blobstore.gcs.GcsStore.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package blobstore.gcs
import blobstore.url.exception.Throwables
import blobstore.{putRotateBase, Store}
import blobstore.url.{Path, Url}
import{Validated, ValidatedNec}
import cats.effect.{Async, Resource}
import cats.syntax.all.*
import{Acl, Blob, BlobId, BlobInfo, Storage, StorageException}
import{BlobGetOption, BlobListOption, BlobWriteOption, CopyRequest}
import fs2.{Chunk, Pipe, Stream}
import java.nio.channels.Channels
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
/** @param storage
* configured instance of GCS Storage
* @param acls
* list of Access Control List objects to be set on all uploads.
* @param defaultTrailingSlashFiles
* test if folders returned by `list` are files with trailing slashes in their names. This controls behaviour of
* `list` method from Store trait. Use [[listUnderlying]] to control on per-invocation basis.
* @param defaultDirectDownload
* use direct download. When enabled the whole media content is downloaded in a single request (but still streamed).
* Otherwise use the resumable media download protocol to download in data chunks. This controls behaviour of `get`
* method from Store trait. Use [[getUnderlying]] to control on per-invocation basis.
class GcsStore[F[_]: Async](
storage: Storage,
acls: List[Acl],
defaultTrailingSlashFiles: Boolean,
defaultDirectDownload: Boolean
) extends Store[F, GcsBlob] {
override def list[A](url: Url[A], recursive: Boolean = false): Stream[F, Url[GcsBlob]] =
list(url, recursive, List.empty)
def list[A](url: Url[A], recursive: Boolean, options: List[BlobListOption]): Stream[F, Url[GcsBlob]] =
listUnderlying(url, defaultTrailingSlashFiles, recursive, options*)
override def get[A](url: Url[A], chunkSize: Int): Stream[F, Byte] =
get(url, chunkSize, List.empty)
def get[A](url: Url[A], chunkSize: Int, options: List[BlobGetOption]): Stream[F, Byte] = {
getUnderlying(url, chunkSize, defaultDirectDownload, options*)
override def put[A](url: Url[A], overwrite: Boolean = true, size: Option[Long] = None): Pipe[F, Byte, Unit] =, overwrite, List.empty), closeAfterUse = true)
def put[A](url: Url[A], overwrite: Boolean, options: List[BlobWriteOption]): Pipe[F, Byte, Unit] =, overwrite, options), closeAfterUse = true)
def put[A](path: Path[GcsBlob], options: List[BlobWriteOption]): Pipe[F, Byte, Unit] =, options), closeAfterUse = true)
override def remove[A](url: Url[A], recursive: Boolean = false): F[Unit] =
if (recursive) {
list(url, recursive = true)
.groupWithin(100, FiniteDuration(1, "s"))
.evalMap { chunk =>
val batch = storage.batch()
val results = => batch.delete(u.representation.blob.getBlobId))
Async[F].blocking(batch.submit()).flatMap { _ =>
results.traverse_(result => Async[F].catchNonFatal(result.get()))
} else Async[F].blocking(storage.delete(GcsStore.toBlobId(url))).void
override def putRotate[A](computeUrl: F[Url[A]], limit: Long): Pipe[F, Byte, Unit] = {
val openNewFile: Resource[F, OutputStream] =
Resource.make(computeUrl.flatMap(newOutputStream(_)))(os => Async[F].blocking(os.close()))
putRotateBase(limit, openNewFile)(os => bytes => Async[F].blocking(os.write(bytes.toArray)))
def getUnderlying[A](
url: Url[A],
chunkSize: Int,
direct: Boolean,
options: BlobGetOption*
): Stream[F, Byte] =
Stream.eval(Async[F].blocking(Option(storage.get(GcsStore.toBlobId(url), options*)))).flatMap {
case None => Stream.raiseError[F](new StorageException(404, show"Object not found, ${url.copy(scheme = "gs")}"))
case Some(blob) =>
if (direct)
getDirect(blob, chunkSize)
Channels.newInputStream {
val reader = blob.reader()
closeAfterUse = true
private def getDirect(blob: Blob, chunkSize: Int): Stream[F, Byte] = => Async[F].blocking(blob.downloadTo(os)))
def listUnderlying[A](
url: Url[A],
expectTrailingSlashFiles: Boolean,
recursive: Boolean,
inputOptions: BlobListOption*
): Stream[F, Url[GcsBlob]] = {
val blobId = GcsStore.toBlobId(url)
val options = List(BlobListOption.prefix(if (blobId.getName == "/") "" else blobId.getName)) ++ inputOptions
val blobListOptions = if (recursive) options else BlobListOption.currentDirectory() :: options
Stream.unfoldChunkEval[F, () => Option[Page[Blob]], Path[Blob]] { () =>
Some(storage.list(blobId.getBucket, blobListOptions*))
} { getPage =>
Async[F].blocking(getPage()).flatMap {
case None => none[(Chunk[Path[Blob]], () => Option[Page[Blob]])].pure[F]
case Some(page) =>
.traverse {
case blob if blob.isDirectory =>
if (expectTrailingSlashFiles) Async[F].blocking(Option(storage.get(blob.getBlobId)).getOrElse(blob))
else blob.pure[F]
case blob =>
.map { paths =>
Chunk.from( => Path(blob.getName).as(blob))),
() => if (page.hasNextPage) Some(page.getNextPage) else None
}.map(p => url.copy(path =
private def newOutputStream[A](
url: Url[A],
overwrite: Boolean = true,
options: List[BlobWriteOption] = List.empty
): F[OutputStream] = {
val blobId = GcsStore.toBlobId(url)
val builder = BlobInfo.newBuilder(blobId)
val blobInfo = (if (acls.nonEmpty) builder.setAcl(acls.asJava) else builder).build()
val opts = if (overwrite) options else options ++ List(BlobWriteOption.doesNotExist())
newOutputStream(blobInfo, opts)
private def newOutputStream(blobInfo: BlobInfo, options: List[BlobWriteOption]): F[OutputStream] =
Async[F].blocking(Channels.newOutputStream(storage.writer(blobInfo, options*)))
/** Moves bytes from srcPath to dstPath. Stores should optimize to use native move functions to avoid data transfer.
* @param src
* path
* @param dst
* path
* @return
* F[Unit]
override def move[A, B](src: Url[A], dst: Url[B]): F[Unit] =
copy(src, dst) >> remove(src)
/** Copies bytes from srcPath to dstPath. Stores should optimize to use native copy functions to avoid data transfer.
* @param src
* path
* @param dst
* path
* @return
* F[Unit]
override def copy[A, B](src: Url[A], dst: Url[B]): F[Unit] =
Async[F].blocking(storage.copy(CopyRequest.of(GcsStore.toBlobId(src), GcsStore.toBlobId(dst))).getResult).void
override def stat[A](url: Url[A]): Stream[F, Url[GcsBlob]] =
.map(b => url.withPath(Path.of(b.getName, GcsBlob(b))))
object GcsStore {
def builder[F[_]: Async](storage: Storage): GcsStoreBuilder[F] = GcsStoreBuilderImpl(storage)
/** @see
* [[GcsStore]]
trait GcsStoreBuilder[F[_]] {
def withStorage(storage: Storage): GcsStoreBuilder[F]
def withAcls(acls: List[Acl]): GcsStoreBuilder[F]
def addAcls(acls: List[Acl]): GcsStoreBuilder[F]
def enableDirectDownload: GcsStoreBuilder[F]
def disableDirectDownload: GcsStoreBuilder[F]
def enableTrailingSlashFiles: GcsStoreBuilder[F]
def disableTrailingSlashFiles: GcsStoreBuilder[F]
def build: ValidatedNec[Throwable, GcsStore[F]]
def unsafe: GcsStore[F] = build match {
case Validated.Valid(a) => a
case Validated.Invalid(es) => throw es.reduce(Throwables.collapsingSemigroup) // scalafix:ok
case class GcsStoreBuilderImpl[F[_]: Async](
_storage: Storage,
_acls: List[Acl] = Nil,
_defaultTrailingSlashFiles: Boolean = false,
_defaultDirectDownload: Boolean = false
) extends GcsStoreBuilder[F] {
def withStorage(storage: Storage): GcsStoreBuilder[F] = this.copy(_storage = storage)
def withAcls(newAcls: List[Acl]): GcsStoreBuilder[F] = this.copy(_acls = newAcls)
def addAcls(extraAcls: List[Acl]): GcsStoreBuilder[F] = this.copy(_acls = _acls ++ extraAcls)
def enableDirectDownload: GcsStoreBuilder[F] = this.copy(_defaultDirectDownload = true)
def disableDirectDownload: GcsStoreBuilder[F] = this.copy(_defaultDirectDownload = false)
def enableTrailingSlashFiles: GcsStoreBuilder[F] = this.copy(_defaultTrailingSlashFiles = true)
def disableTrailingSlashFiles: GcsStoreBuilder[F] = this.copy(_defaultTrailingSlashFiles = false)
def build: ValidatedNec[Throwable, GcsStore[F]] =
new GcsStore(
storage = _storage,
acls = _acls,
defaultTrailingSlashFiles = _defaultTrailingSlashFiles,
defaultDirectDownload = _defaultDirectDownload
private val minimalReaderChunkSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 // BlobReadChannel.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE
private def toBlobId[A](url: Url[A]): BlobId =
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