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openllet.modularity.IncrementalClassifier Maven / Gradle / Ivy

// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Clark & Parsia, LLC. 
// This source code is available under the terms of the Affero General Public License v3.
// Please see LICENSE.txt for full license terms, including the availability of proprietary exceptions.
// Questions, comments, or requests for clarification: [email protected]

package openllet.modularity;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import openllet.aterm.ATermAppl;
import openllet.atom.OpenError;
import openllet.core.exceptions.PelletRuntimeException;
import openllet.core.taxonomy.Taxonomy;
import openllet.core.taxonomy.TaxonomyImpl;
import openllet.core.taxonomy.TaxonomyNode;
import openllet.core.taxonomy.printer.ClassTreePrinter;
import openllet.core.taxonomy.printer.TreeTaxonomyPrinter;
import openllet.core.utils.ATermUtils;
import openllet.core.utils.Bool;
import openllet.core.utils.MultiValueMap;
import openllet.core.utils.Namespaces;
import openllet.core.utils.PartialOrderBuilder;
import openllet.core.utils.PartialOrderComparator;
import openllet.core.utils.PartialOrderRelation;
import openllet.core.utils.TaxonomyUtils;
import openllet.core.utils.Timer;
import openllet.core.utils.Timers;
import openllet.owlapi.OWL;
import openllet.owlapi.OpenlletReasoner;
import openllet.owlapi.OpenlletReasonerFactory;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AddAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AxiomType;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataFactory;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataProperty;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataPropertyExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLEntity;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLLiteral;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLNamedIndividual;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectProperty;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectPropertyExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyChange;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyChangeListener;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.RemoveAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.AxiomNotInProfileException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.BufferingMode;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.ClassExpressionNotInProfileException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.FreshEntitiesException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.FreshEntityPolicy;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.InconsistentOntologyException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.IndividualNodeSetPolicy;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.InferenceType;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.Node;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasoner;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasonerConfiguration;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.ReasonerInterruptedException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.TimeOutException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.UnsupportedEntailmentTypeException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.impl.NodeFactory;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.impl.OWLClassNode;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.impl.OWLClassNodeSet;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.impl.OWLNamedIndividualNode;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.impl.OWLNamedIndividualNodeSet;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.Version;


* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 *


* Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC. *

* * @author Evren Sirin */ public class IncrementalClassifier implements OWLReasoner, OWLOntologyChangeListener { public static final String _namedClassesSupportOnly = "This reasoner only supports named classes"; public static final Logger _logger = Log.getLogger(IncrementalClassifier.class); /** * Modularity results */ private volatile MultiValueMap _modules = null; /** * Standard Pellet reasoner */ private final OpenlletReasoner _reasoner; /** * Module _extractor */ private volatile ModuleExtractor _extractor = ModuleExtractorFactory.createModuleExtractor(); private volatile Taxonomy _taxonomyImpl = null; /** * Do the regular classification and module extraction in two separate threads concurrently. Doing so might reduce overall processing time but increases the * memory requirements because both processes need additional memory during running which will be freed at the _end of the process. */ private volatile boolean _multiThreaded = true; public volatile Timers _timers = _extractor.getTimers(); private final Random RND = new Random(); private volatile boolean _realized = false; public IncrementalClassifier(final OWLOntology ontology) { this(OpenlletReasonerFactory.getInstance().createReasoner(ontology), ModuleExtractorFactory.createModuleExtractor()); } public IncrementalClassifier(final OWLOntology ontology, final OWLReasonerConfiguration config) { this(OpenlletReasonerFactory.getInstance().createReasoner(ontology, config), ModuleExtractorFactory.createModuleExtractor()); } public IncrementalClassifier(final OWLOntology ontology, final ModuleExtractor moduleExtractor) { this(OpenlletReasonerFactory.getInstance().createReasoner(ontology), moduleExtractor); } public IncrementalClassifier(final OWLOntology ontology, final OWLReasonerConfiguration config, final ModuleExtractor moduleExtractor) { this(OpenlletReasonerFactory.getInstance().createReasoner(ontology, config), moduleExtractor); } public IncrementalClassifier(final OpenlletReasoner reasoner) { this(reasoner, ModuleExtractorFactory.createModuleExtractor()); } public IncrementalClassifier(final OpenlletReasoner reasoner, final ModuleExtractor extractor) { _reasoner = reasoner; _extractor = extractor; final OWLOntology ontology = reasoner.getRootOntology(); ontology.importsClosure().map(OWLOntology::axioms).forEach(extractor::addAxioms); reasoner.getManager().addOntologyChangeListener(this); } public IncrementalClassifier(final PersistedState persistedState) { _extractor = persistedState.getModuleExtractor(); _taxonomyImpl = persistedState.getTaxonomy(); _realized = persistedState.isRealized(); _modules = _extractor.getModules(); final OWLOntology ontology = OWL.Ontology(_extractor.axioms()); _reasoner = OpenlletReasonerFactory.getInstance().createReasoner(ontology); _reasoner.getManager().addOntologyChangeListener(this); } public IncrementalClassifier(final PersistedState persistedState, final OWLOntology ontology) { _reasoner = OpenlletReasonerFactory.getInstance().createReasoner(ontology); _extractor = persistedState.getModuleExtractor(); _taxonomyImpl = persistedState.getTaxonomy(); _realized = persistedState.isRealized(); _modules = _extractor.getModules(); final OntologyDiff diff = OntologyDiff.diffAxiomsWithOntologies(_extractor.axioms(), Collections.singleton(ontology)); if (!diff.areSame()) { for (final OWLAxiom addition : diff.getAdditions()) _extractor.addAxiom(addition); for (final OWLAxiom deletion : diff.getDeletions()) _extractor.deleteAxiom(deletion); } _reasoner.getManager().addOntologyChangeListener(this); } @Deprecated public Collection getAxioms() { return _extractor.getAxioms(); } public Stream axioms() { return _extractor.axioms(); } /** * Build the class hierarchy based on the results from the _reasoner */ static public Taxonomy buildClassHierarchy(final OpenlletReasoner reasoner) { final Taxonomy taxonomy = new TaxonomyImpl<>(null, OWL.Thing, OWL.Nothing); final Set things = reasoner.getEquivalentClasses(OWL.Thing).entities().collect(Collectors.toSet()); things.remove(OWL.Thing); if (!things.isEmpty()) taxonomy.addEquivalents(OWL.Thing, things); final Set nothings = reasoner.getEquivalentClasses(OWL.Nothing).entities().collect(Collectors.toSet()); nothings.remove(OWL.Nothing); if (!nothings.isEmpty()) taxonomy.addEquivalents(OWL.Nothing, nothings); for (final Node subEq : reasoner.getSubClasses(OWL.Thing, true)) recursiveBuild(taxonomy, subEq, reasoner); return taxonomy; } static private void recursiveBuild(final Taxonomy taxonomy, final Node eqClasses, final OpenlletReasoner reasoner) { assert eqClasses.entities().findAny().isPresent() : "Equivalents empty as passed"; final OWLClass cls = eqClasses.iterator().next(); if (taxonomy.contains(cls)) return; final Set emptySet = Collections.emptySet(); taxonomy.addNode(eqClasses.entities().collect(Collectors.toList()), emptySet, emptySet, /* hidden =*/false); for (final Node subEq : reasoner.getSubClasses(cls, true)) { recursiveBuild(taxonomy, subEq, reasoner); taxonomy.addSuper(subEq.iterator().next(), cls); } } public void classify() { if (isClassified()) { if (_extractor.isChanged()) // this means that there are some changes to the modules, which do not affect // the current taxonomy (i.e., that is why isClassified() returns true) // let's update the modules here // TODO: maybe we should move these calls somewhere else but in general // the users expect that all changes are applied after classify() // and unapplied changes will prevent the classifie _extractor.applyChanges(_taxonomyImpl); return; } if (_extractor.canUpdate()) incrementalClassify(); else regularClassify(); resetRealization(); } @Override public void dispose() { _reasoner.dispose(); _reasoner.getManager().removeOntologyChangeListener(this); } @Override public Node getEquivalentClasses(final OWLClassExpression clsC) { if (clsC.isAnonymous()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("This _reasoner only supports named classes"); classify(); return NodeFactory.getOWLClassNode(_taxonomyImpl.getAllEquivalents((OWLClass) clsC)); } /** * Get the _modules */ public MultiValueMap getModules() { return _modules; } /** * Get the underlying reasoner */ public OpenlletReasoner getReasoner() { return _reasoner; } @Override public NodeSet getSubClasses(final OWLClassExpression clsC, final boolean direct) { if (clsC.isAnonymous()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(_namedClassesSupportOnly); classify(); final Set> values = new HashSet<>(); for (final Set val : _taxonomyImpl.getSubs((OWLClass) clsC, direct)) values.add(NodeFactory.getOWLClassNode(val)); return new OWLClassNodeSet(values); } /** * This incremental classification _strategy does the following: for all _modules that are affected, collect all of their axioms and classify them all once * in Openllet. This allows the exploitation current classification optimizations */ private void incClassifyAllModStrategy() { // Get the entities whose _modules are affected final Set effects = _extractor.applyChanges(_taxonomyImpl); _logger.fine(() -> "Module entities " + effects); // create ontology for all the axioms of all effected _modules final OWLOntology owlModule = _extractor.getModuleFromSignature(effects); _logger.fine(() -> "Module axioms " + owlModule.logicalAxioms().map(OWLAxiom::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(" "))); // load the extracted module to a new _reasoner final OpenlletReasoner moduleReasoner = OpenlletReasonerFactory.getInstance().createReasoner(owlModule); // classify the module moduleReasoner.getKB().classify(); if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { _logger.fine("Classified module:"); new ClassTreePrinter().print(moduleReasoner.getKB().getTaxonomy(), new PrintWriter(System.err)); } final Taxonomy moduleTaxonomy = buildClassHierarchy(moduleReasoner); final Set affectedCls = new HashSet<>(); for (final OWLEntity entity : effects) if (entity instanceof OWLClass) affectedCls.add((OWLClass) entity); _taxonomyImpl = updateClassHierarchy(_taxonomyImpl, moduleTaxonomy, affectedCls); if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { _logger.fine("Updated _taxonomy:"); new TreeTaxonomyPrinter().print(_taxonomyImpl, new PrintWriter(System.err)); // new FunctionalTaxonomyPrinter().print( _taxonomy, new OutputFormatter( System.err, false ) ); } owlModule.getOWLOntologyManager().removeOntology(owlModule); } private void incrementalClassify() { if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) _logger.fine("Incremental classification starting"); final Timer timer = _timers.startTimer("incrementalClassify"); incClassifyAllModStrategy(); timer.stop(); if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) _logger.fine("Incremental classification done"); } public boolean isClassified() { // what if expressivity should change because of the yet unapplied changes? return _modules != null && (!_extractor.isChanged() || !_extractor.isClassificationNeeded(_reasoner.getKB().getExpressivity())); } public boolean isRealized() { return isClassified() && _realized; } public boolean isDefined(final OWLClass cls) { return _extractor.axioms(cls).findAny().isPresent(); } public boolean isDefined(final OWLDataProperty prop) { return _extractor.axioms(prop).findAny().isPresent(); } public boolean isDefined(final OWLNamedIndividual ind) { return _extractor.axioms(ind).findAny().isPresent(); } public boolean isDefined(final OWLObjectProperty prop) { return _extractor.axioms(prop).findAny().isPresent(); } public boolean isEquivalentClass(final OWLClassExpression clsC, final OWLClassExpression clsD) { if (clsC.isAnonymous() || clsD.isAnonymous()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(_namedClassesSupportOnly); classify(); return _taxonomyImpl.isEquivalent((OWLClass) clsC, (OWLClass) clsD) == Bool.TRUE; } @Override public boolean isSatisfiable(final OWLClassExpression description) { if (description.isAnonymous() || !isClassified()) return _reasoner.isSatisfiable(description); return !getUnsatisfiableClasses().contains((OWLClass) description); } @Override public void ontologiesChanged(final List changes) { final OWLOntology ontology = getRootOntology(); if (ontology == null || ontology.getOWLOntologyManager() == null || ontology.getOWLOntologyManager().ontologies() == null) return; if (!ontology// .getOWLOntologyManager()// .ontologies()// .filter(o -> o != null)// .anyMatch(o -> o.getOntologyID()// .equals(ontology.getOntologyID())// )) // TODO : need a comment. return; final Set ontologies = getRootOntology().importsClosure().collect(Collectors.toSet()); for (final OWLOntologyChange change : changes) { if (!change.isAxiomChange() || !ontologies.contains(change.getOntology())) continue; resetRealization(); final OWLAxiom axiom = change.getAxiom(); if (change instanceof AddAxiom) _extractor.addAxiom(axiom); else if (change instanceof RemoveAxiom) _extractor.deleteAxiom(axiom); else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unrecognized axiom change: " + change); } } private void regularClassify() { _logger.fine("Regular classification starting"); final Thread classification = new Thread("classification") { @Override public void run() { // classify ontology Timer timer = _timers.startTimer("reasonerClassify"); _reasoner.flush(); _reasoner.getKB().classify(); timer.stop(); if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { _logger.fine("Regular taxonomy:"); new TreeTaxonomyPrinter().print(_reasoner.getKB().getTaxonomy(), new PrintWriter(System.err)); } timer = _timers.startTimer("buildClassHierarchy"); _taxonomyImpl = buildClassHierarchy(_reasoner); timer.stop(); if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { _logger.fine("Copied taxonomy:"); new TreeTaxonomyPrinter().print(_taxonomyImpl, new PrintWriter(System.err)); } } }; final Thread partitioning = new Thread("partitioning") { @Override public void run() { // get _modules for each concept _modules = _extractor.extractModules(); } }; try { final Timer timer = _timers.startTimer("regularClassify"); if (_multiThreaded) { classification.start(); partitioning.start(); classification.join(); partitioning.join(); } else {;; } timer.stop(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { throw new OpenError(e); } _logger.fine(() -> "Regular classification done"); } /** * @param _taxonomy Previous _taxonomy state * @param moduleTaxonomy Change in _taxonomy state * @param affected Set of classes affected by changes */ private static Taxonomy updateClassHierarchy(final Taxonomy taxonomy, final Taxonomy moduleTaxonomy, final Set affected) { final Set inTaxonomy = new HashSet<>(moduleTaxonomy.getClasses()); inTaxonomy.remove(OWL.Thing); inTaxonomy.remove(OWL.Nothing); assert affected.containsAll(inTaxonomy) : "Unaffected _nodes in changed _taxonomy"; final Set removed = new HashSet<>(affected); removed.removeAll(moduleTaxonomy.getClasses()); final List sorted = taxonomy.topologocialSort( /* includeEquivalents = */false); // TODO: Top equivalents could change?! final Set emptySet = Collections.emptySet(); for (final OWLClass cls : sorted) { // TODO: assert assumption that if any classes equivalent in // _taxonomy exist in moduleTaxonomy, all are if (removed.contains(cls) || moduleTaxonomy.contains(cls)) continue; moduleTaxonomy.addNode(taxonomy.getAllEquivalents(cls), emptySet, emptySet, /* hidden= */ false); final Set supers = taxonomy.getFlattenedSupers(cls, /* direct = */true); supers.removeAll(removed); moduleTaxonomy.addSupers(cls, supers); } final List nothings = new ArrayList<>(); for (final OWLClass cls : taxonomy.getEquivalents(OWL.Nothing)) if (!removed.contains(cls) && !moduleTaxonomy.contains(cls)) nothings.add(cls); if (!nothings.isEmpty()) moduleTaxonomy.addEquivalents(OWL.Nothing, nothings); return moduleTaxonomy; } // /** // * FIXME: This function is incredibly broken. // * Main method to update the partial order and find new subsumptions. // * // * @param add // * Flag for additions/deletions // * @param _node // * the _node which is being updated // * @param newR // * The _reasoner which has been loaded and processed with the new // * signature of this module // */ // private void updatePartialOrder(boolean add, TaxonomyNode _node, PelletReasoner newR) { // if( _logger.isLoggable( Level.FINER ) ) // _logger.finer( "Update _node " + _node ); // // OWLClass clazz = _node.getName(); // // // collect all of its valid super classes from the _reasoner // Set> validSupers = newR.getAncestorClasses( clazz ); // // // get all of the old super classes from the subclass _index // Set oldSupers = null;// superClasses.get( clazz ); // // // case for add // if( add ) { // // // for each subclass check if its new...if it is, then add it to // // the child of this _node // for( Set nextCls : validSupers ) { // // if this is thing, then continue // if( nextCls.contains( OWL.Thing ) ) // continue; // // // iterate over new super classes - again this is a set // // because pellet returns a set of sets // for( OWLClass next : nextCls ) { // // check if this subsumption already exists // if( !oldSupers.contains( next ) ) { // // // add it to the subclass _index // oldSupers.add( next ); // // if( _logger.isLoggable( Level.FINER ) ) { // _logger.finer( " Found new subsumption " + clazz + " subClassOf " + next ); // } // // // update the partial _order // TaxonomyNode newSubNode = _taxonomy.getNode( next ); // if( !newSubNode.getSubs().contains( _node ) ) { // newSubNode.addSub( _node ); // } // } // } // } // } // else { // // // case for deletions // // // if there were no previous supers then by monotonicity, there // // still will not be, so return // if( oldSupers.isEmpty() ) // return; // // // used to track invalidated supers // Set removeSet = new HashSet(); // // // for each old subclass check if its still exists, if not // // remove it // for( OWLClass nextOldSuper : oldSupers ) { // // if thing, then continue // if( nextOldSuper.equals( OWL.Thing ) ) // continue; // // TaxonomyNode oldSubNode = _taxonomy.getNode( nextOldSuper ); // // // check if this subsumption still exists // if( !OntologyUtils.containsClass( validSupers, nextOldSuper ) ) { // // update remove set // removeSet.add( nextOldSuper ); // // if( _logger.isLoggable( Level.FINER ) ) { // _logger.finer( " Found violated subsumption " + clazz + " subClassOf " // + nextOldSuper ); // } // // // update partial _order // oldSubNode.removeSub( _node ); // } // } // // // update subclass _index // oldSupers.removeAll( removeSet ); // } // } /** * Returns the value of multi-threaded option. * * @see IncrementalClassifier#setMultiThreaded(boolean) * @return the value of multi-threaded option */ public boolean isMultiThreaded() { return _multiThreaded; } /** * Sets the multi-threading option. In multi-threaded mode, during the initial setup, the regular classification and module extraction are performed in two * separate threads concurrently. Doing so might reduce overall processing time but it also increases the memory requirements because both processes need * additional memory during running which will be freed at the _end of the process. * * @param _multiThreaded value to set the multi-threaded option */ public void setMultiThreaded(final boolean multiThreaded) { _multiThreaded = multiThreaded; } /** * A class that has access to all the internal parts of the IncrementalClassifier that has to be persisted when saving the state to the stream. This class * enables the separation between the I/O code and the reasoning code. This class should not be used any other parts of code than the I/O code. This class * is a variation of Memento design pattern (as it encapsulates the state) with the important difference that actually no state is being copied; instead, * this class only contains the references to the _data structures to be saved. (The I/O code is thought as actually performing the copy, and therefore * completing the Memento pattern.) *

* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009 *


* Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC. *

* * @author Blazej Bulka */ public static class PersistedState { private final ModuleExtractor _persistedExtractor; private final Taxonomy _persistedTaxonomy; private final boolean _persistedRealized; public PersistedState(final IncrementalClassifier incrementalClassifier) { _persistedExtractor = incrementalClassifier._extractor; _persistedTaxonomy = incrementalClassifier._taxonomyImpl; _persistedRealized = incrementalClassifier._realized; } public PersistedState(final ModuleExtractor extractor, final TaxonomyImpl taxonomy, final boolean realized) { _persistedExtractor = extractor; _persistedTaxonomy = taxonomy; _persistedRealized = realized; } public ModuleExtractor getModuleExtractor() { return _persistedExtractor; } public Taxonomy getTaxonomy() { return _persistedTaxonomy; } public boolean isRealized() { return _persistedRealized; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void flush() { _reasoner.flush(); // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getBottomClassNode() { return getEquivalentClasses(OWL.Nothing); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getBottomDataPropertyNode() { return getEquivalentDataProperties(OWL.bottomDataProperty); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getBottomObjectPropertyNode() { return getEquivalentObjectProperties(OWL.bottomObjectProperty); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BufferingMode getBufferingMode() { return BufferingMode.NON_BUFFERING; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getDataPropertyDomains(final OWLDataProperty pe, final boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getDataPropertyDomains(pe, direct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Set getDataPropertyValues(final OWLNamedIndividual ind, final OWLDataProperty pe) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getDataPropertyValues(ind, pe); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getDifferentIndividuals(final OWLNamedIndividual ind) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getDifferentIndividuals(ind); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getDisjointClasses(final OWLClassExpression ce) { final DisjointClassComparator disjointClassComparator = new DisjointClassComparator(_taxonomyImpl, ce); if (!_taxonomyImpl.contains(disjointClassComparator.getComplementRepresentation())) { _reasoner.flush(); final PartialOrderBuilder orderBuilder = new PartialOrderBuilder<>(_taxonomyImpl, disjointClassComparator); orderBuilder.add(disjointClassComparator.getComplementRepresentation(), true); } final OWLClassNodeSet result = new OWLClassNodeSet(); for (final Set equivSet : _taxonomyImpl.getSubs(disjointClassComparator.getComplementRepresentation(), false)) result.addSameEntities(equivSet); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getDisjointDataProperties(final OWLDataPropertyExpression pe) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getDisjointDataProperties(pe); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getDisjointObjectProperties(final OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getDisjointObjectProperties(pe); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getEquivalentDataProperties(final OWLDataProperty pe) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getEquivalentDataProperties(pe); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getEquivalentObjectProperties(final OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getEquivalentObjectProperties(pe); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public FreshEntityPolicy getFreshEntityPolicy() { return _reasoner.getFreshEntityPolicy(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IndividualNodeSetPolicy getIndividualNodeSetPolicy() { return _reasoner.getIndividualNodeSetPolicy(); } private NodeSet getIndividualNodeSetBySameAs(final Collection individuals) { final Set> instances = new HashSet<>(); final Set seen = new HashSet<>(); for (final OWLNamedIndividual ind : individuals) if (!seen.contains(ind)) { final Node equiv = _reasoner.getSameIndividuals(ind); instances.add(equiv); seen.addAll(equiv.entities().collect(Collectors.toList())); } return new OWLNamedIndividualNodeSet(instances); } private NodeSet getIndividualNodeSetByName(final Collection individuals) { final Set> instances = new HashSet<>(); for (final OWLNamedIndividual ind : individuals) for (final OWLNamedIndividual equiv : _reasoner.getSameIndividuals(ind)) instances.add(new OWLNamedIndividualNode(equiv)); return new OWLNamedIndividualNodeSet(instances); } private NodeSet getIndividualNodeSet(final Collection individuals) { if (IndividualNodeSetPolicy.BY_NAME.equals(getIndividualNodeSetPolicy())) return getIndividualNodeSetByName(individuals); else if (IndividualNodeSetPolicy.BY_SAME_AS.equals(getIndividualNodeSetPolicy())) return getIndividualNodeSetBySameAs(individuals); else throw new AssertionError("Unsupported IndividualNodeSetPolicy : " + getIndividualNodeSetPolicy()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getInstances(final OWLClassExpression ce, final boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException, ClassExpressionNotInProfileException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { if (ce.isAnonymous() && direct) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(_namedClassesSupportOnly); _reasoner.flush(); if (!isRealized() && !direct) return _reasoner.getInstances(ce, direct); realize(); final Set individuals = direct ? TaxonomyUtils. getDirectInstances(_taxonomyImpl, (OWLClass) ce) : TaxonomyUtils. getAllInstances(_taxonomyImpl, (OWLClass) ce); return getIndividualNodeSet(individuals); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getInverseObjectProperties(final OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getInverseObjectProperties(pe); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getObjectPropertyDomains(final OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe, final boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getObjectPropertyDomains(pe, direct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getObjectPropertyRanges(final OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe, final boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getObjectPropertyRanges(pe, direct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getObjectPropertyValues(final OWLNamedIndividual ind, final OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getObjectPropertyValues(ind, pe); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Set getPendingAxiomAdditions() { return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Set getPendingAxiomRemovals() { return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List getPendingChanges() { return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getReasonerName() { return "Openllet (Incremental)"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Version getReasonerVersion() { return _reasoner.getReasonerVersion(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public OWLOntology getRootOntology() { return _reasoner.getRootOntology(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getSameIndividuals(final OWLNamedIndividual ind) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getSameIndividuals(ind); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getSubDataProperties(final OWLDataProperty pe, final boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getSubDataProperties(pe, direct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getSubObjectProperties(final OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe, final boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getSubObjectProperties(pe, direct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getSuperClasses(final OWLClassExpression ce, final boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException, ClassExpressionNotInProfileException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { if (ce.isAnonymous()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(_namedClassesSupportOnly); final OWLClass namedClass = (OWLClass) ce; classify(); return new OWLClassNodeSet(// _taxonomyImpl.supers(namedClass, direct)// .map(NodeFactory::getOWLClassNode)// .collect(Collectors.toSet())// ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getSuperDataProperties(final OWLDataProperty pe, final boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getSuperDataProperties(pe, direct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getSuperObjectProperties(final OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe, final boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.getSuperObjectProperties(pe, direct); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long getTimeOut() { return _reasoner.getTimeOut(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getTopClassNode() { return getEquivalentClasses(OWL.Thing); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getTopDataPropertyNode() { return getEquivalentDataProperties(OWL.topDataProperty); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getTopObjectPropertyNode() { return getEquivalentObjectProperties(OWL.topObjectProperty); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public NodeSet getTypes(final OWLNamedIndividual ind, final boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); realize(); final OWLClassNodeSet types = new OWLClassNodeSet(); for (final Set t : TaxonomyUtils.getTypes(_taxonomyImpl, ind, direct)) //Set eqSet = ATermUtils.primitiveOrBottom( t ); //if( !eqSet.isEmpty() ) types.addNode(new OWLClassNode(t)); return types; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getUnsatisfiableClasses() throws ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { classify(); return getBottomClassNode(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void interrupt() { // TODO : compute the multithreaded case. } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isConsistent() throws ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { _reasoner.flush(); return _reasoner.isConsistent(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isEntailed(final OWLAxiom axiom) throws ReasonerInterruptedException, UnsupportedEntailmentTypeException, TimeOutException, AxiomNotInProfileException, FreshEntitiesException { try { final EntailmentChecker entailmentChecker = new EntailmentChecker(this); return entailmentChecker.isEntailed(axiom); } catch (final PelletRuntimeException e) { throw convert(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isEntailed(final Set axioms) throws ReasonerInterruptedException, UnsupportedEntailmentTypeException, TimeOutException, AxiomNotInProfileException, FreshEntitiesException { try { final EntailmentChecker entailmentChecker = new EntailmentChecker(this); return entailmentChecker.isEntailed(axioms); } catch (final PelletRuntimeException e) { throw convert(e); } } private static PelletRuntimeException convert(final PelletRuntimeException e) throws InconsistentOntologyException, ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException, FreshEntitiesException { if (e instanceof openllet.core.exceptions.TimeoutException) throw new TimeOutException(); if (e instanceof openllet.core.exceptions.TimerInterruptedException) throw new ReasonerInterruptedException(e); if (e instanceof openllet.core.exceptions.InconsistentOntologyException) throw new InconsistentOntologyException(); if (e instanceof openllet.core.exceptions.UndefinedEntityException) { final Set unknown = Collections.emptySet(); throw new FreshEntitiesException(unknown); } return e; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isEntailmentCheckingSupported(final AxiomType axiomType) { // the _current EntailmentChecker supports the same set of axioms as // the underlying _reasoner (if it cannot handle any element directly, // it forwards the entailment check to the underlying _reasoner) return getReasoner().isEntailmentCheckingSupported(axiomType); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void prepareReasoner() throws ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException { classify(); } public Taxonomy getTaxonomy() { return _taxonomyImpl; } private void resetRealization() { if (_taxonomyImpl != null) for (final TaxonomyNode node : _taxonomyImpl.getNodes().values()) node.removeDatum(TaxonomyUtils.INSTANCES_KEY); _realized = false; } private void realize() { if (isRealized()) return; final Set allIndividuals = _reasoner.getKB().getIndividuals(); final Set visitedClasses = new HashSet<>(); if (!allIndividuals.isEmpty()) realizeByConcept(ATermUtils.TOP, allIndividuals, _reasoner.getManager().getOWLDataFactory(), visitedClasses); _realized = true; } private Set realizeByConcept(final ATermAppl c, final Collection individuals, final OWLDataFactory factory, final Set visitedClasses) { if (c.equals(ATermUtils.BOTTOM)) return Collections.emptySet(); if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) _logger.finer("Realizing concept " + c); final OWLClass owlClass = termToOWLClass(c, factory); if (visitedClasses.contains(owlClass)) return TaxonomyUtils.getAllInstances(_taxonomyImpl, owlClass); final Set instances = new HashSet<>(_reasoner.getKB().retrieve(c, individuals)); final Set mostSpecificInstances = new HashSet<>(instances); if (!instances.isEmpty()) { final TaxonomyNode node = _taxonomyImpl.getNode(owlClass); if (node == null) { _logger.warning(" no _node for " + c); return instances; } for (final TaxonomyNode sub : node.getSubs()) { final OWLClass d = sub.getName(); final Set subInstances = realizeByConcept(owlClassToTerm(d), instances, factory, visitedClasses); if (subInstances == null) return null; mostSpecificInstances.removeAll(subInstances); } if (!mostSpecificInstances.isEmpty()) node.putDatum(TaxonomyUtils.INSTANCES_KEY, toOWLNamedIndividuals(mostSpecificInstances, factory)); } return instances; } private static Set toOWLNamedIndividuals(final Set terms, final OWLDataFactory factory) { final HashSet result = new HashSet<>(); for (final ATermAppl ind : terms) { final OWLNamedIndividual owlInd = termToOWLNamedIndividual(ind, factory); if (owlInd != null) result.add(owlInd); } return result; } private static final ATermAppl OWL_THING = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl(Namespaces.OWL + "Thing"); private static final ATermAppl OWL_NOTHING = ATermUtils.makeTermAppl(Namespaces.OWL + "Nothing"); private static OWLClass termToOWLClass(final ATermAppl c, final OWLDataFactory factory) { if (c.equals(ATermUtils.TOP)) return factory.getOWLThing(); else if (c.equals(OWL_THING)) return factory.getOWLThing(); else if (c.equals(OWL_NOTHING)) return factory.getOWLNothing(); if (!ATermUtils.isBnode(c)) return factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(c.getName())); return null; } private static OWLNamedIndividual termToOWLNamedIndividual(final ATermAppl c, final OWLDataFactory factory) { if (!ATermUtils.isBnode(c)) return factory.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(c.getName())); return null; } private static ATermAppl owlClassToTerm(final OWLClass c) { if (c.isOWLThing()) return ATermUtils.TOP; else if (c.isOWLNothing()) return ATermUtils.BOTTOM; else return ATermUtils.makeTermAppl(c.getIRI().toString()); } public class DisjointClassComparator implements PartialOrderComparator { private static final String ANONYMOUS_COMPLEMENT_REPRESENTATION_BASE = ""; private static final String COMPLEMENT_POSTFIX = "-complement"; private final OWLClassExpression _complementClass; private final OWLClass _complementRepresentation; public DisjointClassComparator(final Taxonomy taxonomy, final OWLClassExpression originalClass) { _complementClass = OWL._factory.getOWLObjectComplementOf(originalClass); _complementRepresentation = generateComplementRepresentation(taxonomy, originalClass); } private OWLClass generateComplementRepresentation(final Taxonomy taxonomy, final OWLClassExpression originalClass) { OWLClass complementClass = null; if (!originalClass.isAnonymous() && (originalClass instanceof OWLClass)) return OWL._factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(((OWLClass) originalClass).getIRI() + COMPLEMENT_POSTFIX)); do complementClass = OWL._factory.getOWLClass(IRI.create(ANONYMOUS_COMPLEMENT_REPRESENTATION_BASE + RND.nextLong())); while (taxonomy.contains(complementClass)); return complementClass; } public OWLClass getComplementRepresentation() { return _complementRepresentation; } @Override public PartialOrderRelation compare(final OWLClass a, final OWLClass b) { OWLClassExpression aExpression = a; OWLClassExpression bExpression = b; if (a.equals(_complementRepresentation)) aExpression = _complementClass; if (b.equals(_complementRepresentation)) bExpression = _complementClass; final OWLAxiom aSubClassBAxiom = OWL._factory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(aExpression, bExpression); final OWLAxiom bSubClassAAxiom = OWL._factory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(bExpression, aExpression); final boolean aLessB = _reasoner.isEntailed(aSubClassBAxiom); final boolean bLessA = _reasoner.isEntailed(bSubClassAAxiom); if (aLessB && bLessA) return PartialOrderRelation.EQUAL; else if (aLessB) return PartialOrderRelation.LESS; else if (bLessA) return PartialOrderRelation.GREATER; else return PartialOrderRelation.INCOMPARABLE; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Set getPrecomputableInferenceTypes() { return _reasoner.getPrecomputableInferenceTypes(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isPrecomputed(final InferenceType inferenceType) { switch (inferenceType) { case CLASS_HIERARCHY: return isClassified(); case CLASS_ASSERTIONS: return isRealized(); default: return _reasoner.isPrecomputed(inferenceType); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void precomputeInferences(final InferenceType... inferenceTypes) throws ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException, InconsistentOntologyException { for (final InferenceType inferenceType : inferenceTypes) switch (inferenceType) { case CLASS_HIERARCHY: classify(); //$FALL-THROUGH$ case CLASS_ASSERTIONS: realize(); //$FALL-THROUGH$ default: _reasoner.precomputeInferences(inferenceTypes); } } }

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