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blobstore.url.Path.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package blobstore.url

import blobstore.url.Path.{AbsolutePath, RootlessPath}
import blobstore.url.general.StorageClassLookup
import cats.Show
import cats.kernel.Order
import cats.syntax.all.*

import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.time.Instant
import scala.annotation.tailrec

/** The path segment of a URI. It is parameterized on the type representing the path. This can be a plain String, or a
  * storage provider specific type.
  * Examples of storage provider types would be ``
  * for S3, for GCS, etc.
  * @see
  * chapter 3.3, Path
sealed trait Path[+A] {
  def representation: A
  def segments: Chain[String]
  def value: String = Show[Path[A]].show(this)

  def plain: Path.Plain = this match {
    case AbsolutePath(_, segments) => AbsolutePath("/" + segments.mkString_("/"), segments)
    case RootlessPath(_, segments) => RootlessPath(segments.mkString_("/"), segments)

  def absolute: AbsolutePath[String] = plain match {
    case p @ AbsolutePath(_, _)    => p
    case RootlessPath(a, segments) => AbsolutePath.apply("/" + a, segments)

  def relative: RootlessPath[String] = plain match {
    case AbsolutePath(a, segments) => RootlessPath(a.stripPrefix("/"), segments)
    case p @ RootlessPath(_, _)    => p

  def nioPath: java.nio.file.Path = Paths.get(toString)

  /** Compose with string to form a new Path
    * The underlying representation must be String in order for the representation and the path to be kept in sync. Use
    * [[addSegment]] to modify paths backed by non-String types
    * @see
    *   addSegment
  def /(segment: String): Path[String] = {
    val nonEmpty      = Chain(segment.stripPrefix("/").split("/").toList*)
    val emptyElements = Chain(segment.reverse.takeWhile(_ == '/').map(_ => "").toList*)

    val stripSuffix = segments.initLast match {
      case Some((init, "")) => init
      case _                => segments
    val newChain = stripSuffix ++ nonEmpty ++ emptyElements

    this match {
      case AbsolutePath(_, _) =>
        AbsolutePath("/" + newChain.mkString_("/"), newChain)
      case RootlessPath(_, _) =>
        RootlessPath(newChain.mkString_("/"), newChain)

  def /(segment: Option[String]): Path[String] = segment match {
    case Some(s) => /(s)
    case None    => this.plain

  def `//`(segment: Option[String]): Path[String] = segment match {
    case Some(s) => `//`(s)
    case None    => this.plain

  /** Ensure that path always is suffixed with '/'
  def `//`(segment: String): Path[String] =
    /(if (segment.endsWith("/")) segment else segment + "/")

  def as[B](b: B): Path[B] = this match {
    case AbsolutePath(_, segments) => AbsolutePath(b, segments)
    case RootlessPath(_, segments) => RootlessPath(b, segments)

  /** Adds a segment to the path while ensuring that the segments and path representation are kept in sync
    * If you're just working with String paths, see `/`
  def addSegment[B](segment: String, representation: B): Path[B] =
    (plain / segment).as(representation)

  override def toString: String = Show[Path[A]].show(this)

  // scalafix:off
  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean =
    obj.isInstanceOf[Path[?]] && obj.asInstanceOf[Path[?]].plain.eqv(plain)
  // scalafix:on

  override def hashCode(): Int = representation.hashCode()

  def isEmpty: Boolean = segments.isEmpty

  def lastSegment: Option[String] =
    if (isEmpty) None
    else {
      val slashSuffix  = segments.reverse.takeWhile(_.isEmpty).map(_ => "/").toList.mkString
      val lastNonEmpty = segments.reverse.dropWhile(_.isEmpty).headOption + slashSuffix)

  /** Goes one level "up" and looses any information about the underlying path representation
  def up: Path.Plain = {
    def dropLastSegment(segments: Chain[String], levels: Int): Chain[String] = segments.initLast match {
      case Some((init, last)) => if (last.isEmpty && levels === 0) dropLastSegment(init, levels + 1) else init
      case None               => segments
    val upSegments     = dropLastSegment(segments, 0)
    val representation = upSegments.mkString_("/")
    plain match {
      case AbsolutePath(_, _) => AbsolutePath(representation, upSegments)
      case RootlessPath(_, _) => RootlessPath(representation, upSegments)

  def parentPath: Path.Plain = up

  def stripSlashSuffix: Path[A] = {
    val newSegments = segments.initLast match {
      case Some((init, "")) => init
      case _                => segments

    this match {
      case AbsolutePath(representation, _) => AbsolutePath(representation, newSegments)
      case RootlessPath(representation, _) => RootlessPath(representation, newSegments)

  def fullName(implicit ev: A <:< FsObject): String              = ev(representation).name
  def size(implicit ev: A <:< FsObject): Option[Long]            = ev(representation).size
  def isDir(implicit ev: A <:< FsObject): Boolean                = ev(representation).isDir
  def lastModified(implicit ev: A <:< FsObject): Option[Instant] = ev(representation).lastModified
  def storageClass[SC](implicit storageClassLookup: StorageClassLookup.Aux[A, SC]): Option[SC] =
  def fileName(implicit ev: A <:< FsObject): Option[String] = if (isDir) None else lastSegment
  def dirName(implicit ev: A <:< FsObject): Option[String]  = if (!isDir) None else lastSegment


object Path {

  /** A plain path represented with a String
    * See .apply for creating these
  type Plain         = Path[String]
  type AbsolutePlain = AbsolutePath[String]
  type RootlessPlain = RootlessPath[String]

  case class AbsolutePath[A] private[Path] (representation: A, segments: Chain[String]) extends Path[A]

  object AbsolutePath {
    def createFrom(s: String): AbsolutePath[String] = {
      if (s.isEmpty || s === "/") AbsolutePath("/", Chain.empty)
      else {
        val nonEmpty = s.stripPrefix("/").split("/").toList
        val empty    = s.reverse.takeWhile(_ == '/').map(_ => "").toList
        val concat   = nonEmpty ++ empty
        val chain    = Chain(concat*)

        AbsolutePath("/" + chain.mkString_("/"), chain)
    def parse(s: String): Option[AbsolutePath[String]] = {
      if (s === "/") AbsolutePath("/", Chain.empty).some
      else if (s.startsWith("/")) {
        val nonEmpty = s.stripPrefix("/").split("/").toList
        val empty    = s.reverse.takeWhile(_ == '/').map(_ => "").toList
        val concat   = nonEmpty ++ empty
        Some(AbsolutePath(s, Chain(concat*)))
      } else None

    val root: AbsolutePath[String] = AbsolutePath("/", Chain.empty)

    implicit def show[A]: Show[AbsolutePath[A]] = "/" + _.segments.mkString_("/")
    implicit def order[A: Order]: Order[AbsolutePath[A]] =
      (x, y) => Order[A].compare(x.representation, y.representation)

  case class RootlessPath[A] private[Path] (representation: A, segments: Chain[String]) extends Path[A]

  object RootlessPath {
    def parse(s: String): Option[RootlessPath[String]] =
      if (!s.startsWith("/")) {
        val nonEmpty = s.split("/").toList
        val empty    = s.reverse.takeWhile(_ == '/').map(_ => "").toList
        val concat   = nonEmpty ++ empty
        Some(RootlessPath(s, Chain(concat*)))
      } else None

    def createFrom(s: String): RootlessPath[String] = {
      if (s.startsWith("/")) {
      } else {
        val nonEmpty = s.split("/").toList
        val empty    = s.reverse.takeWhile(_ == '/').map(_ => "").toList
        val concat   = nonEmpty ++ empty
        RootlessPath(s, Chain(concat*))

    def root: RootlessPath[String] = RootlessPath("", Chain.empty)

    implicit def show[A]: Show[RootlessPath[A]] = _.segments.mkString_("/")
    implicit def order[A: Order]: Order[RootlessPath[A]] =
      (x, y) => Order[A].compare(x.representation, y.representation)
    implicit def ordering[A: Order]: Ordering[RootlessPath[A]] = order[A].toOrdering

  def empty: RootlessPath[String] = RootlessPath("", Chain.empty)

  def createAbsolute(path: String): AbsolutePath[String] = {
    val noPrefix = path.stripPrefix("/")
    AbsolutePath("/" + noPrefix, Chain(noPrefix.split("/").toList*))

  def createRootless(path: String): RootlessPath[String] = {
    val noPrefix = path.stripPrefix("/")
    RootlessPath(noPrefix, Chain(noPrefix.split("/").toList*))

  def absolute(path: String): Option[AbsolutePath[String]] = AbsolutePath.parse(path)

  def rootless(path: String): Option[RootlessPath[String]] = RootlessPath.parse(path)

  def plain(path: String): Path.Plain = apply(path)

  def apply(s: String): Path.Plain = {
      ) // Paths either have a root or they don't, this block is never executed

  def of[B](path: String, b: B): Path[B] = Path(path).as(b)

  def cmp[A](one: Path[A], two: Path[A]): Int = {

  def unapply[A](p: Path[A]): Option[(String, A, Chain[String])] = p match {
    case AbsolutePath(representation, segments) => (, representation, segments).some
    case RootlessPath(representation, segments) => (, representation, segments).some

  implicit def order[A]: Order[Path[A]]       = (x: Path[A], y: Path[A]) => cmp(x, y)
  implicit def ordering[A]: Ordering[Path[A]] = order[A].toOrdering
  implicit def show[A]: Show[Path[A]] = {
    case a: AbsolutePath[?] =>
    case r: RootlessPath[?] =>


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