openllet.examples.InterruptReasoningExample Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package openllet.examples;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import openllet.core.OpenlletOptions;
import openllet.core.exceptions.TimeoutException;
import openllet.core.utils.Timers;
import openllet.jena.PelletInfGraph;
import openllet.jena.PelletReasonerFactory;
import openllet.query.sparqldl.jena.SparqlDLExecutionFactory;
import org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel;
import org.apache.jena.query.Query;
import org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory;
import org.apache.jena.query.ResultSet;
import org.apache.jena.query.ResultSetFormatter;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory;
import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator;
* Title:
* Description: an example program that shows how different reasoning services provided by Pellet can be interrupted based on a user-defined timeout without
* affecting subsequent query results. The program defines some constant values for timeout definitions to demonstrate various different things but results may
* vary on different computers based on CPU speed, available memory, etc.
* Sample output from this program looks like this:
* Parsing the ontology...finished
* Consistency Timeout: 5000ms
* Checking consistency...finished in 1965
* Classify Timeout: 50000ms
* Classifying...finished in 12668ms
* Classified: true
* Realize Timeout: 1000ms
* Realizing...interrupted after 1545ms
* Realized: false
* Query Timeout: 0ms
* Retrieving instances of AmericanWine...completed in 484ms (24 results)
* Running SPARQL query...completed in 11801ms (23 results)
* Query Timeout: 200ms
* Retrieving instances of AmericanWine...interrupted after 201ms
* Running SPARQL query...interrupted after 201ms
* Query Timeout: 2000ms
* Retrieving instances of AmericanWine...completed in 417ms (24 results)
* Running SPARQL query...interrupted after 2001ms
* Query Timeout: 20000ms
* Retrieving instances of AmericanWine...completed in 426ms (24 results)
* Running SPARQL query...completed in 11790ms (23 results)
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008
* Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC.
* @author Evren Sirin
public class InterruptReasoningExample
private static final Logger _logger = Log.getLogger(InterruptReasoningExample.class);
// various different constants to control the timeout values. typically
// it is desirable to set different timeouts for classification and realization
// since they are done only once and take more time compared to answering
// queries
public static class Timeouts
// timeout for consistency checking
public static int CONSISTENCY = 5000;
// timeout for classification
public static int CLASSIFY = 50000;
// timeout for realization (this value is intentionally
// set to a unrealistically small value for demo purposes)
public static int REALIZE = 1000;
// some constants related to wine ontology including some
// arbitrary
public static class WINE
public static final String NS = "";
public static final Resource AmericanWine = ResourceFactory.createResource(NS + "AmericanWine");
public static final Query query = QueryFactory.create("PREFIX wine: <" + WINE.NS + ">\n" + "SELECT * WHERE {\n" + " ?x a wine:RedWine ; \n" + " wine:madeFromGrape ?y \n" + "}");
// the Jena model we are using
private final OntModel model;
// underlying openllet graph
private final PelletInfGraph openllet;
// the _timers associated with the Pellet KB
private final Timers timers;
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception
OpenlletOptions.USE_CLASSIFICATION_MONITOR = OpenlletOptions.MonitorType.NONE;
final InterruptReasoningExample test = new InterruptReasoningExample();
public InterruptReasoningExample()
// create the Jena model
model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(PelletReasonerFactory.THE_SPEC);
openllet = (PelletInfGraph) model.getGraph();
// get the underlying openllet timers
timers = openllet.getKB().getTimers();
// set the timeout for main reasoning tasks
// read the _data into a Jena model
public void parse()
System.out.print("Parsing the ontology...");"file:test/data/modularity/wine.owl");
// check the consistency of _data. this function will throw a TimeoutException
// we don't catch the exception here because there is no point in continuing
// if the initial consistency check is not finished. Pellet will not be able
// to perform any reasoning steps if it dannot check the consistency.
public void consistency() throws TimeoutException
System.out.println("Consistency Timeout: " + Timeouts.CONSISTENCY + "ms");
System.out.print("Checking consistency...");
System.out.println("finished in " + timers.getTimer("isConsistent").getLast());
// classify the ontology
public void classify()
System.out.println("Classify Timeout: " + Timeouts.CLASSIFY + "ms");
((PelletInfGraph) model.getGraph()).classify();
System.out.println("finished in " + timers.getTimer("classify").getLast() + "ms");
catch (final TimeoutException e)
Log.error(_logger, e);
System.out.println("interrupted after " + timers.getTimer("classify").getElapsed() + "ms");
System.out.println("Classified: " + openllet.isClassified());
public void realize()
// realization can only be done if classification is completed
if (!openllet.isClassified())
System.out.println("Realize Timeout: " + Timeouts.REALIZE + "ms");
System.out.println("finished in " + timers.getTimer("realize").getLast() + "ms");
catch (final TimeoutException e)
Log.error(_logger, e);
System.out.println("interrupted after " + timers.getTimer("realize").getElapsed() + "ms");
System.out.println("Realized: " + openllet.isRealized());
// run some sample queries with different timeouts
public void query()
// different timeout values in ms for querying (0 means no timeout)
final int[] timeouts = { 0, 200, 2000, 20000 };
for (final int timeout : timeouts)
// update the timeout value
System.out.println("Query Timeout: " + timeout + "ms");
// run the queries
public void getInstances(final Resource cls)
System.out.print("Retrieving instances of " + cls.getLocalName() + "...");
// we need to restart the timer every time because timeouts are checked
// w.r.t. the time a timer was started. not resetting the timer will
// cause timeout exceptions nearly all the time
// run a simple query using Jena interface
final ExtendedIterator> results = model.listIndividuals(cls);
// print if the query succeeded
final int size = results.toList().size();
System.out.print("completed in " + timers._mainTimer.getElapsed() + "ms");
System.out.println(" (" + size + " results)");
catch (final TimeoutException e)
Log.error(_logger, e);
System.out.println("interrupted after " + timers._mainTimer.getElapsed() + "ms");
public void execQuery(final Query query)
System.out.print("Running SPARQL query...");
// we need to restart the timer as above
// run the SPARQL query
final ResultSet results = SparqlDLExecutionFactory.create(query, model).execSelect();
final int size = ResultSetFormatter.consume(results);
System.out.print("completed in " + timers._mainTimer.getElapsed() + "ms");
System.out.println(" (" + size + " results)");
catch (final TimeoutException e)
Log.error(_logger, e);
System.out.println("interrupted after " + timers._mainTimer.getElapsed() + "ms");
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