param factoryKey a key for a Java interface that defines one or more create methods.
* @param collector binding configuration that maps method return types to implementation types.
FactoryProvider2(Key factoryKey, BindingCollector collector) {
this.factoryKey = factoryKey;
this.collector = collector;
TypeLiteral factoryType = factoryKey.getTypeLiteral();
Errors errors = new Errors();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we imprecisely treat the class literal of T as a Class
Class factoryRawType = (Class) (Class>) factoryType.getRawType();
try {
if (!factoryRawType.isInterface()) {
throw errors.addMessage("%s must be an interface.", factoryRawType).toException();
Multimap defaultMethods = HashMultimap.create();
Multimap otherMethods = HashMultimap.create();
ImmutableMap.Builder assistDataBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
// TODO: also grab methods from superinterfaces
for (Method method : factoryRawType.getMethods()) {
// Skip static methods
if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) {
// Skip default methods that java8 may have created.
if (isDefault(method) && (method.isBridge() || method.isSynthetic())) {
// Even synthetic default methods need the return type validation...
// unavoidable consequence of javac8. :-(
validateFactoryReturnType(errors, method.getReturnType(), factoryRawType);
defaultMethods.put(method.getName(), method);
otherMethods.put(method.getName(), method);
TypeLiteral> returnTypeLiteral = factoryType.getReturnType(method);
Key> returnType;
try {
returnType =
Annotations.getKey(returnTypeLiteral, method, method.getAnnotations(), errors);
} catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
// If this was an error due to returnTypeLiteral not being specified, rephrase
// it as our factory not being specified, so it makes more sense to users.
if (isTypeNotSpecified(returnTypeLiteral, ce)) {
throw errors.keyNotFullySpecified(TypeLiteral.get(factoryRawType)).toException();
} else {
throw ce;
validateFactoryReturnType(errors, returnType.getTypeLiteral().getRawType(), factoryRawType);
List> params = factoryType.getParameterTypes(method);
Annotation[][] paramAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations();
int p = 0;
List> keys = Lists.newArrayList();
for (TypeLiteral> param : params) {
Key> paramKey = Annotations.getKey(param, method, paramAnnotations[p++], errors);
Class> underlylingType = paramKey.getTypeLiteral().getRawType();
if (underlylingType.equals(Provider.class)
|| underlylingType.equals(javax.inject.Provider.class)) {
"A Provider may not be a type in a factory method of an AssistedInject."
+ "\n Offending instance is parameter [%s] with key [%s] on method [%s]",
p, paramKey, method);
keys.add(assistKey(method, paramKey, errors));
ImmutableList> immutableParamList = ImmutableList.copyOf(keys);
// try to match up the method to the constructor
TypeLiteral> implementation = collector.getBindings().get(returnType);
if (implementation == null) {
implementation = returnType.getTypeLiteral();
Class extends Annotation> scope =
Annotations.findScopeAnnotation(errors, implementation.getRawType());
if (scope != null) {
"Found scope annotation [%s] on implementation class "
+ "[%s] of AssistedInject factory [%s].\nThis is not allowed, please"
+ " remove the scope annotation.",
scope, implementation.getRawType(), factoryType);
InjectionPoint ctorInjectionPoint;
try {
ctorInjectionPoint =
method, returnType, implementation, immutableParamList);
} catch (ErrorsException ee) {
Constructor> constructor = (Constructor>) ctorInjectionPoint.getMember();
List providers = Collections.emptyList();
Set> deps = getDependencies(ctorInjectionPoint, implementation);
boolean optimized = false;
// Now go through all dependencies of the implementation and see if it is OK to
// use an optimized form of assistedinject2. The optimized form requires that
// all injections directly inject the object itself (and not a Provider of the object,
// or an Injector), because it caches a single child injector and mutates the Provider
// of the arguments in a ThreadLocal.
if (isValidForOptimizedAssistedInject(deps, implementation.getRawType(), factoryType)) {
ImmutableList.Builder providerListBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
providerListBuilder.add(new ThreadLocalProvider());
providers = providerListBuilder.build();
optimized = true;
AssistData data =
new AssistData(
assistDataBuilder.put(method, data);
factory =
new Class>[] {factoryRawType},
// Now go back through default methods. Try to use MethodHandles to make things
// work. If that doesn't work, fallback to trying to find compatible method
// signatures.
Map dataSoFar = assistDataBuilder.build();
ImmutableMap.Builder methodHandleBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Map.Entry entry : defaultMethods.entries()) {
Method defaultMethod = entry.getValue();
MethodHandle handle = createMethodHandle(defaultMethod, factory);
if (handle != null) {
methodHandleBuilder.put(defaultMethod, handle);
} else {
boolean foundMatch = false;
for (Method otherMethod : otherMethods.get(defaultMethod.getName())) {
if (dataSoFar.containsKey(otherMethod) && isCompatible(defaultMethod, otherMethod)) {
if (foundMatch) {
"Generated default method %s with parameters %s is"
+ " signature-compatible with more than one non-default method."
+ " Unable to create factory. As a workaround, remove the override"
+ " so javac stops generating a default method.",
defaultMethod, Arrays.asList(defaultMethod.getParameterTypes()));
} else {
assistDataBuilder.put(defaultMethod, dataSoFar.get(otherMethod));
foundMatch = true;
if (!foundMatch) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't find method compatible with: " + defaultMethod);
// If we generated any errors (from finding matching constructors, for instance), throw an
// exception.
if (errors.hasErrors()) {
throw errors.toException();
assistDataByMethod = assistDataBuilder.build();
methodHandleByMethod = methodHandleBuilder.build();
} catch (ErrorsException e) {
throw new ConfigurationException(e.getErrors().getMessages());
static boolean isDefault(Method method) {
// Per the javadoc, default methods are non-abstract, public, non-static.
// They're also in interfaces, but we can guarantee that already since we only act
// on interfaces.
return (method.getModifiers() & (Modifier.ABSTRACT | Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC))
== Modifier.PUBLIC;
private boolean isCompatible(Method src, Method dst) {
if (!src.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(dst.getReturnType())) {
return false;
Class>[] srcParams = src.getParameterTypes();
Class>[] dstParams = dst.getParameterTypes();
if (srcParams.length != dstParams.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < srcParams.length; i++) {
if (!srcParams[i].isAssignableFrom(dstParams[i])) {
return false;
return true;
public F get() {
return factory;
public Set> getDependencies() {
Set> combinedDeps = new HashSet<>();
for (AssistData data : assistDataByMethod.values()) {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(combinedDeps);
public Key getKey() {
return factoryKey;
// Safe cast because values are typed to AssistedData, which is an AssistedMethod, and
// the collection is immutable.
public Collection getAssistedMethods() {
return (Collection) (Collection>) assistDataByMethod.values();
public V acceptExtensionVisitor(
BindingTargetVisitor visitor, ProviderInstanceBinding extends T> binding) {
if (visitor instanceof AssistedInjectTargetVisitor) {
return ((AssistedInjectTargetVisitor) visitor).visit((AssistedInjectBinding) this);
return visitor.visit(binding);
private void validateFactoryReturnType(Errors errors, Class> returnType, Class> factoryType) {
if (Modifier.isPublic(factoryType.getModifiers())
&& !Modifier.isPublic(returnType.getModifiers())) {
"%s is public, but has a method that returns a non-public type: %s. "
+ "Due to limitations with java.lang.reflect.Proxy, this is not allowed. "
+ "Please either make the factory non-public or the return type public.",
factoryType, returnType);
* Returns true if the ConfigurationException is due to an error of TypeLiteral not being fully
* specified.
private boolean isTypeNotSpecified(TypeLiteral> typeLiteral, ConfigurationException ce) {
Collection messages = ce.getErrorMessages();
if (messages.size() == 1) {
Message msg =
Iterables.getOnlyElement(new Errors().keyNotFullySpecified(typeLiteral).getMessages());
return msg.getMessage().equals(Iterables.getOnlyElement(messages).getMessage());
} else {
return false;
* Finds a constructor suitable for the method. If the implementation contained any constructors
* marked with {@link AssistedInject}, this requires all {@link Assisted} parameters to exactly
* match the parameters (in any order) listed in the method. Otherwise, if no {@link
* AssistedInject} constructors exist, this will default to looking for an {@literal @}{@link
* Inject} constructor.
private InjectionPoint findMatchingConstructorInjectionPoint(
Method method, Key> returnType, TypeLiteral implementation, List> paramList)
throws ErrorsException {
Errors errors = new Errors(method);
if (returnType.getTypeLiteral().equals(implementation)) {
errors = errors.withSource(implementation);
} else {
errors = errors.withSource(returnType).withSource(implementation);
Class> rawType = implementation.getRawType();
if (Modifier.isInterface(rawType.getModifiers())) {
"%s is an interface, not a concrete class. Unable to create AssistedInject factory.",
throw errors.toException();
} else if (Modifier.isAbstract(rawType.getModifiers())) {
"%s is abstract, not a concrete class. Unable to create AssistedInject factory.",
throw errors.toException();
} else if (Classes.isInnerClass(rawType)) {
throw errors.toException();
Constructor> matchingConstructor = null;
boolean anyAssistedInjectConstructors = false;
// Look for AssistedInject constructors...
for (Constructor> constructor : rawType.getDeclaredConstructors()) {
if (constructor.isAnnotationPresent(AssistedInject.class)) {
anyAssistedInjectConstructors = true;
if (constructorHasMatchingParams(implementation, constructor, paramList, errors)) {
if (matchingConstructor != null) {
"%s has more than one constructor annotated with @AssistedInject"
+ " that matches the parameters in method %s. Unable to create "
+ "AssistedInject factory.",
implementation, method);
throw errors.toException();
} else {
matchingConstructor = constructor;
if (!anyAssistedInjectConstructors) {
// If none existed, use @Inject.
try {
return InjectionPoint.forConstructorOf(implementation);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
throw errors.toException();
} else {
// Otherwise, use it or fail with a good error message.
if (matchingConstructor != null) {
// safe because we got the constructor from this implementation.
InjectionPoint ip =
(Constructor super T>) matchingConstructor, implementation);
return ip;
} else {
"%s has @AssistedInject constructors, but none of them match the"
+ " parameters in method %s. Unable to create AssistedInject factory.",
implementation, method);
throw errors.toException();
* Matching logic for constructors annotated with AssistedInject. This returns true if and only if
* all @Assisted parameters in the constructor exactly match (in any order) all @Assisted
* parameters the method's parameter.
private boolean constructorHasMatchingParams(
TypeLiteral> type, Constructor> constructor, List> paramList, Errors errors)
throws ErrorsException {
List> params = type.getParameterTypes(constructor);
Annotation[][] paramAnnotations = constructor.getParameterAnnotations();
int p = 0;
List> constructorKeys = Lists.newArrayList();
for (TypeLiteral> param : params) {
Key> paramKey = Annotations.getKey(param, constructor, paramAnnotations[p++], errors);
// Require that every key exist in the constructor to match up exactly.
for (Key> key : paramList) {
// If it didn't exist in the constructor set, we can't use it.
if (!constructorKeys.remove(key)) {
return false;
// If any keys remain and their annotation is Assisted, we can't use it.
for (Key> key : constructorKeys) {
if (key.getAnnotationType() == Assisted.class) {
return false;
// All @Assisted params match up to the method's parameters.
return true;
/** Calculates all dependencies required by the implementation and constructor. */
private Set> getDependencies(
InjectionPoint ctorPoint, TypeLiteral> implementation) {
ImmutableSet.Builder> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
if (!implementation.getRawType().isInterface()) {
for (InjectionPoint ip : InjectionPoint.forInstanceMethodsAndFields(implementation)) {
return builder.build();
/** Return all non-assisted dependencies. */
private Set> removeAssistedDeps(Set> deps) {
ImmutableSet.Builder> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (Dependency> dep : deps) {
Class> annotationType = dep.getKey().getAnnotationType();
if (annotationType == null || !annotationType.equals(Assisted.class)) {
return builder.build();
* Returns true if all dependencies are suitable for the optimized version of AssistedInject. The
* optimized version caches the binding & uses a ThreadLocal Provider, so can only be applied if
* the assisted bindings are immediately provided. This looks for hints that the values may be
* lazily retrieved, by looking for injections of Injector or a Provider for the assisted values.
private boolean isValidForOptimizedAssistedInject(
Set> dependencies, Class> implementation, TypeLiteral> factoryType) {
Set> badDeps = null; // optimization: create lazily
for (Dependency> dep : dependencies) {
if (isInjectorOrAssistedProvider(dep)) {
if (badDeps == null) {
badDeps = Sets.newHashSet();
if (badDeps != null && !badDeps.isEmpty()) {
"AssistedInject factory {0} will be slow "
+ "because {1} has assisted Provider dependencies or injects the Injector. "
+ "Stop injecting @Assisted Provider (instead use @Assisted T) "
+ "or Injector to speed things up. (It will be a ~6500% speed bump!) "
+ "The exact offending deps are: {2}",
new Object[] {factoryType, implementation, badDeps});
return false;
return true;
* Returns true if the dependency is for {@link Injector} or if the dependency is a {@link
* Provider} for a parameter that is {@literal @}{@link Assisted}.
private boolean isInjectorOrAssistedProvider(Dependency> dependency) {
Class> annotationType = dependency.getKey().getAnnotationType();
if (annotationType != null && annotationType.equals(Assisted.class)) { // If it's assisted..
if (dependency
.equals(Provider.class)) { // And a Provider...
return true;
} else if (dependency
.equals(Injector.class)) { // If it's the Injector...
return true;
return false;
* Returns a key similar to {@code key}, but with an {@literal @}Assisted binding annotation. This
* fails if another binding annotation is clobbered in the process. If the key already has the
* {@literal @}Assisted annotation, it is returned as-is to preserve any String value.
private Key assistKey(Method method, Key key, Errors errors) throws ErrorsException {
if (key.getAnnotationType() == null) {
return Key.get(key.getTypeLiteral(), DEFAULT_ANNOTATION);
} else if (key.getAnnotationType() == Assisted.class) {
return key;
} else {
"Only @Assisted is allowed for factory parameters, but found @%s",
throw errors.toException();
* At injector-creation time, we initialize the invocation handler. At this time we make sure all
* factory methods will be able to build the target types.
void initialize(Injector injector) {
if (this.injector != null) {
throw new ConfigurationException(
new Message(
"Factories.create() factories may only be used in one Injector!")));
this.injector = injector;
for (Map.Entry entry : assistDataByMethod.entrySet()) {
Method method = entry.getKey();
AssistData data = entry.getValue();
Object[] args;
if (!data.optimized) {
args = new Object[method.getParameterTypes().length];
Arrays.fill(args, "dummy object for validating Factories");
} else {
args = null; // won't be used -- instead will bind to data.providers.
method, args, data); // throws if the binding isn't properly configured
* Creates a child injector that binds the args, and returns the binding for the method's result.
public Binding> getBindingFromNewInjector(
final Method method, final Object[] args, final AssistData data) {
injector != null,
"Factories.create() factories cannot be used until they're initialized by Guice.");
final Key> returnType = data.returnType;
// We ignore any pre-existing binding annotation.
final Key> returnKey = Key.get(returnType.getTypeLiteral(), RETURN_ANNOTATION);
Module assistedModule =
new AbstractModule() {
}) // raw keys are necessary for the args array and return value
protected void configure() {
Binder binder = binder().withSource(method);
int p = 0;
if (!data.optimized) {
for (Key> paramKey : data.paramTypes) {
// Wrap in a Provider to cover null, and to prevent Guice from injecting the
// parameter
binder.bind((Key) paramKey).toProvider(Providers.of(args[p++]));
} else {
for (Key> paramKey : data.paramTypes) {
// Bind to our ThreadLocalProviders.
binder.bind((Key) paramKey).toProvider(data.providers.get(p++));
Constructor constructor = data.constructor;
// Constructor *should* always be non-null here,
// but if it isn't, we'll end up throwing a fairly good error
// message for the user.
if (constructor != null) {
.toConstructor(constructor, (TypeLiteral) data.implementationType)
.in(Scopes.NO_SCOPE); // make sure we erase any scope on the implementation type
Injector forCreate = injector.createChildInjector(assistedModule);
Binding> binding = forCreate.getBinding(returnKey);
// If we have providers cached in data, cache the binding for future optimizations.
if (data.optimized) {
data.cachedBinding = binding;
return binding;
* When a factory method is invoked, we create a child injector that binds all parameters, then
* use that to get an instance of the return type.
public Object invoke(Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args) throws Throwable {
// If we setup a method handle earlier for this method, call it.
// This is necessary for default methods that java8 creates, so we
// can call the default method implementation (and not our proxied version of it).
if (methodHandleByMethod.containsKey(method)) {
return methodHandleByMethod.get(method).invokeWithArguments(args);
if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class)) {
if ("equals".equals(method.getName())) {
return proxy == args[0];
} else if ("hashCode".equals(method.getName())) {
return System.identityHashCode(proxy);
} else {
return method.invoke(this, args);
AssistData data = assistDataByMethod.get(method);
checkState(data != null, "No data for method: %s", method);
Provider> provider;
if (data.cachedBinding != null) { // Try to get optimized form...
provider = data.cachedBinding.getProvider();
} else {
provider = getBindingFromNewInjector(method, args, data).getProvider();
try {
int p = 0;
for (ThreadLocalProvider tlp : data.providers) {
return provider.get();
} catch (ProvisionException e) {
// if this is an exception declared by the factory method, throw it as-is
if (e.getErrorMessages().size() == 1) {
Message onlyError = getOnlyElement(e.getErrorMessages());
Throwable cause = onlyError.getCause();
if (cause != null && canRethrow(method, cause)) {
throw cause;
throw e;
} finally {
for (ThreadLocalProvider tlp : data.providers) {
public String toString() {
return factory.getClass().getInterfaces()[0].getName();
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(factoryKey, collector);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof FactoryProvider2)) {
return false;
FactoryProvider2> other = (FactoryProvider2>) obj;
return factoryKey.equals(other.factoryKey) && Objects.equal(collector, other.collector);
/** Returns true if {@code thrown} can be thrown by {@code invoked} without wrapping. */
static boolean canRethrow(Method invoked, Throwable thrown) {
if (thrown instanceof Error || thrown instanceof RuntimeException) {
return true;
for (Class> declared : invoked.getExceptionTypes()) {
if (declared.isInstance(thrown)) {
return true;
return false;
// not because we'll never know and this is easier than suppressing warnings.
private static class ThreadLocalProvider extends ThreadLocal
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