blobstore.url.Url.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package blobstore.url
import blobstore.url.exception.{AuthorityParseError, MultipleUrlValidationException, UrlParseError}
import blobstore.url.Path.AbsolutePath
import blobstore.url.exception.AuthorityParseError.{InvalidFileUrl, InvalidHost, MissingHost}
import blobstore.url.exception.UrlParseError.{CouldntParseUrl, MissingScheme}
import cats.{ApplicativeThrow, Order, Show}
import{Invalid, Valid}
import{NonEmptyChain, OptionT, ValidatedNec}
import cats.syntax.all.*
import scala.util.Try
case class Url[+A](scheme: String, authority: Authority, path: Path[A]) {
lazy val representation: A = path.representation
def plain: Url.Plain = copy(path = path.plain)
def withPath[AA](p: Path[AA]): Url[AA] = copy(path = p)
def withAuthority(a: Authority): Url.Plain = copy(authority = a, path = path.plain)
def toS3(bucketName: Hostname): Url.Plain = copy(scheme = "s3", authority = Authority(bucketName), path.plain)
def toGcs(bucketName: Hostname): Url.Plain = copy(scheme = "gs", authority = Authority(bucketName), path.plain)
def toAzure(bucketName: Hostname): Url.Plain = copy(scheme = "https", authority = Authority(bucketName), path.plain)
def toSftp(authority: Authority): Url.Plain = copy(scheme = "sftp", authority = authority, path.plain)
def /[AA](path: Path[AA]): Url.Plain = copy(path = this.path./(
def /(segment: String): Url.Plain = copy(path = path./(segment))
def /(segment: Option[String]): Url.Plain = segment match {
case Some(s) => /(s)
case None => copy(path = path.plain)
/** Ensure that path always is suffixed with '/'
def `//`(segment: String): Url.Plain = copy(path = path.`//`(segment))
def `//`(segment: Option[String]): Url.Plain = segment match {
case Some(s) => `//`(s)
case None => copy(path = path.plain)
/** Safe toString implementation.
* @return
* Outputs user segment if any, will not print passwords
override val toString: String = {
val sep = "://"
authority match {
case Authority(h, Some(u), Some(p)) =>
case Authority(h, Some(u), None) => show"${scheme.stripSuffix(sep)}$sep${u.user}@$h/${"/")}"
case Authority(h, None, Some(p)) => show"${scheme.stripSuffix(sep)}$sep$h:$p/${"/")}"
case Authority(h, None, None) => show"${scheme.stripSuffix(sep)}$sep$h/${"/")}"
/** Safe toString implementation
* @return
* Outputs masked passwords
val toStringMasked: String = {
val sep = "://"
authority match {
case Authority(h, Some(u), Some(p)) => show"${scheme.stripSuffix(sep)}$sep$u@$h:$p/${"/")}"
case Authority(h, Some(u), None) => show"${scheme.stripSuffix(sep)}$sep$u@$h/${"/")}"
case Authority(h, None, Some(p)) => show"${scheme.stripSuffix(sep)}$sep$h:$p/${"/")}"
case Authority(h, None, None) => show"${scheme.stripSuffix(sep)}$sep$h/${"/")}"
def toStringWithPassword: String = {
val sep = "://"
authority match {
case Authority(h, Some(u), Some(p)) =>
case Authority(h, Some(u), None) =>
case Authority(h, None, Some(p)) => show"${scheme.stripSuffix(sep)}$sep$h:$p/${"/")}"
case Authority(h, None, None) => show"${scheme.stripSuffix(sep)}$sep$h/${"/")}"
object Url {
type Plain = Url[String]
def parseF[F[_]: ApplicativeThrow](c: String): F[Url.Plain] =
def unsafe(c: String): Url.Plain = parse(c) match {
case Valid(u) => u
case Invalid(e) => throw MultipleUrlValidationException(e) // scalafix:ok
def parse(c: String): ValidatedNec[UrlParseError, Url.Plain] = {
val regex = "^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?".r
// Treat `` as unsafe, since it really is
def tryOpt[A](a: => A): Try[Option[A]] = Try(a).map(Option.apply)
def parseFileUrl(u: String): ValidatedNec[UrlParseError, Url.Plain] = {
val fileRegex = "file:/([^:]+)".r
fileRegex.findFirstMatchIn(u).map { m =>
val matchRegex = tryOpt( => InvalidFileUrl(show"Not a valid file uri: $u"))
.getOrElseF(InvalidFileUrl(show"File uri didn't match regex: ${fileRegex.pattern.toString}").asLeft[String])
.map { pathPart =>
if (!pathPart.startsWith("/"))
Url("file", Authority.localhost, Path("/" + pathPart))
else Url("file", Authority.localhost, Path(pathPart.stripPrefix("/")))
}.getOrElse(InvalidFileUrl(show"File uri didn't match regex: ${fileRegex.pattern.toString}").invalidNec)
lazy val parseNonFile = regex.findFirstMatchIn(c).map { m =>
val authority: Either[AuthorityParseError, String] = OptionT(
val typedAuthority: ValidatedNec[AuthorityParseError, Authority] =
// Default to rootless paths when parsing URLs, these tends to be more useful.
// S3 fails if you pass it an absolute path, the same will GCS. Rootless paths will work for SFTP servers that
// don't use chroot for user logins, while absolute paths will not.
val pathGroup = OptionT(tryOpt("/"))
val path: Path.Plain =
val scheme =
tryOpt( => MissingScheme(c, Some(t))).leftWiden[UrlParseError]
).getOrElseF(MissingScheme(c, None).asLeft[String]).toValidatedNec
(scheme, typedAuthority).mapN((s, a) => Url(s, a, path))
if (c.startsWith("file")) parseFileUrl(c) else parseNonFile
implicit def ordering[A]: Ordering[Url[A]] = (x: Url[A], y: Url[A]) =>
implicit def order[A]: Order[Url[A]] = Order.fromOrdering
implicit def show[A]: Show[Url[A]] = u => {
val pathString = u.path match {
case a @ AbsolutePath(_, _) =>"/")
case a =>
if (u.scheme === "file") show"${u.scheme}:///$pathString" else show"${u.scheme}://${u.authority}/$pathString"
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