fly4s.Fly4s.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package fly4s
import cats.Endo
import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway
import org.flywaydb.core.api.configuration.{Configuration, FluentConfiguration}
import javax.sql.DataSource
sealed trait Fly4s[F[_]] {
// ------------------------------------- CONFIG -------------------------------------
/** Get che Fly4s configuration used to build this instance.
def config: Fly4sConfig
/** Retrieves the url, user and password used to construct the dataSource. May be `None` if the
* dataSource was passed in directly.
* @return
* The url, user and password used to construct the dataSource. May be `None` if the dataSource
* was passed in directly.
def sourceConfig: SourceConfig
/** Re-instantiate a [[Fly4s]] instance with the new configuration
* @param newConfig
* New configuration instance
* @return
* [[Fly4s]] instance with the new configuration
def reconfigure(newConfig: Fly4sConfig): F[Fly4s[F]]
/** Re-instantiate a [[Fly4s]] instance with the updated configuration
* @param updateConfig
* Function to update configuration
* @return
* [[Fly4s]] instance with the updated configuration
def reconfigure(updateConfig: Endo[Fly4sConfig]): F[Fly4s[F]] =
// ------------------------------------- OPS -------------------------------------
/** Validate and then runs migrations.
* 1. Validation To apply the validation you should reconfigure the [[Fly4s]] with
* `ignorePendingMigrations` set as `true` Check [[Fly4s.validate]] for further details
* 2. Migration If validation steps fails migration wont be applied. Check
* [[Fly4s.migrate]] for further details
* @return
* An `ValidatedNel` summarising the operation results.
def validateAndMigrate: F[ValidatedMigrateResult]
/** Starts the database migration. All pending migrations will be applied in order. Calling
* migrate on an up-to-date database has no effect.
* @return
* An object summarising the successfully applied migrations.
def migrate: F[MigrateResult]
/** Undoes the most recently applied versioned migration. If target is specified, Flyway will
* attempt to undo versioned migrations in the order they were applied until it hits one with a
* version below the target. If there is no versioned migration to undo, calling undo has no
* effect.
Flyway Teams only
* @return
* An object summarising the successfully undone migrations.
def undo: F[OperationResult]
/** Validate applied migrations against resolved ones (on the filesystem or classpath) to
* detect accidental changes that may prevent the schema(s) from being recreated exactly.
* Validation fails if
- differences in migration names, types or checksums are
* found
- versions have been applied that aren't resolved locally anymore
* - versions have been resolved that haven't been applied yet
* @return
* An object summarising the validation results
def validate: F[ValidateResult]
/** Drops all objects (tables, views, procedures, triggers, ...) in the configured schemas. The
* schemas are cleaned in the order specified by the `schemas` property.
* @return
* An object summarising the actions taken
def clean: F[CleanResult]
/** Retrieves the complete information about all the migrations including applied, pending and
* current migrations with details and status.
* @return
* All migrations sorted by version, oldest first.
def info: F[MigrationInfoService]
/** Baselines an existing database, excluding all migrations up to and including
* baselineVersion.
* @return
* An object summarising the actions taken
def baseline: F[BaselineResult]
/** Repairs the Flyway schema history table. This will perform the following actions:
* - Remove any failed migrations on databases without DDL transactions (User objects left
* behind must still be cleaned up manually)
- Realign the checksums, descriptions and
* types of the applied migrations with the ones of the available migrations
* @return
* An object summarising the actions taken
def repair: F[RepairResult]
/** Close and release datasource connection. This method is private to avoid problems, indeed once
* called this method this `Fly4s` instance is not usable anymore
private[fly4s] def close: F[Unit]
object Fly4s extends AllInstances {
import cats.effect.*
import cats.implicits.*
/** Creates a `Resource` to properly handle the connection with the datasource Create a new
* `javax.sql` using fly4s `DriverDataSource` with the specified parameters.
* @param url
* The JDBC URL of the database.
* @param user
* The user of the database.
* @param password
* The password of the database.
* @param classLoader
* The ClassLoader to use for loading migrations, resolvers, etc from the classpath. (default:
* Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())
* @tparam F
* Async effect type
* @return
* A resource that, once used, safely close the datasource
def make[F[_]: Async](
url: String,
user: Option[String] = None,
password: Option[Array[Char]] = None,
config: Fly4sConfig = Fly4sConfig.default,
classLoader: ClassLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader
): Resource[F, Fly4s[F]] =
mapFlywayConfig = _.dataSource(url, user.orNull,,
config = config,
classLoader = classLoader
/** Creates a new [[Fly4s]] `Resource` to properly handle the connection with the datasource. Sets
* the datasource to use. Must have the necessary privileges to execute DDL.
* @param acquireDataSource
* The datasource to use. Must have the necessary privileges to execute DDL.
* @tparam F
* Async effect type
* @return
* A resource that, once used, safely close the datasource
def makeFor[F[_]: Async](
acquireDataSource: F[DataSource],
config: Fly4sConfig = Fly4sConfig.default,
classLoader: ClassLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader
): Resource[F, Fly4s[F]] =
.flatMap(ds => {
mapFlywayConfig = _.dataSource(ds),
config = config,
classLoader = classLoader
private[fly4s] object Unsafe {
def makeFromRawConfigForDataSource[F[_]](
mapFlywayConfig: Endo[FluentConfiguration],
config: Fly4sConfig = Fly4sConfig.default,
classLoader: ClassLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader
)(implicit F: Async[F]): Resource[F, Fly4s[F]] = {
val acquireFly4s = for {
c1 <- Fly4sConfig.toJavaF[F](config, classLoader)
c2 <- F.delay(Flyway.configure(classLoader).configuration(c1))
fly4s <- fromJavaConfig[F](mapFlywayConfig(c2))
} yield fly4s
Resource.make[F, Fly4s[F]](acquireFly4s)(_.close)
def fromJavaConfig[F[_]](configuration: Configuration)(implicit F: Async[F]): F[Fly4s[F]] =
F.delay {
val flyway = new Flyway(configuration)
new Fly4sImpl[F](
final class Fly4sImpl[F[_]](
private val flyway: Flyway,
override val config: Fly4sConfig
)(implicit F: Async[F])
extends Fly4s[F] {
import cats.implicits.*
// ------------------------------------- CONFIG -------------------------------------
def sourceConfig: SourceConfig = {
val jconf = flyway.getConfiguration
url = jconf.getUrl,
user = jconf.getUser,
password = jconf.getPassword
override def reconfigure(newConfig: Fly4sConfig): F[Fly4s[F]] =
for {
currentJConfig <- F.pure(flyway.getConfiguration)
classLoader = currentJConfig.getClassLoader
c <- Fly4sConfig.toJavaF[F](newConfig, classLoader)
jConfig <- F.delay {
val newJConfig = new FluentConfiguration(classLoader)
if (currentJConfig.getUrl == null) {
} else {
fly4s <- fromJavaConfig(jConfig)
} yield fly4s
// ------------------------------------- OPS -------------------------------------
override def validateAndMigrate: F[ValidatedMigrateResult] =
for {
validateResult <- validate
validationResNel <- ValidateResult.toValidatedNel[F](validateResult)
migrationRes <- validationResNel match {
case Valid(_) =>
case i @ Validated.Invalid(_) => F.pure(i)
} yield migrationRes
override def migrate: F[MigrateResult] =
F.blocking { flyway.migrate() }
override def undo: F[OperationResult] =
F.blocking { flyway.undo() }
override def validate: F[ValidateResult] =
F.blocking { flyway.validateWithResult() }
override def clean: F[CleanResult] =
F.blocking { flyway.clean() }
override def info: F[MigrationInfoService] =
F.blocking { }
override def baseline: F[BaselineResult] =
F.blocking { flyway.baseline() }
override def repair: F[RepairResult] =
F.blocking { }
override private[fly4s] def close: F[Unit] =
F.delay { flyway.getConfiguration.getDataSource.getConnection.close() }