io.finch.Error.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.finch
import cats.data.{NonEmptyChain, NonEmptyList}
import cats.{Eq, Semigroup, Show}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
/** A single error from an [[Endpoint]].
* This indicates that one of the Finch's built-in components failed. This includes, but not limited by:
* - reading a required param, body, header, etc.
* - parsing a string-based endpoint with `.as[T]` combinator
sealed abstract class Error extends Exception with NoStackTrace
/** Multiple errors from an [[Endpoint]].
* This type of error indicates that an endpoint is able to accumulate multiple [[Error]]s into a single instance of [[Errors]] that embeds a non-empty list.
* Error accumulation happens as part of the `.product` (or `adjoin`, `::`) combinator.
final case class Errors(errors: NonEmptyChain[Error]) extends Exception with NoStackTrace {
override def getMessage: String =
"One or more errors reading request:" +
errors.iterator.map(_.getMessage).mkString(System.lineSeparator + " ", System.lineSeparator + " ", "")
object Errors {
def apply(errors: NonEmptyList[Error]): Errors =
def of(error: Error, errors: Error*): Errors =
Errors(NonEmptyChain.of(error, errors: _*))
implicit val eq: Eq[Errors] = Eq.by(_.errors)
implicit val semigroup: Semigroup[Errors] =
(xs, ys) => Errors(xs.errors ++ ys.errors)
object Error {
implicit val eq: Eq[Error] = Eq.by(_.getMessage)
implicit val show: Show[Error] = _.getMessage
/** A request entity {{what}} was missing. */
abstract class NotPresent(what: String) extends Error {
override def getMessage: String = s"Request is missing a $what."
final case object BodyNotPresent extends NotPresent("body")
final case class ParamNotPresent(name: String) extends NotPresent(s"param '$name'")
final case class HeaderNotPresent(name: String) extends NotPresent(s"header '$name'")
final case class CookieNotPresent(name: String) extends NotPresent(s"cookie '$name''")
/** A request entity {{what}} can't be parsed into a given {{targetType}}. */
abstract class NotParsed(what: String, targetType: ClassTag[_]) extends Error {
override def getMessage: String = {
// Note: https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-2034
val className = targetType.runtimeClass.getName
val simpleName = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)
val cause = if (getCause == null) "unknown cause" else getCause.getMessage
s"Request $what cannot be converted to $simpleName: $cause."
final case class BodyNotParsed(targetType: ClassTag[_]) extends NotParsed("body", targetType)
final case class ParamNotParsed(name: String, targetType: ClassTag[_]) extends NotParsed(s"param '$name'", targetType)
final case class HeaderNotParsed(name: String, targetType: ClassTag[_]) extends NotParsed(s"header '$name'", targetType)
final case class CookieNotParsed(name: String, targetType: ClassTag[_]) extends NotParsed(s"cookie '$name'", targetType)
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